1 minute read


Jenifer Moreno Ortega

The bus light turns on People scramble for their papers That February night, some are forced to leave My mother prays for the children who are left behind While my father prays for our own futures I don’t know the importance of crossing a border But dad says we can have hope again

Classroom lights reflect my mistakes back at me I learn that some borders aren’t physical My accent becomes an inside joke for the class And blending in feels like the solution I begin to speak like them and insist that I belong But instead, they strip me down to my grammatical errors I was hoping life would be fair

But then I notice this foundation I’ve built Of my people who continue to believe in this American dream And of those who’ve chosen to get to know me My bridge connecting borders continues to stand As I aspire for my past and present to soon understand one another I hope to one day see the good in all people

I want to reach that light at the end of the tunnel Because sunlight helps hope grow I want self-acceptance and love So I’ll deny them my papers They can’t document my dreams They took my accent, but I’ll hold onto my heritage And answer the prayers to a future I know I’ll have


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