- - ---- -,\ 1------------ 11 DIE Wichitan ---NAl•'J'A. ,1grl•e11 lent lllay huve hidd ' en flaws
Photo Poll: Should Clark Student Center he rc111w:1tcd?
look low:1rds~
~ l•av~:_:md hcyoud
-;:;;iu111•· 72, N111nhcr-'
Stplcmhcr 23, 1993
Midwcskrn Slate Unh•crsity
Class ring sparks vivid theories BY K111hryn S.Jr f.Jllor
· f:11,,·A·" 1 II l11wc [0111111
'i 11 ,- 1 •• Arrh111u•clt>.
J.,oi;ing- immcthing of
\,ofuc i,:1vcs a heavy fcc•l -
in~ on t Ill' lwnrt.
Whrn sn~rlhinJ: of ._,ro:it \'Ohh; 1s no lonr.rr 11
~nlly rc-,•11nc1l,•d And rnn nnw fot• I th -11 , of r,•lu,f
lir1• nrnl 111Jll1•.! 1111' l !lftl
COIIIIIIL'll('l ' lllt' lll pn11:ra 111
lo look for lh f' i11ilial:-i ," :-i111rl V1rk11• \V:1lk1 ·r, i1,·n1 • llll) ' lo lhe Otlk,• nf l,uhli r lnfon11 ntum "Wo fouml thf' 11nm l! ,John E Vosfl m 1 t 111' fl l'O·
of !•IISL w,, .. k, lhr. OOi rt• I nhlic lnform:,tinn
l, ~~:;:~d'< I niahrown 18 ~
l)H ck :11:r
p r11H:r In n pnrt of Olll' s li fe, u ccrt.nin sndnoss t•xisls wlu ch rn n surk uddrcssed lo lh~ di rcrtor of nl11n111i ofTni r~ only ht• sul1sficd when i.rrum ," Wnlkt•r snit! " \\11! . Undt•rn cn lh th nt . one find s thl' mis:-1 mg wt•nl In trn rk do wn n rnn l- lhon wn~ paper, hrnwn !hinR hi Hntltln•s-., whk li wt• hoa.rd hnnd-aid hnx In 1~!.'")I , .John VosR, n fnund in M11n cl11y, 'l\·:rn s · wcl ,:rndnulrng- senior, prolia- _Inside thut hox , wrup1 "\\11• ra ll• ·ti i11 fo rn111 :an ~o?nn and ~1 lissu, •, lny li on nntl fn1111d om• Vu-.s bly lookrrl UL hi s rulurc 1 ~ln R~ n111: wi th 11 1.l.1 in Muncla v," \\'nlkt·r rrn ul •ilh ~ri1;h1 ex peclnli ons n~1t c wnLt r n on u rnlt\' 'To ou r 11111:11.,•nlf•nl, 11 He wns a hout to close the pupc r whi rh said wn A lfo wurcl \'nss , John ':,; chuprc-r of hrn undc•ri.:rnd- Jll<•c~ ~f 1 11 nrlJ! rlnss nd : ~· Ho hrn tlwr .. uatc colll'J.!'l' career with pc )Ou cun find sonwlluwnrti \'n., s 1:11,·1• his hnc.lu•lur of busi1ws:,1 wny to Wnlk1•r 1h1• plrnm• 1111111 • admini strat io n dc·r.n..! (• return nnd owner lnr.ut.c ofh ,s hrutlwr, wlw lwr The 01w symbol that to him .. now hn:-:-- 111 c:r1•1•1H·m·l' would curry with him afwn s sif.;nctl numci Nu Spnnr.s, Fla Wulkl'I' :-.aid i,r he lefl ~! S U, hesidt·s tn the lotter, onlv n pos1- whL·n sht• cunt111.: t1·d ,I his diploma , wns his cluss murk from Sun ; 11 \111::1:,, lw wn:-1 :mrpri sl•tl ring. And llrnl one token Dnrburn, Culif nnd fo 1 r 1 nnd \ ' l'r\' nuxinu.s l u J!l'l 1t a short time nftcr grndu .' 29 Cl'nt stamps' hnrk · ation , was lus t. "lnsid<• th e nn J!' wn~ "Ht• !<nid he his t 11 Forty-I wu ycnr~ btt•r Lhc irntrnl s ',J EV,' so wt• mnn• lhnn -10 ycnr:-. u~o, the m1 sSlll f.! obj<ict wns ri '. wenl to the rci,'lst rnrs of• !-ihnrtl y nft er he hou1!hl
'flZE -10\ -~- 4 <J)- 1J1. .
ii ," W11lkt•r 1111i1I l<uunitin1~ t.111' nw11t•r nf tho rinl-! i:m·c pl cusun• In Wnlkcr 111ul lier cullt·n J,.'1.JOl'l, l111lt•w n
11ir1n •
inl1•n •Hti11i: wus th e lh t•nrif•~ Lh,•y luul hoh111d lh u myR tL•nuu:-i clcli,·,•ry 111' th ~ dn ~s ringWnlkl'r hml 1111111y t.lU"nrit•s ns lo why lh l• rin~ n•nppcnn·tl ,I() yt•ars lnh'r, 1ndudi11 i.: UIW ,,r lnni,:-lo ~l. lovc:1nnd 11111• in\'o l,•i11J! s111 11 1•11n1• \\'hn miJ!hl huvc hnd n J!tlill y l'llllt'riOt1!'1 .
Whul uvur tlw n •:1:,ain the 1a•r:w11 dt•nclt·d to rl'•
tlw rin1!, om• mnn i s cortninly thrilled lo IHH'l' il buck. Almosl II hnlr II n•n• tury lnlC'r, John Vos~ will turn
he nhlc to wcu r hi:; cluss ri11~ ngnin n111I he nhh· to show orT his pride in Midwestern Stnlc University
I //.:,L •,_ 7.,' ' A., ,1., "'~ w ...,-1,. Cl I.I Nr....... f ,;,'fi ,I-CJ
17 I ~
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JJhot1 1/Kylt Rw.ssrll
Do \'OU hl'lll'\'CsomL•oue sent hnck n 19S1 MSU cla.•;,s ring In hoJ;L~ or lornllni,: the owner? Would you hove sent it back, loo?
Greek Life
Multi-Greeks support!~~~~,~~"!~wave of~~:~~~~ black culture
SEATTLE (C PS l ·· . What do M,clrnel Jordan, Bill Cosby, Gov Douglu, Wilder or Virginia, the late Artl~ur Ashe nn_d Mac ,Jumison, the first black . woman ostron~u t, have ,n common besides being some oftJ10 nation's :~~~ famous black cili•
or i;~1ii-G~e~~ tics and sororities. In spite or the fact that many noted black leaders are members, mnny peapie don't know who and what the Multi-Greeks are. Todd Johnson, firsl vice president of MultiGreek fralernily Phi Beta Sigma at the University of Washington, says thnt community action is the philosophy or the MultiGreeks. ' "We arc Greek by let!tr but our whole goal is to uplifl the black race and community," he said. The Multi-Greek s •·ere found ed at Howard in Univ er s i l y Washington, D.C., at the btginning of the century, and membership has blossomed. The Multi -G reek bouses at UW •. four sororities and four fro· ltrniLies .. offer blnck SludenLs at UW an orgn011 alion where friend· •hip, can be mnde and a sense or cultu ral iden tity can be main tai n ed . Membership in Lho chop·
rr====== == 3 re ''We Greek by letter but OU r whole goal i's to uplift the
black race
and commuIl j t y, Johnsonsaid. 11
L':::===== ===-
"At the Universily of Washington, Afric anAmerican studenls can easily become separated," said Malik Davis, keeper or tho records for Kappn Alpha Psi. Only 3 percent of tho students at UW arc black, according lo the officeoradmissions. Multi -Greek s orLen maintain slrong tics with alumni, creating networks of support. These networks typify tho commitment Multi• Greeks say they fool for their organizations. "If I moved to Washington , D.C., and needed help or somewhere lo stay. I co uld look up a contact " nd 10 they'd do , anylhi~g help, said Zeta Phi Octa member Brenda Murray. "It's a lifelong co mmit• ment , • really Slrong ~ ... range from four lo 20 bonSdo."me members or the
dcnlspnrticip11ti11~i11 . . ~ rush lhis yen r hns in• . Mult1 -Gr('ck fr ntur111tic.s "/J. creased since Inst ~·cnr, choose IO have their lei- ~ June Lcishner, IIS~istunl tors or II sin~lo ll'lter 1 deun orstudcnls snid In fncl, Ute tin ~rl~ brundt•d 011 lhcm. Thi s is ' occ'.1mplisl11•d liy Jlrl'Ss in ~ , signini: hids thi:-1 yea r is tho lnr~est number in II piece of hol melal , USU· ally a hm1J:l'r hcnl rnto nbout to year:-i, LL•ishner lhc desin•d shnpe, int o lhc ski n A s mooth, raised scar is fonn ed.
Approximately 140 young men pnrticiputed in rush. Uecnuse the fra• tcmit1• slructurc is moro ncxibic Lhnn Lhe sorority, fraternities do nol require one to sign bids. Lcishncr snid 70 boys rcgislcrcd nnd another iO pnrlici•
Eighly-fivo girls started in tho rush procedure but 16 dropped. Lcishncr snid° tltls wus nonnnl because they realize lhat they wunt to do other things.
Being a part of the Greek world
rca·~~~cl}~~ll~rt\ ;~~::r~ said Chri s ~lo sc ly, Omecn Psi Phi member nnd president of 1ho Multi-Greek Counci l. He cmphusizod Lhc secrecy or lhe meaning behind end, person's deci sion tu wcnr tho brand . Davis suid no one is forced to brand, nor docs everyone choose to have it don e, but fo r some Multi-Greeks, il is n vi• sual symbol or tJieir dedication to tJ,eir brothers.
"I personally don't know why anyone would do that; Davis said. The frutornili cs nnd sororities nre loosely con• nccled by the MultiGre-0k Council. The council, made up of rcprcson. t.otives from cnch house, meets weekly and works tin an agendn or projects that include u yearly scholarship owurd, 81ack History Month programs and the yea rly ·step" show which is on exhibition of Afric.sn fol k dnncing lo u hnrd musi cal l,;,.o l .
Uy Kathryn Sol( Editor
Senn Envos, n senior biology major, is an alumnus or Phi Sigmn Kuppa. He is a nomrnl fraternity brother, doing U1ings wilh otJ1or brothers, holding offices while an nctivo and being part of the ovcrnll Greek society. Senn-is ulso black. But the story he tells nboul his Greek experiences hos nothing to do wilh his color, nnd to him, ruce is only whnt o person mnkcs or ii.. '" I don't let race barriers hold me (bock)," Eaves said. "My color is never an oxrusl' for anything I do." Colleges around the
rountry nrc sct:!ing more and moro Greek systems incorpornto tlw black culture, according lo College Press Service. And, these colleges arc seeing the important contribution made b,, blacks not only in U,e Greek sys tem, but ulso in different communilios.. Or course, many of tho colleges across tho U.S.
hnvc froten1 itil".S nnd sonirities for lhe blnck sei:menl or 1110 population, but Oil i1su·s rnmpu~. choicrs aru limited. "I sec n b'l"ndual moveml"nt to wa rd the direction of black st udenls r,•cling comfortable cnnugh to rush Lradilionol white fraternities and sororities; Phillip Birdine, dean of studcnt.s. "At the same Lime," Birdine snid, "I have notic-cd a renowod interest of black females to start black sororities: "I roomed i ith two Phi Sigma Kuppa brothers and they told me one day I was to be initiated.- Eaves said. "I really didn't know much abou t the Greek life." "The fraternity brotJ,ers really lik,-d me ' be said. ·1 was not hesitant to join because of my color." Sean said he folt some pttS.sure for joining o.n
all-white fraternity from some of his black l'rie.nds. '"There was a time when I first l?Ot into the
fraternity, it wns obvious I was gelling it (pressure for joining Phi Sigma Koppa)," ho sai d. Eaves snid h e folt strongly tlrnt people should do what the,· want to do, not because society dictates it. "College is about experiences, und if you are nol experiencing nil possible, you nrc not getting your money's worth; he snid. "You hove to do the things in your life thnt nre righl for you at lhe lime.· ·1 don't care if Malcolm X, Jesus Christ (whauwcr color he is) or Bill Clinton did it; Eaves said. "I do things bemuse I want to. "The fratcnu tv has enhanced my life.a great deal; Ea\'es s.:i.id . "I know that regardless of external factors , for the moat part, my Greek peers respect my judgme.nt • "Life is complicated enough," he said. • why add color? It. all boils down to what people wanl to undu 'llai)d about
•ach other."
Pl~ 2
Thun~av, ~ptcmh<r H, 199.l
Your thoughts, please IKathryn's Column I Tho fall 1emo1lor of 199~ v.ill 00 11 ilcci,ivo 0110 for atudcnt.8 not only ":'th i•s~1011 nffccUng MSU, but olAO ar.roH tho nnlion. \Vath ttU11 nmliznlion, I w11nl lo mnko nn open preposnl to nil msu student.,. . Defore 1~ill lho benns, ns oomo RIiy, 1wnnl lo bnofly oxplum somo of lho i"5uos MSU Rludont., must con,ndcr. The studonl body will decide lhis •omo,ter if tho Clurk Student Center noods lo be ronov11tcd Mnny debuloa will ho •pnrkcd over thio isouo ro; mnny pooplo havo differing opinions nboul lho us,fulne•• o_fCSC . To some segment, of the MSU popu_lntrnn, 1t 1s a second home. To olhen,, it i!I nothing more thnn n pince to gel texlhooko. And otill, lo mnny on-cnmpus • ludcnt,, il is ju,l n pince to oat. Moreover, will ull parL, of tho •tudcnl body feel ii is worth il to ruiso fee, In rcno\•ate? The upcoming decision on the athletic ron.fcrc~cc issu~ will he another topic t1lnrin~ Uruvonnty offionls nnd the otudent bodv in the · faco . Whnt should MSU do? Continue on the pnth they ~~vc been, With somo Rports receiving the recn11ting benefits of scholnrships nnd othc111 not? Or, should thoy move lo n progr11m fully funded by scholnn;h,ps, nnd ifso, where will lhe money come from? . Not.ionnlly, students v.;11 be con~idering isimC'~ hke _the North Amoricnn Free Trude A~rccment, Nabonal Hoalth Care nnd the federal deficit I may be tho only person on this campus, hut honesUy, these issues lenve me in the dork. Consider this -· the Clinton henlth core pion guarantees every person in the notion U1e nhility lo see a doctor if needed. In reality how would thia work, And, do you as a tnxpa/er wnnt lo pay the bill for expenses like abortions. Or the NAFTA agreement .. how will it affect an MSU student in Wichi1'1 Foils soon lo be looking for a job? Bock lo my original imoiUltion, though. I um offering MSU students n chance to let fellow students henr differing opinions. I ask that you uso this new•pnpur us n forum ~ exp"'u your opinions and knowledge on these
. ~,, n,,~
Reality behind NAFTAhidden Uy Edmund 0 . Drown ,Jr.
Under the bnnrwr or free Lrnde nnd corporulc rcAlructuring, Americ:111 cmploycrfl hove tJhirt cJ million• of U.S. joh, lu lower wugc foreign pro · duction AiWK. Tho rr111w11 i• clcor -- equally akilh•d foreign workers cnn do the aome job for n lot le••· Thi• is the dork truth lurkinr:: behind the notion llrnt tho North Americnn Fret.! Trndt• AJ!rccmcnl (NAr"l'i\l will creole hi~h pnyini: johM. Much more likely iH n •lido downward in tc rmH of wni:c h•\·cl~ nnd crwironmcntnl Rla ndnrd R. Such u rc,mll ia inevitnhlc if the United StnlcR link 1-1 itRelf to Mexico, wh ere avcrllJ!C wui:c lcvelH nrc 1/ IO of Americ11'fl, erwironm cntnl lnwfl i:o un e nforced, union8 urc cnplive to th e Hlnlc, m1d th e political RyRtcm i11 di i; turted hy corruption nnd CIIC'clornl fraud Opening the lrnd C' bord er with · Mexico i; hould inspire open uncl hone Hl publi c drhul c lnRLcnd, NAF"TA hns ht•c n ncgoliutcd in Hcc rcl and wrillen in nrcnnc Inn• J:Unge . Making thing R worse iR th e und e mocratic "fnRl lrnck.. process
which will ho 1111ud f,,r c1111grl!t1Hln1111I c111111id1•rntlo11 ur lmth Ni\l'"l'i\ "'"' Cunornl Anroo111 011l 0 11 Trudo 1111d 'l'urlff, (Gi\'l"l'l Under thi11 ri, • MlrlctoJ 1111rllurnont11ry procodurt', thu power of ConJ:rt.!lltl lt1 roducud lo Himplc ycHor 110 vut.o 11ml limo ullottc,J for dohuto it1 ,ovorely ll111Jt.,d. Thi• rnukcH n mock ery of Articlo I, Section 8, of Urn ConHlilutiun whi ch 1:ivoli Cun,?rCtJH the JJOWer "'1'11 rcgulntc commerce wllh forcii:n nntiomt .. What littl u dcbute lhere i• on tho NAI-.l'A is loHl in a fog of uuldnlcd iclcn11. Only n lrudo 11pc· cinliHL could luke Hori · ously KUCh vucuouN alo· i:un-wordR Dfl "free trndc" nnd "protcclionit1m" whc:11 n third or our "fo ro i1:n" uclunlly iR trnd c Am cricnn compunicH oul· Rourcing cxporlK LCJ Mexico represent, nol (i. nnl good A 11cnl tu th e Mexican mnrkcl, hul in tcrmcdint.c prnduclH do11lincd for return to the U.S. or lo other mork clH nflcr they hove been enhanced in vulue by cheaper Mc xicon work ers. One would never H
1111u11N, IJHW11in,r L11 Uio110 who uruuu "" tfo&trnuli · cully for fnw tru,lo, tlwl 1h11 concopt WO H only In· vu11l0tJ In LhfJ Iulo IHth uwl uurly JOU1 ru11lurif:Jt whon c.:on,Hti11nH wuru ts,tully ,Jlffuronl. '1'/u,11, CIJJI" IU1l WIIH uul mr,liilo In th•: wuy ll Irr lorluy whc11 hil · lim111 ur dollurtt cnn 1111,vo ucroHfl tlw wurM 111 fl•JC• ondH LO t!Xplolt llio licm1· filrr of p11tlwllc11lly Jr,w wo,:011 1111d cnvlror11nm1lnl Hln11d11rdn Thu v11ry con• copl of II mulll -rrnlwnul corporution with no ulll!• ,ciuncc cxcc11t Lo ilt1 ,,wn gl,,hul cx111mHlon wnu un · thinkt1hlo. And, 1Jf cour,w, ,w one conHidcrcd th,; JWHHihilily thul hum11 n lwingH mi1:ht uctually di11rupl tlw lifo 11upporl· ing procuHKCK ,if nuLurc. Since 1973, Amcricirn trndc with other rwtionH 1111• douhled , hut the value of Amcricon weekly pnychock• h11, fallen 18 percent. In Lhc l11 11l decado ulonc, the number of young men workiug full time who earn only 11 poverty wage lwH increuaed JOO percent. The U.S. economy expanded -nutionol income per cupil.u grew 28 percent •· but the henefil H were
d111nru!lwJ t,, Lliru1i1 ,111 tlw hlUIH:ll t lf lf 1 11 101 Wl111l w11111 luck 11 11, : _' ~ 11111 11L1ll lt1 .• WUR W,l; 1111! f1,rci 1!ri Lra,;:rir,r,,1 1111ll -lrut1l,
If you think the CSC should be Jen alone, let me know. Or, if you think it needs n bowling ulley • write in and toll me why. On a national level, let mo know what you know about health care or NAFTA. Whatever you do, don't be silent, then gripe when a decision is made. You have the chnnce this semester lo be n part of major directional decisions of MSU .. don't miss out because you were loo busy to ho infonned. I am open lo any nnd nll opinions nnd am very eager lo see if this student body cures nbout anything. Write a letter lo the editor or n guest commentary and let me know you arc olive. The only requirement is thnt no one is libeled (especially tho editor), and articles cannot make peniooal attscka on other individuals. My ~ddress is Editor, The WichiUln, P.O. Box 160, Midwestern SU!lo University Wichi1'1 Fnlls ' ' Texas 76308.
\ \
Bohlln& lndwlriu CampM r,rprwnulln IIMdl,d hr 1pirt1wru v "''P""Y"' 11111 ~ r,Mef. n1t1u.,,.Jw11<onlkl Awu1c,Sllv, s1 r.Qwurt111100l' niahlP"!'•eck. Ca.JI t -ll001'2-llfM
nJq :: _~
Group Five FMn UOO-Sl<m wtdJy -'llrti~I cnwdopa 1101 dtuib,ltlJSII SJ 00 with SA.SEW C. J(()(IPHVE ~7 GR".Cnlr« Dr1wr, ~ lie XII
(}LtrlTOr l~
Dow«, 01!
Greeks & Clubs kaUC up to SIIXXJ JN JUST ONE Wl!l:KI flofyuwh11cm117,Wlfonty, and cNb Phu Sl.f.,00 for )'WIMlf! And I Fllf.P. T-SHllff JUII fotttJI. Ina. C.UI -IKl0-912-0Ul, n l 1S.
.......... .. _.......... r-,... o1 .....
rttEWichitan 3400 Taft Blvd .. P.O. Box 160 Wichita Falls, TX 76308 News desk: (8171 689·4 704 Ads desk: (8 I 7) 689-4705
r, i:-,1\
Wlu1l 111 ru:crJ,,,J 11111cc r,f GA'l"f' · 111 NAV'fA nrc lrn,;:~:1 ,,i:recmcnl111 ond nut 11k poli_cic~ which fr,n,1H' ~ 1 h,01~•1~n111!~ cmphHHii',1: ~I! cml JUHlJce, th e ciiric>:· mont of locul crirnrnu · LlcH und l!Cnuin,: rc1ii:.~(~,r th o en vi niruo,1;.·t Hu ch 1,1:ret1 mcnt H .. t pollcieH would f.,: 0 ;;;~ hccuwu: U1ey vn,uJrJ ,t i t~u.: wordn .. ,, f Prc:,iidc~': Clrnlon, l1 ut p o, 1 firHL " Und er th 111 '~ t pronch, wr: w,,uJd w,J.: l>wh al will hr:lp ,nt~~ll:,t lirmul companieH get ~achea pcRl foreign w,irkc:,: hut ,whu _t will rtduc growing irwquulity :in~ <:v ,, Htrengthcn Amcricun c1Jmmunity .. ry
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1,.t,r, ; • l,111
trud tJ p,_,licui11 lluil 11 c111urnun1ly wc:11-1,,: int~l th e tor, of Ani 1, . ' l
Grand Opening Celebration
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\w""on,._.w,., 1o c.ollrft_An! -,0Utt ,_ ,,.,1tDt jcb 10hdp,-oup,ylor ~ il JoiolthrNffff N,iblalC4wdl f«lbolJl lwodl),1111flndia,idlwioWfflUo1,-ut, )'(Nll Wl-'cipa,ttinit,lcbthlltflMU1diffnfflCL
ScU-mu6w11ed.Olg.111iuJ inJiyiJGII lo diltrilxu .11:hrrtucmcnt.1 oa gi1. Jc1c campu11:1 Al &n AMF.RICA.~ umpu• 1'P, • urt fix )01.ucU, kl )'OW' o wn bow1, i nd u111 OREAT incoo'lc! No 11:llin& in'l't.llnd Ju mon lnl'twm.1tiun, call l-300-YOII' Jub or write: Amrtk an CoUc&,idc
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Paul Mitchell Matrb: Sebastion NeZUI
Xenon Bain De Terre Walk-lM W,lcomedl! ocfflC• wllbntall. !:'11,.:.,':'.:lllloll recem • ntn Swedleh muaa,e. With U)' $211
llon-S.t: Bam-7pm 691-9999 Nut to Dyer■ llubeqae la lllclllel'1 JIIUI.
G~b ---;-------_ Entertainment -. 1 son sd· irecting debut worth seeing . "O . scru puIous, . 1s the movie ~ I· -, lasttherw15" . e u ,llld Well-made. And if it gets a )1ttle fl acci'd toward the end well th at m ' ' ay be excused in light of the overall effect." ShakcsPl'
-----_J -:;:-:-:-----they shore not only
are, nrt and
Set ·
1 Withou~na :~· _'1'hc ~Ian ~ow _this i:rutnu': nbout
l~:;sons in history, hut nlso in life
;nsih\'e outcast becomes thn:\t!on~:~! break down inlo lcaryCh tutor of a lone!\' bov eyed pabulum Early in Sta~~~-Nors1ad1 (Nick · ' mo\'ie the ,iewer the Ch glimpses McCloud's hi uck ha, his own damaged fncc through ems With isolnuon Chuck's wonder struck ';{ a lack ofbclonl(in o · • is husband ·ho PPm:; eyes. Chuck is cll•nrly moth ~ afraid, bul hi s need of a \\ . er (. lnrgnrct friend and father fi gure is h 'luuonl and two brattr alf sisters keep hi . r~· full of chaos. He sc:k~ ~ palpable Gihsnn. too, fnend m McCloud , a11d l'\'Okrs the ri{?ht amount
ThunJay, Sep1rmber Z3, 1993
Page 3
of pity 11ithout wallowing in it. There is n weakness or two in lho movie. It is a hit slow-moving sometimes, making the mo,·io seem longer than it is. And the idcn thnt l\lcCloud is n wonderfully i;ncd and lnlcntcd tenchcr foil• in some dcb'TCC lo como uut. Tho \iewcr is not drown into the lifc-lcasone thnt ~~~~n~ supposed lo be Othcrwiso, the movie is scrupulous, lnsleful und well-mudc. And ifit ~els n little flaccid toward the end, well, that mny he excused in light of the O\'erall effect. It is not a mo,ic to recommend to nctionindventure buffs, but is well worth the time to sec. Review Roting: B+
, - - - - - - ----nal--=--=T:::::E~XA-;-S;;---, • J • Cranbernes Ynes pleasant to the mind ·.t.7..~~.. ,.~~ ''''"9':;.. 'ltte ongi CROSSWORD 1
C'r:inbenies. in ;t·n,,r:tl. dJ not e,·oke p<a,:..mt thoughts. Iru3;:,·s of t:ranbern· ;su:-,, sh.sped like the Jt Th~tr,.k_.;~ \'lng, foggy t--,pa in ~!rune. or the dn'.d, d jwc,, tha1 the d\"tt,:- \nu sometiml'.5 .d,ix, you to drink are :.h~ p.:neral C"('O noto.tion, ~ ~-w • hO\\.l'\·i'r. is anoth;r ,cs:i.1.l to add to the list tbs: 1; much less p3 miul
!rcl:ind. which has ~\TU U3 :-uch things as
l'L ~3t beer and a ~u.5,.m tv wear green, has now ::ent us The C-ranbenies. and it is a i:o,.-.J thin:; they did. The
band's new album such up Ii fling lyrics us Ei'i',Ybody els..· i.s doznn If "Not sorry if I li\'e in so u·hy ran~ ll't'? is th; . solit.1ire and cry," anti h.!5t biller album to come "Sunday" starts off slow along ma long li me and lakes of into fw, pop.
mlddleNIIN 6 Hanrietto't counly
(2wd!) 60 • bngdom
7 'Bum' Pti4L-os'
61 TX Roddlnbttr(I
!yCharl<y & Gay Orbl<on
'SW Tr.k' II _•11lhow ,.. 1name e sui, r Co bo,.J,)r lo'M'1 62 TX.sm 'woulG'\1 ioudl !ha\Wllhl_•loolpol•' ,, Atn1nDo'1 ' 8igToian'
72-<>.t ttull 11 lrH 11 &J a,11 TX Gray ung "TM lnCrowd"(1nill _
you can _
16TXitm Jo,poor
memory • - _ _anoV11rNIUI'
Lead singer Dolores O'Riordan. who wrote most of the songs \\ilh acoustic guitarisl Noel Hogan. uses her angelic. powerful voice to slam love and life. The disc begins 11ith "I Still Do: 3 slow, sad and cmical song, like most.of the songs on the disc. This song rolls right into "Dreams," which is re0ecli\'e and easy to relate to. "Not sorry" includes
~~ag (wa~~,(~:l•r)
~ - ~l,t.i,... Sul!i,11 0 ~1.l.iic rt"\·it , -er
211h11TXB.1nks>M>nNL MVP1'1 '51 &'59(in1t.)
One of the best tracks 22co•t,oyropt is "Linger," which has Grandi 23_ recently begun recci\'ing 2, AlluMn or Moonsadl. 1s11_olyard.1ge airplay on MTV. The song 2e TXilll'l. ' 'll'Ould_ is bitter and full of _ _ ollyour frustration O'Riordan's molar1'(hotctuh) voice on "\Valt:cing back" 33 ~ " : ~~,:;:;:,, is similar to old Siouxsie 34 Nocona'sh.s.dass 0 or Sinead O'Ccaner, and .::;,::~: on "How" she practical ly ina a screams, "You said you'd c:1cruspatt~!earetuO 41 ne •er leave me alone.·· ~;:,s TXi.vn. (longd~~) This album is not one 46 Wll'lk's Orb,on (inil) to piny at parties, but when life sucks it is great 47 ~~u:•~:! 48 "'1blnk'sh.1. clas, to settle down with. If you like The Sundays and 4gpruo~.~~41 Shelly An Orphan, this 52 ~!=-\~ms might be something you 55 365dayt(abbr.) want to check out.
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·Gwir 1tar lit ;:~~f~x~ng)
10 TXism 'covtred, 11 ~kl .tu,on j', -
,1 Vtrnon0dlart1st hit:'ConiYoHN'h _ _
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:~,~=~·!Icing TXJsm: ',odtal-; canlhearl hurdlr
~'tab'-graz•' 30 placewhoruci.nce
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mgr. inma;on('85)
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TIIE ll'ich1,.
Planetarium show offers glimpse of unseen The Midwes tern Stnte Uni,·era ily physics de • partment is presenting n Hriea of p)aneta rium •how1 for the fnll
Midwe stern
University will rompcle
By Ch&rlN Car, Copy Edie«
MSU College Bowl teams forming for competition
uni,·crsc and how we see them.· Studen ts requirt' no background in physics lo attend. "Just an ability to E.L Dr . reason ,"
Holverson, professo r of
The ,hows. hosted by phy,ic:s, said. ·From time to tim(" we Larry· Winchell, a senior physics •tudent at MSU, have h•d student s inter• b,,gan Sept. 21, but will est..ed in preparing shows, bo held every Tuesday nt and we encoura ge tJ1::it , ~ ; p.m. and every ~'riday Holverson said. at 2 p.m. in the uni\'er• To find the plnnetn r• sity planeta rium located in Bolin Science Hall ium in Bolin Scienc~ Hall, find the west hallroom 135 way and follow the small The first show, tiUed hall with the snack ma· ium "Seeing the Unseen ; is chines to the plnnctar entirely original •nd was in room 13.5. For more information. prepare d by Winchell . It • ,.;11 discuss ·some or the contact Holverson at ex wonderful objects or the l<lnsion 41 64
Homecoming nominations accepted in CSC on Nominations are being from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m 9:30 a.m. accepte d for this year's Sept. 29, from to S p.m. 6 and p.m. I to coun. homecoming p.m. on Sept. 30 ond from The positions open for 9 a .m. to I p.m. on Sept. arc 31. nomin ations
Fre1hman Princess, Sophomore Princes s,
Run-ofTs, if necessa ry. held on Oct. 6-S . Junior Duches s, Senior will be ts must show a Studen and Duche 11 vaJidatcd Midwes tern Homecoming Queen. Stal<! Unil•ers ity I.D to Nomina tions will be vote. held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, 22 • Sept. 24 in Sept. on go\' the Clark Student Center contact the student
emment office al exten Atrium. Elections will bo held sion 4709.
in College Bowl, "the Varsity Sport or the Mind."
College Bowl is u i:ume of acodcmic know Iedge ond quick rccnll . Now in its 16th ycnr, the College Bowl cnmpus program is a popular tradition on Amcricn':-1 campuses. MSU is nmong moni than 300 institutions of higher educotion ploying college bowl in 1993 Collcgo Bowl is orga nized nnd ndministcrcd with the coo peration of the Association of Colll'~e Unions lnt crnnlionnl
Tho MSU compus 18 namont 1s run by · ,P Chi senior honor soc;,:w• with Dr. JcfT Camp . • professo r or _English, scr:inl! ns coordmotor. The game feature s two teams or four plnycrs cnch competing to score points to toss-up and bonus questions.
1'he questions co,•~r every concei,•ublc . topic from literature, sc1cnc~, history, geogruphy, rd•· gion, socinl sciences, multicultur nl topics ond the arts to populnr culltirl', sports and curren t c,·cntR. Competition ot MSU
bcginff with the cornpus
tournom cnt to select the 0 vorsity tcnm ._ Tho ( toumam ont ,s sc tcd ·11 for Oct . 29-31, nn w, fcuture sixteen t_enms inn double- elimina tion tour· .I nnmcnt formal The varsity tcnn~ w,I ndvnnco to the reg,onn l ionship tourno · I Feb. 26-28. This •enr's regional tournn· be held _ot Snm will ~ent Houston SI.Ille Umvcrsoty in Huntsville, Texas. MSU 's vorsity _tcom tied for fifih last spnng m the rcgionnl tour~n_ment in Ruston, Lou1~10~n, beating Texas Chnst,a n Univer sity, H 0rd 'ng
College Republicans organize for new year C'nllc ge The of Repub lican s StnlL' Midwe stern Un1\'ersity rC'cently held
their first ori::ani1.at1 onal meeting of the yl'ar The meetin g fea tured the election of new officers.
Jimmy Mor(:!'an w;1s chnirm nn, elected i\lichncl Martine z , vice chair; Mnlt Hoarde r , Beth se cretar y, Makibbin, Treas urer; and Michael Howe, student senator . "The leaders hip or the College Republi ca ns is a nd enthu siastic
experie nced in th e politico! orcno," Morgon said. "\Ve look forwnrd to promoting Hcpublicnn id eals on campu s, thut somet hing despernl<!ly needs done."
streng thenin g . Mr. Clinton hos given Rcpubl icons a great opportu nity to show that we really ore the porly or ond for the future."
Howe olso said th•l current membership is at Morgon olso said tltnt is and 30 nbout upcoming e\'ents would continu ally growing . "We dcbnte s, includ e he day," coils every conservative speakers, get campa igning, socinl snid. Colle ge The more many events and Republ icans will meet surprises. again on Oct. 5, a nd everyone is invited lo Howe snid thot "while the other politico! party attend. more informa tion For is busy fighting amongs t contact Howe at 322· themsel ves at all levels, 8047. the Republican party is
University, Northwest,, Louisia na Univcr 811l11 Lamar Univer sity Ross Univers ity •nd lhl Univers ity or Texas of lh e Permia n Basin. They I ' only to the Univcr sit/'.( Texos at Austin and Ri o tho final regiona l chn~'. p1ons.
To sign up for MSU• College Bowl competition'
get an orgamzalion YoU belong to put togethe r
teom, ju~t _find three etu~ dents to JOtn you in Corn,. ing a team , or contact D JcfT Campb ell in llnrd{ 208AA at 689-4207. Th: deadlin e for team reg;,. tration is Oct. 22.
Drinkingandridingcanleadto; losso(lin• nse,acon\'ic1ion.or c\'l'n...,·orse.Whcn)'Oudrink,get
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Come By Lalani's for a little
attitude adjus tmen t, then ...
.. ,:_J
RESTAU~~~ ~ -
Came over Ta-esday night tu heu ... 1
~ 1 ~ The Differents ~ :;_ ••
a UDd pJayiDg
'11 lall \ ;J Clasic llodt •• Bodl L-00 a.m. • p
10:00 p.m. Taesda y, . . . . . . 28
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Lisa Ellard
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You can donate TWICE a WEEK!!
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P:i~ 6
Thursd•,·• Se tcmber 23, 1993
you r views...
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Do you think lh, ~rk Studtnt CntH nrtds lo ht rrnou ttd?
·rc,. Atricufra:,rk
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'lfn( !Timi.
Alcohol prevention effective if gender specific
(l•t.!1,111ll ~"t
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·/ ~±c -~~ b-'"~~ °'~
\'OGE! .
)U.'' UlW
"N.,, I 1t11nk II i~ fire
TROY, N.Y .. In so me or the women's restrooms at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, bright, hi ghly visual posters can be found thnt tout the effects of alcohol on female sex• ual satisfacti on, skin conditions, prorcssionnl success, weight gnin, self-esteem and prej:!Tla ncy.
"...a glass of wine can boost your weight 10 pounds a year ... "
ate professor or psychology at Rensselaer, who studies the clTccls of alcohol on male nnd female J('Ul'lf fir.J,:(t W:OJO' colic~• studcnls. The posters, which also hnng in sorori ty ·we dt..lCl'l oeoJ II ro.Jooc. If II i, i;nmi: ht r.1 N' and dormitories, houses the pnco 1n 1ui1Ql, 11,. by nol \f'Clld thi:' IDl'l:1::')' The powerful graphnote, for example, on Kh<lLlnhl~;' - Hrad f 'ralhrntun. mphticreated to also were which ics, Vt MUJ 1111:irt bUJlll,(n that a glass of wine can target. women, arc part. or boost your weight 10 Jl-:ATI IE~, ·11:,,; a research project by pounds a yea r, frequent !==== ===== ===== ==== Michael J<alshcr, assoc i- heavy drinki ng cnn lead CASTU-:m:wwr I.,-,.,,...,.,., Rohi,.
□ With this, you can save fur years.
to bulimia, nnd lhnl even modcrnte dri nking can increase t.h e risk or bre:ist cancer. "Our research has sho"'-n that posters with information th at is opti• molly relevant to the needs and interests of specific target groups arc more likely to attract attention and increase knowledge," said Kalshcr.
"By doing so, they can set t.he occasi,on for making wiser ulcohol•rclated dee1s1ons.
The research t.c.o.m found that women exposed to the posters scored significantly higher on alcohol cduca. lion tests than control groups that did not see the posters. Tho women rated the posters as "very helpful" for making choices about whether to drink alcohol or not.
Appl,11»,a!Jooi,• H5B 4:«'. Bw-in~#N/111'8 .JdJitSuptr T"U~Di.fpL ,y.
,· '/if&t:r. "',,.1 '"""""""'""'"ob-~& '4.81,J,(J/J,&ar1'C ,w,,._,.,,,,,_,,
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Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come by Ferguson Hall, Room 302