Volume 73, Number 3
Thursday,Sept. 29,1994
Media symposium will focus on O.J. Simpson
1994-95 Student Government Elections Voung held. will be
~10 nd3) .
6p m -8p m
case coverage By Nnillc L e\\ is Associate Edito r After month~ o f media blitz. thi.: O.J. Simpson case's ncw:-.•wonhincss 1s now as much a focus as lhc story il,c\L I-las the media hccomc ~wcr-saturah.!d with " Juice·· news'! Is 1t hype or is it news? Do inquiring minds still want 10 know? Or is ii tune to r,ul\ the plug on a <ioap opera which has l ong lost it" story
hm.:'? These art! ~nn11.! of the
4ucstions that a local media p;ind will discu~ :n a symposium sponsored by the tvtSU mass communic Jtio ns dcpartmcn.t. the r,,fcd1a Club and The W1 cl11ran fro m 7-8;30 p.m .. Oc1.
in the MSU
Cl:irk Student Ce nt er The ater. "Whal 1s the role of lhc.: 1ne dia'' " Dr. Bri:in
Thornton, MS U assistant
TucsJJ). o~,.4
moderator of the discussmn. of people. w he snid. asked. "Is it to givt: them (the r-.frDonald and Bu~s arc people) what tht:y want or pnrt of the rancl. Susana what they nccd?R Schukr, news director of ~n 1dc pho nc m1erv1cws KFDX C hannd 3; D:ina wnh media pcrsonnd in the Moffau. cdi1or-in-ch1cf of 1hc Wichi ta Falls area. this Wichita Fal\<; Tim rs Rt'coni q uestion seemed crncial 10 N,...,, s and radio hu!>I Ted the dchate. Dyrda of KWFT 620 AM arc "l think it is only human 1hc other panelisl<;. nature that people want to read good news and journal wh's i;ood tl1 hcJr from proists have :i. responsibi lity 10 fc.'-,;ionals. 111cy 1:an Jiscuss report :ill kind of news," Ted the question of prl.!Ss rcspon• Buss. business cdil(lr of the sihihty and how they sec ll1L·ir Wichita Falls Timts/Record mks,H lllornmn saiJ . Nl'ws, said. Rl-lai1i we ha\'e to run. hu1 Me rnd 1hc main purpose of O.J . 1s what the people really the discu(sion is 10 hrini; want to read about. The cov• profossionab, s1uJcnl!i :ind erage may he too much but it 1he public IO,!;Cth..:r. i~ th..: way society is geared the&.: days. " he s:ud. R1gh1 now. it 1s a tim.: of Mike McDonald. news d1 - change in JOumalistic ethics. n.:ctor of KAUZ Channel 6. Thornton said. "J11urna!ists thinks it is very intcrc~ung. ::m: askin£ o ther: 'Arc "Righi now . it is the prime we in pcopk pleas ing news story of the day. lt is of business or people educating great importance 10 a number business?' "
;r r
6p m -~pm. Pierce Hall WcdncsdJy, Oc1 5 9a.m.. J.2 _10p,m. CSC ,\mum Wcllncstlay. Oct. 5 6p.m.-Sp m. Mofkll Lib,ary lhursday, Oc1 6 9a.m.• \2.10p.m. CSC Dluc J..oungl' ThurStl:ay. Oct. 6 Mom·n I 1hrary f>JU11 •8pm.
MSU voter registration ambassadors appointed lly Charles Cage
of11.~ pcopk.n Ktrk said. Ru1h:11,n G reer, prc.'lidcnt
S taffWrit1:r
of thi.: Le ague of Women Voters. SJid nTrue equality exi~t.s at the h:i llot box •· one person, one vote •• regardless of gender. r.'.lcc, ethnicity, income or cduca11on." Kirk .'.llso emph:i~izcd the influx 0f rcfu l!ccs f11Jm CuOa and Ha111 aS proof of the world's uniform rc1i:cuon of non-di.:mocrJ1ic forms of
government. HOnly when wc all p:irt1c•
ipatc .::in a govcrnmcm 1ru!y reprcscn1 the i:olli.:.:t1vc. Kirk said. The "Jtnha~., ador programn comcid1:s \\1th HT..:x;.is Vo ter Rq:1s tr:it1on Wcck H S..:pt. 24 thrmit h Oct. I. Kirk s:.iiU ,,\tcrs wh,) have mo,•cd sho uld cont:1c1 the county clerk's office to (On• film their rq;istrJtion. SGA r n-..·nuragcs :-tudcnts w :illcnJ today·~ 7.JO p.m mci:11ng nr L"ilnlact the SGA 0 111cc al 6K'J..n1~J fnr more mfom1atw11.
.,,..~-~····"·""~-n ""·"·"·"' Jr~;,.,ci M ;/
Member visits~!~ ~ ~!~R~~1,m • . ~~d i tor. c~wng body for c I cg .
prcs~d with our sch~ol." Rodrigucz said. "c!ipt::c1ally the ni;w gr:idu:.ilt.: levd r.roi!~:irns in radiolofy ~nd nurs1.n~. Santos 1n cs 10 v1$1l 01~..: collq :c 1:Jmpu<. p.:r wc..::k m ~ic-. invol\ingncwproJi:cts of (.'OnJunct ion \\ 1th hi~ volun• SJ.00.000 o r n~ orc and. tcn dutii.:<.fN thl: hii;herc:du· n:nuva1ion proJcc· ts 01 c:mon l·oonJ,nar rni; ho:mJ. S600.000 or more. I11e pres•· Rrlllnf'Ut' 7. s.1iU. ~knt said. S;lnlUS IS J !l1~1.l 1u l J ,1..:tnr S ros llll.'. I \\ ilh ~!SU f:u.: anJ adiu ni:l p1\1l i.:ssor ,1t t hi.: 1 • a;nd ::,lu1.k n1.~ during h ~ Ti:xa~ ft'ch H:JKal SchOfll u. tyl anJ tour !111.:- 1.·. .11npu(. in Luht->od.
Uy tt~1a n Ba ll~rd. E 't arf le,:as. a~d. T1m hcrly Ly~sen, S Sanios. w~o cam~ .Jt ~o: \\ rater . 3 1~m- drigua·s lll\'ll:lt1nn. •~- cl~air Dr. Ray I.:... Sant1,s. -~'.1 . 11 m:in of the approp1 lJl 1~ ~ !> bcr of the h igher cdu1., ~•~ 1 ·ommiucc for i.:ampu~ foe1h-
t:Oord1n:111ng hoard: v i~i tL: l r-.-!SUSc-pt.22to rn'1\·v.. '-,irn: pus facditic..:s :.tduJ h1,;·r~~~~\y famt!iar with Stu i:nts. " .. .ind ongoing programs._~-'. ~~ Louis J. RodnbUl.!I., pn:si L: ofMSU. .0 Thl' hii;lw r ..::duC.'.ltiPn '- • orJin;ninl! h<'arJ 1( thi.: ~O\ ·
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The Homecoming court ~ill consist or the hom~,-~".'mg queen,
senior duc hess.
junior duch..:ss. s~phomorc princess and I rcs hm .:t n princess. . Momcc<,ming queen nominees arc Pam 8 :iih::y. Becky Bl:ick. Jcnnikr Casey and Jcnnifor Novak. Senior duchc.,;,; nominees arc Kellie B:ikcr. l-,·landy Byerly. Emily G ossom and S1:iccy Stanley. . Junior duchci.s nomin..::cs are Julie Liulcp:ii;.e. Dawn Mays. Amy Moscsm:in and Tr:1chclle W:imcr, Sophomore pnnce((, nominocs include Allie D1Palma, ~-tis~y Grccnw:iy. Shellie Maroney and Stacy L. Tayloe Freshman princes:, nominees arc Knstcn Bakr r. Lol:i Cole. Dustic Trigon:i and L:iuric M. \Villi:tms.
MSU police chief reports decline in campus thefts Uy TimlK.-rl y Eysscn
StuN'Writcr Theft rcpons Jwppcd Sh pcrL·cnt, burglary <lrvpflCd eight pcrccl'1 and whu:k accidents Jn,ppcd '\2 percent during 1he l'J'H· 199-l schoul year. acc,)rdmg 10 II. G. E\"ans. ~lSU due l of p,)licc. Co mp:in~ons i nd uJc tm:il \·:i~cs from the 199~91 sL·hu,11 )C:ir .ind the l 9~.l"\-1).J M. h1A' I ye Jr, T h~ft cac.e::, dropp-!d from i I to '.\6 in:-1,1nc..::s :,nJ huq:,1.u y of a veh:\·lc. building 11r r,ium d\•.:r-.:,1..i.:J f111m 12 1-, 11 CJ....:~. E,·Jn(, :-. id.
.\!,11.,r l...L u~~•· dc1 t, lrnrp,:d fri11 1 so \\' \ .1. I \',11h ,.i1J. l11•rn :· 1h · \\\·c : 1 S ri
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begins Monday
classes. Nominees for the senior class an: Christy Slayton and Krisicn Walther. Sophomore cl:tss nominees arc Anna Stinsnn and T:rn• weer Kah.-cmullah. Shanyn:t Av..:y. T<inay Dickey. Brooke R. P.111crson. Frltlay,Ocl. 7 Jan Pl:i.yford. Tnc,a Zcnk~r and Dustic Trigona arc nom!· i!k'='=9 ,ea,e .maa•,.12a,·1;,;;0paa.,a n1.'='='='5C'5S'5C'58'51u,sc,s l..o,su,sn,,,g •c'='='5!l ~~~- for two frcshm:rn pos1-
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By C harles Cage Starr Writer MSU students w1II h:ivc a chance 10 vote for three class senators and the homecoming coun staning Mond~Y: The three scn:llc posmons av:iilablc arc for the senior, sophomore and freshman
Tui:s<fa:y, Oct. 4 9am.-12 ;0pm. CSC Atrium
Midwestcrn's Student pro le s s o.r . of mass Government Associalion vice co m 111un1cat 1ons and president and 1hc dean of stu· dents were appointed "\'Oler I I; 1 1 registration ambassadors" by Texas Secretary of State Ronald Kirk last Friday. Amy Dean, SGA vice president. and Phillip.Birdi1~. dean of studcnls. will assist 1he Secretary of State's office in rcgis1rring and encouragi ng local voters Ocforc the Ck:1. 9 dcadlim::, Kirk s:iid. Student scn:itor:, will d ts· cuss Midwes1i.:rn's p,1r11ci p J. • lion in 1hc nationwide vmer registration camrJit,:n tod.1y. Kirk said alk r the PlLr!!I.! of expired \'Oli.:r n..:g1:.trat1011,; Aug. 16. only 8. 1 millicin of 13 million voting age rx,:oplc remain on till' rq;i::,tr.11ic1n t'1rul1 y and j l u~,nts 'llsll wil~ D ~: mio or ani,.:.iinn or lll~p:inic ,tudtnls; Rrhek:ah 80fmc-, ~c..of rolls. ROOr ii:~f1,. prt51dt'nl !\~SU, th Slutif n/ Unlon: l>r . Ray E. Sanl~ nMn~l~r of lliJ?htr 1-~ ucahon "It 1s my i;.oal 10 im·rca'-C SGA; ) ol,m1la llurkli, ~ru. "~ , ot SGA· and Mikr M ahur in, p!l., t c.:apl:un of Collri,:, no .... 1 tum. 1hosc numbers. Texa..,; c:mnot CuonlinalinJ! Ro:,r,1: J rn n:, n l,h:1u1I. prts, , cffi:ct1\'cly chant;c the issues Higher E duc:..i tion Coordin ating Board fai.:ing lhi~ S~.IIL' 1( "'.I.! _do ~ot h:ivc the ac11vc par11c1p.1lH1n
Oct .l Killmgswonh Hall
Voting for SGA
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Advice offered to job seekers By Cheryl WoodrulT
I nd Grtg: Pta«k College Press Service For college s1udents who gr:i.du:ue within lhc ncxl yc;tr and st.irt looking for a job, corporate recruiters have some advice for you - do your research. According to thCS( recruiters. "The more you know about their com~ny and the job you're inlcrvie..,•ing for. the bcucr your chances of gelling an offer." Lynn Nemscr, a corpor:11e human resources consultant with Partners in Pcrfonn:mcc lnc. in PittSburgh, S3YS graduates who continue to use their · good srudcnt" approoch to job hunting arc·tbe most ~ucccssful in .ftndiN,,lhc right JObs. 1s absolutdy cnt1cal. II they start 1heir career cxplor,uions 1he same way lhey Slan their courses. lhey are !;Omg to be! successful,~ she s.i1d. There's no shortcut m good research. Use: all the sourtcs available. One source is the use of your library·s d:w1hases for cum:nl newspaper. ma~azmc and trade journal articles. The rollowing sources will help you find the lattsl information: •I nfo Trak. a computer 1hat sun·eys most ncwsp:i:pcrs. m:ig:11.1nc.s :rnd lfadc 1ournnls. • V:i!uc Lint: lnn:stmem Survey. :i mon1hly puhlic.ition 1h:ll r rov1dt·s current m• forma1ion on m.:.tJOr 1.·orpor:itions. • 8us1nl'SS Peri odicals Index, :i hstmg of pubhca• t1ons that mithl pcr13in to the industry you·rc researching. • National News paper Index. a daily compilat10n of
news stories from major dty dailies. • A.-.k the company's put-.hc n.· lations oflicc 10 'il"nd yC"lu a copy of 1hc m\1s1 n:l·ent annual report and a finam·1al st,:llemcnt. The~ ~ ill pnn 1dt· information t1n 1hc ~<,mpJny\ earnings, fon:~·ast1ng, ('\1mpe1111on, and produr1;; and services. Also a.d: for :my R:'l·nutment bcnt·li1s brochun.·s th1.·v · mighl have. •Call your alm:i m:uds alumni ofli<:e and :isk 1f thc1\· are any g_rJduatcs wh{l Wllrk for the companies in whil·h you·n; m1crested. h's cspc• cially effoc11ve to 1:ilk 10 someone who is in a JOI, s1mi•
Jar to I.he one )'OU wam. Call
those people and ask to mccl with 1hcm. if fN.1SS1bk. Olh• erwisc, ask qucsuons on Lhc phonc. Your goal tl> to find out what they do, if you are capable of doing it :ind 1f you·rc right fQr it Abo ask if they could help you in any way. Hert a rt some other questions to :isk btfort the j ob inten·iew: •How many employees" •How old is the company? •Where is the company·s main he.idqu:inc~? • What business acm•i1ics is the company in\'olvcd m'! Wh:11 arc its m:un products and services? •Who :ire its cu.smmcrs or clients" Who arc its compct1• tors? ' Wh:it is 11s market shJ re" Annual n!\'Cnuc.f .1 • How is H weathering 1hc recession" l-1:ivc there hcen any fay-offs" Q utslio ns lo Ask: J ob Ch:ir:iC'terislics • Wh;H quahf11.JliClll!>. 1n terms of grades. v.nrk ,:, pcnencc or ,·urriculum and hack•
t:round, arc rcqum:d or pn.·fom:d't
• Wh:it pcrsonaluy trails an:- mos! desired"' • What 1s the L·orpor;1h' ,ullun: and philosophy"' ~11, . S l{lfl .(1:11cnwnr1 Dn.·...~ c,,(k'' Workin~ rnndumn)"! •Wh:ll ty(X'" of j11hs arc availahlc 111 lih,:ral ans gr.1J• Uat<.".s'1 ' Whal is the !>lartmg -.:ilary or ranf:!1.' ' *Whal lypl~11 {l( lruinin~ pn>t?mms arc offcn:d·1 •What J1x: the l"lcnl'lits"! • Wh:11 1s 1hc ·'Jll'nfic h1r• ing pmce,;.s'' (How many in• ll'TVll' WS. \\Jlh wh{llll. re• \umcs. trans..-ripts?) • Whal an~ thl' drawhaeh lO working'! •What is the 1111er\'kwing process'' Whac'! Wh:it ques• tions do 1hcy ask? • Cxscribc a typical day or
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Carihhcan cuhun: on l·ampus Meetings occur h1-mnnthly at the Clark Srndcn1 C'en1cr.
•-•----•-•-•-------••• • I I
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The CSA seeks 10 foster The Carihheun Stu<lcn1.~ As,(oci111ion (CSA) ckc1ed a cloi;cr colf.ihoration amcini; memhcu and to rromrne iu Saturday. lasl new cxc,·u1ive knowlcJgc ahout 1he :i C arl os Th oma s.
USA Training Company
Lc!'s talk. PIC.1$( call Sue Anl'VGlcnn COlll'CI :II (7 1) )-11}9-~ 172
(jrruui Opening Special
Caribbean students elect new officers
Oasses hrld each ~fQ;-.r.'DAY &T 6-9:15p.m. aoo also ta{'h SATUROA 81.m.• J p.m.
Crystaf 9'.laifs ana'Tan
fr o m m~jo r Other sociulog~1s president. Grenada, new officers arc Gcrene first vice Thompson. prcsidenl; Howie Prince, second vice preside nt: Blanchard, Ros amond secretary; John LoBlack. Wt.."(~k . puhlic relations officer: and • 1\ny advice and tips for G111i3.Il Thomas. getting a job then:? Jenner Joseph retained the Another strategy is 10 treasurer job. make a personal visit to the s1orc, faci lity, office or cor• pontc headquarters before your interview. This will help you get lht: feel of what it would be like to work tll\:re. l>on"t be afraid 10 chat wilh a receptionist of other employ• ccs you encounter. Be slfaightforward and ask them what it's like to work there. and if they can gi\'e you any ad\'iCC.
Jl.doption maybe tfu,1nswrr. •111, ·" ahappi(ymnni,tfcoup(,, ngmcy npprOVtd, framt1.mmcrs,financit1f(y Si· curt.1 & fia u, (ots of g randma/ grnntfpa support p(us a tni( wnll!Jing tfog.
..• l ; ;_f f
Disco 1s a "'h1!! h11 " 111 timl' ai.lapiini:: hl "'":-'IL'rn1 far,a01.'Sl' duh!> and hut influence and i.: ulturc Wl\!l\m " we seldom hJ\'l' a h11u,;c 5 the di\'trst C'ultur:11 mix or mJjor sod:il prC"1ttlcm , he par1y." she said. ":ud. M m,ic hown't'r, 1, in 110 MSU students. h 1s to thb l:ind of ,·cin,tJnl sho rt supply. "'\\:c ha,•c , ,•cry Bv Nuillt Lt:wis chanp.<." .ind S\1und 1raJi11on kind.- !>h~ said, Michael A5sociate Edilor th:11 Yukiko Yanunwtu. _:in Jackson. 11:im mcr, EIIC"ln Emperor l-11rohiti.1, Mad:im MSU s1udcn1. hJS fJllcn lw1~ John. Billy Joel ;m<l Madonna Butterfly, pagodas. samurai The t,,•ISU ..ophumorc sa1d and kimonos. P1L·tures of she likes Ill dan~c l{l wl•.,11·rn and ·all the famou.) people • Jn short. Ml( llwy arc famous J:ipan" Withou1 a douhl. music. hut still hold fo.!il to a here. they .ire fJmu us 10 A ~kDonald hamhurgcr. t)'fu, al Ji~1 of _nee J:ipan, 100.· Coca-Cola, U v1 Jtans .10d :rnd vci;e1ahlcs with !11 th: Madonna's !ates! htl. SJme meal or fish. Amer11.::m r,or an is nn place? M.iybc. new rht.:noml·non in JJpan Here arc the.: 1wo fac~·s of "' I mi~ lhl' food. cspcliall)' As Fukasawa n:1.:Jlkd. Rnck Jap:m: One very well known. sushi.- shL' s:ud. And i1cr 1hc 01hcr n:lam·<."1)' unkown. major compl:iint hrn.: 1s that and Roll was mu,h a pan of 1he fapan of his youth. For a Together. they form o ne the sushi is m,t raw cnou,gh. image of 3 country which has Amcncan sushi is difkn.:nt whi k. B,·a1lcman1a ra!!cd successfully blended the old because ii 1s -.1eamed. she and hoola-hoop w.1... 1hc order of the dJ)'. world and the new ~fapan 1s a ,wy tntcn:sting ,.aid.This I.!! quite unlike the 1ra~ition w~m· "1f ii Kimonos may track plJrcs country where western and Japane.lit eastern cultures COCXISI•• Dr. (fi sh. squid. shrunp tlf with Ca h•nt Klein drl'SSCs thl' )' but the Japanl'SC will llL'\'c; Yoshi Fukas:1wa. rrofcs.\ or of ocmrus) docsn·t ju"'!P•. not m1de in 1hcir f:imily \'Jl11~·~economics and d1n.-c1,1r of the lhrow it ,mt am.I ~y 1t 1s ~1n fapan. at:l' 1, \cry bureau of bustn~'-S at MSU. fresh. Y11unl! people said. l·fow e vcr. ml' nturninl! impor1ant. lie desc rihcd m:ijor a always rcsr,c,·t the eldcrl)·." ttecr ,\mem·an Fukasawa s:iid. · rhcy value Japanese c11ics such as Tokyo us stu<l1c.1i in contra!>I Where smile to her facc. the cxpcm: nc:c and the else would one f,nd a ~n • they (thl' elderly) "I d\in'I hkc tx•cr; i1"s likc learning. hundn:d•old temple n\''(I to J ha,•c had." I~ qui is This said. she water,· skyl!Crapcr"' Or Mmply. whcrc ('l<iC wC"luld one l md J Co..J - unhke the much stmngcr sak1 This is typ1i..·al of fapJn: A from her homeland. "It's Ctil,t ICl'COfft"C' Mend of the old and the new · 11 1s one of lh l1,e (.!iak1) very suong and has a where casl mcl'lS wc.\l and ,·uunme!> wh1rh hJ~ h1.·cn sweet . sp1ey 1:l\ll',~ she s:mJ neither suffers. very SUl'C'cssful 111 rctJllllng of the nl·e wine. "You !!Cl i1s cmlnm!> and a1 the ,;Jmc drunk fas1er " a rontinuini; column by Nt,·illt Lewis lo e;(amint
IC1111urdj11~ Editor's Note: Cullunrnu1 is
e0Tlt,s,,,'IW. ,i • UC,ll'lf!lr" 6 1 _ ~- ~•dla beuQl't!Y 11
M idwes tern State Universi ty
s tore ""'\'1.,1 "t. .,,,' ~,ot~k. .. ·"· D. ;f,J\lt1 • 1,•C1i) ti~••-.u~;
nu; Wlchltan
OUR VIEWS TllE ISSUE: Should lhe m whal they need to know or :
mtdla give the public Ill they want I0 k
now . OUR POSITION· • The mass rnt-d.' . publ~c. observing ltgal and, h" •a should Inform the public has the prerogative to\J cal constraints. The 1
oOse wh at they nttd and
.,..,nt to know.
By Mich11cl Vendrick Copy Editor
Freedom of choice Pic1un.: this conccp·t of . d ..
important enough hy ihc 5\~ 1~ dua.l_liberty considcn.:d
·c~~gn.:.s.s shall make 0 ~
:n 11 gave rise to the First i:~ Cons1i.tu1ion.
Amendment 10 the United S
of ~h~ion. or pmhibitin~ the f r'C..\ pccu_ng :in c.s1::iblishmcn1
rec cxcrc1sc thcrtof· or abndging the fn.:cdorn 01 right of 1hc people pcace:.Wcch. or of the press· 0~the Govcmmcni for 3 n:d~ tof as~mble, ::ind t~ pcti1ion
More than two-hundred • 0 gncvanccs," the envy of every thcn-cxisfi~ars ago, our g~t nation w:t.s h:id defeated a major J>Owe gdcouniry on our planet. We go\•crnm.cnt hascd on ~scif-:~id:t up a r<:Prcs.cntative an experiment unlike which 1h nl truths of democracy • Our citi1.cns were like ki ~ world had ever seen. the limLtcd fn;edoms impo! a cand~ ~ore! Raised with embraced their new-found r bc Y th~, Americans which the world had ever~ ny with a passion unlike More than two-hundred n. later, the Constitution is s1ill a legal document We~~ 3 people have overcome tngcdic.s and achieved triu which 1hc world has ever S:phs to become a nation unlike Except for one drawback n. We have taken these libc~-1 ~ for granted! Can you imagin ~~ .e nd owed by ourCrcouor~ were told what deity you co eldiving i~ a socie1y where you lhat n:s1ricL~cenain topics 0~ worship~or couldn't? One wouldn't allow you 10 asscmblconversation? ~ one that or even redress this if you ha\/: J)C~bly w,.th ~our peers, How ahout a societ th:n d . a pm lem .with 11? :a person should read i~ the ncC:,~dcs excl~s1vcly upon what dio or watch on television'> It d ~a~r. hstcn to ~n the rare ge5 up mcmones of the · former "evil empire... . P:iy ~ttention. America! We i th :lJld we ve got it good! We have a f~ e Information A;e is ,•cry cffcclive in providing our mod press system "'._h.1ch 1 with a smorga~hord of infonn:itional s:e~':n;:'~":~~: have an effective utensil in the Cons1i1ution lha.t·guarantees the freedom 10 choose which insta.nunco s u mc.1.1we want to recd upon,
So t.he next lime you sec something in a newspaper th:n you ttnnk rou need or want to know, by all means partake' If you ~on t need or want it. either don't read it or iook at · ~me~tung else. 1nc same principle applies if you arc h~tcnmg to the radio or w:nching tcle\lision. Get the p1c1ure? We the p~ss !'!-11izc that our citi1.ens are a di\'CfSC group ~r pcopl~ w11h diverse needs and w3nts. We try to provide mform:ll1on 10 !he best of our ability. So don't blame the ~knee-jerk libcr.11- press for deciding what you need or want to know. The !'lass media. will inform lhe public, observing legal and ethical constraints. The public will decide what they need or want to know. If they so choose.
Thur>day, Sep1ember 29, 199•
Page 3
What's wrong at the Wichitan? ~itor's Nole: The Sepl. IS issue or The \Vlchil:rn had numerous ractual errors atypical or the paptr's customary high journolistlc standar ds. H. Connin Bridges, • mnss mediD expert, was brought In as an ou tside consultant to determine the cause.
Dy H. Connin Bridc;cs Mass Media Consultant I h:ivc interviewed all st:i.ff members of The \Vichirnn this past week and found the cause for the drastic plunge in journalistic s1:i.ndards this year. The core of the problem 1s the staff. Starting at the top and going to the bouom. this s~ff is not just inept, bu1 operating in a different dimen• sion of reality tha.n 1hc surrounding culture. No wonder these rtportcn trouble asccrt:iining facts. Yes. that first issue was dated Sept. 15, 1993, an error of one complete year. But only on the front page. The ocher seven paces of 1his broadsheet had the correct ye:ir. 199.S, A minor goof. Definitely not. When confronted, Azalia Duran. the sraphic artist. said thiJ.t being correct on 7 out of 8 pages should counl for something, After all, on a gradin& scale of 100. that would be 87 .5 percent. almost a 8+. She was not even con1ri1e. This is craping ulnti,•ity when a fact is no longer a focL
Then there is the case of Timberly Eysscn. s1aff wri1er. She is tot.a.Hy unsui1cd 10 be a cynical, hard-boiled rcponcr. A -:ommittcd lover.
she not only allow~·d two haby sqmrrd s to ilw in her house, unc:i~cd no less. hue cn ed when they died last week. This is not JUSI squirrelly. but totally unprofr.ssional. Liz Ril'hardson-l llcks, is the new sports cd11or. When :ippointcd. she 1s :illctcd 10 SJid, "But I don't know the firs11hing ahout foo1bJII." Ye1. she took the job. Now docs 1his make .sense in North Ccn1ral Texas where not just men thn.-c 10 95. hut women, e:it, sleep and work for the pleasure of following their favori1c footb:ill No wonder in that first edition she had the win-loss record for the MSU foo1ba.ll lea.m as 0-2 instc:id of 1-1. When you don'! know if the home team won or lost, you're in a diffen:nl rc:il!ty. Charles (Chuck) Cage. Slaff writer, inili:illy comc.:s across as :i. senior man on 1he s1:iff with his grey h:iir :ind knowledgeable opinions. Then you wa1ch 11s he slrcws his belongings throushout the office, misses meetings or is late, and reali1.e this man has no sense of time. Why? He's in a different dimension than the rcsl of us, The new student from the Caribbean isl:ind of Antigua, Neville Lewis. brin&s a whole train of problems in his wake, I-le joined the siaff as 11ssocia1c editor and began writing reams of copy about Haiti. the C:iribhcan. Ca.n:ida, and all these cultures that he finds represented at MSU. He acts like a multicuhural man who can jump like a fish into :my stretch of water .u,d swim. He has the aud:icity not 10 suffor
from culture shock. A bl;ack man, he doesn't know tha1 Tens is m lhe South. Cle;arly another s1:iff member who'1 know where he is. Lc:id1n~ 1his pack is the editor, Onan Ballard. To in• tervicw him is lo undcrsl:ind wh:il's wrong with Th, \Vichi· inn.
Although a native 10 these p:irts. Ballard 1.1, odd. Not odd in the conven1ion:il sense. but ex1remcly odd. For cxnmple. he told me he hrough1 111 a Na1ive-Amcrican fncnd 10 Th, \Vichitnn office one Sund3y 10 bum a. liuk sage smooth out" tl1t: energy. and M "This was necessary," he said, "bcc:iusc Th, \V1chiton h:id become a pl:icc where potenti:illy good journalists bu rned themselves o u1, 'craiercd,' then quit 1he profession.This man on his own said he decided 10 change lhe energy pouem. Make it a fun and harmonious place to work. This. of course. can'! happen in the renl M.'nrld.
nallsc who learns 10 deftly fudge fllcu :and dodge str:iight-forw:ird answers. told them he brought in an Indian medicine man to drive away the evil spiriLS. Few believed him. The s1ory, as 1ru1h tends 10 do, gaineJ momentum with each retelling and spread through the university community, e ven reaching members of the mus media. Many Jau1;hcd. Others 1hough1 lhe story odd, even biurrc. I heard numerous versions of this tale from hi&hly credible sources who wii h to rcm; :anonymous.
I could discuss the :antics of Mich:lcl Vendrick. a for• mer editor and now the copy editor of Tht Wichiton. But th:it is redundant Any one who has ever worked for 11rt Wichitan and rc1urns is not in his right mind. Nor sh11II I dwe ll on Jonathan Brady, the new sporls writer direct from playing football at S.H. Rider High School. This freshman Mc that when his seems unaw:ire of the danger friend lit the bundle of sage of :issoci111ing with 1hcsc in the clam shell. smoke bil- people, clear evidence that lo...,·cd fonh in an enveloping he. too, must be odd since cloud filling the whole room. like energy always attrJCts They could not s uunch the like energy. The question names. The sweet scent of now is what to do with this 1hc herb permeated every- box of apples at The Withing. Soon the ven1il:1.tion chiton. These people :ire system picked up lhis smoke highly unstahle, :ind there's and ca.rried it 1hrough the whole wing of the Fain Fine ~~n~e!~nfm::r%~h~:e community and da mage Arts Center. Au:hori1ies on h3nd al- MSU's image etcmolly. My recommendation is to legedly took a dim view of aJI this smoke. I w:is told. 1ermina1e all s1aff members 1 The nex1 morning staff 11 members ukcd what th:11 ~~ies~it:i'ri~• fo strange smell was. B;illard, twelve months to ;avoid inunlike lhe professional jour- jurious lawsuilS.
Editorial Board Membtrs Brian Balla.rd Neville Lewis Liz Richardson-Hicks Michael Vendrick Charles Cage
34!0 Tan Blvd. P.O. DOJ. 160, Wichita Falls. TX 76308 News desk: 689-4704 A._h·crt~ing Jcu:: 689-4705 Drl•n Ballard
B,d lf: ~blon« Nlwsu Nolllr l.rwl,
Assm wtr&t,rc,r
Etlitor /tfi'charl V,ndrfrk
Ellzahrlh Rk hudion Spmts Editor
Copy F.d,ror
Mdl..u Sullivan Mus,c Rt1•1tnrr
nook Rtl'lfll"('f S t:irrWrit,n
Jonmhmr n ,mly. Clmrl.-s Ctigt. T,ml>trlv 1-.) ·sun. S{'f'narF,mll U.1ra lla-Mki nt N./rrr1, 1111s M ant1grrl A.ccou1111m1
Ad,·, r1Mn1 R,prrn nllh u }/ISOfl Tuc l'tr
U 11d11 0 {H'IIII
lkian l,111wttnr,
1t :i1Utl {)uran
f:n1.-,w,n11w-rtt &111nr
Rr:inJun Old•
f.'r ii Sri/
PhOIOS111/'1l1'r £,l11or
C11t·ul,11,<,11 ~fom1g,r
Ch:ark~ " C h:uin" l.onnn
Letter to the Editor Whal do ) OU call m1nn:il? I t ~t dri:sscd. I hru~h my 1cc1h. I ckan house. I pay bills. I cook and c:il. I 1akc car~ of m )' future wife and her <:hild. I ha\'c wman11c dinnl·rs with my wife 10 he. I Cl)'. I blc..:d. Our ,:h1ldn.:n g,l l\1 churdl. I ha~1c:illy Jo C \' • crytlu ng rn gcnl'rJI whJI mo,;.l pcopk Jo. hu1 then: ar~· pc,1pk who v. oulJ i.ay I :im n,,1nNmal I l..n,m for J IJl·t r-:('lrlc J,,n·1 \.\CJr the ...imc d1.Hh.:l,, Pl"11pk J M'1 U'-..: the i.Jm.: IO('llh r,l.l,\C. T hl'~ JC1n·1ckJn h1m,l' 1hc ,Jmc ttJ) Thl·~ hJtr.! J 1ilCh'nl hill, l0 PJ)
"ith d1ff.:rcnt am11unis. Th.:y cook :ind c:il difkrent!)'. They 1:ikc. care of their chil-
dre n, 1hcir wm:s and hu~~Jnds dit'krcntl) . E\'Cr) 1hing IS d1ff..,•ri:nt Jhout pc,,ple m 1his ,, orld. Why 1,;. 11 hi:i.:au,;c I .1m :i w,i mJn people ,,nuld tr..:JI Tl\ )' f.11n1ly and I dtlh'l'l'ntly. y..,.,, I am 1_::iy .inti , er)' h:ipry. th:ink )Ou So. ,, hy 1,;, LI lhJI )'" U ,, ouhJ d1,~nminatl' a!.:Jll\,1 me 1 It ,iJ1 tl"J ,, nh 1h,· lnJ1Jn\ Tlll"ll QuJkcr, . lrhh. hJ\1Jn,, J..:,".,:~. \\\im ...·n. JnJ 11,~·rc Jrl· mCII~' \\ n.rl ,, u fl'lr. Jn<l ,, htl h d11in~ 11 •
Wny so much d1scnmin:i1ion. a.nd when w1ll 11stop'! Di\'er,;i1y. the gay and ksh1an orgam1.a11on here on campu,;., is here for Others "ho fret the if nOrJncc. of ALL d1!>criminJ1ion . We hJw a m1..'\:11ng rnmm1= ur :it 7.~11 p.m , Sl"pt. 29 1n thi. ! Clark Smdi.:nt Cl'nt..:r Mo,r1· 1al11y Room. I. J \ J'l'l"~L\knt or D1\'er\ll)'. woulJ l1kl" 10 IO\'ill" fJmtl). lnt:nJ, and CO· workl•r,;,, a,;. ,,,·II :i, the. ).:'Jy. k.;.h1:in JO.I hHl'\u,11 r nrulJtn,n on '- :impus 111 cumt: ~'\: h,11\ )IIU Lin hl'lp m the f1!!hl II) end ,.\LL dN 11m1nat11.m.
I look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions, any questions at a ll, please don't hesitate to call me, M.A. Crittendon, at 322-9223, ur Diversity's ad• viscr. Barhara Wcs1, at 6894659. This is not wha.t some people may call a recruiting party. For 1hosc of you not <"ducatcd on the suh jcct yet; 1( you hctcroscxua.l. you know it •· und llkew1,;.c -- if you arc homosexual. )'OU already know.
~I. A, C rillendon
Page 4
Thursday, Scp1cmbcr l?, 1994
erminal Velocity' is strictly another adventure movie
TIIE Wichit:1n
Book talks about real McJobs . r five) c.ars Aftu r~,u~ (~ or coflc •e. 1n 1hc :-.Jfr " 0 " h d . ih. the R1..•: 1, W~~r~J 'l\anoun; 1 trJumaui.; ~:t all ~radu~~,~ 11.: •/:~~dJm :in~ tht' lh3t h 1Y money 11 pr_ospcct ~r ha~ang 1~ with ":lmh to ~ni;Yl.'Xl'Cr l ,.,; 0 0 11 T ln../ ~~ ~ ;~111 SJ:,/~ : A lrnm rtl;r'H,',' /lo~i- 10 ?""'r'.: y,,u on· ur,\\H · 1 genii)' plu~ging nur~ ~·r \ inlO 1 a l'omplll·:uc~l~r.~:c), ~~\ng. R~,'1hty. ) · P > Tctns. . . . Y<1 u ;_ire Appc:iran~c. 1 com uicr staring at an_1.:m~J ~. •p .,;crC('ll, ah:-orhc in cc thought , 11 in: rcloscd RcJhly. ) ou . ' P · ,. 'E.,;;capc' JUSl 1n um,t'. e.r.t~tn~ a ~1Jc 0raw pon,ra1t 1cn111lcd: ·s111,rr,•rnir ",rh f 11ch/o rJ.:. Wound." Worst of all, i:ntry-Jcvcl lifers h:i..-e to actually make
Hy Diana Smilh author Dan 21..'\lll, >Aini .1d · College Pres.~ S"n·ice mils tu 11, 1111,; .111 entry-kn-I So. you've arTJngcJ milk 11rc hi~sdf ,n 1l~c 8 0 ,11,n crates into 3 somcwhai area zc..-in. J lrl'l' •\Jnl·c :-.he rla~cJ 1:J1·I)' tn her CJl'\'1..'r. sausfying confi~urJuon 111 wri1cr. \~)'' he ~e..:ickd.'.u By Oc:an Liawrrnct when her tx·drnom cyc:-.. \jUICI you r roach-rnfos1cd aparl • wnte th1.: 11,ni;ui.; • 1n•l.hc1.. k Enttrlainmtnl Edllor me nt, and n~w you're gu ide artcr \\1,.•ll-mc:inin~ ..Tt rminol Vtlocit) ," s1ar- ,c.t1ULl1,c m:mn1..•r. and \,·111 rin,g C harlie Sheen and m~ness Ill 1al..c \1ff he r clotht'S counting s p:ire ch:ingc for a rda11 w<; pH•,;;,~•d upon h1111 Naussja Kmsk1 is an en1cr• for 1hl• 1.. :11nn.1 \\crc t)·1111..· a l Sunday m~ht six-pack while hon).:,; wnlll'n l11r !lr,ulull_in~ taming :ulvl'ntun: mov11.: :rnd fan.· To her crc<l1t .1, a m:11un; 3n11c1pJtmg another day spent college .\>Cmm, lhJI purpo1ll'J ai..:trC\S, :,.ht• gCI!-. 10 klTp her 11.u hng m obscunty :it your 10 j!IVe pr:11.:ticJI .1d\ll,'l' Jhout nm much mon:. dead-end Md oh 1i,1ni; and wmktn~ 1n thl'. Sheen plays ex-Olympu.: o;hin on thi., tune . Welcome to ltfo :iftcr col• Rc;1I \V()rld. Th1, mnv11; 1:,, s1ru.:1ly an gymna.,;;1 and now ho1-dog 111c hook.\ , hl' .\>ays, c1inparachutist Ril·hard ~O,tch~ :td\'t! nturc fi lm. Thcrc lorc. kgl· l\:rhaps the hc,t thing Brody, who gets m,xcd up there 1s n,11 a lot to think you can !IJ)' ahoul 11 1~ th:it 1aineJ no1hm~ hut ill'' Jn<l with ex-KGB {or. a.,; they say. ahout. and the plot 1<; thin. you're not alone. there arc cheap. u111n1en11onall)' lulan1 -KG Used•to· Rc ~) semi- But there arc.· plenty of air- thousands. perhaps millmns ou.~ plau1udl'\ l l1e n.·alil)' " agent Chris Marrow (Kin1-k1 ). plane,;;. parach utes and free of othas like you And y,iu mm·h wors,· and much fo nflll'r than any1lung m1ddk-:igl." can. at le:ist. laugh Jhout your Their m1ss1on is tn thwart falls (one even uwol\'CS a car the. bad guy!I (more cx - wi1h a w('lm:rn locked tn the troubles if )' OU read the re- m:irketeers could m.tkl' up. h...: KGBs) from ,;;1eallng StiOO crunk .) Srnl·e Sheen •~ in the l·cntlypuhlishcd "Emrv-U,·i-1 dl.·c1dcd - it's !he hook I w1s~ million in Ru.s.\ lan g\1ld bar:. movie. 1hen; nn; mo1orcy1.: les, L,fr. A Comp/rte Cmdl' ro th:u will he used 10 iinancc a and there 1,; an ahundan1..·e of Ma.fq1tert11linx ,u a Mtmbrr someone j,!a\'I.' me when I lcrt 11/ 1hr Rral \Vurld" (BantJm school.M Zcvin says. " 1'111 coup ag:uns1 lhc current Rus- e .,:plo,;;1ons. hulle1s and Books. S8.95). g1v1ng cn1ry-lc\'CI hrl'rS ,~hat si:ln government. Ir lhe coup knuckles. · 1t•s kind of a praCllcal they need now. which ts a Bc,;1des. nobody c:w.:pcc1s ii; successful. tl will result in ano ther Cold War. The · bad action advcntun; mo,·k s 10 be book in a weird way.- says laugh: guys· ha,•e brought the gold psychologically intcrcstrng to Tucson. Ariwn.1. unltl a anyway Thi,; movie will never win Central American hu ya can an A~adcmy AwJrd aml will be found. The writers have had probably not he a h1g box orSheen tn mind whe n the p:irt ficc S UCCCS.'1 But II is run. peeling more novelty pop was written. h\.'c:iuse his Thl.'re was a woman ~,tting in By Melissa Sullivan 1uncs like "D1:= Knu Ltmd." Brody character is the cyni- front or me in the theater th:11 Music Reviewer cal. b:id attitude , l!0-10-lhe- wa.s so in10 the action th:11she Dada, the bnnd which lns1e:id, 1h 1!1 album 1s a httlc devil kind or guy 1h:it Sheen leaped rrom her scat and faded in10 ohli\lion after its on 1hc heavier ,;ide, yet still always pl:iys, Fortuna1cly, his yelled, -No' Don't do th:it." I huge hit -v;z:. Kntt J..m,d" in has .-.omc ~momh pop tunes to hoyi:;;hly hlnd~ mc fa~ :md can onl y :is..,;unw sh~· w:is re• 1992, hols issued II m:w but C\'Cn Olli lhe erfc-.:t. It hcgins w11h "Ask th r :l scns1Me n;fosal 10 llkC him- acting to the mo,·1c and nl>t 10 differe nt kind or :album f 100 scnously mlkes him the suy siuing hcsidc her. "Amtriran u,xJiwm j'/,"lK'tr." D1ut" that start.~ with some I've s::iid II lx-ff1rc, :md I'll 31 lclSt l(Jlcr:ihlc. Two years ;1.go dada even sampling hut explodes in111 Kinski. whom tine m1ghl say il .again. the he.~, thrng is came to W1ehi1a F:t!ls and smCloth gu11ars accomp::inkd by a melodic \IOLlc. Next on have d1rficulty :n:cept1ng a, to plrk your hr:iin oucsidc pcrformeJ al 724, the <l1sc 1,; "Fu r ,n tlir S 1111," the iron-hard. experienced with lhc car bcfon: ~oing in But that wa.,;; 11, ex-secret agent th:n she por- to sec this ml),•1e. But try to The hand dipped below the which ha.-. a gui1ar intro much tra ys, ts at lca:-.t pleasanl to ~1ay rn contrnl of your cx- h('lri1.0n, lea\'ing Wichitans like SC\'Cral n1hcr songs on look :it. She has come a long c 1tcmcnt; the lady m front or with a fai nt memory or a the d1-.c, and shdes mtu shck, way from the sort-porn parts me sc.-cmcd c.-mbarrassed. song and a ptc:isanl recollec- relined pop with :in :ilmost Review ratin : B tion of 3 rock banrJ with a hil jaZt.)' b:ickground. "Scum " is. for 1hc most on the top-40 charL,;; which pan , an acou,;11c ballad with , - - - , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - came to the city and played I /4) "Amtrrca n 1-ligli way an occtsion:11 wailing gu11:ir "t:J Flowtr" is not 1he alhum lo in the background. "Rtal Soon" bc~ins with 1he effect
·m J:iu:•
Music Review
Dada back with new sound
@, ~ -
;i -
Pick up your copy in CSC 103 or 117.
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Gary Lewis
Gary Lewis iresents recital M1dwc.\1Crn State University associate profossor or music Gary Lewis will present a piano rccual Sunday. Oct. 2, m ,\ ktn Audt1cmum at J p.m
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Lewis is a member ~•I Phi Kappa Lamhd.1 anrJ thl.· J\ Jt1onal G uilt.I of 1'1:1110 tC:Jlhcrs. He has taught a t M SU since 1971 anJ also 1c.1chi::, privatel y.
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Fl,mn" is :1 l!,OOd alhum. bu1 :is I said, huge fans Clr "D it:. K,,u Land" may find 1hcmsdve<; di:-.Jppointed when the)' Ihlen and r~·ali,~ 1t 1.~ not the same. With a release like "Amt',. 1can Highway Flowtr." dada will not fodc from the puhlic mind so quickly like many other onc-htt wonders
If you haven't purchased
one, get it for $40.
Mu Jfift'
1ha1 indud~\ w:ir h 1 u\mh:u po51 graduatr.: hluc, ,ulh J~ gcmng, l,'.l.'11111!,: a dos, qu 1tung y11ur 10h . movin(: to Sc:Htlc. 1011uni; 1hc Peace Corps. 1:U:.111~ ,1 p<111cry cla.'IS. and. ,r :11\ el-.c IJib . going b:ick to SChO('II.
"°i;1c or ,ny favontcs on the disc was "Gogo." This sons has a howling guiiar intro and erupts IOIO thll rl!d-good pop 1ha1 pro\C'lkcs 1hnugh1s or the Lcmonhcads. The alhum ends with " fl etn' f' II and Nowhe rt, " wlm:h SClunds d1rfcrcn1 from any mher son~ on the disc. "11,m·,n and NtMhtrt" h:is lyric~ that arc c11;prcssed with pain. yc1 has a slight ha rd rock edge w it
D(.' !>pllC thl' \lill11:11\l1t·,. uf gc111ng !>l:lfll'J \JII Ilk Jlll' f ci,llcgc. Zcvin !-J)' ' hi, h1x.1k makC!I 1he pnlOI 1h:11 !ht· n cal Worlll j, not JII h:1r.l . 1..· wn 1r ll seem~ thJt \ \ J Y , om\·t1111t·~ I k ha,;; a d \ Jf'HC1 ,it ",\f, ,J.
of faint wind cl11me.<; before spinning off into a groovy
so:k out if the l istener ,sex-
tu l!t'l 1,, l n<~\\' ntlwr ynunt; ix•,1plc whc., Jr1,; n,_,1 J\ " 1ci,1wd "11h 1ln 1r hu,ml•,,; 1 (il hn·, " Y11 u h,l\'l 11 1,,kc dra.\>llC ml.·J:,,un·,. 'lh. h ~1, 111· trodul·111J.! )l!lir,dL h·\111 >aid. Till." hri J!htly illu\t1.1wd f:U1de c,,111.un:-. ,\1111\' mh\·, n 11 .unpks . u l cnmm,: 1·11irykvcl Ille. 1ncl~1J1n.~ 11;u.ll1pk u:-.c:- r,1r 1.:r,tll S, 1,:n,.:.111vc r1..·sumc wntin)! anJ 11 (1\ un ho" ' (noll to gct ~lun!!, wuh )'\1ur ~1,s or r, \rn11m.ill'
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Sports MSUrolls on
Midwestern State linebncker Jason Ferguson (21) pr<pares for the 111w...--..~ Southern Arknnsa on coming rush in Saturday night's J 14-6 defeat. I
********: ·
By Jonathan Br::i.dy ports S1a1T
c~plcd by Mulcridcr defcnThe Indians foll shon of 3 siv_e . h:ack Russ Phillips. win on Saturday against the Phill_ips lhcn ran 1hc inh.:roulhcm Arkansas Mulcrid- cer,imn b:ack 95 y.irds for rs 14-6, bringing Midwcs L- Southern' second .ind fin.ii touchdown or thi: 's record to 1-3. The ~rst ~~If wc.:nt by game. making thi: score 14-0. Th~ Indians answered the lowly wuh minimum action Indians showed some or: Mulcndcrs with a touchdown fcnsivc spark but not enough ~r their own. Unfonunatcly. 11 wa.~ too late. MSU back-up to cross the goal line. In the firs t quancr, the qu:mcrback Broderick Senegal led the ~oring dnvi: and score rcmainr.:d 1).(), hut in the second qu.:incr with 11:37 left thn.:w the 22-)'ard touchdown P~ to receiver Cody Slater in the h:alf, Southern Ark:msas running had;. Mike wnh 2:59 left in 1he game m:iking the. scon; 14-6. Th~ Ross ran for a 74 y:ird touchdown, making the score 6-0. CAlra point was mis.~d. The Indians finished the Mulcridcrs' kicker. Dirk Switkcn. completed the CJ;lr.l game with a l0lal offense of point, bringing 1hc score up 258 y::irds on 76 pl::i)'S ::ind 16 first downs comp::ircd to 1hc 107-0. With 12: 15 left in the Mulcridcrs' 101:al offense of fourth quarter, MSU quarter- 294 yuds on S9 plays and 14 back Andy Hmoir was inter- first downs. 1bc lcadin2 rusher for the
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game :u 1- 1. The lnd1:ms bench :i~am The MSU soccer team im - came through :IS f('SCrve forproved its record 10 7-1 on ward Chuck Wiemann scored 1hc season wi1h tough wins 1hc game's winnmg go:il with over No. S ranked Rockhursl 5:42 lcfl 10 plly. 10 make l~ on Friday night and William final score 2-1. Carey on Saturday night in The game Frid:iy nigh1 1hc MSU/Wichita Falls Clinic against Rockhurs1 proved 10 Cl:1..~~ic. be more or a war th:1n a socThe victory over William cer game as 1hc Indians Carey was especially gratify- squeaked oul:, 1-0 victory. ing bt.'C:iusc the lndi:ms were The game rcm::iincd scoreless w1thou1 the services o( 1hrec until Flanagan scored the s1aners. A fourth, ~ nior cap• game's only go:11 whh I ;40 1ain Judd Joy, wai; playing ;u lefl to pl::iy. The game w:,s only 65 pcrccn1., according to not wi1hout controversy, coach Nathan Pifer, due to :in however. because three inJury he received when he Rockhum players and 1heir got hit in the foce by l Rock- coach were CJCCled in th~• hurst player the nii;h1 hcfore. second half. Thi.: game's firs1 goal came Midwestcrn·s nex1 ac1ion with 12:05 remaining when will be this weekend at the Indians was ~Rodney O:ms. reser ve midfielder Brad Liz Ric.h:mfson Ilic-ks who gained 69 net yards on Flan:igan scored to give Gulf Coast Clas.sic in Mobile, Sports Editor . 24 attempts. l-lmoir finished Midwestern a 1-0 lead. Ala. At 2 p.m. Friday. !ht.: Midwestern lndi3ns will play Belha\'en blocker Jennifer St:ite middle 1hc game 23-10-1 for 82 However. it took W1ll1am LaduSJu was passini; yards and Senegal Carey only 39 seconds 10 get ~l~~~i~~tJi1f·;~Y selected S:t~~{: -p1::iycr orTIAA Volleyball went 14-6-0 for 84 yards. 1hc Weck-. 1hc the game tied ::igain as Millon versity of Mobile. Strong S.1fCt)' Mcnry John- Griffiths sc week ending Sept. 17. son led the Indian defense Ladusau, 5-9 junior from w11h five solo tackles and six Jndng. Texas. had a season assists. Nose guard Brady best with 10 kills. a .'.\64 at• Lunceford had one sack for ;a iack pcrccn1:1gc. 2 aces. and loss of I J yards and 16 bloclcs in the defo:11 or linebacker Corby Walker and Hardin Simmons in the dcfcnsh·l' end Ben Collins Southern Arkansas Tourna:also shared a .sack for a loss ment. The MSU team of fi,·c )':mt.s. finished firth. The Indians fumbled only She c urrent ly 1ops the once and was able to recover TIAA for blocks. averaging the ball. The Mulcriders J.6 a game and is firth for at• fumbled lhree limes bu1 only tacks with a .21 S auack pcrrcco,·ered the ball twice. ccntai;.c. The Indians hope to im• La.s1 year Lldusau helped prove their record against to lead the volleyball team 10 Wcsl Texas A&M University Midwes1ern's firs t NAIA at 7:'.\0 p.m.. Oct I. at Conference Championship. Memorial Stadium. · 1t is ni ce to be recognized, but then: are a lot of my that deserve it too/ said Ladui;au. Last year was 1he first time we ...... • ...a won conference a t MSU. but MSU midliolckr Mkhul Oallln lait<S die ball throup 1he administra11o n hasn't two Rockhurst ddender In Saturday's 1-0 Yktory. given ou r 1c am t he recognilion we deser\'c, IJrottjo,i ows1n.,,1t,1ro1lrtr Coach Jimmy Pi,:ht noted 1ha1 Jennifer is a quiet leader who alwa.ys dOC'!I hcr joh on 1he coun. · wi.: knew i;oin~ into the year 1ha1 with such a young team she would need to step up and he a h::Jder. ;md she has stepped m10 that role aJmir.ihly.· the coach !>:ltd. Picht SJ1d that hlockin~ is Jennifer's s1reng1h Ml always MSU ATHLETICS set 1hc lineup when.: Jennifer matches up agains t the stronge.s1 hiuer on 1hc oppos· ing and sht.: always wins lhc haulc.• knnifds hlocking ha.s impm,·cd 0H·r las1 year. a )'Car in which she had seven matcht.:s with douMc-rigun: hlocks, he said. -That (cal pl:m:d her in sixlh place nationally on the all-time list for moM matches TIie Midwestern Stale University Department of Athl1Uc1 ts gratllul to the in a season wi1h double. ligurc buslneslel listed below for Ulelr Corporlla Spotll«llllp of Ille llllletlcl program, hlocks.~ Picht said. They are helping MSU build a tradition of Hcelienc:I In intarallleglata atltletlcl
Sporu StalT
Indians fall SiiOi="
Player Week
By Sptnccr Fritdl
w,,11 Coupo,1
SporC• t dllllf
LMVfflL.IDnrrd...,,.,_il U$ ·
)" '~;
i:\::1::1 Hospital
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lll~U Wichi_ta General
, ·, 1
Dack :u the
@Parker Square Bank
MAIN EVENT 1 I 1nda Cio)cn
lnlrucJuclurJ Spt.·, :fals l~ • ll.11111.1,ob., * I,,,.,.' "~
I.D. 8 1t Ohio St (8 17) J l!--168~_.
t.:(1~11•un:R & l'Kl:"•m~R-MSS
h i.m,.t,
RGER Nation sBank ~I,$, i 1 WHATABU The Genuine 0 !1k13l Spon•,1Jr l!N+, L. :0: Ohmp1c Te:.11:1
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,,. ,,.,.,, 4,..;1696-3188 -1 · , t,. \tot1l>o
.... '.::..!.' J••·· ..... 1·•?
Pal!" 6
Thursd2y, S.ptemb<r 29, 199-1
Unh·crsity Ocmocr•ls to hold rtgulor mettings Un1,"Cn.11y OcmocrJt( 1,1,111 meet every WcJnc.s.Jay :11 12
tht sdedukd v. ork dlll":-..
Church of Christ
studtnts to sen ·, meal
Recycling Contest lh' Tricia SlC'Vt!"°n . A·mrrlC':iJI l1a511CS Council ,\f,pllCJt1ons n:n(ymg d · 1•ilulity Jri: hctn~ a.cccpt.c:'d m
Studcnu a.~1Jti:d ",th the Church ol Chn,t S1u<kn1 Nov 9 in the ho~p11alt1y room. Cb.rt Student Center. CcnLCr will cook 3 mc;al ,111d For more ,nform:n,on. call :;crvc 11 to the chcn1~ at FJ1lh City M1"1\1n 1h1) Fmfay. '-J.Jd l.W Jt&Sl1Ct, 692-4766 or GreJ?. SunforJ. 767-0541. 1lus IS plrt o ( OUf RR rhotogruphy Club ouu-cxh mm,on and n:01.-clS our lo,'C or Chrut. • SLJnford to mttl Oct. 11
Noon from Oct S through
~,. 1()(),1 - 199S Pl3\UC4! Rc 1
cyt lln)! Compc1111o n, co,poll'-tirt"d by 1hc Amcnc:in Pla,,,c, Council (APC) ind the Aint· rtcln l n)IIIUh! of
C hc mi c lll
Enginee rs
(A~~~l~l~tp::inli. must he (ull.
w J.
Students will begin The Red River Photogra· phy Club will meet OcL 11 :11 cooking at S p.m, and take 11 1 0 the mission about 6:4S ? .30 p.m. :it the Red Cro~ be scrvi:d :it Chapter hu1ld10g, I809 Fifth . p.m. Oinn~r 7:30 p.m. 10 show pnn11 and slides Fnr mort mforrn lllOn, call made durin, lhc summer. For more informa110n, c1ll Reid M11chdl. 692-31-'2.
John Etken. 69J.[µ70
YMCA sponsors baskttball clinic for
THE Wichilan
Gayntsbian group to m..t Stpl. 29
time undcrcrndulh.~S. attcndini; .r tour-y.:lr ac~rc~11cd ccillci;l· or uni,·cn.1ty m North Amcn cl .ind h.t\'C the J)('r1111,,n,n ,,( 1hc1r fJl'Ully adv,. sors Alh·r lhl· Jppl1CJl1t1n pro. Cl'"""· cad1 pJrll('Ipant "111 rcc.·. \·IH' a ..:~1mrrch.:n~" ~· 1cch""JI pJd.CI thll oull mcs b::i, w gnH1nd ru le, :md current 1c\.hnolo~11:Jl n:i.("lf'C~ The compc11t1on JUdi!t:~ a cC1mprl•hi:ns1u: lt:l hnic::il rcpiirt 1ha1 outltm:!o J process for fl'L· )dini m1,cd r ll \ l lCS 1h;at hJ,c bxn St•pJrJlt:d frum mu111c1ral \Ohll W:UIC, The \)'\tern mu,1 l·<°'n vcrt the J'IOSI· U\l' plai..w.:, min mlrkcLJhle pcm11..hc n11c:1I producu lh r,mi;h JdvJ ncl!d rccyclmi; ll'Chnulog1l'S ( /\RT)
Diversity. a student gay and lesbian organ11~t1un. will Somtllmcs h takH nurny hands to tmpty • trash bas:. (I. 10 r ~;~m W1ch1b Falls YMCA will meet 29 :it 7:30 pm. in Ste"'art. Bri•n Strincer, Daniel Min, Kirk Mulltndort. a nd pt S{>C!I\SOf a ba.\kc:tt'i:ill chn,c for Cl.irk Student Center ho~p1• Crint:r, rrstcrnlty hrothcrs In T KFtahty room to discuss 1hc fight ac:unst gay :rnd lcsb12n O.L. Li&on Coliseum. d1sc-nmin:mon. • The event \o\'1\1 be hosted by the MSU men's ind women's ~ketb:ill tc:ims. For more 1nform1111on. Some tiplo for trl•a11ng ;i.l • contaet Gcorgcuc Monas.h:in. Al·c:oHh n~ 111 .,, Gallur wr • unpa1rmen1, wh1l.h ::in: sumclc1~ 1cs 3n: a,·md OTC:ui11 : director or YMCA you th By Alluc,y N,ws Buruu On campuses m:i1ionw1dc. \C')', 1hr,c \ Ide dlc,h inJkc 11111('' lJlhcd hy OTC med• · hii-1anu llC.., 1f 1hcy \ldl basketball, 322-7816 cJtmn,. ,1mk nl!I m;i;y 1.hlW~ for appt1~·J1111ni. and more an allergy sufferer's wor'il cn- ltfr mmc d1ll 1Lul1 fur hu,)' dfol..'t~. i.pcak \\llh ;a ph)'-' 1.s prcpanng (\1r iu an- ~1uJl•n1, ~fa ny , tutlcnl \ fd t Ml h i tn."JI Jlkit;) ,ymptom \ ciln, rcJd w:a1nm~ !J hd ~. 111 (or111:it111n, cun1ac1 Tnc1l Fantasy of Lights em)' Stcvc..·nson. (2 12) 7()5- 7840. nual :iss:rnh Oru: 1n ~i, s1u 1h:11 ,,de dfi:1..1:- ~1.h1n.·J 1hc1r .al .1II." hc ,.ml never x 1cc1 h11l with rncd1 · 011 3 R1·~·:ia h h:l\ dt.:mon~tr Jtcd suffer from l ilcrg1l'S, prr11.lul·t1vll)' Muny woull.J work days set for dents c,:311ons and be pn·p.:ircd when Appl1C;tl\ORS an: due Dec. 30 ·n1c linll papa~ an: llue April nuking 11 d10icull 10 cn1c1)' nithc , ,ulh: r IW111 ,I l k,~)' thJt people "hu 1akc OTC allcr1;y ~on tuts early October the ~ mestcr's fun m1J 1(1 ~l·I sym ph)lll\ th.1,11 he un::ahlc 1(1 alkrgy ml·du:a11nn, :m! morc l~. 1995 funl llllR pn1rx•tly Jue W thl'lf hkcl)' 10 fall .1,Jccp :ind hJ,e scnous aOOu1 school "nrk d1niculty conu:ntr.1,ting: Work di ys for the To :allc.v1atc lllcrgy mcJ,call\\ll\ ~11.k cl ll'LI' ~Generally. ,1utkn1~ work Allcrgy Trcatmcnl\ MSU -Burns F:inl:t~)' 0f symp1om~. studcn1s may Two popullr l)'f'IC\ <°'(med· hard io hJlJ.nlc thl'lf \(lmol ~n set for OcL choose from J1ffcrcnl l )' J"CS y. Mk "11h ,11<.1JI ::ind l' " • ll:IIIOll\ UloCJ 1(1 tn:JI allergy ol non prcscnpt1on allergy M.s. bn ThlCkt"r, ch:u rp: r• mcd1cat1ons •· products they UJcurncula1 Jl·u,11,e,.MFd · symptom\ :m: Jnt1h1,tJm1nc\ son. ~•d hours v.111 ~ from 9 buy w1lh<°'ul consuhini; 3 wlrd Ph1l(h1l, ::a,,1MJlll d im · and dccong:c.~lJntS a.m. unol 4 p.m <°'n ClCh o( doctor. However, \'.M'r· cal profc..-.sor of m1:d11.: mc Jt lxcongcs1::int.s arc used to the abovc~ll!i. the -counte r (OTC) mcd1c:a- the C::ilifomia. Da"t.s School Because lunch 1~ scr"cd 1Jons can c:awc side effects. allev1a1c the \luffy. con,c..\tcd of Mtd1c1rn.·. ~nd ~Because 1hcy Cln·1 3ffonJ (cchng. Ant1h1SIJ ffllrlCS ltcJ.l ClCh work dl1- \ludi:nts. facAmon, the most common ulty and ~13(1 , olun1ccrs arc $Ide effects ;i;rc drowsmcs.s to lose their cJc.e 10 )(J.111110 11chy, watery eyes and sncc1ilSkcd lo 11gn up m the Clark 3nd slowed rc:11c1inn time. 1nd central nc'r"ous 1ys1cm m1 cau,cd by allergies. S1udcnt Center Office bcfon:
1re1 youth
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Allergy medications can avoid drowsiness
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