Folia Montana Fall 2010

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Fall 2010

The Magazine for Mount Alumnae and Friends

Focused on the Future: Dr. Ramona Lumpkin arrives on campus

Take your classroom with you.

Contents I Fall 2010 3

Alumnae Engagement Survey

Hearing from our alumnae first-hand.


Book Club

Shining the spotlight on the written word.


Building Tomorrow Together –

Transforming Teaching, Learning and Research with the building of new academic space on campus.

10 Welcome Dr. Ramona Lumpkin

Dr. Ramona Lumpkin Page 10

Meet the Mount’s new president.

16 Your Passport to the World

Profiling alumnae making their mark around the globe.

17 2010 Donor Report

Thanking Mount supporters.

25 Class Notes

Mount Memories Page 3

Check out the accomplishments of your fellow alumnae.

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MSV Golf Classic Page 14


EDITOR’S NOTE Spring is the seasonal time for renewal and of course January is the first month of the calendar, but I have always felt the Fall marks the beginning of the year. I suppose perhaps we are perpetual students and this feeling never leaves us.

The Magazine for Mount Alumnae and Friends

Editor Donna Redmond Gates, BPR ’95 University Advancement Manager, Alumnae Relations: Shani Pearson Program Coordinator, Alumnae Relations: Beth Pyesmany Arsenault Manager, Development: Lori Scott, BPR ’86 Program Coordinator, Development: Debbie McIntosh, BPR ’95 Administrative Assistant: Erin Hemeon Records Clerk: Kathryn Baker Special Events Assistant (Co-op): Selena London

The student (and alumna) in me is especially proud to see the University’s Communications offerings expand again with the introduction of the Bachelor of Science (Science Communication). Another ‘first in Canada’ for the Mount and yet another proof point that the Mount truly leads in anticipating and meeting the needs of our profession. (To learn more, visit page six).

Contributors Building Tomorrow Together The following departments at the Mount: Archives Athletics Public Affairs University Advancement

Enjoy this season of change!

COVER Shari Tucker Folia Montana maintains and strengthens the connection among alumnae, friends and the University through coverage of newsworthy accomplishments, discussion of campus issues, information on Alumnae Association activities, and the sharing of class notes. It appears twice a year. The digital edition is posted on the University’s website at www. Produced by Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Mount Saint Vincent University Design and production Cathy Little Digital imaging, prepress film & printing Transcontinental Printing Contact Us Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 T: 902.457.6470 T: 1.888.MSV.ALUM (678.2586) (Toll Free in Canada/USA/Bermuda only) F: 902.445.3962 E: W:

2 Folia Montana Publication Agreement Number 40063269

Our thanks to Alexa McDonough, OC, DHumL ‘09, for the many contributions she made to the Mount during her time as Interim President and Vice-Chancellor. Her connection to the University continues as she will be assisting us in our capital campaign, Building Tomorrow Together in the months to come.

Donna Redmond Gates, BPR ’95

Letter to the Editor Thank you for sharing the inspiring snapshot of Muriel Duckworth’s life (Fall 2009 Folia). However, there was one glaring omission: Muriel was a committed member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Her actions in the outer world were sustained by a sense of direct connection to God and the support of her faith community. Her social activism was consistent with Quaker discernment to address that of God in everyone and to renounce all external wars. To only relay Muriel’s accomplishments is to miss the opportunity of insight into how one can sustain such convictions over decades, even generations. Sincerely, Jacqueline Karsemeyer, MEd ’94

Send Letters to the Editor We welcome feedback on any aspect of Folia Montana, comments on issues that pertain to Mount alumnae or your experience at the Mount as well as submissions regarding alumnae activities. Letters to the editor and submissions for publication may be edited for content and length. Please direct correspondence to: Editor, Folia Montana c/o Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 Canada F: 902.445.3962 E:

Campus News

Alumnae Engagement Survey Last March, the Department of University Advancement launched a survey asking alumnae for feedback in a number of areas. Postcards were enclosed with the Spring 2010 issue of Folia Montana. The survey, the largest ever embarked upon by University Advancement, is an important piece of Destination 2012, the Mount’s Strategic Plan. The questions were intended to provide insight into a broad spectrum of alumnae perceptions and topics ranged from student participation to communications to reputation awareness to donor activity. “The same questions we asked of our alumnae were posed alumnae at institutions across the country,” says Shani Pearson, Manager, Alumnae Relations. “This allows the Mount to benchmark our alumnae engagement in relation to our national counterparts.” The raw data will be analyzed internally by staff in University Advancement and Institutional Analysis. Pearson continues, “We know the Mount is unique in Canada because of our diverse student body which

includes Academy and College graduates as well as mature, distance and part-time students.” Like any survey, not all questions applied to everyone, however common themes emerged. “It’s no surprise that the Mount fared well above the national average when it came to perceptions regarding the relationship between small class size and a quality educational experience. We also saw that alumnae believe that the Mount is careful with its resources – something we’ve always been particularly proud of,” says Pearson. “The survey results also indicate that we still have work to do to ensure that our alumnae continue to stay informed about the Mount today. Certainly this is an important objective of ours in which Folia Montana plays a key role.” Our sincere thanks to the more than 1600 alumnae who responded to the survey. Further analysis of the data and additional results of the survey will be available in future issues of Folia as well as online at - The Department of University Advancement

Contest Winners: Alumnae Survey

Winner of the Wii with Wii Fit courtesy of TD Insurance Meloche Monnex: M. Betty-Ann Buott, BA ’94, BEd ’96 Winner of the $100 cash card: Jean Evans, BSc (Hon) ’99 Winner of a 3-night stay at a Pacrim Hotel: Sheri Campbell, BScHE ’93

Memories We received a great response to the survey question, “What’s your favourite memory of your time at the Mount?” Here is a sample of responses that we hope will evoke some fond memories of your own. • Getting a $250 bursary which was like winning a big lottery (I needed it so much) • Frosh Week • The campus was, and is, beautiful. I always felt safe at the Mount. • Wednesday nights at Vinnie’s! • Sledding down the Motherhouse Hill on a cafeteria tray (or a garbage bag). • Many nights in the Birches where we laughed until we cried • Lunches by Chef René • Yellow rose ceremony • Skating on the pond by The Birches • Male visitors in residence… “man on the floor” • Water fight between 8th floor and 5th floor Assisi residents before exams started • Walking across the stage to get my diploma.

BookClub Faculty and Alumnae Books

Patrick Coffin, BA ’86 Sex Au Naturel: What It Is and Why It’s Good For Your Marriage Kristin Domm, Part-time Faculty, Department of English Eagle of the Sea

Dr. E. Dianne Looker, Canada Research Chair in Equity & Technology, and Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology with Ted D. Naylor Digital Diversity: Youth, Equity, and Information Technology

Linda Foggo Franks, BSc ’82 5 is Magic Number

Dr. Cherif Matta, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics Quantum Biochemistry: Electronic Structure and Biological Activity

Clare Goulet, Part-Time Faculty, Department of English, with co-editor Mark Dickinson Lyric Ecology: An Appreciation of the Work of Jan Zwicky

Harvey W. McCarthy, BA ’93 Demon Rising: The Black Lotus Chronicles - Volume 1

Dr. Lorri Neilsen Glenn, Professor, Faculty of Education Lost Gospels Nick Newbery, Part-time Faculty, Faculty of Education Iqaluit Joe Norris, MAEd ’87 Playbuilding as Qualitative Research: A Participatory Artsbased Approach Dr. Laura Penny, Part-time Faculty, Department of English More Money Than Brains: Why Schools Suck, College is Crap and Idiots Think They’re Right

Dr. Alex Khasnabish, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology Zapatistas: Rebellion from the Grassroots to the Global

Dr. Sue McGregor, Professor, Faculty of Education, Doctoral Program Coordinator Consumer Moral Leadership, Locating the Human Condition Concept Within Home Economics, and Consumer Education as a site of Political Resistance: 50 years of Conceptual Evolutions


If you are a graduate of the Mount and have recently published a book, please let us know. Email us at

Dr. C. Reginald Stuart, Professor, Departments of History and Political & Canadian Studies, with co-editor Michael D. Behiels Transnationalism in Canada-United States History

Robert (Bob) Bagg


life to Celebrate

The Mount Community lost one of its own on April 7, 2010 with the passing of Dr. Bob Bagg, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration & Tourism and Hospitality Management. Bagg is survived by a number of close family members, including his daughter, Margaret Leslie and his wife, Gay Miriam (nee Conrad), his partner of seventeen years whom he married just days before his passing. Bagg was born in Saint John, NB and grew up in Montreal. He came to Halifax in 1963 and from then on considered it his home. The following is an excerpt from the March newsletter from the Business and Tourism department. “Dr. Robert (Bob) Bagg is a well-loved member of the department, who joined its ranks as a full-time management professor in 2002, after having taught part-time for the Mount for many years. Since that time he has made his presence known in a variety of ways, having taught courses ranging from second to fourth year. One of Bob’s greatest strengths is his ability to tell unique stories in class, all relevant to the topics at hand, and all based in his own

varied life experience. After all, how many faculty members in university today can tell stories about their work as a hard rock miner, or a textbook sales rep, or a licensed securities agent? … he still proudly displays a mining hard hat, emblazoned with his name, in his office. Bob translates his varied work experience into a delightful tapestry of learning for his students. His specialty and the focus of his doctoral dissertation (he graduated with his PhD in Business Administration [Management] in October 2009) is in the field of management. The depth and complexity of Bob’s research topics can’t hide his clever sense of humour and his ability to communicate effectively with his students. His students describe him as intelligent, hilarious, and interesting. It comes as no surprise that Dr. Bagg was listed as one of the Mount’s most popular professors by Maclean’s magazine. Donations in memory of Bob can be made to the Robert (Bob) Bagg Endowed Award. To donate, please call 902.457.6470 or 1.888.678.2586 (toll free in Canada/ USA/Bermuda) or donate online at

Come Back to Campus Consider the Mount for your event and business needs. The Department of Business Services can assist you with the following: • Facility rentals (meetings and special events) • Summer accommodation • On and off-site catering • Printing services • Gifts and specialty items • Grad rings Discounts available on some items and services. Call for details:


Campaign Update Transforming the campus skyline: The Teaching, Learning and Research Centre will hug the west corner (left) of the EMF Building and will be home to the Mount’s professional and mission-driven programs

Momentum for Building Tomorrow Together continues to be strong. The Campaign was bolstered in June 2010 with a significant gift from TD Bank Financial Group who contributed $330,000 towards building construction, scholarships, and programs. TD allocated $130,000 over four years to enable students enrolled in the Mount’s Bachelor of Education program to take advantage of education

practicum opportunities in Nunavut. This initiative prepares teachers for northern positions with the goals of increasing literacy and high school completion in Northern Canada. “Our support aligns with TD’s commitment to a number of focus areas including women in leadership, the Aboriginal community and diversity and education,” said Bruce Shirreff, Regional Senior Vice President, TD Canada Trust. “This is an opportunity to increase access to higher education for those who are interested in teaching in Nunavut and brings us closer to our

goal to improve literacy and enhance career opportunities for northern youth.” The additional $200,000 targets the advancement of women in business, with $100,000 allocated towards construction of the Mount’s Centre for Women in Business, within the new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre. The remaining $100,000 supports scholarships towards women’s leadership development in the business administration degree program.

Teaching, Learning and Research Centre The centerpiece of Building Tomorrow Together will be the five-storey Teaching, Learning and Research Centre, located at the western end of the E. Margaret Fulton Centre (EMF) and linked to EMF by the RBC West Link. In addition to the Centre for Women in Business, many other aspects of Mount community will benefit from the space. Students will have access to the latest technology and the learning spaces, including classrooms, case rooms and labs, are designed to meet the needs of today’s learner. The learning centre will also house new cutting-edge academic programs, including the new Bachelor of Science (Science Communication) – the first of

Building Tomorrow Together, is a $16 million capital campaign, and only the third campaign in the Mount’s 137-year history. Alexa McDonough, OC, DHumL ‘09, Interim President, speaks with Bruce Sherriff, TD Canada Trust, at the announcement of TD Financial Group’s $330,000 gift to the Campaign

its kind in Canada. This will prepare Mount graduates who are both science literate and have the ability to accurately translate science knowledge for a variety of audiences. An innovative addition to professional studies, the four-year program capitalizes on the Mount’s strengths in the areas of communication studies and science and will create well-qualified science communicators who can work with government departments, school districts, university researchers, nonprofit agencies, private sector companies and media outlets. “This is an exciting interdisciplinary program that speaks to an increasingly evident need in Canada and beyond to improve science literacy,” says Amy Thurlow, Chair of the Department of Communication Studies at the Mount. “Research conducted to develop the program clearly showed that many of our personal and public policy decisions are affected by our understanding of science.” For more information about the Teaching, Learning and Research Centre, please visit

How to Donate... Donate online at Or contact Department of University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax, NS B3M 2J6 T : 902.457.6470 F: 902.445.3962 Make a gift to the Mount today and assist us in creating the best university experience for all members of our community.

The Teaching, Learning and Research Centre will be a state-of-the art sustainable space designed for collaboration and utilizing technology in all learning spaces.

Tiered Classrooms: Modeled after the leading learning environments in North America, the Centre will contain teaching and learning spaces, tiered to best engage students in discussion and debate.

Public Relations Studio and Collaborative Production Suites: The multi-use PR Studio will be equipped with whiteboards, presentation equipment for technical instruction in media training, news conference rehearsals, and crisis simulations. Students will produce professional calibre videos and media materials replicating real world scenarios utilizing the technology in the production suites.

Learning Labs: Mount faculty will be able to adapt instructional methods to suit students and disciplines, and not be confined by the limitations of a traditional lecture hall. Within the Centre will be two technology-rich classrooms where the “front” of the classroom does not exist. The professor is mobile and the students sit in groups facing each other with their laptops and project images, ideas and work on the various screens positioned throughout the room. Faculty Resource: The Centre is a resource for all Mount faculty. In this environment, faculty will work with Distance Learning and Information Technology & Services staff on course and program development, ensuring continuous quality enhancement. Improved facilities to support faculty research are central to the Mount’s ability to attract and retain leading researchers to the region. Library Learning Commons: An expanded Learning Commons will provide a link between the Centre and EMF. It combines individual and group study space and reference service assistance with access to the technology needed by today’s learners.

Co-operative Education Centre: This dynamic space will provide a professional atmosphere for students participating in the Co-operative Education program. Students will excel in the Centre’s four interview rooms equipped with wireless technology and video conferencing.

Case Study Rooms: These rooms are designed to support the Business Administration degree program and its curriculum, particularly the high degree of teamwork and project work that is required. Students will have five designated case study rooms to complete case work and carefully examine the real-life scenarios of the industry. 7

The Mount’s Evolving Campus The needs of our student population are always changing – and, in turn, the Mount’s campus. Last fall, a task force was struck to examine the space that housed Our Lady of Wisdom Chapel, located in Evaristus Hall. With representation of faculty, students and administration, the task force convened to explore options for the Chapel’s future use. To accommodate the Mount’s diverse student population, the decision was reached to renovate the chapel and adjacent space. In partnership with the provincial and federal governments, the University also invested $3.4 million to expand the adjacent labs and upgrade the space. “We have seen significant investments in our labs over the past few years. Our introductory Chemistry

Mark the Date Annual Dinner for Mount Alumnae & Friends Thursday, March 3, 2011, 5.30 for 6.00 pm MPR Room, Rosaria Student Centre Mount Saint Vincent University Join us as we celebrate the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association’s 90th anniversary and we present the Alumnae Award of Distinction Tickets: $45 902.457.6433 or


labs will provide our students with the opportunity to conduct advanced experiments in surroundings that are state-of-the-art.”

and Biology labs have undergone a complete renovation and with this most recent funding, some of our more advanced labs are receiving a full makeover,” said Dr. Katherine Darvesh, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Physics. “These new

The new space includes a multipurpose area to accommodate activities like student society meeting space, a graduate students’ study area and a learning commons. The diverse student population was taken into consideration when creating a place for multi-faith contemplation and reflection and includes some of the stained glass pieces from the Chapel. Last February, a celebration of the Chapel, attended by many Sisters and former chaplains, was held to honour its place in the Mount’s evolving history.

Alumnae Award of Distinction Call for Nominations

Deadline: November 30, 2010 Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association, in recognition of the 90th Anniversary of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association, is seeking nominations for the Alumnae Award of Distinction. The recipient will be honoured at the Annual Dinner for Mount Alumnae & Friends on March 4, 2011 in Halifax. Open to all alumnae from Mount Saint Vincent Academy, College and University, this award is presented to a Mount alumna/ us to recognize distinguished professional achievement, outstanding contributions to the community at large or to a particular field of endeavour. A $500 donation to honour the recipient will be made to a Mount scholarship, bursary or award chosen by the recipient. Nomination forms and information about the process and eligibility can be found on the Mount’s website at

Being the Change: Building a Culture of Peace

On September 21, 2010, the Mount marked our designation as a peaceful school by Peaceful Schools International with a flag raising event. Peaceful Schools International originated in Nova Scotia in 2001. Currently, more than 300 schools from around the world have committed to building a culture of peace. The Mount is one of only two universities worldwide to have received this special designation.

What does it mean to ‘choose peace’? What would a ‘culture of peace’ look like? These and other timely questions were discussed at the Mount this past July by internationally recognized leaders in peace education, women’s activism, and the disarmament movement. The conference, entitled ‘Being the Change: Building a Culture of Peace’ was led by the Mount to encourage dialogue around these themes and to develop concrete action steps necessary to build a culture of peace in our communities. Keynote speakers included Alyn Ware, winner of the 2009 Right Livelihood Award (alternative Nobel Peace Prize), who addressed ‘From Kindergarten to the UN - Education and Action for Peace’. Ware played a key role in gaining the International Court of Justice decision declaring nuclear weapons illegal, and was instrumental in launching the World March for Peace and Non Violence from New Zealand in 2009. Sandra Ionno Butcher, based in London, England, is Program Coordinator with the International

Secretariat of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. She spoke on the importance of engaging youth in building a culture of peace in our classrooms and communities. Ru Ling Susie Chou, the daughter of Pei-Yuan Chou, a Chinese scientist who crossed the iron curtain to attend the first Pugwash Conference in 1957, was a special guest. Chou provided an overview of the role of Pugwash locally, nationally and internationally. Conference participants also had the opportunity to visit the historic home of the Pugwash Movement and tour the recently restored Thinkers Lodge, which was designated a National Historic Site in 2008. The conference also brought its message to local youth as it featured a Peace Art Exhibition by students from 11 schools in the Halifax Regional Municipality, and a beautiful Ikebana display created from natural items found in Mount forest was donated by current Mount student Pamela Rubin.

“A dozen peace partners, representing a broad range of non-governmental organizations and educational institutions, came together to support the peace conference,” says Alexa McDonough, OC, DHumL ‘09, Conference Chair, and former Interim President and Vice-Chancellor of Mount Saint Vincent University, and longtime peace advocate. “I want to thank the host of staff and volunteers representing the 12 sponsoring peace partners, who worked tirelessly and harmoniously to make the Peace Conference such a success.”

Alexa McDonough, OC, DHumL ’09, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, presented a copy of If Peace is... to the Mount’s Child Study Centre during her remarks at the flag raising ceremony on September 21, 2010. The children’s book was authored by Jane Baskwill, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education.


A New Path In October of 2010, Dr. Ramona Lumpkin became Mount Saint Vincent University’s 12th President and Vice-Chancellor. Dr. Lumpkin comes to the Mount from Huron University College, an undergraduate liberal arts institution affiliated with the University of Western Ontario, where she had held the role of Principal for nine years. She was the first woman leader in the College’s 147-year history. At the Mount, Dr. Lumpkin will be responsible for setting strategic direction, internal and external stakeholder relations and leading the Mount’s largest capital campaign to date, Building Tomorrow Together. Throughout her career, Dr. Lumpkin has been a strong supporter of women’s studies, the role of women in higher education and adult literacy. She brings leadership experience from her roles at both Huron and Royal Roads University as well as her passion for education, lifelong learning and community service.

Dr. Ramona Lumpkin’s Achievements • Principal, Huron University College, London, Ontario • Vice President Academic and Provost, Royal Roads University, Victoria • Dean of Continuing Education, Director of the Division for Instructional Development, and Associate Professor in the School of Dramatic Arts, University of Windsor • Associate Dean of the College of Lifelong Learning at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan • Holds a PhD in English Literature from the University of Kentucky • Honorary Life Member of both the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education and the Ontario Council of Universities for Lifelong Learning • Former Fulbright Scholar to England


FEATURE Here’s more about Dr. Ramona Lumpkin in her own words. FM: What was it about this opportunity that piqued your interest? RL: I’ve been aware of the Mount for many years. My sister came here from Nashville in the 90s to attend a summer seminar and could never say enough good things about the Mount and Halifax. Also, my husband attended university in Nova Scotia and we’ve come back to visit many times. I was drawn to this opportunity specifically because of the Mount’s tradition of educating women. The Sisters of Charity had such a powerful sense of social responsibility and purpose which really drew me. You put all this together and it’s a terrific package. FM: How would you describe your style of leadership? RL: I know this term is overused, but collaborative. I believe it takes many minds to solve a problem and it’s the application of those minds to an issue that leads to success. I encourage ownership in decision-making and in my experience it has been the most effective approach and suits my own style well. I do believe that, while it’s the President or CEO who is ultimately responsible, shared decision-making creates a superior outcome. FM: What experiences will you draw from that will enable you to excel in this role? RL: At Huron, for example, I wanted to introduce a service learning component to the curriculum. It’s a powerful model for giving students the opportunity to be engaged in the community and take what they have learned back to the community, in ways similar to what has been accomplished at the Mount. I really wanted Huron to move forward in this regard and struck a committee to begin a deliberate and critical period of planning. Our ultimate aim was to introduce community-based service learning in twothirds of our departments.

We eventually hired a staff member dedicated to supporting service learning and received a large gift from a banking institution to further this goal. We could never have gotten there without the group who worked with me in planning to make the dream real. For me, this is an ideal example of how collaborative leadership should work. FM: The Mount is rich in history, yet balances the need to be a forwardlooking post-secondary institution. How do you propose to continue and strengthen this balance? RL: The Mount’s entire history is a record of its constant ability to change to meet changing needs. It both inspires and impresses me. The Sisters of Charity saw a need not only to educate women but also to educate in areas where women had a chance to earn a livelihood, such as in teaching and nutrition. Then, the Sisters recognized they had to make financial aid available to their students. Next, it wasn’t just programs, it was access to programs. Distance education, entrepreneurial programs, applied programs and research tied to community needs – all these exist at the Mount today because of the original vision. Today’s Mount has an outstanding faculty who continue its focus on first-rate teaching and research, as well as a staff dedicated to student success. I have no question that we can carry into the future the strengths of our past. FM: Nova Scotia and even Halifax have many post-secondary institutions. What does the Mount need to do to stand out? RL: The Mount must continue to be true to its founding vision of outreach, social justice, and the advancement of women. This vision must remain threaded through everything we do. We must also demonstrate that we very much value the student experience – we live and

die by it. The Mount’s recent creation of an Associate Vice President Student Experience signals that commitment. It’s part of a new, holistic look at the student. Our students will speak for us. FM: What are you looking forward to most about living in the Maritimes? RL: When I began to tell people I was moving to Halifax, I saw their eyes light up. This region is famous for being warm and welcoming and beautiful. I’m very much looking forward to getting to know people and exploring that sense of common purpose in making and growing a community. FM: Is there anything else you would like our alumnae to know about you? RL: I’m the first in my family to attend university. We didn’t have a great deal of material wealth when I was growing up but there was a strong focus on reading in my house. By the time I was six or seven I remember my mother saying, ‘That child would rather read than eat.’ She was right. The summer I was 10, I read 60 books as part of a contest our public library was holding. I haunted that library but I still remember the feeling of buying my first book with my own pocket money. It was Toby Tyler; or, Ten Weeks with a Circus. Years later when I was working in Kentucky, there was a fair amount of adult illiteracy and not many appropriate books for adult new readers. I worked with several university professors in the humanities and social sciences to create high interest, low reading-level books for adults and convinced the University of Kentucky press to publish them. Twenty years later, the books are still being used in literacy programs. I’m very proud of this accomplishment because not only was it a successful collaboration with fellow academics but it opened up the world of books and ideas to many people for the first time.

FM: If you could say one thing to our alumnae, what would it be? RL: We want you to be engaged in what we are doing and help us tell our story to the world. You are a part of Mount Saint Vincent’s wonderful history, and I invite you all to stand with us in ensuring the Mount’s future success.

President’s Message Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 Fall is well upon us; where does the time go? It seems like only a short time ago that I arrived at the Mount as a first-year student, and here we are more than 15 years later! I still remember many of the people I met those first few weeks on campus. The Mount in September is a special place; the energy and excitement of first-year and returning students is contagious as they arrive on campus. Oh to have that energy again!

In early October we welcomed Dr. Ramona Lumpkin as the 12th President and Vice-Chancellor of the Mount. Dr. Lumpkin is a strong leader and brings deep experience and a great perspective she will draw on in her new role. I know through my conversations with Dr. Lumpkin that she understands and values the importance of engaging alumnae. I’m looking forward to working with her and excited to have her leadership at the Mount.

This year is a milestone for the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association – our 90th anniversary! As we look ahead to a celebration year, I think it’s worth looking back for a moment to celebrate where we’ve come from and what we, as alumnae, have accomplished.

This Fall has brought some surprises. In September the O’Neill report on the Nova Scotia university system was presented which contained a recommendation that the Mount consider a merger or affiliation with Dalhousie or Saint Mary’s. While acknowledging the need for increased cooperation among all Universities, the Mount’s Board of Governors has reaffirmed the University’s intention to continue to pursue a unique vision, mission and set of values as an independent, autonomous institution exercising the same financial prudence that has been a hallmark of the Mount since its founding by the Sisters of Charity. The Alumnae Association Board of Directors passed a motion to strongly endorse this position, and we are committed to continuing to play a central role in supporting the Mount, its students and alumnae.

As you know, Mount Saint Vincent has been around much longer than the Association - first as the Academy and College and later as the University. The student experience of the Class of 2010 is a far cry from the student experience of the Class of 1950 or 1960, however one of the most rewarding experiences I have had as President of the Association has been having the opportunity to interact with members of all three of these classes. Hearing the stories of what the Mount was like 50 and 60 years ago, and drawing parallels to what life is like on campus today. As an example, it maybe should not come as a surprise that some students of the Academy and College liked to test boundaries and question traditional thinking, much as students still do today! Alumnae Weekend 2010 provided the Association with the opportunity to say thank you to Alexa McDonough, OC, DHumL ’09, who completed her term as Interim President. She has had made a great contribution to the Mount with her vision, energy and passionate advocacy. We are proud to count her amongst our alumnae and appreciate her leadership and ongoing support.


Alumnae support is integral to the Mount’s future. We, as alum, have the opportunity to give back to the Mount, and by giving back we help to enhance the reputation, profile and quality of the institution. In this edition of Folia Montana you will read about where we are with the current capital campaign. We have raised over $11 million but more help is needed. Financial giving is needed and important, as is giving your time, energy and enthusiasm, whether it is organizing or attending alumnae events, mentoring a student or acting as an advocate for the Mount in your community. We, as alumnae, are the

Mount’s best ambassadors and need to be engaged to support its continued growth. To pledge your support to the Capital Campaign, please visit www. or call 902.457.6470. That’s all for now – have a great Fall/ Winter and I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!

Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association Board of Directors 2009-2010 HONORARY PRESIDENT Dr. Ramona Lumpkin


President: Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 Vice President: Deanne MacLeod, BBA ’92 Past President: Lara Ryan, BPR ’92 Secretary: Lisa Whynott, BOA ’94 Treasurer: Tanya Baggio, BBA ’95

Members at Large

Todd Brayman, BBA ’98 Alison DeLory, BPR ’98 Stephanie Hale, BOA ’03 Jill Hurlbert, BTHM ’93 Tanya Lorimer-Charles, BBA ’89 Tara MacDonald, BBA ’06 Kelly MacLeod, MAEd ’01, MEd ’05 Terri Mann, CertBusi ’03, BTHM ’06 Alanna Mason, BSc ’92 Kevin Sanford, BBA ’03 Erin Tomlinson, BPR ’04, BEd ’08 Caroline Wolfe Stewart, BScHEc ’90

Student Representative Max Herrington, MSVU Students’ Union

Alumnae Representatives on Mount Board of Governors Deanne MacLeod, BBA ’92 Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 Caroline Wolfe Stewart, BScHEc ’90

Ex Officio Shani Pearson, Manager, Alumnae Relations

A Dragon Joins the Mount Alumnae What role does she play with QuickSnap?

The Mount honoured Arlene Dickinson, CEO of Venture Communications Ltd. and a member of CBC’s Dragons’ Den, with an honorary degree in the fall of 2010. Dickinson had previously witnessed the expertise of Mount students when Riad Byne, BBA ’10, President and CEO of QuickSnap, and his team appeared on Dragons’ Den. Dickinson and Brett Wilson invested in QuickSnap - a simple plastic clip that eliminates the need for tying and untying shoelaces. The product is now available at Walmart and SportChek and QuickSnap also has a licensing agreement with the NHL. Folia Montana wanted to know more about Byne’s experience with one of our newest alumnae.

“Arlene is a mentor and advisor for QuickSnap. She has given us access to the expertise of her company, with her daughter Carley playing a key role in our success.”

What is the impact of being on Dragons’ Den? “Instant national awareness and it made it a lot easier to access distributors and get our product to market.”

How has the experience been working with Dickinson?

“It’s been a great experience -- and it’s all business. You can’t go wrong following in the footsteps of successful people like Arlene.”

Ed.:The QuickSnap team of Riad Byne, BBA ’10, Dave Reynolds, BBA ’08 and Drew McKenna was featured in the Fall 2008 issue of Folia Montana following their appearance on Dragons’ Den.

At the Spring 2010 convocation, the Mount honoured Stephen H. Lewis (1), humanitarian and esteemed diplomat, and Roberta Jamieson (2), First Nations activist. In the fall of 2009, honorary degrees were conferred on Dr. Martha Piper (3), who successfully advocated for the Canada Research Chair Program and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, and Dr. Maria Klawe (4), who made significant research contributions in the fields of mathematics and computer science. At the Fall 2010 Convocation, Josephine Johnson {not pictured} was honoured for establishing the first All Black IODE Chapter in Canada.





As both an employee of Pacrim and a grad of the Mount, it is great to see the two teaming up to create the program. The program really shows how both the Mount and Pacrim want to give back to both their alumnae and employees., Keep up the great work! Megan Delaney, BBA ’06, Guest Services Manager, Radisson Suite Hotel, Halifax


Gold Sponsor The MSV Golf Classic 2010 was a resounding success. Great weather kept spirits high as alumnae and friends of the Mount gathered at Granite Springs Golf Club for the 20th anniversary golf classic. The annual alumnae association tournament started in 1990 with 5 teams – and in 2010 a record breaking 35 teams came out in support of the tournament. Much laughter was heard on the course throughout the day, as golfers enjoyed the games and goodies on the holes.

Silver Sponsors

Golfers returned to the clubhouse for a fine steak dinner while emcee and auctioneer Bill Carr kept everyone entertained. The MSV Golf Classic 2010 raised more than $18,000 for alumnae association initiatives in support of Mount students. In addition, RBC presented a cheque for $1000 from the RBC Foundation for an alumnae association endowment. Thanks to gold sponsor McInnes Cooper for their continued support, as well as all the generous sponsors, golfers and volunteers for making the 20th annual MSV Golf Classic a success.

Grand Green Sponsors

MSV Golf Classic 2010 Committee Honorary Chairs

Susan McIsaac, ACAD ’66, BSc ’84 Suzanne Drapeau, BSc ’80, BPR ‘83


Rick Walkden, CertBusi ’84


Katherine Brien, BBA ’10 Greg Condon Stephanie Hale, BOA ’03 Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 Shani Pearson Beth Pyesmany-Arsenault Kevin Sanford, BBA ’03 Don Theriault Mark White, BAA(IM) ’97


Fun on the Links

A Mount Degree: YOUR Passport to the World Bruce Backman, BSc ’86 Our Spring 2010 issue featured Mount alumnae working all over the world in many interesting roles and locales. We’ve decided to make this an ongoing feature in Folia Montana. If you are an alum who has transitioned your Mount experience into a career abroad, we’d like to hear from you. Please email us at and you could be seeing your story in a future issue.

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Photo: Bruce, Flynn, Miller, Max (on lap), Bree and Trina.



Donor Report 2009/2010 Science Student. Varsity Athlete. President’s Scholar.

Meet Emily Burke, Class of 2012. Emily plays striker on the Mount’s soccer team. In addition to being named ACAA 2nd Team All Conference, Emily was one of six Mount students named as 20092010 SIRC CCAA Academic All-Canadian - the highest number awarded to a school in the country. This Award is the most prestigious student-athlete award presented by the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association, and it exemplifies excellence in academics and athletics. Hailing from New Waterford, NS, this third year Bachelor of Science student is no stranger to success. Her hard work and dedication to her studies, sport and her community have been recognized through numerous awards including the Mount’s prestigious President’s Scholarship with a total value of $36,000 over four years. “I play soccer with a great bunch of girls and the people I have met while living on campus have been amazing.” says Emily, “I am proud to say that I was able to maintain my scholarship while maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.” Emily plans to become a dentist and she is confident that the Mount is the right environment to help her achieve her goal. Emily spoke at the 2009 Scholars’ Luncheon, an annual event that celebrates student success and applauds donor generosity, where she thanked donors who gave her, and fellow scholarship recipients, ‘a chance for a great future.’ “I was meant for the Mount and the Mount was meant for me.” Emily Burke Class of 2012

Fiscal Giving Recognition Chancellor’s Circle President’s Circle Deans’ Circle Scholars’ Circle Learned Circle Ambassadors Friends

$ 25,000 plus $ 10,000 – 24,999 $ 5,000 – 9,999 $ 1,000 – 4,999 $ 500 – 999 $ 100 – 499 $ 1 – 99

Mystics’ Society Recognizes alumnae who have made their first gift to the University within two years of graduation.

1873 Society The 1873 Society, which marks the year the Mount was founded, honours those who have notified the University of their intention to include Mount Saint Vincent University in their estate planning. The University recognized with gratitude those alumnae and friends whose commitment to the Mount extends beyond their lifetime.

Can’t Find Your Name? It’s possible that your gift fell outside the parameters of our reporting period (April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2010) or you have previously requested to remain anonymous. If you have any questions, or are concerned that your name was missed, please contact University Advancement at 902.457.6764 or email


Alexa McDonough...................2009

Scott McCrea Jone Mitchell Corinne Murray........................1966 Janet Murray............................1956 Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Meredith Ralston Donna Redmond Gates............1995 & Allan Gates........................1998 Suzanne Reynolds....................1966 James Sharpe Judy Steele...............................1982 & Bruce Towler Sarah & Gordie Veinot

Deans’ Circle

Learned Circle

Louise Abraham Pace...............1978 & Robert Pace Susan Covert Mike Foran...............................1989 & Catherine Keating E. Margaret Fulton...................1994 Dale Godsoe............................1997 David Harpp Lawrence Hayes Michael Jackson Martha & Bruce Jodrey Mary O’Regan..........................1965 Rosemarie Sampson.................1968 Janis Sobey-Hames..................1976 Annette Verschuren..................1996

Robert Berard David Brien..............................1997 Sheila A. Brown Evelyn Burnham.......................1982 Kim Campbell Glenna Conrad.........................1988 Claire Correia...........................1955 Katherine Darvesh Craig Duhamel.........................1997 & Susan Duhamel.................1997 Deanne MacLeod.....................1992 & Mark Forward....................1993 Genevieve Gilbert....................1963 Peter Greenwood Mary Jane Harkins...................1972 Alan Havill...............................1990 Louise Hunt..............................1974 Catherine Langille Elizabeth Larmond-Elliot..........1961 Kathryn Laurin Mary Lyon C. Patricia Maccagno...............1966 Mary MacEachern-Fitzgerald...1968 & Arthur Fitzgerald Cathy MacGregor Janet MacMillan......................1981 R. Mark McCondach.................1982 Rose McGinn............................1978 Denise Nevo Terrence Paris Shani Pearson Marilyn Schnare.......................1964 Nancy Spencer.........................1994 Maura Sullivan.........................1978 M. Diane Tinkham....................1973

Chancellor’s Circle Lily Chan..................................1961 & Paul Chan Joan Craig................................2007 & Jack Craig Elizabeth Fountain...................1979 & Fred Fountain

President’s Circle

Scholars’ Circle Stephen Allt Sonja Bata................................1989 Robert Batherson.....................1997 & Catherine MacIsaac...........2005 Russell & Susan Boyd Mike & Beth Brien Hugh & Linda Brown................1968 Gerard Buckley.........................1985 Julie Carroll..............................1963 Kenneth Dewar Jesse Diepenveen Sandi Findlay............................1985 & Bruce Thompson................1997 Jeanne Flemming.....................1965 Shirley Forde............................1962 Myra Freeman..........................2004 & Lawrence Freeman Peter Glenister Tony Goode Fred Harrington Dennice Leahey........................1964 & Stephen Leahey Bruce Mansour.........................1993

Ambassadors Simone Abbass Raymond Adekayode...............1994 Janis Aitken..............................1969

Jacinta Alexander.....................2004 Cicely Alfonso..........................1964 Jane Anderson Doris Ashfield...........................1969 Nancy Aust...............................1963 Ninette Babineau.....................1995 Elizabeth Baillie.......................1976 Deborah Barker-McIntosh........1996 Jo-Anne Belliveau....................1975 Paul Bennett Madeleine Berrigan..................1964 K. Nicole Billard........................1996 & Jeffrey Billard....................1998 Isabel Blackmore Petch............1964 Katherine Blake........................1990 Wendy Boisvert........................1991 Isabel Bonnyman.....................1936 Donna Bourne-Tyson Elizabeth Bowering Noella Brennan Fisher..............1962 Susana Brewster......................1999 Janet Brisse..............................1963 Judith Brockie..........................1963 Wendy Brookhouse Leslie Brown Margaret Brown.......................1979 Robert Brown Daniel Brownlow.....................1970 M. Carol Bryson.......................1973 Donald Burke...........................1988 Geraldine Burke.......................1964 Arlene Burns............................1956 Holly Burridge..........................1990 Stewart Cameron.....................2008 Anne Campbell........................1981 Lily Campbell Sarah Carlos.............................2005 Linda Carnell Swinwood..........1992 Judith Carson...........................1968 Carmen Chaddock....................1972 Shelly Chappell........................1996 & William Chappell...............1982 Robert Charlton Angela Chipman......................2006 Christine Clark.........................1986 Phyllis Clark.............................1954 Colleen Clarke..........................1978 Erin Cluney Pamela Cochrane.....................1981 Frances Cody............................1981 Michael Collicott......................1984 Joy Collins................................1984 Clarice Comeau........................1963 Rose-Ann Comeau...................1962 Cathy Connell Judith Connolly........................1960 Jane Cordy...............................1989 Marion Crabbé.........................1956 Carol Criscione.........................1966

Paula Crouse............................1986 M. Elizabeth Cullen..................1981 M. JoAnn Cunningham.............1983 Sandra Currie-Samson.............1989 Dawn Dalley.............................1991 Barbara Darton........................1997 Keith Davis...............................1990 Sharon Davis............................1982 Linda DeGrace..........................1990 Katherine DeVan......................1937 Jill Devanney............................2006 Rita Deverell Catherine Dick.........................1975 Keoki Dickinson........................2000 Catherine Dorais-Plesko...........1988 Louise Doran............................1971 Barbara Downie.......................1957 Susan Drain Patricia Drake Catherine Driscoll.....................1990 Nancy Dyer...............................1961 Barbara Dymond......................1968 Lynn & Rick Edwards Deborah Ellis Juliana Elsinga.........................1981 Earl Ferguson...........................1984 Randall Fisher Barbara Fitzgerald....................1972 Edwina Fitzgerald.....................1950 Jill Flinn....................................1957 Lorraine Floody........................1979 Suzanne Fougere......................2005 Ruth Fox...................................1975 Linda Franks.............................1982 Norma Fraser...........................1989 Heather Fraser-Davey...............1968 Janice Gaudet..........................1988 Nancy Gilbert...........................1983 Mary Gilroy..............................1962 Joan Glode...............................1969 Anna Godwin...........................1940 *Catherine Godwin..................1961 Mary Goodman........................1978 Janice Graham-Migel...............1983 Mary Grant..............................1969 Stephanie Hale.........................2003 Gwendolyn Hampe..................1959 Mary Harnish...........................1970 Jean Hartley Donald Hatcher........................2004 Maureen Hickey.......................1968 Elizabeth Hicks Glenn Hollett Jeff Hollett Becky Hong..............................1989 Sonya Horsburgh......................1991 Norma Hoyt.............................1978 Jill Hurlbert...............................1993 Jean Inkpen..............................1947

We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. If you are aware of any errors or omissions, please call University Advancement at 902.457.6470 or toll free at 1.888.MSV.ALUM. Alumnae donors are listed with the year of their latest degree.


Audrey Jandreau Brian Jessop Barbara Jones..........................1955 F. Marie Jones...........................1955 Ramona Joseph........................1998 M. Claire Keindel......................1951 Brent King Patricia Kirby............................1985 Janet Kline...............................1971 Jean Knickle.............................1951 Raymond Krulicki Helen Landry............................1967 Martha Laurence......................1960 Janet LeBrun............................1964 Lori Leger.................................1981 Suchi Lin..................................2009 Janet Lowe...............................1973 Paulette Luft.............................1966 June Lumsden Catherine Lumsden-Bonnell.....1977 Marcus MacAlle.......................2010 Margaret MacAskill.................1987 Anne MacCleave......................1980 Shari MacDonald.....................1993 Tara MacDonald.......................2006 Margaret MacDonnell..............1974 Ann MacGillivary Ron MacKay Alice MacKichan......................1983 Sue Mackin..............................1994 Marian MacKinnon..................1989 M. Marlene MacLellan.............1996 Oriel MacLennan Agnes MacNeil.........................1981 Elaine MacNeil.........................1963

Morgan MacNeill.....................2004 Mary MacPhee.........................1968 Hazel MacRae Judith Mader............................1979 Anne Mahoney-MacDonald.....1996 Jill Mahony-Plummer...............1977 Linda Mann..............................1972 Muriel Mason...........................1986 Roberta Mattocks....................1957 Carol Matusicky.......................1967 Gertrude McCarthy..................1945 Michele McCarthy....................1999 Sue McGregor Elizabeth McIver......................1971 Margaret McKee......................1984 Jennifer McLaren......................1982 Elspeth McLean-Wile...............1979 Patricia Meskill.........................1965 Sheldon Miller..........................1999 Joan Mills.................................1947 Susan Mills...............................1977 Aftab Mohammed....................1980 Marilyn Montgomery...............1992 Anna Morris.............................1970 Constance Mowbray................1995 Janice Mrkonjic........................2000 Marguerite Muise....................1965 Dana Murray............................1960 M. Linda Murray.......................1968 Beverly Musgrave....................1971 Jacqueline Neck.......................1999 Edith Nelligan..........................1962 Ruth Nelligan...........................1962 Carolyn Nobes..........................1997 June O’Brien.............................1949

Ron O’Flaherty Marianna O’Gallagher.............1962 Angela O’Neil...........................1974 Iris Owen..................................1969 Catherine Partington................1963 Stefanie Pavlin.........................1952 Marguerite Peddle....................1952 Julia & Thomas Pellow Marguerite Pellow Colette Perey Michele Peveril.........................1998 Susan Picchione.......................1959 Barbara Pike Patricia Pike.............................1986 Claudette Porter.......................1992 Mary Pothier............................1969 Christine Power Patricia Quinn..........................1961 Maureen Reid..........................1998 Hazel Reyno.............................1964 & Paul Reyno Deborah Richards.....................1983 Joanne Rivest...........................1986 & Dayle Harrington...............1983 Cecilia Roach...........................1974 Wallace Robinson....................1991 Elizabeth Roscoe......................1971 Barbara Ross............................1976 Beverly Ross.............................1983 Virginia Rutledge.....................2000 Barbara Ryan...........................1971 Lara Ryan.................................1992 & Brett Ryan Robert Ryan.............................1997 Brigid Savage...........................1995

Gladys Savard..........................1952 Lori Scott..................................1986 Michelle Scott..........................1982 Barbara Shea...........................1984 Nancy Sheehan........................1957 Aimee Sheppard.......................2000 Rochelle Simons-Lee................1985 Ward Skinner Marie Skomorowski.................1963 Jean Sloan................................1990 Brenda Smith...........................1984 Dorothy Smith..........................1970 Jane Smith Linda Smith..............................1965 Janet Sollows...........................2005 Adah Spencer...........................1967 Alison Stark..............................2008 Kosta & Kirsty Stavropoulos Leighton Steele Arlene Steger Seana Stewart Patricia Sullivan........................1979 & Patrick Sullivan..................1985 Cara Tax...................................2007 Errol Taylor...............................1989 M. Brook Taylor Mary-Ann Thorpe.....................1963 Theresa Tobin...........................1981 Joanne Trigg.............................1959 Evelyn Tucker............................1948 Joanne Turner...........................1984 Mary Uhl..................................1948 & Norman Uhl June Verrett..............................1979 Ann Vessey...............................1992

The Mount’s Annual Fund Program There is no other way to give to so many areas – to touch the lives of so many people – and in so many different ways. It’s not the amount of your gift that is important; it’s the power of giving. Together, we can make an impact.

You make it happen! Through steady gifts to the Annual Fund, one person and one contribution at a time, we can offer scholarships to deserving students, enrich library acquisitions, fund departmental initiatives and ensure Mount students have the best university experience. Because of the generous support of people like you, the Mount is able to make an immediate impact on students. No other program offers this flexibility. When you receive your Annual Fund request in the mail, or when a Mount student calls, please give generously.


Ambassadors Genevieve Vest.........................1966 Deborah Wade.........................2006 David Wainwright Mary Waite Barry Waldman.........................1984 Richard Walkden......................1984 Ed Wark Kathryn Watt............................1982 Margaret Watts Marie Weeren...........................1992 Helen Weir...............................1969 Isobel Wesley...........................1993 Sybil & Earl Weston Florence Whitby.......................1952 Patricia Whitman......................1969 Joy MacKay Williams................1975 Valerie Williams.......................2000 Patricia Yourkavich-Moore.......1975 Mary Anne Yurkiw....................1977 Patricia Zinn-Butter..................1967

Friends Joanne Ables............................1977 Kate Adams..............................2000 Martine Adriaensen..................2002 Shaima Al-Arashi.....................2006 Gail Allen.................................1973 Carol Anne Ando......................1972 Catherine Andrews...................1987 Shanon Archibald.....................2002 Helen Arnold Gladys Ascah............................1989 Janet Ashe................................1963 Tanya Baggio...........................1995 Jeanette Baker.........................1992 Randy Baker Myrlane Ball.............................2004 Tex Barkhouse Janet Barney............................1981 Courtney Barnhill.....................2007 Phillip Barron...........................2003 Marie Bartlett...........................1951 Kathleen Batherson..................1963 Douglas Beall...........................2007 Michael Bean...........................2000 Shateya Benoit Adriana Benzaquen Emilia Bernardo Barbara Berringer.....................2002 Sandra Bishop..........................1980 Barbara Bisson.........................1980 Stephen Black Kelly Blair.................................2002 Wanda Bluefort........................1979 Ilya Blum Patricia Bolger-Gallant.............1991 Wanda Bolivar..........................1992 Patricia Bonang........................1959 May Bottomley Catherine Boudreau Andree Bourque.......................1978


Nancy Bowes...........................2002 Anne Bowie.............................1968 Kosha Braun Jody Brian................................1997 Elizabeth Brideau-Asbridge......1960 Sue Brigham Barbara Brown.........................1999 Denise Brown...........................2006 Janet Brown.............................1989 Anna Buccioni..........................2001 Franceline Bugge......................2002 Mary Buote-Potts.....................2005 M. Betty-Ann Buott..................1996 Stephanie Burdock...................1985 Vicki Burke...............................2006 Valerie Burkimsher...................1982 Joanne Burns-Theriault............2003 Elaine Burrows.........................1974 Margaret Busche......................1974 Patricia Butler...........................1985 Moira Buyting..........................1999 Joanne Byrne...........................1969 Michelle Caesar.......................1990 Kathleen Cameron...................1986 Barbara Campbell Donalda Campbell...................1938 Marilyn Campbell.....................1957 Sheila Cardone.........................1966 Joan Caron...............................1960 Tamara Carragher-Gallant........1992 Christine Carroll.......................1982 Charlotte Carter.......................1972 Agnes Casey............................1943 Barbara Caulfield Dale Caume.............................1999 Ron & Brenda Cervin Patricia Chambers....................1973 Sharon Charlton.......................1992 Sandra Checkley.......................2006 Crystal Chenell.........................2008 Laurel Christie..........................2006 Yvonne Chute Noel Clancey............................1994 Alison Clarke Lesley Clarke............................2007 Jean Clowater..........................1949 Greg Coakley...........................1980 Mary Ruth Cochrane................1980 Sharon Collins..........................1972 M. Angelina Comeau................1955 Mary Comeau..........................1994 & Colin MacDonald M. Catherine Connors..............1998 Nancy Cook..............................1969 Mary Coolen............................1977 Rhonda Cooper........................1984 Paulette Cormier-MacBurnie....2010 John Cotton.............................1974 M. Joan Covey..........................1933 Sandra Cox...............................1992 Eric Craig.................................1984 Mary Craig...............................1987 Gail Creaser.............................2006 Rochelle Crosby.......................2004 Sheila Crummell.......................1979

Carole Curtis............................1969 Katherine Dakai-Jollimore........2002 Laurie Daniels..........................1990 Diane D’Astous........................1984 Marie Dauphinee-Booth...........1991 Nicole Dauz..............................1996 Debra Davis..............................1981 Mabel Davis.............................1984 Nanciellen Davis Ann Davison Cathryn De Rome.....................2002 M. Alice Dean Diane DeBay............................1967 Marie Decoste..........................1992 Josephine Deeble.....................1943 Michael Delaney......................2008 & Laura Hanson....................2010 Patricia Delaney.......................1950 Eleanor Delicaet.......................1947 Marion Dell..............................1967 Beverley Dellapinna.................2008 James Delorme.........................2006 Isobel Den Heyer......................1989 Donna d’Entremont..................1973 Helene d’Entremont.................1986 Donna D’Eon............................1974 Anne Louise Desrosiers............1995 Louanne Devanney...................1986 Ruth Dewis...............................1975 Ruby Dewling...........................1974 Ionie Diggiss............................1977 Randall Dignan........................1988 Patricia Dill...............................1964 Fae-Marie Donathan................1990 Elizabeth Donnelly...................1968 & John Donnelly Edwina Doucet.........................1984 Patricia Doucette......................1994 Jessie Dow...............................1981 Barbara Drew...........................1963 Joan Driscoll.............................1959 Margaret Driscoll.....................1958 Mary & William Duggan Pamela Duncan........................1977 C. Michael Dunn......................1994 & Holly Dunn........................1996 Brenda Dwyer..........................1987 Angela Dwyer-James................1985 Sabrina Dzafovic......................2004 S. Earle Charles Edmunds Tracy Embrett...........................1995 Pamela Fancey.........................1991 Martin Farrell Mike & Cathy Farrell Connie Farronato.....................2008 Shirley Faulkenham..................1982 Hugh Faulkner..........................1988 Krista Ferguson........................1991 Ann Finlayson..........................1969 Gloria Finnigan........................1969 Kelly Fisher...............................1991 Barbara Flewwelling................1985 Linda Fougere..........................1991 Elizabeth Fraelic.......................1973

Barbara Fralick.........................2000 Amy France..............................1981 Carol Fraser..............................1978 Carole Fraser............................1956 Sharon Freeman.......................1985 Denise Freeman-Poirier............1998 Christine Frigault Judith Fulton............................1975 Zoe Ellen Furzeland..................1997 Michelle Gailey........................1980 Sonia Gaul...............................1969 Carla Gillis...............................1979 Christena Gillis.........................1983 Yvonne Gillis............................1981 Theresa Glanville......................1973 Constance Glube......................1998 Deborah Gosbee......................1978 Douglas Gough Helene Goulet Rosemary Gouthro...................1956 Vicky Graham...........................1980 Veronica Grandy......................1969 Mary Anne Grant.....................1989 Sherry Grant.............................1999 Beverley Gray...........................1974 Gwen Haliburton Margaret Haliburton................1978 Kimberlee Hall..........................1986 Nancy Halleran.........................2002 Janet & Terrance Hallett Gloria Hanief............................1962 Claire Hanlon Smith.................1988 Kathryn Harrigan Butt..............1998 Rhonda Harrington..................1990 Tina Harriott Coral Harris..............................1995 Doris Harrison..........................1986 Kathy Hart................................2005 Lesley Hartman........................1990 Sylvia Harvey............................1985 Beverley Healy.........................1963 Elizabeth Hemeon....................1999 Erin Hemeon Gail Hersey...............................1971 Elizabeth Hessian.....................1982 Alice Hickey..............................2000 Joanne Hickey..........................1955 Christina Hicks.........................1986 Donna Hillier............................1988 Joanne Hodgins.......................2001 Carole-Anne Holmes-Lauder....1975 Bethany Hopkins......................2010 Nancy Horne............................1980 Susan Houlihan........................1981 Allen Howell............................1996 Simon Hui................................1981 & Cynthia Hui.......................1982 Kelly Hume...............................2009 Ann Hurley...............................1970 Jennifer Hutchinson.................2010 Leah & David Hutt Michelle Innes..........................2010 Theresa Ivey.............................2005 Linda Jacobs Starkey................1971 Chantal Jalbert

Ideitha James...........................2005 Jennifer James..........................1991 Marie Jean-Joyce.....................1987 Valerie Jenkins.........................1992 Ruth Jeppesen..........................1985 Signe Jeppesen........................2001 Sandra Jolly..............................1975 Angela Jones-Schweers............1993 Lorraine Joudrey.......................1964 Alan Joyce................................1993 Naomi Judah............................1974 John Judson.............................1995 Gail Julien................................1986 Monica Kangley.......................1958 Claire Kariker...........................1958 Kevin Kean...............................1991 Nancy Kemp.............................1977 Nancy Kempton........................1979 Page Kennedy Catherine Kidson......................1989 Catherine Kilvert......................1962 James King...............................1996 Jeffrey King..............................1993 Paula King................................2001 Claudia Kingston......................1998 Patricia Kipping Elizabeth Kitchen.....................1993 Traci Knott................................2007 Karen Kosendowski..................1979 Alla Kushniryk Mary Lawless...........................2005 Ricky Leach Barbara LeBlanc.......................1987 Lyse LeBlanc.............................2003 Johanne Leclerc........................1961 Joyce Ledwidge........................1986 Sharon Lemmon.......................1987 Linda Levangie.........................1978

Allen Ley..................................1984 Hui Li Helen Lofgren Canda Long..............................1973 Shannon Long..........................2006 Jacquelyne Lord.......................1962 Michelle Lucas.........................2006 Roberta Lutes...........................1981 Pam Lynch Aileen Lynegh..........................1999 Marion Lytle.............................1937 Amy MacAskill Janet MacDonald.....................1993 Judith MacDonald....................1973 Linda MacDonald.....................1978 Mary MacDonald.....................1985 Nadia MacDonald....................2002 Anne MacEachern....................1968 John MacInnes Eric MacInnis............................1983 C. Gertrude MacIntyre..............1970 Linda MacIsaac........................1961 Gwyneth MacKay Robert & Janice MacKay Shirley MacKenzie....................1981 Howard MacKinley Anne MacKinnon.....................1981 Peggy MacKinnon....................2000 Joan MacLean..........................1978 Julie MacMillan........................1982 Amanda MacNeil.....................2004 Tara Magarvey.........................1999 Terri Mann................................2003 Julia Markus.............................2005 Patrick Marsh Melissa Marshall......................1999 Sheilagh Martin.......................1963 Heather Matthews...................1989

Arthur McCalla Mary McCann..........................2001 Jennifer McGean......................1998 Elizabeth McHugh....................1962 Robyn McIsaac.........................1994 Hazel McLeod..........................1955 Andrew McNeil........................2004 Charlene McNulty....................1995 Antje McVeigh.........................1984 Krista Meagher........................2006 Donna Meagher-Stewart..........1970 Jeannette Melanson.................1963 Susan Metcalfe........................1992 Holly Meuse.............................1997 Lindsay Miller...........................2002 Joanne Mills Shirley Moir..............................1942 Ruth Moldon............................1981 Solange Mombourquette.........1978 Paul Moore...............................1996 Mary Morash...........................1993 & John Morash Mary Morash...........................1980 Theresa Morrison.....................1979 Nicole Morrissey......................1995 Sandra Mosher.........................1977 Donna Mossman......................1981 Rita Mroz.................................1990 Patricia Mulatz.........................1972 Judy Munro..............................2008 Evelyn Murdoch.......................1975 Cynthia Murphy.......................1982 Erin Murphy.............................2004 Leigh-Anne Murphy.................1999 Mary Murphy Mary Murray............................1982 Susan Murray Kim Musgrave..........................1992

Donna Myers Keating...............1990 Nancy Myers-Daly....................1986 Nancy Naylor...........................1977 Nancy Neatt Ethel Nelson.............................1981 Tracey Newman.......................2000 Mike Ng Jean Nicholson.........................1983 Elizabeth Nickerson..................1987 Patricia Nickerson....................1991 Kathleen Nolan........................1983 Martha Norris..........................1968 Lucille O’Connor......................1963 Mary O’Connor-Hayes..............1965 Karen Oldfield Isabel O’Neill............................1979 Anita Opalka............................1990 Stanislav Orlov Vicky Osmond Beverley Oulton.......................1978 Dianne Oulton..........................1976 Lorna Oulton............................1982 Isabel Palmeter........................1972 Darlene Parker..........................1993 Nancy Pasquet.........................2001 Olive Pastor..............................1986 Marie Paule Forge Lea Pelletier.............................1992 Laura Pertus Kathy Petite..............................2008 Shawna Peverill........................1992 Georgina Phillips......................1971 Cynthia Pilichos........................2000 Stacey Pineau...........................1994 Robert Pinto.............................1989 Jeffrey Pittman.........................2004 Zita Poirier...............................1961 Charmaine Pope.......................1990

The 1873 Society... Be a part of the future Cathy – can you put a picture with this? There are two from the PG brochure to choose from – 1) Life Insurance photo or 2) What is Planned Giving? photo

The 1873 Society is a special group of alumnae and friends of Mount Saint Vincent University who have honoured the University by making a provision for a future gift. A planned gift can have significant tax advantages, making a bequest a win-win for your loved ones and for future generations of students. As a member of the 1873 Society, you will receive a certificate and a membership pin to wear in honour of your generosity. We are planning a tomorrow filled with promise and opportunity… and we’re Planning Tomorrow Together. Thank you for considering becoming a partner in the Mount’s success now and well into the future. For more information, please contact: Lori Scott, BPR ’86 Manager, Development University Advancement 902.457.6270


Folia Montana


Thanks to the generosity of our donors the following awards were recently established • The Alexa McDonough Scholarship • Alumnae-Students’ Union Endowed Leadership Award • Alumnae Varsity Prize • Big Picture Conferences Inc. Scholarship • CIBC Scholarship • Dyrick McDermott Memorial Endowed Leadership Award • Lily On-Ping Chan Endowed Bursary • Lily On-Ping Chan Endowed Scholarship • Marial Mosher Scholarship in Canadian Studies • Murray-Pottie Scholarship in Science Communication • Robert (Bob) Bagg Endowed Award • Sushi Nami Expendable Award • TD Bank Financial Group Endowed Scholarship


Friends Barbara Power.........................2005 & Stephen Power Margaret Power.......................1971 Stephanie Power......................2005 Theresa Power..........................1977 Beverly Prevost........................1972 E. Jane Pryor............................1983 Frances Purcell.........................1978 Deborah Quintal......................1998 Diane Racette...........................1998 Kim Raine.................................1988 Mary Ralston............................1942 Julia Rank................................2004 Patricia Ratteray.......................1955 Margaret Raven.......................2004 Sandra Read.............................2008 Margaret Redden.....................1981 Barbara Redmond....................1968 Treva Reeves............................1982 Carla Reid................................2002 Debra Reid...............................1974 John Reid Elizabeth Reid-Boyle Claudine Renault.....................1971 Gaston Renault........................1995 Christene Reynolds..................1982 Paula Richards..........................1993 Susan Ringrose........................1966 Susan Ritcey Colleen Robbins.......................1985 Karen Robertson-Tran..............1995 Colleen Robicheau...................1976 Carol Rogers............................1966 Joan Rogers.............................1972 Trina Rogers.............................2001 Dawn Rosen.............................1981 Anita Ross................................1985 Marilyn Ross............................1985 Margaret Savage......................1976 Sandra Schnare........................2009 Ram Seth Sheila Sheddiac........................1979 Coleen Shepherd......................1966 Donald Shiner Ellen Simms Sandra Simourd........................1989 Marilyn Singer Sam Skinner Geraldine Sloan........................1971 Margaret Smith........................1952 Michelle Smith.........................2007 Rochelle Smith.........................1973 Carol Snow..............................2004 Elizabeth Sovie.........................1996 Deborah Sowerby.....................1976 Christina Sprague Harry Spurrell...........................2004 Monique St. Amand.................1999 Penny St. Amand......................1992 Charles & Shirley Stanley Judy Stanley.............................1960 Henderika Steenweg................2005 Jan Stephen.............................2004

Leslie Stephen..........................2005 Arleen Stevens.........................1991 Heather Stevenson...................1971 Elizabeth Stockall.....................1959 Joan Sullivan............................1961 Paul Sullivan Lee Surrette Pamela Sweet Smith................1974 Frank Symonds Thomas Tanner.........................1981 Helen Taylor Jennifer Taylor..........................2002 K. Anne Taylor..........................1953 Judith Thackray........................1963 Jennifer Theriault......................2005 Andrew Thistle.........................2005 Linda Thistle.............................1997 Lynn Tomlinson.........................1986 Eren Torbacioglu......................2007 Mary Tozer...............................1986 Barbara Trainor........................1959 Lorraine Tulk.............................2000 Natasha Turner.........................1999 Patricia Turner..........................1993 Vera Vanderschot-Magtanong..1994 Marlene Vanvulpen Dora Vaughan..........................1989 Shirley Vaughan.......................1975 Mary Veinotte..........................1998 Philippa Verrier.........................1983 Michele Vissers.........................1991 Larry Wallace Laura Warren-Byrnes................2006 Karen Watson...........................1970 Marilyn Watson........................1983 Camilla Watts...........................1983 Heather Watts..........................1982 Greta Webb..............................1980 Wanda Webber.........................2004 Valerie Weir..............................1990 Martha Westwater...................1996 Michael Whalen Pamela Whelan Janet Wholey............................1971 Janet Wile................................1976 Lise Wilhelmy-Steele................1983 Christopher Williams................1985 Kenda Wilson...........................1989 Marilyn Wilson.........................1974 Shonette Wilson.......................1989 Susan Woelber.........................1980 Catherine Woodman................1984 George & Lois Wootten Jane Wootten Aibing Xia Shirley Yabsley.........................1981 H. Kris Yeates...........................1993 Rannveig Yeatman...................1984 Gloria Younker..........................1981 Amy Zwicker............................2009 * Deceased

... and the 95 donors who wish to remain anonymous

Estates The Estate of John Knodell The Estate of Marial Mosher The Estate of Mary Young The Estate of Muriel Duckworth The Estate of Patricia Keene The Estate of Patrick Power

Corporations, Foundations, and Organizations ARAMARK Campus Services ARAMARK Canada Ltd Armour Group Ltd. Atlantic Towing BMO Bank of Montreal BMO Financial Group Basketball Nova Scotia Big Picture Conferences Inc BoardWorks Consulting CIBC Atlantic Canadian Centre for Energy Information Canadian Colleges Athletic Association Canadian Sport Centre CCAE Colour Communications & Public Relations Foundation Deloitte Delta Hotels Douglas College École LeMarchant St. Thomas School PTA Extreme Group Fall River Basketball Association Fennell & Associates Appraisers Limited Greater Halifax Partnership Greenwood Lane Inc. Halifax Port Authority Harrison McCain Foundation High Liner Foods Incorporated Innvest Properties Corp. Insurance Bureau of Canada International Women’s Forum International Women’s Forum Atlantic Chapter KPMG LLP Ken Partington Sales Ltd Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette Leo’s Donair Meat MSV Alumnae Association MSVU Department of University Advancement MSVU Faculty Association MSVU International Student Society MSVU Students’ Union MT&L Public Relations Limited

Macdonald Chisholm Trask Insurance Maritime Broadcasting System McInnes Cooper New Democrats of Canada Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation Nova Scotia Power Inc. Pepsi-Cola Canada Beverages Purcell Family Art Gallery RBC Foundation RBC Royal Bank Scotiabank Scotsburn Dairy Group Seton Spirituality Centre Stewart McKelvey Stone Gallery TD Canada Trust TD Financial Group The Craig Foundation The Dale Godsoe Family Charitable Foundation The McCain Foundation The Pagweak Charitable Gift Fund The Shaw Group Limited The Sobey Foundation Theodore R & Vivian M Johnson Scholarship Foundation Inc. Touch of Gold Village Family Pharmacy WBLI Chartered Accountants Zonta Club of Amherst

Mystics’ Society Courtney Barnhill.....................2007 Douglas Beall...........................2007 Jody Blimke......................... Student Stewart Cameron.....................2008

Crystal Chenell.........................2008 Lesley Clarke............................2007 Michael Delaney......................2008 & Laura Hanson....................2010 Beverley Dellapinna.................2008 Connie Farronato.....................2008 Lindy Herrington................. Student Bethany Hopkins......................2010 Kelly Hume...............................2009 Jennifer Hutchinson.................2010 Traci Knott................................2007 Michelle Innes..........................2010 Suchi Lin..................................2009 Marcus MacAlle.......................2010 Jeremy Neilsen.........................2010 Kathy Petite..............................2008 Sandra Read.............................2008 Sandra Schnare........................2009 Michelle Smith.........................2007 Cara Tax...................................2007 Eren Torbacioglu......................2007 Craig Walsh......................... Student Amy Zwicker............................2009

gifts were made to MSVU in memory of Raymond Campbell James Delaney Muriel Duckworth..................... 1978 Mary-Ernestine Vaughan Yves Eygun Margaret Flemming Jean Guildford Margaret Johnson Shirley Larkin-Cameron........... 1978 Dyrick McDermott..................... 1994

Louis McGinn Lena Smith Charlotte Taper Harry Vaughan Lillian Wainwright..................... 1993

1873 Society Evelyn Burnham......................... 1982 Jane L. Cook & David J. Marcogliese Janet MacMillan....................... 1981 Carolyn Nobes........................... 1997 Elizabeth Parr-Johnston, C.M. M. Jane Phillips Barbara B. Pike Rosemarie Sampson................. 1968

Gifts were Made to MSVU To Honour Jody Blimke Gwen Haliburton Lindy Herrington Kathryn Laurin Marcus MacAlle....................... 2010 Alexa McDonough.................... 2009 Jeremy Neilsen.......................... 2010 Denise Nevo Karen Oldfield Craig Walsh

Our donors directed their funds to the following... Building Tomorrow Together Bursaries, Prizes & Awards Department/program Scholarships Unrestricted





SAVE TIME DONATE ONLINE Please visit the Mount website to make a gift through our secure online giving site. Tax receipts will be mailed from our office for all gifts. To give online please visit the Mount website and click on the “DONATE NOW” button. Don’t forget to make your gift before December 31, 2010 to receive a 2010 tax receipt.




November 17, 2010 For more information or to purchase tickets, contact University Advancement at 902.457.6470

S. Marjory Gallagher, Congregational Secretary (left) and Patti Bannister, Archivist

Sisters of Charity On May 18, 2010 the Government of Canada recognized the founding of the Halifax Congregation of the Sisters of Charity as an event of national historic significance. An official ceremony was held to unveil a large bronze plaque, which was installed in the Heritage Garden on the grounds of the Sisters of Charity Centre. By 1913 the Congregation reported directly to Rome rather than to the local bishop. Beginning in the second half of the 19th century, the congregation expanded from its base in Nova Scotia, providing educational, health care, religious, and social services throughout Canada and abroad.


Photos from the May 18 celebration and a virtual tour of the Heritage Garden are available at

The plaque reads: Coming to Halifax in 1849 as teachers, these sisters were the first English-speaking Catholic congregation to arrive in Canada. They established and ran a broad range of schools, including Mount Saint Vincent Academy in 1873, and, in 1925, Mount Saint Vincent College, the first degree-granting college for women in the Commonwealth.

Mount Saint Vincent


Commemorative DVD

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Class Notes What are you up to lately? Let your classmates know what you are up to by sending a brief update to



Gina Connell, BPR ’87

Judith Elaine (Hood) Simpson, MEd ’98

Gina was appointed Vice-President of m5 Public Relations Inc. Nova Scotia division. Gina will head up m5pr’s Nova Scotia office as the public relations arm continues its growth throughout Atlantic Canada. Connell is an award winning and accredited marketing communications professional.

1989 Susan Elaine Morrison, BPR ’89

1975 Ann Whiteway Brown, LEGSE ’75, BBA ’78

Further to graduating from the Mount, Ann received her LL.B. from UNB in 1981 and graduated from York University – Osgoode Hall Law School, with her LL.M on October 17, 2009.

1977 Christine (Flynn) Power, BSc ’77

Congratulations to Christine, who once again was named one of Atlantic Business Magazine’s Top 50 CEOs. Christine is President & CEO of Capital District Health Authority in Halifax, NS.

1978 Lily (Doyle) DeYoung, BEd ’78

In February 2009, Lily was named one of Canada’s Outstanding Principals – the only one in Nova Scotia for the year. She writes, “I am proud to have launched my career in education at the Mount.” Lily is principal at Thorburn Consolidated School in Thorburn, NS.

1986 Annette Martell, BPR ’86, ABC, MC Annette has been named a Fellow by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC). The IABC Fellow Award is the highest honor the association can bestow on a member, and acknowledges outstanding leadership, professional accomplishment and service to IABC and the communications profession.

Susan is an award winning pastry chef. She was recently awarded a professional scholarship from the International Association of Culinary Professionals to attend the Center for Advanced Pastry Studies at the Institute for Culinary Education in New York City.

Lisa Brown, BPR ’89

Lisa was honoured for her outstanding contributions to the fight against impaired driving. Lisa, crime reporter and assistant editor for Lighthouse Media Group, was named Print Award Recipient by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) Canada.

1992 Dawn (Hayman) Malloyon, BPR ’92

Dawn was recently promoted to Vice President, Marketing for Hitachi ID Systems, a division of HDS – Hitachi Data Systems.

1993 Verity Turpin, BPR ’93

Verity Turpin assumed the role of Director, Student Services (Finance and Administration), Office of the Vice-President, Dalhousie University. Verity has worked within Student Community Services at Dalhousie for 11 years. Verity’s new role will allow her the opportunity to continue her service to students through a broad scope of responsibilities and audiences.

1994 Lynda Wilken-Schofield, BCS ’94

Lynda moved to Vancouver Island in the summer of 2009 to accept a position as Team Leader with the Ministry of Children & Family Development. She leads a multiservice team in child protection.

Judy retired from Cancer Care Nova Scotia February 1, 2009, and joined her husband Jim at JE Simpson Consulting, a family consulting business.

Elizabeth Dowdeswell, DHumL ’98

The Council of Canadian Academies appointed Elizabeth its president, effective April 1. Previously, Elizabeth served as executive director of the United Nations environment program as under-secretary general of the United Nations. She also has held senior management positions in the federal government, the government of Saskatchewan and the private sector.

Stacey Brown, BPR ’98

Stacey recently joined Colour in Halifax as a Principal. “It’s exciting to have the chance to come home to Atlantic Canada,” said Stacey. “I’m really looking forward to working with the solid team of professionals at Colour in support of great clients.”

2002 Nadia Hinds, BPR ’02

Nadia, Consultant with MT&L Public Relations, is currently President of the Canadian Public Relations Society, Nova Scotia.

2005 Heidi L. MacDonald, BPR ’05

Heidi married Ryan Kirby on September 12, 2009. The couple resides on Milford NS. Heidi is Communications Manager with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Dartmouth.

Patrick Matthews, BBA ’05

Patrick is currently working towards his MBA and CMA while working at Nova Scotia Power.

Laura Melanson, BPR ’05

In April 2010, Laura launched her own business, called Red Balloon Relations, and is now working as a strategy and communications consultant in Halifax, NS. Her website is


Bloom Engaged for Building Tomorrow Together The Mount has engaged Bloom Non Profit Consulting Group to work with the Campaign Cabinet and Advancement team during the third and final phase of our capital campaign. Bloom is a consulting firm based in Nova Scotia that delivers counsel to non-profit organizations to grow their fundraising revenue. Bloom’s Principal, Anne (Coyle) Melanson, BPR ’87 is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) who will lead the capital campaign to completion. Together with her colleague, Carolyn P. Marshall, CFRE, Anne will provide hands-on consultation and day-to-day management and direction for this campaign.

Retirements on Campus Judy Dickinson Department of Applied Human Nutrition Dr. Fred Harrington Professor Emeritus, Psychology Dr. Mary Lyon Vice-President, Academic Dr. Sheva Medjuck Professor Emeritus, Sociology and Anthropology Prof. Trudie Richards Associate Professor, Communication Studies Dr. John Reid Associate Professor, Mathematics Dr. Eve Rosenthal Associate Professor, Information Technology Dr. Della Stanley Professor Emeritus, Political and Canadian Studies Dr. Janette Taper Professor, Applied Human Nutrition


In keeping with an honoured Mount tradition, we present orchids to the following outstanding members of the Mount community.

Executive Council of Nova Scotia Gwen Haliburton, honorary member of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association and former chair of the Mount’s Board of Governors, on being named an honorary member of the Executive Council for Nova Scotia by the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, the Honourable Mayann E. Francis, ONS, DHumL ’08 in January of 2010.

Honorary Mount Alumnae Named Past Presidents of the Mount, Dr. Elizabeth Parr-Johnston, OC and Kathryn Laurin were named Honorary Members of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association at the Annual Dinner for Mount Alumnae & Friends in March 2010.

News from the Office of the Vice President Dr. Elizabeth Church was appointed as the Vice-President (Academic) for a five-year term commencing August 2010.

New Deans Appointed at the Mount Dr. Kim Keinapple was appointed Dean of Professional Studies and Dr. Brook Taylor was appointed Dean of Arts and Science. Their five-year terms commenced July of 2010.

Million Dollar Research Grant Secured Dr. Leslie Brown, Chair/Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, is a co-recipient and member of the management board of a new million-dollar, five-year, Community-University Research Alliance grant for the project “Measuring the social, environmental and economic impact of co-operatives in Canada.”

Seager Honoured for Teaching Dr. Suzanne Seager, Professor, Department of Mathematics, was the 2010 recipient of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Award for Teaching Excellence. This prestigious award is presented annually in recognition of superior teaching and in appreciation of a faculty member’s contributions to the high standards and goals of higher learning.

Mount Employee Athlete of the Year Congratulations to Sandy MacKie, member of the custodial staff and part of the Facilities’ Management team at the Mount, who was recently selected as the Female Individual Athlete of the Year for Tennis Nova Scotia.

Class Notes 2005 Jessica West, BSc ’05

Jessica graduated on May 20, 2010 from the University of New Brunswick with a Bachelor of Law. She will be completing her articles in Fredericton with Cox and Palmer.

Do you know the face? Can you help identify the faces, when exactly the photo was taken, and what they were up to? Please let us know. Contact: Editor, Folia Montana at, or Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS B3M 2J6

2006 Daniel Cumming, BA ’06

In 2007, Daniel enrolled in Brampton Flight College in Brampton, Ontario, to become a professional pilot. He graduated in 2008 and is now working as an in-flight and classroom instructor at the school, teaching new students how to fly. Daniel also works in the publications department for a commuter airline based at Toronto’s Pearson Airport, where he hopes to apply his flying skills as a First Officer.

Naomi Phinney, BScAHN ’06

Naomi and her husband had their first child, a baby girl named Isabel Ruth, born on Dec. 15, 2009, weighing 8lbs, 8 oz.

Heather Shaw, BBA ’06

Heather was the Nova Scotia recipient of the E.L Whitman Gold Medal for the highest academic standing in 2010 CMA graduating class. The award highlights Heather’s achievement in the CMA Entrance Exam combined with her outstanding accomplishment in the CMA Board Report, which is a major part of the two-year CMA Professional Program.

You knew the face I think that I can help identify two of the people in the picture on page 27 of Folia Montana. The lady with the bee-hive hairdo is Brenda Bennett and the man to her left is her husband Kenny (Bennett), I stand to be corrected but I went to high school with Brenda and Kenny and to the Mount with Brenda. If it isn’t them then they have identical doubles. - Ann-Dolores MacDonald. BA ‘72

I am writing in response to your question, “Do you know the face?” on page 27 of the Spring 2010 edition of Folia Montana. The photo was taken on Friday September 17, 1971 by Wambolt & Waterford (it appeared in the newspaper). The four students in the photo were put together by the photographer for the purpose of the photo. Their names are (L-R): Sherry Spicer (Dartmouth), Gary Forbes (Fairview), Brenda Calnen (Spryfield), Ken Bennett (Spryfield). The caption on this newspaper clipping reads, “Registration at the Mount: Mount Saint Vincent University anticipates a combined F/T and P/T student body of approximately 1500 students for the following year.”

2009 Chad Everett, BScAHN ’09

Chad currently works at the Queen Elizabeth II Hospital in Grande Prairie Alberta as a client meal service dietician.

2010 Nathalie Cormier, BTHM ’10

Nathalie is currently the Sales Coordinator/Tour Planner with Ambassatours Gray Line, the company where she spent two of her Mount BTHM co-op terms.

And let us sign off by saying...

“We shall be very glad to have tidings of all Alumnae.”

(FYI: Brenda Calnen is my aunt, and I recognized her in the photo). - Shauna Calnen, BSc ’99, BEd ‘01


IN TOUCH Online Communities Join our online communities on Facebook and LinkedIn. You will find Mount alumnae groups on both social networking sites. Also, become a fan of Mount Saint Vincent University on Facebook! Find friends, hear about alumnae events and stay connected. Folia via Email Interested in receiving the digital edition of Folia Montana via email? Please contact and the next time Folia is published, we will send you an email with a link to the latest issue. Class notes What are you up to lately? Let your classmates know what you are up to by sending a brief update to Address Changes Call 902.457.6470 or 1.888.678.2586 (toll free in Canada/USA/Bermuda), email or update your contact information online at Advertising Advertising inquiries 902.457.6433 or Discount available for alumnae. Correspondence Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 F: 902.445.3962 The Mount respects your privacy and we want you to know that it is important to us. We use your information to keep you informed of Mount events and news, including the distribution of Folia Montana and Alumnae e-news. The information is used to administer our programs and services which includes allowing our affinity partners to occasionally send you information about products or services we consider valuable. In these cases, we protect your privacy as we never provide your name or contact information directly to the supplier; all contact is through a third-party organization operating under strict rules of confidentiality. You can, of course, choose not to receive such communications. If this is your preference, please let us know by calling 902.457.6470 or 1.888.MSV.ALUM (toll free in Canada/USA/Bermuda) or via email at


In memoriams The Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association has made a donation towards Alumnae Association scholarships and bursaries in memory of the following alumnae. 1920s Alma (Hanway) Routley, ACAD ’29 December 2008

1930s Sr. Mary Hache (Henry Marie), ACAD ’30 June 28, 2010 Charlotte (Akerlund) Myhre, ACAD ’38 August 1, 2010

1940s Joyce (Bayer) Keddy, ACAD ’44 June 13, 2010

1950s Alayne (Dunn) Boxall June 28, 2010 Sr. Mary Jean Burns, BScHE ’56 February 25, 2010 Sr. Mary Joanna Craffey, BA ’52 July 25, 2010 Sr. Helen Mantin, BA ’50 Lorraine Elizabeth (Ware) Morris, BLS ’52 January 19, 2010

1960s Sr. Jean Thomas Anglin, BA ‘60 May 26, 2010 Sr. Catherine Corbett, BA ’67, BEd ’67 December 25, 2009 Sr. Rita Duncan (Stella Marie), BA ‘63 July 2009 Sr. Irene Dwyer, BSc ’62, BA ‘68 Catherine Anne Goodwin, BScHEc ‘61 January 29, 2010 Sr. Maureen Lynch (Kathleen Patrick), BSc ‘64 April 13, 2010

Renee Katherine Mason, BSc ‘65 July 25, 2010 Sr. Marion Leo McDonough, BA ‘60 March 29, 2010 Micheline (Rebbman) Moseley-Greatwich, BSc ’62, BEd ‘67 July 9, 2010 Sr. Elizabeth Muise (Marie Adeline), BA ‘66 May 13, 2010 Sr. Mary Sesk, BA ‘65 February 21, 2010

1970s Jane (Frye) Beveridge, BEd ‘73 May 20, 2010 Sr. Gertrude Callanan (Joseph Aloysisus), BA ‘76 Deborah Grace (MacDonald) Dupuis, CertCD ‘77, CDC ’77, BSc ‘78 April 18, 2010 Florence (Amiro) Maynard, DipOA ’72

1980s Lorraine Gertrude Carroll (Peter), BA ‘87 October 14, 2009 Marjorie Hazel (Martin) Gibbons, BEd ‘81 July 10, 2010 Jack A. Stone, MEd ‘82 November 28, 2009

Mount Community Douglas Robert “Bob” Bagg April 7, 2010 Margaret Mary Flemming February 3, 2010 Roger Digby Hartley March 30, 2010 Marianita “Nita” Power July 25, 2010

Sister Paule Cantin Sister Marie Gisele Paule Cantin, (Ann Joseph), BSc (ElemEd) ’64, BA ’68 and DHumL ’90, passed away on May 3, 2010 at the age of 71. A former teacher of French at Mount Saint Vincent Academy, she was later elected Congressional Leader of the Mount, serving two terms until 1988. During this time, she was instrumental in leading the process which transferred the ownership of the University from the Sisters of Charity to the Board of Governors. She is remembered for her dedication to the Mount and the Sisters, as well as her generosity, charm and fearlessness in handling tough issues.

Mount Mystics take top honours in athletics and academics The Mount Mystics Women’s Volleyball, Basketball and Soccer teams, and Men’s Basketball team are the Atlantic Colleges Athletic Association (ACAA) 2009-2010 Champions. At the national level, the Women’s Basketball team took home the silver medal at the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association (CCAA) Championship and were presented with the Fair Play Award for demonstrating the spirit of sportsmanship and respect for the game. Katherine Brien (BBA), Kaili Van Vulpen (BSc) and Adam Jewkes (BEd) were named All Canadian Athletes. Six Mount athletes were named as 2009-2010 SIRC-CCAA Academic All Canadians–the highest number awarded in the country. Congratulations to Adam Jewkes (BEd), Amy Peveril (BEd), Jamie Brown (BBA), Emily Burke (BSc), Graham Kreig (BEd), and Sarah Parker (BEd).

Congratulations on an award winning season!

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Fall 2010 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 Canada

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