Rcmtmi>fring thr nrst Wttk or class
~'"·'•-~?-----llIE Wichitan Midwestern State UniYersit~·
£prent's Dav
Scplembfr 9, 1993
. Seeing someone agai.n for the first time =1 J"• "-'ny ....~ ngEdltor
\\'lle,e's ::"le Ctar11 Sh;. Jt'~I ~:·ua? W~ : \\i!; lh,s
:s; 'dt', tli!\\l""1 constn,,."tlco 7 ~ .:-, · :C'',?'. ':? How big are "li'.:::.asses • · A'.ic~~ns yc1/ d ~ :Jti.P· '-;:v-- t:-e,;.nn:ngtres.'l~~ , , -"~Y new MSU st" ••· :.>11tr>;!M,' Wr::ng. i"es., oues1io.1s ";:1~ .s wee-.e;xi as pa,. r:.'d'\J :·_ ..-:s a•;: s~e.s1s pay a s..~
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".1.m II Jm . C:unpt1,11,m, 11 ~• J. m_ft,:,·;,111,n JI l)r l.\\Ut, J R,,h1~t'-''°' h,lm~· ~ p.m. \ISi" 1 '·'' 0 ' 1 : . "" " .\hkn,: Chn'1tJn. \km,~ :1.il V .tJ nun
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::.ca~pus to: ~•Su Pare~r's Da). · =c-. Pt 11 °'" '~~~ I. , • . ."s. for parer,:~ 11~, .. •
The day \\ill begin \\;th reoistrat1on at 9 a.m. in the CSC Atrium. Faculty and staff \\i ll be oresent to meet guests. Ca.mpus and resident hall tours 1vill be given from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. A reception at the home ot Dr Louis J . Rod riguez. Univers ity President. will beg in at
11 .30 a.m. Ph111,ps also said that this 1s an ocponun11y 10 showeas,:y l'een Fare)' Day as we.I. Le;t Iha MSU campus and cure some of the h::-mes,ck cff of director ,;:.,, .. , · ee said. ,.:~ 11 ac:iv,ties. blues. II be I Pared s Dav \\fl give an " ' hi ,· 1· ' I t I ,...__ " ...,,en:s a!\(j Cl\lests , .,,w,p Irnen ary oc,e s oat e 1c even s w1 pro• • . an (:!:'.:C .Lr..ty ,o ,,sr. studen:s and fa~ ,,.., tor pareots and guests. The MSU football team 1vill vided fnends . u.,, · see old ~ :i :::ee: nl!W ones.
rtto1o'b1·1Kyt us.w \'lut!fO- an on on an,'M paJntJng by Erion Simpson. ls cumntry bclJIK G1J1,ry. ~pby,d In th, UnlY<rslly
~;~ri;:c~~~v~:! ~ 1!'.1~1~k: :~ •~v~'.~~n: me paren:s 10 belM g1~: Phii!1ps sanj ·11 t'le . a,e, .s are 1nv;x,•<"~. Iha ,'udents 11 ..._,_:_ 8 p.m at the MSU Soccer F,eld to at University Drury '"e " """' \\i •· • a·so n : .ve;l w:ih aC:Nities conclude Pa rent's Day activities. ,d ...........
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: Perfc,rmer rerurns to MSCZ.
Theater artists exhibit works ry rsity Galle inTheUnive areas. The design exhibi· United States
Institute tor Theater
• off 1993 Artist Lectur • kicks •: LUCkinb ill e season • • • L.Euren~ Luc.~1nb,II will The Boi-s ,-, ·~" 5 d an • _ • • ~ - ," • 1, , . u.k n.:11 s feature f,tms :0a:-row. !ha 13-noJs 1 •defsnse a:.o-nev. in a one- ge1ude Suen GOvd ; nen~:;_me Promrse. Not !man 0:31, at 7 p:m. Sept. ,or?LJ.-,ication. Coc.<taJ/ r,e Arts 111 :i a c:-, Cru,se. . . WTth •Tneatre. r of Oearn with r~senge his : Lu:kinbill received aMes Bronson. and the •c.1ast"· cf fine arts degree
!ce , ta r·,l"J a; c •arence
f~play.vn:•ng from Catholic
:iinlVi!ISl!y in Washington. ;o.C. He later J01ned the :Sate Depanment as fdireC!Or. wmer. and h !Jac1urer <:""l he3 tretorl e orei,,n Service. :U.S; F_ : W11 1:e in Africa a.nd_Italy to r ,two years. Luckinbill . : ct:rected an Arabic ve rs,on : ot /1.ac:;e;h 1n_'1 iri_ca and . :hen wen, on ,o airect an :11ahan version of Our
! Technology is currently exhibiting models and ! pa inting of regional theater
: artists in the University
~ • Gallery.
With the help of cos: tume and scene designers : from Arkansas. Missouri. • Oklahoma and Texas. the : show re flects current works ot professionals and 1 students in these theater :
· ·•· .
~~~~~:~ a;;~~; "
tion includes photographs and scale models. works in pencil and watercolor as well as full-s ized pieces.
A mini-symposium on rendering skills will culminale the exhibition on Sept. 11-12. Theater artists will sharpen their skills in watercolor, mixedmedia and portfolio ph0· tography.
:Blood don atio ns ! f 1• :give a g1•rt 0 IJ.e •
On television Luckinbill has sta~ed in his own ABC series The Oelphi Bureau. TheMating Season. a series, One More Try. the NBC Movie of the Week To Heal a Nation in which he portrayed Senator Charles Mathias, author of the legislation au:horizing the n of the constructio . : To1111. Vietnam Veteran's • Luckinb1ll returned to also starred He :New York and Broadway. Memorial. : Following a year's run in A ,n The 5:48. The Boston Massacre, and Lyndon . •Man lo; all Seasons. and : roles in other productions, As a writer, Luckinbill :such as the American has contributed ariicles lo • Conservatory Theatre's New Yori< Times, Los The he , Salesman a of : Death : received critical acclaim for Angeles Times. American Magazine, and Theatre the • his role of Hank in both !stage and film versions of Esquire. :
! By Kathryn Soll
• Editor MSU students will be : : given_the chance to give • the gift of life by donating ! bl?Od at the campus blood : dnve from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Wednesday, Sept. 15. in ,: Clark Student Center : Room 104. 1• The event, under the ! direction of the American 1: Red Cross , will be • sponsored by Circle K, the Laurence Luckinbill . . Nursing department and in: available are Tickets Luckinbill and his wife. the Clark Student Center : part of the Biology Lucie Amaz live In nt, sa ,d Sandy departme • for Office. Call 689-4520 Westchester County, NY : Gillis, Donor Resource more information . with their three children. for the tant : Co nsul American Red Cross. ! ·we are hoping for a : larger tu rnout than what • the past few yea rs has • ! been like." GIiiis sa id. . : ......... ....... "MSU, many years ago, *......... ...•••••••••........ ..••••••• ..•••••••••..•••........ ........ used to donate between 70 to 80 pints at a dnve. Now we receive about 20." Gillis said that few re st rictions ex ist about e of Fre for freedom n with along Foundatio . Sex. raci sm . religion, opposition September 25 speech and freedom of the Expres s ion, can and cannot give who th e Between and witchcraft are just a Association of Ame rican blood. She discourag es and October 2 the first two press. a "risky lifestyle fewof the grounds used to of the Moffett Library Mottell Library believes Publishers, the American those with challenge and ban books floors these and other that Americans support our !i,~~:~.o~n~o~~~a~~~i: : a~ display will Slates across the United challenged books as It basic ri gh t to read Over the past year. College participates ,n Banned guaran teed in the First Association of Books from the Bible, Fantasy or Lights workBooks Week-Celebra ting Amendment to th e S!ores. 1'.Tiich contents have been United the Freedom to Read. The Constitution of the d•ys lo labeled as lewd, the that said s William States. already first floor of Moffell Oct. 2-3, C):t 9-IO indecent . and violent , to Banned books week- display thus far as had up. display the has 9 a. m. 10 4 p.m. Ille so called promot ion of g the Freedom heightened ,n terest among Andrea Williams who Celebratin an d Lunch will he served book burn ing to Read is co-sponsored Midwestern students. She Contact Dr. Howard censorship of ~ is in cha rge of curriculum by the American Library sa id even 1f the students materials in the library said Farrell ~ -.. .'~.!~e Disney classic the display's purpose is to Association . the American have not read the n. 1t has st,11 peaked at lixl. 4782 ~ w h o too as ireedom to read Booksellers Associatio s materials been tagged as graphically promote Bookseller interest. American the sa id, goes ~•olent. have faced th is which, she
• Next Armt-Lecture Series Guest will be Lou Diamond Phillips 7p.m., Oct. 12 in Akin Auditoriwn :
Moffet Library celebrates the freedom to read
• :
or are unhealthy " from donating blood. She also added that pregnant ladies and people who weigh less than 110 po unds cannot give blood. "People are afraid they can catch something through donating," Gillis said. "The needle is a disposable needle used only one time then thrown out.• Len West. a wildlife ecology major and a blood enco ur ages do nor, students to take the time to donate. ' Students need to put th eir fears aside." West said. '(Giving blood) is not that big of a deal. They are saving someone's life and should take the time to do ii." The American Red Cross , said Gillis. is extremely low on its blood supply right now
,,===~ rr====,,,,;,,=,,,,,,== ,,,;,=;, Act Opportunities to
The AIDS Support Center needs volunteers. To volun1ccr, go 10 ~05 Gall'cs1on Suitc 10. or call 3!2-9 122.
I'll\:<' i
Thu™br, Srptrmbrr 9, 199.1
Do you hear what I hear? MSU Is a llourlshlng university. Right now, oil ~lgns indicate that the University Is only heading tor fhe top. Enrollment continues to Increase. programs continue to be nationally rocognlzed and faculty continues 10 receive national attention. However. one part ol the University conlinues to dwindle •· almost like a species going extinct. One word sums up the entire crisis and one word can spark hours ol debate among students •• Parking. II o bleeding-heart liberal group could join together and unite tor the cause ol saving this dying species, maybe, just maybe, we could find a place to pork. Odds are though, that even If a 'Parking Peace' group formed, nothing would change. The history of this dying species is documented throughout the last half of the 20th century. In t 966, for example. a story ran In the Times Record News concerning the parking problem. 'There's no place to park,· the story cries. In the 1970s, several stories ran in the Times Record News, again concerning the parking problem. 'There's no place to park,• the stories cry on and on and on and on ... An MSU alumni who served as editor of The Wichitan and Is still involved In Joumallsm, recalls writing a story about the parking problem. Pld anything change? Obviously not. The moral to this story apparenlly Is that student's cries fall on deaf ears. Or maybe we cen call them insensitive ears because the ones who can make lhe change have no parking problems •· they have a faculty sticker. In September of 1992, MSU had 2,360 parking spaces for students and 399 spaces for faculty/staff members. In September ol 1993, MSU has 2, 197 spaces for students and 421 spaces lor faculty/staff. Did our enrollment not increase from 1992 to 1993? And would that increase not mean more cars would be on campus? With this logic flowing. tho obvious answer is reducing the number ol spaces for students. Of course, we do need to clarify what lho sticker on tho back window of your car represents: IT IS NOT A PARKING PERMIT; It is a MOTOR REGISTRATION DECAL "State legislators gave state universities the authority to require all cars on Its campus to be regis• tered,' said H.G. Evans, chief of the MSU police de· pertmenl. Evans continued to say that the University does not guarantee every student on campus a parking space and that the University is not selling parking spaces with tho Identification lag. When discussing the parking issue, many people will remind frustrated students that on larger campuses, parking is an ancient dinosaur and the hike those students have to take is longer than the lime span from the Paleozoic age to the present. However, we thought the difference between MSU and the larger schools like Texas A&M and University of Texas is MSU's ability to communicate with the students on a personal level; give care lo each student in academic and personal affairs; and provide a home away from home. Of course, we can find a parking space at home.
1------------------1 3400Tan8M:l.,P.O. Box 100 Wmta FaRs, TX 76:nl Ne,.5oosk: (817)6004704 Act;oosk:(817)6004705 .. ....... l"1 i1tir Kalhryn Self.... JulicNanny_ _ _ __ __ _ ___,,1:111:1gi11g Wi1c1r
.... Copy Et.li1or
Chad~ Cog(. . Azali.3 Duran... .. Kyle Ru.,;.~ I
Debbie Macs1.-·
. .. .... .......... .Gmphic Arti:\I
I I,
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Spons f:JJilor
l.' purts Rcpor1cr ................ .................Muvit: Rc\'icwcr •1 u.~k Rc\·i~wt.·r
.. .....C:u-torn1i.~ 1
Wayliln Green.....
Circufa1io11 Man:igt:r
Jason M:llon &ic sc1r
Now thal the summer sillies are ovor. 011d Hollywood's yearly barrage ol summor acllon flicks hove dwindled away. it's time for Tinsollown to get down to some serious work on potonllal Oscar· winners. Hore are somo contenders that aro duo out this toll. Will they have o chance? WhO knows? Con anyone beol East-wood's "In tho Lino of Fire?" "The Age of Innocence"·· starring Doniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer and Winona Rider. Directed by Martin Scorsese. Due out: Sept. 17 ' As a lavish Hollywood c.~ adoplalion of o classic tum-ol-the-conlury novel • • R nre O\"Cr , the movie industry cnn gel down to 8'rio::~,ti not It's Wharton, s1lhc. Edith by Now 1hnt th e ir.ummer typical Scorsese ('Raging hu!-inrs.i; (cir Oscnr !il'nson. ble channels, so Wh ,,1a young woman, and a Bull' and "Taxi Driver') Y11ot 1 movie? Paxton. Directed by doctor and his wife cel&loire. Set in the 1870s. ii is Jennifer Lynch. Due out: brate their marriage 1n a Audience rosea a tale ol Now York aristo· minor earthquake. showed that Viewe::i cral Nowlan Archer (DaySep~~, a story •• and 'Short Cuts' will gel wanted to see Iha . . Lewis). his 1111varted love ol it on the screen! none acclaim, critical excellent for tho scandal-tainted cast. The problem.~ ' First, Madonna bowed out but ii is long •• 187 minutes course, was lhat lren Countess Olenska Laler, Kim .• and may be wearying to 'Granny' Ryan Ra e (Pfeiffer) and his problems ol lhe tille role. Basinger was ordered to less sophisticated aud1with his wife (Ryder). 'Mr. Drysdale' Bai l ~ pay S3.8 million for not . Certainly ii contains ences. Nancy 'Miss Jane· 'dr,J hrsl time Finally starring. starring .. •Malice" tho but grand passions. have, as Granny migh ~ director Lynch (David's Alec Baldwin, Nicole lilm doesn't deal with all have !laid, gone 01110 1 Fenn Kidman. Bill Pullman. those scandalous longings daughter) found So director lhe, rewards. didn't (Twin Peaks) who Bebe Neuwirth, Anne beneath tho book's good Spheeris (Wayne's W mind playing a limbless Bancroft and George C. manners. scratCh ~ from rted sla a box by Scorsese is reported to woman kepi in Scott. Directed by Harold the choices are gOOd the love-obsessed doctor have said he directed this Becker. Varney (of 'Ernest' la who mutilated her. one 'lo see ii I could direct (Sands) The plot on this movie is Jed, Leachman is rneJ Then lhere were duels sea movie where emotions Granny, Tomlin is Jan 8 board who is a closely guarded ratings the with and the communication but it involves a serial Hathaway and Colem . wanted to give it an NC-17 cret, are repressed, so that that is stalk:~g stuMr. Drysdale. Buddy an ~ rating. Lynch and producer killer people say one thing and dents at a posh Ebsen, the original Jed Carl Mazzocone finally mean another, or nothing women's Northeastern makes a brief cameo a' wrangled a 'R' on appeal. at all.' 10 the chagrin of a pearance. P. Lynch is afraid that the college, ts ii good? Well, alter dean ing well-mean endless bad publicity has seeing a rough cul, Ryder reWill wile things his Some and (Pullman) doomed her film before it exclaimed, 'It's one of the Is Baldwin the main the same. The Iheme opens. She could be righl. (Kidman). greatest movies I've ever song survives, replicas 01 bad publicity is usually bad guy? Maybe. Or, bul the hardly seenl" She's the Clampelt's truck have not. maybe bell er, al least in the most objeclive viewer, bul been made, and the p101 Protests by real stuopening weekend, than no early reports may agree. will be similar to a TV dents on the campus • publicity at all. "M. Butterfly" •· starwhere the movie was shot episode where Jed al"Short Cuts" •· starring Jeremy Irons and tempts to find a husband against scenes that alring Anne Archer, Bruce John Lone. Directed by contained violence for Elly May, played by legedly Davidson, Robert Downey David Cronenberg. Due threatened women againsl Eleniak. Erika Jennifer Henry, Buck Jr.. out: Sept. 1O. to halt production, but Jason Leigh, Jack Has the success of And now the bad ne~ · Pfeffer Rachel Producer Lemmon, Huey Lewis, Lyle 'The Crying Game' ushKerkeby man- · assured them that this is a the famed Lovell, Andie MacDowell, ered in a series of movies sion •• the Beverly Hills 'smart thriller", and not Modine, Malthew cross-dressers? about estate made famous by 'Basic Instinct' material. Based on the Tony Award- Christopher Penn, Lori series •• will not be That apparently appeased the Singer, Lily Tomlin, Fred winning play by the same Instead, Spheeris back. name, ii Is a story about an Ward and others. Directed the crowds, and shooting opted for a new adobe in went on. by Robert Altman. Due alluring Chinese opera Pasadena. This is a good cast. It out: Oct. 3. singer who seduces a remains to be seen Based on nine short After other recent TV French diplomat with femor not the public whether stories and one narrative transplants, and With a inine wiles. plot. the of approve will Raymond late the by poem built-in TV audience, lhis Cronenberg purposely "The Beverly Carver, 'Short Cuts" folnew 'Beverly Hillbillies' cast the virile Lone ('The Jim starring •· Hlllblllles' lows 22 characters as they should do well at the box Last Emperor') in the role wander through the subur- Varney, Diedrich Bader, because he knew his office. Erika Eleniak, Cloris ban sprawl in Soulhern audience would be 'in on And so, there you have Leachman, Dabney California. They never the charade' from the Coleman, Lily Tomlin, Rob it. The list is by no means converge, as one mighl beginning. Irons plays the of course. exhaustive Schnieder and Lea expect, but rather director French diplomat. There are a plethora ol Thompson. Directed by Altman invites his viewers Will it work? It's got movies all vying for Iha Penelope Spheeris. enough star-power, and a to eavesdrop on a series coveted gold statuette. Bui The television version of small dramas; amona (sort of) surprise ending, is a short lisl of possible it beyears nine for lasted them, a newscaster and so who knows? candidates. Time and !he his wife lose their son in a fore ii went into syndica"Boxing Helena"•· tion, and has endured ever box office will tho tell !he freak accident, three starring Sheryl Fenn, rest of the story. since on independent cafriends discover the body Julian Sands and BIii
. ...
Dn:w Mr"'=· De.in Lnwrencc........
By o.an L ■-nc•
Movl• Rovl1~r
...... .............. Pho1ogr.1plll'r
Bryan B.111:-~ 1
- - -~
•tch as OscarS 11 eq,. sw• s lvtovie theme
.................. Phologmphy E<lilUr
Loree Arrington...
Melissa Sulli·,~
Editorial ,.,,. w,,,.1,m'"""'
"' ssis1,u11 Circula1i111t M;magcr
"t.lvcrtising Man:igl"r
Dara 11:iwkins
"d vcrtisin& Rcprc~cul:llh'C
R:u1dy D,c wstcr
"tl\'Crtising Rcpn.'*111a1i,·c
Cop)T1Jl1I O l9'Jl, TJ,.,, WuJ1111111 Thr ll'u lul,111 i,::imtu1t-.-, orll1eTu:u lutff~•u1tr,1~rr Pn·.1..~ A,uoaJ.1 1ot11n1ITI1, Colk,t P,r,1 Sl"fV,l't. 111<' Widut.in 1c.•rnei tlir ri,111 h•t,hl 1111y w~t m Jl ,ul..JlilltJ fr, r,uhh,:»1011 1nJ Ill Jt/\1.w 1111)' ~,lvtl\Or tlk'U I Opink,n, t.lJ# t.urJ J/ t n111' ae«JJMily lhtlft oftlie f .aeully, .ao!uu 11u1 r~hon ,,r i1u1k111hn lyof M1l/w,.11r1n Sl~lt U11..·r1 ~,1y HJ hY)' D0t rcp-utnl II ('\111\tMU.• r/ Ill< C' llhlC' \Vwhif1~1 ., uff
OPEN LETTER TO ALL STUDENTS: Welcome lo the starl of a new school yearll We hope your new year will be happy, productive and educalional. II is sad but true lhal crime has becom e a parl of campus life, nationwide, as we ll as here al Sta t e Midwest e rn University. Crime can be anylhing as litlle as picking
up something lhal does nol belong to you to assault or more. A recent study revealed that ONE IN EVER Y THREE college sludents can expect lo a victim of some lype ol crime. We al MSU do nol have lo be part of lhese statistics. Students helping students by being aware of lhings going on around them selves an d others ,
could help reduce lhis prediction at MS U. we need to fosle r an atlitude of wa!ch oul for ourselves and achieve personal safely and security habits. Make respons ible choices about you r own actions and help us all make lhis a safer campus. Report, immedia tely any crime you may witnes; or be a victim of on campu s 10 lh e MSU Police
Department, ext. 4239 We can not be ev'l 'l'where a• once, so we ,·eed your help. Our officers are on duly 24 hours a day, ready to be of as,is•ance 10 you BE INVOLVED HELP PREVENT CRl\!E ON YOUR CAMPUS
H.G. Evans Chief of Police
ain't se~n ~othingyet' -~,
'"YOU 11 only took one grumble about Illa history ol 1118 campus newspaper 10 tum !"e into.a determined editor working eround the clock lo turn its •image around. I wanted to prove lo all
!Kathryn's Column
the doubters around running sch 1 campus th at lhe bett: ,R;~:v~~uld be H to va ~wever. after listening nous complaints ~~~~ss campus about past h ions Wil !he
me that storeotypes stick to a person 0, group like glue. Siereolypes can bo the poison in a healthy 0Iganization It only takes one incident 10 totally ruin
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panies resolving dlllerences. they will build stereotypes about each other, end the rest is history. Olher organizations on campus are also hoping to re-establish relations with the student body. For ~~av:~~~e~,u~~;~idenl Shannon Pugh and Vice President Linda Scoll want
.. A lawsuit ask ing for
house. according to the Tri angle, the Drexel stu-
' Ttr~'.l-"r' 11om
s,~,,r. rn . Sp ccinl
S urprL-.c Night!
We Blf/. SEU ard TRADE
sexually assaulte d a l l~e [
Della Sigma Phi ratern,ty house. She named three ~ Alpha Pi Lambda lraternity brothers and one alumni as defendants in the suit. ~
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~'.,~,~~,:, Ci IFT uni.I 111qualil ~:~~, ,'.,: y lllr FREE 1 RIP 1\·IT\I SPIO NG UR Er\ K 'IJ~ Call 1-SII0-%11- IIIJ7, l·\ I. JS.
Il l
1p-r, f· j ~,y l, :OllLIIJ! ( 11 t., ? p:n
The Texas Anny National Guard The Part-Time Job That Pays for College!
Psychology majors ;rnd minors!! Pii\h1.1ht NJ1!11n.11 llu11nr S..,~ 1c1y in l'i.)·d11'.lh•tr I'• , <111Ju1 11ni: lb fJ!I J9') l 111<·rnl>t-r, l111' Cr 11·t l•ei;ummi: S<p1l'Ul ht r I 'th ~1H l1 1m11m~ 1t11uu~h .Xp1.m1l,c1241h l'k ~•n uutx 1~:lln'n
MrCu rn1nl,: JI r~ • ,H 1(,
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A female student is ~ seeking damages for an rl
1 1;_ 1 . .-.,.,~u .. ,
17 It baltery and conspirsau . d negligence acy, an . . -~ 'f,...;..s...__~~~~~
]YEAH BOB by D.ryi Kluakowskl
April 12, 1991 , Incident in which she said she was
luweoHi n· rmd
and was sent~nced lo 18
monlhs probation alumni, ~,as arres!ed al th.a Th o woman is seekrng Alpha P1 Lambda hous? in over SS0,000 on each of February_ 1992 and ~,as counts mcludmg as-
Ilrcud Hor
1 11 11 •" • " ·• •
696-2682 rb;:.,
The primary defendant. an Alpha Pi Lambda
l l ,l , l ,\ l r ,l l,,JI
$4 99
(A:;ros\ b OfT'S-. e:, •,c:,:obr:\r ..-j(.f(;
yet' might be a phrase heard around that office (and
S850.000 In dJmages hJs been filed againsl Dre xe l University, lwo fraternities, three fratern ity brothers lound guilty ol indecent and a Drexel alumni lrom assa ult. criminal consp1;an alleged 1991 sexua l acy and simple assau I ~ssau ll in a fr aternit y .f,;..__...ss.-;.s_~ss..~--~~~
'We've SHAmRED the cost of compad discs!"
,\JI rlinncr,c; u•i ll
C,uch UPB 's protluction lllinnrtl orllucks" 7 p.m Sept. 14 in the CSC
Used CD; as low as
mine) lrom now on. I want to challenge you to get Involved with your campus. Altend Student Senate meetings, write lellers to the editor, purchase a yearbook and be involved with different organizations. More importantly, belore adding to 0 1 ~~;:~~h::gke ;~ho.se image they had no part In making.
Drexel student filI es Iawsu1·t
denl newspaper
r'====:~;;::~============:---------"" 'fRADEWORlD, INC.
Top ~tar pa,d !or iw CDs ,Ill p11chascs arc guaranteed
G t to be Stude~t ovemm~n I' active in every Slur:~ s lile in some way. he only happen. th oug students are w,illing IO meet them hal way: I Mall Herder, editor O 10 the Wai-Kun. wants geI the message out 10 students tha tlh e yearbook
,,, r l'' 1., , ,,,i,. 11 hr,· c ,1,r , .,, .,k,,u1•
; \ '~
C h1lir11e,· ,cJi,1
'-·- - - ' - - - - - - - ' ·
~ the realization hit a good thing. Instead ol
f111 min 111
, o t-)' lhe ,J, v1,11,11 u lfi,c(() '/)u11ohoc:
ll~J It) pnk •ur Jn ~ppli.·Jt1un
Uohlinl: Industries Cw, pu~ rrprnt l1l JI J~t nccJeJ l•y 'llJrbwcJr1·ump~11 y1u,rll t,1(u1.t:1 -
ni tk,wJ .w wn11~• /\,w~i;.:HU 111 SII.IO"'w k111 ~1•nen1i; h!('<'rwerk CaU l,!!OU-2U •!( Jll4
Gro1111 Fh·c CJm S~!I0-5 1000 "'~ek:i)' ~1111fini: m·dupr~ fortl.-t,11 \- RlJSIISI 011
w11hSI\SEtu Gl<OUl'IWE S7Grcc1111ccl>111'c.Su11c 107 l)uvcr, DE l'>'X.11
Wanted: Computer Programmer G(l rcJI world opr11rni.:,e titre in W1,hi14F,ltt whilr n>ntin uin1 your td~ c~ tlUn. All p-adc levt b would be ~on~lil.-rcd C++ anJ ot hmi-Nvc k.oowkdcc i plu1. fluitilc houn 1;i1hcumrctitmhour\yntc. For l!IOtr infonnJlion ctJJIIICI Bl"\k'C Jt
i,tubio <tlassix Sa~, 11 J;a/1' J, Sa/4 Tues-Fri 10-5
A classic price Seti 10-3 of $8 haircuts Special appointments alter hours for men and CaJI Sally or Kai !or
Raise as Much as You Wont in One Wct:kl Stll0 ... $61J0 .. .$15!Kll M.irl ctApplic•hun!v,Ll1'"hriL1t.Sll1C<lil
t1tdc"'1'1-NEW GMMA.STF.1Ki\lU> U1q~tam DIG DI SCOIJNTSon GM C,\RS!fJ11~1ify fo1 l'Rl:l! T-SIIJR r ,'t 'l~OMC JIMMY . Call \ ,MOIJ •JI ! O.\llt. 11,1 6S
You could try the Lottery, but you'll have better luck paying for school with the Montgomery G.I. Bill from the Guard. *Out of Sta te Students receive in State Tuition at State Schools. *Veterans can continue to serve and draw extra income while in school. For more information call the number below:
At the Potpouri Cottage Iowa Park 208 Yosemite (behind Allsups) 592-2707 "a potpouri of beauty"
Wichita Falls 723-6501
I 1 ' • m
. -;:.. -;=r~-r=~~-t:::::~ ;t~r•I~b;~t~!2:!__9_p_e_r_t~~JJ~mL.t:te~rul~oa~~J!:ll1~;~n~1~r1.-e-n-d-r--
1 .:!__ D~:::.~-~i~::~
asks though! provoking
Muslemlowor For some reason. whenever someone is ,n need, T are there lo hrock anists eIP oul. ake the Con cert 1n Bangladesh 1n lhe early t970s for example. Or. the 1 ; : r:9!~;· and USA for Af rica. Rarely. r h ho e e ga;~e~ ~~!r~; ; ~~ : ; •~~~r 1 1 1 one person Sweet Relie f A ben -
unr;~~t!~~lum. wh,ch had Will,am s play-
eht for V,c1or1a W1lhams ,s one of !hose ra re cecasion s Performers such as Pearl Jam . Lou Reed and Michelle Shocked 1oined roge:her to ra ,se mone1• ro help air,ng s,nger and guitarist Victoria \•\11/hams out w ith her medical bills
1ng acoustrc guirar with th em on ltlsl Thursday nighr s MTV Music Video Awa rds. be• a,ns th e d,sc w,rh Summer cl Drugs By lar :he besr song rs Pear t Jamt s Cra : y Mnry . which t1 Js be en receMng
~~~1~:: ~~~i~,'~,
ai rplay on KDGE lately Williams herself back s up th e band wilh vocals and spring of 1992. Therefore. a gu,tar and Pearl Jam aban• mass ol talen t gor 1oget11 er dons the.r increasingl y pass gru nge sound. 10 perform Williams' greatWilliam s. who has no insurance, was diagnosed with mulliple sclerosis In
~t,~~;~~~:~me prev,ously
like ii ca rn e direclly off Penn s debul album March and will delight R ds longlime fans. Lou ee h Tarbelly and Feal erfoot nd is classic Lou Reed a 1 ~1usa s rel1 el) by M ·, is cool in a Ricky Lee
Cra zy Mary nol only doesn' r sound 1,,e the ba nd bur 1r sho wcases Edd,e Vedder s powe rlu l vo,ce ,n a way that 1r hasn r been before rvlrchael Penns performance ol Weeds sounds
Jones sort of way Another prime track on rile disc 1s Frying Pan by Eva n Dando. ol Lemonheads lame. Dando is co mpletely alone on the track. ba cked onl y by his own acoustic guitar. and
available . With MS u sea) Midweste rn 1 Un iversity Chrisim: a1, namenls may be Ords Or, throu gh l he Ollic:r&d
has frogs in the background and almoSI has a Wa lt Disney feel lo it. This disc is a worthwh ile invesrmenl. nol only for lhe songs, but for th e ca use ii
~ ; ~,~~ 0 t~ e~~~~a"n~e :; a special low price ol • The O be il~~e~s ~ maroon glass.balls wilh a me1a~·d gold imprrnl of lhe MS~
goes fo.
seal. _Pa ymen t is not reun ti l eightl he quired orn aments arrive 10 ten weeks after lhe Order is placed. C all the Office 01 School Relation at en 4329 to place an order. ·
••••••••• By the way, Smiley will rd be playing Satu ay, Sepl. 11, al 724 . Their show is a 11 crowd-pleaser, so you want lo ca tch it
Average textbook price climbs OBERLIN, Ohio (CPS) Sticker s h o ck isn'I just con lined 10 auto mobiles new and returning college students can expecl 10 see higher prices for textbooks in thei r camp us book stores , reports Campus Marketplace, the ne1•1slet 1er for Th e Na tional --
M1Ch11rk y ~t Gu)' o r hl,on
1 queSl ions of life th such asru moonh er re al e Anol Siadouble? Eversee you notable, if nol interes ting track, is Why Look al the Moon by lhe Wa terboys. 11
Asso cia tion of Co llege percent increase in 1993 fro m 1992. Stores. . An oth er study Pub. A stu dy repo rted thal l1 shed rn lhe association's er foun d lhal lor newslett from 1983 lo 1993, lhe pri ce of 100 wide ly used 86,886 lex.lbook lilies, the freshman and sophomore ave rage in crease from text books rose 9 1.5 per- February 1992 lo Febniary cen l , and th at lhe mosl re- 1993 was $2. 42, or 7.B ce nt fig ures show a 4.8 percent.
~•"a.Sa_ 37 at1tlq~ct.r
38 T'Xrlfflkl r'fl'IOMy" 40 lrun I I/ T HAm~t1 comc.' Alt.y _ .
Rc.:ad Thl' \\'k hit:in 111 kl·t:p up w11h 1::.11npu:. ~r ons.
1 I,\ A-CR I· I-
,, ,,
SO l :\: I>
\l I :\ I
I:\:\ I s I I , ( ,
Come By Lalani's for a little attitude adjustm ent, then ...
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Enjoy t he l,e5t dinner you've had in a long time. Lalan rs fea tu res Innovative
rot.f5serie and grill &loct.lon5 with only fresh Ingredient,;
and made•.from-5eratc;:h reol~ s.
Our mt:nu lnc:ludes roti5sefW chicken, grilled food • lncludlng fresh fish, ,rmpt• p•m• and
our himous ~ l a t,read.
l'HI SIGMA KAPPA Fall Rush Scht.'llule of E\'ffllS WC'ek of Septcmbtr 13th•171b l202Mar,h:IIJ 761-3760 Munday, Sc-pt,mhcr JJIII 8pm -1J pm Swinuningandcookout. lbis:1iill he at IIUXl Duc:h:u-i:in.(TakeJkft
a fun k:iar and an
~lectk: wine and beer
Hlection, you r dining
""peri,nco wfU ~• wonderful and your at;titude will t:ie t.rsn5formed.
2 Gp-.1 :;;_,f~·.) l',n,•)
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JAL~'S '.ti_cs /tlllrtlll/ 11111{
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HERE'S WHY THE SMART MONEY IN TEXAS IS GOING WITH TIAA-CREF AS IF THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT. ecause i1 docs. Sm;i.n mvt'stors know that your fu111rc clcpcnds on how well your rctirt"mcnt system pcrfonns, 11At\-C REV has lxcn tht' prc-micr n:1i rcm<'nt S\'lih:m for pc:ople
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TIAA -CREF. WOK F O R SE CURITY, GROWl'H AND DIVERSITY. Sel·uriry- so tht' rcsourc~.. art' there
when ir is time 10 r'-•tire. Growih-so you'll have enough income fo r die kind of reiircment you \\'ant . And diversityto k ip protttl y ou ,"l.gain,;t market
~your princip,'ll plus a specified ra te of lnll"re 51 , and provides for additional grn~~h through dividends. For its s1n~1 /1ty , s~~md lllvesr mcnts, da.ims-
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IIERE'S WHAT YO U G ET wmt TIAA-CRE F. T~~ \ offer, .,·ou tht" ufeiy of .1. 1r,1dmonal a.nnui1y 1hat !,"\larantcc$.
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nt /\ ,·c:. I un Kemp). T ucnby, ScplrmtKr 14111 9pm-M klnlghl Pi1.2.a! Pizz.i! Pi1.zaJU11Y:wltl \-ol· lcyhall ! This will bc: :it tbefr.lltf·
nity house. W\'dnc•~ :1y, St'pt,mhtr JS~ H:JOpm-1Jpm Tc.~I yourskills :11 agamcot Palnl War Gamt's. Plea.,; c we:11an old. long-!IIC-C\'C di irt. lbis is OD~ prorl!~,;;ionalcollr.iC . we~·iUl!icd :i1 1he hnui;c:. thc11 lc.1vefrantbat. Thu rsday, Srptrmlxr t 6lll 9pm•?
l\1YSTERV NIGJff?~! Wc will mt.'tl :\l thChtJ.ISCrtt this C\'Ctll.
Friday, Srptmcbrr J7tll !lpm-?? Pkk up Die.ls by NooP1! l l1is is i1!! Tbc event iJ:111 )'()Cl h.:m: tx.~n waiting (CW"!! jb(ir.f> m t)U~
"Aruuml the World" 11\,-lkY
ritlc! Plc:t-.e mc(l :il~al3:! We will ·10:i., ( Ill lM 1,.-uflLUCS
m:my 1..,1untri~-,.. andW}..-. : c111tlun v.i 1h PIii _SU.is,• KAPPA. l''hh l~ tor
A,~,,clat ...~Sur,•rllks. 1 nd
ONI.Y! 11 Sa lurd uy, ~1,1,ml,,tt " 1Upni •l1tlll
l'AkT \' ? AL L M~U ~ .,,
OENTS JN\'ITW'I rA R ~,'. ALL I\I SU !!,1'UVt:..•rff:'> n ; n,, PAllTI' !I
~'id1i-tan--==-----==S~p~~e~c~i~a~l~I~n~t~e~r=e=~s:....t=====~ Th~-ursd=ay,~Scp~1 cm~bcr~?.: 19?3::_::_PaglS ~e
r,:7ways to get involved at
Midwestern State Universit DID YOU l<No f . redible range of actlville9 10 satisfy tho diverse inleresrs of I W!ha1 Midweslem Stale Universily hos1s 77 sludenl organlzallons which of er an ~ct becomo more oclivo In !heir universlly and gain valuabl he s.tudenrs. Through lhe differenl club and organizalions on campus, siuienl~,8'.:uawa~li~g/or? Now Is r//e rime"' g,1111•0/vedl e skills lhat w,11 enhance !heir personal growth and self awareness. So, w10' 0 >
A111ncs1y1 Specie,.[ 'L Arrisr-Le,·r:rernariona/ B!a,·k IVornc; Series Cornrnirrcc C1r,•/e K lurcrn lmercsred in Su,·c Mary Pliska Co//cge Rcpu1./'."'na/ (Kiwanis) c.ss & Educarion gcan P/11//,p 81rd,n • 692.9778 Dcbare Club . ltans Dr Ernest Dov,•, Ir c 429/ D11•crsi1y Dr. David Tucker . 475() lnrcrna1iona/ Sr d Dr. Evercrr Kindig 44/4 tarp., 1\/p/w ~ .u enrs A.~,ociatic, D r,genci/ Tay/or 4148 , 'ur.\:c.•s As,nc· "' n r. ·m,ty LaBc{f •1375 Orgar,;'-"li~n O';hon Dr. Michael Pred• 4J1r, Phito,0 h Hispanics Dean Phi/Ji . ·• 434/ S . . i' Y Club ludcnr., Sand P 8 lfdinc S Oc1a / Workers A . . Dr ra Church 429/ • Ot·,,•ry of Ala . Cling Togcl/1c, . Adalberto Gare• 4598 Srudenr Ad,· -~u'.acruring Eng; • Dr. Alfred Srewa JJ 4/44 Unh•ersiry D:ares for Disahilirnccr., Barbara Wesr n 4128 Un11•ersi1 p IIIOcrJr., y Awareness Jan Br,nk 4659 IVai-K Y rograrnn, · Debra H' . 4589 \V· 1 . un Ycar/,ook· tng Board Dr ,,. h'l!Ctnbo11,am ,c,,,a ' "IJC J •/ Fl ' 46/8 n (ne,vspap,•,J Leslee Phi/~ · Jv1n
. Leslee Phillips Director of Student Activities
hne l.eishn:t' Belle Malone
"Students should get involved on campus so that they have a sense of pride or belonging to the University. If they just come to their classes and leave right after to go to work or home, they don't feel the pride of belonging to an organization. Also, in an organization, you tend to do more activities and meet and interact with other students. "
i,aL 6,f e,
SOC M ha !'hi
p phi Alpha ,._\pha ga Chi Om\hi Beta oarnma h·· l(appa Alp • j{appa s,sm:anpa Phi s,gma " ,. Sigma l(appa
Sigrna . Epsilon Tau l(appa
Alpha Chi
4747 45()() 4223 439/
, za.twns orgcit1-" sorority
4~ 12 Marsha May , ·r 41S0 Dr. Ernest oo,e 4 \ll'l Cathi Cu1.art ,(( 43 \6 Dr. Emily LaBc s.:r 4362 Or. Charles Ram 692-1231 II "" 41 Bob \-Ii c, ' 41 ' 4 or. Sam W~~~; 43~ Barbara Me 43_3 La1nar Baer. 451)() 1.,cS\CC l'hi\hpS
froll'rnity sorority sorority frJll'rni\Y fr,iu:rni\Y fr,ill'n,ity sorority fr,u:rnitY fr,ill'rn•\Y
How to get involved 1. Jinct the organizations that interest 0ou. 2.Notice the person's name next to the organization -- that is the club sponsor. '3. Pick up the nearest telephone anct ctial 689 anet then the four ctigit number listect. Li. '[el/ the sponsor, 0ou want to tJEAe'i:9VE!
Dr.Jamcs King ~Ip:, Kappa Dc/ra 415/ Dr. Larry \Vi/Iiams Al P 3 Lambda Dc/ra Senior 43/8 Pha Psi Omega lane Leishncr 8 Sociology 4223 er., Bera Bera Laura \Vi/son Fll!shman 4]95 NancyScorr Oc/ra Mu DclrJ Thcarricn/ 46/2 tappa Kappa Psi Dr. G.irland Hadley Biology 4366 1onar Board Dr. Larry Archarnho Bu.i.incss 4210 111u Phi Epsilon Dr. Ruth MoJTow BJnd Orderofo 4789 Dr. Rurh Morrow Senior 4789 Phi Era Sig::ga June Lcislincr Music 4223 lane l.eishner :'.Sigma Alpha Greek 422.1 Johnnie Covc:rc /Chi Fll!shman 4749 igrn, Gamma E . Dr. Paul Guthrie Political science Sign,, T ps,lon 4178 Dr. John Kocurko y. au Delra Psychology 4181 Jim Hoggard •u Bera Sigma Geology 412] Norv..il Ctt·ws English 4294 Music
~ i,C
l(alh\een Bauer 4\'.l6 ,t,.nn Estrada 4316 0 · society cation r. £.milY La13cff 47.5'.l Accountms f Childhood £du_ al Sciences Dr. N man Horner 4481 J\Ssociauon o; social & Behavior Dr. ;' s . crumP 4\7.7. J\SSOCiauon o Mall a ·11 Taylor 47.88 Biology Club . , J\SSOCiation Dr. Arv• a \kins o,:ntal Hygienists Dr. J.L. Wa 4186 4\38 English Club Alan B\ac~owd 4145 Geology Cl~~ or. John Hoggard 4185 Ja7.Z f,nsc~ ;i Mu-Beta Dr. L~::1encourt 4361 l(appa De ta . pam vangeem 4150 Le Club fr,incais . or. \-lenrYt oover 47,10 Media Club . ness fr11tern11y • Dr. Ernes • hambo 4315 i Chi Theta Bus• Dr. LartY " " '· ' Ph LaW society . B d Dr. Emerson Capp. Pre· honic Marching . anJ\SSOCiation ~;~ Student l!ducauon
p-~~c 6
Thur«h,·. S,· )l{'lllhl·r '). l (N,1
Payi11g for scl100I tlie liard way DAVIS. C al1 l (CP S) · •Ale x· never tho unhl he'd
t sea tet ~tr =d',J, 81,dl l~
Sperm Donations
ba aug mt:nt1r g h,5 collc g~ tuno1ng 1n sucn a lr u1tlul way But aft er scerng a slu·
dent on "Don:ihue· who
was pumng h1ms~11 th rough college by don ating sperm Alex said he remem bers think ing 11 sounded hke an appe.J l,ng idea Th e S25 er S50 Alex received for a cuo~ul of his spe rm at Un 1vtns,ty of C aliforn ia at Davis 1sn·1 exactl y g oing to solve a stu dent's tinanCH'\ I womes bu l it is a prett y simple way 10 ea rn a buck Alex is one of the many stu dents whose part1c,pa• tion as a sperm donor helps supply se men for various ongoing research and fert ,hty programs op era ting OUI of the UC O Medical Cente r The un iversity re gularly b uys sperm for purposes of ar1 if1c1ally ,nsem1nat1ng wom en who c3n nc: oth e rw ise conce1ve r: chi ld . acc ord ing 10 Or James O verstreet. a professor 1n the d1vrs1on of reprod uctive b iol ogy and med1.: 1ne Participants m tnis program receive $50 for producing a sample of th err sperm . And because th e donor and his sperm sample are pu t through a cr ilical scre ening process , it can be an effective method of determ rnrno th e health and potency ol th e donor's sperm "That' s another grea t thing aboul !hrs program • Alex said "I fo und out !hat I have good stuff. You know, good testoste ron e level." ca ndidates mu st first undergo an exhaustrve screening process wh ich evalu at es them genetrc ally and traces three generations of their fam ily genealogy before the program accepts them . Overstreet sard. Overstreet added that a candidate's physical makeup can also be a factor in his eli gibility. ·we try to match the physica l characte ristics of a donor with those of the infertile couple," he said. "We want a variety of physical ch aracterist ics in the donors." The artilicral insem ination program maintai ns the anonym ity of both. the donor and th e recrprents . "In law, (the donor) is not the natural father of the child," Overstreet said. Alex, howeve r, said he realized fhat the notion of even indirectly impregnating a woman was tro ubling to him. "It's not like I firmly thought, 'God , I don't wa nt kids of mine running around out th ere.' Bui I was having enough of a problem wi th it that I didn't want to make a decision that I would regret later," he said.
m ah• roll q ~l' ,t111kn1-. 1,!l'l l:~ l r.t 1111111\'y hy c.J1111 11tl nl,! thfir "J>l· r m to u11 \, 1•r "rill~ m1·1llc 1I l't•nlt·r"ri . Hc..w archt•rs USt' th t• don at ion, tn ,t utl~ iuh· rt ilil ~ ;mtl ullw r llll'dh':11 is.-.ul'"ri . ~1mc
placebo tor a GO-week period, du nng wh ich the_y _re · ce1ve S 1,000 fo r provrd1ng 2 1 sperm samp les · Partr cipanl s get pai d for doing it. but they have to meet !he requirements.· Gould sa rd Gould sard he recognizes the emotional aspe ct ol be 1na involved in any c l the spe-rm donor program s - especrally as an inferti le rec1p1en1 of donated sperm "People have dilf1cully c omrng In an d 1alk1ng about inlert 1lrty ." he said. ·semen 1s not like urine, blood or mucus We endow it with a special qu ality There's a sensitivi ty to this.· For Alex, however, the act of handing someone a cupful of semen over to someon e is no big dea l "You've gel lo realize thes e people do rt for a job." Al ex sard. "It's not like you're handing ii to just anyone. Th ey wea r gloves and everythrng ."
lns1ead . Alex ~"'o:ed to donate h is soerrn ro r medical research ourposes. a 1as!-. fo r i\h 1ch he collects S25 Dr John G0uld ass 1s1ant pro les sor for 11,e Department of Urolog1• sa id that a dona, sue t, as Alex can expecr his sperm to be used rn num ero us chnic.:tl studies en ·n al e infen ,hfy "These (re sea rct, ) samples a re usu ally used as cont rol s ,n .1 va riet~· of experi ments th .:1I lool.. at sperm lunc1 1ons he s:1 ,d G ould 1s cu rr ently conducting rese ar c'i lo, a pharm aceutic.1 I compa ·1y th at create s a mu g useo to tr ea t prostate enla rge m ent in older men "The purpose of the stud y 1s to examine ttie aff ec ts thi s d rug has on male ferl il1\y - spec 1!1cally young hea!ihy mc: fe vo' unieers " Gould sa,a Pa rt icipant s ar e ex pe cted to take either the FD A- approved drug or a h
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Wlc hlla 1-'1o1lls, 'frxas 1<J08 (Kl7 li9 1- I H25
fJl f Widtllan
student Senate me .. t· " ing schc I I Student Senato meoi. sh · < u eel ngswill bo al 6 p.m. Thurs. ay, Sept. 16, at Clark Stu. onl Conlor Room 104. An rlentallon for all now sen a. ors will begin at 5:30 P.m · · □ · Or. Louic c,odnguez Will eliver a presentation over ihlelics and Dr. Howard Farrell will give a presen1811on over the Clark Student Conter renovation plans. Shannon Pugh, Student Government president, says 1hal all organlzallons should have a representative sen a1or al the meeting. Organ Izallonal representatives do not have to be registered with Iha student government office before the first meetIng. Pugh does encourage the representatives lo come b the office to fill out lhe
o;:aporwork. 8 Sonier class rep. rosenla1ives lor 1993 .94 ~rt~ RobinCastleberry and Phanlo Mooro. Th8 Junior cl t' ass representaives aro Emqlia Fischer ~~d Christy Walch. The se~homore class repreDen:altve is Jennifer cl on._The sophomore ass Will be voling on a ~epresentative for the pe; spot. . he freshman class 11 1 ; choose its senators Rept. 29 ,_30 and Oct. 1. W~lg~Slration for running e_lhe week of Sept. 20 24 er · In th e Student Govr"ment office and Vice ~:sident 01. Student and OffminlSlrallve Services N ice located In Hardin onh .
Psychology clinic open for students The MSU Psychology Clinic Is open for Iha fall semester with no charge for services to students, staff and faculty. The clinic hours are 1 p.m. to 5 p.m . Monday thru Thursday and 6 p.m . to e p.m . Tuesday and Thursday. It Is located in O'Donohoe building Room 111.
The clinic offers counseling for mild depression. anxiety disorders life transitions (divorce 'death In family, change of 'career, change In family), interpersonal problems (couple and marriage counseling), stress management, psychological conditions al• feeling physical disorders (blood pressure, diabetes, colitis), and vocational and Appointments can be career assessment coun• made by calling ext. 4791 . seling.
Alpha Omega offers Weekly IUnch es The Alpha Omegas at the Church of Christ Student Center invite all MSU students to attend their weekly luncheons. The luncheons are at noon every Friday from Sept. 10 until Nov. 19 at the Church of Christ
Student Center located at 3700 W. Campus Drive. The admission charge is $1. The luncheons are fur• nished by a supporting church congregation or cooked by the members of the Alpha Omegas.
T-Shirt Safari
Student Theatre for Awnrcncss . Growth and Education
A Premiere Performance presented hy Wilson Family Planning Clinic and Division of Con1inuing Education of Midwestern State University
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. count avru"lable YMCA dIS for MSU students
~~~~s~e~:~~3wi~ Staff award nominations
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Divorce recovery workshop offered
A Divorce Recovery Workshop sponsored by the Wesley Foundation will be at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday nigh! thru Oct. 13 at the Foundation. The workshop is open lo the public and has no charge. Directed by Pam Smilh 'In our groups we try to Performance •• 7 p.m. create a safe, loving and open environment en• MSU Clark Student Center Theatre abling a recenliy separated Monday, Sept. 13, 1993 or divorced person to dis· cover themselves,' said a spokesperson for the Wesley Foundation. ' The groups are designed lo help loosen the bonds that existed between partici• pants' former spouses and themselves , and to set new goals for themselves $4 . as single adults.• The Wesley The Widow's Blind Qale will run al 8 p.m. Oct. Also, during the month Foundation is located at The Downtown YMCA 14 lhrough the 16. A mali• will begin offering a new of September. the S25 new 3501 Taft Blvd. For more nee performance will be al discount on memberships member fee will be cut in information, call 767-3720. 2:30 p.m. Oct. 17 for all MSU students with a half. And, If a currenl ~ - the second valid MSU college ID. YMCA member recruits a play produced by the deThe discounted friend, the current member Photography club partment, is scheduled for monthly rate for MSU stu• gets one month free. 8 p.m. Dec. 2 lhrough 4 dents is oow S18 and is The Downtown and meeting scheduled and at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 5. good al eit he r the Family YMCA offers a vaThe play is written by Downtown or Fam ily riety or programs in aero• The Red River Michael Frayn . YMCA, said Jim Heiman, bics and strength training. Photography Club will preFor season ticket and executive direclor of the In-line skating, country line sent a slide show at 8 p.m. group discounl informalion, Downtown YMCA. dancing, rock climbing and Tuesday, Sept. 14. call the MSU Theatre ski conditioning are a few Sylvia L. Jones will Publicity office al ext. 'This is the first time of the new programs !hat show 'Wild Things' at the 4399. this has ever been of• have recently been added Professor Jackson fared." Heiman said . ·we to the organizalion. Learning Center in the rear For more information. of the Red Cross Chapter decided to give this college English club meets discount because of re- call Jim Heiman at 322· Building, 1809 Fihh SI. 7816. A short business quests from studenls.' to plan new year meeting for members will begin at 7:30 p.m. and me!,h:. club programs will resume Clark Student Center after the show. Room 118 to make plans Monthly challenges will for the new year, said physical plant personnel. be shown •· Lakes, Nominations for the Betty Carroll, president. Nominations may be made and Bugs. Fountains Pres ident's This year, the club will annual expand to include a Classified Staff Award are by any faculty or stall em• Critique of submitted pho· Writers' Circle. This group being laken for this year's ployee and by currently tos and a photo equipment rap session will be held at will give students the award, which will be pre- enrolled students. Nomination forms are the end of the evening with opportunity to share their sented at the annual ap· available in each academic time unlimited. preciation banquet for staff written work with others. division office, the Dean of Visitors are welcome to Anyone can be a employees Oct. 1 Classified stall em• Students otfice and the bring photographs or member of the group. Meetings are scheduled ployees include custodi• Personnel otfice. The equipment for discussion. ans, groundskeepers , sec• deadline for nominations is For additional information, every other Monday at 118 rotar ies , library staff, Wednesday, Sept. 22, in call 7_§§•2712.or 692-0470~ clerks, computer opera- the Personnel otfice, \lu,1l H1\l1\111 \l,h,,.1,ulh1an Room tors, police officers and all Room 210, Hardin build· lo.11·11, ' "" 111111111 1,11h llu l 1lr-l 1111, ing. The recipient of the FRATS! SOROIUTU-:S! ~ ·: Litt{e 'Ba{Coon Sficp ,, award will receive an en• STUDENT GROUPS! 1 -11t.i,"k"'IJ"' ll<J1NI 1 · All Occasion Ballnoos: Single or Bouquets I graved plaque, a Raise as Much as You State ~Yllh lhb cuuron, i;cl frtt ddln:ry 4617 Jacbburo lhvy. I Midwestern Wanl io One Weck! I on:inypurch:murSJOnrmort. Mou •l•'rl. Ham-Spm/S:111. 10:ani•lpm University watch and $100 $l00...$600 ... $1500! ~- .li 11.L'l:ll'iJllll.•111- - - ~ ~li7~'loi illi'~'::ii,'IJ.';!;JW .J cash. The Midwestern State University Theatre will begin a new year of parlor• mances at B p.m. Oct. 14 With The Widow's BUnd !2ala, an emollonally In• tense drama by Israel Horowitz dissecting the psychological and sexual tension between men and women. All performances are held In the Fain Fine Arts Center Theatre. All MSU faculty and sludenls wilh appropriate MSU ID are admitted free . General admission for adults is S5 and admission for children. high school students, mili• tary and senior citizens Is
1501 Midwcs1cm Parkway Wichita Falls. Texas 76302
Pa c 7
Jfous,Si{f:..Scrttning • .utttring • 'Transfers • 'J'Sfiirts Jac~ts • Caps • 'Unifomis • 'J'rop~itS • ;Yavonla Cast P(aquis • ~66ons • 'Team 'Discounts Gary Hargrove (817) 322-6179
Theatre begins new year
Thursday, Sc tcmbcr 9, 1993
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Pettigrew first com• pleted a 22•yard pass to Joey Greenwood and then run for 12 more yards to lhe SAU one. Pettigrew then tossed a one-yard touchdown pass to McDonald to make 11 2 1• 14 with 6 40 to play.
the first half
The Indians drove .,. side IN! SAU 40 two more trnes before the end of the haH But both dnves ended 'Nttn 111t&ceot10ns
E;e- t·: ... ;- · :.a.s 2· J '.'', U f'se: Coac' '.' ,e
The Indians got one more chance after Jeff Schuler sacked Scarborough twice to force an SAU punt. But the ·J-:.-- t:• •zt -:r a-c a Indians ran out cl time and c.:;_:: -:- '.: ,-.. ~ ,: ·~.::· s:;:nro·s couldn·t put 1he ball in the .'I:::'~ i; ~ .. - ; :'j" •l- ~T endzone ,~..; _: :, .;- r; ·; 1 ] tt'E- c:.her
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'lJonnuu SculpU.H'Cd. &d , ups and mJnicures.
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·' · ' '' T 35 State Cnh·crsily C~n)on, T1 Oc t z \\ c,I el
l..rlebacker Sean Berry r8CO\'ered a fumble al the SAU 42 to sel up MSU's next louchdown.
-Mike Calcote
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MSt: So.·«r team battles ~I'
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~-~ _g)T~DAY- · Srr+. - -- .-:_~:r- -7:J..-'-f -
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Paul BrvU1erton S{x!rts Center t 1l vontoge or ;, t 11tl~ n t a,scoun t -.~ r1j ;1 Col l oboul
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1n 1r 1 11 1r.:il Je r seys
lhe besl colleQiJle rJcers
will b e o n competing ·
Anyone \·11th an interest 1n compet1l1ve. col!egrate
cycling can 10,n 1he MSU Cycling learn . sa,d Clark For more mformat,on .
"179 .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... conlacl Clark al e,1
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