TH E WI CH ITA N Midwtsttm Stale Unh·trlily
\\'r dnt>wb~·. Stptt"mbtr 5, 1990
N{ilitar cutbacks sink RbT...,,,-u,,_C prog ram \ fiJlt
The McGaha Building 11,•ifl
Operation Shutdown \hdwestcm's ROTC s1uden1s and profes~or\ .... 111 \ ".H. :llC' the \kGaha Building by September 199 1 The program 1~ one of
Senator endorses Haywood ,,,,~
1, ,11r, , tm.1 Stn. Pini Gramm and Tom
ib)""''ood staged a press conference last 11,,cd:. OUlSldc Bohn Science Hall 10 booSt support for lhc Republican
j PartyGr:lmm, currently running for a second term. o ffe red his help IO H.a)""'ood m his bid for clccoon as
1D1s1m·18 I suue n:prescmaovc against
IDi:mocrat John H1rslu .
fbywood, nicknamed "Mr. \\ 11.ard" by his s1udcnu while teach -
Midwestern, said thn.t
, 1hr J) J11.'3rcof the un1vers11y's 1ml)QC1 I on people Ul tfHS are3 and plans IO 1SUJ'POM
us concerns.
Jr his campaign LS successful,,••ood Glld he Wtll ask 10 be alisiincd to I.he committees for higher tducauon, pubhc cduca11011 :md 1n:!1,1stry and commerce. T hrou&:h tus u,,ol\'cmcni wi th higher educu1on, tit mt.ends to sponsor Midwcs1cm 's fuurspcc1al 11cm reques ts, The ncms mclude fonding for the Youlh Oppor1unitics Unlimited. Th( program targets poc.cnual high 11::hool dropouts and allows them IO lllcrul !he uniVCl'SII)' IO gain English ald math cred11s. Midwc.s1em also •'.lnts add1uonal m1oorily schol~ s.~1p!, and fCholarsl'u ps auncd 111 rccn111111g high achieving studcnL'l. as trt:11 as the csU1blishmcnt or the Ccn~ for Sc.cnufic and Tcchnologica1 S1udJcs. The Center's inm will be to help tohsr problCll'lscaused by lCC.hnology. fix has hamrdous waste mat.crial d!sP0S,ll, and collec1 mforma1ion on lhe ~SI discoveries. It will also aJl011,• Sllldcnts to take courses .ind pin spec11l lr.11mng. P.ayv.,ood said he was intcrcsted m the pro,rx:t because of us emphasis on lhc environment, but 11,•h1le he rat1ill/ls scnous :11bc:x.n the concerns. be u)d he 1s •ho rca!Jsuc, Accc:nd,ng IOlbywood, we should find a ba.lan;;c between progress and pro10Ct1ng the ls m:11de by Midjcn"r.;;:e~ "(Slcm are cxuemcly modt._U, l-u}""'oodsa1d. Forc.umple, l.heCoo• 1tr .,..ould be located 1n 11n olre3'1y
u ,~mg building, such as Bohn. The for the CU'St ,·ear 1s ~,nwted al
IHtl.000. I lavwood said he wants IO v.-ork
gcumt more ,obs m W1ch11a FaJls
Mid more funding for M1dwcS1tm ~I don't behc ve W1th1ta Falls u
&tiling 1l!. fatr share," Haywood said .
three m TexH J.nd or 50 a"- rO"-S 1hc na111m for.:cd to )hut 11~door" due to cu1bJ.d, ,. in nunpo" c-r b> 1hc: Anny
bC' m1UlflJ •L~esmooflag«I profCS"iOl'S and stOOCflts whtn the ROTC pro· gram shuts its doOfs due ID m1hwy ~1bacb According 10 LI Cot G2, m Webber, m1hUlf}' S(ICOCt prof(.'l,ot, Midwcstcm was one 0 1 three un1ver· sillcs m Tcxa.1 and of 56 3C10« the n:mon ((.'l'Ced 10 tcnninarc thcu dcpartm('llb M' SeptcmOCr 1991 The dcc&Sion ....-u b:lsoJ wictly on numbers and OOI qu.tluy, Webber said. Dunng the l~ I fe w yc:lf'S Mid11,'Cstcm tw failed to meet the cn1ma or V,klusong 15 cOO'ln11.ss1oncd offlC'as. and the Army sck'c1cd viulkr progr3ms to d1sconunuc-. Wt bbcr ~ thc qwhty of the St.udcnts in 1hc un1vcr.i1ty's rrogr:im ranks ,,.ccpoonally "''CJI "' 11.h other colkgcs Wuh rc-giard 10 scores:. Mkl· ,.,:stem IS 111 the iop 15 OUI of 100 rhooh Accon.hna 10 Wtbbcr. the un1,en:1t) 11,•aJI sufftr t,n., as a rnull o f the loss of ,nromc brwghl IO b) the su~Jcnts l'h<" one-)ell/' deadline w1 ll :1illo111 ~ or ll':t s1utkn1s 10 fim, h 1he pro• gr:tm at 1',ISU by complttm~ boUl thcv Jun,or and scn1<ir years s.unull#l\co\J\ I)' The rcm:un,ng sludenb will 1ransfcr 10 ocher colkgcs at the go\·t rnnl('nt's upctlst. Webber s.:ud UIC' ~ udcnlS
"All universil~s art ha ving problems since tire Army p111 a cap on 1111mbtrs." h:ll,·e the ortion to qwt Lbc ~ ram brcau!ilC of lhc cl<¥urc. but all I.he MSU c1uk L1 h:l\"C chosen lO either fmohclasses ~or tr.lllsfc,. The schol~h1p w1nnn1 will roce1vc aU benefits and the S100 a month pay io :all cadets will be continued for lhosc complcung the progr.un early The m il1wy science must also choose 3':U VC pro fc..~ ducy, a d1fferentc.olkge or rw,.:ment. • A ll Ufll\"Cl~UCS .ue having problem.1 Smet the Army pot ;1 cap on numt'Cn.• Wet-bcr said . for ex::implc. Tex:115 A&M Umvtrsny recorded 100 s rudents w,.stung 10 conllaet. bul oould ooly IICC.C-JU h:Jlf thal number The Anny could sec a mllllpo.,.,·cr drop of 140,000durmi; the I\C.\I year. Webber s:nd He looks for more um \i:JS1t1es 10 be h11by futwc tkcrc35CS. Tc.utdJdn'1t.:lke as n13nySlrikcs 3S other sL-itts. according ro Wt bbcr. ArkanSJ.S k)s1fh·c of its programs bcc:t1.1sc: of the rcducuon.
Pro-li fe group organizes on MS U campus bJ l rw~ Soni!b
hurTW1 h!c \t'on'U~h cJi,;.21J,,n aruJ <;<"r
In an cff1.m to Pl'MC"nt an r,pJ'IOS·
mg v,cw on the 1orie oi :at-."Ytm a \'0lunt:er gr01,r, u.lkd the \ i.Jd"'()k'm ~UL.c l ni,.'CO.O:)' Colk pan:s for Life has been on?:;maed. accon:I ,ng lO Lis.a Campbell, f"CS}d,ml of thtorg:amzai mn Col\cgtan<, fo, L,f?- t'w:IIC'\t: :all hk1~~cdant1hfetic-pmatC<.'8C",:i>tlOfl and Wll.ld he prw,::~ t..,. t.,,.. from then unul fl.\ dr:31."I '\'ot on!) J.x-, this orga.r:aut,on oppose atut.on. 11 ~ cuth3:n.ll1a 2nd ~ooucde oa the ground! thc-y ,1()1..rc the · r,w,u fun d3111cnlal omd 1na!Jt"n:&blc: of ;lil bu."hSn rights the nghl to life . acJ:lfdrnp 110 the group's con)UllJUon. catc
1nc Ol'~.M\U.:WOO i:,bM IO ~YI> and to cnhlncc t.~ dignuy OI 211
~bc0ft':.,_ll~1,W'l ,..Jl1 defcndlhc drfen'°'lioi of all h,C-1. 1hc un •~ h a n d ~ •nd lhl! ~ I~
11'\c fi.N oon•rtt1,IOUS PJt41 on ....:i.mpus w ~ jh,Jcuon °'A ,: ~
\l. e 1ert .hert
""-as .1 big
na:J for an
S,Ud. ~.11, \.c•.-C:wnrtxu """C.U.s:Ull) 1..-. l ife "" Ill ""'Ork
:r-.;&TJ Wll' i.o,;tk ,..,lh k~, nun,i..,1-.-111. .a.:oon :inJ -... 111 :1r1irooch aca , h ~ 1n the ~~1111 oi
c.or.Lni io lhcu con:,w.uuon The-re arc fow 1wndin£ comm II'°'-' lr'. :hcorpr11atmn Tbepubhrny comm:uoc ,.1U Ix m charge or ali a,;, uom and progr:tJ11s the IJl'plU;il)Of'I )h.ll sponsor :and rt-bhcu.,ng 1.'M: group and us go.als in
Calcote realistic about new season Sollny Aniuen.,
S pwt.Ukw
Mila:: Calcote 1s thc n g.tu coadl
m lhc nghl place 3l the n gbl Umt.. The pcnon.a.ble and twd-w.'ORing head mx.h of the MSt.: fOOtNU lndt:1.1\S. now in h1.1 Uurd ye# as cnUlus13SlicaUy oplm\JSUC, and al the s.3mc umc. fc31lessly rt3IIWC m his obscrvaoons about his, Midv.csiern and h1msc1r. When asked atoouf for an hooesl assessment of his youne: team's ch3ncc.s lhis SC1'ion h.: hcsuaicd bcfort is rtason.i.bk," Cllcfulh· s:iy1ng. and the~ 4Utekly added. · t,ut, growing and coming together as a te.Jm lS oor
main ob)CCIL\'C ..
He g,,·es ~vcnl reasons for last )'t'.ar's d1c::ippomtmg record ,,,.hich only had a ·2• 111 the wm column. bu1 do( ' t hcs 113lC one bu in mcnooru ng himself fl.f)t. · M)' biggest mu W e -.·ss not enough LC1Jl\\l,orl and tO,J he soud in CJ.• much ·x ·s :tnd pl:un mg role m the 89 loC.l.SOn. A$ for ) elll'•.~ I.C.lffl itself. Calcote s:lld, ·we g01 riJ of the CJ)'· bjblCS .. He ~ J bC!ote. tht M:.1500 Started th1~ )"e:tr he :md his Maff pu:ked a. ~council of IO pb)crs,"' who cOtJld handle a l<b53nd .:OII\.Clllf'jlC on h:uJ w()fk . J and iogrthcnll'~ .. ·w e only ro:1u11cJ pl.1yc" '4ho could p!.:ty, and 110"" we ha,c leader~ whowilJ J.pcal. up," he s.ud 1ndc.x't1b· ,ng the 10. )Ulltc~f whic h heno&c..d arc noc e\·c11 swnen He D , e,y coocemed about the ~ ticdule chJ.nge brought J.bvul by tflc add1uon of :moth<".t :.<.h0ul Olar,ltn-
The ,x1uc-,.1.JOn t"'11m111tc ,..111 t-e rupon.,,blc for cdUl'-11ung the gcnc:,al m<"mbcnh1p Md the campus com-
munuy on :all aspects ol umcnc pru-hre , ..... ue.>. 1111.:ludmg pc,i.Juu.l, lt gal. t-1ologic:t.J sndetJuc:tl 3.\f'C('l'l The )0(131 service comm1tt.ce -.-.111 promote :ind m,1n.;tgc volunteer J\l'OJCCIS 3K.hng J)Cr")()f1S SU(h as precnallt ""omen, po~h :tbort.ion ,,_omen, men :affoc11::d by .ibalion. d uldrcn. the tlderly ond the handicapped The fund ra1~mg \'.()lnllllllCC \\'Iii b.: m cturgeof funl.l r;usmg proJOCls. The Collcg1.:m~for L fccom t1tu· 110fl r~111 res 30 C:\CCUll\'C board coos1..crng of a prt\1dcnt. ,·ic:c-prest•
d.:nt, bu.smcssman.:igcr and sccrcl31')'. All officers mu-.t be enrolled ai M1d,,,.cw:m They :ire d cctcd by :t
a, i,,:..-1 r-11._ When lhC So,•1ct Union't economy coUa(l!iCd and US m1htar) q,tnding dccrc,sod, cold W:&r· 1t0ns cased and njUOfl~ tthucd, And when the world's b3ck wa: turned, • dcscn madnun cak:ulhi.1 JJO""'cr gn.b of a d.:fcn.s,deu. oil uch coontry Unguarded, 1he 1yrant pounced. Now while >hi('K. planc.und sold ~11 from other nauons lie poised f0t au.ttk aga1nsc more Ul3fl I m11liof, 1~ 1 soldiers, S.lddam HuSlCtn'! dtadly lfllC'nllOJIS:arc bemg teahl cd. Two MSU profcsson, Dr. Michael Prcd:a. dir« IOI' or the d1vuJOn of pol1ti.,'JI st:iellO(, and b mes llogg.ud professor of Englrsh wtlrn vasiung lr:tq U11s 1ummcr heard the bcgmmng.s or a d1sun1 roar and w1mc5S..">Cd fir) t hand lhc cultural Wf· mo,I of a nation loni: accustomed to l)T.mmc rule f>n..-d:t left lr:aq only S IA (bys before hostages wen: Allhough
Sr~ Calcolc. PU\;l' 3
M1ct,..· St.:ue l.:n1 vcn:1ty Collrg1ans for l1(e u, an nf f ~ of TeJ....S CoHcg~ns fCtf U (e founded by Joe POJffllll bu11~ 1ndcpc:ndcnt · \\ c. :uc mdcpc"ndcnt orgarw.ahon~ th.,1 hlvc lhc s;imc \tC""s and gnal\." Campbell s:,.J
l'OJm.:in>poic.c fOf lhcPro-Ufc
sun..e 1n 3 debate ~ d by the Un1vel"'\ny Programmmg Bo3td m F<t,n,.,ry
Colkg1ans for Life mec1 on the 3«0nd Tuc.s.1.'ly o f c,·cry month m room 180of Cl..u k StudcntCen1er For more mformattOn call C1Unpbcll at 692-245-' or Pel.sue at 72:l-0426
Hoggard, Preda commen t on Iraq
perienccd TilC l.W double-game loflnal ,n
•~hdwc<,tern is almo~t like 3 high sc. hool,• he !,,lid 1n response to a o.jlk~I0,1 .1boot l.ulljlUS lcfe lie g:m~: the Lick of dornuwy space ti lhc f'CJ-.<,n for i low student involvement ,n c.unpu~ ac11v1ue). CakOlt: )Jlil Lhcn.: •~. "no'-:IIIIP\b l11e. • 1ttJ U'oC th{'rC a,en ' t enough SIUdcnl~ \\ hll Jt..UUII) 11\'C.1nJ M).LJ]11.t here Ile rccogm,cd the L:ue:c nturihcr
March 3 1. Cl.ll'Tcht (\fh,trs art Campt,<11. PfC$ldenl; Pamcb Ptl.suc, nct-presi• dent; GenJC" Jobnton. business man.ig<"r. aud Teresa Wilson,
"Th3.t d.cb:ttc really helped lD show lhc need for :a pro-lift 0ri:ilniu · tion,~ i he J:lld. Mt mbcnh1p to Ulc org:uuzation ·~open IO .ill enrolled stuJcnu:, faculty. stiff and rcg1sicrcJ alumna, arc currcndy 25 mcmbcri. Mt mbcf'h1p will be itrontcd only upon a complc.uon of an applicallOf'I, ra11ficauo11 by :a m:t,or11y vote of lhc C:utTVll members 1n auendancc: :ind pro rau P3) mcnt o ( the cun cnt dl.lCS amount.
Professor's Perspectives
Sunman~, ID I.he TIAA confCR'nCC and lhe effete u will tuwe on hu UICJ.• 11, hich cac.h confcrt.nee member met tw..c lt'I the s.,.,nc sc;i.son •> ~ replJCCd by a loClic.duk tJ1at includes )()me formld.lble non-conference oV· pol'K'nts thJt CJPC•:u.e on • folJ .,;cholanl'up b.&s1, :ti 01,poscd IIJ \he non KboUJ'~ up TlAA. "Even though I.hey don·1wun1 111 the eoofcrcm:e ch;;mpionsh1p. ltk:5C' (non-confcrcn::c) g;unc:, w,11 h.a\e a lot to dov. ,th the pl;i.ym' ronf1dcnce and atutudc," Calc:O(e ~ pb1ncd He went on to 13)· lh:lt since lhc lnduns only mctt cor,fcrcnce foes once, ·every i;.MTIC u 3 mu~t-wm Sltl.UIJOfl,. and lfut Uus b vcs hUk: opport11nt1) for t llpenmcnuuon "This 1s the only non-scholarship coofcrcncc 1n the tounll)·: Calcote pomt.xl Oijl "You don ' I go Olli llld ""' 111 lhc National Ctumpionsh,p an 1hrr<" years." Tht fOOlb.all coach .Jl.:ircs the s.3111cop1n1on a.~ most other faculty members and !he 3dmuustr.llton about M,dweiicm·s pt'CSCTII and fu.
m.:ap1ty oflhc mcmbcrJup pre.sent at lhcclectKJn Tnm ofoff.icruonc)·cat beamrung on April I :md ending on
F..dlto r lAI A9'1,c.-.1
Hus.'lt'in's assaull was unsuspected. i:IW cluu
Prt'.da ),)NJ he · 11 ;\°lb Oil\ IOUV from die )C('ond or th11d dJ.y 1hat 11 really was brewing: Prcdl !hul.l. -1 saw on lht nl.lm h1s h11,•ay gom¥ 10 Ir.Ill 1wo d1v1s1ons or lraqw II\IOP• \\ Ith Russian-built wnb , armored 1)Cfson.ricl earners :and mobile ho.,q>1Llls oo their ,,,. 3)' to Ku.... .ut ." Pn:J.i )JIJ hi: rcalJLCd !he l,:'':s\ ll)' of the SIIUJliCNI \\hen 1\.:- )(JW trjO)J)(Xl IIUCk$ \\'tlh k.itcllcn tables tiod sof.a 111 lhe c...-.1v.u1 • 1he) ,,,.c,,; 111m1ng.- he ~.ud.
Hoggard Another sign Preda saw was the apptatarceor ,hc Kuw-J11J Oag m traq. "In m:r.ny arc;i.s. un MJUt cornc rs ,lhe Kuwa1t nugatto1npan1cd the lr4q flag.- Pnx1a said lnq hus now declared Kuwait 10 be lhc 19th SUl.tem lrnq. ~
Dunng h1.5 v1~1t, PrcJ.a t1': a ne""SfXIPC'-r wh,rh \l.1tcd Lhc
rcusons ¥thy Ku...,·::ut should be ~ ocxcd by Iraq. 1nc ~ s 1s con11ol!td
by Hussein m th,~ liOC1ah)1tL i;o,crn
mcm -Every d.:ty lhc pap,.:1s wcrt: CIIIIC ILIOg Kuwai1; P'rt.:dl ,,..11d Bcs1dc:s thc11 \\CJhh, PrcdJ \.Jld lhc Olhcr Cfll.(1~ns .rga1n)t Ku.....aiU!I \\O.:rt that they conllo lk l.l land wh1,..h lrikjl) k it hl!o.lOtlC'.lll:, OClongcd ID them Alsooo.: of K11..., j 11·~ m11;::ir ,111fir.:ld~cn...scros:i.:s lhe bonk r hct'Nccn Iraq and Kuv.1111, Con~(jll(lllly lraq
Preda -.i.·anu control ov.-r I.he enurc to-Jc, • Prclb SJ.Id. The Iraqis ~w lhc Ku.,.,, ull.s as lWO- faCcd.
'"They were conscrvau,'C and rchi;.iou.s :it. home 11,ilh lhc.11 fAm1hcs' ,,,.ould Ire.JI l.bghdiad hke ~ Vcc,j s whcRth.·y came .. Prcd.:i V(llC"-'\I hi s fears 10 otha on Lhr.: tour and 11,'3S accumJ or not 11nder,q;m.1m, the Arabs "I toldlhc1n.· Pn.-d.:1~1d, "Iraqi ' s nrc not l)fical Arabs." Like h11 ~OUlllry, S::iddam Hus~ '" hlS sho,.,, II lh,11 he IS nOl I lypJCal Ar..ib. Mjny r~g.11J Hu,~m ~ lanauc:11, hul PrcdJ d1-..:ii;rccs. ~, d.,n ' 1~ on~:Jc( hun Ciui11uc.1I: Preda •..-11J "l ie 1s im~.ri:thsuc. He wants to build an empuc. And ht w ,11115 tocontn,11t: "«' lr-J q, Page 3
Movie Rel'ie'rl!
Film fails in come dy ~,p1l1' l" CI Lll. OICJ le,ul j 1 hlh .
\ly lllu1: lkavcn <k~<'n·c,, at h,:,t, ,I c · 11't.,1 ('ornplc1r r.u1m,:,but J l l 1n11,• h f"lt.11 u, i>flh
>I ~0 ,I llC k c l
Sir,·<' ~1.uun pb)~ .1,1,·, n.un, d \ ' nuu,· '41m ai,:rt't', 1,1 t,•,ttl) ,11!,IIMI h1, llfl" .i.nd 1'1,' n•t. ....ur,\ le• 3 ,m.111 1(11, n Rid; ~for,m,~ •~ ll1l' 1,·tk 11gtn t m I hargr i •fh1m until th<'
tnal ,~ fm,~hOO. 2nd then a~ l11r a~ 1h,· .:,1\anmrru l )CCMWCn K'd , \'m111c·~ o1n
h" ..,,..,n One<· M,1nm d1\ U •h'I\ th:11 the 1:1•1,·mmr n1 \ ht d ,s ' h•p "h,•n h,•·, no 111111,:rr U'il'ful, hC' mnd lh1.• 01hl'I gJllg)lcr~ " ho h:i, c J,c('fl l\'h\.alrd hl ,m:dl 111.... n t...· uin1r pJ 1lllrP< m ,I l•u,m1•._~ \("Ohm• Of Hllll'-(' lh,•y .111.•n't R'Jlh r ,p,.·nr n1rJ m ,1mthms 11,.,
t,u1 OUT)(', ani.l
11t' Jllllt:
lh.11'~ llllUlni h won·, L.ll<'
a lllJJ, bn~
ll\. .11 :1uth<11111<', h:11111\• Jo,m Cu,1\'l pi11u.11·, th<' ur11i:h1 b.11,•\'<'r "''•ltlm,.:
lilf IN° d Mn(I llllOffl(') ' ( ('lfhrt'
While \!1•1,m" s1n1.:il:k~ 1t1 l <",'l1 1hl:
~.u1_.:,l('I ,'II.It t•f J:ul, ~hr: \l llnl\ to ll\. l Ill<' Ju,,.- :md mdt the' l 1'\\
M.l.llm an.I i\11\ffiOI\ Ck\d,)t) ,I , ltllo(' f11rn,hh11' du11nJ:. \/11• <'11Ur.....- o f 1h1, 111,1\i.,• rin,I g;i1n a n, .... l'('f'f'<'\.ll''l' on t;11:h l'lh,,~1•:. \1ICM)ll" H,l\l('IW, 1hr U!:Uog\K' .... asn't ~11\\flg rn,.>ugh 10
pu:i-h 1hr 1·mouon m lull ,1e11,• l.Kh ('f thcst 1w 11lr LSl .1paMc \JU.Shi) J'l:r1<1m1n,IC'cs. anJ tt'Lh(-r(' had :k'tu:illy bcr-n a plo110 lh1~ mov1r lhc) would hal't a~·t,-d ou1
or .t,h, ,:rmg
lh('<'\'\'l\l.~ \li't'II.
The only problem lS ·· th!.• plot ... as missing M:irt.1n dyed and tut his h:iit
IN1)[ to renlu.t' 1hm thr 1'1'lln1c , 1k, •,n'1h1·(' 11p to lhc fanl(" he e:1rn !Mn Satuhb) N1gl11 l.11·c :md P·, m•n 1h1lo;1o.l .r1ar m11, tht' bhunr 11n i\h111111, !1011,;,' \·cr. \\11ul<l11'1l'C ran Tt,e fa11 11 Lh.11 lhi:'re .... e,('n't n.·;illy !Ill) funny l1n<'~ h)r i\l,ulln lO Wfllk with. Wht'II ~Ml ~Wllf WI 11ins, chtl ~)ml' :tlong, ~ 1,lrlm ~h('l11,'l!d th JI In• n-,1lly 1, :1 g\kiJ a. trx For l'll::lmpk, thl"!e •~ a n•ally 111ornig ~t'nc whC'n \lmntc 1r~11fles :m,1 do.1uenlly <'~pl:uns hi~ fcr hni,t~ ati.-lut b,: mg S<'panll~'tl from h,~foiruly nnd frl('l\ds, Unfooun.:udy, 1,•ood i;.;npt wntiog didn'1 show up in this ml)\•1c too often. To a\l 1hosc- mov1cgor~ who alrr,1dy ~ll('nt money on this mOl'iC', 11's 100 late frx you. The rest of you who ha,·<'n't gOOt', w::111 for 1110 come out on \'1dco. In fact, )'Ou should prob:ibly holdou1 until you sec the bnghl s1irk<'r wnh 99 emu wri11cn on 11.
1rng ·~ lhr ,.,nly n-:1!1~11.: cn1IC:h'1' I ll\1~. ('( cour~~. d1'i'\11·1 m:ill·
this nkl, K". but his grc)' hair ,sn·1 all
Middle East crisis brings possibility ofdraft protest to American citizens
Welcome back new, forme r studen ts
llyW&nd)· Cltwi C'ln:ulJ1lon ,\ lu1pr
Welcome bark! In case you're womkrmg what may tui,-c u-anspu'OO here dunng your absence from W1r h11a Falls. we ha1·c a recap. 111c campus was bustling lhis summer Y. 11h a \'aric1yof h1gh school
ll1f You1h Opponun11ics Unlu1111cd progr,1.m was in full swing 11,•11h 0\W 90 ru1.rngs1crs on campus, and the N:moual Science FoundatHJn
• Suday 1
Monday 1. -==~ -.I
( ~ ~ ) : CHEAP POOL : I NJGHJ I 1506SW pt,;wy 1$1.00 per/lOUr, I
I pe, person I I
I ~ 7 p.m.l
1:t p.01 7p,m. 1
1 WedDead•y
: ' ADffS NIGHT:
I NJGHJI I 5 minute / / I Free pool I specials alll\e I au I . Coronas a.m 2 • . p.m 7 I a $.50 Pizza I H3:':,.';""' I loP ol every I nlghl long I hour andpool I l 1MSu10_,../ Frees~nl Free / ___.. I I m11110.21or / Spec,a~ all I shuHleooard lor ladies I I nigh! fOOTll& I I
Is this same sccn:11io in the immediate future for J h:wen'l Coumry Joe and 1he Fish on any of 1.hc proplc1oday? I pray that is isn't. It wasn't fWlthc:nllld-.":;: local rndio stations singing ~wcu. il's onc-1wo-1hrrc, wh:it re now. fun be we fightin' for?.-Don'task mc I don't give adamn--Nc:ustop But the prospects of rcmsl:Jting an activcdr,iftarctaiai is Vietnam!~... yet Th:u wa~ a d1ITrrcn1 lime and a different a ccrt.:linty ,f conditions continue 10 ~ b tc mdie~ r., w0rld geis its ~ But w11h all lhcacuon in the Middle East W ing on gr.wcr region.< where lhc industr1al1.ted 10 .sc.c how tJus ,~ be And 1t will be mos! intcrcs1ing :i, x-cts w11h each passing day, this generation Just ma~ 1 IOddffila-. chosen arbiuanly being of idea the to re:ic1s . r hant111g its own draft protest ,•cry soon. twenty )'C20«1et• The m1lit1ry tlmrt was a re:d1ty thal was dealt wuh m of hfc tha1 was uDdrcamcd of a mere took to the street.sin prOlCSlr:Aaninsc=a Y. h:ncver manner seemed :ippropri:ilC OOck in the days of when t.hcirparcnlS be justified nt best as being ancttssayt,( Kon-a, Viclll:irn. and when the Cold W:11 was hot Korea, could only Victn31TI was an unpopubr war that dm<kd a IIJIJl»a! .:ommg as close~ ii did on 1hc heels of World War.If. s:iw of life. In rtU'OSpcct,mo~l draftees acccpung 1heir fate as merely one more job.that cut 50,000 l1l'CS short in the prime that r.ickedeolqcca. h:,d to br done 10 prescr'\'C lnlth, JUSUCC, and The Arnrncan pcople can now justify 1he p101estS the stretu mw homcfrom b.J.Ul~ 1Umcd 11nd puses . W:iy. lcmb tn1'0lrcmcw; 11 another of possibilities IO the mg With Whtn lhe United SUICS and RuSSl3 were threaten globe loonung l:qtr ez.i start slinging nLJ('lcar h:irdwarc arounJ, the boys went in ocdcr rcmoie nnd forbodmg i:xin of lhe 1t» ask dr:if1 the for s:ifc, ripe lhoSc rcl:itivcly will was it day, :ind 10 SJ\'C mankind from CJ1tinc1ion, 100. sinrc nobody was scnously shooting al each other I.hen. \'1e1n:un. howe\cr, was a whok 'nolhcr dcal. Real bullets tumultous pcmxl of the btc muesindtaif were bcmg used with 1ernble imcm, and 1hr aroused social ones asked in the ronsc1ence of a gcncra11on that had known nc1Lhcr war nor sevcnucs? red-blooded Americans art 1 ~ mOSI now Righi in qucstion"What ive collcc1 the asked economic dcprCSSton h1jock the world's encrgy5IIJIM'a God's name arc we kilhng and dying for't So they protested, 1hc way Iraq is trying 10 wreak economic chaos. As lhe m1htanes cl: so manyec.a :ind s ud "Hell no, we wo,f t go!" on the daily nc11,-sand pmna. c,:('.fCiscs staging in seen arc to ha,·c would they choice 3 Some did go. They made of \'J.flQ.UJshLDJ yet adkthve (or die) with, and they arc to be ncilhcr condemned or runs high in the noble cause and k\·Cl•hradcd ....._, c,.ahcd for that choice. They interpreted 1hc sitwtion as madmnn and prescrvmg logK"al "HeD )U. rDgL'f COO\'icUon hooeSI wilh say O L and natural is :inothcr job lhal called foe a sense of duty and sacrifice, But when those s:ime ncwscasts bcginsho•inc!WMt went h:1lfw3y around lhe world to act on that 1nterprcuuon. IQ a !lrtaa: scoreboard grisly some like some in be. figures IO h.ld .:tnd casually way th:it things sec ·1 Others didn cases, h1cr:1lly dragged :iway kicking and screaming 10 the game, and fi lm foo1.1gc of unth1nk:ibk attOC11JCSi:'c¥11«ncarrst induct,on center. Some went IO ridiculous extremes mi1tcd by man against man. will the dr:iftablc b<'glll ~ soch as mnictmg bcxhly mJury on themselves m order to on the lyrics of the aforcmcnuoncd song 11,hll'h ohtam a phys1c:il ddcrmem. Others took the most drastic patCOIS can "be th¢ first OI~ on ~ow Nu,,k lO hav't )'W . ~::t' ,.,IlloJ art .: " that pricc thr aliell!UK>n re-thmk social and or box?" a in imprisonment come the risked and stances came with · conscientious objector· SUltus. Some went all the roe cheap gasoline? De_? \'U. anyorn.~·.1 way and renounced 1hcir citizensh1p a0ll lrft the United States :iltogcthcr. - - $OM)' ' .:.!TlS~!"::14 All ~-cause of the draft
Happy oour I I dnnks
NIGHI $1.25
5 minute specials al lhe loPol every hour
sent:, rontirigent of 12 advanced stu• den.ts who earned college crcdn. The residence halls were sparsely popukatcd, allowing Students lhe
luxury of pr1va1e rooms. mctting daily for long hours. \ll'Cre SOll)Cll,·h;i( rcla.,cd. In fact. se\'Cr.1.1 )·oungstcn anJ II few dogs accom• pasm'CI studem~ to cllliSC:S. Bui amidst 1hc huy, l:uy, summer at.mosphcre. violence cruplCd on c:unpus. A Vt'hiclc bclonimg 10 an MSU student was the ttfiel of aW'ivcby in front of P1crt:c Hall. The 1nc1dl•n1. which took pl.Jee mthc wee hours of lbc 1n Utr, June, was tng,gcr('(I by an off-campus
alte«::UIOO brl~..,i:tl ~ISU ~ and locJI )'OUltb. Sc\v,I resulll.'(J afu:, c~ ,.illl(SSCS VC dcsrnptions to p.,licc.. Amo11gthcmos t1m~dat' !jCS this ~ummrr i:, the ~ ctllf m the format of the sclv;iohr• ~ "The W1dutan.• 'fbc clung¢:., w1drsprcatlapproval fromibt fanul'ibe sm£f of'illc w,Jioi'•· lends a u,.um wck.ome -.,:lll•• -' n.1.urrung SWiknts. Wt lqY}~WII'
a su..-ccssful year, and "-t ~ -
all of )OU IO bc acU\-C ~~
and get the lull bcnellu ol .,Jege experience.
Tm: WIClll"!'.•111
~lll'd.t\ ,..,l' Pll·mhl'r :i, l •l"l(I
. ..
orof essors d escr1"b e experiences · · I raq ~,,.r,u,.,""c, 1 Ill ~
C\IMhu1!l1 Lh1s
.;: Hu,,,·in 1, ~an~ ~ llt:ion 10 J h1, "-Jf In all tllC mosquc:r., ' •.-,:1Th''>kn1\1,0toprl"!, Predaob ::.J .it\.l\l' th.'.' C'nllJOi.CS ,1g11., -.., 11h
• "n1tfo,..rm \...ncdmg m prarcr. ~ \ nik 1d1~1~n •~ :r.t1ll an mtc-i;ral
•I 1h• i1J4u 1 ,; h\ c., . '-lid -:-·~.iJ~I' r11,h,:,d II :l..•1tk Ill la,or of ,,._x-1:i.ll,ut·, l)>li11cal n,• gunt l '!r.kl hl~ lx'<'n :1 so,: wh, t-.ountry -J 111, :mxc govrmnK'lll oucmcd," 4
;~ J;;
I) not JU\( th<! ffiO!>(IUl'<;., ho ....,. ._:r. .... h1-.h (1'llll1lClll,lfJIC' llus.srm. ·.. ~f.iiJ ,.11d llu~~m·s JIICtUrt ,:r.,:J 1'h'f) Wtl't l Ofnl'r. CIJ,._. ~'fll. 11111-.i:. h.all~::a~ aM bl<Xk he -~..._...1 )k" .u11, lOC" ICJlC a IX'rsonal1ty
::L·,~~j[~~ ;::~,. lil)g&Jtd didn't ~ ih:-
1mJ\.'Mmg \ 1; n, of doom as
~, ...
~-' t,!~ :» Pr..:<l.a bccJuSC he kit lr:aq m
,------, USS A
· 1 ~i'~: Jun,· 1
llorgJrll. rJ!h.;r \J'.i. tl)I.' dcS<~ ~ k . ''ll.c of .1 people 11,ho he 1 J as livl11e. gc ncrnu, and OUS abo~t lhi." OUblde v. O1IJ ~ r ~ ·chn;roubh . lfoi;_s.ud':i. C}CS, lhcn.-lu ct~n~~- 01 3. lll.idm:m 3/ld of his ut,11un1 can I .II CJ.~t be UntkhlOOl,I, II not .IUCfll('d
) Hogg:ird !>.lid hl· M:l\!00 l"O 1m~h:tant d1ffrrcnrrs 111 I.he I~i·s. Sa,Ja~t~l:~,i~~rcd or ai,pn.>vrd of
"He was both a murderous despot and a person who has done good things."
both 3 murdcrrr's
dcspo, an(J ~ Jl{'rson who has done: gOOd thing~, he said. or lrJq. llogg:ird s.aid It W:t'. a conimual rcpctmon of h1siory h "Thi:. 1~ lll area of lhc- world 1ha1 ~~/IW3)''. tx-en ruled hy l)'l'l.lnl~.~ he I loggan,I Uld the United St.11t~ ~~n~~n11nuall)' supported these
~we s u1>poc1cd llu\Sem b«ausr he w;u not the Aya1ollah.~ he said.
·we suppon the 1yran1 not because of his tyr:inny but because he opposed another t) r.u1l ~ e d1dn't hke: Lile Pmb, Hoggll'd agrct~ that Iraq 1~ not a trp1cal Ar:ib counlr} . He rders lo Jr.,q a.~ a · tum-.on1ous diver•
Presently the United States has inuudcd upon lhat harmony m the atca of 100,000 troops and a billion pounds of supplies. Both Hoggard and Preda agree that war 1s probable. but Hogg:i.rd summed up the attJtudeof many when he :.aid. · 1hope not. A lot of innocent people arc going to get hurt. And a Nrrel or oil 1s not wonh t.h.1L•
.. _,_,..
,u, .......... IC""'9II
no 2,210
Calcote rates team Cont. from page ' or c.ommuttr studcnLS as one reason lh:lt more dormitones ha\'en' l ~ bu11L. but he said hr tlanKS 1)11s is. · holding the school back: When asked why he thought someone who 1s good enough 10 play colk:ge football would choose to at• tend a non-scholarship school hke M1d....,·eMcm, he said. 71te low cost and high llCldemK: raung arc v~ at• uacti"c: to any senous studcn1-1thlclC. Calcote is highly complimentary or the alhlcuc pro£ram at Midwestern and said he himself 1s one oflhc big,est fans of all MSU spocu.
He had the highest pr.lisc fort~ svppon shown the lnd1an footb.lU procram by s1udcms :md local fans m his firs1 1wo )'C:llS, pomung out that, the lndilns first confertoceopponcnt, on OcL 6 in Brownwood,
\\'hen 11skc:d if he h:id :i specific goo! in mmd for his pl:iyers. he chuckled and Slid, • Yeah. R1gh1 now it's to i;et ready for Howard Payne: ~we h.'\vc- more scason-l1Cke1holders than all lhc other tc.ims 1n lhe confcrtncc combined.·
POSITION AVAILABLE Applications for the position of Advertising SalHmen are now being accepted by the Wlchltan. Salary Is 20"/4 commlslon on each sale. Applications are available from Elizabeth Meux In the Fine Arts Building, ext. 4295.
"\'tw and returning Midwestern students scramble for desired classes.
Thefts, arrests reported during summer
IJ \bry ~l\111
The secretary, who reported the
Several thcfls were reported on umpus during the summer. accordmi'. 10 ~1SU police offic1aJs. Two co1n-opcralCd mactuncs owned by Sun1pn1 Entcrpn u.s were Nlrglanzt'd m Augvst, to1.lling SJ0 in Jost rropcrt)' and S20 in damage for rxh machine. A custodian found cans of
grapcfrun juice on !he ftrs! floor or Killingsworth and later dLSCovercd the machine, located on the same fkx>c-. had been broken into. The olher Wine was located on the third floor oiPierce Hall. Dr. Don Flatt's office in D.L. Ligon Coliseum was also burglaril.Cd L'I August. Police reports said that an llrlused basketball was taken from an IJ"IOpCn case located in the office.
crime, said she believed lhc assailant must have had a key to the office because there was no dam3ge IO the d00<. A bike ..,,.as stolen from a bike rack on the Sou.thsLdc ofO' Donohoc The owner had left the b1U chamcd and locked to the bike rack ik \'.slue
1s es:11ma1ed at S100. According lO police, a porub1e st.op sign and pole. valued ai S40. wu taken rrom the mlCrsecuon ofCoun:11 and Wigwam.
MSU police would like , to remind stude/1/s to lock their doors in order to prevelll thefr.
:~~~~.i;~r~~!s~::~a~ a;ipcaranc.e will have it [c:atw'Cd~t the ~nua1 Chrllltma., Fesuval of L1ghLS
:onc~So more concerts are planned
concert, the music
1o1i1 be: from Broadway. The MSU ~w:itigal Smgcn wilt join the Chorus :ti perform lheir special brand of vocal
;:s;::;,:· and a
rt.lll,.r prnfcs-.1rn1s
cogcdlo"aprogram d
do• S,r.-ei- Pb progr,un. )U.IU uptolt>ffllJUllCSr:lfltt
...,,.,. """"' "'""
You don't need to wait till spring
to get a break. \\'llh lhc-AR;/'~ 0 # / ' ~ l b f.)OJU gt'1. ~ 2"
)00&."t: .
HoHacker direcll>f' or chor.l1 ac• tmucs conductor o r the Chorus. The season begins with lhe Cbcrus joining other MSU choirs and L'ie Wichita Falls Symphony Or• thcs.lJ'll 10 present Bcc~ oven ·~ ~ nlh
M:.d·,r.,cstcm. along wiLh IOCAI
Thi1)oru:11bceaSEJ IOg,ti:~c'dlq;tc
EXT. R 560
• State plans a conccn season
Stavton ...,a.s arrc..-.U!d for dnvtng ...,.1Jioot a hccnsc:-, and Freeman Fobbs was arres1Cd for public in10:i:ication. Se1thcr man IS an MSU studc:nL
CALL (50-1) 649-(K!i 0
f0turing music from Beethoven to Brtadway. according to Dr• John
by the MSU University Sing~ to PR.sen! another ma,ior work with or· th-rnra in J gala cone.en Apnl 20. The On1tono ChoruS has membes from all fields or study ~1
r . . ·o . :urc.5ts ...,-c,e aist, made, acc<1rdm;; to police. Tc-rrance Loren
60 minutes of long disWICe. For free. Movies. Videos. And more. For less.
lntroducingA'IM Sruderu Saver Plus.
To Lry 10 please people of ~ll tistes. the Oratorio Chorus of Mid•
Ja.U. Toe Chorus will be JOined
from the Fine Ans Building. A eustodum s:ud he though1someone migh1 ha"c borrowed u and forgel to return ti... but after two ""-eeks he dcc1dod 10 repor! 11 lO the- pohcc.
This semester, take some electives in communications.
Ll1TLE AS $1 . REPO"S,
Chorus to meet
for ~n
A Red Din Dl'vtl poruble \'XUum clel.l"ler ~ as rt ported mis.sing
d This Week at 9pm: ROCKY J"'J
oa~•.,..._.'" ........
tom a ~
7 da)~ a WC'Ck. ~
~o6c u ~ low ~ pnces·
lb <ruoll In lhe A'.l&T Sru·
dent Saver Pli.c, prugr:im,o:; that
are ~ for )-OU, or w ti<' the best v:iloe in kXlg di.stance ser-
Kttpyour IOOllllrullC5
in line. llll:Uscplral("
-~'"""""' all>oan,oo, roommarc:s' C2lb
: .~~KlwdJ
vice, t'211 u s 'lh: ~ just rTUght be the rtl05l !able t--b."'tM.!S )'OUllC\~
1800 654-0471Ext.1230
~--Helping make college lite a little easier.
Pa~t 4
Campus loses four New faculty joins MSU family l)IJ(' to J 1'..'.>l.::n.Mi.m
:uid rtllrt·
mcni-, \l1d.... e,1,•m ......11hc-1-in llS l'l90 t.Jl ~cm~,IC.f 'Wlt.hOUI lh<'.' '\Cr\ 11.c, 01 h>ur,!Jffn:crnN'r,;;. Dr PJul Tr.1, 1s dirt'\tt'r of
A3'.km1...,irrs. suNn1!ll:d his r,·...,1,11J.11on 1u !11:,·rpt J ,,m1.lar fQS1, uon Jl T,.,..i, Wunwn', l'n\\rr>1ty. XCNd,ng l.:J Dr. Jrs\C', Rc,,crs. dtn.X'· 1,..-11fj,..J..\cm1.: ::iff,nrs. lrn\is, ofli,1al mk "1!1 be' dlf.-.. we 01 enrulln11.·m mJn.agrment lh~ du11c, ...,,II mdudc l'.','lf!Uolhng i,:rv\1 th and man.,~int:: n.-cnuung. R,~g-rs ,.11J Tr.11h 1s a suong ,1u1kn1 :,,hi'IC:itc ,mJ "•11 t"< m1sstd
lk ~l:utC'd h1~ cruecr at \ ·hd• WC',u-m m JQ67 ast.he~enual uohtl(, V(X',)( Alter lx'mg n.uncd ITUUl!C'OJOCC for..-man :Uld cnfls SU· r1rn1~. Preston ,u, nlmed a.~~_1:ite d1RX'\llrol thr ph) Ml'.'al plant m 1980 He w:1~ promot«I 10 d1ra'IOf m l"'S6 Frnnk T.lnn, cus1odulll f<npc1• snn. 1~ dcp.rtJng af1er 22 }'C31S in ,;cn,.:c. He has bol:n lhe fortpcnon ~rncc his promooon in 1969. ~lary Rou.\sellUlea,·cs after 14 }CJrS JI MuJ,.,'tstcm. She began ht-r
,.uc..-r as s«ret:ary in lhe stOOC'm af. !.11r;t,~litt. ln 1982shcwaspromotrd lO ~("r(\3ry II In lhe studcnl SCl''IIIC('S dt'r;utmCnL
._,_,_o-\ 1. i..efcs (..,...) 12. ~ ~ I). . . . . _ _ _ .
"IJ.·'Ge•• - ... 17. nM
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n.u.n. rco
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Fun·c 8.b<.'. he ,;el'\'\•d lb d11«10f' ~t dent.ii ~\lee~ at Ulx"1 R1,1,11 ;11.u •\11 B.1.,e tn Tl1:i1l.,ml. illl:1rlil.. ( omm~•n O.:kn-.c 1nsu11JUOO in Turk':!; Z\.\Cll\l'U••d,rn ALr Ba.,,: 111 th~ RdC1;u Rq,ut,h, of :ind ~h',rrarJ L'SAF Rq:iooJl Ho~p11Jl in m\\ ich,1;
~luh,.rqc.rn<.' Un11·l'.'~II>' h:i~ J nwntx-.r ol nc..., fu!l •t1m,· fJ1.11l11 members ltus fall • Dr Rl>n.1ld Dc::in r•1-.chh CllffiC\ to M1dW<.'$ICm a.~:in ""-'"!JIii prof,•,. liOr of thC'atrc Priur 10 coming u, M1dwe.~tcm. FlSChh ,.,as chJ1rrcrS011 of the lkp311mcnt of hum:m1tJl-.; and social S('ICOCC'S :at Nonhcrn M onun:i Col!C"gc in ~-e. Mont He rc«.11·ed a d1.,,·ton1c in theatre ms from the l1nivcrs11y or Mi~uri. Fischh ha.~ d11crtcd numC'rou, pl.lys l l'ld M's designed s.:cnery, hghung :Vld/or t'mtumcs for rnJny theatre prodocllons. Eh1.:ibelh Y. Abm31., u h.:15 lx-cn 3ddrd J~ an art 1n11IUC'tor. Sht rccenl• ly rcce11·cd the master of fine art.~ degree !Tom Soulhcm l1hno1s Un1\·crs1ty of Carbond21e, "'here ~he l3ugh1 U'lrcc-dnncnslOIUI design aod me• talsf,c.,.·clry while on hC'I' nu.ster·s degree. Htr works h:lvc been mcludcd m numerous c:dub1llOC'lS 01•cr the ltil fe-,,,· years. Wh1k Ill colkg..- ~ ..-.1~ the rcc1pttrll of the Southern llhOOIS University at Carl,ond.k Fcllo1,,~1p Award :ind the Ford M1non1y Scholarstup for Graduate StudcnLS 1n V~ual Arts. Dr. Fredric C. I>.tvis tw b<'.'C'n IWllC'd the coordJnlt{)r of !he dcnt:al hygiene progrln'I. 31 Midwutcm. He rcccMd his denl.ll dcgree from The L'nwttSILY of Oregon Dental School m 1961. In 1973. Da,·is rcce11rd h1~ master of science and ccrurtcaic in 0'1ll dognosas from The Un1l'cm1yor Jo.,.-a Pnor to rctinng as lhe d1rtttoJ of <knul Stl'\·1ce,,, from Scott lur
F.1lh. D;1\'!SIHUffCJ'lliy .a1llC
tJ~ ,.'::;~d:;:; : n~»s ~l~crl lkth 1 \ 'c.ilc JS new m~u uC!oJr of 3 r.1chologtC tcchnolog} Shq,:r.idu.u~·d from ~cw Mexico Swte Un11·cNIY1_n "it.h :i radiology 1...-chl'll1logy :is•
1980 dcgr« SOClltc ln . she rem"cd hC'f 1900 NIChrlOI" of u:1rocc r.tdio\oi;1c 1£'Ch· nologydcg:rtt from Mid~•cstemSute C I she is :lil acuvc : : : • l>~f :en+ Society of RadiologJC T~hnologists 311d TS CER A~waddiuontoMidwestcm·s English progr.wn 15 Dr. Evans L:1ns1ng Smuh. He f'Cl,.."C1,·cd his m English from Cb.ft'.mOlll G . u:ite i~9~:~e rccd\·t d I master's
m m .:ir.i,·c ,.,'Clung rrom AnUOCh IntcntJtiortal. Dublin and Lon~, Smuh tw connnlJ('d his cducaoon.Ll'l New York.. Sw1twl!IOO, Cahfom11, Epp!. Kcn~'ll Md Northern France. From 1986 10 1988 hc lJughl !ucnturc snd composiuonJt Franklll'l College in s~ 1uctland. Sm1thrcccn1• ly C'amc hcK from Anne Arundel Colkge Ill M:iryland where_~t' also u ughi 111ern1ure :ind romprn.1uon. Three add1uons "111 be m:11le ,n 1hcd11•1s1onof m:uhcnul1cJI SC1C'nt'~Dr Jmy F,t111kh:1SKCC'f'tC'dlhcJ)OS1·
uon of assoo:il<' professor and
...,,. .,.
ci.•·· ,415........MIIWJ~ , ,M, h l .,_ .....
wtstcm. He received 1hedoc1ora1eof philosophy degree from Louisiarta S1.atc University. RounltCC ~ pcev100sly a profc-SSOlofmarkctinga1t,-OtldlcTen• nessc,e Smtc Uni1'Crsil)'. He has more than 20 articles lhal ha,·e been pub· Ji.shed, and he has gwen mocc than 25 professional prcsrntatio~. . Timotby 1bom3S LS coming to MidwCSlem as an assiscant pro~essor of business adminisual1()(1. He .is (he former owner or 1l'lOm3S Engmcet· mg
Anhlu1 £Ail llf
...."·""'"" ..,...,.
M1dw~ tcm officials hi Ye looked north. south, Cl.SI and ...,.est ror personnel 10 fill tht: vacaed pos-.ons of housing drrector :lfld student 1CtiV1UCS director but have only been able to fill one of the positions. according to Dr. 110....·ard Farrell. v1cc-prr.s1dcnt of smdenl and administrative scrnecs. ·w e fille.d the director p)Siuon abou1a month ago, but we are sun sc.:irch1ng rorastudcnl acuviues director."
..... ...............
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_ -
Ted Redlaczyk haS laken on the Wllcnge of housing d1rec1or. Bonnie Brawner vacated the position ID work on .her m.utcr's dcgrce. However.she will still be working pJfl time a.s the associate housing director. Rcdbczyk came t0 ~1,!Jdwestem from Virgin ta Weslcy:in Uni\·crsity, He earned a bachelor's at the University of North Dakora. a master's at Wr.sttm M.1chigan and a specialicy dcsrec m ekcuon1c data S}'Stems at William and Mary Univrrs11y.
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... ,"·.....,. ...... a .s--, ,-
His job requires him to be responsible for Ill
Mo~ctt_Libraryhours willbecut by IObcginnang UllSFall due 10reccnt budget cuis across the c:impus.. loon Pa!terson, ~isunt d1rcct0r or Moffeu Library, said the cuts were regrettable but ncccss:iry. "h was the ~ ly. way the library cou~d func~ n w1th1n the budget we had. she said.
• s~~ot<a,
! ' ~-
If you're doinJ,: alcohol...
!~~=~=: w.,,.,._UNl"9•
you're doinJ,: drugs!
10% discount on ary cleaning and laundry
• R~ •
r...i, • lo«olr
: t-:.;_:~,...:...
~ -h
2404 Kemp •tvd.
lnva!cl wi\h any o!Mf , ~ Frewi1 MSU IO With 11'\COffll'!Q «derl
....., . ..,,...
723 • 145·9 (II) ~
redit Cards?
1 Now )()U can ha~ two of lhe most rttognlud and aoccpted credit can1s In the M>rld- v1aatt and M~trrCardt!I I cl'NII cards.-·tn your ri1me: EVEN IFYOU AP£ NEW IN CREDIT or HAVE BEEN TIJRNED OOWN BEFORE! VISA• and Masit:rCardt!I 1hr cm:111 cards you
~:t'" ~=--1
llo turn downs!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Cm' - - - - - SfATE -ZIP _ __
: PHONE - - - - - S.S.• _ _ _ __ _
11o credit checks! I SIGNA11.IRE lo security deoosit! • rem; ,,,._nean1 i., .---,. .-----~-_..,--,.--- -
ApprO\IIIJ ab!Olutdy guaranlttd
I tiitWbi l•l·M 13'1HH ii•i•t\4
~ 1:
b'lilllmM. at VIS,\ USA Ire:. and
it ______ • __ • _100"'- O~R~:T~£~!- •
s~~~:~:~J students who use the li~ 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., s:iid. "We, however, folt theft enough people inatthis limcio· staying open." she said. Patterson said the cuts .,.-mJ only in hours but in staffandscr; ~ "We took cuis in the dent assistant fumi,• she said. NostudcnLS,.,'Crca:t!lallJ but none were hircdeilhcr.Some dents quit of their own voliool hours were slashed, Paucnootli4 Toe work once assumed b,'
"""'"' """"'" ""'"A!:cadlll ....~ sorbcd by lhc staff. ~nerson. 1hc hbr3ty suUis111 1mum. Another change is the · lion of noor monitoo on lbc
noors. PrcYiously M
two mo11itorsslaffodcach0ocl. Thcincreascdwortkll:l•ill staff w,11 res,11 ;, u,c dcpk.,I
1 ~:r-1~~
!~e ~c: :~s~ ~~~ library tours 10 non,MSU ~
I want VISAO/MASJ'ERCARDe cm111 Caro~ Erd09Cd Ond $15 which IS I ~ itlundable I[ not appro-.d lmmedlatrly.
I NAME - - - - -- - - - - -- -
EME~~Ofi~~s=..c~~ 1 ADDRESS _,oQ\P.
•I ,
dormitories, incllldin& day
Farrell said Rcdlaczy~ has a tough job Wllh lhc uon of the new Marchman Hall. ·we can hold ~ residcnti~ s.tudenis, andrigllaot are 100 perccntoccup1e.d. That 1s like runningaS1lllll community.· he said. a, As for the stud.en! activiti~ posit.Ion. FMrtll '-! 1 difficult ro rind the nght person. Lee Ann Loyd left the positionto join 1hr: school office. "She 1s such a nice person and gives suth lh:lt we thought she would be :i great recruiter. h willbt' t0 fill her shoes,· Farrell .s&d. R_ighLnow, MSUorticiJls hl\'C around 25 candiJ&., are trying to narrow them down.
r.d11w~ AaJUat
'1. 0,. . . .
J<. C - -
: 'tortcJ.
UJ llr111:t Sml111
51. \'. . .
• . c..
• . T•
l_le rcl!rC'd from A,r Force alu-r 21 lJ11i1t4 rank or lieutenant C' Y~t -._., h:tS a bachelor·, in l\..._\ r ic: .;1\1 has J b.Jchclo,·s · ~" g1rttrmg from , vcrnty lnda tl\asta'i . .\J,j ll cng1nccnng from lll('IQ~oii....!.\ SIIIUIC of T -'.tr tr..~ Wrigh1-Pa11.enon Ohio. ~ ._ t Dr. t.fatll)·n MellC' ~ an adjunct profol'KlrIll,~ . science at MidwC5tcrn f:t ~ position or asrut,,nt , ~ 1-pol1t.1cal sc1rncc. St.: ~ ' doctorate in ~ ht1ta1 ~\led f the. Un1vcrs11y or N ~ where she also taugh1. - , Pnor lo Nebraska M1dla.nd struetcd · and h1S10 ~~fshci~ .... .... and SOCIAi commun11y ICb' r ~
university searches Jor director
.. ...
• . c..... ......
11. . . . . . . . . . . .
. ..
roirdinatoc or the m:inufactunn, en• iOl.'('nng ICLhnology program G lie rccr11eJ his doctoral:' LfL h cs fromTo:uChn~1Jn Uni1·er· p y)1 hen' he ..-.·as n.:imed 10 Pht [kill ~ty," Faulk IS affilLltC'd w1t.h the of Pe u,.,Jcum Engineers, I.he lnsutu:<' of EIOCU1C:il and Ekcu?n~s En 1nccrs,:lndlheAnlC/lt'l nPh)Sl1.ll g SocK'~~p0siuonof associatcp1ofcsf m:ith hlS t,ccn fillrd b}' Dr. : :1i3/TI J:Jg)'· Jle rcccived h15 doc· tt 10 m:nhernalrt'S from the ~versityof Califonua Jt B.crkclc_y. Previous expenences 1n 1esch· m include posiuons at St:infocd U~11·rrs11y and the University of Cahfomi:l, San Diego ;ind Berkeley. Hr alsO u ught at the UnJ\'etStty of W1~onsin-Parts1de. · Li~ Taylor. MiJwestem's newest math msuuctor: g~.uated from Auburn University with a ti,a.:hcior's 1n m:uhema_11cs cducauon. Pn(V' to coming o M1dwefcm, she taugho",.'wR;al~~igRh:,c,~, ~1II be a professor of.,,...:w;li;; al Mid·
Paucr,!?~gt services IO ~
:dc:/a;;s~:1~::":: priority. · we have pu1MSU_,. f!ISI bot hopefully U'IC$CUIS•·COntmue."
News .. .. Loan shortage expecte~ },~ :,?,,~w (CPS)- FormLJ:hoflhed.:ty Aug ll, Conconiia College itnior ~ S:ilava was faced with 1he uneasy prospect of culling short his college
"With c.Kh ~mg dJy, lender! hccommg 1nnc.as1ngly anuous. 1cpo,1i:d John Dean. spcn al counsel for the Consumer Bankert l\ssocll· :ire
c.vttraycar shyofgradWIUOn.
uon, 11ihich ft'prtscnl.1 banls and
'That was the day th.a.I a MinO<"apolis bank culled TCF Bank,
rtcdJt unions around lhc counlry. "Meanwhile, .some ~1udenu arr. caught ,n lhc crossfire.~ In mid-August TCF Bank and lheFltSt Bank Sys1tm, ,umuch larger Minl1('SOl3 compcutor. bo\h icmporanlystopJ>Cd mak111gcollcge loans tostudcnlS unul they gor govcm~nl rcassurJnCe that HE~ . whi<;h "guarantefs" the banks will be n-po1d the money 11 lends. would not k:avc them un!Y()lcclCd. Wh1lc HEAFgu:u-antecs loons in m11ny ~1111es, the federal ~O\"tmmcnt rd:ogmies 11 as 1h~ prun~ loan guar.in1or for lwllu: in the D1s1nct or Columbta. Kans.u. Minne.sou. Nebraska. ww Virgmia and Wyoming.
wonied that the financial uoublcs of the Higher Education ASSJsance Foundation (HEAF) may mean its IOQns won't be guaranteed. quit lhc scudcnt loan business. ·1 wu a bit nervous when I fi~1. he.ard " Salava SiJd. ·1 wooldn'I be able t~ go to school if 11 weren't for • 1 OOIU. 1- TCF Bank reassured ~ the - 1-,:' ~ 1 : ; !he e p ~llustrateJ th:at m:1t1y b.lnks ■round the country may be abandon the student IOlln ~ I ~spiLC ,ovcmmcnt efforts 11 up. 10 In July when lhe Junsas-ba.scd
HEAF admiucd it
wu_in finaocial
statcsC~n~~ « : :s~~
= in:d~ \o: banks would siop making college loans IO tl~nlS if HEAF W3S aJ.
repoocd. wuh mllny opting 1n tr)' to use ono of the Olher s..a gu.amitoed 3.gencies. lnlhcmcantime, scudcnis1n
lowcd 10f1.LI. . 10 be :n;eo~::o~~ic;:! ~ar
h.,.vc been Jr011liscd.
HEAF uecuuvcs t0ld lhe U.S. Dqxirunrnt of Edocauon, which O\Cf ~~ most I ~ collcsc , proparm. lh!ll HEAF did not have cnoughush1o rc1mbunebclnkswhcn Studenlt dcfaull on their k>ans. When a ~udcnl
rans lO repay •
loan, lhc lcndct tums to • guarantee ,,cncy to bcrc,mbur,ed. Thcgu.aran• tee ,,cocy, in tum, acts p,Jd b:,ck by_ lhc Educauon ~ l But Lf lhc guarantee agency s dcfaul~ r11t aboves percent\hecducaoondepanmcnt~ys thc ■&encyleulhanthcfoll bl.nk.s amount. HEAF had bocn rcpay1n& fof the run 11noun1 of the l03ns SIU· dcnufailcdtorepay.but lcu lh.'ln that back from the educau<>n from lhc , dcpartmenL A $200 milhon loon Swdctl~~ gO\-emmcnt-~ Markcung Ass:OC11uon HF; ~keep the agency afl01t Yin10
~=a:~~in~ ~e.:: M11ny mi&ht simply act OUl program Ill together.
rom lfaywood s peaks lo a n audience outs ide Bolin, related story page 1.
Shortage causes competion between universities lC'P_S)- Like a major league i:.,rl.\111 team, Emory Um,•ers1ty m -i.t!Jnt:1 1s stlrt.Jng lhis sca.wn with a
)".l"eiful new lineup in its Frtnch cnt ~ It SJgncd four frce-agcm star ttShcrs from anothet university_ ii w1lh higher ponuscs of bcner working condi-
1ired lhcm
salaries and
In Nonh C3r01ma, Duke Umvcr~ · 1s opening its season with new ~rssignc<I in ra,ds on the focul-
ttS or Cornell. John Hopkins and !'nllCtton universities. · Earlier lhis yt'a,. six of the l!nwers1ty or Wi~ onsin's theater f,:ull)' moved to the Univcrsily of ikb""':lrC. Americ.lfl campuses, vanous obit!'-Crs eomend, stem to have sud{lenly entered an era of raiding ea,::h ochers' faculties, and ste.'.l.ling
10pno1eh 1.Cachcrs:1way with promtSCs of bctlL'r w0rkmg cond1uons and h1gher . "It's dcfinncly happening; s.iid Ins Molotsky, of the American Association or Um\·e~ity Professors (AAUP). the nation's thtrd-blggcsi faculty wuon. ~We're seeing 11 m :1 numbc-r of ca.scs,~ she said. Added Elame EI-Khawas of the Amcnc.lfl Council on E.duc.111on (ACE). 3 W:1shing1on. D.C .• based group that reprcs.enl$ coUcge ~ dents, • A grc.11er dcg:rcc of lh.l (schools lurmg professors away from other instituuons) IS going on oow lhan five rears ago." In a study released 1n July, El· Khawu and ACE found lhal a ffi3.JOnlYof American campuses- 59 percent of the 364 111.Wtutions they surve~·cd- were h:wmg trouble hiring
cnowgh profC$-SOrs 10 tcac:h their clas-
ses. ·
Morrovcr, 89 percent or the rcspondcnt.i were coilcemed about how the shoruge would affe<:111 kast a fc..., dcpanmenis. The swrwy also found that 63 percent o( the mstJlutions reported grcaLCr difficulty in getung top applicants 10 accept posiuons, an increase o( 23 percent over 1989. The rt:l.~ for the "professor shortage· ts lhat a big crop of senior pro(essors is approxhing retirement age. ln r.hc meantime, r.hc students -..•ho would h!l\-C gone tO grad school lo get doctoml degrt'CS and prepare IO become full professors to replace lhc n-urees instc3d opted for higher S3.lancs Jnd fa.~h!r career traeks in prwatcmdustry. To gel and Mid the relatively few professors now entcnng their
Award deadline set
N'ominalions d1Stributcd to all annunl the for irp;inmcnts President's Classified Sl.lff Aw:ttd #C due in the office or the director of
: : ; cl~o QPl\"elSily prcsidcnt. Any administrator, foe ult)' member. student supervisor Of st.aff oo-...,·orkcr lll!l)' submit a nominallOn fir this award. Nom1n:auons should urludc the staff mcmbds name. job ullc. work .1tca and specific e,·idcnce o( the employees performance. _ TO bc elig1ble foe this a...,·ard, an employee must be a cla.ssificd, fullumc bendiis-cligiblc emplo)"CC. He/she must be employed al ~-hd.-cstcm for a period not less than 1wo )"W"S :is or Sept. I, and demon~tmie ou1rumdmg performance of assigned
duucs in support of lheobjccuvcs and miss.ion of the uni,-ers1ty. Classified suff employees ind ude secrcurics, administr:ll.i,·c and library assasunts, accounting clerks, computer opcr:uors. pohcc officers. groundskccpcn, cuStodians and au physical plant personnel. A commiuce of sc\·cn faculty and staff employees has been named to administer the nommauon process and select the winner. The rec1p1ent will receive nn inscribed pbqLJC, as wefl as 3 cash :iward of S100. ~This .iward is an e:\ccllcnt way 10 recognize staff employees for thcll" hard work, dc.d1cauon and SUppC>f"l of !.he university,• Rodrigucz.suucd man memorandum to MSU dcpanmcnts. Prior award winners include 1989 winner M3f)' Cage and 1988 ·winner Fred Welden.
prime,,chools will need to offer them betltf s:tlarics and more ¢ rqwlS'il~. El-KhawasnolCd. In April 1990. Georgia's state Board or Regents voted to give a 4 percent sal■ry hike io na1e college and unh'CtSity profcs.scn. Nationwide, faculty salanesrose 6.1 percent, IO an average of 541,650 f()f J989-90. MolOISky's AAUP fou~ in its annU.ll sUNCy rel~ lfl
lKe Jt1 Lig yc-11
. \ Apnl.Howiev«, when adJUSled for Illflation, AAUP found \Nit the average
,.. , •·
salary iocrcasc.donly l.Jperccnl the s:ameasthcprcvJOUsycar.
-.. , '•
·<'I • .. ' ' ,,. • ~ 'J d' ~'•• ~
•ii ,
r. m --,
Bertice Berry
3:15 5:45 8:30 DICK TRACY 1:00 3:30 FLATLINERS 12:45 3:10 5:30 8:00 YOUNG GUNS II
1 :45 4:00 6:15 8:35 MV BLUE HEAVEN 1 :30 3:45 6:00 8:15
Who is Bertice Berry? {a) a Kent State Ph.D graduate In sociology who happens to be funny. (b) A comedienne who happens to be scholarly. ( c) A fonner teacher with a humorous approach in the classroom. ( d) A comic with a serious message on stage. {e) All of the above • and morel Don't miss the funniest comedienne around.
Ckpartmcnna.kes to come u~~ : loog-tenn ptan IO manage
Wednesday, September 5, Noon Clark Student Center Ballroom Sponsored by the University Programming Board
Indians vs Muleriders at horne Saturdq1 THE WICIIITAN
l'.&i,:r b
Evangel defeats Indians, 36 - 0 :;:Clll.,A,l'Mln<flr Sp<>rtu,tfl...-
Crai; l.l!nc.~ b II 6-0, 185 fullb.d horn l' 10. ho comes x ro,s a., :1 \Tl} s1ncrrc llfld hont<I \ i>wig mllfl Ile also pbf'l f0t the E,.u1i;.-I Collrgr Crusa..krs. who J\owt"d :s ~hd10.r<tcm tcm msdr up o( m~ th• S()JilomCtt~ 3/'\d frrshmtn hov. 1111iell-01k'd grnupof 1iCt!tOf'SIJld JUl'lll'lf-; rtay loott'tlll a.s thry pos1ed I 36-0 , humut ()\'fr 1ht- lnd11ns in Springfield, ~lo SnturWly night. AftN 1hr g:une,brnC's was ..,,a111ng oui:.1dc tlK" 1•~11or's locker room 10 congr.i1ulltc his orronr-nis :md enrourJ~-.: them in 1hw futu~ games.
Whrn a.J:N h1< opin10n of the )imne Indian<, fames hfted his JCrst)' bbck :uiJ dtspl.1) 00 :i torso that :tnd hlU( frum 0-.c C'Oflli!)1 3 nd s:iid " I :fln'1 bttn h11 this hard since t J~ft
A:-l.-d 10.h1ch pl:iytr 'AaSrcsp:>ns1bk fvr his hrUISC), hCJUSI shook his h,•:1d :ind ),:ud, ~all of 'em ·
Thal 11,asonlyonl.'o(the pos1t1\"C :t\p."(ts m wh111 v.ould !appear on lhc surl._'t t.:i be :111 ordt':tl :all MSU fans would JUSt :a, soon forget Un1kr :a rcrf071 h1llb1l1y moon on iti N'3uOlul night 1n the MISSOUn OzA!i:s. fa1nt;el. lrd by the magic•
1nd:s of qu.'\J'ttrback Doug Miolen (rh)'fflCS With \'lolen) SIW 10 II all 76 of his IC4m m3IC5 .saw:icuon m the S.::.11.SOO opcne-r for both te.ims. M1okn, who1sonly1frwv.-ccks )fly of his 30th btrthdlly, complci.tly baffled the Indians in lhe lint h:llf as the Crusooers «cumulated 22 pomu by t:oong aci,•llflugc or an cn111c sc,son's wMh of cnors commiutd by Midwestern. A hnkoverfourminuicsinto lhc game, Evangcl punted and took ad· vantage of an Indian fumble, scoring t~•r fim touchdown three plays later, Midwestern fumbled the ensuing ~ickoff and before you could s:i,y, carly•scason 1111en,~ £\·angel had Six points 1u.u 11 SCFonW:
The rest or the lim half con, s1stcd mainly of Indian mistakes and Crusader mag,c sixh one of the most
sm~mg acrobatic pass rccepuons OUL~1dc of the cut us shonl)' aficr the Stan of the sttcind quar1er. giving the M1ssoun:ins 1ncir thtrd td.
Tho expressions oo the faces of lhc youthful lndi:an.s dunng a r.11hcr ,ombcr halfUmt'' did hulc lO mdJcat.e this group ofptaycn was abou1 to
begin de\'Clop1ng lhc lypc o( allJIUdc
tha1 will srrve them v.·ell rhc res10(1hc'
Thtygo1m:1d. Chns Canhnak grabbed :111 annlood of Cruudc, runner and shvnmcd him IO lhe iround so hard hr 11,•as still looking for his m:uhlcs 11,•hcn the hght!i 11 Briggs Slad1um 11,•erc 1urnedoff. Fruhm:lll Oa\·td Grcesoncsught a sp:ut and bcg3r'I running with the
~1~i.!!~'.: I.hat
best 1:c
E\'Cn th<- i:UYS on the bcnl'h ....,ho had bor.n looking hke 1hcy v.·1.shcd they were somcplxe else m the first half, caught the spint and wutcd w;mna helmets as !hey yelled encoumgcmtm from the edge of the fK"ld. ugcr lO a:c1 a piece of 11
Crus:3dcr. T11.•o 11-cKknts m lhc second half indicated that this group of MSU footballers might have the right stuff. With 11bru1 four mmult$ lO go in the third qu:ancr, M1dwe.stcm blocked an E11nni;cl punt from &cp 1n Crus.idcr temtory and dro\'e downlield to the Crusadcr29 fOf pcnc113l.lon up to th:tt point. A field goal attcmp1, by an lnd1:in who had been pressed mio handhng kicking duties only JUSI before the game, was wide,
but M1dwe.slcm knew they could scort on the team who h3d bc:(n ltght· 81 ing up 1he scorcb03rd seemingly will in the (USI half. Thu sorl o( ttmoral \ ictOTY: seemed 10 tap a pOOI of confidence thal sh()wcd up in the enure '~ ·this point m the game progress was measured not so much by pomu on the scoret>oard as ~ w3y the young 1ndi11ns were rc~hzmg the tr idcnu1y 11.S a tCJm and sh~mg lhc good and the blld~•slnglc unrl dctet· mmcd 10 come 1hr0ugh this t,:i.p1.15m of fire TOGETHER. ThcY were
bcgmmng to gcll. Ev3f1icl was pious 1n vic· tel)'. few seconds.cickcd
lhe clock. • repattr
prcs,box wasovcrncardlO~Y, •
lilce Midwestem earned thell' y:holar•
ships in the second half." .When
informed or the noc,-schot1nlup for· m;it, he could only voice disbelief 41 thclndun's cffort. Acumlly. Cntig James may ha,'t dcscn~lnOC:,~ quesoon is asked about who on the Midwestern squad lcamcd the moSl aboUI tcam•lllUIUdc from thc E,'ll'Jgcl College cllpencnce, the :answer can oonest!Y be, •a11 of 'cm:
Armstrong It's gfC'III IO be living m tOO
TIA,~!,1th 1111the comings and ioings lhe SouthWe51 Confertnt'C lately. uldallthaflk ourlucky~ sfor i~ :S::::n-scholaN.tllP TClllS Jnierci°~ IC'gi:llC Athkul.*A~,~~:::!sc.s 1 ~~il;~rn~:~i::: ;~ w~ich 10 d1~pJ3y 1 hi:;/h~v;~~~::C·c ihe 1clev1s1on god.~ 3I NBC CBS. ESP1'1. !/SE, ABC, DEF, OHi • KL ETC. pul collegealhleucs
1 in the Yei1ow Pages, budge_~~~,~~ dcparunents of rour S(M,411
~ insfllutions" (isn't 1-lunuville :a m:ijor insii1ution?) .have. bcttl
sll'ttchcd to painful hm11S with ~ OOd1uon of ham.Ires.sen, make-up ar
us1s :1nd choreographen. Rumor even has it that a quru1erbbtk :ii II.large West coast jock•shop has a si,pula· uon in his contr.lCI that prevenL~ him from pl:iymg m mght g;imcs bcC:lUSC the J31e afternoon sunlight case.~ :i fl:it · tcring glow Oil his b«)nle·t311ncd profile as he poses m I.he proc~ of throv.•mg his usual six or seven mt~ccptions a g:ime. No won<Set: the Um· vcrsity of H,waU 1s beCOfT11ng • ~ tional power and the U. of Samoa is . g:iimng popul~i1y. Tiie A.P. and U.P.I. come in second to I.he Nielsen raongs. All Uus proves the truth in lhe old saying th:it, · money talkS and D.S. (not to menuoo B.A., M.A. and M.S.) walks. M :insas w31kcd. TbOSC wild pigs from the Ozarks walked nght out of lhc SWC and into the o~n arms and open checkbooks of the souLhcasl Conference. In all fairness, however, to our nci~bon from the sane with 10wns t,eanna al· lurmi; names such as Pea Ridge.Doi· patch, Yellville and 1he ever-popular Bald Koob. ii wasn'1juSt lhc loot that made them scoot Be honest. now. Wouldn't YOU be iempted by plomises of indoor plumbing. season· passesioallm:1jor7venLS inthe_W?'"ld Wrestling Fcdcrauon and a hfcume supply of hominy (white AND yel· Jow)1 So Arkansas's gone. Big deal. I never did get too spine-lingled over a student body that went oul in public with plastic porlri:ysstuckon theirnog• gins. Andjusl whlt doc:S, ~whoo pig, SOOEY~mean in English, anyw:iy'? All this business gave me reason to ponder. and :is I wandered through my ponden, this is what I saw as I.he REAL problem with the SWC. FU'SI o( all, why is there a Ric.e? Rice doesn't belong in a conferenc.e. ii belongs in a district Preferably district 24-AA where it might be
Get a free pair ofsunglas ses~for opening a Book. A checkbook actually As ina new checking account from BANK ONE. Open one before September 30 and you'll get a free pair of sunglasses in your choice of hot neon colors. We'll .-en give you a break over sum mer break. There's no month!)' service charge on )OUr checking if
Rice hasn'I had a winning season since people went downtown to shop and Iraq was raising camels inslead or hell. R~e siadium is so big that a Super Bowl was once held there. Th:it was in lY74 :ind :ill the Rice games since then COMBINED haven't filled the thing.
Rice Should for 1 fcrtncc with Colum~13 ct,~ Tech. Case Wt11m • ~ NonhweslCITI. It WOUid R~~ti to sec :a ton!en:nec be ~ \ la m h::id:i lo$ingk in 1,~iq ~ lllUOll 1n Nobe ls.
;nlh<Sllln<b. Th<.-'-'ll, ways be f:i\"Orable, too• er~ i Houston should. gamC$ IClcviscd on MTv.h•h't "'-
That le:n"CS !he ,chools...A&M...Tcch Rod Raiders would ~ ""'Ill llt
•""-1"-' C
!1'1o~ suecess 1fthcyheJd
·!) --
~ mg 1111s!_Cad ofle1~ngcbs:'nc time 10 planr COiton.) ~ \ suy of...10 fo,m the nll:rtus°.. conference that WOUid II W3~
ptOIOlypc or the 2l si Ctnairybe
pro ~.
srnce other SI.ates IQ
Te1as and entice, e1con, ~ i~necesS3tY,kidnapthtCl'ta,i high school crop, it V.'OIJ~ «c., fair to ii;iclude them in this°:J ily Bubb! Conference. There'd be the Univ cri.y Texas at Normmn (Ok~ Lincoln (Nebraska). U,T i U.r Rouge (I.SU), U.T. So,iJ, S..
~ (Notre Dame) and Ull...A Thef1JS1 ordcror ~ be t0 remove all PfCICnse -..._ RStudent-~thlcte" (which ~6i
oxymoron1c when applied 'tali m.lJOr powers), and fCCOgnjutl , sub-humlll'IS for w~at RlOR 0( really are, a bunch or m°'txl· whoareabOtttasscriouu!Qqic._.
~ ~~~ti:i!t~:m~Fayt ~ stock. Buy 'cmaPorscfle~: dornutory swleS ,,..11h electronics IO spy on Cubi ,:.. ttl,TTI ·em loose on the field and ~ inenoughdough t0buildalllho!t~ Iibrnr_ies and science buildings. (;1 f«:e 11. Who fills the coffers er...ll Couon Bowl winl!Cf ~~~er of some short-SIOry ~
Prc11y soon the scl'ools ..._ true intent 1s tO have lugh ~
rates rcpl3ced by high \'IC'l,'Cf ' will expose themselves a'ld a:t,: the pure arnaaeur ~ alhle1ics the~mewillbetherage. Tu::aa1i us m the good ol' TIAA ae ~ abou1 how we are "ll?lld·st1111
Then, after 3 few )'ears. ~ will come full circleand SMU"i!IJ the death penally and the old q about, ~the more things ~ 1 more they SUly the same: ~ ~ proven once :igain. So, thank God for the fl.Al where "student" comes bc!ort ·• lete" and thep;uticipantsplayAg:r
ralher lhan THE grune.
)OUr account is inactive between June greaccheckingaccoum. Not to mencion a cool pair of shades. and August \,\k'll also make it easy for )<JU to gee cash 24 hours a day We have several ATM locations in Wichira Falls,as ,veil BA/\1( ONE. TEXAS as a branch located close to campus. -Fae So come co BANK ONE. You don'c ♦MS~. Wdw f1Jls. Texas, 681).6,00 have co be a finance major to get a
~. ~ ~
\ TCU, SMU and 8 throw m 11.•nh Brigham ~ic. , Ro~rts, flolyCnm and 1~~ ocuon on the field woUld ~II). l\
UF£TlllE W'jiiilf'J'
Sports Young Indians face challenges Growing as a team number one goal Sonny Annsuong
SporuE<li\Or The 1990 CdltlOll or I.he MSU lndton Footb:,,ll lt':1.11'1 will be an unbalanced m11 or new. 11'1(xpcricnctd
laces and a nucleus of veteran~ working w1lh a coaching suiff which 1s also a bknd of the old and new. !lead Cooch Mike CakOlc and his s1arf will wt lcomc bxk 13 returnmg swicrs ant.I 41 lctlCnncn m all 10 try and improve on l:ist 5C.\SOfl'5 2-8 record (5th 1n the conkrcncc). nus yC.11'sschcdulc w,11 mdudc new opponents as the old fonn:11 by which each confcrcnct member met twice, has been dropped bccausie of the ioc l11s1on of Hmtin-Simmons to lhc Tc.a~ lmcrtollcg1a1c Alhlct,c Ni.sodauon. The lndi.ans will face Evangcl College, Soulhcm AIUl\su, Iowa Wesleyan aoo Fricn& Univcrsil)' an non-conference action along -..·ith league members Howard Payne, Sul
Ross,AustmCollcgc, McMurry, T:ir1cion St.-uc and H:inhn-Simmons for thcchaocc to rcpm;cnt theconfercocc in lhe NAIA Dmsion 11 playoffs in
December. Calcote will work w1lh as:sisunL coaches David Scott, offcnSlvc COOr· dmator, Ron Steck, dcfenswc
coordinat0r: Cr:ug Besscn1.offcns1vt hnc eooch; Roy Boutwell, ddcns,vc: line and special ass1stanl-. Dub l..;ugin and Joe Bob Tyler. They will bu1kl 3t0Und top rc1um1ng players Tim O"Bncn, Buddy Buckner, Pt11llipCas1Jcs,Scou Boswell. Owles Buucrlid d. Chm Canhmlc, Russ Grissom. S<-ott Hill :1nd Bn,cc Olhcr top rctumcc.1 1ocludc Tc.ddy Manymuk, Man M.u xlc, Todd Pitts, Scou Smiley,
Strvc Smith, Quin1on Snell, Greg Ch:sth:un. Dt'rck Cowan, Blake Domburg and Jimmy K1rkhan. Rounding out I.he ,c1er:m.., arc Rod11ck Pearson. StC\'C Prestwood. Stcven RuthcrfOfd, Ftlray Thumpluns and Lance Yc:is:n
Cakotc tw concrms o,cr deplh iu key pos111on-.. no1 the kast or wh1ch
ii q11;llltrt'Oek. Tommy E,·an~. 19R9 qulttCibx k mo,-c-d on 10 the Univ«• suy of IIOU'IIOO in lhc olf•season, leaving lhc~•hon vacant. H,s b:tck· up. Lance Ycaga- i.1 conung off of shouWcr inJut1C.S and is Q1K'Sl1ooablc
Srott Hill
Also of p-1mcconccm to Cako&e IS the kicking game. AJ of lhc: first game agamst Ev:,ngcl Collc-gc. no play" h:is claimed the kicking duue.s pcnn:ancntly. CalCOle 1s realistic aboul the teams chances for the upcoming s,c-3SQl'I s:3y1ng. ·sure. we're probably going 10 lose some games, but our ffi31n goal 1s 10 come together iU a lC.3m." ll1e Indians art heavy w1"1 freshmen and sophomores, bul Cal· cote and his surr picked a, "council of ten," veicmns du.nng the off-season with which to build the new team
'"'"""· The of Special Ass1slan1S Largin 31\d Tyler add of idd1uon
expcncnce to the you1hful cooch1ng Slaff. ScOlt llfld St«lc are ,n their third )'cat :is as.$lstant.s :ind Bessent 1s the new n\l.:mbcr. JOmmg the s1.1rr in fanuary after a succwful career at\Velk The home opcncr ro, the Tnbc w,11 he Ulis Smurday against tht: Sour.hem Arkan.sa5 · Mukmlers.- in Memon:il Sudmm at 7:30 p.m,
Orf,_.., r CoordlutOf
Keep your roommates MIKE CALCOTE
Scotl Smiley
l\"311 M iracle
CREDIT BIBLE ClASSES At the Ba ptist Student Union Starting Wednesday, September 5
in line. Call
1800 654-0471. ,,.,,~,;::;, ~ ~1-- ----~--_____, ,
OM 'Testament Survey
Mond ay, Wednesda v, Friday
I 0:00- ll :00 A.M.
Radio station Kl.l.F (AM 1290) dW,chita F3lls. Texas. has agreed to mkast all orthe Midwestern Stale h."d>.111 games during ~ 1990 t a,on. MSU Athletic Direelor Steve
7'[Jw 'Testament Survey Monday, Wednesday.Friday
9:00-I 0:00 A.M.
'Jt:.Ji' , ;'; '.;--~~:_.y n~ ' '. -~ ;;--·:: ~ =Y- ·::...: ..:
li,,iland 3Jlnounccd Monday.
KLLF takes over from KIXC !Coi'nQu.anah, Texas, whk hcarricd fr Indians the last two years. The lmnast was aired locally in Wichita Falls on KGTM radio lhrough Lhc r--coMSports Ne1work. Tlkmg OVCI the reins as play-by~ )' v. 1U be Dave Edwards. lhe news Sid production director and morning ct-host on Kll..T-FM. ·we .are very pleased KLLFwiU ~ carrying Out games I.his ,-e look lorward to working with ib1't and Tommy,· Holland said. ~u W>llld be an exciting year.•
rear, ~
The undem will open the 1990 fooiliall S(3S()ll on KLLF radio Sep·
3 hours of college credit at Hardin-Simmons University for each class. Credits transiers to Midwestern State University. Cost: S48.00 per course For more information, or to sign up, call: 767- 1222 Kyle Klcmcke, in structor Bapu~t Student Union
lanbcr 1. 1990, as lhe Indians ua..,cl
3505 Tail
ti Sprmgficld, M,ssoun. fac a 7:30 h:\ ofr ;agomst Evangel C'olleKc.
\V1ch1t.1 fal ls, Tl" 76308
ll'-. 1'lt'vt·r mu(:h fun figuring 01.11 wl)J madc\,h:tt call on ~l.lllr photlt'btlt But \\'t.' c m hdp \\ 1{h A'fr:J'Udl.l/m1agcrlt:-iust I Mle
pnn of a "h)li:111\~r.unol pmdu..1S11)J~,-. \ K.l-:. c.tlled Ail:=f .'ilutlc,u j{u,t ..,-Plus. A'/(71' Qdi ,l l«11<1,~ 1·w1l1 :lllh)lll:ltil: 1~ S1..1'Xtr.1t1: y<1ur k>1l,!-: JbtilflL't' c tlls fn)ll\ the
,\Iliff. Helping makeeollc!!t lira littlt: ea.sic,.
OflC'i)'(llJrn"'-· .-\ndwc:·11Ju it i()ffi\.~ . AU )' 11.1 lt:t\\.' tllJo L -.di;d :1:-mlpk."nxlt.·
l henn ~l 1n .f lr:/'l/di.\M"mab~"·or tok.--:un
- ~htcooce.
aJs Unless you really enjoy reading m~nuosh get aMacint :
._ ,
"M:idlll( 1.~h pr:inic:illy dimin:.irc~ the need 10 keep 11wnu:.1h 11cx1 to my rnmputt>r hcc:iusc rq~ardlts,., of which program f'n, · usin~ -Ic:111 c>pen, cl< 1sc,s,J\'l', and r~nt fib in cxacllr the ~1mc war And you canr say th:11 ahoul anv other computer. "1txlaylot; of other computers are at1~1~pting JU'\! ll<JI 10 lmk and work like a M:.1c1111osh, hut it.~ ..., fX)ssihle.T11ey're t<X> fundamentall ydifferent 10 begi n with .This may sound a linle " strange, hut comparing a .vfacintosh to other computers is like comparing apples to oranges.You can squa~h the ; '·:: orange into shape and paint it to look :.j!';. :; .\ like an apple, but underneath the .. , ·; makeup, its still an orange. . . "Its funny-I work at the Vanderbilt ' .' computer store and IVe seen lots 1 from other com ,.;·•i ._.. , · •1·: .:/• · - · of people switch puters ro Maci ntosh, but I\re never seen anybcxly with a Macintosh 5'\~tch to another compur~r." able ro Oi':iCC)Unt-i over forty re!·cent are avail comput;h .into students. facul~· and staff when McK we;rem. Mid ugh thro er~ and 1x..,-ipher:tls are ln,ght of the floor nd sem rhe Vi-.i1die Leaming Center on l
; ,' J~'<:t
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:,/?:•·· ~ ,, J•
Building for a demonstration. wntaa Dr. and Michael Land at (JC)2-(i)ll , ext. 4765 for pricing Fetb'll'iOO
fin~uice infonnation.
\X11y do people lore Macintosh? Ask them.
iliUI ·--
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