September 30, 1993

Page 1

Soccer team teeters on the edge

UPB announces activites schedule for semester

Rebnildin pyJohnGran~am f!tportcr The time has come for Stat Midwestern t)niversity's s~u~ent bod; to make a dec1s1on which will affect the future growth of its university, Jane Le1shner, assistant dean of students, said. The _third phase of renovation of Clark Student Center has been postponed to allow the students to take a new dircct10n rn the original 111aster plan for that building. "The present building was built in 1951 and has been added onto twice " Leishncr said. "It ha's come to a point where carpet needs _replacing, walls need painting and rooms need to be added for space. The administration decided to drop the plan and re-evaluate what the students want in their student center.

GREEK WEEK 1993SchcdulcofactMtics

g3 ra

The CSC . _1sh operated strictly wit student mo at ~fYb anthd is not funded R Y estate." tion e?ons for rcnovath 1 th e CSC include e ack of meeting and office space for student overorganizations crowded lounge 'space for studcnts and the inability to hold the honors and :thletic banquets, which equ1re the movement of al~ost the entire kitchen, Le1shncr said. Leishner said "The CSC was originally built almost 30 Years ago to hold up to 3,000 students. It has served its purpose well , but MSU has outgrown its capacity. MSU has reached almost 6 000 st udents, and analysts tell us we will grow to a

!See page 3 /


they seem more resigned


D111rsl•y 04 Z

10 p.m. Sing Song rebemal csc Ballroom 6-7 p.m. Alpha Phi. Phi Sigma K•pi;.g p.m. Sigma Kappa, Tau KJpp• Epsilon 8-9 p.m. Chi Omega, Kapp• Alpha 9-IOp.m. G,rnma Phi Be<a, Klppa Sigma, Alph3 Phi Alpha 6 p.m. 10


~~D:~ :i~~•!~s~:~e~':,~ Sanwlu,...Qd.2

I0ua 1onoon . Fieldeveo1sa1 ~lnmural fields IO un.10 noon. Sand volleyball II OF.CSandvolleyballeour1, IHSp.m.1o J p.m.. Wa1ereven<s 11 N,1,1orium in D.L. Ligon ~ep:,mony,:rr..,,mnus -·,·



PmpMAI J - lht mo~I rl1hont; rtnovallon plAn.

Proposal J .. lht ltad tlabonlt rtnovation plan.

Yv:::,ne D. Baker

~-~ /ikR. trees because

to the way they haue to liue than other things do." -- Willa Cather · o Pioneers" 1

Say a kind word to the four-foot plastic tube sticking out of the ground outside the Hardin building. Actually, the net-covered tube, located near the corner of Comanche Trail and Council Drive, bouSjlS a red maple tree, donated to Midwestern State University earlier this year by MSU's English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta. Dr. Jeff Campbell, professor of English and the society's adviser for last year, proposed the members purchase the tree from the Walden Woods Project, arfigroup organized by pe ormer Don Henley and declicated to preserving the Walden Woods from impending development projects.

Seminar examines violence and the college person By Kathryn Sci(

• ,t easy • g up ISO Gr owin

Swuliu..!!<U . :t11c chanots & practice sing




~ [)ccoratc chariots for conlcs-t

ll.londu..!!<I. Noon 10 I p.m. • Ken, Gardner ,peaking in csc Ballroom 7 r.m.10 8 p.m. • Diane Nichols, eomedian, in CSC Blllroom ~ noun.10 9,JO a.m. Fmlly D,wras, in Ex-s<udenls dining roo AllDay -~~:::'~rn~!!gday hm.1010,.m.-Charioljudgingin csc Atrium Noon 10 12'45 p.m., BSU luncheon

:tniv:sity Mtidwestern cliState

Make Street! MSU

grounds sup_ervtsor, was

entrusted With the planting and care of the seedling when it arrived on campus in early summer. Concerned about the tree's survival, Street the Walden contacted '~ 7 Woods horticulturist for . • .. advice on keeping the , ~ tree alive. He was advised that although the 'I tree is not incligcnous to our area, it does have a chance for survival. "We made it through the heat of the summer," Street said. "That's a good sign. The cold weather will not be a problem for the maple." ,1: ,. ~" The plastic tube will .. ~ :,, ' ,.. · , remain in place for a year ·. -'f '· to ensure that the tree •· '' . ~)·' '/'hoto/Dtbbl, Ma,s/oz will grow straight and ~:~~r:;~~~~:.grow lng lru have protection during its first critical stages of growth , The Massachusetts Street promises to keep an eye on the area was made a part of and for now it seedling, its when history literary beauty was chronicled in looks as if the "little tree that could" is still going the writih'ngs of Henry ~trong. David T oreau. ·

Violence no longer is the other guy's problem. is it Today, everyone's problem -the rich, the poor, the elderly, the young and the college student. To try to understand this growing social concern, Social Workers Acting Together will present a five person, discussion, panel "Violence: My Problem," from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 7, in the Clark Student Center Ballroom. "Each semester, SWAT has sponsored some type of seminar concerning whatever is at crisis at the time," Barbara West, assistant professor of social work, said . "We chose this topic since violence has been prevalent not only across the nation, but also on campus." The guest panelists for the seminar are Dr. Emily LaBefT, professor of sociology, Dr. Robert Clark, director of Division of Social & Behavioral sciences, Belle Malone, assistant professor of journalism, Officer Mike Little of the Wichita Falls Police

and Department Beverly Edsall, program clirector of First Step. The discussion will audience include participation, said West, and will be rather broad in nature . However, West foresees certain subjects arising more than others, including gang activity and rape. The panel will cliscuss signs to look for in potentially violent situations, how family values fit into the violence problem and how gangs effect a community. "We don't went to add to the anxiety," West said. ·we are just t~g to get awareness out. Another part of the discussion will include where the media fits into the picture of violence in society. West said the panel will cliscuss whether the news media reflects ideas to society, or if it introduces ideas to society. "I don't think the news report in itself fos- .

!See page 3



Polls will be open in CSC Atrium from: 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30 AND 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 1 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS SENATORS 1993-1994 Graduatr.CIL'11~n•tor(l poaitioo)• Vacant. Sophomoro Clau Senator (I po1ltion) • Amy Dun, Mkkry Gnm,

Anpla, J. W. Juatic:e Frr11hmao Clu.a Scnaloni (2 po1itiorui} • Shay Denton, Allie DiPIUma. Clayton Gahagan, Je1111eG1lle~11., Dylan E. Glad, Tally Rarallon, Smtt Stacy 11nd Pruitt Mali1ha Mignon Morgan,

1993 IIOMECO~llNG COURT ELECTIONS QUEEN Carla Hod.qo J eonifcr Novak

SENIOR DUCHESS Robin CHtJeherry Chri1tine Dh!her

Tamara Taylor

Wendy McSpadden

JUNIOR DUCHESS Pam Bailey Ezntlia Fiac:btr

Sttran;e GraJ

S.Cky NeweU Unda Wil110n Scott Chri11ty Walch FRESHMAN PRINCESS SOPHOMORE PRINCESS Kl'U~n Baker lkclcy Black Shay Benton Jcnnirn Cucy St&cey Carpenter Angela Harter Jennifer w..,.er Chc!l'Uh Reyu

Radiological science, nursing master'.s programs ~aiting for approval By Howard L. Wells



The health science dePartment will expand its CUrriculum next year by offering two new master's Programs. A masters of Beience in nursinj will fit perfectly with In President Clinton's health care changes, and 8 master's of science in radiological sciences will ~ the fi rst degree of its lind offered in the United States, Dr, John H. Skolnik, associate professor of radiological techlology, said.

Midwestern State University will accept studenta in both degre_e plans in Summer 1_994 ,f the Texas J:Iig~er Education Coordinating Board approves the progr8;~sically, we have to comply with the_ Texas education code. First, he have to show that t e board of regents is for tie rograms and secon. Y Ph t we have the funding t a. 1 Also we must ' 11 of the ava1lab e. . comply with a

other guidelines set forth by the education code, and we've done that," Skotnik said. The masters of science in racliological sciences is the first curriculum declicated to training the future educators and administrators in tJ1is field. "The students will be brought up to a level of competency that will allow them to do whatever it is they are doing," Skolnik said. "They are going to bQ able to under-

stand how to research everything, not only the scientific and educational materials that are in the field, but they are also going to find the legal basis for the operation in their field." Students interested in joining the program are required to take the Graduate Record Exam. The score from the Exam is taken into consideration along with the student's current grade point average to determine ac-

ceptance. Skotnik said the program is .cost effective not cost intensive. It gives the students a more trnclitional style of learning. "This is a directed, independent study program. We anticipate students will have contact with their instructor or program people at vari ous times throughou t the semester; however, as far as being in the class room and taking up space, they will not be here. 1'hc in-

formation will be given to them, but they will have to use it, analyze it and become competent with the materials." Separated into two tracks, the nursing program will be specialized for both the nurse practitioner and the nurse educator. Phillis N. Goins, professor of nursing and cor · ator for the mast.ers

3 See page =---....J


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Pass tlie 6ofogna,

f [av_orecf stamps anti my clii[tfliooa I think I miss my childhood. . I'm not su.i:•, though, because I cannot exactly pmpomt tho lime when my childhood disappeared . Maybe I W88 on the playground swinging without a maybe it was the day when I got my driver's


Whenever it was, I think it crept up on me and without 88king, made me be a responsible person. I only bring this philosophical idea to you bccaUBe of last Sunday. On Sunday, I did nothing all day. I did not have to wony about feeding myself, laking care of my body or keeping my clothes clean. All I had to think about W88 'what I wanud to do that day. As pond_er~d the many opportunities Sunday kept hidden m 1ls cool breeze, the realization hi t me that I do not have free days anymore. A nonnal day involves cramming 48 hours into 24 hours and being superwoman lo every acthily I'm associated with. Somehow, I have found time in the day lo breath, but that is about it. Childhood always had days when there was nothing lo do. I was always hunting for thi ngs to do. I had time to go play in the park, go fishing in the pseudo-pond, or take a venture to my relatives. "Busy" was never a word in my vocabulary. My parents knew what "busy" was, though. They were al ways "busy," and I never knew what occupied their time. To me, all life encompassed was a big playground and a bologna-cheese-with• extra-mayo sandwich . I miss the excitement of going to the grocery store and getting S&H Green Stamps. Remember those light green, sq1111re stamps, "'hich. if your mom saved enough, she could get a new toaster or blender. The taste of those stamps was suprisingly flavorful, almost as if the makers knew children would lid< them for their mother. No other stamp tasted like that light mint - why couldn't the mailman make equally delicioUB stamps• If it wasn't green stamps occupying my time, I could be fOUDd walking the dog. No other dog in the neighborhood was taken out as much as mine. Cracl<ere, my dog, and I knew the neighborhood better than any parent who was always too "busy.· I know what "busy· is today, though. I know what it means lo be "busy· either because one group wanla you here or there. Sometimes, they all want you there at the same time. And, someho..-, you will be there. Sunday was positive for my mental health and, it was worth it lo be young again. I had a list of 20 things lo do that day, but I did none. All I thought about w88 taking the dog for a walk and going to the park. Childhood was fun. It's too bad it can't last longer - maybe from beginning I<> end. Kathryn S,lf I, tditor of Tl,,, Wi<Aitaa.


THEWichitan 3400 Taft Blvd ., P. O. Box 160

Wichita Falls, TX 76308

News desk: (8 17) 689-4 704 Advertisin g desk: 1817) 689-4 705 OA ; . .


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Environmental Awareness

Xfitliryn's Comer

Iulie~ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __


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Students make the difference B7Nick Ke-Uer

Because no campus is a hermetically sealed these inn£r,-aco:is tower a were a rare breed On help cbange the worl.1 at few campUBeS, students borrowed a picl<-up truck large Student ac:u·,'lSIS, high on the efficacy of once a week to collect neW11paper1 for recycli ng. their new-found skills, are going out in to the An occasional admini.sworkplace confident of trator, stung by ri sing fuel prices, offered an ice their ability lo make a di!Teren<e. cream bash lo the dorm that cut its energy use What started as a tin)' the most. act of conscience. or a g friendship just-buddin emironmen In 1993, ,tjth the person who ta) awareness on cam..-ith the re· help needed puses runs so high that students and adm,rustra• cycling bins. bas blossomed int,, a full lon are successfully reworking the fabnc of uni- complement of professional &!clls and versity life. Their techcareer choices. niques for treading lighter on the Eart!1 ha-.-e rr. easy to think cf changed campus land• scaping, food preparauon , Lhese student act.i.,iS"...s as fundamentall r di/Terent procuremen t of supplies from you. Y~'ve ;ust and treatment of ·,r.·astc lugged home your sL"acl: of books fo r the new Their pc,lit.JcaJ sa,..,.1· semester, and you·re a litallows them to hold a tle ~·orri ed about orgaruc board of directors acchemi stry or freshman countabl e to a nt-·r. :it.J n• Engli sh dard of awareness for univerS1 ty The truth 1s. howeYer. investments . Ten years ago, a:,lk-ge

environmen tal acti -.,sts

Campus projects come in all shapes and SJZes. from Michael Kaelin·, nearly smgle-handed effort to launch a recyclmg program at Southern California College to the Tufls Unh·ersity student campaign to force their schools cli\·estment from a hydro-electri c dam project which threatens to de,,-~tale a huge s·,i,·ath of Quebec and destroy the way oflife of two :--lative Nations m the area.

that emironmen taJ acuon has never b€-e,n eas-

ier, and you don"t nr:-c-d to found a whole stud&: nt or• ganization to i;et started. lndi,,dual students aaoss the country are making lasting change; on th eir campuses. and are being transfon:ned into extraordinary people in the process. I should know. In the past year, the sta/Tin t.'ie Campus Outreach Program at the X2tional Wildlife Federation ,, s-


What started as a tiny act af a Just-budding fr1endshlp v.ith ~e PtT5on. who needed help with ~ recy=i; ~ has blossomed into a full romplem tnt of professJonal skills and career cholces. c:olleg~s

ited 1.39 sclw,ls ,,,_33

stalet, kept up to oai.e on

153 enruonmro W pre,-_ je<:18, and gave 150 worL• rJ,~ OD lDplC5 ra,,png from recycling v, eonronmen:al justice

ThiJ year's re;i



sua::esse! grr ,1,· b:; ~,en

sections u 11.e st.....~ed to a=mmc,dat,e the widening array of".ies ,nudent,; ha,e taken on. ·student.! Worbn;; of a Sustamable Camptl.! Year i:l


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develop your o·.n agenda. It maps out the 5'"~ ps taken to achir.e each ·.i..ctotj·. prondes name..: an:i phone numb.en r..f. con• t.actS for each projK:.. an.d 53\"e..5 YOU the trout'!!:- ?f relh~g somE:-':.l::1e·s pa.Et


Your ·Gork p~,t..s e"'o:?D easi er when yo-.: r c-e:ner your project ·,4;~ Cl'JoJ i t! and ha·•e o:Jr ! .zT of or• garuz.ers - t.hem.5-=:l·.-es recent campus actJ...":~..s pronde you •.r.;th ia::.s, Ebll.s trairung. orr..nizational piJint.er5 and con· tacts on other camp1'.Se5.




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of~ •==tbing b.a;;pen. 0--...:,, Pl thrill, you11 -.z,:: :.:, he;, at it. V.'by not ;;e:,:::, ,6. catioo zn.d caki.- a ~~.nee. too:

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[°r.u £ni::,, is;,, nu fif.h >v:cr C! Din:c:or o{Carip:,s ate of

The guide L~ ::luces artides on campus 2dminis- 0 ' a.: tfi.e ; ; ~

trators,,- col•

leges. historically black

V.rlchf, Fetiua:iar;"', D C

Cornstalk art: A maze of maize giant dinosaur, ·the <CPS ) - There's a dinosaur lurking in a corn- stegosaurus . Lebanon Valley students prepared Lebanon field next to the field to a maze deValley College. No one can see him, bul everyone signer's plans, and the college opened the ..-aJk. knows he's there. ways to the public for two Whal could be the in early September. days largest maze in the world, visible only from ell , this is the year ·w the air, bas been ere a t,,d for dinosaurs, isn't it?· by a former Lebanon Valley graduate in hopes said Adrian Fisher, of Hertfordshire, England to raise money for and designer of the oddMidwest flood reLief efFisher, ,.;th Lebanon ity. forts. Valley alumni Don The 116,00-squareFrantz, a Florida-based foot maze in the threeacre field is sbaoed like a producer of entertain-

ment .-·ent.a, pulle<l off the project. Tve never done a

maze like this." said Fisher, -.·ho has designed mazes in Europe. The sheer scale of it ..-as quite daunting.· ti.sher has worked -.ith bricks, mirror, fountai ns and timber, but never with corn stalks, be said. Richard Roland of Cleona, Pa., the com.field owner, the Gerald Hoffer of Annville, who farms the property, both gave their blessings to the

...-amen. Cam?m ~~

stegosauru5 . They said they ..-ere willing to sac,;. fice the corn for the pro-


~fazes are terribly good for family life.· sm

fisher. "Grandpare,,ts

and grandd,i1dn ,,, can compete equally:

It is esti,nau,d Iha! there a:re t,,ro miles of path..-ays in.side the mau, and that most pe,ple ..-ander for aboot a mile before they find th, solution.




Pagd - -~~Sb====~~~~~~~ Ion r .. , . Renova~========-N~~ -~· ,csc OOo I I /v· I Thund2y,Sq,trmber30, 19?3


p0P"'at1on o about 8 ·- the future beror•' ' our ~wth st.ops: •We began about I8 f!IOnths ago by sun,eyj ,.hat students said lh~g ,.anted tn a student Y l~c: ter," s_he said . established a commit•·•


IO ~:Ut:\v.~~•• tile t,-:,-::-.;--1_- : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ J th e 7-11 , and il is about concern i• the funding tcra vwlence, Molone se rneet' grad ·That which is ••id. burto want don't They and here from mile• two and bua~tir,n ceremd~i•~ the lounge, q1:t,; One of the many students on cam- den the future •tudents written beyond influence it: docs news they before debt o with cars mini -kitch..°u 1d have O pus do nol have The elTccf.11 of g3ngs tradilionu] ,n where non - Think about having ae- enroll . One proposa l in eociety will also be rent a l••k students could ce 6 s 2~-houre-n ,day to fo. would be W increase the another topic the panel fees usage student rccrco as such cilities Lak er = "'' semester in will diecuss. Currently, iJiat would take these a 8 . ~ap or even °heat• a s~ort ation area or compute r up to S30 per gang believes Weot We increments gradual nd hove won't we where lab ood up tn a miero-wave st9smcnts a l!Blabl' h to worry obout a doss don't want to saddle stu- activity is relatively 'l'he second p.l foundation for all 0 ~ISU's on minor Other fees. big with dents a or progress in c COS( around $4 a_n _would that is n." be made campus. The . commit~e made Wouldn't inclm~lion. It conOict v.ith one's schcd- proposals will ·1 think there is a when the student body (he dectSton estab1· h reercation a d u e the ule," Sclfsnid. they potential for gong•, what for votes comthe said Self Orea,, ll 1 \0' Wou~ it inC a master pla ts · •nd said. -We do have West avoid the added-on loik much loung n l have as mittee will be going want: ·1 believe that these eomeroceproblcms,but it Would st~lspace, but Friday to University of that the build ' hove the Texas at Denton ond proposals, when given t.o I am not aware of any presently has . Th~ng convenienc t will help groups on campus: &Pace allocation plans ee enlarged e • ore, an University of Texas at the students Rape will also be anand Arlington to sec how MSU take another step t.o iJl the final stages or ~re the Possif~me 1 room 8 food other newly renova ted continue the future other aspect of the di sqe}opment before a 1e- COurtarca. tty of cussion. . said Scott growth," work, centers students The third 1 . dent referendum wilf ~~ A study completed in timated to tP an ,s cs- what they ha,·c ond whnt "Many members or the held, Le,shncr said more million It COS around S3 they have that doesn't committee have said, 1987 involving · The most would be o wonder- thon 6,000 college basically work . The committee f1'his 7X Pensive call~ · th wouldov• ce all ' b I d of on · t, rcn. c or the the plan around ocat1on spa present bu,ldi~g with ocs not wont to get the u tti ute ,or individuals students wou_ld cost around SS student body lo invest ond organizations lo give nation showed that (llllhon . It would involve new carpet and . remen or paint. It their money into some- MSU a newly modern a 25 percent Would I he enla engagi ng in veni e on Y add lhc con - thing that docs not work student so that our I ported in rgement t 0 and alumni P:~~rocfli!,~d en- a_t other large univcrsi - student bodyhome ~.':!er;:;c:,n~ 0 odfli,ecre_, largKe for ony could come hes ,, 5 I •Linda Wilson Scott, event or festivity and envice. area. l calls for the h . al h ryn Self. cocenter accommodating joy vice government student airwotMn or th; CSC addtlton a convenience of science in nursing proon campus'." store, a ~ecrcation area sa~~ov.~~on Committee, president and committee while heresaid, gram, said, "The two "Perhaps Scott e arc trying to member, said, "It will • for tennis, racquetball investigate tracks were decided upon snd basketball , a gym a ~:la feel or what the stu- take a lot of fine tuning. we shou ld surveying the comofter the food court area, new ~r- wh:l body wants and There is need for more ways to incorporate spirit of our muni ty and talking with fices and meeting rooms st t they expect in a space and vcrsat;lity of generous in Wichita people he t alumni, 'friends or MSU,' udent center. Would it existing space." for student organizations "In my posi tion I have ond students wishing to Falls and the rural areas ~~l be wonderful ond exsnd a computer lab. we support in Texoma. hng lo have o choice of on opportunity to meet leave a permanent token We are working very Access lo parts or th their days at this uniMc ere l~ eat like a mony of MSU's guests building would be with the folks in closely the of Several versity. camour lhcm show and Donald s, Burger King bours-a-day and there have the community t.o serve would be no classes at all Jaco Bell or other name'. pus, · Scott sai d. "Mony CSCRC members for the stuprecept.ors as nd dependthot, food estab li sh- have remarked at the suggested in the building to cause ra interest, stu- dents. We have geriatric, schedule conflicts with ments right here on cam- beautiful ivy-league op- ing on the nurse adult and pediatric and benefactors students . The rooms pus? Or be able to go to a pearance our university dents be willing to con- practitioners as well as convenience store and has. They are impressed might to agree who p~rchase food items, re- with our pride, spirit and tribute to the renovation physicians project. One friend sug- serve as our clinical prefngeration products or home-town atmosphere. "I have spok en with gested the sale of mono- ceptors. So, we are very personal items like soap I l excited about this prosh~~poo or toothpaste?" ' many students," Scott graphed sidewalk bricks gram." The closest store is said, "and their main t.o generate funding." In addition to being Bohling 1Dduslr1es L<!iehner said a debate accepted into the proc.mpusrcprcseot.ativcnoedcd A Private Executive Health Faclhty over the renovation is scheduled for late gram, the student must bysponswcarcompanytoscll CUJB PROGRAMS: and the ref- also have a baccalaureate ID fraternities and sororities. Play ncqudhal~ han:Jhall walteybaU to your October erendum will be held in degree, be a registered AveragcSSO lo SIOO worldng heart'• contrnl wllh nocourl r«.L Prorwlonal nurse and be licensed t.o December. one night per week. Call 1stlff•altrndrd. Prlv:, lc or du.• v I d r o · ....,,,, , , , , - - - - 800,242-8104. 1trohksJm·1rucllon. 1-"ull-nmRt"lintolCam.Star ~ Vickie Hurst pn:,cnl< eijulpmrnl with 19 ~tatk>n•. S~d•I


to'! i°







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men attempted rape, Q 4 p<?rcent of college men had committed rape, Q one in seven college women had ~n raped.

In addition, First Step, o shelter which oides women in need, said one in four females will be sexually OBsaulted in her lifetime. ·we want people to understand that it (violence) can happen t.o them," West Raid. "My feedback is that it /this semester) has been more violent,· she said. ·we want W show what we can do to protect ourselves or to prevent it from happening."

practice in the state of Texas. They are also required to take a course in basic health assessment. Both tracks consist approximately 47 semester hours. Excited about the new master's programs in the health science department, the faculty is more impressed by the working relationship between the two departments. "The university has made a major decision to do the right thing at the right time and they are bringing in the right people to do the job. The time for these programs is now. The nursing and rad -tech people are working closer together than I've ever seen .~em work before, and 1t s a good feeling. I think it is going to do well for MSU and it's going t.o do well ...~ . . . .,.,..,._,._.,.., .... for the state of Texas," Skolnik said.


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Thursd2y,Scp1cmbcr30, 1993


'' Good Son'' changes Culkin' s Billy Goat album worth perlormance image from innocent to evil Mui~:;b~~rwhcn you Dy Mollau Sullivan

Oy Dean La111,-reacc Movie ltl'vie • ·tr

He's been called the "Shirley Temple of his dny: nnd lhc "Arnold Schwn1:eneggcr of kid fTT OVIC R

Viewers nre likely to know him better as that kid with the terminal screaming "Home Alone: but MncCauloy Culkin, or al least his fa. thcrlmanngcr, Kit Culkin, is out lo change his image Witness "The Good Son.· In this psychological thriller, young Culkin plays a 12-ycar-old psychotic named Henry who at temp~~ lo corrupt, and ultimately eliminate, his cousin Mark, ployed by Elijah Wood. Mark mo,·cs in ,.;th Henry's family ofter the death of Mark's mother This movie, directed ,.;ti, slall by Joseph Reuben , famous for "Sleeping "ith the Enemy," brinis n Swphen King style New England spookiness lo the mood, nnd the film is rippled with emotional undercurrent.,;

Here we have a smi s• ter look nt n senal killer in the makmg who. having killed hts younger hrother by drowning him in the bathtub before the movie start.<1, now tries to

do the same thing ,.;th his younger sislcr, played by Culkin's real-life sisU!r, QuiM . Henry fmally lries lo kill his mother, al~o.

movie "Son-In-La"'.· Goat. ~Dilly Goat ie abou1 Billy Goal, who_re· were little and for your havtng an unaginary Id lensed Bush Roaming Mammals in Jun~ 1992, birthdny party you wou friend . It ie about con,·1 is currently working on a lo grips with how in. ng beg and plead with your He evokes thoughts of what Jeffrey parents new album on the Third for Binky the significant you really Records Rail/Hollywood his in because like come lo Clown Dahmer must have been arc," Dillon stated in a everyone cl•c hnd him nl lube! and i• guaranteed lo press release. youth and calls to mind recent pho- U1cir parties and because compel you to dance with he was oh so much fun? Dust o!Tyour boogi their funk packed songs. tos of blank-faced teen killers. Sadly enough, those shoes tonight and go~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - days arc gone and matu724 lo co_tc_h so_me of tn. Founded by percusrily hns taken over but feet. It is a hil slow ' Li He evokes thoughts of · 8 wI11·1c , the 61·onist/vocalist Mike 10 mos_t cxci ng, tfnotcn., once every und middle, the through what Jc!Trey Dahmer gelic people, lo come ,.' . Dillon and movement . urge lo experience fun participants in the plot t must have been like in long'" in Falls Wichita tend lo show up, or fail to people strikes. If you suf- artiStlvocaliS Kim Pruitt, his youth and caUs to the band even had one of lime. Admission will b time• fer from U1is hack of fun mind recent news photos show up, at crucial e $4 at the door. their best-known songs, affiiction, go lo 724 bit loo convicnenlly a ofblank-fnccd teen ,"_:;in::_P:•:::m~ly:.:S::l;::10.:..:rc~•s~~:;-;;-:;:- -;;;--It mny also be possible ;to~n~i!gl~,t~n'.'.'.n'.'..d~••:e~D'.'.:il:__:IY:.___·;c:'.:h:::!cf!.. killers. Culkin also docs n 'Ifie Origina{ " r,,.,.'" "'" ACROSS lhal the film's '" R" ratin~ passable job of portra)ing may eliminate from th<! • 1 , 1 , TXum· 'sbl wel 49 ~; :_:,~!ti.,. .l\J.J the character He is prop- nudicncc those viewers one. so TXiwn. · , bthrldri• 6-JCbadq & GIi)' Orbkor, hall,,,... f■,madiUol erly sinister and devious, who ore Culkin 's most s TXitm ·n,·,1 \\;th an adequat e amount loyal constituents .. th e e ~~~;:~ ~ ~ u,pcoo1a,.chu1Ch of cold, calculating evil. orano,t 1¢u kids . Two profanities, in57 ·can11y0on,·co11eQt But he is not the star eluding one incidence uf 1 Tx0ou.Wa1ur 1 that really shines in this r;:1:,, ss the MF-wo rd" occur in th1 i. 8 :9;:•,~ Si Ttmyoi.M·unsloarn mo,ic. That honor goes Lo mm, nnd hath limes nrr g TlCJlffl , it in,cnool 1»n·10-1·no~~rts· Elijah Wood whose char- spoken hy MncCauluy 16 o,~n '"Wooty Buty' acter, ~lark Evans, IC the himself. ccnU!rpiece of the !ale. 11 ~~; ::1:~Md, This change of imugc Wood 1s the one who ,11o 'IQf1 12-..d1 1 may work for Culkin, but 19 grabs our sympathies, ~ic:n•,~ir if not, lhcn there's ulwnys delicately balancing fierce "Home Alone 3." One 20 mpu1Mor"11vng smarts y,;th wounded 21 'Teiuvd•" ,11, thing is nearly certain. sensitivity. ~~,~~ __ we'll he seeing more of 23 beIn his grief, Mark 1.:xt.· (h..lltlyl Elijah Wood in the near 29 ~ , .-, 'Fi.r1tM1r comes comi nced that his future 16 mother's spirit has en ~~,..~' ' 13 Offltton had ti Review Rn ting: Au _ theb4yln '93 tered the body ofHcnry's 33 TXgol!1rKilt{1nit.) 1.c 'Soorltr'unlvers,ly TX11m: 'lhl'I~ ' mother, Susan, played by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 3S (gadget) DOWN 15c.orporabonof Wendy Crowson. and Arhngtonaulop!Anl 1 0.5oti INm natM C0h.rntiushas111 tPaule 36 blloricwdang 17 Columbuswasonca 2 TXism· ' 1rlltau _ _ "'The Good Son"' develops lhislndaan't'lllegl i1' 37 epeNmaooutTX into R sinister tussle belh♦ betrWhfiei' 22 Santa0aus(2wds.) 3 TXism: 'd'langl ,~,...a,Marfa tween Henry and ~lark 52 39 WactJhosts'GrNt :: ~~~• 31 coklr 4 TXi,m: '1_' Taus Rafi_. about "'who gets Mom ... fldKla,.) 25 lold&d corn mnllla 32 H~by or L.ovt Reid s. 'watch ll _1• 40 TXism· 'bury1n' Finally, dirccwr 9 Alph.s. dau p,;slura' Ruben forces Susan to « 8al'lki: 'Mr. 10 TXiwn: '1111ta1a 26 ~::~:;..;:- : ~ : ,~ ' : ~ : for their ,ta IOMr (tbb~.) _ upatrM' 27 •- long' (goocbye) Chicago Cub' choose in a way that \\ill hatio... .Ct CNco, Ftra&Pa,o 61 • 21 network ofT♦UII 11 NolanRyantou 45 TXBonlOl'I him: hang in your mind fo r a .a Men,.,ects·_ as ~•hotr. SArnOcNldlon t2 Hnc1.ldleipi,e 1081!dJoe' ' (abbr.) ,tat• long lime. Pea' Bladt-eyed bed olrMdtation ·Gilt'lr1t11rTl'f\c,r Alamo .u JO Bowie's The m0\1c is not per-


=~·~.';;"., ~s°:~~a;'








Library sets new

policies on fines Tho ~lid-m Stal~ ~lofi• II l ' nwou,ty L,t,rarv ,taff hu in,htutl'd. a numbt'r of chani:,-• m policy dun ni; ti,., ,umm,r ~,te,Th, ,, ut,id,,



book drop

dosrd durii,i h-

br~· cp,rati nR ho~. lnslud. an nltem ate book drop un th• north ......u of tho buildm0 is aeC'ts..sihle ..-hen the hbnuy is open. Sttcnd. thl' r e



long,, r a i:ruc,.• p,.>riod for o,·e rd ue msttri:,ls. All it..,,,. are du• on th, dst. ,tamp,<!. o ,-erd ue fines



2.5 rents per dsy pee boot. nnd SI perd a,· per item.

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th, S t& t e

Tbu..-sd..ay e\·l'nir.::: .n 1n. the :\15 ~.- B:rn j

Art Gallery hosts solo exhibition


l ::,,·e~ty \\m:.,'iUar d. 5t Ult" rornt1r d Wt·.": Ttl1 c-.., oot1'.~ aud.tu.ons fo:- Ha.ii ~pus Dn~,, an.:i C.1d.!.• "'" m~--s of the 19£4 u:in on 0ct.2S. . Fl'S!O'.\" ., t~, c,•'-- I l l ~ l.5 S mil;. r:adm.; r iass: A ~: .Ht' "'-: of rolor1;uartl. d.3r.:e C.J:l!U:np1 on of th e :'e1 .1 f .u:a thea ter. and thi' Color Guard C'i,-r-.ll t. pup lS Opi!n to ms.le SM For ~~ infc.r:nJ n~,:i. fo,i:s.Je me.mb,rs _ ro..ntact .;l,Ja."1 Bl.sci.., J.i-:,,.:, . Selp ~ ens to aid in cia.te di~~ Cl: !:-~ ~ - :1 : k-s."Illilj; the audition rou- 6S9- 418 6 or ~r,G.1aa nne ..--;u b;, held each room 112

Tnl• r

1.". \•nS1:-t

:11\'t'n.: lt\' :\ rt

\i f

t.i1! p..1mtm~ on

p.1J:~r and csn,·3.!/i. a5 well l:lq::i•"C'l)al. p,.1s:tt'I. nnd p-3.phitt:" dra.,,;n~5

G1lll' f'\" ,nil host d .::JlJ ~h1b1tion fo r .Jl•rry


Schutte. ss~"('.]ate

th e ,·e ar , Las t Unh·crsit v · Democrofs

~Iv work si~1iiCruit to the de~e

partici pated in

that mv audienCl' may

GJ.lle" · fo r the 1993-94 .Jcadrmic ,-ear

tint lhev m.w finallr

Fat McBride's i: 1J:,,~: JiJ Steakhouse ii~,.,: ,,,J: iti 1

~ {!lti.~




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Coo,o-oiSouthwcst l':uh-.ylUldM.1ple-.-ood. Jus1 do"n the rood from the Mall.

Toke odvon toge or studen t disc ount cords ' Coll oMu t int re mur~l Jers~ys .


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For more information ,

call Andrews at 69 l -SS4S.

S1111dr~l' /

both cooked over Mesquite Wood



77.,w-sday "


a ns ti om,;de "Rock the Vote· campaign to register votes. Andrews report ed more th a n 200 vo te rs were registered at ~IS U and a local high

com(' to ·reali ~~ the foll\' of taki nf! th£'mseh·t.•s tOo srrioush-: &huth.'

Thr ~rndw Pmotin""'!

IIJI ,11J~ I



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a coordi-

n.,t-,d effort with MTV in

ap,wciste the P= joy of painting and drn\\ing, be reminded of the trial; mh i.'.' rent m thi' task. :md

ood \\'s rk"- on PHrs:c \\ill




;:-n•fe:-..~,r of srt at .-\ n:o:u. Stat e:- t ·ru\'t.'?"$.H ,· from ~ •pt. 17 to Oct. 2-; · Thi; i; the first of su ,.:hedul,'<l e.~hibitioru ,.:h,'<lull'd in th,• Art

The exiub,u on. e.ntnled ,Trm· &:butte·

MIii Clllllltla

"Our primary function is to make more people politically aware•regard Iess of their political affiliation ," Andrews said.

tor only 59¢. 89¢, and $1.09.AtToc o Ben., ttyou want greot tcsf9s and greet prle:e,s, your num~ has lust come up.

I'll c (,

Thunclu , Sc rrmhcr .Ill, 1?9.1

h, Yarosz exhib it work s in print comp etitio n ltlchnrd M. /\Hh, pro· pri11l11, ".'ih ull <:urn u, "

fratern1·ty haz1·ng • d ers h1n ne · Hotll woy for u wlulc." · rt lelA people l:oow Lhere i• fl policy; llin,J.,.. A h11zin1i hnLlinc only worka aa a Hupplcnuid . rm:nl Lo II HLronlJ educalinnal pro~rram, . p11rly -ho11rly l/11iv, •r1olly A hu1.ini: hr,lline rmly of(ioorifill fruli)n11ly Binder, a11irl, und n very clear hazing policy. workn "" a nuppleme 11 1 i,, l,rotlwr w1111t11 lo 111••· u Htrn11g eduwlional pro. 11lu11dh1u ,111 tho fr1111I. gram, ho ,mid, and a vr:ry currohoruL,1d, it c:11n J,u u <lrr mk l.ifo uflin• uutl to Nl.upH of Urn frnt, •n11l y cleur lwzinv, policy. He ntru,ml" for Ll ic 1111i l1i11 lio1110 i11 tli•• uv1•11i11~:11, vor11ity to Luke r11 ca 11 ur<Ht hmuu• nl thn ·o 111 1Ii,, ciWd the uniw:rnlly',a 11 nlh:111111 Ll11, rn111:lit l11111 1n11rni111: policy of hanning 11 lo l11Lorv<m o. of 11tlior 1111i v1•r111 l.y N11:hlmnru Citv Jlirulcr 11aid ll111l very specific hchaviorn I.hat 11f'fii:iul11 lhn1111Ili1i11l l.lw For l1lnnry-oy1•d fr11 calln hroLli11~ tlw f fow Hpclled out l/J "take 11 :ire rn1111lry who w 1111I I.ti 111 11: lor11ily mon, tl10 111111.,,ir. uru t,,,1,:utt; Ji11wcvl:r, 11urn o th,, ,:uc,mwr,rk oul c>f I l 1111 II 1111111d 11rn·1, uf Lill' haul ilyculh:rn don't lukc Ll w huzin1:.'· "I k1111w A11l111rn l11w drn,mod Bi11dur r ;111 n11ly 1.iruo to HLay on l111J phone · r tell prcnidcnta: 111rn 11ml Floridu, Flur11l11 lllf'IHI 11110 llii111:: und l!ivc him on11uJ:h fl lint of the l<Jp 10 'Make St.ui,: 11ml lrnli111111 Hm11ul1c1dv 1·11ll1•d Liu· inforrnullfHI to follo w up Lhut don't puy their duc 1 lJ11ivornlly nm w• rn,uuly ll111.in1: llull1111 • tho frutcrnily hou1:1 c with don't •how up for fonnal • t.l1111ki111! 11lm11l il,.. nind1Jr "Wo Lry Lo 11111k e evcnL11, don't go to ru11h 11 U1tl . 11111 :.'.'.:'.,'.::·~:,.'l::;v,;,•r 1" Uw curnplni11t iu cortnin ' don'l keep up thr,ir H111dcr du cr111'l 111i11<l fru tc niilH•H, 111111 Ill 111• IIIH' Thu11 we crcdihlo. v,radcH . TheHc arc th,, 10 nfllll' mm1l n ·111wr l1 ·d , y1•l l11 •111i: rourwd from 11 doc111rwnl lhc plume call hazing, uru d pr1Jhubly who wurTic hy 11lc1•p r1 11111111d mrn1l frun•d, 1illic·111l huforn we Hay anyU1in1! t.<, und Lhe chapl.<!n can do l,rol.l1 uni, pnrr•11l11 11 ml 111no111~ Lill' ~! ,0011 the frnt.crmly, " lw ,wad . without the•e people." J:irlfriunrl rt, Ill' mud ll1 H fr,1l,,r11il.y ltrol l11 ·r·11111 Murk Scc1lmc, pn:mi1li1111l 1 •d Lhnll1 1101. Binder •uid the 111 w1fo l'llllll)IIH clo:11t of Pi Kapp11 Alpha have legal 1111! 1iho11u rnll u, liu 1myfl, An 1111uny111111 111 ph11111• called llinder'• hotline could ff it is not frutcrnily, of purl. 11II 1 1 rurnificolio nH li11l for him, 1L' cull lo hi 11 :.M hour hollin n 11 "cl11uhl o-cd1!cd carefully. very hundlcd Uw joh. Jr hu c 1111 holl1111•, wl11rl1 pl ny1•tl 11 11wunt ," und U1uu1:h moHt lndividuuln Ct,uld hold inl<!rrupl II h11zi11/! k1 •v rul,_•111 rrn r k111,: lw11 rnity men on lhc frate 111.hcr 1111y H or •11I i111:id o11I., Urn univcr•ity rcnponsiblo 11111J11r hn1.1111: 11w11l1 curnpuA uuppor'l il, it wn kuul of111i11 cu11ducl, Ju, if they prove Urny tl11H IHl !i l 11 pn111 :, rn11 of doetm'l 111i11d Liu• lnck lm1vc fruU!rnili1m n111kl! or hn•uk u frn reported behavior I.hat vuJncruhlc tu fol 11c Hluu p. lcrrnl y re•ull.<!d in injury or Tho IIUCCt!ml or lli c S11:mn Pl11 Ep r,1lu11 rn · chnrgcft. hurm lo Homeonc and M111.i111: llolli1w ·· l1c'11 re · ccivPd 11 fivo-ycar ii ll!I· nothing WUJl done about "Ith::• really hdpud 1wnnion from I h,• rn1111am ccivcd 1111 1111111y m 1 JO ii. hnzing at the whon 1111 1111dc•rn1:c 11lccl1:u rnllH in unc pl cd1:c periud lo Hlop "Some people arc hidun ivcrnity, hut you cun 11lmnt-1 l d1mJ fru111 1:11zzli111.: -- iH bccuu:tc Bmdcr behind Lheir ing c Sc1J~C " cull11, KCL phony rwarly n fifth uf whrnk uy. prnmiHuH11no11y111ily lo 11uid. "They don'L usk your frul.<!rnity , and l{nppn Alphn PHi wnH11!1111 call urH, ho mud . I le <!ly, the offi. unfortunul. numc, you know . But I :m r- pu11rlctl aft ur 1111 111vcn- IIIVCH ll/~llll!II 1111111 :111y 1111 Lhink Ron han 11 l!IJOd feel ccrn have lo be accountt1ix incidcmtHu 11111111.h. l11!11lor from il u 1111l1111111I able for LhcHc jcrkB. The "Wu tell Lloe111 WCJ don't for whut he nhould hcml111111rkr11 cl1 rm1v1•1nl prcsidcnll! arc grcal. hcJwvu and whal he 11 uud 1rnmcn, We 1111 k, ll1111. 11 pl1·di!1.• 111>11dc d They take a •land and Hhouldn'l. " Huri:1•1)' frmu m:vurnly i11- 'whnl iH Uw h1•h11vior? Scohcu Hnid frulcrnity Hay, 'l,0ok, we will not put n11mcd hulloclw n •m 1llir11: und 1:ivc un Uw chnplcr up wilh any of this crap,' pruHidunlH ul lhc 11111110' Wu lry lo n111kc il frum u p11<J1lli111: i11ndc11t. and these guys say, 'I'll university urc elrongly nH c1111y UH pom1iblc," The hullinu, wl11 ch i11 oppoticd to hm:in,:, nnd "it do it nnywny. I just won't Hinder ,mid, n11lin1: thn t 11olhini: more Ll11111 11 l.<!11 anyono;· Binder "3id. lrnH liccn hcndiui: Lhut plio11cli1ll' lo Bi11cl1•r 111 hrn 1111lut1H i11fi1r111ul11m 111

ouor of nrl 111 which iK II roll of JJl"inl. 111111 <Cl'HJ •. Hun lh111l•·r i,1 Stu to ~old lu11f 1111101111rin1t r, llclwuto rn uhuut llio h111l 1wn 1u1111 Jnivon<ily, nnd l-:Ui11hoU1 lnchoH hy ;r.r, l11cl11m. . Y11ro.z, UHHOcinlo pro •

Tho oxhlh1lio11 w,,. Ju•

nu thoir work in 1h11 VoNl 1'c,xnN fHnlo nivunily Annunl Print umputilion nt U,o Moody orthon H oil F11rm11I 1 ,nllury in Gunyon, 1 ux11H. Tho nnlionul compolllvu uxhihilion fout11roH no of /\sh'• l!l!l2 prinl•, 'Nightnir #2, " which i• n lcroon111i nl mou,111rini: 14 .6 incho• hy 20 incl,o• 111d ono of Yoro•z'• 19!1:I

l!J!'J2 Soulhuru Ornphic11 Council J'rintmnk or l•:muriluH . Cl11.11111uy uo • luclod fM 11rtwork11 from 11 lolnl ur :l70 NILJ'IIJ II from :H HI.IIICH

11NNor of url, nrn oxhihll• rlud hy Lou Chu1111oy ,

'l'hu Khow op,mnd wit.Ii r1:coplion for lhu 1utiulH nwnrdti curcrnony on Supl. 10 Thu 1•xhihlwill cnnlln11 0 L111n


11rnl 1111

1hro111:h Oct. H

::;::=c=o=n=t=in=l=li=n=g=E=·=d=u=c=a=li=o=n===== ==: ';;10 '-·_ _ _ _ _.c.,__ __

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PrnLl,m, , Cl 30 , H !HI p ,., 1\1Hd•y•, Ori. 1.1 lhrouah Nnv


AIU· l,nlu• 1-2..!I ll•.:11111i11u, 7,0;!10 11,m . 1'uurlay1, Oc1. 12 through Nov, l In M1mnri 1tl 203 IJHlf lllu•prlnl llu 1li1111, 7 A:!JO J1 .n1., Tu11rt11y1 , O t l I:.! lhrnu11h Nnv. tn.

Oall•ry GI•" Whulnw Cnlor, U·O 11.m. Oct. 12111 Cl11k1 Stiulf!nl Cenler room I 10-111

Intro tn Com11111ln~. 1,\ ,0

Oct 12.


Anrl • nl n( Myth, C1vtltuti11n,, 7,U JI.Ill Tuu1l11y, ,



n-Up.m Or i 1:1

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1-"nr mnre 1nfn111111tin11 nil

thu• tl111u1 t1r t11 rH1•v1 nn• nr our (all ulalnti uN , 1:1111 flM tHOf,:I.

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Contact Michael Land at x4139 or come by Ferguson Hall, Room 302


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l11urstb , Sc temhrr jl), 199.1

Jodians stop Buff Schoen, Lower ,aloes With Y ead'ing the ,va DY Brynn llnllnrd

Intramural athletes compete for title

5p<>11Medltor Y Tho MSU •occe schedule Tuesday ~um continue . gninsl NCAA Di; . . Pl. 29, ol Cad its hnital 8 'fcxos A&M . is ion ll's No. 20n~on, Tcxu., 8 Midfielder Junior , . nked Wesl when ho mnde a p f ncker got lh· eosY gool w put M~7Jct poss to started mor~. . up 1-0 at lhe 30 h?en for un Five mmutca I t ·minute from 20 yo rds out°t er, Lonee Lowe keeper lo ~~ve Msuh•~rocketed paJ t~astcd a •hol . The Duffoloes mo~ -0 lead. c Buffaloes nunute murk but I•l 0 ged to score Indians won I was loo little l 00 Bl ~he 5 I . 1'hc Indian• improve . ' ate as lhe giving_Wesl Texas it., d their record 6 Tlus weekend th~• trsl loss of the lo -2-1 while Ill.. for the prestib~ou nd,ans Will be i~oson. 8 face Rosary College p" _Hordee's Classi fnnb1ield , Songomon St.utc on S nday night and 'ISU "ill ~- MSU Will be . nlurday, o. 2 ronked 5 Ocl. 7 against s~,~~ -game home slnnd ern Nazarene U . nt 7 p.m.




lly DrewMyrr•

Sport.I roportt•r

llres•cd in th ei r onnor or red und yellow fl ogs, MSU atudcnts ure toking Lhc field to battle for lite chnmpionship of all champion ships -- the inlrumurol litlo. For the post three weeks , inlrumurnl flog foolbnll hos lokcn Midwestern Stnlc University by storm. The wornon compete every Thursday nighl, and tho men play on Mondny and Wednesdoy nights. FOOTBALL Lost Monday, Sigma Nu (3-0) clinched first l'h tK I R II MSU ''""-err pl:.)·rr. No. 22 h1Hry Smith and No. 21 rlr•tJ"~;1111~1~11mu;,:~11r pince in the fralernity lea~ue by defeating ,ll,llhmnpl,mrur1h,h,II. Koppa Sigma by n fi eld gool. Other frol crnity gnmes included Tau Kappn Epsilon foiling to fin nl score ;1. 1. Kappo Alpho 21-6, and On Saturday, No. G The lndiaus had their Phi Sigm a Koppa k !Jul, just like lite winning due lo n forfcil 1 1e University chnnccs. ran cc1~-ohi night. before, every shot by Alpho Phi Alpha. ;;;: ui~~:~,~1:x t in-line ror would go wide le11. or In the independent Once again Lhr ,·isirigll,~roe~lttlmtenn,,eAl.,l ·,1m leagues, D & W handed . " Dialleg a 12-6 loss, and tors Jumped oul on lop Patterson even hil the when Kurt Trotman lcl1. post, bul or course, il Yon Yonkers ran ils record lo 3-0 nflcr a I somehow pul the hall in d'd 'LI d . lh forfeit by the Hurmoans. the net ns hr shut .vhilc n nn '" c net. nmning foll speed. ln,1~;;.ndt,.hdon1'1tgwihtnhcn Yon Yonkers stand ~ISU hounceil right alone in first place or hack as midfielder 1'ddio game thi s weekend, Head League A. Ortego ricocheted II shot Coach Nathan Pifer saw The firsl pince Colt off ,Judd ,Joy's leg to Lie it as o confidence builder. 45s do ballle againsl lhe the game at l-1. "We played lwu orlhc Hooters, Money plays the Thal wus the fin al besl toughest learns in the country, and held our Seminoles, Suede C's and the Bushwackcrs square ~core o~ the game ns both own" Pifer said. "It's off, Cutabolic Ene rgy cams allied lbr?_ugh games like these that lite second hair and two mold n team and make

Loss and t· b :::z::i!':~ le ullds team confidence ruv~rs1ly O


The MSU soccer tc entered last weekend':m t.oumo~ent "ilh a lhreegame wmnmg streak and a No. 5 nal1onol ranking However, this was 0 long weekend for the tribe. On Friday, Sept. 24 the defending NAIA ' National Champions Bellhoven College, p;id 0 ~:i!.to lhe MSU soccer

'fhe Blazers, lhough cosh ed in on lheir ' ~lnnces. The firsl coming nppened MSU defcnsemon Brad Mnonnnn ~s coiled for a foul in e box. Craig Dcmmin lhen put a penally kick pnsl Indian goalie Mike Te_rrel_to ' ·akc a 1-0 le,·1d going mto"half-t,· m"•. I th " n e second hair. t.hc Blazers added two more goals to Luke o commandmg 3-0 lead. The Indians did manage n score "ith :J.2G lel1. m lhc game Freshm~ Kacy Smith smoked a shol by t.hc Bcllhovcn keeper with

The 14th ranked Blazers come in and sh_owcd MSU how cosUy nussed opportunities can be. The Indians had several early scoring uttempl8 go wide of the net. th e nssist coming from

~~ ~an ~choen•w


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ovc ~1mc period s before

lhcm better us the season

t.h:~ ;: Umg for lhe tic.

~ . .

goes on.

Lady Indian Molly Van Hemert has been named the NAIA Districl 8 volleyball player of the week for her efforts from September 19-25.

'--- - - - -- -

,------------------. ome By Lalani's for a little


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Thr original romfort shOE'.

, • Last Winter, while carrying a load ofJlmk mail, I realized my Birkenstocks were beautifi:;;uL;;...------..



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available at ~ Sunshine Natural Wear in Parker Square


ARCIIEHY In archery, Kappo Sigmu won Lhe, men's division nnd Gamma Phi JJrtn cnmc up \•iclori ous in the women's Leading Rearers were Luurn Pfeifer with 55 points for the women and Hon Ton with 122 points in the men's

BOWLING Sigma Nu, lead by Steve Purdic's 488 points, captured first place in bowling nlong with the Faculty women Tho leading bowlers were Purdie ond Koren Holst, who finish ed with 474 points. Besides flag football, other intramural sports in progress include tennis doubles and badminton doubles Pool and table Lennis doubl es are scheduled to begin in early October.



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junior, killed 75 percent of her altocks, had six aces, 23 digs and 10 blocks in two Dislrii:t 8 wins last week. Out her main contribution come in the fonn of assists, where she recorded 80 for the week. The Lady Indians are 3-0 ii) District 8 ond 11 -5 overall. They play McMurry lonighl in Abilene.

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Slop i11 and let lb-.· Cuttnn t·. , . d1Jn~t• hdp ,·nur i,oup or or-

~ani,atinn uilbcustnm SHt'\'O

prinlini,:. mun,,..:r11111ini:. l'fll•

Worn with a pair of htavy sodts, I was toasty ~ warm, And now the only :J.: way I get sore feet is when dogs bite them."

Alpha Phi wil l try to knock ofT first pi nce Gill, Si~mn Kappa l,nttl e• llwisc nnd c:ammn Phi llcln pluy:; Chi Omc1:a . Two or the gumc~ will bo ut 7 pm . and 1h r. third game will be ul A p.m Thursday, Oct.. JO

, ~~


-\ .

versus WWI' , arid Nolr.s piny ~I llA c,n Wednosdn y, Sept i!l

Van Hemert Van honored Hemert, u 5-5

By Bryon Ballard Sport. editor

'. ,


Pa~ i

hmidt·J) and ll·llnlne,. \\1•


tJ?sstaurant and Cjri{{ AMERICANA FARE In The French Village


t:\lllllOIIJFII Gllt'Fl\ltU,•f' un )UUr fo\Orik I" -,tnrh •

'"l';.th, or jarf<H•I-..

t\l l.\\H\ltll' ( tnll\l, ,tMIV:

11 l'n~i• N llmr.-,1•1·. Sr 111·mh<·r ,10, 1 ) .>.I

Hom~ comin g comm ittee r contes t sponso rs bannel11h•,t HO Ohsn•rntu·~. Th,, M1dw1!11U,n1 Stntc

IJnh·croity hnn11•ro111ln~ C'omnuth,~ 111 R1>om,u\nn.: tho third nnnunl hnnn,,r \.'tllnp,t,Utinn. All hMnnaro will hn ,ltoplnyod in the C'lnrk Rtudrnt Cont.or ntrinm dmin,: honu'('otnin.: wcok nnd nl tho homoromin.: f110lb11ll gnmo. In nddition In displnyin,i llrn banncrtt, n l'Ol11 · mill<•• of jnd~o~ will rnnk 1ho top,o hnmll)rn.


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pick 111> slwol• in <'RC


116 or (':,(' 11!1 :ih,•,)ls mu:,:l lw tunwcl 111 lll•fti n· fi I' 111 . Friday, (kl ~

Tho committee will





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nwnrd winnint: or.:nniw• t1ons $50 fur third pine••, ~hr et :,:; ~hnu lcl tw $7fi for R,.. cond pllll'O, nnrl turni'd in 1,, llw 1h•1111 of $100 for firsl pin,~• officl' or tlw u<ll'l1t:-' tH \Vinnrrs will lw nnn• nounc:l.'d nt thl! foothnll stud,•nl ncti\•iti cs olli t-or mort, informnl1u11 i:nmc. ut F'nncht•r Knry contnct Tho rommittco ,,rrl•rs or fiR9 ·~0 7!, 1hr _foll owing ~mp,1.ition 692·8:)66 .........~......~~~ ~ . .,.:,...,.,,,,.,,~.........~......---.............. . . . . . .""I, ~




i Hl•art to heart

I,~:::;::;::~~;~ia~'.;::~:;\:;:s::::;;;~~::~~ Ori. 2 111 llw ~h ciw,•sl,•rn


Stu ll' Um\' crsit ~· t l utd tw r Educntion CC'nlt•r

helps s trengthen your

Chair, s t a t ed in n press

heart muscle."

rl!lcnsc "'Cnrdio\'11 h'.' ulnr

d1 scnscs.

includin g

s t ro ke , arc Am erica's number one killer. 'fhcy 3 nfft•ct pcopll? in thc 1r o:--, -10sand50s •• oficn ~hcir mosL produrtivc years."

Each walker raising $75 will get nn American Heart Walk T-shirt and will be clib>ible for prize, for raising money to fight

Trujillo a lso sa id , OctnhL' r Tlw non-compctitiv,•. Jll St -for • "Children ar,,n't c:.ciu<lcd fun event 1s c x1wdcd lo fr um cnrdi o\'ascu lnr di s· a. drnw partici pa nl s or nil cnscs cil hcr. Th ere arc on ly two wnys to fight lhcm : finding the cure

Chances will be sold for each lo win a Pioneer stereo to be given away at the Walk, and walkers arc eligible for many more pri zes to be given away nt the event.

throug h rl!soarch and pre\'cnling them in the

For information on



Amcricnn Hen rt Walk

Thr Anll•ru·an ll r nrt Assoriat10n·~ 1-1,•nr t \Vulk 1s u nnt ionnl t•\"l' I\I :-pnn · l. c dL•rlt! by so red l. ubornlo ri cs lw lcl in commumli r:,:; nr ni s:,: tlw

cardiovascul ar di seases.

count ry durin /! th r firsl Wt' ekcnd


~ a~cs.



Thl' wnlkl• rs will mi st-.

mom:-y for rnrdw,·,1sru la r first place. We'll have lots how to pa rticipn te or r..: re searc h hy a s king of informalion a t the sponsor a walker, call the ~ friend s u nd co -worke rs cnn Henri Walk on Wichita Falls office of the ..__ _.,.._...,.. _ _ _....,,...,,.,.,~ ~ for contributio ns for Amcri H ea r t ~~~~~us, how to help prevent car- American wnlkinc the cour:;c, diseases and Association nt -696-5596.


Register for Kinko's Free Seminar,


TIAA-CR EI•' "" SOUNll Rli TIRE ,\ IENT IN\' ESll:-il,

"Resumes That Work!" Beth Thompson Oklahoma City, OK

Guest Presenter:

•Find oul lhc thm: rl':iUm.' (\lints lhJI )'l\l shi,uld mdUOC u1 m:il:c ammp:in)' Ollol.n:l' you imnk:1Ji;11dy

•DiSl,m r how tu onswcr ti il.1 ~1thal )l'lllr rc~umc 13fl!.b in lhc \'('l rile.

•Lc.:im 10 u)(' )·our ,u1un1ccrt'1p,:nC11Ct· :ti a 1ol'I as~1

•Lram how to research aromp:iny ticforc lhc mtm·1cwtn


impre.~~ your inlcmi.:wrr

•Find OU! howselling the ~teak, instca:I of the, cool<l cost you an in1crv1rw

•Learn ups 10

'°"I"'' frlll or ph«ung.


•Mlbt nunJgcrs 20 ~ccorili to )('.,1n yuur h'..\Ull'k: Fmd ou1whill )'Wrs should mdudc 10 make 1ht:m wnm tu ITX:Cl )UJ.

What: When:

Where: How:

l'C-,imc it dut"s. Sm:irt invt'stors know th:11 your luturl' tl t'pcntl!i on huw wdl your n:1in·m"n1 s,~tcm pc-rformi.. Tl,\ ,\ .CREF h.1.-. l~~-n tlw !lfl•micr r_c1 irt' ntC'lll sy ~tt' m fo r pcoplt' 1n ,·dm·.1111m ,11111 f l Sl•.ird1 for some 75 .n•a r!4. \\'l• lio\'t' t'n.r1hlnl i•\·1·r '. ! 80,000 pt•oplr like you tu l'llioy :a c-omfon.:ablc rl•fi '"'-'1111"111. And Cl\ t·r IJOn,ouo ,l ft' now pb1111inf; /Ur clw futt1n· with TI A,1- Clt EF.


Seminar, Continental Breakfast October 7 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Sheraton I 00 Centra l Freeway Register at Kinko's, 696-COPY Space is lim ited.




1~ ;c:~;:u~::5~•;h•~l;~rc y~u·u. lia ,l' \"lhlUgl 1 im·11mt· fo r 1lw 111 rt'1H'\•111c/ll) 1111 ,, a,u. :\nJ di\·,•r:-;itvto lw~ I'. p 10 1"~' _\' •)U ::ig.i in:-;1 111.1 rkC'1 .

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