September 22, 1994

Page 1


New Dorm


The Wichitan

Number2 2,~1~9~94 e;p~t -~2~ ~ S ~y~,~ ~a ~h~u~r;sd 1:m~zn1~~==m1=J================~T :::::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==============~~!D=1i •~@MMiiHN'fflMfil§ voJurne 73,

~; dt ~d~';ocracy Moffett Library to display banned books !!;!.1u~e ro~~y . - - - - - - -- -Timbcrly Eysscn lA,ssodalt Edllor 10 milu::iry leaders h::ive Starr 01Jor Reporter go· not just step down ()espilc the presence of US A di.\.play uf currently (but) lc::ive Haiti uoops and the mp parent : rimO


r wcr.

' he s:ud.

imm1ni:nt return of deposed

"I d president Jc:in - Bcnr.i nd on·~th!nk those people Aristide. the road to democr:icy wi ll not be an can rcm:un m H:iiti. I don't QSY one for Haili. two MSU se~ how tht.Y c an co-exist t wnh professors agn:cd. th0Mr. AriS ide. It sounds ugh he (Mr. Aristide) ~s •ll takr.:..'i more than just rc- a~ bc~n set up, albi:i1 niming Aristide to power," unintenuonally.~ he said. Dr. Ernes t Dover Jr J:lcndrickson said he usoci::ite prok ssor ~f bc li_cvcs that li11lc will be palitical science. s.:tid. hicvc~ in the shon tenn. •fl won't be c:isy for Hai1i. . Very httlc wil I be done 10 Jt wasn't easy for Amcric::a· i1 imp~ovc the I ivcs of the is certainly not goinc 10 'be Ha1uan pea.sant.s," he said. easy for :inyonc else.~ he This, however. is not Hcnsaid. ~ric k~on's only doubt. But as Ken tkndrickson. Luckil y, we hlvl.! avoided history program coordinator- bloodshed so far," he said. ordin11.1or, po inte d out, "' It remains to be sccn what democracy never exis ted in Haili. "'There is no guaran1cc 1he n:suhs will be. At 1his we do not know if point. (now) tha1 de mocracy will (Gen. R:ioul) Ccdras will eris! under Aristide." leave. We do n01 know what Dover said 1h:11 Aristide, the resistance 10 the pn:scnct Lhe rightfully clcc1cd leader of thl.! American troops will of Haiti. should be restored 10 be." he said. power. but he 1hinks that Ncvcrthl!les..~. hoth profesAris1idi:'s rc111rn is no1 a of sors voiced th~ same reasons p ro mise dcfinilc as cause for American democracy intervention.


· oi.:mocracy doc!. not involve one individual but ins1i1utions., he said. A parliament must be cs1ablished and •Ari~tide must work wilh parli ame nt a od a l low parliam~nt to fu nct io n M


To further C()mplil:atc th!! si1uation. the leaders of Haiti's mili1ary junta huve lhi.: op1ion of remaining in the country once they have given

up office. For Dover. this fJ1.' t presents a tlirect confli ct to Aristidc's government. "The



"Unlike people who think that it is none of our affair and we should not become involved in other countries' polilical affairs, I certainly dis::agrcc." Dover said of the Haitian issue.

Arrrs. banned from 1hl! Lyn•

will be on display in the Moffen Library. Thi: Banni:d Books Weck .. Cckhratini; the Free· dom to Read .. is i::aking place Sept 24 . Oct. 1. Most of thesi: hook" arc well known. bu1 arc argued by others who think ,if tlu:m as dangi.:rou~ or ohJCl'llonabk. The Bannt·d Books Weck ,s co-~runsorcd hy the American L1hr::ary Associa• tion. the Amcncan Book• sellers Associauon and 1hc American Booksdlcrs Founda1ion for Fn.:e Expression. and others. The orp1111at1ons spon· soring the Book Weck believe that most would-he book banners consider 1hi.:mscl\'CS as ac ting for For higher purposi.:~. pro tecti ng examp le. them.selves, their fam ilies and communities from certain evils. They consider them-

den High School in Lynden. Wash., because " it had no lit crary v:iluc.~ She ;oms ::authors such as M::ark Tw::arn. Katherine Paterson and Laur:t Ingalls Wilder whose books have been banned or ch.ii• lcngcd in the past year. The c hildre n's book Whtrt's Waldo was h:rnncd in East H:1mp1on. NY. 00· cause of a 1iny. semi-nude drawing of a female. Paterson's book. Bridgt to Ttr· abithia, was challenged for its alleged sacrilegious language. The book won the Newbery Awa rd (for children's literature). Th, Advt ntllftS of ll11ckl,bnry Finn, Song of Solomon, and Little Hous, on the Prain , have all hcen banned for lan guage offensi vc 10 different c1h nic gro ups. Books like these:. chalkngctl or banned on similar ground'i will be displayed.

Obituary Wesley Wilson, :1n MSU student, died Sept 13. Wilson was born on Dec. 26, 1971 in Nevada. Calif.

·"' Paula K. Faust, student assistant at lhe Morr~u Library, holds up a copy of Bridgt to Ttrabillrilz, a children's book by Katherine Paterson, which will be on d.Jsplay Sept. 24-0ct. 1 in the Moffett Library. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ■ sdves as simply preserving 1h:ll Americans support our 1hcir values and personal be:· basic righ1 to read guaranteed liefs. In wanti ng our socie1y in the Firs1 Amendment to the to conform 10 1hcir beliefs. Constitution of the Uni1ed they arc di.:nymi; others the Stales. .. Andrea Willi.1ms. Moffc11 Library curricul marigh1 to read. ~Moffett Library believes tcrial lihrarian. said.

"Smart Sex" on MTV By Charles Cage Staff Writer

~ Ji


their school spirit despite MSU's 14-ti loss lo State Univtrsity on Sept 17 !ll i\ l emor i!ll

"I had pl anned 10 if there's a woman a1 the wait: my very first time was counter/ Johnston Lyons agrccd and said 20-year-old college s1udcn1. she dreads the gynecolog1cal exam nece~sary 10 receive said. Lyons said she still binh control pills. Linda Elkrhcc, probelieve~ in abstini:nce bcfor.: ducer of "Smart Sex ." s::iid, marriage. 'I don't l'lclicve I'm · Many young peor lc know eternally damned. bu1 I 1he facL'i about HIV and other STDs. What the}' <lon't know messed 110," she said Lyons and HL1:11er is how to use that information both acrcc. however. that to pro1ect ilil•msclves." once young adults havc made Durmi; 1hi: rrogram, 1hc decision 10 have sex the viewers arc encourJgcd to responsibility of safe sex is con1a1.·1 the Ccnti:r of Di!.<:ase shared. Control :ind Prc\'cntion\ NaLyons said she had tionnl AIDS Hotline at 1-N()(). liule trouble discussing safe 342-2437 and ask questions sex with Eric Johnston. her and receive infurmati,)n about 23-year-old boyfriend. MI V preven tion. CDC "' If it's someone I Hotl in e info rmat ion is know well enough to have Spanish is availahlc ::it 1-800sex with. I'm not uncomforl• 344-7432. able lalking," Lyons said. "" Smart Sex' pr0\'1dcs Johns1on said. "ll's important to 1alk." I-le said al - a personal look at the Sl'XU:tl though he dQCsn't alway~ choices young pcoplc ari.: prac1kc safe sex he feels making :ind how somc I)( knowing one's partner's sex- 1hcm arc now living whal they've le.irned ah\mt saler u:tl his1ory h importanl. "' I know about my sex. und some arc. not," Elkrsexual history, sn t11e ri~k is bec said. "Th,s is a ~tory rif truth and cl111~4ucnccs." low/ Johnston said. Johnston :ilso said he OOlievcs many young adulL'i Editor's note: Pseudom·ms are embarrassed 10 buy con- have been ll5signcd 10 rviSU tr:iccpth'CS. s tudents int er viewed fo r "I won'I buy condoms this story.

MTV will air •s m:irt an accident: Julie Lyons. a


Clinnn Unu11fflir lVirli/ran

~~~1 1 Stadium.

The 1991 Pullw:r Pmi; winner. J:ine Smiley. rcc.:cntly had her book. A Thmumul

banned or c.:halh:ngcd books

Sex," a one-hour special of. Wi lson and Tamika fcring a look a1 how younc people an; handling sexual on married were Whitaker Nov. 5. 1992 in Wichi1a Falls. choices, at 11 p.m.• Scpl. 27. Hosted hy Christian lie was an ac,ount executive of KQXC/QI 02 rodio in Slater, "Safe Sex~ will foatun.: Hi.:ndrick'i0n said tha1 the Wichita Falls. Wilson served a diverse group of young present occupation must be in the United States Air Force. adulcs discussing their relationships and sexual pracunderstood in the historical contC'< I of U.S.-l-la11ian rdaMcmori:il._ may he tices. ~,n prcscn1ing '.SmJ.n made 10 the Wesley Wilson 1ions. Fund at First Nazarene S~x• on MTV. we hope 10 "Given the fact 1ha1 our Church. I 667 Southern. raise awareness among y<1ung cou111ry has a loni;. hist(lric \Vichila Fall,;, TX 76301. or adults ahout m:ikm!:! safrr rcl.:11ionship wi1h }-faiti . I feel the Wesley Wilson Fund at scxu:11 rhoircs," Judy l\·k·• thal we have a moral du1y to .Sheppard Air Force B:i.o;c, P.O. Gra1h, MTV prc,.idc111. sai,L help in I i.:smrin,g democracy Uox 6006, Building 200 , "By .,haring som..: of 1hi:si.: in Haiti," said Dover. Sher pard Air f-on:c Ba.,.e. TX young :idull.s' stories with our viewer.~. we hope lO cncour76]1I. :igc them to iah· stcp~ 10 protc,:t 1hcmsclvc~." "There i" no .such 1hing as safe St.''<, nnly safer sex." M1ch:1d lluntcr. a B ycar-old Wiclut:i Falls rcsident. said. "Nothing wi ll comrlctely elm1in:11c risk other th:in ahslml.'ncc. .. l·lun1er :iho snid. however, that the "thrill of the nw nit·nt" or the effcc1S of m:ikc oft en akohol abstinence' :1difficult choice. short• the "Somc1imcs /, term sa11sfac1ion outweighs thc long•tcrm risk." he said.


- - -- - - - - .

Homecoming elections set l·lom..:coming nominauons will takl! place from 9 a.m. 10 I p.m. September 21-23 . A1num. Coun positions include Freshman and Sophomore pnnccsscs. Junior and Senior duche,;scs and Homc.:coming King and Queen. Voting will he held :it:

m _the Clark St~dcnt Ccnte~

l\tunday Oct. 3

6 p.m.-8 p.m.

Tuesd:iy 0:1. 4

9 a m.-12:30 p.m. 6 p m.- 8 p.m. 9 , .m.- 12:30 p.m. 6 p.m.-8 p.m. 9 a.m - 12:J0 p.m. 6 p.m -8 p.m. () a.m.- 12:10 p.m.

\\\:dnc5day Oct 5 l11ursday Oct. 6 FriJJy



Killing,worth Mall Clark Studi.:nt Cenlcr A1rium Pierce Hall Clark Studcn1 Ci.:n1cr Atrium ri.foffcu Library Clark Rlu<.· Lounge Muffcn L1hrary Cl.irk Blue Lounge



Page 2 Thursday, September 22, 1<)94

THE Wichitan

Campus offenses increase By Tlmbr rly Eyssrn S1arr Rcportr r

tnl'J_m !\mother the n.11111.'\ hy d Mmg lhe dumpst1..·r hatch A fircm:rn ;1t th,: ,u:m: police, rcpor1cd lh:u the MSU noticed yt'lhlw•tm11.:d ~mokl: Police Dtp:mmen1 responded and indicated that the to a shortchange. o.n argu- materi3ls on fire mighl h:m: ment. n fire. a drive-hy shoot- been toxic. It was l:itcr ing. n d1s1urb:mcc. two acc1- determined 1hat thl' fin; had Jcnts a11d two unnuthoriz.c:d been s1artr d when 1-omc :;.olicitations dunng the past shredded pJpe r 1n lhl' thn-c weeks. dumpster caught lirl'. Othl'r • • Brian Cnmphcll. an em • materials in 1hc dump!-lcr ploycc of Pinnochio's Pizza. were some pieces of dis• was shortch:mgcd S13.27 on carded polyurethane foam , Sept. 1. Camphcll de-livered used to rcroof the 1h1rd noor three. large pi1.zas to a n of BSH. Dan Williams, 1sunidentified individual in the sociate director of the PhysiKillingsworth Hall foye r. cal Plant, called the contracThe indi vi dual hande d tor to determine what suh• Campbell a wadded-up hand- stances were used. The ma• fu l of money and then left. tcrial was found to he self• When Camphcll saned the extinguishable. and pmved to money he realized he had be of no 1hrcat or danger. been cheated. Campus po- Firemen extinguished 1he pa lice have no leads in the case. per with water. •• Alumni members of the .. Police were called to Kappa Alpha fraternity rescu lc an argumen t i n the poncd a drive-by shooting to Clark Student Cc.:ntcr cafcte• the Wichita Falls Police De• ria on Sept. 6. involving three partme nt on Sept. 4. The MSU studcnlS. Thirty min• shooiing occurred at 12::\0 utcs la1cr, 1he argumen1 re• a.m. al a nearby apartment sumcd with some pushing complex. No fraternity and shoYing in fron1 of member or MSU s tudent 1s Killingsworth Hall. Athletic lhought 10 he involved in the teasing by two ind1Yiduals shooting. upon another studen1 was ••A report of loud music thought to be the cause of at Bridwell Court aplrtments both incidcnis. The situation was reported Sept. 15. The is being handled by Coach subject reportedly complied Mike Calcote and Philip Bir- by turning down the volume. dine. MSU dean of studenlS. ..MSU police were called ;o assist the Wichita Falls .. A dumpster fire was re• Police Department in ending poned behind Bolin Science a Sigma Nu fraternity part)' Hall at 4:30 p.m., Sep1. 2. Jn Sept. 4. The fr:uernity Wh ile the fi re department was coopcra1ive and ended was called. a police officer the party as requested. H.G. Evans, MSU chief of

.. A hit anll run aCl' ldt·n1 o.:curred Sept. H nl·:1r Urnlwdl Cou1·t .1partnH'lll\ A 1977 Burl!untly Por~lhe Y. :tl> legally parked when jlltlllll·r car lrying 10 pa1k hcs1de 11. hitting the! front quartcr-pa.nd of the Porsche. The dnv1.:r OI the 01hcr cj r ldt 1he !>1..cnc The wreck 01.'.l' Urred somelime between .S:30-6 pm. •• A rar wreck involving a c:ir har king up mto anotha car happened at :\:3U p.m.• Sept 13.

••on Se pl. I , a n indi,•idual selling magazine subscriptions to do rm residents. in Kill ingsworth Hall was asked to leave c::impus and not return. All so licito rs must have permission to be on campus. This indi vidual did not have permission from the Vice President of Student Affairs. On Sep t. 3. another individual was found sell ing subscriptions to Bridwell Court residents. C:impus police !Old him to leave, 100. After find ing no evidl'nce 10 1ie him 10 the first incident. the individual was asked to leave and not rclllm. t-lad the ;ndividual bc!.!n fou1\d 10 be same person in the Sept. I case. the indi"idual could have been :irrcstcd for criminal trcspassing. The employer of 1he solicitors has been no1ified 1hill no other solicitors from the company will he allowed on campus.

Birdine explains cause for Fall discipline problems Timbtrly Eyssen Starr Reporter Many freshmen disco,·er the newfound freedom of college life is problematic. At least 80 percent of behav• ior problems occur in the fall semester when more fresh• men arrive on campus, Phillip Birdine. MSU dean of studenLS, said. Birdine said there are several reasons for 1his. FirsL students experiencing this new freedom often abuse the privilege. Nobody is there to tel I them when to wake up, study, or socialize. Often. parental guidance is suddenly absent. Peer press ure from newly-acquired friends often sway previously held values and beliefs. For example. the s1udl'n1 may experiment with alcohol. drugs and sexual activity, which often leads to disciplinary problems. Birdine no1cd that stu• dcnls usually don'1 under· st:md the impominee of time• management. Some do not yet have good studying skills. Their low fi rst semester grades often rellect this. H:i.ving to report their grades to parents is a good incentive fo r doing belier the next semester.


A research room at the center has helpful hooks. brochures, a nd h1ndou1s. When the center is closed, M SU Chief of Police H .G. Evans said campus police arc on call 24 hours a day to help any student. Resident Assistants in each residence hall arc also avail:ihle to talk to students 1hat may be haYing problems. For every prob• 1cm, there is n solution; studen!S just need to :isk for asMany students don'1 rec- sistance. Birdine said. ognize the worth of time Minority Faculty Urged spenl alone. Setting time aside for themselves gives the CoU?h:;:~ l~rc'!~fon organistude nts time to collect their zations have launched a na• 1houghts without some out- tional program to address a side distraction. They can shortage of minority faculty also plan the following day's at U.S. uniYersities. events. Time alone provides The shortage is most SC· relaxation during stressful sit· vere in engineering. ma1he• uations, like an upcoming matics and the physical and !CSL biological scie nces, but crosses all disciplines. Birdine encourages stu• dents encountering problems to talk 10 someone expcri· enced in dealing with these (,)) 0 situations. The MSU Coun~ seling Center has counselors on staff who ('.an deal with any si1ua1ion students may encounter while in college. The counselor can de:il w11h personal as well as academ ic issues.

Birdine said. cffectiYe 1imc-managcmen1 is the key to a successful first year in college. Selling aside 1ime to study for every class helps the academic process by en· suring good studying skills and promoting good grades. Students also need time to socia.li1.c. Sct1ing :iside ap• propriate 1ime for panicipat• ing in activities is equally important.

Mark Anderson

Art exhibit opens Sept. 26 He h3S scrvcd a~ g~1es1 artist at m:rny ins11tut10ns throughout the Southwest in• eluding: The Art Museum of South Tex::is. Southe rn Methodist Univcrsi1y, The UniYersity of Texas at Sa.n Antonio. Texas Tech_ Um· versity, The Uni,:ersi~y 0~ Texas, and The University O

By Brian Ballard Ed~o~olo exhibition from Sept. 26 . Oct. 26 _of_ the works of Corpus Chnsn n~· tiYC Mark W. Anderson w1_ll launch the 1994-95 academic year for the Fain Fine Art Center. The exhibition will consiSt

f!c{~d\;t~~~~~~i~~:!;;~~s~ Dal~~- work is included in monotypes. lithographs, and numerous colleclions such a.s~ polyfoam relief prints. The The Modem Art Museum o artist's current interest re• Fort Worth, The Ford Motor volves around the horizon, Company, The Transc~ ~n· which define$ his sense of ergy Corporation. Ph_1ll1_ps pince. These works refer 10 Petroleum. and The W1ch1ta tha1 which is seen at 1hc first Falls Museum and Art Cenlight of dawn a.n~ focu_scs on tcr. the Corpus Chns11 skyline. No formal opening reccp· Anderson is a native of Lion is scheduled for this ex• Scottsbluff. Neh.. :ind cur· hibition. however. Anders?n rently serves as professor of will serve as Visiting Arus1 art at Texas A & M October 10 - I I. 1994. A Univcrsity in Corpus Christi. monoprint (oil base) work · where he teaches prin1m:1king shop will be held Monday. and drawi ng. He holds a Oct. 10 from 9:00 - 11:~ B.F. A. degree in education a.m. and 2:00. 5:00 p.m.. in from the UniYersity of Ne• the Printmaking Studio. braska at Lincoln. He CI05. Anderson will also de· attended the UniYcrsi1y of liver a gallery talk in the Minnesota, Minneapolis, and UniYersity Art Gallery at holds an M.F.A. degree in 1:00 p.m. on the tenth. . printmaking and drawing Anderson's residency 1s from Wichita State Univer- part of the Midwestern S1~1e sity. Wichita. Kansas, which University Visiting Artist he received in 1976. Program and is funded by t~e Anderson has an active ex- Wichita Falls Arts Comm1s• hibition record including: sion and lhe City of Wichita "Tt xas Stltct, '' Wichita Falls Falls. The exhibition is made Museum and Art Center: possible through lhc generous "35th North Dnkow Print &. support of the Fain FoundaDraw in g An n u a l. tion with addi tio nal University of North Dakota. assistance provided by the G r and Fo rk s . ND; Midwestern S1ate University H


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MSU so r o riti es Win many new p led ges Pan-Hellenic Vice Pres • dent Pam Baiky rcl~ased the1 ! ~:r~% s~e~u~~ ;:.s~it~l Alpha Phi . 18 pledges : membership now 50. New pledges arc: Da·..-. Al'tfud1,.aw..

~,1!."t/11.PC.!:i~~-c~rt ·E,~;:,it to::,":',;l::~T~f~,~;~~~u~~

- Non11, k,d~ ~ I&. Su J)hal,., Pa111er :',11:,!'Mtru~;:;: s•·~f't . Km1r, \\·o1 Chi Omega . \ 8 plcdc.cs . membership now .S5. New pledges arc: El,ut>c-,h Aic"cy A•Jcla a..,d. Amy Bmh,).


~=~~~.;..,~"T;'!i1;C':·. i:;1~"~~-

c ..~ c.u s~c

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Si~ma Kappa · 18 pledges - membership now 49. New ~l:.dgcs arc: Sh,,na An, . sin,1,

M.~t· tt<;,; ~d:.d ri~~~'.ti:r) ~fiti~:•~~-~~~;:i 1f,::

1 1 ~::~ 11 0 Gn K JI. K m1111J ll~con1h. J.-1111,1... 11..-r.. 11 .• : ~ ~-,

.-, Tnc.. ll••rr ThcPan-Hellcnic Council will meet Sept. 27 at 7 p.m in theClark StudentCcnk":rto dcYelop an agenda for the year.

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. Brian Ball:i.rdEditorial Neville Board Lewis Me L' m~er5 Michoel Vendrick Ch~~l~t;~son-Hicks


Thursday, September 22, 1994

Page 3

Letters tO the Editor· ...



History reflects... Aug. 4, 1994

No country can give another democracy By Neville Uwis Associate Editor The eleventh-hour deal struck be the Uni1.ed States and Haiti on Su dtwccn rcprc.~ntot..ivcs of 10 most Americans. n ay came as good news On the other hand, <hough ;1 q ll d have hardly given any cheer 10 th~cmca· 5?mc fear~. _it must especially when one considers the h:1r~o;:,;dOJ H~!11an~ For the Haitians, no news is ood at _1cs a_cad. Haiti's !fLiliury leaders :ire still fherc news. Espcc1ally 1f ln~v11ahly, _Haiti m~st now answc~ some serious ~,:t~/g;c'~~-d~llhout the aid of the United St.::i.tcs or Most imponllntly: "Where do we O f ., . our n~~t step~ Do we go forw:ird or ~vc~':'o ~~~~1:ha1 is ways . Now is the lime lhat Hai1i must stand up and 0.SSCrt "tsclf ~ready propped up on the shoulders of the US mili1a~ . might an~ nudged on by others in Lhe multi.national force the slcc_pin_g c~untry should awake from its long donnanc. and claim its nghtful place among t~ nations of the worl~ For m_os1 ob5:C-rvers and f~~ poveny.strickcn Haili, ii · ~ppea~ impossible_. B~t Ha1u once achieved the 1mposs1ble: Alone. 1t ~1d away with its French colonial 1 ra::rsb:~ t~~~~c~~depcndcncc and beat Napoleon's . But trade em bar~~ after trade embargo, and dict:1.tor after dictator has left ~~,u a bumt•out rubble of its fonner self. However, Haili can not sit back and lick its wounds. Th~re arc _too many wounds to lick and too little time. Like a sick ol.d man who has to fend for himselr. Haiti must now find us cru1che., and move on. For the moment. America has offered its hand, but what happens when that hand bccome.1; 1ircd or is forced 10 relinquish its hold. Yes. Haiti can be shown the paths to dcmocracy. It can be guided. But by now, it must be rcaliud I.hat no country can give another democracy. Democracy comes out of a people's will to fonn a govc~~cnt from among lhemsclves to govern themselves. In .add1uon, must. be .a c~mmiuncm by the people to abide by the laws and mst11u11ons set up by this democratic system. Many may ask if the most impoverished and illiter31e country in the Western Hemisphere is ready 10 assume this role. But lei us face reality. What docs Hai1i have 10 lose? Doesn't democracy 1ranscend poverty and illiteracy? Moreover, no country's democracy including I.hat of the United States has always run a smooth course. The former Soviet Union republics arc now trying their hands a1democracy. At least. Haiti has tried before. Even though it was shonlivcd. it is high time 10 see I.hem back on I.he road to democracy. Without overstaying our welcome, without robbing Haili of its sovereignty, ,md God forbid , without choosing it'i leaders, let us give Haili a chance.

I nm disappointed about lll1 allcgntion made in your paper rcgnrding Air Force Academy cadet participation in the National Model Arab League · held in April 1994. The article was tilled • Arab League Docs No H3rm/ wriuen by Brinn Ballard. and published in volume 72, number 24. This article quotes Dr. Glenn Sanders (Oklahoma B:i.ptisl University) and rders to his ancndance at the N3tional Model Arab League in Washington. D.C. Or. Sanders is quotcd as having s.:aid that students performed better at Midwestern Stale University's Model Arab Lc.:igue than at the National

Arab League- At each Model, the sponsoring organi7:1tion (The National Council on U.S.•Arab Rel3ti0M) assigns judges 10 pick the 1hrce "Outstanding Delegations." In Washington, 22 teams competed for this honor. and I.he Air Force Academy w:is one of the three chosen, As the cadets prevailed in this intense competition. they must have considered the event a bit more seriously lhan "a time to party: They were held 10 strict military standards and required to be in place, ready for compcti· 1ion. early each day. Further. the cadets were graded daily based upon their performance at 1he Model: lhcse daily marks were factored into their final grade for

surprised mc••l did not and do not remember making I wish to respond to such comments abou1 the Air Brigadier General Cubero's Fort:cteam. If I did make these lcuer concerning 1hc 21 April \Vic hiran ar1icle "Arab comments. I was only repeaiing hearsay, for. League docs no harm. General Cubcro's leucr contrary to 1he anicle, I did reflects a not auend 1hc national telephone conversation I had conference in Washington. 1his summer with Major Also hearsay was my soCarolyn Miller of 1hc Air called uscrtion "th3l the Force Academy, Major majori1y of the students per· Miller's report about 1hc fanned better than many at ;allegations in the article the national conference." Sept 19, 1994


(f.ditor's Comments] The preceding leucrs of Brigadier General Cubero and Dr. S3.lldcrs will have set the reco rd str3ight on the participation of US Air Force cadets at the National Model of the U.S.·Arab League and corrcc1cd my story of April 21. I thank both gentlemen for writing lo Th~ Wichitan.

Con1rary to General Cubero's letter, however, my so-called assertion docs not appear as a direct quotation in the article. The offending sentence-• "Too many, especially students from the Air Force Academy, looked on the conference as a time 10 party"-•was 11 most a paraphrase of a comment lha1 I had heard from someone who attended the national confemice. I was not in a position,

ffichitan Dr-hen Ballard




Eliubt:lh Richa rdi.on

Mk hm:I v,ndrid

Auocialt Editor

SporlS &l,w r

Cnpy Cl.htnr

Book Rt11twtr


Glenn E. Sanders Assistant Professor of History Oklahoma Baptist University

This award honors an outslanding sttiff member for his or her conlrihutions in supporting the basic mission of the University.

Advutbln11: R~pr~,ntlh'u 111.w n Tucl:rr

L,ntl" Opt/111

Hrandun OldJ

P11otogra1,htr £1!,tor

Ch1erl" "Chann" Lonon p1u,wgra11hrt

only fair that Tht Wichitan set the record straight."

The Prcsidenl's Clmified SiafT Award will be presen1ed on Sept. 30 at the annual employee appreciation banqucL

A:Plilr Duran Gmphic l\fflSI

Eric Srf/ C,rrulo1w11 Mat10ger

~:f~e: •;:t I :::o!~~~~ general's comment that "h's

Deadline is Sept. 26 for staff award nominations

SlllfTWrUus Jonathan Bmd)'. Chuck Cflgt', T1mlmly Eyssrn, J/)hn LonlflcA: 01.ra Hawklni Ad1·n1tJU1f Manogu/Accowt/S Rrcr,,uhlt

therefore, to comment one way or another on how 1he Academy tum's particiP.ation in the simulation contnbutcd to its "strong uadition of

Pra:ldent's award...

MdiSS1tSul/lv:m Mus,c Rr1•1t'l4'tr kLoyd

signed Reuben A. Cubero

Brigadier Gene~. USAF

of the story I wro1c on the hearsay or based upon the at the national model. Third, the stalCment should regional model of the U.S. - direct observation of Dr. Arab u,aguc held , i MSU Sanders. To the bcs1 of my have been left out because it last Spring and was exci1ed knowledge. he did make such was not germane lO the story about the possibilities of a comment to me, but I I was writing about the MSU conference. I violated the al.her similar conferences on cannot document thaL Bosnia and other hot spolS. Second, because the journalistic maxim "When in Perhaps too excited because information put the cadets in doubt. leave it out• now I rcaliu my journalism a somewhat negative light. I ll was not my conscious should have given 1hem a intention to disparage the on this was slipshod. cade&s or the U.S. Air Force's chance to comment on 1his Firs1, I didn't confirm statement. have reputation for discipline and whether the information been only This would and would academic excellence. I about the cadets behavior al have quicklyfair brought to light sincerely apologize and will 1he national conference was their successful performance mend my ways hereafter.

J410Tafl Blvd P.O. Box J60Wichita Falls, Ten~ 76308 News c.lcsk.: 689-4704 Advertising desk.: 689-4705


the course on Middle East politic< lh31 lhcy were Ulking. The Air Force Academy has a strong tradition of in• tcgri1y .ind academic cxc~I· lence. and we feel our panic• ipalion in 1he Model Arab League program contributed to this. 1n the last four of competition. our cadclS have won ·outstanding Delegation" honors at c3ch event. As you may know, there is II large Air Force community in the Wichita Falls area. Sevcr.11 members of this community informed me of the negative anicle your paper published concerning the Academy. I believe it's only fair that you set the record straight.

Dean of the Facully US Air Force Academy

For I.he record, I was proud


Model and states specifically, ·Too many here (at Lhc National Model). espccinlly students from the Air Force Academy, looked o_n the conforence as a 11mc 10 party." We contac1cd Dr. Sanden to ask why he had such 3 negative i~prcssion of ou r cadets. He informed us that not only had he never made such a statement, but I.hat he had not even anended the Nati?nal Model in Wuhmgton, O.C. Apparently there has been some "cross communication." . 'The ,:e~ults of the nat1~nal eompet1t1on also call rn10 qu~tion the accura~y of your article. The Air Force Academy delegation 100k top honors at I.he N.itional Model

The Uniled Slates Air Force Thunderbird Aerial Demonslratlon Team presenttd an inspiring performance against the blue Texas sky above Sheppard Air Foret B~ on Sep I. 17. The performance was part of the base open howe and was open to the public.

·•~··..··~············•·~~~ Organization reps meet Sept. 26-28

M:indatory student organization meetings are scheduled for Sept. 26--28. A representative of each organizauon is required to attend one meeting. The schedule is as follows: ScpL 26 9 , .m. or 6 p.m. Sept 27 7 , .m. or 9:30 a.m. Sept lk Noon All m1Xt1ngs will be hdd m Clark Student Center 118, Contact Leslee Phillips. director of \ludcnt a c:11 \1111:.s, :11689-4500 for additional infonnalion.

Those eligible for the award include custodians, groundskeepers, secrc1aries, library staff, clerks. computer operators. police ofliccrs and all physical plant personnel. The winner receives ::in engraved plaque, a Midwestern State Universily watch and SIOO cash. Nomin:11ions for the award can be made by any facully, staff employee, or enrolled student. Forms :ire nv:iiliable in academic division offices, the De::in of Students office and the Personnel office. Nominations mus t be received hy Monday. Sept. 26 in the Personne l offi ce, Hardin 210.


Tbund>)', Sepremb<r 22. 1994

THE \\'ichh:.n


Entertainer changes image

., ., ,."!-'Iturd .,ia

,,, my f J VOII IC )U~gs ,in th~. :Jlhum . On ~ (, r t t n .

Musk Rt,'itwcr Edie Brickell hJS gone Hrickdl's votL'C 1s sh11wr..-:1sc.-d 1hro uth a h\t of l.'hangL's in Jnd ch1.·- Jrt"Jmy choru~ ahout • p.1st few )' t.'.'.U'S. envy of suhurb:rn ne ighbors the A "" eek l111e r hi: and six She h:J.i. shed her h;rnd rtu: 15 colleagues were hrutally lnnt; r he Bt,hl·mi.m5. ~~~tn thr l 1,i,:hts Go New gunntd dC\wn ·The rc vo lu11o n "" ,1, h31r .:inJ he r h1lk~y s1ylc ,,f IJ(,,.,.n .. !>IJfb slow. hut a.s 1hc \\ nt' a ~:1;med h:u and musu:. comes m . the drums ch\iru'Bishop :md 8 1,hop w:J.S th<' rcvolu11on." 1s ho w GilltJn hushand (Paul Simon) :anJ .1 pick up the lt·mro or the new b:1;bv. On her new rd e:i,._·, ~,,~t,,od Times.. h:1, iwu Thoma.s. Jnothl·r GrenJd1Jn n:a11vc ;rnd an MSL' nursini -p;crurt p ,,q, ,·t M flnun,( . •· 11 t.l,ffc rcnl styk :. 1nll rl:i..:l•J . an s1udcnt de$cnbed the 'lllUJ· i-. c vid,·n1 lhll nt'W hu,t'l;mJ intl•rc.sii n~ n 11nt11na110n'-. 1 he Simo n 1'\ prnJu ~1ll l! 1hi: ~ong miu:ill )' has :i Lountry 1ion. frc l. bul thL' cht1rus h:1~ a When the .assa~ms' hullclS alhum The Jlhum hc~1n, w ith Moto"n sound. :1lmos1 1.n 1he took 81)ho p·, life Ocl 19,

Associ111lt Edilor


" SI ii\' A 11·h1/r M ., ,1ne several sont,:, In wh11,_.h tht'

uinunuc'- " 1111 "(],,.,,,,, " 11nc

By Mtliss11 Sullh on

- 1 hl \'C li\'cd through tv. u " As hC\y~. you alw:1ys rt\ olu11o ns and J war. - said 1hink 1ha1 war l '- somc1hini; grtat. t'iu1 Jftcr two or 1hrti: Derek Ragbl.\ ingh. A mo~t fonn1dJMc: c ,("l\!n• days o f )ccmg fighting :1nd cncc. ,f o ne 1ha1 bomhing and pc:()ple dying. l \\ :l.S nc \'cr l gm sc:1;n•d hcc:ause I rca.!11..c: 1t soldier on the hattldicld, a was nut a game .~ he ).lid. Through 1hc l'YC) or :a JO. gClvcrnmcnl cmIs.\ary on special assignment or even :in ycJr•old boy Ji,•mg in the: 1nnCM:cnl hy•StJndcr-tumcd- cap11:tl of St Georges when: mo-., skirmishes occurred. he.! prisoncr of war. Rughasmgh w:is simpl y a rt mini.seed. Grenadian caught up m the C t1 mf'J ," 3 ) fH fi t of Sm1lke y Ro hinsc,n -1 n:memhcr one night the 1983. all n:volul1onJry aspi- .. Tt>m o rrow throes o f the Grenada Rc \'O• lution. its Mood y afll'rm:ith fighun~ got so intense: bullets rations were t:iken from me llow snng \\ 1th alm o"I J and lht: M1rJd C.SBo nnie RJ 11l 'l t )' k . Jnd :1nd the subSC"qul'Ot inv:is ion were flying en ·r),whcrc. It Grenadians. was ,·cry noisy , .1 Jot or hy US Manne troops 50 o,,acta.,..., Sl ' f • ll'lef dte ....• (....t) •1nc soldiers thought thC) Ele ve n year,; IJtcr .md now bomhs were being dropped h 1 ~ La,'O'I $2 .... ?IOld"""''° 11 m anuh:c turmi: c ngmcc r was a , cry dark n1.,:ht We had nothing 10 iit hl for: shl· _ 1,1t lllf "'l tl"T • , rx,..-. ·~:,,. 5,3 •-,• lf\lll" 1"°"'WI Jtudcn1 :u MSU. Ragh:is mgh hod IO k-avc ('lur hou~ I rr - said. · 1t was horrifying,· "he S41 ......111,'!oe,,Nl arN' acu1cly recalls lhe mv.isinn member running down the: 6 _.._ .,. -x ,-,,ai, of his Carihbcan l)land home. Sln..'l'L.. 11 w a.,; after midnii;ht. said of the \\ CCk-11, ng 24 • · """ '5'trar' - · S5 TX, l'f\ ' r,a•d H OVMll'l'il • , n: ·e.t-.· ~ 4•~ The words \lf the R:1d10 I was ne \·cr -.o scared m all ho ur c urft:w 1111 po ~cd up • - "' ~ .,..,-,.:1110,~ Ooitoo o,, throui;hou1 the l',.f:tnd · v,m Free Gn:n:ida announce r in ffi) ' lifl•: · hl· ~:ud. S6 ~, , ... ·,y '" . 8 ~,!! '"b:-: ~ J.l..,,w..1, y Herdol'wU For Grc nad13n.,. ii w:u :a co uld hardly ~o \IUl 1n ge t I.he pn'.J awn o f Oct. 25. 198}. ..,Non ,,,OC II lime to hl· s-.·arl·d. A r<'volu - foo d :aml w:ucr. Th1:y wld u~ )till ringsc.·lcarly m h1sean, 11 &o,,,oA..• -no 04KI "-7 1,f\Ool•" n,'Jl't0• 11i'CertlO'I •- , .u !MM•• "i<• · T he cncm ) has l:mJed. lion, wh1d had successfully mcrcen:anc.s were L,)mmg. • , ~ : :' : ~ : : ~ Our s hores h:i,,·(' been m · ou.,tcd an unpopular le:tdc r, 1 nooo· ,_,, It u: no \m:JII iw,lnckr that , 3.Jcd. PlcJSC tum ou1in )1mr \\:lS cumprnm1S1..·J \\hen l(':ad,, Vf'oT• ..•t:.,.."·, .....-. 13.rge numbt.·~ 10 dcfcnJ )l.)Ur er!- hm k ,1ppu)111g pl:i.llurm I0$1CJd or g;uhcnn); )!Ide,. .., ,..,.,rv ii.tones and ht.11th.·-. to fight 1hc h\lmc land C:1;lhng :1;11 M)). , ,c w) . ~1 mvad1:n 3\ 1hcy WC'rc:- l'n· l11crs, m1ht13 and p:1tno1s. n, ,..,.., "'t x ·n•.• ~l:iunl.'t' U1slwp, lc.1d1,_•r uf l'Ourage J lu d 11 , mu, 1 R~port h' the nearest m,litary """'"~ lhc umcJ wt"ll n3J1!H1) Grc 1he n,:,1,_, lt1lhln11ry Nl~w Jewel camp immcdiatdy •

iniro Mmnd, hkl· .a J>JuJ S1mnn sung CIO\t' ; ,,ur l'Y1:., :.nd h '-le n. and you m1gh, s wc.J.r that 11 1" the hci;mnioi Sit

pagt 6





~ Ch•rtey & Guy Orbbo,i



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" as 3.h\iut HO\\CVcr. the Gn:n3t11JnS were "'-JmcJ Clf .in 1mm1nl·nt US m1 l1 t.1r,• s tn kt' . and as darknc:ss gl,•e \\3)' to llgh1. thcywe n: ready Kris Banfield . an MSU businc.s.." stu~nt. r anJ1dly n·c.tlls his Jwakcnmg o n 1ha1

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-Sports thall, Volleyball....


Page 5

Thursday, Scprcmber 22, 1994

., . ~-~sappointing home openers S~rts Repo rter

Qua rte rback

The Indians football team lost 10 lhc Southwester Oklahoma State Bulldo s 2 61351 Saturday, bringin: the· record to 1-2. ir


In the first quarter o f the game , the Bulld ogs


1 connected a 29 " JH Pm back and scored in the second Craig Schlcssma yar pass to quarter when quartcrhack touchdown ~f th~ for the fi:s1 Andy Hmoir hit running back IQ:59 left in the c game with Marcus Allen with a 29 yard extra point by ~ u_a~cr. The pass with 4:20 left in the half. ;as good. givint 11hc ~ ozld making it 7-(,. Sou1hwcs1crn o~\~c lc:i~ 7-0. u • t,lockcd the ex1ra point. Indians then came

.Sou thwes1ern responded wuh a 33 yard scoring pass from Piu to Schlessman with a \ : 16 ld t in lhc half. With the extra point good, the Bulldogs pulled ahead 14-6. In the second hall . Sou1hwcs1crn scored 10 points: including .i 2:\ y.ird 1ouchdown pass fonn Pin to Junior Low• den and a 25 yard field goal completion by Wood. The Indians were unable 10 score during the second half, making the final score 24-6.

Midwes1em Sl.lltt _tfril\'C rslly ru by Southwestern Oklahoma Sta~;mg back ROdney Oatts (J) aviods tackle

The Indians had Cl{:ht tin.r By Liz Ric'hardson-Hirks downs and 161 101al yards in Sports Editor The M1dwcs1crn State 44 plays. The Bulldogs had 22 first down.~ and W9 mt:il volleyball team lost to Cameron Universi1y in a yards in 75 plays. thrilling battJe or fi ve sets. There were o nly 1wo 16-14, 12-25, 16- 14, 14-16, turnovers during the t:imc. 15-4 in Tuesday night's home Southwes te rn Ok lahoma opener at Ligon Coliseum. Cameron is a NCAA DiState fumbled twil·c hut only lost it once. while t-.•ISU quar- vision 2 tc:im. MSU fought hard for every tcrbac k Hrnoir was kill. ace, and block to s1:iy in intercepted once. the game. but by 1hc fin:11set Rodney Oatts was the had fallen apart as a 1cam, leading ru~her for the Indians giving CU the opportunity to with 73 yards on 18 carries. win the g::ime with link Quarterback Andy Hrnoir Further effort "Menial fatigue more than went I 0-18-1 for 90 yards physical fotii:ue con1rihu1r:.d and a touchdown. The Indians take on South- 10 the defeat," s:iid disapern Arkansas at Memorial poin1ed Head Coach Jimmy S1adium on Saturday the 24th Picht. "It's hard to ment:illy come hl'rC at 7:30 p.m. from hch1 nd all nigh1 ," he said. The Lady Indians arc re• turning only five members or its 1993 TIAA Confere nce Championship team, leaving an inexperienced sq uad which needs to make some

MSU continues

Chan,. Lonon/Th• Withitan

soccer shutout

Liz Richardson-Hicks Sports Editor The Midwestern Slate soccer team moved up in the ranking from No. 17 10 No. 12, after shuning down John Brown Universi1y. 3-0. and Drury College. 2-0. this weekend. The lndinns gOl a scare in 1he first 25 minutes in last Friday night's contest against John Brown when starting defender Lance Lowery went out with an injury. But senior Marcus Marquez came off the bench for MSU 10 help wi1h lhe shutout. ~Marcus came in, and we didn'I miss a beat/ said Coach Nath!ln Pirer. "AU around the defonsc played a good game...

In last Sunday's victory over Drury. Midwestern led 1-0 at haJrtime on a goal by Brad Flanigan. who scored after 1aking a pass from Stephen Schol1.c on a counterattack. The Indians scored again in lh.e second ha.If when Dao S.hocg scored off an assist by Judd Joy. "Everybody played well." said Pifo r. "The defense got its second shu1out of the weekend. Wr:. haven't allowed a goal on the road yet." Saturday at 8p.m, the Midwestern State Indians. s1anding at 5-1. will host William Carey. \ '\ '\ ' 1 I

'\ l

I '\ 1







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Soulh<n1Arll.__ Tour..,nwnl Alillia Colktt UN• mil1,o10allM Lubbodi Oari1ttll■ Wa) lud lbptil .\1c.\ furryUlll ,,ni17(Tri-Match) 11-io•TUloti.1o11 Mc.\lurryUlllvff'III)' H-.rd Pi , - Ullitu'li1y .\1id,.Dlfr■ Stat, UN•. (Tri-~l■kh) Dalla., laptltl ' '- Soullm-. N1urin, MSU vs. Dall• B• pllit .\1.SU ..._ Soulhtffl N■urint Uahtr,117al Dalin ,\ flJ•akn S111.- Unh . (Tri-~l ■tch) MSU •L l.ubbock Cltrbli.n Lubbock Olrbtl1■ .-.. LtTnurn~u MSU •s. l~TnurM1111 c-ro• Unhtnlty Hu., l'■)"ftt U.iH nlly Sul R~, U11i•u.i17 Mc.\lutTJ Unhtr1117


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nnprovement~ 10 r ompcte JI l~t y~ar's k·vcl. Coach Picht cxpl,uned. "We are a young tc:am , and younger players find way... to lose clu~c games. when expencncc:d players would fi nd ways to wm thcm." Senior c:ip1ain Molly VJn Hc:mert, with 42 ass1s1-., 2 acc.s, 14 digs. :ind Junior captain Kclh Ridenhour. w11h 16 kills, 2 aces. 25 digs. kc-pt 1hc L.1dy lndi:ins within stnkmg distance of the Lady A~~ics. "Our team captains Kdli ant.l Molly arc great leaders for this young trou p of ladies, both on and off thl· court. Jennifer (Ladusau) 1s one of our quiet leaders. She leads by example more 1han anything else,~ said Coach Picht September 23-24 1he Lady Indians will compete in the Southern Arkansas Tournament in Magnolia. ~This will be a chance 10 give a lot of people playing

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Thumb , Se 1embcr 22. 199·1

Author writes of Texas life By Mork l.oyd Book Rrvlcwc.r T . Barlow f-11II t>nngs to-

J;\'lhcr 3 ca..'i:1 of unfor~Cll3hk

OUIJ< ;ffoM a"rJOarJ .. .

my'.1. fotht.·r 1, run out 111 t11\\n after 1hc ColfJ, B,1111.. 1, r<lhheJ in hrn:uJ J .1yhgl11 hy Fluke Thr:J\hcr and h1, ~.1n~.

h1\ SCC'OnJ In onkr h l Jcfl-n\l ha, folhcr\ nm•cl. · o n.:IA'SICr t'I)' Nanw: h,1n,1 r, kr1.·my '-t' l/o uut II\ Set dunng 1hc GrcJI O..·pre,;- search of !he rohht·r, and th1.· s1on m dui.1y Cotra~. Tc'<a~. d111cm..'moncy Dunni; h1i, s1.::in.:h. kn-my lhc novel 1s np,.: "11h 11n.1~cs of the c r:a, lhll's knowll:J g.1.· periodically st1.lp,; 111 Litt le: of the Tcxa.lli plains and suhll..: lfoovcn·illc. :t 11.•nt cuv of hu• ch1tr3Cters ,n

use u f dia l\°CI mak.:!> 1h1.s

N,),,, dnfh.·r,. J nJ f'l.'•'l'k ul the

ro:1J. l k twln1.:nd, o ne drifter. l h1pp)', \ \I\\) 11.·adws able. YC'lun g krcmy Brt:,\!>ilcr. him the fint·r aspt.·,1, of livrnc $OM or the 111"" m:i:r-.hal. ha,; on !he r('lad. includmi; "J'h,,k/ . coming-of-:i~t· st11ry cnJll)'·

seen hanJ 11mc.s. }-fl,; mnth1.•r"),,

n::1.·cn1 death k:m:s him "md of emotional support. Ji.·r~-

!ea~i9 MMe CQ{ Je atn.,,a /o,. fui,,elf, Jut ,t calf be M OM, ~0 for j'Or<{t.r ••'k• W<{

.ro,ret,iwu "4,,,, aia,.,I t,iwe



C\UL'i. ~

Hill's use Clf f:nmllar T1..•xa-. towns, includ1n~ Wi1.h1tJ Falls, i1\ C\ the wnrk a '-OUthcm llair, y1.·1 the- ,wry mamliuns a un1\'ers:1l appt.•al. This novel. w ith its Modl• I A Fnrds :1nd d ack1ni; trJm'-. 1ahs the reader hJlk 10 a 111nc unfomil1,1r to many yet unforgcn:iblc Ill mhcr~.


frompagt 4

:air to 1L of Simon's '"Still Cmzy Aftrr definite early 1970', "In Thr Bath " was one of All Thrsr Yrars.. " Yc1. as in th~ done fo\'Ofllc:s. my '"Stay Ah·J,itr" pick,; up. the s1ylc of the song will evoke spirit of Simon's "Gmr,lrmd Afm·an !hi! minus . 3lbum the lis1cncr 10 picture Brickell

in a skin-tigh1 dress in a smoky bar. perhaps slithering on a piano with a maruni in her h:md. On "Htm/Timrs " the drum introduction sounded vagudy like Simon's "50 Wavs Tn Unvr Your lovrr" and has a

s ••H~.\;!22

0-,n.,!J OOII ,._.. _ _ c;._,,-_ffl t XJ5• l a ~


percussion. Bnckdl'~ \'OICC on "In Tht Both .. sounds less n:isal and :i Im mon: mdodk The choru,. is c:<lrtmcly ca1chy. "P,cturr l'rrftcr Mnrning ' could prove to be :i disnppomtmcnt w dil..'-hard Edie Brickcll and fJn< 11f Thc Nc1.1,. Bohcn11Jn< Rnckdl', style ha.111 definitely 1akcn a turn abou l and. a lthough Dnd:dl wrmc 1hc I) m.s and music hcr1;cl f, the influc: ncc of her hushJnd •~ cut :ind dried.

Laug h abo ut the Mon ey you Suvc

Drlvesa •e De•ens lve Driving

THE Wichit2n

AIDS group sets meeting for Oct. 4 AIDS C,rek of llopc of N{inh•ll•ntra l ToJS will d cct a bo.,rd l1f dm:,:111r, :rnd $Cl :rn agcnJJ for 1hc \'\llllHI~ yl·ar 01 Fir, t Un 1l l'd f\'1c thodisl Church, !0th and Tra\'IS, on ()(1 4 , at 7 '\O p.m..

The puhlic 1s 111v1tl' d to support tlus much-needed m,ni,try FClr mon: informa1iun, call Danie l Humhc rt at First Unite d Methodist Church, Ui6-42'.\ I. or Randy I lcnng, 855-J 762.

Team Arrow opens new donnitory By Liz Richardson~llil'ks

111 2 r:m. Team Arrow. M SU's cyd1n1; team. will host an open house 3 1 the MSU Cycling Complex at Bcrc nd Landing, 400 Bridge Stn:e t. to t~ank everyone for their donations. The donations enabled the team 10 renovate its li\•ing focility :n the s11c . Wllfk hcgan last summer w11h thl' donation of 1hc buildin g hy thl' Bcrc nd Comp:m)' to the Streams and ..:o mmun11 y Va ll eys ht:au11fica1iC1n pnwct. RClby Chn s1ic, a hoar~! member ol S1reams amJ V:11 · Icy~ and 1he Ho 1t1.·r' n Hel l llXI. then leased 1he building.


!2.000 m pay

for n.:novatmn'i which were not donated. The hu1lding's office spaces were c onve ned into d ormi1ories, complete with sinks and shower st.alls. Also air-condiuo nmg compressors were replaced. The new cy. cling do rms acc~mmodatc a.. many as 10 cyd1SL'-. Currently there .ire live residents. fo ur cydis1s and .i house master

Volleyball from pagt 5

Lime. with as many g.imcs as we'll play." said Coach Picht optimistically. He noted there teams ren t free. 10 Tc:Jm Arr(l W. wo uld be sorm: s1rnng The tcnm is only rcquin:d 10 there. T he MS U volleyball keep the bu ilding in g(lOd cond111on and donall' l·ish1 team's next home for Wednesday hours a month to other is schedu led should E\'cryonc 7p.m. at Stream~ and Valle),· pro• come out to Ligon Coliseum jecL1;. suppon. your show and The cyclisb :1lso raised

69 1-4 132 l.ul>y'o (;.frl'1' .. IIOl ')\h ~lltt1


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Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come by Ferguson Hall, Room 302


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