Fall 2011
The Magazine for Mount Alumnae and Friends
Advancement of Women:
the tradition continues and strengthens
Project TWENTY12
celebrating women
Flexible Learning at your own pace in your own space msvu.ca/distance
Contents I Fall 2011 4
Advancement of Women Continues Meredith Ralston, chair of the Department of Women’s Studies, excited to forge new paths toward gender equality
Project TWENTY12 Initiative to raise funds for a new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre underway
Book Club
Donor Report
Alumnae Gatherings and Celebration
New publications from faculty and alumnae
Thanking our generous supporters
Grads gather to socialize
The Fire of ‘51
In Memoriam
Those who were there to watch the Mount burn share memories at a commemoration
Tribute to Maxine Tynes and other losses in the Mount community
Receive Folia via Email Would you like to receive Folia Montana in your in-box rather than your mail box? A digital edition of Folia Montana is available online. Contact us at alumnae@ msvu.ca and the next time Folia is published, we will send you an email with a link to the latest issue.
Message from the President Alumnae Weekend 2011, my first, was a wonderful occasion for me to hear stories about days gone by at the Mount. I listened enthralled to tales of lessons learned, fond memories of professors, and recollections of antics outside the classroom. It was especially moving for me to witness first-hand strong friendships that have spanned decades. The Mount holds a very special place in the hearts of our alumnae. During the weekend, we commemorated the fire of 1951 which destroyed the original Mount complex. In a special video booth set up in Rosaria Hall, alumnae recounted their memories of this traumatic event, ensuring a lasting oral history of that fateful evening 60 years ago. For many, the memories were so vivid that it could have happened yesterday. I was most impressed by the Sisters’ resilience and discipline and by their unwavering commitment to the task at hand – ensuring that the education of young women would continue with very little interruption. Amazingly, alternate facilities were quickly secured and classes were back in session within two weeks. This same unwavering commitment to ensuring the best educational experience for our students is as paramount today as it was 60 years ago. We are focused on a future which includes new facilities that meet the learning needs of our 4,000 students today. Project TWENTY12 is central to our ability to ensure a bright and prosperous future. Within the atrium of our new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre, and on a Women’s Wall of Honour just in front of the Centre, we will give inspiring women the recognition they deserve, in the place most fitting – the University whose past, present and future makes the success of women its top priority. I invite alumnae to join us in celebrating women while shaping the future of the Mount by honouring the remarkable women in your lives.
EDITOR’S NOTE The Magazine for Mount Alumnae and Friends
Editor Alison DeLory, BPR ’98 University Advancement Manager, Alumnae Relations: Shani Pearson Program Coordinator, Alumnae Relations: Beth Pyesmany Arsenault Manager, Development: Anne Thibodeau Program Coordinator, Development: Stéphanie Comeau, BPR ’09 Administrative Assistant: Erin Hemeon Records Clerk: Kathryn Baker Special Events Assistant (Co-op): Matt Sullivan Contributors The following departments at the Mount: Archives Public Affairs University Advancement COVER Photo of Meredith Ralston by Jule Malet-Veale Design and production Cathy Little Digital imaging, prepress film & printing Transcontinental Printing
It is fitting that this issue of Folia Montana, my first as editor, focuses on the Mount’s ongoing commitment to the advancement of women. It was in this inclusive environment that I was nurtured, supported and encouraged to think critically and ambitiously for myself and about others. The Mount is a place where no man or woman is limited by gender, where all are well prepared for the futures that await them upon graduation. My path from student to editor has been circuitous, but is one that has brought me back to the Mount time and time again. Since graduating I’ve returned as guest lecturer, alumnae association board member, chair of the alumnae weekend committee, masters of public relations student, and member of the Voices Project – a creative writing collective housed in the Institute for Women, Gender and Social Justice. With each experience I’ve met dedicated and inspirational administrators, academics, alumnae and students. One such person is Dr. Meredith Ralston, Department of Women’s Studies, who I had the pleasure of interviewing for the article on p. 4-5. Meredith and I talked about feminism, and we agreed that the feminist movement seems to again be surging forward. Here at the Mount feminism seems to be regaining prominence as a movement espousing equal rights for women and men around the world, achievable only in a socially just society. The Mount was founded by and for women, and its rich history is matched by its present commitment to women’s advancement as enacted through curricula, research and conferences happening on campus and in the Mount community. The advancement of women is also the future of the Mount, and will be achieved through the Teaching, Learning and Research Centre that will be funded through Project TWENTY12 (p. 6-7). Thank you for having me as your editor, and please let me know how your alumnae magazine can serve you.
Produced by Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Mount Saint Vincent University Contact Us Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 T: 902.457.6470 T: 1.888.MSV.ALUM (678.2586) (Toll Free in Canada/USA/Bermuda only) F: 902.445.3962 E: alumnae@msvu.ca W: www.msvu.ca/alumnae Publication Agreement Number 40063269
Send Letters to the Editor We welcome feedback on any aspect of Folia Montana, comments on issues that pertain to Mount alumnae or your experience at the Mount as well as submissions regarding alumnae activities. Letters to the editor and submissions for publication may be edited for content and length. Please direct correspondence to: Editor, Folia Montana c/o Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 Canada F: 902.445.3962 E: alumnae@msvu.ca
Dr. Franz-Odendaal (left) will inspire girls in Atlantic Canada to pursue careers in science and engineering.
Mount professor named Atlantic Chair for Women in Science and Engineering Biology professor Dr. Tamara Franz-Odendaal has been named the only Atlantic Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Chair for Women in Science and Engineering. The primary goal of the Chair is to increase the participation of women in science and engineering, and to provide role models for women active in, and considering, careers in these fields. Nationally, women represent only 37% of students enrolled in science and engineering programs at post-secondary institutions. “I am honoured to be selected as the Atlantic Canadian Chair in this area,” says Franz-Odendaal, who’s been an associate professor at the Mount since 2006. “There is an increasing demand for skilled scientists and engineers in our country and this position will contribute to growing and fostering the talent pool that is needed locally, and globally.” Over the next five years, Franz-Odendaal will be working with high school students and science teachers in the region to inspire young girls to pursue careers in science and engineering. Some of her projects will include: multimedia initiatives, community seminars/workshops, high school student outreach, and the creation of summer camps for junior high participants. She will also be conducting surveys to research the career decision process made by high school students. Dr. Franz-Odendaal is also looking forward to working closely with the Mount’s Bachelor of Science (Science Communication) and Bachelor of Education students – our future science teachers and science communicators.
As a developmental biologist and a previous NSERC University Faculty Awardee, Franz-Odendaal has established a vibrant and growing research group at the Mount. She holds a number of external research grants, and has mentored more than 20 undergraduate and graduate students at the Mount. “As an institution that is committed to the education and empowerment of women, we’re thrilled to have been selected by NSERC to hold this Chair and continue this mutual mission of advancing women in science and engineering,” says Dr. Ardra Cole, BEd ’76, Associate Vice-President, Academic and Research, at the Mount. “Dr. Franz-Odendaal has been a valued member of the Mount’s Faculty of Arts and Science and a mentor to many of our students. This position will allow her to further her work in supporting young women to choose careers in science and engineering.” NSERC has contributed $450,000 in support of the Chair program for five years, with the Mount, and industry sponsors contributing matching funds. By working with partners such as Eastlink, Techsploration, the Nova Scotia Community Colleges, and the Mount’s Department of Distance Learning and Continuing Education, delivery of webinars and focus groups across the province will be made possible. In addition, role model videos will be created in partnership with Firefly Digital Media Inc. and Techsploration and summer camps will be run with assistance from Nikon Canada Inc. and Atlantica Mechanical Contractors Inc. and other supporters such as Girl Guides of Canada, NS Council.
Advancement of Women: the tradition continues and strengthens
he Mount enjoys a long history as an institution committed to advancing the role of women. It was Canada’s only university founded by, and principally for, women, and the Mount was the first degree-granting institution for women in the Commonwealth. It was also the first Canadian university to establish a department of women’s studies, and remains the only university in the Maritimes with a freestanding women’s studies department. Women’s rights have come a long way, says Dr. Meredith Ralston, chair of the Department of Women’s Studies, “But there is still a lot to be done.” She cites pay inequity, a lack of opportunities for women in politics, and violence against women as examples of key areas that require attention. “Despite all thinking to the contrary, we’re not at a state where we can say men and women are equal.”
Meredith Ralston is excited to forge new paths toward gender equality
Focusing the lens on women’s issues at home and internationally With her interest in women’s human rights internationally piqued, Ralston began researching prostitution both at home and abroad. Along the way she also began making documentary films. Her first two films were about women in politics, and her third film, Hope in Heaven (2007), followed two years in the life of a Filipino bar girl and deals with sex tourism in the Philippines.
Yet the Mount continues to push in that direction. Student enrolment in the undergraduate women’s studies degree, and in the masters in women’s and gender studies degree (a joint offering with Saint Mary’s University), are healthy and growing. Since Ralston came to the Mount in 1993 as a women’s studies professor, she’s been inspired by the dedication of women’s studies faculty members and students, and the evolution of the curriculum which today focuses more heavily on international issues, cultural studies, and diversity. In the 1990s, the Institute for the Study of Women was designated as the official Canadian focal point of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, a United Nations research organization. This designation allowed Ralston to represent the Mount in Beijing, China at the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995, and led to her research into the status of women across Nova Scotia that was used to evaluate the proposed United Nations’ Platform for Action describing the human rights of women. Advancing the role of women is not only an ongoing academic pursuit at the Mount, it is also the focus of the recently renamed Institute for Women, Gender and Social Justice (IWGSJ), which was formerly the Institute for the Study of Women. The IWGSJ is currently enjoying a renaissance after the Institute for the Study of Women experienced a decade of near dormancy. It had been operating under a charter that was 30 years old, and with the significant changes that had happened in the local, national and global feminist movements, it was time for a new charter and name change that reflected a broader focus. Women’s studies is no longer just the study of women, explains Ralston. “It’s broader, really looking at gender differences, with social justice as the common denominator.” She is hoping the new name will revitalize the
We are inspired by our strong tradition of social responsibility and our enduring commitment to the advancement of women. – from Mount Saint Vincent University’s Mission Statement
Institute and get even more people on campus and in the community involved in women’s issues. Dr. Rita Shelton Deverell, Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies at the Mount, calls the IWGSJ a hub of feminist energy, action and research. She worked passionately with the Mount’s university librarian to bring the new Institute to life, and has been acting chair of the committee comprised of faculty, staff and students who make-up the Institute. Deverell also hosted the IWGSJ’s founding annual general meeting this past June. “We have some exciting plans already,” says Deverell, referring to some of the research, programs and courses the Institute is undertaking. “For International Women’s Day (2012) we are working on a conference on Girls–Studies, Lives, and Issues,” says Deverell. (Low self-esteem and the sexualization of young women concern many who follow women’s issues). She’s also offering a winter 2012 course on Women, Contemporary Aboriginal Issues, and Resistance, that she says, “will bring distinguished Aboriginal scholars, artists and activists to the Mount and the broader community.”
Feminist journal celebrates 35th year anniversary
The Department of Women’s Studies and the IWGSJ both currently occupy a house on the east side of campus that once served as a residence for the nuns and students. While Ralston says those who have offices there love being surrounded by the spirit of the nuns, the structure is deteriorating. She’s excited about moving into the new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre that will be built at the western end of the E. Margaret Fulton Communications Centre with monies raised through Project TWENTY12. “We’ll be more integrated into campus. We like our little house on the side of the road but we don’t get much (drop-in) traffic.” Ralston is not only looking forward to increased visibility but also some technical upgrades such as classrooms equipped with whiteboards or smartboards, and wireless internet. She’s also happy the Teaching, Learning and Research Centre plans include a kitchen and friendly gathering places.
Atlantis, a women’s studies journal, has been published by the Institute for the Study of Women (now the Institute for Women, Gender and Social Justice) at the Mount for 35 years. Atlantis is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to critical and creative writing in English or French on the topic of women. This twice-yearly journal welcomes material embodying all viewpoints on women’s studies. Scholarly articles, book and film reviews, poetry, short stories and graphic work are considered for publication. It incorporates a diversity of feminist, anti-racist and critical identity, intersectional, and transnational approaches to a wide variety of contemporary issues, topics, and knowledge. Atlantis is dedicated to the ongoing growth of knowledge in the field of women’s studies as well as to critical reflection on the field itself.
The new building will continue to celebrate women through the Women’s Wall of Honour (see p. 7) and the 12 Inspiring Women program (see p. 7). They are also means of further honouring the Mount’s Mission statement. Ralston says she was drawn to the Mount 18 years ago because of its commitment to women and is thrilled with the administration’s ongoing focus on this area. Then, and now, the student body is about 80% female. “Universities have to stand out in some way,” says Ralston. “The Mount’s way is its commitment to women.”
raising Project TWENTY12
$12 million in 20 months
he Mount is now months into an ambitious 20-month campaign to raise $12 million for a new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre. It is the most ambitious and forward-looking fundraising effort in the Mount’s history. With over $4 million already committed, a task force of 50-plus influential and committed leaders who believe our students need a learning environment that is contemporary, technology-rich and interactive are leading Project TWENTY12. “I am excited. And confident,” says the Mount’s President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ramona Lumpkin. “The decision to launch this special project derives directly from the Mount’s most pressing need – a mission-driven need – to provide new, better and more academic space for our unique community of learners.”
of the university. The new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre offers numerous opportunities to profile women and their accomplishments through the naming of various aspects of the facility including classrooms, undergraduate and graduate seminar rooms, learning labs, interview rooms, and a variety of spaces where students gather to socialize, study and learn. “I am confident that throughout Atlantic Canada and across our great country, women who deserve special recognition will be supported by generous donors – family, friends and colleagues – who wish to honour them in the halls of the beautiful new building,” says Lumpkin.
Make giving a celebration
Opportunities to honour and celebrate
The Mount is known as a place where students succeed, where women shine, and where philanthropic gifts, large and small, have an impact. It holds a unique place in the educational landscape. The Mount is fiscally responsible and has adapted educational offerings to meet the changing needs of learners. Knowing its niche strength, the Mount empowers women to succeed, and every day enhances understanding of women’s issue on campus and beyond. The Mount’s future is bright and its purpose more important than ever.
Mount Saint Vincent University is proud to dedicate its new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre to great women from all walks of life. With Project TWENTY12, the Mount is celebrating and honouring women while shaping the future
Making a donation to support the new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre is easy. Call University Advancement at 902.457.6470, email: giving@msvu.ca, or give online at www.msvu.ca/waystogive
The Teaching, Learning and Research Centre will be home to four programs and initiatives: Nova Scotia Centre on Aging, business and tourism, communications and public relations, and the advancement of women/women’s programs. The new centre will transform the instructional environment and in doing so, will have a tremendous impact on our core mission: teaching.
Women’s Wall of Honour:
inspiring generations of students In total, 2012 spaces will make up the Women’s Wall of Honour, recognizing women whose lives and contributions have made a difference in business, public policy, family life, the arts, sciences and community. The installation will be the only one of its kind in Canada – fitting as it will be part of Canada’s leading university dedicated to the advancement and education of women. A sponsorship of $1,200 provides you the opportunity to celebrate a remarkable woman by reserving a space in her name on the Women’s Wall of Honour – a central feature of the new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre. This is a great way to celebrate the women in your life today as well as those who may have passed and had an impact on your life. “Alumnae, faculty and staff have responded very favourably to the Women’s Wall of Honour,” says Lumpkin. “We all have had remarkable women in our lives . . . mothers, daughters, friends, teachers, colleagues . . . all who deserve recognition.” With the Women’s Wall of Honour, the legacy of the women in our lives will inspire generations of students.
“We only wish we could celebrate all the women who have made a difference. But it makes sense to begin at the beginning, with our mothers, who opened worlds of possibility to their children.” – Susan Drain & Patrick Donahoe
Key features of the Teaching, Learning and Research Centre: • 72,550 square feet of academic space on five floors • environmentally friendly and energy efficient infrastructure • rooftop garden • learning labs • collaborative production studios • case rooms • undergraduate and graduate seminar rooms • classrooms • presentation rooms • co-operative education centre • presentation rooms • video conferencing facilities and technology • student learning commons • interactive and collaborative technology
1971 – Seton Academic Centre, the last new academic building on campus, was built. 1971 Enrolment = 1,200 students 2011 Enrolment = 4,000 students
12 Inspiring Women:
a unique installation As Canada’s only university founded by, and principally for, women, Mount Saint Vincent will honour 12 inspiring women as part of Project TWENTY12. Through our 12 Inspiring Women program, the Mount will publicly celebrate the achievements of women who inspire us everyday. Each inspiring woman celebrated will be memorialized with a beautiful graphic montage centrally suspended in the main foyer (The Elizabeth and Fred Fountain Atrium). Each montage will incorporate a line-drawing of the woman and her signature. They will be designed as 12 individual works of art. In the foyer’s mezzanine, each inspiring woman’s story will be told in a distinctive permanent installation positioned to be accessible and highly visible to our university community and visitors.
Nancy’s Chair celebrates 25th anniversary
From left: Dr. Ramona Lumpkin, President & Vice-Chancellor, the Mount; Sylvia Hamilton, 8th Nancy’s Chair; Senator Nancy Ruth; Dr. Susan Apostle-Clark (former Mount Dean who was integral in securing the endowment); Dr. Rita Shelton Deverell, current Nancy’s Chair; Sharon Batt, 7th Nancy’s Chair; and Dr. Margaret Conrad, 6th Nancy’s Chair.
Mount’s legacy of attracting feminist scholars and activists continues This year the Mount celebrates the 25th anniversary of its Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies. The Chair raises awareness of women’s issues by bringing distinguished scholars in women’s studies, and activists who have contributed to the advancement of women, to campus. The Chair adds substantially to the intellectual strength of women’s studies at the Mount and in the Atlantic region, and is also engaged in research, teaching and public presentations on campus and around the Atlantic provinces. The Honourable Senator Nancy Ruth, CM, DHumL ’89 visited the Mount as guest of honour at an event celebrating the anniversary. It was through the generosity of this Canadian feminist and philanthropist that the Nancy’s Chair was established in the mid 1980s. “Twenty-five years after endowing a Chair in Women’s Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University, I’m delighted to see that the Chair continues to bring in strong feminist scholars and activists,” said Ruth. “They further our knowledge of issues critical to the advancement of women. In educating students to advance our human rights they give us hope for the future and I celebrate them all.” The Mount also heard from three past Nancy’s Chairs on the contributions they were able to make during their tenure in the position. Filmmaker and eighth Nancy’s Chair, Sylvia Hamilton, shared an excerpt of her documentary “The Little Black Schoolhouse,” which was initiated during her time as Nancy’s Chair and is a chronicle of Canada’s segregated
schools. Seventh Nancy’s Chair and activist, Sharon Batt, and sixth Nancy’s Chair and Women’s Historian, Dr. Margaret Conrad, OC, DHumL ’07, both shared what being Chair meant to them, and how it allowed them to advance their own personal missions and the status of women in our region. “I have been at the Mount almost 18 years and I have had the pleasure of working with eight of the 12 Nancy’s Chairs,” said Dr. Meredith Ralston, Chair of the Department of Women’s Studies at the Mount. “They have all made major contributions to our department through their scholarship, advocacy and personal relationships with us. They bring the important perspectives of outsiders to our department, and have always left the Mount a different, better place from what it was when they came,” she said. As the first Canadian university to establish a Department of Women’s Studies, the Mount is proud of its university-wide commitment to women’s education and resources. This anniversary is a time to celebrate the generosity of Senator Nancy Ruth, the contributions of past Chairs, and the responsible fiscal management of the endowed chair over the past 25 years. “In these days of cutbacks to public programs that deal with women’s and gender equity issues, we acknowledge the vibrant 25 years of contributions of Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies,” said current and 12th Nancy’s Chair, Dr. Rita Shelton Deverell. “The Mount’s Nancy’s Chair has become a model for similar Chairs across the country, thanks to past Chairs and the generosity of Senator Nancy Ruth.”
lives to celebrate Larry Fisk Dr. Larry Fisk, Professor Emeritus in Political and Peace & Conflict Studies at the Mount, passed away in Calgary on July 25, 2011 at the age of 76 years. For 30 years (1970-2000) Larry contributed to the Mount community as a respected and beloved teacher and colleague, contributing to Women’s Studies, Political Studies, and especially Peace & Conflict Studies at the Mount. Larry was President of the Canadian Peace Research and Education Association from 1998-2000, and from 20002001 was Esau Distinguished Visiting Professor at Menno Simons College at the University of Winnipeg. His book Patterns of Conflict, Paths to Peace (2000), which integrated perspectives from throughout the peace community, is still widely used today as a teaching text.
For the last decade Larry lived in Calgary, his childhood home, where he continued to work on and explore a variety of social concerns. In 2009, he travelled to Vietnam to learn about the people and their culture, and to investigate what could be done to support the disadvantaged among them. In the words of Dr. John Schellenberg, professor, a long-time colleague and friend of Larry: “I feel sorry for anyone who didn’t know Larry. Even crossing paths with him briefly would have been enough to give you the (accurate) sense of someone uncommonly humble and warm, gracious and wise, and above all kind. He made many lives brighter, and the world is better for his having lived.”
Marinus H. Van Nieuwenhuizen (Chef René) Marinus H. van Nieuwenhuizen, known fondly by all as Chef René, died on May 1, 2011 at the age of 74 years. Born in Zeist, The Netherlands, Chef René immigrated to Canada in 1961 establishing a career as a cook with several hotels before joining the Mount in the early 1980s as Chef Manager. He was a Mount mainstay, especially for students living in residence, through the 1980s and 90s. He was a leader in the HalifaxDartmouth branch of the Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals and worked diligently to bring chefs and students into the association and foodservice fields. Chef René was committed to raising the profile of chefs and took a lead role in offering the Chef de Cuisine Certification program in the early 1990s, acting as mentor. He was actively involved in many volunteer organizations such as the Tourism Industry
of Nova Scotia, providing education to students in the hospitality industry and in 2001 receiving an award recognizing his contributions. In 2002, Chef René received the Golden Jubilee Medal of Queen Elizabeth II, awarded to Canadians who have made significant contributions to their fellow citizens, their communities or their country. He was also awarded a Culinary Life Achievement Award from the Nova Scotia Association of Chefs and Cooks in 2007. Linda L. Mann, BHEc ‘72, associate professor in the Department of Applied Human Nutrition, says: “He regularly took students from the nutrition program in for placements in their foodservice course and ensured they got quality and practical experience. He was very supportive of our program and students. After he retired, he worked at the Motherhouse and still took students for placements. He really was a larger than life person.”
Refer a Student Do you remember what it was like sitting in class in Seton? Or what you did on your first night living in residence? Did you have that special professor who really made a difference in your life? We know you have wonderful stories from your time spent at the Mount and we want you to share them. Prospective Mount students are everywhere. They may be your family members, friends, neighbours, or co-workers. As an alum, your experiences and memories make you a Mount Ambassador, and an excellent resource for those people researching universities. This year, the Recruitment Office and Department of University Advancement are launching an Alumnae Recruitment project. At www.msvu.ca/referastudent, you will find information we’ve compiled about topics such as programs, scholarships, and application deadlines that will be helpful when you are speaking to prospective students. You can also access a copy of the Viewbook which is one of the Mount’s marketing tools, and our Refer a Student Form. When you complete the Refer a Student form, we will send your prospective student a print copy of our Viewbook, along with a letter that can be personalized with a message from you. You can also order a Viewbook by phone at 902.457.5540 or e-mail recruitment@msvu.ca. As alumnae, we have all chosen the Mount and experienced the welcoming environment, personalized attention, and the reward that comes with completing a challenging education. Together, we now have an opportunity to encourage others who will thrive in this environment to learn about the Mount.
Did you know… The Recruitment Office works to promote the Mount’s profile while attracting new students. We work with students, parents and guidance counselors through: fall and winter open campus days, campus tours, school visits, public information sessions, social media, and more. Over the next few months, student recruitment officers will be travelling throughout the Atlantic Provinces, Ontario and Alberta. To find out more about what we do, or to find out if we will be in a town near you, please contact us by phone at 902.457.5540 or e-mail recruitment@msvu.ca.
Honorary alumnae membership granted to Mount retirees This summer, the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association passed a motion that allows Mount retirees to become honorary members of the Alumnae Association. This is part of an initiative to reach out to our retirees and continue to make them feel part of the Mount community. Retired faculty and staff, who are not alumnae by virtue of being a graduate of Mount Saint Vincent, and who can be identified and/or located, will be granted Honorary Membership in the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association. We look forward to welcoming new members! This year’s retirees and new honorary members of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association: Dr. Kenneth Dewar, History Dr. Jen McLaren, Education Dr. Michael Fitzgerald, Child and Youth Study Dr. John Sayre, Mathematics Dr. Robert Sargent, Education Paul Delahunt, University Library
BookClub Faculty and Alumnae Books
Raphael’s Riddle Launches
Bryer Publications Inc | www.brylerpublications.com 14 Harbour View Lane, Chester, Nova Scotia B0J-1J0 Tel 902.273.2286 | Email info@brylerpublications.com
November 4, 2010
“Kelloway’s writing crackles with a magical energy. Characters are human and loveable and the weave of RIGHTING THE WRONGS literature and history and fun looks effortless. But this Gus Wedderburn’s Quest for is aSocialfeat Justice in and Nova Scotiaa feast. What a time travel!”
–Sheree Fitch, children’s author
During his 50 years in Nova Scotia, H.A.J. (Gus) Wedderburn fought social injustice in his home province. Growing up in Jamaica, he learned the tenets of respect, fairness and social responsibility from his dynamic family who taught him that giving one’s time in the service of others was what life was all about. After studies at McGill University and Mount Allison University, he came to Nova Scotia in 1957 and worked as principal at Partridge River School in East Preston, one of the province’s oldest Black communities. He impressed upon students and their families the importance of education and started a tutoring program that enabled many students to graduate from high school, a first for the community.
If you find this riddle…
reads the first line of the Supreeze Gus moved on to teach at Bloomfield and Ardmore schools in Halifax, and in 1970, at the poem Raphael’s grandmother, age of 41, he changed careers. Three years later he graduated from Dalhousie University’s Law School, and practised law until his retirement. Described as “a lawyer with the soul of a social worker,” he often worked pro bono and remained a mentor to young people. since A drivOma, has puzzled over ing force for many years in the Nova Scotia Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, he was a founder of the Black Educators Association, the Black United Front, the sheNova was Oma Scotia Human RightsRaphael’s Commission and the Black Cultural age. Centre. Gus was a vocal crusader for the rights of the disadvantaged at a time when discrimination in education, employment and housing was the status quo. He diedriddle, in 2007. discovered the along Marie Riley graduated from Mount Saint Vincent and Carleton universities. She worked as a journalist for the Calgary Herald and for the Canadiwith a an Press pendant, many years in Ottawa. In 1970 she went to West Africa with CUSO where she taught at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, and the University of Ghana. ago hidden inwork atan ancient text. Following graduate Simon Fraser University, she taught at the Mount until her retirement in Raphael2008. knows the pendant is Pottersfield Press special, but is it magic? $17.95 ISBN 978-1-897426-28-9
The Awakening of Humanity: A Foremost Necessity
weekend reading your novel!”
But the legend isn’t going to plan. Now Raphael must decide if she Gus and Wedderburn’s Quest the for girls or will stay help save Social Justice in Nova Scotia return home. And as Raphael’s quest takes MARIEher RILEY deeper into her journey she discovers more than she expected. Just as she has taken the lead in solving the riddle to help the legend come true, her fate may also be to take the lead in the theatrical productions she so loves, forcing her to accept that acting isn’t her destiny after all.
Persuasion, A New Approach to Changing Minds
–Martha Attema, children’s author
(St. Clair Publications) by Michele Doucette, BCS ’85, MEd ’06 The work directs the reader towards experiencing freedom, harmony and unity on an inner level.
“I really liked Raphael. She is clever, likeable and a well developed character. The riddle worked well for this time travel story. The setting in the past is well described, the characters colourful and real. I had a great
Raphael cleverly solves the riddle and discovers the pendant and poem are indeed enchanted as she finds herself transported back to fourth-century Turkey. Here, she lands right in the middle of one of the five Greek legends
attributed to Saint Nicholas the legend in which he saves three girls from slavery.
“Raphael’s Riddle is an exciting adventure with just the right balance of plot, historical research, character development and just plain interesting scenes.”
–Sandra McIntyre, former Managing Editor Nimbus Publishing
(Harper Collins) by Arlene Dickinson, DHumL ’10 About the Author Dickinson explains with her signature wit and unusual candour how to master the art of persuasion – without an MBA – to achieve maximum success in business and in life. Karen Kelloway started her career writing freelance articles for tourist magazines and newspapers in Whistler, BC. Now a certified executive coach, she holds a Bachelor of Public Relations and has written a career book, Nail It! Six Steps to Transform Your Career. Karen is an active member of the Nova Scotia Chapter for Breakfast for Learning, a member of the Nova Scotia Writer’s Federation and the Canadian Children’s Book Centre. She lives with her husband, Stephen, and two children in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Raphael’s Riddle is her first work of fiction.
Grace Note (Self published) by Patricia Parsons, Professor, Department of Communication Studies Grace Note is a tale rich in historical detail that allows others to imagine what really happened as Hildegard of Bingen slowly built a reputation across churches, continents, and time – a reputation that would one day be called into question.
Media Mediocrity, Waging War Against Science (Fernwood Publishers) by Richard Zurawski, MEd ’10 Television producer and broadcaster Zurawski argues that the science we learn on television is inaccurate, misleading and sometimes even dangerous.
Nail It! (Self published) by Karen Kelloway, BPR ’93 A career book for those who want to transform their career or transition to something more ideal using six simple steps.
during his 50 years in the province. This book will be launched at the Mount in the Seton Academic Centre foyer on November 15th, 7-9 p.m. All are welcome.
Sweet Suburb, A History of Prince’s Lodge, Birch Cove and Rockingham
(Bryler Publications) by Karen Kelloway, BPR ’93 Meet Raphael, a 12-year-old girl on a mission to solve an ancient ’Supreeze’ riddle handed down by her grandmother, Oma, along with a pendant that may hold magical powers.
(Glen Margaret Publishing) by Wayne and Sharon Ingalls, retired professors, Department of History This illustrated history traces the little-known story of how a wilderness was transformed into a pleasant leafy suburb, weaving together many stories of the people who chose to make it their home.
Reading Communities from Salons to Cyberspace
Unquenchable: A Tipsy Quest for the World’s Best Bargain Wines
Raphael’s Riddle
(Palgrave Macmillan) Edited by DeNel Rehberg Sedo, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies The authors draw attention to the relationships readers forge with one another and demonstrate how these social interactions influence the very personal relationship one enjoys with a book.
(Random House/Doubleday Canada) by Natalie MacLean, BPR ’89 Packed with colourful stories about the obsessive, passionate personalities who inhabit the world of wine, wine writer MacLean whisks readers around the world in search of the best value bottles.
Righting the Wrongs: Gus Wedderburn’s Quest for Social Justice in Nova Scotia
(St. Clair Publications) by Michele Doucette, BCS ’85, MEd ’06 The inspirational message in this book will assist you on your journey to becoming an even-more enlightened being, and is reinforced with information from some of the brightest thinkers on the planet in both scientific and metaphysical approaches.
(Pottersfield Press) by Marie Riley, BA ’65, retired faculty, Department of Communication Studies A biography of Gus Wedderburn, a native of Jamaica, who was an educator, lawyer, activist, and vocal advocate for the rights of disadvantaged people
If you are a graduate of the Mount and have recently published a book, please let us know. Email us at alumnae@msvu.ca
You Are Everything: Everything is You
From the President’s Desk A clear view from the Mount Dr. Ramona Lumpkin
When I joined Mount Saint Vincent University as its 12th President and Vice-Chancellor last October, I knew I was becoming part of an organization that has contributed richly to the fabric of this province, and this country. The Mount’s pioneering spirit has been evident since our founding nearly 140 years ago by the Sisters of Charity. We were the first institution in the Commonwealth to offer degrees to women, and the first in Atlantic Canada to offer televised courses so that working adults could pursue an education. At the Mount, education has always been viewed as a pathway to social justice. The advancement of women remains a cornerstone of our current strategic plan, as does the commitment to ensuring that our programs are accessible to students of all ages and income levels. Community service is another deeply held value, reflected in the current engagement of our faculty and students with more than 100 community-based research projects on topics such as care for the aging, food security, and gender inequalities in the lives of girls and women. The Mount’s connection to our surrounding community is strong, and I’ve been deeply grateful for the warm welcome extended to me by that community. Most of those whom I’ve met have a clear understanding of our character and accomplishments, but I’ve encountered from time to time an impression that the Mount is somehow in financial jeopardy.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The Mount has a long record of sound leadership and governance, focusing equally on service to students and on fiscal responsibility. The university has balanced its budget for almost two decades and prudent management has ensured that our operating costs per full-time student are the lowest in the province. Further, we have among the lowest debt ratios in the province as measured both in relation to ensured assets and to the size of our student body. We’ve taken every opportunity to reduce costs where possible and make wise investments to strengthen our operations, and all
this while continuing to make student financial support and academic excellence a priority. These successes have not been without their challenges. To address recent provincial funding reductions, the Board, in consultation with faculty, staff, alumnae and students, has chosen to meet this constraint through a combination of budget cuts and an increase to tuition, $165 per year for a full-time student. At the same time, our commitment to providing adequate financial support to students continues, and the past decade has seen us double the amount of scholarship and bursary aid that we offer. Financial support is just one reason students continue to study at the Mount, and why our enrolment grew by close to 3% last year. We are renowned for our wide range of programs and areas of study within arts, sciences, professional studies and education. The Mount is also a leader in co-operative education, distance education, and the research productivity of our faculty (who rank first in the country in the percentage who hold research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council). I’m also pleased to announce that on May 1st the Mount launched a bold fundraising initiative, Project TWENTY12, which will raise funds to build the first academic building on our campus to be opened since 1971. Not only will the new building provide much-needed teaching and research space for our faculty and students, but it will honour women through a special installation dedicated to 12 inspiring women. It will also have a Women’s Wall of Honour that will recognize 2,012 women important to all our community members in our daily lives. To date, we have secured over $4 million toward the $12 million goal. I’m happy to report to our community that the view from the Mount is clear. With a solid financial record, a sound strategic plan and a proven commitment to academic excellence, the Mount is positioned for continued success in serving the educational needs of students in our province and around the world.
Donor Report April 1, 2010 – March 31, 2011
Thank you We are pleased to take this opportunity to thank our alumnae, friends, faculty, staff, students, retirees, corporations, foundations and associations who gave to Mount Saint Vincent University during the fiscal year of April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. By contributing to the Mount, donors are making an investment in our University, programs, goals and students. Each and every gift has an immediate impact on Mount students and for this we express our gratitude.
Annual Giving Levels Chancellor’s Circle President’s Circle Deans’ Circle Scholars’ Circle Learned Circle Ambassadors Friends
Chancellor’s Circle Chancellor’s Circle Sharon Calder & Richard Calder Joan Craig ’07 & Jack Craig Elizabeth Fountain ’79 & Fred Fountain Alexa McDonough ’09
President’s Circle Rosalie Favell E. Margaret Fulton ’94 Ramona Lumpkin Catherine Langille Martha Jodrey & Bruce Jodrey
Dean’s Circle Linda Brown ’68 & Hugh Brown Mike Foran ’89 & Catherine Keating Lawrence Hayes Jeff Hollett Michael Jackson Kim Morgan Rosemarie Sampson ’68 Judy Steele ’82 & Bruce Towler Annette Verschuren ’96
$ 25,000 plus $ 10,000 – 24,999 $ 5,000 – 9,999 $ 1,000 – 4,999 $ 500 – 999 $ 100 – 499 $ 1 – 99
Scholar’s Circle Stephen Allt Sonja Bata ’89 Susan Boyd & Russell Boyd Sheila A. Brown Evelyn Burnham ’82 Julie Carroll ’63 Lily Chan ’61 & Paul Chan F. Anthony Comper ’95 Scott Conarroe Gay Conrad Katherine Darvesh Kenneth Dewar Jeanne Flemming ’65 Shirley Forde ’62 Normand Gendron ’11 Peter Glenister Tony Goode Elizabeth Gordon Catherine MacIsaac ’05 & Robert Batherson ’97 Deanne MacLeod ’92 & Mark Forward ’93 Janet MacMillan ’81 Bruce Mansour ’93 Suzanne McCarron ’86 R. Mark McCondach ’82 Janet Murray ’56 & T. J. Murray Dan O’Neill John Osborne
Mystics’ Society Recognizes alumnae who have made their first gift to the University within two years of graduation.
1873 Society The 1873 Society, which marks the year the Mount was founded, honours those who have notified the University of their intention to include Mount Saint Vincent University in their estate planning. The University recognizes with gratitude those alumnae and friends whose commitment to the Mount extends beyond their lifetime.
Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Susan Patten ’97 Andrea Plato & Richard Plato Meredith Ralston Suzanne Reynolds ’66 Marilyn Schnare ’64 Judith Scrimger James Sharpe Sandra Findlay-Thompson ’85 & Bruce Thompson ’93 Sarah Veinot & Gordie Veinot Patricia Whitman ’64 & David Lemon Margaret Young ’44
Learned Circle Louise Ardenne ’89 Chris Beckett Candace Blayney Noella Brennan Fisher ’62 Catherine Butler Kim Campbell Maureen Cleary ’62 Claire Correia ’55 Susan Duhamel ’97 & Craig Duhamel ’97 Craig Ennis ’00 Louisa Fiander & Eric Fiander
Paul Forward ’87 Myra A. Freeman ’04 & Lawrence Freeman Donna Redmond Gates ’98 & Allan Gates ’95 Judith Gold ’02 Peter Greenwood Jean Hartley Karen Hatcher ’91 Elizabeth Hemeon ’99 Louise Hunt ’74 Betty Kennedy ’89 Elizabeth Larmond-Elliot ’61 Mary Lyon C. Patricia Maccagno ’66 Anne MacCleave ’80 Mary MacEachern Fitzgerald ’68 Ann MacGillivary Cathy MacGregor Ann MacKenzie Anne MacMillan Linda Mann ’72 Rose McGinn ’78 Donald Mitchell Mary O’Regan ’65 Terrence Paris Stefanie Pavlin ’52 Shani Pearson Barbara Pike Thomas Rathwell
Suzanne Seager Nancy Spencer ’94 Suzanne Swannie Dorothy Wills ’56 Catherine Woodman ’84
Ambassadors Raymond Adekayode ’94 Janis Aitken ’69 Betty Anderson Wayne Antle ’98 Berit Ås ’91 Doris Ashfield ’69 Nancy Aust ’63 Ninette Babineau ’95 Elizabeth Baillie ’80 Deborah Barker McIntosh ’96 Tex Barkhouse Jo-Anne Belliveau ’75 Robert Berard K. Nicole Billard ’96 & Jeffrey Billard ’98 Isabel Blackmore Petch ’64 Karen Blotnicky Ilya Blum Wendy Boisvert ’91 Isabel Bonnyman ’36 Donna Bourne-Tyson David Brien ’97 Margaret Briggs ’60
Janet Brisse ’63 Margaret Brown ’79 Robert Brown M. Carol Bryson ’73 Donald Burke ’88 Geraldine Burke ’64 Marion Crabbé ’56 Holly Burridge ’90 Elaine Burrows ’74 Marilyn Campbell ’57 Lily Campbell Dorothy Campbell ’46 Sarah Carlos ’10 Jane Carman ’76 Judith Carson ’68 Carmen Chaddock ’72 Elizabeth Charlton ’01 Nancy Chesworth Deborah Chipman ’88 Angela Chipman ’06 Elizabeth Church Pamela Cochrane ’81 Frances Cody ’81 Marlene Coffey ’91 Sharon Collins ’72 Joy Collins ’84 Simone Comeau Geddry ’63 Margaret Conrad ’07 Diane Cormier Leger ’79 Cynthia Creaser ’95 Paula Crouse ’86 Darlene Crowell ’90 M. Elizabeth Cullen ’81 M. JoAnn Cunningham ’83 Catherine Dallaire ’81 Dawn Dalley ’91 Keith Davis ’90 Sharon Davis ’82 Linda DeGrace ’90 Alison DeLory ’98 Katherine DeVan ’37 Louanne Devanney ’86 Carl Dexter ’73 Jordan Dicks ’10 Mary Doherty ’84 Catherine Dorais-Plesko ’88 Louise Doran ’71 Barbara Downie ’57 Wendy Doyle ’70 Susan Drain Patricia Drake Suzanne Drapeau ’83 Joan Driscoll ’59 Dianne Dubowski ’78 Nancy Dyer ’61 Wendy Fesmire ’74 Randall Fisher Edwina Fitzgerald ’50 Barbara Fitzgerald ’72 Jill Flinn ’57 Lorraine Floody ’79
Suzanne Fougere ’05 Heather Fraser-Davey ’68 Janice Gaudet ’88 Wanda George Nancy Gilbert ’83 Mary Gilroy ’62 Ruth Goldbloom ’85 Neil Brooks Janice Graham-Migel ’83 Naomi Griffiths ’94 Elizabeth Guinan ’58 Gwendolyn Hampe ’59 Mary Harnish ’70 Elizabeth Hartnell ’73 Donald Hatcher ’04 Alan Havill ’90 Jacqueline Haywood ’64 Lourdes Heber ’75 Lorraine Heffler ’69 Elizabeth Hicks Donna Hillier ’88 Becky Hong ’89 Sonya Horsburgh ’91 Norma Hoyt ’78 Jill Hurlbert ’93 Sharon Ingalls & Wayne Ingalls Jean Inkpen ’47 Brian Jessop Alma Johnston ’83 Barbara Jones ’55 Ramona Joseph ’98 Catherine (Kitty) Kelley ’40 Elaine Kelly ’82 Brent King Janet Kline ’71 Jean Knickle ’51 Carole Kubal-Sellerberg ’67 Alla Kushniryk Claude Lamouroux Martha Laurence ’60 Jennifer Lavoie ’93 Paula Lawlor ’05 Janet LeBrun ’64 Bernard Long Paulette Luft ’66 Shari MacDonald ’93 Annemarie Macdonald ’65 Flora MacDonald ’79 Sharon MacDonald ’88 Margaret MacDonnell ’74 Brigitte MacInnes Ron MacKay Agnes MacNeil ’81 Bruce MacNeil Mary MacPhee ’68 Jolene Mahody Anne Mahoney MacDonald ’96 Jill Mahony-Plummer ’77 Melissa Marshall ’99
M. Rachel Martin ’79 Carol Matusicky ’67 Thelma McCormack ’89 Robert McDonald Beryl McDonald ’44 Sue McGregor Margaret McKee ’84 Elspeth McLean-Wile ’79 Andrew McNeil ’04 Anne Melanson ’87 Sheldon Miller ’99 Ruth Mills ’84 Jone Mitchell Aftab Mohammed ’80 Anna Morris ’70 Marguerite Muise ’65 Claire Mulvaney Joyce Munroe ’95 Alleyne Murphy ’97 Dana Murray ’54 & Paul Murray M. Linda Murray ’68 Suellen Murray ’86 Jacqueline Neck ’99 Ruth Nelligan ’62 Edith Nelligan ’62 Shirley Nicholson ’88 Jean Nicholson ’83 Carolyn Nobes ’97 Deborah Norris ’79 Stanislav Orlov Dianne Oulton ’76 Carolyn Oxner ’85 Madeline Patton ’78 Suzanne McCarthy ’90 & Simon Kennedy ’91 Marguerite Peddle ’52 M. Jane Phillips Charmaine Pope ’90 Mary Pothier ’69 Deborah Pottie ’74 Elena Powell ’88 Patricia Quinn ’61 Marion Reid ’02 Maureen Reid ’98 Pauline Reid Susan Ringrose ’66 Joanne Rivest ’86 & Dayle Harrington ’80 Elizabeth Roscoe ’71 Marilyn Ross ’85 Barbara Ross ’76 Linda Rowe Fitch ’76 Barbara Ryan ’71 Lara Ryan ’92 & Brett Ryan Kevin Sanford ’03 Brigid Savage ’95 Sandra Schnare ’09 Lori Scott ’86 Barbara Shea ’84
Nancy Sheehan ’57 Donald Shiner Madge Skinner & Ward Skinner Marie Skomorowski ’63 Jean Sloan ’90 Marietta Snetsinger ’91 Carol Snow ’04 Janis Sobey-Hames ’76 Corrine Sparks ’74 Adah Spencer ’67 Gloria Springer ’81 Alison Stark ’08 Caroline Wolfe Stewart ’90 & Ron Stewart Chelsea Stewart ’11 Kathleen Stone ’99 Margaret Swan ’89 Errol Taylor ’89 M. Brook Taylor J. Roderick Tilley M. Diane Tinkham ’73 Theresa Tobin ’81 Joanne Trigg ’59 Evelyn Tucker ’48 A. Jasmin Uhthoff ’90 Patricia Uthe ’89 June Verrett ’79 Ann Vessey ’92 Genevieve Vest ’66 David Wainwright Barry Waldman ’84 Richard Walkden ’84 Randi Warne Kathryn Watt ’82 Margaret Watts Isobel Wesley ’93 Kim West Sybil Weston & Earl Weston Joy MacKay Williams ’75 Aibing Xia Katherine Younker ’82 Mary Anne Yurkiw ’77 Patricia Zinn-Butter ’67 Richard Zurawski ’10
Friends Selena Acker ’88 Paula Adamski ’93 Martine Adriaensen ’02 Paula Aitken ’42 Catherine Allan ’48 Gail Allen ’73 Beverley Amirault ’63 Shanon Archibald ’02 Wendey Archibald ’71 Helen Arnold Gladys Ascah ’89 Ardythe Ashe ’94
Constance Ballie Johnson ’95 Courtney Barnhill ’07 Loretta Barteluk ’75 Marie Bartlett ’51 Carolen Beairsto ’58 Constance Beardshaw ’91 Deborah Beazley ’93 Elaine Beck ’02 Adriana Benzaquen Madeleine Berrigan ’64 Barbara Berringer ’02 Jillia Bird & Edris Bird ’94 Sandra Bishop ’80 Tamiko Black ’94 Krista Blaikie Hughes ’97 Kelly Blair ’02 Ruby Blois ’73 Wanda Bluefort ’79 Flora Boudreau ’70 Nancy Boutilier ’75 Andrew Boyd ’94 Suzanne Boylan ’82 M. Jean Boylan ’65 Theodore Bravakis ’94 Jody Brian ’97 Elizabeth Brideau Asbridge ’60 Judith Brockie ’63 Sharon Brookbank ’88 Janet Brown ’89 Denise Brown ’06 Cheryl Brown ’79 Treva Brown ’86 Franceline Bugge ’02 Mary Buote-Potts ’05 David Burchill ’08 Barbara Burke ’66 Valerie Burkimsher ’82 Joanne Burns-Theriault ’03 Margaret Burt ’79 Patricia Butler ’85 Moira Buyting ’99 Beverly Cameron ’75 Kathleen Cameron ’86 Margaret Campbell ’79 Melanie Camplin ’00 Sheila Cardone ’66 Joan Caron ’60 Christine Carroll ’82 Jillian Chaulk- Kalberlah ’09 Crystal Chenell ’08 Mary Chipman ’01 Lori Chown ’92 Nicole Chretien ’03 Yvonne Chute Lesley Clarke ’07 Mary Ruth Cochrane ’80 Robert Coish ’02 Clarice Comeau ’63
Donor Report April 1, 2010 – March 31, 2011
Mary Connors ’75 Eleanor Conrad ’99 Louise Cooke ’08 Rhonda Cooper ’84 Eric Craig ’84 Lorna Crawley ’96 Gail Creaser ’06 Donna Cress ’96 Rochelle Crosby ’04 Kimberly Crosby ’90 Kim Crowell ’84 & Michael Crowell ’80 Sheila Crummell ’79 Katherine Dakai Jollimore ’02 Barbara Darton ’97 Margaret Davidson ’06 Cathryn De Rome ’02 Jane Dearing ’82 Diane DeBay ’67 Patricia Delaney ’50 Marion Dell ’67 James Delorme ’06 Donna D’Eon ’74 Ruth Dewis ’75 Donna Dodsworth ’04 S. J. Doggett & W. Alexander Doggett ’98 Fae-Marie Donathan ’90 Edwina Doucet ’84 Catherine Doucette ’56
Andrew Douglas Eva Doull Jessie Dow ’81 Margaret Driscoll ’58 Mary Duffley ’86 Pamela Duncan ’77 Juliana Elsinga ’81 Dorothy Evans ’71 Carol Ezekiel ’95 Jean Fahie ’03 Mary Faria ’04 Anne Farrell-Gaudet ’02 Penelope Farris ’92 Margaret Ferguson ’94 Helen Ferguson ’81 Ann Finlayson ’69 Paula Finlayson Gloria Finnigan ’69 Adelle Fletcher ’08 Barbara Flewwelling ’85 Mary Flood ’27 Linda Fougere ’91 Barbara Frame ’86 Amy France ’81 Teresa Francis ’87 Sharon Freeman ’85 A. Maureen Freeman ’77 Judith Fulton ’75 Michelle Gailey ’80 C. Kelly Gallant ’90 Carolyn Geall ’90
Julie George ’93 Karen Gibson ’86 Christena Gillis ’83 Constance Glube ’98 Cristina Gobessi ’10 Deborah Gosbee ’78 Vicky Graham ’79 & Alan Graham Mary Anne Grant ’89 *John Gratwick Dianne Gray ’64 Shawnette Griffin ’09 Monique Gulliver ’97 Annie Gulliver ’10 Stephanie Hale ’03 Margaret Haliburton ’78 Marilyn Hamlin ’90 Gloria Hanief ’62 Claire Hanlon Smith ’88 Kimberly Harnish ’81 Vicki Harnish ’74 Rhonda Harrington ’90 Robin Harris ’09 Doris Harrison ’86 Lesley Hartman ’90 Sylvia Harvey ’85 Lindy Herrington ’11 Max Herrington ’11 Elizabeth Hessian ’82 Joanne Hickey ’55 Carol Hill
Sharron Hillaby ’93 Joanne Hodgins ’01 Jeanne Hodgkins ’87 Lisa Hollohan ’09 Karen Holman ’95 Nancy Horne ’80 Allen Howell ’96 Sandra Howland ’86 Simon Hui ’81 & Cynthia Hui ’82 Kelly Hume ’09 Cynthia Hunt Michelle Innes ’10 Linda Jacobs Starkey ’71 Jennifer James ’91 Heidi Jamieson Valerie Jenkins ’92 Ingrid Jenkner Signe Jeppesen ’01 Marie Jewkes Pamela Jones-Gallant ’94 John Judson ’95 Barbara Kanellakos ’10 Monica Kangley ’58 Claire Kariker ’58 Lynn Kazamel-Boudreau ’91 . & John Boudreau ’99 Kevin Kean ’91 Bernadette Kearney ’99 M. Claire Keindel ’51 Shauna Kelly ’91
Fraser Kennedy ’94 Erin Kerman ’79 Barrett Khan ’05 Patricia Khan ’04 Catherine Kilvert ’62 Joshua King ’11 Sandra King Webster ’82 Claudia Kingston ’98 Elizabeth Kitchen ’93 Traci Knott ’07 Raymond Krulicki Jean Larsen ’65 Suzanne LeBlanc ’77 Melanie LeBlanc ’08 Johanne Leclerc ’61 Shelley Lefresne ’77 Anne-Marie Leger ’94 Elizabeth LeLievre ’73 Sharon Lemmon ’87 Carolyn Leon ’10 Linda Levangie ’78 Anya Lisowski ’00 Gary Logan ’02 Canda Long ’73 Jacquelyne Lord ’62 Mary Lowes ’01 Michelle Lucas ’98 Karen Luddington ’89 Paul MacDonald ’89 Alison MacDonald ’88 Mary MacDonald ’85
The Mount’s Annual Fund Program Every gift makes a difference! Your monthly or annual gift can have an immediate impact on a Mount student. Your gift will help provide scholarships, bursaries, library acquisitions, new facilities, support to departments and faculties, support to Athletics and much more. With the generous support of alumnae and friends, Mount students receive the best learning environment in today’s society. The Mount is able to make an immediate impact. When you receive your request in the mail or when a Mount student calls, please give generously and help Mount students succeed. You can also make a gift online by visiting www.msvu.ca/waystogive
Heather MacDougall ’08 Anne MacEachern ’68 Carmel MacFarlane ’71 Beverly MacInnis ’69 C. Gertrude MacIntyre ’70 Nancy MacIsaac ’04 Heather MacKay ’89 Sandra MacKenzie ’96 Donalda MacKenzie ’81 Peggy MacKinnon ’00 Julie MacMillan ’82 Dawn MacNutt ’05 Cheryl MacRae ’76 & John MacRae Terri Mann ’03 Alanna Mason ’92 Lorena Matthews ’96 Catherine McBride ’94 Neil McGrath ’06 Elizabeth McHugh ’62 V. Francine McIntyre ’82 Antje McVeigh ’84 Kay Meagher ’68 Donna Meagher-Stewart ’70 Colleen Meahan Ferguson ’79 Connie Meister ’94 Jeannette Melanson ’63 Barbara Millar ’70 Joanne Mills Alison Mitchell ’06 Shirley Moir ’42
Ruth Moldon ’81 Paul Moore ’96 Laura Morash ’00 Theresa Morrison ’79 Donna Mossman ’81 Patricia Mulatz ’72 Nancy Mulock ’00 Evelyn Murdoch ’75 Ethel Nelson ’81 Elizabeth Nickerson ’87 JoAnn O’Brien ’88 Lucille O’Connor ’63 Marie O’Malley ’52 Isabel O’Neill ’79 Iris Owen ’69 Isabel Palmeter ’72 Cynthia Parsons-Budgey ’90 Olive Pastor ’86 Lisa Pelley ’91 Lynda Phelan ’75 Linda Pike ’90 Cynthia Pilichos ’00 Robert Pinto ’89 Shirley Plamondon ’87 Janet Plowman ’79 Terri Pothier ’42 Stephanie Power ’05 Beverly Prevost ’72 Deborah Quintal ’98 Mary Ralston ’42 Carole Redmond ’82 Barbara Redmond ’68
John Reid Debra Reid ’74 Delnora Rice ’88 Deborah Richards ’83 E. Marie Riley ’65 Kathleen Robson ’79 Trina Rogers ’01 Joan Rogers ’72 Carol Rogers ’66 Gloria Rondeau ’01 Sharon Ross ’80 Denise Ryan Antoinette Savoie James Sawler Sheila Sheddiac ’79 Deborah Shreenan ’85 Natalie Simmons ’04 Dinah Simmons ’79 Nancy Simpson Greenwood ’00 Marilyn Singer George Skerry ’97 Barbara Skidmore Geraldine Sloan ’71 Virginia Smith ’04 Jane Smith Dorothy Smith ’84 Margaret Smith ’52 Jennifer Smith Elizabeth Sovie ’96 Phyllis Spurway Monique St. Amand ’99
Henderika Steenweg ’05 Kathryn Steeves & W. Bruce Steeves ’86 Arleen Stevens ’91 Elizabeth Stockall ’59 Thomas Tanner ’81 David Tavares ’05 Helen Taylor K. Anne Taylor ’53 Roseanne Thibault ’84 Linda Thistle ’97 Mary-Ann Thorpe ’63 Amy Thurlow ’89 Joan Tomlinson Barbara Trainor ’59 Jewel Trott ’81 Patricia Turner ’93 Joanne Turner ’84 Shirley Vaughan ’75 Deanna Vautour ’96 Philippa Verrier ’83 Jesse Vuksanovich ’07 Verna Wagner ’82 Craig Walsh ’11 Dorothy Walsh Durocher ’59 Dawn Wamboldt ’04 B Maureen Waterfield ’04 Marilyn Watson ’83 Heather Watts ’82 Greta Webb ’80 Verna Lynne Weeks ’92 Dorothy West
Martha Westwater ’96 Gloria Whynder ’10 Lisa Whynott ’94 Lise Wilhelmy-Steele ’83 Peter Williams ’02 Betty Williams ’95 Cheryl Williams ’80 Shonette Wilson ’89 Marilyn Wilson ’74 Shirley Yabsley ’81 Mildred York ’76 Gloria Younker ’81 George Zinck ’76 and the 72 donors who wish to remain anonymous
Corporations, Foundations and Organizations Agenda Managers Inc. ARAMARK Campus Services ARAMARK Canada Ltd Atlantica Mechanical Contractors Inc. Bloom BMO Bank of Montreal Brown Children Inc. CBCL Ltd Consulting Engineers Charm Diamond Centres CIBC Atlantic
The 1873 Society... Be a part of the future The 1873 Society is a special group of alumnae and friends of Mount Saint Vincent University who have honoured the University by making a provision for a future gift. A planned gift can have significant tax advantages, making a bequest a win-win for your loved ones and for future generations of students. As a member of the 1873 Society, you will receive a certificate and a membership pin to wear in honour of your generosity. We are planning a tomorrow filled with promise and opportunity… and we’re Planning Tomorrow Together. Thank you for considering becoming a partner in the Mount’s success now and well into the future. For more information, please contact Department of University Advancement at 902.457.6470 or by email at giving@msvu.ca
Donor Report April 1, 2010 – March 31, 2011 Colour Communications & Public Relations Foundation Dalhousie University Deloitte Dr. Basil Blanchard Professional Corporation Elford Communications Fennell & Associates Appraisers Limited Film Nova Scotia Greater Halifax Partnership Greenouch Rental Agency Halifax Port Authority Halifax Regional Municipality Harrison McCain Foundation Hayes Developments Limited International Women’s Forum Jackman Foundation Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette KPMG Charitable Foundation KPMG LLP Macdonald Chisholm Trask Insurance MAW Charitable Trust Mount Saint Vincent University MSV Alumnae Association MSVU Advancement Department MSVU Faculty Association MSVU Students’ Union MT&L Public Relations Limited Nova Scotia Business Inc. Nova Scotia Power Inc. Overstock Outlet Inc. Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Pathways to Freedom Project Pepsi-Cola Canada Beverages RBC Foundation RBC Royal Bank Saint Mary’s University President’s Office Sinclair Billard and Weld Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul Stewart McKelvey
Sushi Nami Royale TD Bank Group TD Insurance Meloche Monnex The Craig Foundation The John and Judy Bragg Family Foundation The Liz and Tony Comper Foundation The McCain Foundation The Shaw Group Limited The Sobey Foundation Theodore R. & Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Foundation Inc. University of British Columbia WBLI Chartered Accountants
Estates The Estate of Catherine Godwin The Estate of John Knodell The Estate of Lenore Pelham The Estate of Marial Mosher The Estate of Marion Sigsworth The Estate of Mary Young The Estate of Naomi Hersom The Estate of Patricia Keene The Estate of Patrick Power
Gifts were made to the Mount in Memory of Ada Wiggins Autumn Mombourquette Dyrick McDermott ’94 Edwin Tilley Hari Das Letitia Picken Lillian Wainwright ’93 Margaret Long ’43 Mary Lordly Michelle Gray Paule Cantin ’64 Peter Limm Raymond Campbell Robert Bagg Roger Hartley Ruth Kinsman Sheila Lambert Danny Weston
Gifts were made to the Mount to Honour Chris Beckett Ramona Lumpkin Lindy Herrington ’11 Craig Walsh ’11 Max Herrington ’11 Chelsea Stewart ’11 Joshua King ’11 Suzanne Seager Kim West Noella Brennan Fisher ’59
Mystics’ Society David Burchill ’08 Sarah Carlos ’10 Jillian Chaulk- Kalberlah ’09 Crystal Chenell ’08 Louise Cooke ’08 Lori Cox ’10 Jordan Dicks ’10 Adelle Fletcher ’08 Cristina Gobessi ’10 Shawnette Griffin ’09 Annie Gulliver ’10 Lindy Herrington ’11 Max Herrington ’11 Lisa Hollohan ’09 Kelly Hume ’09 Michelle Innes ’10 Joshua King ’11 Barbara Kanellakos ’10 Melanie LeBlanc ’08 Carolyn Leon ’10 Gregory Nix ’10 Sandra Schnare ’09 Chelsea Stewart ’11 Rebecca Todd ’10 Richard Zurawski ’10 Craig Walsh ’11
1873 Society Evelyn Burnham ‘82 Jane L. Cook & David J. Marcogliese S. Lynn Coveyduck ‘96 Janet MacMillan ‘81 Carolyn Nobes ‘97 Elizabeth Parr-Johnston, CM M. Jane Phillips Barbara B. Pike Rosemarie Sampson ‘68 *We are saddened by the loss of our friends and community members.
While we have made every effort to ensure accuracy, please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions. Please contact University Advancement at 902.457.6470 or email giving@msvu.ca if you believe we have made an error on this list. Alumnae donors are listed with the year of their most recent degree from the Mount.
Our donors directed their funds to the following... Teaching Learning and Research Centre Department/program Scholarships Bursaries, Prizes & Awards Unrestricted
3% 6%
Funding Priority:
Recently, Mount Saint Vincent University launched Project TWENTY12 - the most ambitious fundraising project in our history – to provide our students with a learning environment that is contemporary, technology rich and interactive. In addition to providing students with the best learning experience, in the best environment for learning, the most unique aspect of the new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre will be the dedication of every aspect of the building to the contributions of women. If you wish to receive information on how to celebrate the women in your life through Project TWENTY12, please contact University Advancement at giving@msvu.ca or 902.457.6470.
Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association
President’s Message th
Board of Directors
Deanne MacLeod, BBA ’92
ersa v i n n A
Ninety years ago this December, a group of Mount graduates decided to form an association of Mount Alumnae, hoping the relationships they formed during their time at the Mount would endure long after their studies were completed. Unfortunately, much of the documentation around establishment of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association (MSVAA) was lost in the fire of 1951. However, since the MSVAA is still going strong, we can only assume that their goal was worthwhile and remains relevant now. Today, the Mount’s Alumnae Association still works hard to keep former students connected with each other and engaged in the Mount community. Through ongoing communications (such as Folia Montana and Facebook), events (such as Alumnae Weekend and the MSV Golf Classic) and alumnae receptions, the MSVAA allows Mount alum to keep in touch and stay current on the activities of the Mount. The MSVAA also provides one of many venues for alum to contribute to the university in a variety of ways, both collectively and as individuals. For example, from our fundraising activities, the MSVAA has been able to provide student scholarships, awards and prizes, and has pledged $50,000 toward Project TWENTY12 – the current campaign to raise funds to build a new teaching, learning and research centre on campus, replacing the ‘temporary’ Seton Annex and the ‘aged’ buildings housing women’s studies and the Nova Scotia Centre on Aging. In addition, MSVAA members volunteer in support of the Mount both on and off campus, investing their time and talents to make the university experience a fulfilling one for today’s students. There currently are many inspiring things going on at the Mount, as you will see in the articles in Folia. I encourage all alumnae to take notice, to take pride, and to take a moment to consider what the Mount means to you, and support the Mount in whatever way you can. I look forward to serving the Alumnae Association as President over the next two years, and welcome your input and your support. With best regards,
Dr. Ramona Lumpkin
Executive Committee President: Deanne MacLeod, BBA ’92 Vice President: Lisa Whynott, BOA ’94 Immediate Past President: Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 Secretary: Alanna Mason, BSc ’92 Treasurer: Tanya Baggio, BBA ’95
Members at Large Todd Brayman, BBA ’98 Alison DeLory, BPR ’98 Stephanie Hale, BOA ’03 Tanya Lorimer-Charles, BBA ’89 Adrienne MacDonald, BTHM ’06 Tara MacDonald, BBA ’06 Kelly MacLeod, MAEd ’01, MEd ’05 Terri Mann, CertBusi ’03, BTHM ’06 Kevin Sanford, BBA ’03 Erin Tomlinson, BPR ’04, BEd ’08 Caroline Wolfe Stewart, BScHEc ’90
Student Representatives Claire MacEwan, MSVU Students’ Union
Alumnae Representatives on Mount Board of Governors Deanne MacLeod, BBA ’92 Lisa Whynott, BOA ’94 Caroline Wolfe Stewart, BScHEc ’90
Ex Officio Shani Pearson, Manager, Alumnae Relations
Alumnae Gatherings & Celebrations 1. Academy Alumnae Gathering The Academy class of 1971 marked their 40th reunion with a weekend of activities including a reception in the Penthouse at Caritas Centre and a barbeque in Prospect Bay. Alumnae from the classes of 1967-1972, as well as teachers from the Academy, joined in the fun in August 2011.
2. Chancellor’s Dinner Members of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association joined the celebrations honouring Shirley Forde, BSc ’57, MAEd ’62 as she received the Mount’s Exceptional Service Award in May 2011.
3. Alumnae vs. Students Trivia Night Alumnae and Mount students were tested at the first Alumnae vs Students Trivia Night held in Vinnie’s Pub in September 2011. The winners: a team of alumnae and Mount students working together! 4. Garden Party A warm summer day at the Mount’s community garden played host to the Faculty of Education’s first annual garden party for alumnae in August 2011.
3 4
5. Saint John Gathering Alumnae in Saint John and alumnae attending the CPRS conference in the Convention Capital on the Bay gathered to connect with fellow alumnae in June 2011. 6. Home Ec Grads from 1954 Meet In July 2011, alumnae from the home economics class of 1954 met in Halifax. Joanne (Zwicker) McKee, BHEc ’54, who sits last on the right, sent this note: “This group of students was the last freshman class to enroll in home economics at the Mount/Motherhouse, as the January 1951 fire destroyed the Mount Saint Vincent Complex.” The group also travelled to Saulnierville, NS and Windsor, NS to see classmates.
Golfing for a Good Cause Great golfing weather kept spirits high as alumnae and friends of the Mount gathered at Granite Springs Golf Club for the MSV Golf Classic 2011. Much laughter was heard on the course throughout the day, as golfers enjoyed the games and goodies on the holes. Golfers returned to the club house for a fine steak dinner while emcee Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 and auctioneer David Brien, BBA ‘97 kept everyone entertained. The MSV Golf Classic 2011 raised more than $15,000 in for alumnae association initiatives in support of Mount students. RBC presented a cheque for $1,000 from the RBC Foundation for an alumnae association bursary.
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Thanks to gold sponsor Stewart McKelvey for their generous support, and gratitude to all the sponsors, golfers and volunteers for making the annual MSV Golf Classic a success.
MSV Golf Classic 2011 Committee Rick Walkden, CertBusi ’84, Chair Greg Condon Rebecca Gasek, BA’98 Stephanie Hale, BOA ‘03 Karen Harrie, DipBusi ‘08 Jill Hurlbert, BTHM ‘93 Jamie Kelly Sheldon Miller, BBA‘99 Shani Pearson Beth Pyesmany-Arsenault Kevin Sanford, BBA ‘03 Don Theriault, Hon. Alumnus
Volunteers Claire MacEwan, MSVU Students’ Union Kelly MacLeod, MAEd ‘01, MEd ‘05 Alanna Mason, BSc ‘92 Daniel McKenna, MSVU Students’ Union Brian Morse, MSVU Students’ Union Julie Smith, MSVU Students’ Union Michelle Zwicker, MSVU Students’ Union
Grand Green Sponsors
Mar y Cossitt
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The night the Mount burned
The Mount be fore
the fire of 1951
Reception commemorates 60 th anniversary of fire
n the evening of January 31, 1951, the coldest night in the memory of Halifax, fire was discovered in a storage area at the Motherhouse. It was the main building at the Mount housing the chapel, library, classrooms and residents. By the time dawn broke, the entire structure was lost. The cause remains a mystery. The fire changed the landscape of the Mount, leaving many heartbroken. But from the flames and ashes the Mount rebounded, as a stronger and more vibrant community. Three hundred students and 100 sisters evacuated. Some academy students were relocated to the Gainsborough Hotel in Hubbards, NS, and others were sent to other schools and residences in the Halifax area temporarily. Much was lost including 60,000 books, the archives, musical instruments, statues and paintings from the chapel, a doll collection and many other personal belongings. Twice-weekly fire drills are credited with saving lives. The fact that no one was injured is a miracle. The fact that classes resumed in the Catholic Centre on February 9, is astounding – and a testament to the resilience of the sisters and students. A reception marking the 60th anniversary of the fire was held during alumnae weekend 2011. Many who were on campus the night the Mount burned were on hand to tell their stories and share memories. Mary Cossitt, BA ’51, who was student union president in 1951, recalled seeing flames from her room in the nearby Marillac residence. In a moving speech, she described waking in the middle of the night and alerting one of the resident nuns. Together they watched as smoke rose over the Mount complex. Quickly they heated up cans of tomato juice to make ‘soup’ with which to greet
those girls who walked through the snow, many of them in slippers and pajamas, to warmth and safety at Marillac. “We had to bathe their cold and wet feet to get their frozen slippers off,” Cossitt recalled. Penelope (Stanbury) Russell, ACAD ’56, was an 11-year-old boarder in grade seven at the time. A fireman woke her, pulling open the curtain in her alcove and urging Russell to, “Get up, get dressed, quickly, quietly.” At the reception she described her shock as the structure burned. “The Mount was huge. The size of the fire, closeness to the highway and heat were overwhelming.” Russell says the fire was a defining moment in her life that taught her many lessons. “We learned to get along without a lot of things we thought we needed, like privacy.” The girls boarded in large army-style barracks while construction of Evaristus was completed, and their new post-fire classrooms had no heat or electricity. Russell also said the fire taught her to stay calm in an emergency. Joanne (Dysart) Leblanc, ACAD ’52, says she was glad she had time to clean out her locker, which included seven cents, a grey sweater and a ticket to Moncton that she used to return home temporarily. “We didn’t get excited or scared. The nuns kept us calm. It was only on the way to Marillac – in my heels and fur coat – that I turned around and said, ‘It’s gone.’ The flames really unnerved me.” To this day Leblanc says she will not move into an apartment, as she remains nervous about living in close proximity with others who might accidentally start a fire. Helen Landry, BHEc ’54, MAHEd ’56 remembers arriving at Marillac and the tomato ‘soup’ Cossitt and the nuns had prepared. “That soup was so comforting.”
Class Notes Folia Montana is pleased to announce it will now publish photos to accompany milestone events in the lives of Mount alumnae. Please let your classmates know what you are up to by sending a brief update to alumnae@msvu.ca, and if you’d like, please include a high-resolution photo, too. We want to showcase weddings, baby announcements, or pictures of your career highlights, so get snapping! Our first featured model is Logan, son of Alison Stark, BBA ’95. Logan, who was born November 13, 2010, is clearly future Mount material, and proudly sports a Mount sweatshirt.
Mary (Coolen) Macnab, BSc ’61, BEd ’62
Christine Power, BScN ’77
Catherine Woodman, BPR ’84
Atlantic Business Magazine has named Christine, President and CEO at the Capital District Health Authority, as one of the top five CEOs in Atlantic Canada.
Atlantic Business Magazine has named Catherine, President and CEO of the United Way, Halifax Region, as one of the top five CEOs in Atlantic Canada.
Wendy (Thompson) Hansen, CDC ’79
Natalie MacLean, BPR ’89
Mary and her husband Ron celebrated their 70th birthdays by walking the Camino de Santiago, a 760-kilometre medieval pilgrim trail through northern Spain. They departed from St. Pied de Port in France, and seven weeks later arrived at Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Mary is interested in hearing from other grads who have walked the Camino: marymacnab@ns.sympatico.ca
Barbara Burton, BHEc ’61
After leaving the Mount, Barbara attended the Maritime School of Social Work and obtained a BSW and MSW (from St. Mary’s University), and went on to a 32-year career as a hospital social worker at the Victoria General in Halifax. She retired in 1994, returned to studying music and continued volunteering. Barbara was awarded life memberships on the boards of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and the National Broadcasting Reading Service.
1976 Cindy Reardon, DipSec ’76
Cindy recently accepted a position on campus as executive assistant to the Mount’s President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ramona Lumpkin. Cindy’s daughter, Emma, is a member of the Mount Mystics women’s basketball team and her son, Kenneth, plays on the men’s basketball team.
Wendy works as an education assistant with the Calgary Board of Education. While traveling with her daughter, Rebecca, in Dominica, she re-connected with Paula Shillingford, BSc ’81, writing it was “so good to see university friends. Paula and I are both looking for Anita Chislett/Warren.” Email: swim4myhealth@hotmail.com
1982 Karen Deprey, BHEc ’82
Karen is currently self-employed and working in Lexington, KY. “Hi, I was class president in 1982 and have lost contact with all my friends,” she wrote. “Would love to reconnect.” Email: karen.deprey@ thedepreygroup.com
Natalie has launched a new free mobile application for Canadian wine lovers. The Natalie MacLean Wine Picks & Pairings app lets you use your smartphone camera to snap a picture of any bottle label bar code in the liquor store. With one click, you get tasting notes, scores, and food pairings.
1992 Alanna Mason, BSc ’92
Alanna is currently living in Halifax and just celebrated her 20th Anniversary with Gateway Homes Inc. where she is supervisor and support staff.
1993 Todd Bechard, BBA ’93
Todd is now the executive vice-president, Atlantic Canada, for Cominar REIT, a real estate investment trust company.
In keeping with an honoured Mount tradition, we present orchids to the following outstanding members of the Mount community.
Two honorary doctorates named to Order of Canada
Annette Verschuren, DHumL ‘96, has been named an Officer of the Order of Canada for her contributions to Canada’s retail industry and as a champion of corporate social responsibility. Dr. Samantha Nutt, DHumL ‘11, has been named a Member of the Order of Canada for her contributions to improving the plight of young people in the world’s worst conflict zones. Nutt is a medical doctor and War Child founder and executive director.
Jodrey named outstanding volunteer
Dr. Martha Jodrey was named outstanding volunteer Fundraiser at the 2011 Maritime Philanthropy Awards. As an educator and activist, it has been Jodrey’s personal passion to ensure that all students enjoy a level playing field and have equal opportunities to advance their education and skills. Jodrey assumed the helm of the Mount’s Building Tomorrow Together capital campaign and took advantage of every opportunity to inform and approach prospects to secure the necessary donations to endow the Gail and Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Learning Disabilities at Mount Saint Vincent University.
Nancy’s Chair also a Trudeau Foundation mentor
Dr. Rita Shelton Deverell, Nancy’s Chair in Women’s Studies at the Mount, was recently appointed as a mentor for two 2011 recipients of the Trudeau Foundation Scholarship. The scholarship is an initiative of the Trudeau Foundation in memory of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Deverell has been paired with two PhD students at the University of Alberta: one scholar is in linguistics; the other in English and film studies with an environmental dissertation topic.
Funding for community garden grows
The Mount Community Garden has received a $10,000 grant from the Evergreen Foundation to expand. The garden is a sustainably managed community garden on campus open to the students, faculty and staff as well as all individuals and organizations in the surrounding community. Kim Sheppard, Mount Community Garden Coordinator, says, “It’s a place of recreation and a place to learn about growing and using local food.” A section of the garden is also devoted to growing food to donate to the Mount Food Bank.
Professor showcases artwork at local café
Dr. Jeff Macleod, associate professor of political studies, recently held an art show at the Paperchase café in downtown Halifax. Check out his work at www.highlandheart1968.deviantart.com
1995 David McKeage, BPR ’95
David is the executive director and founder of the Brigadoon Children’s Camp Society for children with chronic illnesses. Camp opened in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley this August and the first group of campers, children with irritable bowel syndrome, arrived in August to participate in “Camp Guts and Glory.”
1996 Jennie (Johnson) Jackson, BPR ’96
Jennie has completed a masters in teaching degree from Charles Stuart University in Australia and is working as a grade five teacher in Victoria, Australia. “Looking to get in contact with Paul (from my PR degree) and Jenn (from Assisi Hall),” she writes. Email: jennie.e.jackson@gmail.com.
1997 Tanya Shaw Weeks, BA ’97,
Tanya is CEO of Unique Solutions, a high-tech body measurement company, and her latest business venture, My Best Fit, was highlighted on Good Morning America and in People magazine in April. Weeks’s ’jeans machine scanner,’ in American malls, tells you what style and size of jeans best fit your body.
Mary Anne Arsenault, BA ’97
Mary Anne was recently inducted into the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame for being part of one of the best curling teams in Nova Scotia History. Along with teammates Colleen Jones, Nancy Delahunt, and Kim Kelly, Mary Anne won five Canadian Championships (four in a row) and two World Championships over a six-year period.
1999 Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99
Sheldon welcomed a new baby boy in January of this year. Sam is a younger brother to Sara, 4, and Addie, 2. Sheldon continues to work as a management consultant with Deloitte and lives in Dartmouth, NS with his wife Deanna and their kids.
Class Notes Mark the Date Annual Dinner for Mount Alumnae and Friends Thursday, March 1, 2012 5.30 for 6.00 pm Rosaria Student Centre Mount Saint Vincent University For information, contact alumnae@msvu.ca or visit msvu.ca/alumnae
1999 Ayngelina Brogan, BPR ’99
Ayngelina’s travel blog, Bacon is Magic (www.baconismagic.ca), has been named one of the Top 50 Influencers in Travel by travelllll.com. It was also listed by Huffington Post as one of the Top Travel Blogs to Discover and by Brendan’s Adventures as one of the Top 100 Independent Travel Websites.
2001 Paula King, BPR ’01
Paula welcomed a new little addition to the family, Cooper Robert Hagel, on January 15, 2011. Cooper’s first big trip with his parents is a five-week European tour in the fall of 2011.
2002 Gary Logan, BA ’02
Gary was selected for the U.S. State Department’s International Visitor Leadership program. He traveled to five U.S. cities over three weeks to study North American security issues, immigration, and U.S./Canada relations.
Nadia Hinds, BPR ’02
Nadia recently assumed a new position as communication advisor with the Provincial Healthcare Innovation Fund in Halifax.
2005 Dawn MacNutt, DHumL ’05
Dawn showcased a new body of artwork in July at Argyle Fine Art in Halifax. Her unique sculptures made of woven willow and copper wire emphasized partnership and friendship.
2008 Deborah Adams, BA ’08
Deborah is the owner of PeopleCan Consulting, which specializes in diversity and inclusion, and the advancement of women in trades.
2009 Christopher Noel, BEd ’09 & Amy Derrah, BEd ’09
Chris and Amy were married on August 14, 2011 in a beautiful outdoor ceremony held at Shining Waters Marina, Tantallon, NS. Chris and Amy are currently living and teaching in Japan.
The Annual Mount Community Art Show November 24 to December 11, 2011 Celebrate MSVU Art Gallery’s 40th anniversary this year by participating in the Annual Mount Community Show. Mount Saint Vincent students, staff, faculty and alumnae are invited to enter examples of their creative work in the annual extravaganza. All creative work is welcome (visual art, music, performance, craft, literary, etc.) Pick up an entry form in Mount Library or the Art Gallery. Entries will be accepted in the Art Gallery office in Seton, from November 8-18, 9 am to 5 pm. Musical and dramatic performances and readings may be scheduled by calling Traci Steylen at 902.457.6160. The opening reception is Thursday, November 24, 12 pm. All are welcome.
Grads around the globe Name: Rania H. El Bakry, BPR ‘94 Where I live now: Cairo, Egypt Job: Manager, Digital and Direct Communication at Mobinil, Egypt’s first mobile service operator
What brought me to Egypt was . . . the great employment opportunities, especially in the telecommunication sector, when I moved back in 1998. After graduating at the Mount, I worked at Global Television for three-and-a-half years, gained good experience in this field and then decided to move back to Egypt in 1998, since it is my birthplace. I wanted to share the education I received at the Mount and the experience I gained working at Global with Egypt. Living here suits me because . . . with more than 80 million people, the Egyptian market has fantastic potential and with a variety of sectors opening up and others expanding exponentially, it is great place to work. Egypt values international education and my Canadian experience gives me an edge. The best thing about living here is . . . the warm, hospitable and tremendously kind people. Egyptians have great ambitions for themselves and their country, especially following the people’s peaceful revolution of January 25, 2011. The great energy of the people can be felt in the air. Having sun almost 365 days a year is also amazing! Going to the Mount helped prepare me to live and work in Egypt by . . . giving me an opportunity to interact with other cultures as part of the international community. I also cherish the small numbers in the classes and my on-campus job experience working in DUET. Having an integrated and complete social life there helped make me the person I am today and gave me tools to use anywhere in the world. The most remarkable experience I’ve had working in Egypt is . . . seeing my current employer, Mobinil, go from 80,000 subscribers as a start-up in 1998 to more than 30 million
in 2011. When I started we had 57 employees and worked out of offices in the Nile Hilton Hotel. Beds were removed from the hotel rooms and replaced by banquet tables for desks, we had to take turns using computers, and the hotel restaurants and cafés were our lunch rooms and coffee break areas. Now there are 3,000 employees in proper offices. What I like most about life in Egypt is . . . the ability to learn new things every day. There is no routine in Egypt, every day brings new things from the simple unexpected traffic jam to a revolution that changed the face of a nation. I also love that I pass by the Nile every day on my way to the office. What I miss most about going to the Mount is . . . the hike to Marywood and the way the Mount looked when it was covered in snow. The physical beauty of the place, coupled with the brilliant education, are highlights of my experience at the Mount. I feel really fortunate that I am still in touch with many of my colleagues and professors via social media. I don’t feel so out of touch despite the distance. The advice I’d give to alumnae considering working abroad is to . . . learn about the people of that place before you head there. People are impressed if you know a word or two in their language. Be a good ambassador for Canada and the Mount and be very proud you belong to both. Mix with the people and the place and don’t compare. See the beauty of where you are in a brand new light and don’t think of what you don’t have, but appreciate what you do have.
In this new feature, Folia Montana will profile alumnae working abroad. If you are currently employed outside of Canada and willing to talk about how your time at the Mount helped prepare you, we’d love to hear from you. Email: alumnae@msvu.ca.
Shopping for Mount Gear just got easier! Visit the bookstore’s e-store where alumnae, students, faculty and friends can purchase quality crested merchandise online. Even better, you can choose to personalize your purchase with either the Mount Alumnae or University logo.
Check out the e-shop at http://msvu.fundytextile.com/ to order your Mount gear.
IN TOUCH Do you know the face? Can you help identify the faces, when exactly the photo was taken, and what they were up to? Please let us know. Contact: Editor, Folia Montana at alumnae@msvu.ca, or Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS B3M 2J6.
Online Communities Join our online communities on Facebook and LinkedIn. You will find Mount alumnae groups on both social networking sites. Also, become a fan of Mount Saint Vincent University on Facebook! Find friends, hear about alumnae events and stay connected. Folia via Email Prefer to read Folia at your computer? Let us know by contacting alumnae@msvu.ca and the next time Folia is published we will send you an email with a link to the latest issue. Class notes What are you up to lately? Let your classmates know your news by sending pics and announcements to alumnae@msvu.ca Address Changes Moving? Help us keep you informed about the Mount. Call 902.457.6470 or 1.888.678.2586 (toll free in Canada/USA/Bermuda), email alumnae@msvu.ca or update your contact information online at www. msvu.ca/alumnae Advertising Advertising inquiries 902.457.6433 or alumnae@msvu.ca. Discount available for alumnae.
You knew the face The three people in this photo are, from left: Phyllis Thibodeau, Lavina Jackman and her pal Margaret-Ann Coughlan. Those last two were inseparable. I will always remember Lavina’s voice calling out, “Margaret-Ann! Where are you?” on the third floor of the residence. – Sheila (Finn) Groves, BHEc ‘60 This photo appeared in the 1958 Kappa Kronicle (yearbook) page 6. Under student government this was the dining room committee and we may all have been in Home Economics. Back row: (myself) Phyllis Thibodeau, BHEc ‘60, BEd ’65, Margaret-Ann Coughlan, BHEc/BEd ‘60. – Phyllis (Thibodeau) Cameron, BHEc ‘60 with do you know face pic p. 27 Spring 2011 Folia Montana
Correspondence Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 F: 902.445.3962 The Mount respects your privacy and we want you to know that it is important to us. We use your information to keep you informed of Mount events and news, including the distribution of Folia Montana and Alumnae e-news. The information is used to administer our programs and services which includes allowing our affinity partners to occasionally send you information about products or services we consider valuable. In these cases, we protect your privacy as we never provide your name or contact information directly to the supplier; all contact is through a thirdparty organization operating under strict rules of confidentiality. You can, of course, choose not to receive such communications. If this is your preference, please let us know by calling 902.457.6470 or 1.888.MSV.ALUM (toll free in Canada/USA/Bermuda) or via email at alumnae@msvu.ca
In memoriams 1930s Velda Honora Cashin April 12, 2011 Lillian Myrtle (Wagstaff) Elliott, BSc (SecSc)’39 August 23, 2011 Madeline (Davison) Ward, ACAD ’33 April 9, 2011
The Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association has made a donation towards Alumnae Association scholarships and bursaries in memory of the following alumnae.
Sr. Frances Broderick (Margaret Ignatius), BA ’64 March 6, 2011 Sr. Mary Ella Donovan (Mary Bertille), BSc ’65 April 4, 2011 Sr. Irene Grady (Gertrude Aloysia), BSc ’65 February 28, 2011
Ann C (McCarren) Hurley, BSc ’64, BA ’70 January 28, 2011
Margaret Teresa (McDonald) Burns December 29, 2010
Sr. Paula Kelley (Anne Cyril), BSc ’65 March 31, 2011
Greta Granville, ACAD ’40 August 5, 2011
Barbara Ann (MacDonald) Kriemelmeyer, JRDIP ’65 June 1, 2011
Elizabeth “Betty” Therese Perry January 28, 2011 M. Elizabeth “Liz” Walker, ACAD ’40 April 17, 2010 Sister Katherine Mary Horgan BA ’42, BLA ’53 October 5, 2011
1950s Sheila Mary (Dunphy) Huck, BA ’51, BEd ’52 July 31, 2011 Sr. Mary Miles McNeil, BA ’58 July 3, 2011 Sr. Elizabeth Rice (Gerald Adrian), ACAD ’53 June 25, 2011
1960s Georgette Bergstrom, BA ’64, BEd ’66 October 5, 2011
Sandra Marie (Holl) McNeil, BA ’64 July 6, 2011 Sr. Marcella Ryan (Marita), BSC ’64 May 29, 2011
1970s Sherri Elizabeth (Davis) Dow, CDC ’77 June 8, 2011 Eleanor “Elly” MacNutt , BBA ’74 December 6, 2009 Sr. Delia McAuliffe (Mary Brigid), BA ’73 July 31, 2011 Maxine Elizabeth Young, BScN ’74 August 25, 2011
1980s Rosemarie (Jeffries) Bauchman, BA 81 October 3, 2010 Catherine Lee Ann Peck, BHEc/BscHE ’80 November 22, 2010
1990s Anne Virginia (Hayes) Murray, MAEd ’99 June 30, 2011 Myrna Slater, DHumL ’96 July 23, 3011
2000s Hazel W. Duncan, BA ’02 May 29, 2011 Helen Lane Keirstead, BCY ’01 May 13, 2011
Mount Community Joan Marie Beairsto Former Employee April 13, 2011 Madeline Rose Campbell Former Employee June 6, 2011 Claude C. Collins Former Chef May 4, 2011 Dr. Larry Fisk Retired Faculty July 25, 2011 John Gratwick Former member of Board of Governors July 23, 2011 Lenora Ann (Musial) Merrigan Former Employee August 24, 2011 Marinus H. “Rene” van Nieuwenhuizen Chef René May 1, 2011
Poet and teacher, Maxine Tynes, DHumL, 1992 Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters, Maxine Tynes, DHumL ‘92, died in Halifax on Sept. 12, 2011. Maxine was an East Coast poet and longtime high school English teacher. Her first book of poetry, Borrowed Beauty, was published in 1987. Her other works include Woman Talking Woman (1990), Save the World for Me (1991), a book of poetry for adolescents, and The Door of My Heart (1993). Maxine is celebrated for writing about feminism and black culture, and for giving minority or disadvantaged people a voice. She was a powerful performer and media savvy, working occasionally as a broadcaster and writing poems about radio, television and mass media. She was named 1988 People’s Poet and there is a room at the Alderney Gate public library in Dartmouth named for her. She was a seventh-generation Nova Scotian, with ancestors tracing back to the Black Loyalists. Maxine Tynes was 62.
Women’s Wall of Honour
Celebrate a remarkable woman in your life Mount Saint Vincent University is proud to dedicate its new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre to great women from all walks of life. You have the opportunity to commemorate a great woman by reserving a space in her name on the Women’s Wall of Honour -- a central feature of the Mount’s new Teaching, Learning and Research Centre. Your honouree’s name will take its place on the Women’s Wall of Honour along with other great women whose lives and contributions are being celebrated. As well, you may choose to honour a deceased loved one or friend, and celebrate an extraordinary woman’s life in memoriam on the Women’s Wall of Honour. You may choose to reserve multiple spaces on the wall if you desire. For each woman you honour, you
may select up to three unique descriptors that will be engraved on her plaque. Reserving a name on the Women’s Wall of Honour is easy. Contact us at 902.457.6470 or giving@msvu. ca or make your gift online at msvu.ca/waystogive. You may pledge your contribution over a period of months, arrange for automatic debiting, or pay by cheque or credit card. This unique installation is the only one of its kind in Canada. Its home will be Canada’s leading University primarily focused on the advancement of women.
Each name on the Women’s Wall of Honour is the result of a generous $1,200 sponsorship. To reserve space on the Women’s Wall of Honour, contact us at: University Advancement Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax, NS B3M 2J6 Tel: 902.457.6470 Email: giving@msvu.ca Online: msvu.ca/waystogive
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Fall 2011 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 Canada