-m:tt UJ ttbttau ~
· J'lo.3
Thursday, September 2•1, 1992
Professor ~~ - displays art -
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Corey Feldman here tonight
By Bdinda btrtrarn
Richard Marlin A
lery direc:lor •nd sb Ill, &•I• currcnuy d11pl1y1~~o~~~r o f.an, ll Teux •rt CU\lbitions. ork in two
81 Unda Wils,on Scutt
Roportc, T be Un1versitJ Pro1runro1n1 Board will pretent •ctor Corey FelJm•n al 7 p m. , ~ t. 24 in the CJ,rk Student Ccn1er B11lroom. . Feldni1n, w•ll•knowo for tu, box-offica tu&e: "Siand By Mo; "The Lott Boyl, . "The Ooonlu" and "Lkf.nl;e to Drive." will JI\IO a leot\lre on tubliapee ab\l.Se. The hi,co ry of Feldman lo· cit.Id« hf1 riN to the Mi&,hll of 11»Cllf and h11 1ubnquoot fall to the depth• of dn11 ud alcohol addle-
t81~0TON ··Stepht111 1 ' . . . . approved for S6. 9 II'llt oO,a,lll'bCliot1/ reaov1I ttt(ltDI officer bou1io1, I~* • facilitiu and undcrt,el ,1or•1~ taak1. T he ,.,1r11u1on pack.ace. ~ idti 1'2SI millloo for ,:.ullations lbrouahou1
,r,---in p
~ 1 bou~•itenate coo-
dua wtek.
•~oOIT • - New and problems with lbe new '\.·H" ,od1ns ha ve ID• ~ IO the d1strihuti<X1 and otw model. A wuhcr ed proper s lecrin& wu i.i ~ lll( ftl(lnlh and the a uto fated w11b eorrec lifli ~ .,,.llicb cause• rhc p1s1on 1 11,at. The new mo del is ~ trucialtothe fvturcof
ARR O WHE AD-~ , - should lind 1ood fi.sb-.d: , round the lake. The ffPOrted dear, Blade. Bass oa ~p1nners.Cr1ppie ar, die pier 11 ni&ht on minCatfish uc h11t1na 1he
tASHINGTON-With expt('• luf I vclo, proponent$ of tbe -., Lea \°C B111 arc tryi ng: 10 ;._ oe«&J&ry voeu to over;llpuidcnL lf 111 433 House ,rttf VOle , Iha! mCllll I U~ Iii •01 ict 2!19 votes com-
~• •n ovcrritJe.
'ALLS FEST '92--The MSU :Wu1bl, will help kick-off ~ 1~, nf the 1onual fes• ~' p Ill. 0n the Wkh1CI. Rivtr r,bhy evening Tho fHlival . ~ . lb1oe ~llJt !> ihow1 JOIOJ !ly anJ 0 1her CVetlll ~IMde t uft showti. 11hlo1ic r &Dd FOOD! H,>1.1rs are from I p.■. Frida1, II 1.ro. t<) JI '-wd.,, aDd Noon to 6 p .m. Friday ind Sa1urday 1dt ir k per pusoo eod $5 per II S.vnd.iyaf\cmoon.
lus1 Two of ~•b ' 1 works, "fl. •nd~en.Or11, Helada" DOI. •m• P• XI, •re m1s:ed media on
i..o:;:c:_nd •a dis p la yed 10
"Couruerpo1n1 · u the Hill
_owury Arts Founda11on'1 2-1,h na llOtul JUr1ed pb o to1uph yP_rintmak,~1 and dnw1n1 ubib,: ll~n. In 1h11 uhib1tion, Ash is dis• ~~Yin& th_ree Works: 'Niabt Air, • • 11ht Air 12, • scrccnpri nt1 and ~l~~l~:.Staad 26-91.• a unique
Corey Feldman
la Uus reJard, Ftldnwi'• per• forn,al'IC'I will 1bar• IOa'ICI or the importllll lc,-ona: bo bu learned from hv101 "1n the rut laM. • Dur1n1 aa intcrnew in a July 11.ue or People ~tt1111ne, Feldm1n Aid, "I bad a BMW eor1vett1ble, mooey, proper· ry, prcsu,-, power. womeo, dNp-
e,·erythinl any J6·)'cllr-old "ould •v•r dream of, · It wu doe f,-i:t• paced lire 1h11 led lurn 10 rouo.-r c ruise down1owo Lo• Anaelot 11t the e.arly morn101 bwn lookinl flW detl•:-~r~=:~,n. 11 look sevel'III arrests, rtt1din& b.lmfflf Ul dabc ... livina has wont n1r.hcmare or Mdllll b11 scory •vcrywb,,.. 1n Ut• oewt med11 , Jn Dec. 1990, he checlcld i nto Cri•Help, 1 reh•bilit11ioa holp1t1I in Norcb Hollywood, "II WH It that point I madt lbf deci11on 10 turn my lift 1ro111d, • Feld':f~c~i~ore than • yt,ar ot rcm1inln1 elu.o and 1ober, Fol dinao Hid ho hopos bis H• poriencu un u rve IO wam ocbtrl about the d101ers of ublCHet
AdmiH1on to Feldruo'• per• fonn1nce •• frte lo MSU 11\ICMAts; 1ickett1 for noft-1flldents-wdl be Sl.
Midwestern acquires 15-Iiew faculty members By Jtan Hall Stan'Writtr Midwes1cmacqu1red IS new full-time facWty membct1 this YCI/J su o f whom will wo rk 111, th; D1v1sioa of Health Scitncec. New f1cully members in the Divis1011 of Health S c ~ UK:lude J.me■ F. Becker, Irene K. Pnplln. Charles A. Walker, Gloria B. Meno , Mauha M . Sorlor and David A . Lahman. Bec ker, 111i1llnl profe,,sor of nuruns, moved 10 Midwestern from Southwest Mctbod11t Hospilll Jn San Antonio. He received an uSOC:iate of 1ppl1ed 1eicnces from IIlinois V1\ley Community Collep. , bachelor of science U1 aunina from Muycrcst Colleec, 1Dd • rmster of 1c1cnce from Northern llli no 11 University. Poplin. u1oc111e professor of nu rsing, earned bcr b1c helor of science 10 nun1n1 from lncun1te Wo rd Collc1e and ber muter of 1c1encc and d octo rate from the Un1 vc r s 1ty o f Tens al Auslio. Po plln's previous pos ition was al lhc Uni versity of Tun Health Sc ience Center at S:i.o Antomo. Wilker, auis11nt professor of nursina. mo,t recently served u as·
tiisllnt profnsor ol' nursing II D.S. L1ncntcr Community Collc1c 1n Clifto n Forie , V ■ . He bu I b■~ hc1or of scie nce in psycholner and I bachtlor of science 1n numni fro m Tcxu Chrtsll■n University and I master of science fro m the Univtrsity ofTullS 11 Arhngron. Me:z.zo, usut,nt professor of nursina, has more 1h2n 17 years of profc.ssional nursmg upenence in m ■n ■ aernent. s taff and tc1ehin1 positions. She hu , mu1er o f sc,eace fro m 1he University n f Texas Hc■hh Science Cen1er al San Anionio and I b•che!or o f sc1ence from Sou1h Daknta State University in S. D. Sortor, ass15tant pro fessor of radioloiinl tccbnoloi:y, ca me to Midwes tern from Id1ho Fall s. Idah o . She h u a hac hcl nr of scienc e fro m Brig ham Yo un&: University and a master of hc■hh educallnn fro m Idaho Slate Un1ver-
sity. L1hm1n, ass1s11n1 profeuor or nd1ol o1ic1 I 1~chno lou, hu • diploma 111n x•r•y spec11l1sl from the Academy or Hctlth Scientcs 1n Fo rt Sam lfoHton. He 1lso hu I b1cbel o r of scien ce from the Umven 11y of the S111e of New York
1n Albany anll• muter of ■rtl from Cbapnun Un1vcrs1ty 1n Or1nee, C11lf. The D1vmon of Mathematical Science 11lded two f,culty memhe rs : Mark K. Farris, u 1oc111e profc.uor of m11hem.a11cs ind WLIhim A. Donnell, mathema tics JDstructut . Furis has taui ht for 11 years 111 b1ghu education, most recently u 1noe11le professor at Hud1n S1mmnns Un1vc rsi1y . He hu • baebelor of iris and• docto rate frnm R1ee University. Donnell hu • btchclor of arts a nd a master of arts fr om the Un1\·cm1y of North Ten s ind • doctorate from Texas Tcc:h Un1vtrslly. T he Divis ion of Fane Arts added twn new members: Belle Z. Malone and Danny L. While. Malone, ■ssisunt prof,;4sor of m as s co mmuni c 111n n 1 ind Wich1tan allviser. holds a bachelor o f 1111 anJ • muter of ■rt fro m Northust Lou1s1an1 Uruvers1ty. White, auoci11e professor of music. h ■ d serve II as ass1st1nl profenor o f music for seven years ■t W1yland Baptist Um~rn1y. He
rc ~cavell • b1ch elor o f music education from W1yl1 nd 81p1111 Un1vcrs1ty. 1nwtcrofmusicfrom Eastern New Me u co Un1vcr111y and • doctorate frnm Te n s Tech Un1vcmty The D1v1s1on nf Buu oeu Admu1istr111on added two members: Roy P. Patin Jr. and Ricbud M. Duley. P111n h11 1ppro11mately 20 years of tcach1n1 cxpenence, most recently at McNeese Slate Uruvcrs1ty. He received I b■c belor of sc,cnce anJ • muter of busu,en 1dm1n1C1ratton 11 Loumau Sllle Un1vers1ty and a doctorate in buli• DUS admarustr11100. from Missiu1pp1 Stile Universi ty. He will be• profeuor o f finance ind lhe Bridwell ProfcssornfFUWICC. Dailey, ass1st1nc profcuor of manaaement, received his bachelor of science, master of bus1oess adm1n istt1 t1on and I doct o rate ia bu s iness 1dmi nu1rat1 o n from Louis11n1 T ech Un1vcni ty 1nd c ,m e l o Midw est ern from Sh.reveporl, La. The d1v1sions o f humanities, sciences. ind poh 11c1l science ind public 1dm, n1stration ea~h added <me facu lty membe r.
Ro be rt L . Jo hnson I ll , a .. 1oci1te professor of Eng lish, hH 1 b,chelor o f arl5, master of 1rts and • doclora te from the Un1vcu1ty of Colo rado . He was I lenurcd II· soc11te pro fessor or E ne l uh 1t Loretto Hciahts Co llc}i:t in Denver where he ttught for 10 years. He scrn d as \lllihna profusor 11 Rep Un1vcr111y m Denver for lhe pHI two yoears.
Eliu.bclb M. Rincon , 101slanl professor biology . hu • b1c hcklf of science from Cane.as, Venezuela and a mu1er of science and • doc::lonte fro m 1he U n1 ve u 11y o f lllino11 11 Urbana. Most recentl y she served u • postdoctor■l rc5earc h ■ssoc 11te II the Noble fauntlalion, Plant BiolOi)' Division.
Dr. Simuel E. WaL-wn Ill, us ut1nt professor of po ll t 1e al scie nce , rece ived ha ph.d m politi• c, I acience from the Un1vers1ty o f Geor1ia . He ho lds • bac hd o r o f u u from lhc University o f Georgia and• mute r o f 1rts in law and diplomacy from Tufts Uruvcrsiry.
New system installed .-~- ..-~-~~- . : _ - - - - - -.-~-~-~~- -- 'Jc;-:~· !2u.Moffett ~!.~.r.~rt"""' r; , -/ ;.\ :..: . , ,C ~ Rrporttr
The Moffett Library s1aff is doane a six week comparison be· tween a brand new ma11iine 1ndcl c,llcd ProQuell ind the [nfoTuc that is alrudy in the libnry. Jn foTrac 11 used Co h , I names of articles on • cectain topic. It 11,o hst the names of 1he m1gazinc the article is ,n ,nd will advise if lbe libru)' has th1t m1guine. If the user needs the article and maeutoe name , lnfoTuc allows the user to pru:it that info,mation. ProQues t 11 much like InfoTr■c . It has 1 boul 400 CD ROM di~lu th11 ,llows lhe user lo look up ir11clc n1mcs anJ lhc magazine Ilic ar1iclc is 111. It also allows the u.ser to c han ee a di11k and print the u ride on ~•le. Thi5 mctns the user will not h■-.c to find !be m1ganne anJ look up the ar1ide. Ano1her future of ProQuei l i, !h<' ab1hty 10 print out 1r1icles in
subscribe lo. This can only be done 1f the mapl.lne IS listed on the disk. The o nl y ot her way that the library c■ n prov,de m fo rmu10n from • magaz:1nc that they do not subscribe to 1s throueh mter•libnry 10111, which would take • longer period of time. ProQucst has two disk collec• 11ons. The collec11ons arc for bus1· ncss ind eenl!t&! pe riodiuls. The bus1ncss collechon bu more than 800 m1gn1nes listed o n lhe CDs. The other collccllon is for icncral ptnod1cals. Al Itson Breed, head nf thi: rcference depa11men1, said. "I th111k they'll J1k1: 1l because thty can copy off th( cilatKJllS !here." There arc evaluauoo sheets 1v11 dab le for us ~r ~ who wish 10 comment on 11nd ntc ProQuest. The P,0Ques1, located 111 1h~ reference uction of 1he hbnry, 1s 1vad1b\e to st udent~ and faculty dunni: regular library hou~.
1 ', 11 t I If I I I I • (I I 11 " 1 I I I I • I I I I I .I I I I I ·
l'hlil,, by Mv 1t;ul V111dr1d
Midwestern's newest dorm, McCullough-Trigg Hall, will be constructed on the KilliDfswortb parkiDg lot, facing Marchman Hall.
Pace 2
■ Tbunday, Sep tember 24, 1992
Cl,c Wttbl-;J
performs at Midwestern 8yUndoW...,5<olt
The Arh1t l.ttNre SClnu' fira 1uest petform♦c o f the 1991·9) ac1dcnuc y,u was 1mprcuion11t John Roarke. Ro arke and · com• pany• enh1rl11ned a rull-hou,a io 1be C'lark S1udent Center Ballroom S<pt. 17
The rir, 1 10 appear
wu talk·
Roarke quickly appealed 10 the audience ', 1m111na1ion wilh "celebn11cs ,n pol11ic1, • widl an impreu ion o f Jack Nicbolsoa as tbe 1ecrc1ar y of defense. N1c:hol1oca'1
mannub ms wuc d up l icalod lo p e dec ta o n u Ro arke added the d.l rlr. alusu and Nicholson's snoer1n 1 smile • 1 am ,a c barte aow· rc,ver IOUOdod funnier . } R o arke's s poofs conti nued 1w 1tb C hol E utwood as tbo drut c ur, Dus11n Ho ffman u a reporier, Dan Qua yle i n • Ho me Alo ne , · He nry K1ss101er. Ed S ull1v10 ■nd Rw:h■ rd
Roarke's ,mpcuoaalioos of the "Star Trek" c rew, C■pe.111 Kut, Mr. Scoll. Dr. M cCoy and Mr.
John Roarke Spock, were b11 hill w11h the 1ud1e ce. Durin1 the one•man-show, the stage w as 1raced by the llkenr~~CJ o r Marlin P et k 1ns o f Wil d K111id o m , J o hnn y C ar so n , "G botlbw.let$" charactct$ 81\1 MIU'ray 1nJ D a n Aylr.royd , new \ re pn rlcts To m Bro ka. w, Dan Rllhe r and Ted K o p p e l. •t.t•A•S •H" cbarac teu and Col. Oliver Nortb. N0t forscn1na 1he prcs11k11111\
elec tion, Roarke tben lreah:d the a udience lo h11 1mpresstoDS of B11\ Clinton 100 GCOfp Bush. Ho wtvcr, die blue&t a\11.heoc:c rupoase was wbc11 Roarke did h11 1otuprelaho11 of an 111n1 Rooald Rn1111 , Suddcnly, the 1ud1encf; wu 1alr.cn to a press codereoce 10 the Wb1te Ho use w hore Ru1111 ulced reporters fOf quut11ons.
6h. V'11ce Th e U a1vora1ty Po l ic e r u poa ded 10 1beft1, o ■ e 1u1omob1le accident ud ooe act of c n1TUD1l tndCU( lat week.
•• Betweea Sepl. 16-17. wtknown 1nd1viduab bur1laru:ed a suuluy napkin. vea.dio1 macbirte located ia a restroom at tho MSU lelUlll courts. The cover WU pried ope n aad 1be buralan re moved $-4 25 10 c b1n10 and tbt remllllUllt 1111 1t■ ry 01pk1na. Tho damt,. wu appra1,ed at $100. There ue ao •• All unioown IIUOCDI , e movcJ ■ key c hai n compnsint
oac dorm room key, tw o bouu koys. two car keys, an oranp MSU key cb■ to ■tld 1 "Flom!a" k.ey cba111 l1y1nt 011 1be fint noor of the For• 1usoo Budd1n1 on Sep!. II. The 1tem1 a~ worth SIS. •• An uokoowa 1odiv 1dual removed a wallel coota1n.ina $14, • military ID card, an MSU student 10 c ud , a Masterca rd, • Tuu driver's license. a S11a'1 cud, 1 ,oc 1al secuu ty cud and • comb1na• 110 0 bu11ti na a od fis b1n1 license from 1 11udent'1 bookbl1 located o o the thud o f tbo Mo ffett Library betw een ) · J()-(:J O p.111. , Sept 17. T he ire rn1 arc worth $14.
There aH no suspects.
One or 1he fun,u est moments came when Reas,an was Ld:cd 1fhe plan,nc,d 10 run •1•111 Without tk•~ pins I bnl , Roarke, u Rea11n , 1111d , ' No , I a m t1Jr.1n1 la, 1• amo unt~ c,f K1orccta10. AO I doti' 1
thinlr.l w11lha\-Ctll ruo1p111.• Roarkr: hu her n do in1 1mpre.u10M all his hft , ~ dolnJ dwm prhfe~11on1II)' for 20 yu.u . lie hu en tcrt11 n, d hunJred1 of collo1c auJ1e nccs in hvC" ~1form1DCC1 and hu s 11rreJ ,n ABC's ru11onal lale• Nlhl comrJ y «nu "Fndaye: • Dunn, the t\ln or "Fridays. · Roarke cau.:hc the eyo, nf ' Ooonu• bury· car toon1s1 Garry T ru<kau, .. ho 11M1cJ11tcly CHI Roarke UI lh8 l111J rnle in T rudca"'• 11110 h11 ' Rar Ma~tu Rontue. •
Roarke said that tn do 1n"\f)fU" ~,on~ or 1mpcnona11ons, one 'nocJtd the 11ft of an ear. ·
•• An unknown 1nd1v1dual removed rv.-o fibcralass step bddcts fro m an MSU pick- up tru.:Jr. I~ cated 111 the D101el Bu1ld1aa park· u,1 lot belWecll S p.m., Sepe. 18 and JO.JO .1.m., Sept. 21. The ,terns •re worth SISO. There are no 511$pc,ctl
•• A n unknow n 1nd1 \.1dual removed S25 from I snide nt' s purse loc,,1ed ,n Bea Wood 12 1 bc1wcea 1·2 p. m . . Sept. IS. There arc no
suspecu. •• A a uaka ow a M SU
employee rema-.·ed four textbooks localed 1D McCullouah 109 be-
d,v,duals were HCII leav,aa lbe Kene. The i uspccls are MSU 1ntdcn11 .
•• A pphcahOfll are available 1n CSC I0S for aluden ts H ck.1111 n1 c mhe rsh1 p , n 1bc Ot det af Om~s• S1udenl1 ,n 1ercsted muse bclon1 lo ■ ■oc- 111 fn 1e r n1ty o r somrity and musl m.■ 111ta1n a GPA or J.O or tuJhc,.
~I', .
your name and number 50 w. may you and bt u .surocf Iha! no Ot'lt 1 us.t yout name. If you Wish your le!!e, i. pubhshld w ithout your nMte. and lit oontent justi'iesthatactiOn,pltuacc
'Broy[es Painting
For Carry Out Call
Offering 1affSpecia(s on Interior pai11t-ing. Jlmnt cofors at a very alfortfa6(e price. 'We worfJ,artf at giving our dients the most for tfidr tfo((ar. (jive us a try! 'Broy(,s pait11i11g
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formatK1D call c•t. 4271.
,, _10
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tween AUi , 24 • nd Sepe. 14. The item._~ are worth $160. •• On Sept. IS, ■n MSU SIU· de nt d riv 1a 1: 11 bl u e 1 9 8 1 OlJ) mob1le Cutlass collided with• Ill) 1980 Po n111c Sunhud located 1n IOI 6 while 11tcn1pt1nz to p.,k beu d e 11 As of press li me , tb e dunage hasn ' t bttn 1ppra1scd. •• A l 2. 45 1.m.• Sepl. 17, a Uruvcn1ty Pohcc officer d ~ an or1n1c and white stnpcd pluuc barrel w,th • flashm1 h1b1 attached placed 1n the foun111n. Tbrce 1a·
'i lltl-
•• T he 9 10 1011 Jouraal Club will meet at 12: 15 p.m., Sept. 25 iD Bol~n Science Hall 11 7. For more 1nfo rm111oa call Len Wost al 72) ·
• • Workl hop1 dcaliat with 1roup cou111eli a1 fo r c hild ren , 1een1 ■ nd dysfunc11ooal c-hlldren dent body and may nol roprHenl a •• The Uni\·eu11y Democrat~ will be held Sept. 25-26 ID CSC 104- s~us ot the entire staN wi ll mctl 11 4.)0 p.m. , Sepe. 24 1n 107. For more ,nformat1011 coot.let.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , . CSC 11 8. the D1v,~1on of Con11nu1111 Educa• •• T he fil , n£ deaJ ll ne for : • 1100 ateKI, 47S6.
i. /ll•lloT••
p m , Sepl. 25. 11 lhe MSU soccer field. for more 1nform111o n call Harv Allt.n 11 ut. 47(.,9.
Clrcui.tlon Man~•r
,esn tra tton fee II required. Fo r mo re 1nform1noa, call the Eathsh dcpartmcol at e1t. 4300,
•• The firtl payment for cmer· gency tuillon and fu loans i• due between 9 a m. - S p.m., Oct 8 11 the Bus1nc11 Office. For more 1n-
•• Tbe MSU/Wf Chn1c soc· ccr tournament will be held 11 6
,W• .,..,~,.._,,-.,W_.
/ -----:r -;;:-;:< Sl (Oo(I' 111,uf
Gf•phle Artl•t•
Upo& ~ ••·....o•...... "" "" ....
•• Tbe En1ll• b uu10 CI· aminallon w ill be a iven ■I I p .m., Oc t 12 1n Hard in 207. A SIS
•• Tbe Wi chll ~ Falls Ru1by Club (for me rly the M SU Ru1by C lub) hold, pr1c11cc at 6 30 p.m. , every T uesday and Thursda y, 11 f1eld S 1n Jaycee Parlt. For fflOA, In· form111on CAIi Rod Pucntas al 696·
T-,,......... .a~t•ol:IS,.,.. ,,,,,.,.,..a.a, .....
!lfOl'llfl.lU ' 't&tfllWIIJ
Edttorln Chlttf
fonn■11011c.aU ut. 4198.
•• Elecu oos fvr fr es hma n ,enalor and homcc.om1n1 nomincu will be hdd betwee:n b-8 p.m. , Scf!l. JO 1n the CSC Atnum. FOJ moro in• format ion call Johnny Cuter, SGA prc11dcnl, al UI. 4709.
..n, ....~.s.Md - ~.,..-.U •T_. ·T-•S.-•--....
Jc,Jpt.ru '
Midwestern State University 3400 Taft Blvd. PO Box 160 WJchtta Falls, Texas 76309 (817) 689-4704 5ut,scription rate S10 per year.
•• The African-Amer~ •n du·
cuu,on 1roup offen open d11cu1· uon a bout ,mportant iss ues a t 8 p.m every Wcdnc.~y 1n the media room of 1hr Moffett L ibra ry, Everyone 1s inv11ed For more in·
•• Fui$bme11 caa re z1s1cr co run for the Student Senate between I a.m. - S p.m. , Sepe. 24-25 lll the Student Government office, CSC I 06, o r 1n the office for tho vice• p r cs1d o n1 for 11uden1 and ad· m1nis1rat1vc 1trv1cu, HuJ1n 112. For more 1nform11ion call Johnny Carter, SGA pre1Klcnl, al ul. 4709.
[ a] ~
•• Tbe payc huh>t Y clinic prov1dc1 h-clp, support and cowucl· ins for MSU studcnlJ. For more utformation call c,;I 4791
caa be made bclween 9 a. m. ·· I p.m., Sept. 24-25 in the Clute Stu• dent Cenler Atrium. For more 1n• fo rmat ion call Jo hnn y C arter , prc11dcnl of l he S1udu1 Gove rn· amtl AUOCUlbOD, al ell. 4709.
sllow holt Plul Dooahiae, aabn1 Iha
with his pot1t1y1\ o f I:>oMhue.
•• Homocom1n1 nom1n111on1
1 be COiMd y aen.ius of Roart:e kapl th audio.co 1ueuia1 who m11ht appear ccxl on •t•it before dlt up, crowd.
famous quut 1o n, •1, tho ullu lhtrc? " The ndieace soon J11• covered the d1tcUSJ1on topk oftbe 0Yen,n1 wu • m 1ht1n1 dys le x,c 1ro up1 w ho wo rs hip Satan • Re plete w11h a w hile w11 and 1luus, Roarke uuooed 1he aucheace
Oec r mbcr rraduales 11 Oct S. For more 111 (o rma11 o n . c all th e 1,.,•1 off1t11 at cAI, 4321.
•• T be Un1 vc111ly Prozram· auni Bo ard will pr uenl ac tor Core y Feldman al 7 p m .. Sert, 24, 1n 1he C lark Studenl Co l er Ballroom. For mo re ,nfo rm■tion u ll the VPB at e.11. 4591.
3411 KEMP 892-9305 • 892-9800
J purchase of Buffet 11 Wilh t:0u;,on
Offer upvcs NovaT1bu :. 1992
11 11 JL
I Offrr U.pG'u November 1, 1992
- - - JL
I ::,.I
OITtt ~ires No~onba- I. 1~:
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S orts
goper intentions?
~~who~~~ seek new glory !,, ,::n~ r:,:~,;~,::~:•,, .,: :.,•!"~~'~:
s,,1'tM D,,lln Ci>wl>(,y1 .,. 1 ,, am tin lht urwwu, k T 1 r;.;J
~~•N: ~: t,,111 11t1n n1 the name of fo, . f.1h\1lou, 11t f,,, 11
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,J 'f"""t-\1) .. ICl.•Jl d duri n11
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lhln 1mpru-
'p,;:~~:hk: l~:c~~:~~.•~~
/.. t,,n Ph yeu m ake up ~fl pen--r111 of lht o, 1111u..19
C wboyt' 111 r e.co d
'I"'OI ~ r ow nen h,r, ~~:
, ~ . , ,u,va,• nce • nJ .
, , ; · r,o plr think ch a t t he ~. Apnl 1989, ihe CVt"flb th&t ibe Cuw boy, for e ver , mu.: h. M ■ yh. thciy' re i1~1Jy, 1t wu JUII I mane r
Jf _.
C\lll h of lhc G;ewa,Dihc • l~"1.iol 'Whe n lb1n1s 11u1rd ' ' f>i dcu li llinv ,nto pla.:, •n D111, t
•uaon ber an LUu~"'hct1 •he 1960 het:anle th' C'crwboy,• ,, loush f~ ri111 ~•'Ofl·w ~ 1 · h boy, who fin11 d 0 c · I I 1n fi cl , the f ir;, I U,
c:: Mld c: hry :c;. lht 115 ~
1~•de '-"etc li ke
~~r~ lbe Ille 6{k 1~ .,...~
l ~ioClD I w10 fames, lbci
r' _. 111ter• 11
Whe n lhe fa n1
1 _,-1, the)' 5lop buyme lickthe f,n, $ lOfl huyme tick-
• ,-fiU ,0 OOWn • nd lhe MYI III , - ofl,ce ;cc ver) Dtr\·Ous,
~• ~ r . the re 11 a little more thal There 1s • l1nlt bit f o , ~...DIP'w1th ,1. Schramm bu, 11 lhe Cow-
., , "thelJ~~.cm":"" ~ • ", o"thh,.• ', '" .. .., " 11
!11 _
in 1960 b y C li nt Mur•
,,_ Jr. fo r l he mue s um o f ,.
.,. ,-.
a uc hT•••• c o w hoy1 m ide 01111 H d h 0 on M 11 5t• 0 hach and Bobc ~e 11 h' Ro rer ousebntd wu,d,. Dun n, Se h r.a mm he■ded i°h/tHJry a:d :~:~tn1 c e remo niea home f:• i:!~ ':'...~lllle-of-tbe •art
'--' On< CU)' need ed 11, the
~':: 1~: r' ,~ . ~~: :
ver y name · oa\. "")' wuulJ r 1 " ' becume ) )nun)'m u u, w , ,h ner , • T heu recolrhc lerm ·win• e_~c r ,.
~cmc ~ ~ :e~;eo; ~:
coac h 11 1h1 Un,vru1ty o f M11m1 unhl Junes mi lk him lhe- Jul. Tlle w ho le sc he me would c btnjc lhe
d,Jn '~t: . ; : \ : .•, : ~ 9.w o n l a ew1 In Arril, IQll9, Jerry JOM1, an Arkansu 011 Ind 1n\ ur1nce b1p11, u me to iuwnwuh monq10tium . Jone., wun ' 1 • euc lly • h11d u ll , He hid all the appal of a tde•
Cowboys Mevct, J o nn made the dcnl of Che c e nl u r y . J o ha1on f o und job aec ur11 y, ind Landr y, like Roy Ro,as m • c1ty--shcUr hat, rode off 1n1o I.he , un."CI.
, van,<ltst.
M ore than three year• after the dul 1h11 put Landry out o f• JOh ,nd Johnton 1n c harse of tho cum w 11h the wo u t record 1n the N11 10n 1I f oo1b1 II Lu1ue . th e
lie la,d out• cool $140 m,lbon for the Cowboy,, their Jehu anJ an uncc rlltn fu1u r e . In lhe ume bre.ath and without the d 1ib1e11 b11 of .,...,n,n1. he find Landry. out
1~:~~r""~~lSold::~;h,~;;: ,~;~
thu U: you or a
, :::• wu1 n1n1 t wo Su per Bo w l c o.:t,IOnSlups, 1972 and 1978. The: hue ih,: ~ • ;:lined I s cron1 pos1 2•◄ 111 1 ' u rly SO., flBWWlc 80 198 1 • nd 1913. How could IUCh ' wccc... ever come la 111 e nJ
T he 1c 1 m , lhe f1n.1 and J UJ I ih,.,u1 •nyonc who had cvu seen or hu rU 1hout the Cowboys were in 10 111 , hock . How w11 ■ny o f th1t poaible7 No 1n1ltu 'Ml■t. ,t - s I doac deal.
198 3 • Mu rch 15o n, h11 forlun In nd health J eclinin1 . MMd lhe C c' I o w boy1 alone w11b lbe l ladium
For ourly three d e cades, Landry had coac hed • Amern:1 ' 1 team • wnh d1p11ly, bolb on aod off tho field . He ld't 1n much 1hc w mt
D iet •ad OOltr debts IO Di\lu GI·
•- ~ i~~°~,~~~~ '"' • • - - ,- ....1
::: ,~;:~~ 0
. h tc 1 twomd~ , :::. ~ : : : : '
Our experience works for the students and faculty at M.S.U.! . fa:uclixuy cwicc a day to MSU! • Larre,t )Clecion ol olf.:t supplies &fomitu~!
• S.vt ( ,om '40 · 6()'3ii 00 the il:t:rN )'OU nocd ITQl in our l'riority Pricer! • Fm Exprca Dtli-."'l · Kno.-laJw,,bl,SQ/1 • Xao,c Copirn; & Fu Machira
tc.ued L1ft1h y aude and rt pl1ccd • l I h h 1 h J1 ~nJ tbc Un1vcn11y or A,bN.u.
m1n1111n1 pu lnu 1,>( 1hc Cowbo)'t orr1 n1uhnn, hu1 net m10 could AN the hluk yc.,lf 1h11 wt"r-t <.Offlltll, The .Jownh 1lt t hdc 1c 1u1lly heru 1n 19!6, bu1 rhe tuuch••od· JO , ,1u111un h11 ~IOOI ,n 19811. In 1988. the CCMro)°$ had lhrir 1960, fuuUuni ). V.-0" ' ICl1tln )'.~ ll
Jnhn w n .._,as 1hc h• d looClMII
Cowboy• are otl lhe roaJ to 1u«e:M 1 11
once i n,
O n Se r e, 7. the Cowboy,
:~ ~ ::~•:e~~oonn ~:~•,ns i~ -~~p~ 13. the Cowboys played thc111rch ri n h , lhc New Yo rk G iants , ■nd wtlked 1W1y with• 3+28 vic-iory. The Cowboys' improveme nt has been cradu.al and thcu pcrfot• 1 :u•r~~; ~:: ~ ; ~,~~ k 'II dd :!u.c/:a'nm~::;'.°" w1 nu e
Bulldogs narrowly :::::~t~:: edge Indians 13 - 10
way J csr1tc the C owboys· record d u11n1 the proio u1 four sca,ons and de•r i1e Jone,' method of han• dMe lhe .,.hole affair.
Two 11mes ,nro 1bci u uon is far 100 culy t0 Jud1c whelher the Cowboy• w,11 be 101n1 It) the Super Bowl. but 11 doct put lhem a li ule
boo,! ~ J~: s
;~c!~ r IO the J lofY they oocc ea-
Sports Schedule for September
~~ ::;;~c~1:
Soccer vs. Rockhurs1 8p.m., Sept 25. Home Soccer vs. Sangamon 8p.m .• Sept. 26. Home
· Swinra: T yprwricm
•Compl,:ct" in-«tll't it'rviu dt-i:=-rnncnc · !-cttbx bnnd olta fumi utt • lntmot Dtsip Scma •~~
· JO<,y O.,..l'bn • In bwinesuinu IQ42
Our nuromer IQ'jalty ,,,,,,.. (o, ,o,/f? \\{- rml' abot.t our c11stomm!
Jlt1l 59C_~_ NUMBER.
Afle r M1dwes tcr n '1 1 1 m e 1s 11nst Southwcsr O klaho ma Stato Un1veu11y Friday, 1hc acoreboa rd pos ted I ll· IO 1to re 1n fa vo r o f sosu. howc\'er , the 1tat1SIICI u,cfj. calcJ a w1nn1ne effot1 for lhci In· d1111s In r u1h,n1 , each lea rn camcd 5 1 l1mf' w1lh the lnd11n1 1110101 299 yards while the Bulldop pinc,d lnd1v1Ju1I ca me u for the In• d i• n• v.cre He nry A nde 11 w ith 17 carnet for 86 yards , C n 11 Peewdh I) Cl rtlCI few 101 yank
W VB vs. Lubbock: Chriscian 3p.m., Sep1. 26 , Ho me WVB vs. S ul Ro ss l p .m ., Sept. 27. Home W VB vs. Soulhern Nazare ne 6p.m., Sc pl. 29. Away WY O vs Cameron Univ. 7 :30p.m ., Sept. 30 Away
7p.m .• Se p1. 26. Away
By Dtlarui hrilrr Spo,b SW!'
WYO v,;. Uni v of D:dlas 7p.m .. Se pt. 25. Mo me
F B vs. Abilene Chris1ian
Plwlo b1 K1I, R11oJUlf
An unidentified Indian crunches an SOSU Bulldotr,
ccrted by Andr e Cooper for • ]~ yard re.tum. Eleven play, laltr Ke ith Wood n11lcJ 1 48 -y11d field 1 011 lhal aNt the ln<hans ahead 10-6.
In 1hc fout1h quarler , SOSU forced lo puol once Ip.ill. Du■
J◄ car• 1 ir,:: t a~~n~~1r : ,~ ~ ! i :
l nd 1v1du1I ca m en for 1he Bulldos~ were E ric Royal with 26 cu11es for 152 yaub and Sylvester J o urney with l l c ar11t1 for 70 yards . Pe 1t11rew ltle m(lled I) (lUSC-1 for 2 complrlmns for 14 yuds and 2 1n1crcc p11on1, SO SU'i- d un1 P,11 co mpleted 10 o f IS fo, Ill y11d1 1nJ one 1n1crce(ll1on. M ike C 1 lc o 1e . M SU head coach 111d lhlS W II DOI I pau mc r ime for 1hc lnd11 ns ·The tu m r la yed as well II to be UflCCled , hut ,f !he tu m 's p11.u n1 wou[J ha ve been helle r. 1hcy could h111c ""Ul.· he sa>d. Four plays aflcr .a Bulldoe punl 1n the tir11 11uarter , Waeoner b u rat up Ch e m11IJ l c f o r M1dwcstem '1 fir sl 10uchdown. R upond1 n1 to th e l nd11n.s ' looc: hJ own , SOSU 1111ha ted an 80yud scorme dn ve capprd off by 1 2•y11d TO run by En c Royal. The Cllrl p111n1 1nemfl( fu lcll.
10:42left coplay. D uring a 19-yard dnve Roya l WU b 11 ID lht b1c k (1clJ, b ut he 1l rc1ched for a fi MI TD thl put the Bulltlop on lop 11· 10. W11h 6 ·-45 r em1 i n 1n1 1n th e ga me the Ind ians f11 led to produce ano thr r s cor e , w hic h 1 1v e lhe m their firs1 ~ fe.at of the 1992 seuon. C alc o te 111d he w 11n ' t c on• cerned w ith lhe Tnl,,c'1 DI. sosu 1., l he best IClffl the In• d11111 havci pll)'Cd IO far. w as I very ha rd h1ttui1 match whicb aho uld prepare lbt lnd11n1 e ve n more for confereoc-e play .
"It's 1he hllle th1n1 s l bat 1 we the o pponent breaks , 10 the 1mall lcc hnu:11 rrro u mu.sl be conectcd lo WVI, •
C.kott Mid.
The Indians' nu t 1amc w,11 be 11 2 p. m. , &pt. 26 at Abilene ChnJ. han Un1ven1ty,
I HR. C LE.ANERS AN O LAUNDRY 1612 9th Slftc-1 1731 S(iuth.,.·rn Parkw •y 767-0080 W,duUi Squa:t 69\ -IQ% Rio Vasca Plua o.cc,· 11 · Jc,r, 'Hy !SOI M~;;~:,P•kw■y ]22,755' 691.(106(1
10% d1scoun1 on dry cleaning and laundry.
D1"(uw11 invaluJ \l.llh .tnyothcn,pcnal<!
BODY HEAT .......
New Harvest Church George B. Davis, Pastor ; "Keep on telling people about Jesus until.
Jesus tells you to stop 1elling them!" 9:~5 A.M. 10:~5 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
i t
Sunday Sct,ool ~1orning Servicr Evening Strvicr
Wednesday Worship
Pn:"('nl MSl ! 10 \\11h 1111.11mm mllC'1' In r~'l:IV(' lll\uiunt
COOKS AND DISHWASHERS Need opcncnccd cooks, prep cook, and d1shwlbhcro; We olfrr high wa,:~. bene fits and growth Of)pOrl un11y for twdworkmg anJ dcpc-nd:lblt 1nd1v1duJ.1-. Plc:t(t :tp(lly 1n pcNOn· Thur~ay, ScpU:mb(r 24. IOa.m . 106 p. m. A
1 oncr w i th
I n lh e 1h 1td quar1c , M1 dwcstcm led 7-6, Durin1 lhe Indians' fin e d o ve 1hcy we re forced lo tum o ve r !he ball because o f 1 2-y11d loss on the fourlh down sucmpt. T he B u lldo1s were a ble lo march do wn to l he M 1dwcs 1ern 6· yard hne , but t hclf pus wu 111Cer·
MUST e_:_:~- - _
For more 111forma1io11 ca ll: 855-5095 Mee1ing every Sunday in the "Upper Room" of the Days Inn.
Lmk Different A lot Bcuc r
LALANI'S Reuuurant aml {;r,fl h ,-n.;h V1ll■srn,1td,r,cum-i Pl,..,.~ &. T•" I- .-urm, A Wund I ir..J Rr>< l I h rt1
Waitstaff, Bartenders, Hostesses, & Bus Help Now hmng e.-pcncnccd and f)Crson3bk new fo,- the abo\'C pcm11on~ Onl y fon-lovmg harJ11,orkmF 1nd1vufmls nttd appl) Pka-.c 1r,ply m PC""-,n.Thurscb). Scptt-mbcf 2.a \Oam, 1ofi p .m.
A l.1111~ D1ffcrcn1 A 1111 lkllcr
LALANI'S R<'\lmtrtmt um/ C,r,1/ l n-n.-h VillJf\' \hJ•ntu nM.•\ A, 1,11
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