Folia Montana 2020

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Folia 2020


Connectwith Us Together is better

Our world is changing, but our connection to our alma mater remains constant.

You are an important part of our Mount family, and we are here for you—for life. Let’s keep in touch. Please make sure we have your updated contact information so we can share information, opportunities, and resources with you. It’s easy – fill out the contact form at or email us directly at @msvualumni @msvu_alumni @msvu_alumni Mount Saint Vincent University

President’s Message Dear MSVU Alumni Family: First and foremost, my sincere thanks to each of you for your steadfast support over the course of the past year and in particular, over the last several months. As always, it is the support of family that we most appreciate in good times, and the support of family that we most need in challenging times. Well – it has been an incredible year – in every sense of the word! The academic year began with changes in our leadership team, as we welcomed new team members, including Dr. Julie McMullin, our Vice-President Academic and Provost; Mustansar Nadeem, our Vice-President Administration; and Dr. Carrie Dawson, our Dean of Arts and Science – each of who have made a significant difference to the landscape and outlook for Mount Saint Vincent University. Throughout the year, we continued our focus on the creation of a new Strategic Plan that will be designed to guide this institution over the course of the coming seven years, and you have played an integral part in that process. Our outreach was expansive, extensive, and exacting, and I am looking forward to sharing the final plan with you in the very near term. In the midst of a successful academic year, the unimaginable happened, and COVID-19 forced us to quickly and determinedly alter course. We did so with the sense of conviction that has seen us through almost 150 years of challenges and achievements – and we did so, as always, with our students at the fore of every decision. Among our efforts on behalf of our students was the creation of the President’s Student Relief Fund designed to assist

students with both immediate and longer-term needs. To date we have assisted hundreds of students, but the need continues to grow. If you would like to learn more about the President’s Student Relief Fund, I would encourage you to visit www.msvu. ca/donate – and I thank you in advance for considering. While this will definitely be recorded as an unforgettable time in history, what I will remember most is the resilience of the MSVU community as each and every team member leaned in to the betterment of this institution. I want to pay tribute to the newest members of the MSVU alumni family – the Class of 2020! Welcome Class of 2020. I encourage you to become active alumni members, stay connected with your classmates and with all members of the MSVU community. As we approach our sesquicentennial, I look forward to a time of celebration and a time in which we welcome you back to campus. We share a rich 150-year history of making a difference in lives, in communities, and in the world, and if that isn’t reason for celebration, I don’t know what is. Be well, and take good care. Sincerely,

Mary Bluechardt President and Vice-Chancellor

Folia 2020



President’s Message Editor’s Note

UNIVERSITY NEWS 6 New to MSVU 6 Medavie Community Kitchen 7 9th Annual Girls Conference 7 Young Women Entrepreneur Program 7 FSGN 20th Anniversary 8 PACE Program 8 CWB Coffee Talk Pilot 8 TD Indigenous Support 8 NYC Business & Tourism Study Tour 8 Co-op 40th Anniversary 9 Mi’kmaw Mid-Winter Feast 9 Tri-Agency Dimensions Pilot 9 Art Gallery opening doors


Tisha Parker-Kemp Natalie Doyle Oldfield Flair Martin


MSVU Faculty hard at work Spotlight on housing insecurity

HIGHLIGHTS 15 16 16 17 17 18

Banner year for Athletics Believing in our Students New Student to Emerging Leader Edwin: Piloting the Latest Technology Transforming Belize Primary School Education

2019 Convocation Ceremonies


28 Message from MSVAA 29 Mount Memories 30 Alumni Networks 32 Reunion Weekend 34 Class Notes 36 Donor Profile 37 Retirees 38 In Memoriam


Studying COVID-19 Disruption to young children’s routines can cause family-related stress


Let’s P.L.A.Y. Christine McLean explores a lost art


Pandemic impact on infant feeding How Nova Scotians have been feeding their babies


Technology in a COVID-19 world Trust and empathy at the heart of digital connection


Support networks for older individuals One way to understand older individuals’ support networks

26 President’s Student Relief Fund Providing critical support for MSVU students 4

Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

Editor’s Note It is the best of times. It is the worst of times.

Editor donalee Moulton Quantum Communications Managing Editor Lori Lancaster, Alumni Relations University Advancement Articles written by donalee Moulton, University Advancement, MSVU Communications and other contributors as noted. University Advancement Meghan Bolhuis Rachel Crozier Denise Green Marguerite Holland Lori Lancaster Erin Patrick Kari Shannon Anne Thibodeau Design & Production: Rand Gaynor Digital Imaging, Prepress Film and Printing Advocate Printing & Publishing, Pictou, NS

Charles Dickens’s words have never rung so poignantly true. We find ourselves on a path not just less taken, but never before taken. The MSVU community, Nova Scotia, the entire country, indeed, the entire world is forging new ground in the midst and the wake of an international pandemic. The COVID-19 crisis has separated us from family, friends, colleagues and in the process has brought us closer together than ever before. Our imaginations and our hearts have never been bigger or brighter. In this issue, some of the scope and depth of what people are doing and doing for us is highlighted. Dr. Christine McLean, an assistant professor in the Department of Child and Youth Study, helps us rediscover the lost art of play. She spells out for us why play is much more than mere fun; for kids, it’s essential to their healthy growth. (“P,” for example, stands for “problem-based learning.”) Other MSVU researchers, as you will read, are actively exploring the impact of pandemic life. Dr. Jessie-Lee McIsaac, for example, wants to help inform the supports needed by families. The Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood led a study about the effects of COVID-19 on Maritime families with young children. Dr. Kyly Whitfield, Applied Human Nutrition assistant professor, has launched a study exploring possible changes to how Nova Scotians are feeding their babies during the pandemic. Such research is critical as we move forward through and, hopefully, past pandemic life. But as we know, and as COVID-19 has driven home day after day, life is about so much more than protecting ourselves. It is about embracing, virtually if not literally, the people and places that give life purpose and bring us joy. Together we will get through this worst of times knowing that the best of times always lies within us.

Fulfilment Services: Russell House Cover Photo: Nick Jones

donalee Moulton

Contact Us | Address Change | Class Notes Alumni Relations, University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax, NS B3M 2J6 Canada T: 902-457-6470 / 1-888-MSV.ALUM (678-2586) (Toll free in Canada / USA / Bermuda only) F: 902-445-3962 E: W:

In loving memory This issue of Folia Montana is dedicated in memory of the 22 Nova Scotians who lost their lives in the mass shooting that devastated our province and broke our hearts. Our love and support are with their families and friends. Our deepest appreciation is extended to the first responders who rushed into danger to help. Together we will heal.

Publication Agreement Number: 40063269

We hope you enjoy reading this issue of Folia. Going forward, we will be issuing Folia in the spring.



Mount Saint Vincent University


Folia 2020



New to MSVU A warm welcome to new members of our leadership team “As a leader I value social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion. I see these values at MSVU and am very excited to be part of this community.”

“I am delighted to join a world class institution with a long history of solid administrative management. I look forward to furthering that work in support of the delivery of quality teaching, learning, research and employment experiences.”

“I am thrilled to be part of a uniquely diverse Faculty that is widely recognized for its personal approach to education.”

Vice-President Academic and Provost

Vice-President Administration

Dean of Arts & Science

Special welcome to Dr. Julie McMullin, MSVU’s new Vice-President Academic and Provost. Julie came to us from the University of Western Ontario where she held the role of Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (International) since 2012. She is a graduate of the University of Toronto (Ph.D. 1996) and an award-winning researcher who has published three books and many articles in high-quality journals.

Mustansar Nadeem joined MSVU as Vice-President Administration. Most recently, he held senior leadership roles at Olds College in Alberta, as Vice-President of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant and is trained extensively in executive and financial leadership.

Dr. Carrie Dawson joined the MSVU community as Dean of Arts and Science. She was previously an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Dalhousie University, where she also served as Department Chair. In addition, she was the Coordinator of the Canadian Studies Program at Dalhousie and President of the Dalhousie Faculty Association. With numerous publications to her name, her current research explores literature by and about refugees in Canada.

MSVU developing nutrition initiative with Medavie Funding MSVU has received $325,000 from Medavie in support of a new three-year nutrition initiative that will bring healthy food knowledge from the lab to the community. Working out of the stateof-the-art Medavie Community Kitchen, located in MSVU’s Centre for Applied Research in Human Health, faculty researchers Dr. Bohdan Luhovyy and Dr.


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

Shannan Grant will build on their existing research to make improvements in the quality of the foods we eat. This includes developing new food products and reformulating existing products to improve their nutrient value in line with Canada’s food guide, influencing health outcomes associated with chronic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.


Ninth annual Girls Conference breeds confidence and self-empowerment by Lisa MacNeil

to become thriving entrepreneurs and the practical knowledge needed to fast track their success in the workplace. In addition to such components as networking and leadership coaching, the program this year will also include such topics as social media marketing, google analytics, and search engine optimization, all of which are becoming imperative skills for successful entrepreneurs.

TD Indigenous Support

Students Afolake Awoyiga and Domini Awoyiga, and poet El Jones Last March, MSVU welcomed over 400 junior and senior high school girls from across the province to the ninth annual Girls Conference hosted by the Alexa McDonough Institute for Women, Gender and Social Justice. Participants had an opportunity to attend various workshops and activity sessions focused on confidence building, leadership skills, and personal and professional growth as well as developing stronger minds and bodies. Grade seven student Domini Awoyiga from Madeline Symonds Middle School has been attending the Girls Conference for the last three years and credits the experience with allowing her to find her voice and to build her confidence. Domini realized her passion for poetry after meeting social activist El Jones at the conference. “El Jones gave me the opportunity to present at one of her workshops last year, and ever since I have been writing my own poems. I write about things like climate change, and last year I attended a workshop on body image so that inspired me to write more poems on that topic.” Domini is grateful for the people who give their time and financial support to make the conference possible. “I’m thankful for all of the donors of the Girls Conference and for the things that they have done to make it the very best it is.”

The TD Bank Group has donated $500,000 to MSVU in support of Indigenous students and programming. Through this support, the university continues to benefit from the leadership of Patrick Small Legs-Nagge, special advisor to the president on Aboriginal affairs, who provides strategic direction, supports Aboriginal learners, and develops initiatives, programs and policies that respond to student, Aboriginal community, and institutional needs. TD Bank Group’s support will also help establish a new TD Aboriginal Student Bursary that will provide financial assistance for Aboriginal students.

Family Studies & Gerontology Celebrate Milestone Anniversary

RBC and CWB offering program for young women entrepreneurs Since 2017, RBC and the Centre for Women in Business at MSVU have been hosting the Alliance of Young Women Entrepreneurs program. The first of its kind in Canada, the program guides female MSVU undergraduate and graduate students from any academic program from the idea stage to the implementation stage of their business, free of charge. Through mentorship and peer-to-peer advising, students gain the competencies required

MSVU’s Department of Family Studies & Gerontology marked their 20th anniversary in 2019 where alumni, faculty, staff, and guests took part in a wonderful reception on campus. Folia 2020



Physical literacy program guides children Online pilot program launched to connect in purposeful play at their own PACE rural women in business For more than 27 years, the Centre for Women in Business (CWB) at MSVU has been an advocate for women in business across Nova Scotia, providing opportunities and resources for women to achieve success in entrepreneurship. The CWB’s newest pilot program, Coffee Talk, is a monthly, online program designed to connect rural women in business with each other, encourage collaborations, and improve business skills. The program will increase networking opportunities for women business owners who may not have the resources or the access to do so otherwise. Amanda Dean, VP-Atlantic, Insurance Bureau of Canada and Vice Chair of the MSVU Board of Directors, Dr. Sarah Reddington, and MSVU President Dr. Mary Bluechardt.

Business & Tourism study tour to New York City packed with lifelong lessons

MSVU has celebrated the launch of the 2020 PACE Program. PACE, which stands for Physically Active Children Excel, is a free, weekly play-based physical movement program for young children aged three to seven. The PACE program is designed to be fully inclusive and allows all children to participate in and explore play at their own pace, with the ultimate goal of improving their physical literacy using such activities as obstacle courses, motor-sensory stations, manipulative skills, hand/eye coordination, and parachute activities. Based on the success of previous pilots, extensive planning by program founder and director Dr. Sarah Reddington, and a $10,000 contribution from the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the most recent program featured new equipment and brought expanded participation – while it was previously available only to children from the University’s Child Study Centre, this year’s program was open to the community.

Celebrating 40 years of co-operative education at MSVU MSVU celebrated an impressive milestone in 2019 with the 40th anniversary of its co-operative education program – the longest-standing nationally accredited co-op program in the Maritime Provinces. Since 1979, more than 8,000 business administration, public relations, and tourism and hospitality management students have taken their learning from the classroom to the workplace, completing paid work terms in industries related to their field of study. Since 2014, the Mount Co-op Office has also enabled experiential opportunities for Arts and Science students through an Arts & Science Internship Program.


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

Last fall a group of MSVU students, faculty, and staff spent a week in New York City as part of the Business & Tourism Department’s volunteer tourism course. The concept of the course was inspired by the Sisters of Charity - Halifax who started the Living Charity program in 2016 with a trip to New Orleans. While in the Big Apple, the students gave their time to community organizations that are making a big impact in the lives of city residents including St. John’s Bread and Life, an organization that works to relieve hunger and poverty by serving nearly 3,000 meals a day, and the River Fund New York, whose mission is to feed and empower those it serves to break the cycle of poverty.


Mi’kmaw Mid-Winter Feast a celebration of thanksgiving The Aboriginal Student Centre and Office of the President hosted the annual Mi’kmaw Mid-Winter feast for the third year in February. The appetizing event unites MSVU students, faculty, staff, and community members in a traditional celebration of thanksgiving. It’s also an important educational opportunity. The feast kicked off with drumming and singing by Stoney Bear and dancing by youth dancers Lyndon Julian and Jaici Syliboy, followed by a traditional Mi’kmaw meal.

MSVU named pilot institution for equity, diversity and inclusion in research program MSVU is one of 17 universities and colleges from across Canada – and the only Nova Scotia institution – selected to work with the Tri-Agency Dimensions team to foster increased research excellence, innovation, and creativity within the post-secondary sector across all disciplines through increased equity, diversity, and inclusion. The pilot is the next phase of the Dimensions initiative led by the three federal granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council.

MSVU Art Gallery opening doors to art, education and community by Lora Arenburg When MSVU Art Gallery Director Laura Ritchie started at MSVU in December 2018, it was a homecoming nearly a decade in the making. “Since I left for grad school in 2010, I’ve always thought about coming back to the Maritimes” she says. One of her most significant undertakings to date was the Africville: A Spirit That Lives On—A Reflection Project exhibition, a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the original 1989 exhibition. Through artifacts, audiovisual materials, photographs, memorabilia, and other documentation, the exhibitions reflected, as the catalogue notes, “the human drama of a beleaguered community which made a richly varied and self-sufficient life for itself.” With an ample exhibition space on the ground floor and smaller mezzanine above, the gallery has much to offer visitors. Whether it be an exhibition that broadens world views, a meeting place, or a quiet area to provide a moment for reflection, Ritchie’s committed to showing the campus and broader community the many ways in which the gallery can serve them. “Relationships and associations are formed through art; art can form someone’s world view, and everyone has the right to access it,” she says. Ritchie has also been planning for the future with an eye on the 50th anniversary of the gallery coming up in 2021. “To look back at the collections from the last 50 years as a newbie to the gallery is letting me see how I can celebrate the history of the gallery and let its spirit be emblematic for the future,” she says. That look back is expected to include sifting through about 800 pieces in the University’s permanent collection, each piece coming with a history of its own.

Folia 2020



shiftING into high gear

Companies trust Natalie Doyle Oldfield to grow their business

MSVU graduate helps professionals present with pizazz

The two-time Mount graduate uses research to develop important insight for business owners and leaders

In 2017, Tisha Parker Kemp’s world came out from under her. Federal government cuts eliminated her job; in fact, they shut down her entire department. Instead of scurrying to look for a new job, Tisha decided to focus full time on her Master of Education at MSVU. During this time, she was offered contract jobs, project work, and opportunities to consult. She said “yes” to everything, with one condition: the work would have to be done after the semester ended. Before graduation in May 2019, came the official launch of shiftED Academy in 2018, a training and coaching firm based in Halifax. “We went full out for months,” says Tisha. “I felt like it was a gift I didn’t know I wanted.” Today Tisha and her team are sharing their insight with professionals and executives looking to take the next step in their career, offer their workshops virtually, deliver a powerful keynote address, or present a strategic vision to their board of directors. “Most people have an innate fear of public speaking,” says Tisha. “We look at how to overcome the fear and improve presentation skills – both in person and online.” Tisha’s career path started when she moved to Halifax from Canso, NS her hometown. University, she discovered, was initially too overwhelming, so she got a job and then a better job. “I had many entry-level jobs,” says Tisha. “I learned early what I didn’t want to do. I believed I was meant to do something more than I was doing. To explore that, I had to take risks.” Those risks included moving up the corporate ladder to more challenging and demanding positions as well as completing more than 15 certificates and diplomas. “Lifelong learning has shed new light on different strategies of how to learn and how to teach,” Tisha says. “My Master’s degree from the Mount exposed me to the very latest research and taught me how people learn best and most effectively.” It also did much more than that, she adds. “My degree gave me energy and drive. I’m having a ball.” FM

When it comes to growing their businesses successfully, companies around the world trust Natalie Doyle Oldfield. The founder and president of Success Through Trust helps companies thrive by establishing and building their customers’ trust. Using foundational research that she conducted as a graduate student in the Master of Public Relations program, Doyle Oldfield has developed a unique framework that gives companies clear insights into how trust is built, managed and protected. “Trust is the issue of the decade,” she says. A former chief marketing officer, the MSVU grad applied the scientific method to identify the patterns, causes and effects of creating trust within the business world and has presented her findings around the globe. Audiences and companies alike resonate with her informed, practitioner approach to real-time issues that affect immediate and long-term business performance and growth. So do students. Doyle Oldfield has taught undergraduate classes at MSVU and has hired co-op and graduate students and collaborated with faculty to assist in the statistical research and analytics for the creation of her proprietary framework. Named four times as one of the world’s Top Thought Leaders in Trust by Trust Across America, she has written The Power of Trust: How Top Companies Build, Manage and Protect It. The book, officially launched at MSVU, offers a practical guide to building and protecting trust and making it part of the balance sheet of every organization. “Our programs explore business and customer issues that are not taught in classrooms and have a direct impact on sales and revenue,” says Doyle Oldfield. “These issues are critical to successful business performance, such as how customers decide to buy, how they decide to trust, how to build trust and become a trusted advisor, and how to create extraordinary customer experiences.” FM


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends


Anchors away MSVU history graduate uses his university studies to help ensure smooth sailing in his oceanic career Flair Martin starts many of his days this way: by looking out at the ocean. His view isn’t from a cottage close to a lake or an apartment overlooking Halifax Harbour. It’s from on board a catamaran yacht where he lives in the British Virgin Islands. As co-owner of Unplugged Yacht Charters, Flair serves as a yacht charter broker. “It’s like a travel agent for yachts,” Flair explains. His company helps vacationers get their sea legs and fully enjoy many Caribbean destinations aboard an elegant and spacious yachts. “It’s like glamping,” says Flair. “It’s luxurious, but you’re in the elements.” Sailing several of the seven seas wasn’t the career path Flair expected to follow. After graduating from the Mount in 2014 with a BA in history, he went to work in Alberta and then B.C. His partner, Lisa Roland, invited him to visit her in the Turks and Caicos. “I fell in love with the area,” says Flair. He also learned to sail, a skill that forged his career as a skipper for charter companies and subsequently co-founder of his own company. Although history and sailing southern seas may seem worlds

apart, the connections between Flair’s two passions are strong – and numerous, he says. Honing his communication skills as a student has given him an important foundation for building a business that relies on managing expectations, drawing in new clients, and ensuring everyone remembers their Antigua vacation with a smile. His knowledge of history is also an asset. “I tell stories, do research, and even relate some legends, too,” says Flair. “I love these stories,” adds the Cape Breton native. “And I have a better understanding of them now.” For Flair, there is also a personal connection between the history he learned at MSVU and the country he now calls home. “Where I am today, what I am doing today puts the stories of early modern European sailors and the peoples they encountered into context.” FM

Folia 2020



MSVU Faculty making waves in research Highlights from across campus

Dr. Christine Lackner is a professor in the Department of Psychology. Her research incorporates developmental psychology and neuroscience methods to study individual differences in self-regulation and executive functioning during early childhood and adolescence. She is currently finishing up a study of undergraduate students that examines adverse childhood experiences and how these experiences impacted students at the psychological and neurophysiological levels.

Biology professor Dr. Tamara Franz-Odendaal was recently named a Fellow of the American Association for Anatomy and was awarded a $150,000 grant from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). She is also the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s Atlantic Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, and an advocate for women in STEM. Dr. Franz-Odendaal’s research focuses on comparative vertebrate development and evolution, and her research will help the CSA learn more about loss of bone mineral density in astronauts who spend time in space.

Dr. Derek Fisher is an associate professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology, and as of July 1, Acting, AVP Research at MSVU. His research focuses on psychopharmacology and clinical neuroscience. He is currently researching the effects of cannabis on brain function and is also collaborating with Dalhousie University’s Dr. Tara Perrot to study the effects of caffeine on brain function during various stages of the menstrual cycle. He hopes this research will bring more equity to psychopharmacology research as a specific focus on women is uncommon.

Breaking new ground Updates from the university’s Research Office

Grant to study perspectives on end-of-life care

Plant research: reaction to changing environments

Communications Professor Dr. Tracy Moniz has received an Insight Development Grant of $57,866 to study perspectives on end-of-life care. The grant was part of $285 million recently awarded to 6,900 researchers and graduate students across Canada through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Dr. Moniz’s research will analyze stories written by physicians, patients, and caregivers, and compare what their content demonstrates about points of intersection and disconnection in various perspectives on end-of-life care.

Associate Professor of Biology Dr. Mirwais Qaderi explores plant responses to multiple components of climate change: carbon dioxide, temperature, water stress, and ultraviolet-B radiation. His work has important implications for climate change, agriculture, and horticulture, and the aim of his research is to develop a mechanistic understanding of how plants react to changing environments, which is essential for the safeguarding of Canada’s food production.


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

Dr. Michelle Eskritt-Keck is a psychology professor and researcher in the Department of Psychology with a focus on cognitive development. She is studying how external written symbols affect cognitive processing in pre-schoolers, as well as how people use nonverbal cues in communication. She is currently on sabbatical to continue her research in Australia where she is working, in collaboration with a speech language pathologist, to develop a tool to help professionals assess emotional perception.

Dr. Ardra Cole is a professor and researcher in the Faculty of Education. She has been leading a research project about the benefits of dogs living in nursing homes in Nova Scotia in collaboration with Northwood (Atlantic Canada’s largest non-for-profit continuing care organization). Dr. Cole aims to show that dogs don’t need to be left behind when seniors move into a nursing home.

Dr. Gabrielle “Gabie” Durepos is an associate professor in the Department of Business and Tourism and was recently named MSVU’s 2019 Research Excellence Award winner. She is currently a co-investigator on a significant external grant on equity, identity and history in management knowledge. She is also working on an organizational history of the Nova Scotia Museum to examine how it has shared stories about the province through time.

Fungi research and wine making Biology Professor Dr. Gavin Kernaghan uses modern research on fungi to bring new life to the ancient practice of wine making. His work with fungi will help Nova Scotia vintners produce wine the way it was made generations ago, but with a significantly improved process. Most of Dr. Kernaghan’s research focuses on the ecology of fungi and its relationship with plants.

Encouraging healthy food choices Dr. Priya Kathirvel, a professor in the department of Applied Human Nutrition, wants to ensure Canadian consumers can make healthier choices at the grocery store. Pursuing her interest in creating new gluten-free and vegan products, Dr. Kathirvel has investigated using pulses to make foods gluten free by testing ways to ensure appealing flavour, taste, and texture remain while creating snack foods without the use of flour.

Fall 2020



Award-winning research spotlights the issue of housing insecurity for older women Graduate student’s thesis is both informative and artistic by MSVU Communications Kelly O’Neil is a researcher, writer, advocate and artist. These skills are beautifully blended in her stand-out graduate thesis. As part of her master’s degree in Family Studies and Gerontology, Kelly explored the experience of housing insecurity for older women in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) living with a low income – and did so with tremendous artistic flair and impact. As a woman in her late 50s, Kelly experienced living with a low income and recognized how older women may be marginalized in policy and public discussions about issues affecting them. Using hand-drawn illustrations, she brought her thesis to life and gave a face to her research, aiming to bridge her academic work to the community in an accessible and engaging way (a key focus for Kelly), encouraging readers to think and talk about the housing concerns of older women in HRM. As a growing segment of the population, older women’s experiences with housing have not been well represented in research to date. Wanting to know how women linked their health and wellness to their housing, Kelly interviewed 11 women about their experiences. The information she gathered showed that the women had many of the same experiences and expressed that their current situations could always be worse or that they had it better than others. With affordable housing a critical issue in Halifax and beyond, Kelly’s research comes at an important time and features a growing and underrepresented segment of the population. Kelly’s thesis also challenges society to see older women as contributors rather than mainly as consumers of community resources, a stereotype Kelly wants to change. Kelly, who received the 2019 Graduate Thesis Award, has begun the Inter-University Doctoral Program in Educational Studies jointly delivered by MSVU, Acadia and St. FX. Her focus is on engagement and empowerment of low- and modest-income older women through a community radio public affairs program with women aged 55 and older living in HRM. FM


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends


Another banner year for MSVU athletes The MSVU Mystics women’s basketball team claimed top spot at the Atlantic Collegiate Athletic Association (ACAA) Women’s Cross Country take 1st place basketball championships hosted at MSVU this year. The team defeated the University of King’s College Blue Devils 83-66 to win the banner. The team was set to represent the ACAA at the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association national championships on Vancouver Island, but unfortunately due to COVID-19, the tournament was cancelled. The team would have gone into Nationals ranked 6th. The MSVU men’s basketball team ended a stand-out season with an impressive showing in this year’s championships losing a close final game to Mount Allison University. The Mystics cross-country running team had an incredibly successful showing at this year’s ACAA Cross Country Running Championships in PEI, taking home several awards, including a first-place win for our women’s team. Runner Grace Anderson also claimed 1st place overall (individual) and was named ACAA Women’s Cross -Country Runner of the Year; Hannah Baillie claimed 2nd place overall in Women’s Cross Country; Donald Dewolfe claimed 2nd place overall in Men’s Cross Country; and coach Matthias Mueller was named ACAA Coach of the Year. Both women’s and men’s soccer teams and women’s volleyball team also had great seasons that took them to the ACAA playoffs where they battled hard but lost in semifinal action. FM

Congratulations, Mystics! Mount Mystics go virtual with awards celebration In April, the Mount Mystics celebrated a great 2019-20 varsity season with their first-ever virtual awards presentation, dubbed “Best of the Blue – Athletics Awards.” This year’s season witnessed an unusual wrap-up due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 Best of the Blue virtual awards celebration saw Mystics alum, fans, friends, and family all tune in to a Facebook watch party to celebrate the successes of our exceptional student-athletes. Missed it? Check out the full event at

Mystics Women’s Basketball – ACAA Champions 2020 Folia 2020



Mount Saint Vincent University: Believing in their students

From new student to emerging leader

Motivating students to pursue their passions both in and outside of school

Raf Peligro explores life and learning on the other side of the world

Originally from Lebanon, Elsy Makhlouf left home in pursuit of a public relations degree at Mount Saint Vincent University. Coming to Canada as an international student was an adjustment, but she never felt like a stranger at MSVU. “Professors supported me in every step along the way, and I was able to make tremendous improvements with the help of scholarships,” Makhlouf says. After receiving support from the community and achieving recognition through these scholarships, awards and nominations from MSVU, the Canadian Public Relations Society of NS, the Lebanese Chamber of Commerce and the National Research Council of Canada, Elsy felt inspired to start her own company: Lively Public Relations and Branding Inc. Lively is a creative agency that works with local businesses to build brand awareness and community connections. “If not for MSVU, I wouldn’t have been able to believe in myself and my skills, and open my own business,” says Makhlouf. Prior to hanging out her own shingle, Elsy spent four months working for the National Research Council of Canada, where she was nominated for Co-op Student of the Year. Her second work term was with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), and her final work term was with the Halifax Partnership. “I was able to gain diverse work experiences, which helped me grow and believe in myself,” says Makhlouf. “MSVU doesn’t just open up opportunities for you, they also motivate and believe in you.” FM This article is reprinted with permission from The Coast.


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

by MSVU Communications Like most students graduating from high school, Raf Mikhael Peligro was excited to experience all the world has to offer. But unlike most students, he decided to start his post-secondary journey by exploring life on the opposite side of the globe. Now entering his third year of the Bachelor of Public Relations program at MSVU, he believes he has found his path to success. Raf first connected with MSVU via a student fair at home in Cabu, Philippines. Meeting recruitment officer and PR graduate Ashley-Jane Chow and hearing her stories sold him on life and learning at MSVU. “I could tell that PR matched my skills and interests – like writing, interpersonal communications and public speaking,” Raf says. “It’s great because it’s a role every sector needs.” Raf has since jumped into all that student life has to offer. He has helped new students as a Mount Student Ambassador, and in the fall of 2018, co-hosted Open Campus Day, the Mount’s largest, annual on-campus recruitment event. He also sat on the Students’ Union Constitution and Policy Planning Committee. He was celebrated at the A. Garnet Brown Student Awards Night in 2019 as the recipient of the Emerging Leader Award. As for the future, Raf is keeping every door open, though he dreams of working in entertainment (he loves Marvel and Disney). “PR didn’t present itself [to me] until a couple years ago,” he says. “Now I’m studying it on the other side of the world. Nothing in life can be set in stone – you never know what bigger and better opportunities are out there.” FM


Education students piloting the latest educational technology

Faculty helping transform primary school education in Belize

Partnership launched at special MSVU event

Program connects local educators to foster collaborative, mutual learning

MSVU’s Faculty of Education has partnered with Canada’s leading educational publisher to deliver Edwin, the company’s new digital learning ecosystem to MSVU undergraduate and graduate education students. Through this pilot project, funded by Nelson, Edwin will be delivered on a DELL 2-in-1 Chromebook to MSVU Education students. Edwin is built to ensure all teachers and students have equitable access to high-quality learning resources directly linked to provincial curricula. “Edwin puts safe, reliable learning e-resources in the hands of school students in a form that is accessible and equitable,” says Dr. Antony Card, dean of education at Mount Saint Vincent University. “It also has the emerging apps that are now commonly used in teaching.” At the same time as MSVU is piloting the platform with preservice teachers, Nelson is piloting the program in select grade six Nova Scotia classrooms in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. To support this initiative, the Faculty of Education helped to develop localized teacher resources. MSVU is the first university in Atlantic Canada to pilot this program, and the second nationally, presenting a unique opportunity for education students. As part of the pilot, the university will be contributing to research about Edwin and its components. “Our partnership with Nelson means that our pre-service teachers, and teachers in some of our graduate education courses, are becoming familiar with the transformative educational technology of the Edwin computer-based ecosystem,” says Dr. Card. “Edwin is changing the way teaching is happening in schools,” he adds, “and I am delighted that Nelson is supporting MSVU Education students in a way that will positively impact teaching in this province.” FM

By MSVU Communications Almost 4,000 kilometres from Halifax, a group of MSVU educators is helping a nation transform its approach to primary school education. More than 1,500 teachers, about half of all grade-school teachers in Belize, have graduated from a professional development program, provided by MSVU in partnership with the Belizean Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture. It’s a program that seeks to support the country’s primary school teachers in their efforts to implement a new student-centered teaching style. The program began with the government’s push to improve education in their primary schools. Dr. Andrew (Andy) Manning and Alan Dawe of the Mount’s Faculty of Education have been running the US$5 million project for Belizean teachers since August 2015. Approximately 115 primary schools in Belize have participated, with teachers and administrators incorporating new teaching methods for math, science, and language arts into their classrooms. The initial focus of the project was on teacher professional development, but a second component was added mid-way through to design and deliver a program on instructional leadership for school administrators. Teachers participating in the program have also been coached by volunteer Canadian teachers and Belizean teachers seconded from their schools. More than 100 workshop instructors and coaches have participated so far – most of them Nova Scotian teachers. They’ve travelled to Belize where they’ve been connected with local educators in a way that fosters collaborative, mutual learning. “We have been part of something greater than ourselves,” says Dawe. “In order to do what we do, you need a dedicated, effective team, and we are tremendously grateful to the Belizeans and Canadians that have been part of this journey with us.” FM

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2019 Convocation ceremonies celebrate academic achievement and excellence

Close to 900 new graduates celebrated years of hard work and dedication, crossing the newly renovated and accessible Seton Academic Centre auditorium stage to receive their degrees as part of MSVU’s spring and fall ceremonies, and in doing so, joined a special alumni network of approximately 35,000 worldwide. In the spring ceremonies on May 16-17, honorary degrees were bestowed on three successful community leaders: Canadian icon and unparalleled advocate for people with disabilities Rick Hansen; award-winning entrepreneur and trade industry ambassador Mandy Rennehan; and celebrated educator, author and community leader Gloria Ann Wesley, whose efforts in support of opportunities for Black youth have transformed lives. Valedictorians Casey Perrin (BA), Amanda Scott (BBA), and Jonathan Grant (BEd) addressed their respective classes. The title of President Emerita was bestowed on Dr. Ramona Lumpkin for her exceptional distinguished service to MSVU during her


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

seven-year presidential term from 2010 to 2017. The exceptional volunteer service award was presented to Sister Evelyn Williams at the Chancellor’s Dinner. In the fall ceremonies on November 3, honorary degrees were bestowed on accomplished innovators Lou Massa, PhD, and Louise Bradley, CM. Dr. Massa, a renowned chemist and physicist, developed the field of Quantum Crystallography. Louise Bradley, CM, is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mental Health Commission of Canada and has had a transformational impact on mental health care for Canadians. Valedictorians Alison Bryan (BPR) and Kandi-Lee Crooks Smith (MEd) addressed their classes and spoke about the importance of lifting one another up and finding and following your passion. The Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association honoured Dr. Jim Spatz as their 2019 Honourary Alumnus at the fall Chancellor’s Dinner. FM

Clockwise from top: New grads behind MSVU sign; Honorary Doctorate Rick Hansen with (L-R) MSVU Board Chair Colleen Keyes, Dr. Mary Bluechardt, Chancellor Sister Joan O’Keefe, and MSVU Professor Dr. Sarah Reddington; Honorary degree recipient Mandy Rennehan (3rd left) with (L-R) MSVAA President Tanya Lorimer-Charles, Sister Joan O’Keefe and Dr. Mary Bluechardt; MSVU graduates; MSVU Masters of Education graduates: and Valedictorian Kandi-Lee Crooks Smith. Folia 2020


Mount Saint Vincent University is a special place and one for which I have great affinity. As a student I was able to grow and flourish both academically and socially. Being the first in my family to attend university, my MSVU degree opened doors of opportunities in my career that I would have never dreamed possible. After graduating, I began giving back as a volunteer and a donor. For me, a gift in my Will is my MSVU legacy - closing the loop and completing the circle to give back beyond my lifetime.

Gary Logan, BA ’02 (MSVUSU Vice-President External 2001-2002, MSVAA Board Member 2004-2010)

There will always be students who require a helping hand to access a Mount education. Whether immediate needs like emergency funds, or direct support through scholarships and bursaries, a gift in your Will can help MSVU remain a small wonder where students of today and tomorrow grow and flourish.

Your MSVU Legacy For a complimentary copy of A Guide to Preparing Your Will, or further information on how you can leave a legacy, contact Anne Thibodeau at 902-457-6270 or 20

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Legacy Giving / University Relations – Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax, NS B3M 2J6


MSVU researcher studying COVID-19 impacts on Maritime families Disruption to young children’s routines can cause family-related stress COVID-19 has affected us all in many different ways. From disruptions to our daily lives and routines to shifts in our personal outlooks, the pandemic is having historic impacts on society. Childcare centres, schools and recreational centres were closed early on in the pandemic. Many parents with young children are working on the frontlines of the pandemic or are adjusting to working from home. They are balancing educating and entertaining their children indoors, caring for sick or dependent family members, running a household and ensuring social distancing measures are followed. MSVU’s Dr. Jessie-Lee McIsaac, Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood and an Assistant Professor of Education and Child & Youth Study, wants to help inform the supports needed by families. She recently led a forthcoming study of the effects of COVID-19 on Maritime families with young children. The study was facilitated by MSVU’s Early Childhood Collaborative Research Centre (ECCRC). “Many of us with young children are challenged by our new reality and managing the effects of social distancing on daily family life,” says Dr. McIsaac. “While the exact impact of COVID-19 on Maritime families is still unknown, research from other pandemics suggests that disruption to young children’s routines, such as those being experienced across the Maritimes, can cause family-related stress.” An online survey was used to gather information about the experiences of families. Parents and guardians of children aged eight years and under living in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island completed the survey anonymously. Questions explored how young children have been spending their time, impacts on routines, emotional challenges, access to food and outdoor spaces, loss of services to children, and employment changes for parents. The survey also explored how families are coping with their new realities and the unanticipated impacts on family life, such as more time at home together. “This research will respond to the urgent need to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on family life in the Maritime provinces,” says Dr. McIsaac. “It will inform the supports that are necessary to assist families during this unprecedented time and in potential future situations.” The results of this research will be shared with policy-makers in government and family-focused organizations. Results will also be available publicly via the ECCRC’s website. Preliminary results are anticipated to be released this summer. FM

Folia 2020



Let’s P.L.A.Y. Christine McLean, an assistant professor in the Department of Child and Youth Study, explores the lost art of play. by Christine McLean via The Conversation Canada ( Now that we’ve been spending new-found time at home, I predict that it will not be just houseplants and pets that will thrive. Upending tightly scheduled days of parents and children has provided for an activity that allows children to flourish: play. Who knows what the new normal will be once the pandemic has fully subsided, but one thing that I am hoping for is that the lost art of play will emerge as one of the saving graces of our time. Play is such a simple concept. It is a pleasurable and voluntary activity, meaning that we can stop when we want. It provides us with opportunities to develop our own world view and to learn about the perspectives of others. We all have memories of playing with kids we knew and with kids we just met. If we squint back at the past, we might remember that we were in charge of our own play. Lately, though, this type of simple play has been edged out of children’s lives, being replaced with soccer, gymnastics, baseball, music lessons, and screen time. But now there is time to play. What about schoolwork, parents may ask. And what about routine? And what about my sanity? Can’t I please let them be in front of screens? Of course. What we’re all trying to achieve is a workable balance. This may involve some schoolwork, and it will very likely involve some screen time. My plea, however, is that parents understand the invaluable learning that comes with play and recognize it as a vital part of the daily routine. Play is crucial to children’s development and learning. Instinctively, we know that play is important, but it can be difficult, to articulate its benefits. To help, let me share how I’ve spelled out the meaning of play with the acronym P.L.A.Y. FM P: Problem-based Learning Whenever a child plays, they are seeking to solve a problem. Just watch the next time a child is playing and see if you can figure out what problem is being solved. Is it how to make the block tower stand? How to convince baby brother to be a dog again? This type of problem-solving is a more effective way to learn than more abstract teaching methods like worksheets.


L: Language Rich When children play “house” or play “store,” they use sophisticated language that we don’t ordinarily hear from them in non-play situations. Lev Vygotsky, the Russian psychologist said, “In play, a child always behaves beyond his average age, above his daily behaviour. In play, it is as though he were a head taller than himself.” During play, children are motivated to read and write – writing notes, menus, and signs. It is where they see the meaning and function of print, which helps to build a strong foundation for literacy learning.

Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

A: Active Environment Active learning means handson play. It means using all the senses to learn. The player chooses the play materials, the type of play, the play participants. It is when they get to be in charge. The role for adults is to provide the space, the materials, and the opportunity, and then see what happens.

Y: Young Children Children are fellow human beings with rights, including the right to play. In Canada, we are signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, specifically Article 31, declares that children have the right to play. Play is just that important. There are times in history that our rights and responsibilities as human beings come into clear focus. This is one of those times. Let the children play.

New study exploring pandemic impacts on infant feeding Research will help us understand how Nova Scotians have been feeding their babies during the COVID-19 crisis by MSVU Communications Applied Human Nutrition assistant professor and researcher at Mount Saint Vincent University Dr. Kyly Whitfield has launched a study exploring possible changes to how Nova Scotians are feeding their babies during the pandemic. Dr. Whitfield is the director of the Milk and Micronutrient Assessment (MAMA) Lab at MSVU and an expert on infant feeding and nutrient deficiency. She is also one of 40 recipients to receive recent funding from the new Nova Scotia COVID-19 Health Research Coalition supporting pandemicfocused research. “We have been experiencing significant emergency measures that are impacting so many aspects of our daily lives,” says Dr. Whitfield. “We want to hear from the main caregivers of young babies to better understand how these emergency measures may have impacted how or what their babies eat, and how their households have responded to emergency measures.” A major focus of the MAMA Lab is to study infant feeding behaviours and the potential long-term effects of early feeding on eating patterns and disease risk. Dr. Whitfield is passionate about nutrition in the first 1,000 days, from conception to two years, and her research program aims to delve into both the “what” and “how” of feeding during this time. Dr. Whitfield hopes that insights from Nova Scotia parents will help inform public health supports moving forward, either in future similar situations or possible additional waves of a COVID-19 outbreak.

An online survey is being used to gather information from families. The survey will pay special attention to understanding baby’s food and feeding practices before and after the pandemic, as well pandemicrelated household impacts such as change in employment status and routines of school-aged children at home. FM

Folia 2020



Technology pivotal to learning in a COVID-19 world Trust and empathy at the heart of digital connection by Lisa MacNeil

Dr. Amélie Lemieux, Assistant Professor of Literacies at MSVU, has focused much of her research on the use of technology to facilitate inclusive teaching and learning. In a time where all are required to practice physical distancing, technology has become a pivotal facilitator in allowing us to continue to learn, connect, work, and play. “Given that we are required to physically distance from others and follow strict protocols to avoid getting sick, our bodies go into hyper-alert. We naturally look to our ‘tribe’ to seek connection and affirmation. Fortunately, we can use various forms of technology to maintain our connection with others and to establish some level of normalcy in our day-to-day lives. This is critical to our overall well-being,” says Dr. Lemieux.


Communication across generations Dr. Lemieux believes that trust and empathy are two of the most important pillars when it comes to intergenerational communication. “We know that each generation uses different platforms to communicate. For example, teenagers are most commonly using TikTok and Snapchat, whereas for young adults platforms like Instagram and Twitter are more commonly used. If we want to connect with others outside of our generational span, we need to learn to speak the same language and adapt to various forms of technology.” This adaptation needs to be a twoway street, and it is important not to underestimate the desire and ability of older populations to learn new technologies, says Dr. Lemieux. “It’s about being adaptable and open. I think when we give seniors a sense of responsibility, it is a sense of purpose. It’s important for younger people to encourage their grandparents to learn new technologies and to support them in that process.”

Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

Technology as a cyborg teacher As a leader in distance education, MSVU has many supports available to students, faculty, and staff to teach and learn online. While the e-learning classroom is not quite the same as being in person, Lemieux believes that there are many opportunities for students and instructors to optimize the experience. “Just as you would if you were in the office or in the classroom, it is important to continue to have tools that keep you organized. This could mean taking 15 minutes a day to organize folders on your desktop, developing workback plans, and using project management apps to keep you on-task,” says Dr. Lemieux. “It’s important to remember that technology is a mediator and our brain is doing more gymnastic work adapting to screen time and to a new way of communication,” she adds. “The human experience has changed, and it is important to accept this new normal by making our interactions meaningful. This includes showing empathy, patience and unplugging where we need to.” FM


Social convoys in a COVID-19 world

One way to understand older individuals’ support networks by Dr. Áine Humble, Chair of the Department of Family Studies & Gerontology

The last several months have been difficult for many, especially seniors, many of whom have suffered from lack of direct contact with family, friends, and various professionals. As we think about the kind of social support that older individuals perceive they have and actually received during this pandemic, one helpful concept is the social convoy, a model developed by Toni Antonucci and her colleagues in the 1980s that can be applied to anyone’s situation. The social convoy provides a way of examining the important people in one’s life. It is drawn simply with three concentric circles. The inner most circle is the people closest to us —those who we cannot

imagine life without; the middle circle consists of individuals that we are close to and who we view as important; and finally, the outer circle is reserved for other people as part of our personal network. An individual’s personal convoy changes over time in and in response to circumstances. During this extraordinary time of physical isolation, some older people have lost important sources of formal support such as support workers visiting them at home. People in outer circles might temporarily move into inner circles, providing a different type of support than usual. And individuals in inner circles might have to modify their support. This is particularly important for convoy

members unable to visit older individuals in long-term care facilities, relying much more on the paid care providers in their inner circle. In contrast, neighbours who live nearby might assist with in-person tasks for the first time, such as a picking up groceries for a senior couple living nearby or singing happy birthday to an older woman living on her own—all standing on her front lawn, two feet away—something they may never have done prior to the pandemic. These small acts of kindness go a long way towards helping an older person feel less isolated. Post-pandemic, it will be interesting to see if and how older individuals’ convoys change. Hopefully, we will all emerge stronger on the other end. FM

Folia 2020



President’s Student Relief Fund The values that have guided Mount Saint Vincent Academy, College and University for almost 150 years are the same values we rely upon now as we continue to face a truly unprecedented period in our history. As a university community, we are fiercely committed to our students and have come together in support of them over the last several months – and will continue to do so. The immediate impacts of COVID-19 such as shifting to online classes and moving to a work-from-home environment


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were, out of necessity, top priorities. Action quickly shifted to the future sustainability of the institution and longerterm implications for students. With that in mind, we are proud to have launched the President’s Student Relief Fund, established to provide emergency support for our students in assisting with access to housing, food, and mental health services, as well as longer term support in the establishment of bursaries. Immense thank you to everyone who has already contributed to the fund. The spirit and strength the Mount community possesses are unparalleled. If you would like to support MSVU students through the President’s Student Relief Fund, please visit FM

msvu at a

glance 17%

4504 students 766 international 70 countries

international students




34000+ global alumni




Help continue to


in scholarships and bursaries for students each year

make MSVU great.


Folia 2020



Message from Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association (MSVAA) I am honoured and privileged to be a graduate of Mount Saint Vincent University, an institution well known and respected for its academic and teaching excellence. But more than that, it is a special community, one that wraps its arms around others in times of heartache, celebration, and need. It is this “together” approach that will continue to serve current and future students, and particularly recent graduates, as we navigate these challenging and unprecedented times. When the Alumni Association board of directors was planning its activities last year, we had no idea how the world would change in a few short months. Flexibility and adaptability were the new words of the day. Of course, the impact to our plans pales in comparison to the impact to students across the globe, with many of them struggling to gain access to housing, food, tuition, technology, and mental health services.

Thankfully, the President’s Student Relief Fund, a brainchild of MSVU President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mary Bluechardt, was launched providing emergency support for students impacted by COVID-19. I am proud that the MSVAA was one of the first to support the fund with a $5,000 donation, and we know more is needed. For those interested in learning more, details on the fund are highlighted further in this magazine. Before COVID-19 became a reality, we were focused on engaging our alumni through networking, communication, valueadd opportunities, and our newly piloted mentorship program. With close to 35,000 alumni worldwide, we have the chance to give back as alumni mentors, offering fourth-year students and new grads advice and support in all areas of work or study. We are excited to fully launch the program in September and are recruiting engaged alumni to become mentors. Email us at All the best to you and your loved ones. Brighter days are here, and although the future remains uncertain, know that your alumni family is extensive and here when you need us.

Alison MacDonald, BPR ‘88 President MSVAA



Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

Young Alumni of the Year & Alumni Award for Community Service

Alumni share their favorite MSVU memories “The relationships and connections I have made. A distinct memorable moment was meeting Mayann Francis and learning about her journey. This was the moment in my academic pursuits that I knew as a minority I wanted to break barriers and achieve great things just like Mayann Francis.” Savannah Simms (‘19, BBA) “I am forever grateful to the Mount for being the only university in Halifax to accept me into the history program. My high school marks were not great, but I was able to excel in the university environment at the Mount, which opened the door to a career path I could not have imagined possible.” Peter Wickwire Foster (‘89, BA) “The friendly and helpful faculty, professional and mature student body, and stunning location.” Jennifer Lavoie (‘93, BPR) “I loved going to MSVU. It was my first time being away from home on my own, and I made wonderful friends during my four years. I loved being part of the choir led by Sister Margaret Young. I also remember working in the cafeteria to make a bit of spending money – I bought my first guitar. Such a thrill.” Elizabeth (Liz) Bennett [Lewis] (‘76, BA; ‘77, BEd)

“The Mount will always remain the place where I spent the best years of my life. I don’t think I have a single best memory, but pub nights were always great, starting the Mount Football Club, helping clear out the snow during White Juan, Make A Wish Day as a resident assistant, raising $10,000 dollars for the Tsunami relief in 2004. I guess all of this makes me who I am today. I can’t wait to someday come back.” Tarun (Ty) Treon (‘06, BA)

“As an online student, my memories from the Mount are slightly unique. One thing I really appreciated was that my fellow classmates were from all across Canada and beyond, and each brought their own background and experience, which was a great added perspective.” Kaili Pipes (‘18, BBA)

Folia 2020



2019-2020 EVENTS Ottawa, ON

Alumni joined President and Vice Chancellor Dr. Mary Bluechardt, the Honourable Jane Cordy, Senator, and the Honourable Geoff Regan, M.P. for Halifax-West. The next day, MSVU alum came out to the Atlantic University Pub Night at Hooley’s, where 14 Atlantic schools were in attendance!


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

2019-2020 EVENTS

Halifax, NS The annual Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association (MSVAA) Holiday Social welcomed alum and friends at Chain Yard Urban Cidery on December 5. Good cider, company and nibbles resulted in festive holiday cheer for all. In partnership with the MSVAA, Alumni Relations hosted its annual Holiday Floral Design event on December 18 at MSVU. This sold-out evening kicked off with festive eats, drinks and mingling and then guests got down to work making their own holiday centerpieces. Thank you to Props Floral Design for facilitating! The Mount Mystics ACAA Basketball Championships games were hosted at MSVU in early March, and many alumni came out to show their support and cheer on the Mystics! Alum were granted free admission to games, and a drop-in reception for Mount Mystics alumni was hosted in Vinnie’s Pub.

Toronto, ON Several members of MSVU’s Advancement team joined alumni and friends at the Prenup Pub downtown on November 26. Reminiscing about old memories and creating new ones were on the menu, along with a pint or two! Thank you to everyone who came out to this small but mighty gathering.

Introducing MSVU Regional Networks! We are excited to launch MSVU regional alumni networks in the areas of Bermuda, Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa and Toronto! If you are interested in being part of a network and connecting with MSVU alum in your area, please connect with the alumni office at More networks info at

Folia 2020




Reunion Weekend 2019

Celebrating milestones and memories


One thing graduates of Mount Saint Vincent Academy, College and University can count on is the pride of being part of an institution that nurtures. Whether through teaching excellence, the advancement of women, or through the drive for social responsibility, memories of our time spent here will always hold a special place. And reliving those memories is what our annual fall gathering is all about. We were so fortunate to welcome back alumni from various class years –

particularly our class of 1969 celebrating 50 years! This 50th-class celebration will be remembered as one of our best to date. The Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association was also very pleased to acknowledge and celebrate milestone anniversaries ending in ‘4 and ‘9 through the presentation of roses and milestone pins. Congratulations to everyone. And we captured much of the weekend on video. Visit and click on News & Events to share in the fun. FM

4 3 32

Unfortunately, Reunion Weekend 2020 won’t take place this October as originally planned. We are currently looking at spring 2021 as a possible timeframe. Stay tuned!

Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends








1. Members of the Class of 1969 2. Guests take part in the Women’s Wall of Honour Celebration Event 3. Class of ’69 Ambassadors Pat Sullivan and Pat Whitman receiving flowers from MSVU President Dr. Mary Bluechardt 4. Milestone anniversary grads: Linda MacKay (20 years); Leola Connors (20 years), Donna (Myers) Keating (45 years) and Janice Graham Migel (40 years) 5. Welcome Social – MSVU Art Gallery 6. 50th + Class Luncheon - Pat MacCagno (’65, ‘66), Lori Lancaster, University Advancement (’97), and Yvette LeBlanc (’69) 7. Class of ’69 classmates Dr. Sonya (Zwicker) Gaul, Margaret-Ann Smith and Nancy (Brady) Cook 8. Welcome Social – Alison DeLory (’98, ’13), MSVAA Board members Lynne McQuarrie (’96), Heather Strickey (’95), Trevor Poole (’10), Penny Hennberry (’87), Alison MacDonald (’88), and Tanya Lorimer-Charles (’89), and Lori Lancaster, MSVU University Advancement (’97). 9. Milestone Brunch - MSVAA President Alison MacDonald, 60th anniversary milestone recipient Johanne McKee and Dr. Mary Bluechardt 10. Class of ’69 classmates celebrate at 50th Class Luncheon 11. Welcome Social - Pat Whitman (’69), Karen Stone (’82) and Lorraine D’Entremont (’64) Folia 2020



Class Notes 2010s Dr. Ramona Lumpkin (CM, EMER), MSVU President from 2010 to 2017, was named President Emerita during MSVU’s spring convocation in 2019. She is the third President in the history of the university to receive the title. Christiane Elshaer (BSN ‘17, MHN ’18) has started nutritionbliss_, a nutrition Instagram account in both Arabic and English. She was featured in Kuwait’s Osrati magazine talking about nutrition and its connection to both inner and outer beauty. In February 2020, Kelsey MacDonald (BPR ‘13) was named senior policy advisor to Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages, Mélanie Joly. Vanessa McEvoy (BSN ’10) is happy to be back home in Miramichi, NB, as proud owner of The Yoga Block (Yoga Studio) and Dooryard Co. (plant-based food market/restaurant). Vanessa was named Entrepreneur of the Year in 2017 and 2019. Matt Proctor (MPR ’15) joined Dalhousie University as their VP of Marketing & Communications in December 2019. Matt was previously VP, Marketing & Communications with Shannex Inc. and has held other senior marketing and communications roles throughout his career. Congratulations to Jill Quilty (MEd ‘10) of St. David’s, NL, who was recently appointed to the College of the North Atlantic board of governors. Jill is a crown attorney with the Department of Justice and Public Safety in NL.


2000s In July, AnnMarie Boudreau (BPR ‘05; CMG ‘05) was named CEO of the St. John’s Board of Trade. Over the past 15 years, AnnMarie has been a strategic marketing communications consultant for NATIONAL PR where she led and managed the firm’s St. John’s office for four years, providing strategic business and communications counsel. Dr. Kellie Davis (BSH ’04) welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Bryson, on March 9, 2019, in Saskatoon. After graduating from MSVU, Kellie earned her Medical Degree in 2010 and is currently leading the Division of Medical Genetics with the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Nick Mombourquette (BBA ‘09) recently celebrated the first anniversary of his business NewGround Financial in Dartmouth, which specializes in helping businesses attract/ retain employees by developing tailored benefits plans.

1990s Alison DeLory (BPR ’98, MPR ’13) released her adult fiction debut in June 2019. Making It Home (Nimbus Publishing) is set in rural Cape Breton, the Alberta oil patch, war-ravaged Aleppo and a Turkish refugee camp. It ponders the question: where and how do we belong, and what does it take to make it home? Edwin Frizzell (BTM ‘90) was named Hotelier of the Year by Hotelier Magazine in 2019. Edwin is currently the Regional Vice President, Accor Central Canada and the General Manager of Toronto’s landmark Fairmont Royal York.

Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

Jennifer Lavoie (BPR ’93) celebrated her fifth overseas assignment with Canadian Executive

Services Organization. She has provided business advisory services for Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped, Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce, and recently for the Macedonia Businesswomen’s and Managers Association. She runs Lavoie Public Relations in her Vancouver Island field office. Congratulations to Lysa Miller (BPR ’93) who was recently featured on the cover of the Boston Business Journal’s Annual Book of Lists. She writes that she “wants MSVU to know that PR grads are making their mark internationally!” Lisa is President and Co-founder of 3 Media Web. Catherine Mitchell Helton (BA ’94) was appointed a district court judge in the 4th Judicial District of Colorado in March of 2020. Catherine is a Magistrate for the Fourth Judicial District in El Paso County, a position she has held since January 2019. Paul Thomas Moore (BPR ‘96) retired and re-located to Metamora, Illinois with his wife Marilou. He contributes a column to the local Peoria Catholic Post, is a singer-songwriter, and is grateful to fellow students and staff who graced his path at MSVU.

1980s In December 2018, Dr. Yvette d’Entremont (BA ’74, MA, ‘84) retired after 43 years of teaching. Yvette began her career in 1975 in Yarmouth County, NS. She joined the Francophone campus of the University of Alberta in 1990 where she taught mathematics and science education. During her 28 years at the U of A she wore many hats: professor, Chair (Education), Director (Graduate Studies), and Vice Dean (Academic).


Carol Dobson (BPR ‘84) is the president of the Zonta Club of Halifax, a global organization of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide. In May 2019, the club presented MSVU student, Shannon Paquette with a $1000 Jane M. Klausman Award for women studying business − the first MSVU recipient since the inception of the award. In 2019, The Atlantic Standardbred Breeders Association announced the appointment of Debbie Francis (BBA ’92) as their new Executive Director. Debbie is currently a Councilor for the Municipality of West Hants and vice president of the Truro Harness Horse Owners Association. Congratulations to Dr. Patty Williams (BEC ’89), Director of FoodARC and Professor in Applied Human Nutrition at MSVU, who received the Canadian Association of Food Studies 2019 Award for Excellence in Public Service. Patty has been a food studies scholar, educator, and leading advocate for food security in Canada and internationally for over 18 years.

1970s Former psychiatric nurse Doreen Crick (BSC ’75) is now an author of two books Seawater: Women’s Voices from the Shores of the Caribbean Leeward Islands tells the stories of brave Island women who protected their families through slavery, and The Beautiful Caribbean Rainbow Islands features whimsical children’s stories of how the Caribbean was made magical by moon pixies.

Irene Parlby, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards − who fought to have women legally considered persons.

1950s The MSVU nursing class of 1974 gathered at Dalhousie University in June 2019 to celebrate their 45th anniversary. At that time (1970-1974), MSVU’s nursing program was affiliated with Dalhousie University’s School of Nursing, with all nursing classes taking place at DAL.


Several classmates of the 1968 BA program were unable to attend their 50th reunion at MSVU, so managed their own mini reunion in Florida! Pictured (L-R): Linda (Bartlow) Murray, Maureen (Bishop) Freeman, Bonnie (Thomas) Hughes, and Jude (Reyno) Carson.

Pink Tea marking the Famous 5 In October 2019, approximately 30 guests, including members of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association, took part in Halifax’s first Pink Tea hosted by The Honourable Arthur J. Leblanc and Her Honour Mrs. Patsy Leblanc at Government House. Pink Teas are held across the country in honour of the Famous 5 – Albertan’s Emily Murphy,

Special wishes to Mount Saint Vincent College graduates Mary Cossitt (BA ’51, EDU ’52) and Térèse Cossitt (BA ’51, EDU ’52, MED ‘58) who celebrated their 90th birthday in May 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The twin sisters currently live in Corner Brook, NL. Congratulations to Johanne McKee (BEC ‘54) who was awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers by The Governor General in 2019. Johanne is a lifelong volunteer and generous supporter of MSVU who has dedicated her time to multiple causes and has inspired a spirit of volunteerism within her family. In 2019, Frances (Burgess) Taggart (MSA ‘59) helped organize a 60th reunion anniversary for the MSV Academy Class of 1959, in Halifax. Francis is also an author publishing Blue Cheese for Breakfast: Helping the Widow Learn to Smile Again in 2011. The first run sold out in five months. Congratulations to Carol (Hennigan) Zanon (BSC ’58) who was elected to her 5th term as a City of West Kelowna, BC, Councilor in 2019.

Congratulations to Robert Henman (BA ’79), part-time faculty member with Family Studies at MSVU who published his 4th book, A reorientation of Education and the Social Sciences: Transitioning towards the Positive Anthropocene. It is available for purchase on

Fall 2020



Donor Profile: Supporting students and paying tribute Scholarship fund created for new students

Creating a legacy A gift in your will is just one way you can help current and future students learn and grow through the small wonder that is MSVU.

The spirit of ‘Caritas’ (giving back) is shown in a number of ways through the generous actions of many Mount Saint Vincent alumni. Suzanne Reynolds (BA, BEd ’66) is a retired educator who settled near her hometown of Lawrence, Massachusetts, and taught grade eight math at Portsmouth Middle School for 25 out of her 32-year career. A former Sister of Charity, Suzanne’s Mount experience inspired her to create a scholarship fund for incoming students. “Years ago, I read a story in Folia Montana that profiled an alumna establishing a scholarship and I decided that was something I could do,” says Suzanne. “I began making annual donations, and over time the fund reached a level where it could be endowed. I named it after Sister Romaine Bates, who next to my mother was the most influential woman in my life.” Sister Romaine Bates oversaw the Sister-students when Suzanne was studying at what was then Mount Saint Vincent College. “Her strength of character, leadership, nurturing spirit, and warmth inspired all who knew her,” explains Suzanne, “and establishing this fund in her name allowed me to support students while paying tribute to Sister’s many years of exceptional teaching both in Halifax and within the Sisters of Charity.” To date, 22 MSVU students have received this scholarship. Suzanne plans to continue giving to MSVU beyond her lifetime. “The residual of my estate will be going to the university. Through this gift in my will, I am continuing to ‘pay it forward,’ ensuring that future generations of students will have the opportunity to realize their full potential with an outstanding MSVU education.” FM

For more information on leaving a gift in your will, visit Giving at or contact Anne Thibodeau at 902-457-6270

2009 Scholars’ Luncheon - Suzanne Reynolds (BA, BEd ’66), Former MSVU Chancellor, Sister Donna Geerneart (BSc ’64), 2009-10 Sister Romaine Bates Scholarship recipient, Shaunda Jesso (BSc ’14) and former MSVU President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Alexa McDonough, OC, ONS, DHumL ’09


Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends


(L-R) Retirees Michael MacMillan, Leslie Brown, Carolann Broome, Rod Tilley, and Cindy Reardon attend the retiree reception in June 2019.

Farewell and thank you! We are very proud to recognize those MSVU staff and faculty who celebrated their recent retirement. We thank you for your dedication, and wish you a world of happiness in the time you’ve earned for yourselves! 1975 – 2019 1978 - 2019 1979 - 2019 1981 - 2018 1982 - 2018 1983 - 2018 1988 - 2019 1991 - 2019 1994 - 2019 1994 - 2018 1996 - 2018 1998 – 2019 2004 – 2019 2011 - 2019 2012 – 2019 2013 - 2019

44 years 41 years 40 years 37 years 36 years 35 years 31 years 28 years 25 years 24 years 22 years 21 years 15 years 8 years 7 years 6 years

Jean Mills, Department of Information Technology Michael MacMillan, Department of Political and Canadian Studies Leslie Brown, Department of Sociology and Anthropology Norman Okihiro, Department of Sociology and Anthropology Carolann Broome, Information Technology & Services Rod Tilley, Department of Business Administration and Tourism Catherine Deveau Abbass, Grounds – Facilities Management M. Lynne Foley, Faculty of Education Mark Titchmarsh, Maintenance – Facilities Management Ingrid Jenkner, Art Gallery Athanasius Lainey, Custodial Services – Facilities Management Sally Campbell, Financial Services Susan Walsh, Faculty of Education Cindy Reardon, Office of the President Sal Badali, Faculty of Education Kelly Mackintosh, Facilities Management

The Mount Saint Vincent Alumni Association is thrilled to honour retiring staff and faculty as honourary alumni. If you would like to receive alumni communication in the future, please let us know at Fall 2020



In Memoriam

With thoughtful reflection, we remember and recognize our fellow alumni and members of the Mount community whom we have lost over the year.

1930s Sr. Irene Amirault (Cecile Marie) ACAD (’34) March 18, 2020 • Isabel Bonnyman (Creaser), BA (’35), EUD (’36), November 27, 2018 1940s Joyce (Joan) Guest, BA (’47), BED (’56), May 5, 2019 • Helen King (Cormier), SECSC (’47), April 6, 2018 • Evelyn Tucker (Saulnier), ACAD (’48), February 4, 2019 1950s Margaret Bonthron, BA (’53), EUD (’54), BED (’55), February 42, 2018 • Frances Casserley (Dee), BSA (’56), November 18, 2019 • Veronica Connelly (Horne), BEC (’54) January 18, 2020 • Claire Correia (Murphy), BA (’54), DIP (’55), BED (’55), June 22, 2019 • Sr. Rita Cummings (Edward Elizabeth), BA (’58), January 6, 2019 • Sr. Claire Theresa Dill, BA (’59), MED (’65), January 30, 2020 • Monica Kangley, BA (’58), June 13, 2019 • Roberta ‘Bobbie’ Mattocks, ACAD (’57), December 29, 2018 • Audrey McDonald, BSc (’51), May 24, 2019 • Corinne Napier (Wallace), BA (’53), MSW (’55), June 30, 2019 • Barbara Shea (McPherson), BA (’55), BED (’56), August 9, 2019 • Sr. Teresa (Cyril James) Torley, BA (’58), July 12, 2019 1960s Anne Marie Barry (Maureen Patrice), BSc (’62), BA (’66), October 26, 2019 • Marilyn Cormier (Craig), DIP (‘64), BSCN (’74), May 24, 2019 • Sr. Regina Cushing (Catherine Richard), BA (’64), September 4, 2019 • Sr. Ellen Donovan (Jean Michael), BA (’66), January 27, 2019 • Shirley Dunphy, BSCN (’69), May 9, 2019 • Marilyn Gallant (MacKinnon), ACAD (’65), BEC (’74), January 26, 2020 • Sr. Vincentine Goggin (Edward Therese), BA (’62), August 29, 2019 • Sr. Agnes Paula Hatchette, BA (’60), MED (’67), April 14, 2019 • Sr. Anne Hegarty, BA (’66), BED (’66), December 4, 2019 • Paula LaChance (Fortier), BHEC (’61), October 21, 2018 • Sr. Rita McNeil (Teresa Florence), BSc (’66), December 16, 2018 • Sr. Mary Katherine Nickerson (Catherine Josephine), BA (’61), MAP (’03), March 15, 2019 • Sr. Anne Patricia Prendergast, BSc (’62), BA (’69), April 12, 2019 • Mary ‘Lorraine’ Rasmussen (Murphy), BA (’69), May 21, 2019 • Sr. Margaret Shine, BA (’60), March 10, 2020 • Sr. Patricia Tobin, BSc (’64), November 1, 2019 • Sr. Joan Verner (John Christopher), BSc (’63), BA (’66), March 17, 2020 • Sr. Jean Waldron (Mary Winifred), BSc (’65), February 10, 2019 1970s Margaret Anne Babin (Payzant), BSc (’70), May 17, 2019 • Sister Maryalice Boyce (Charles Patrick), BSCN (’72), May 17, 2019 • Mary Dauphinee (Stephenson), BA (’73), March 22, 2019 • Sister Anne Fleming (Michael Mary), BA (’70), November 23, 2018 • Mary Elizabeth “Beth” Foote (Fraser).BA (’73), MED (’79), February 21, 2020 • Dr. Lourdes (Lou) Heber BSCN (’75), November 20, 2018 • Sandra Kerr (Franklin, MAE (’77), October 6, 2018 • Joan Legge, BSCN (’75), February 27, 2020 • Donna MacLennanSalter, DOA (’74), March 26, 2019 • Raymond ‘Ray’ MacLeod, BED (’77), 38

Folia Montana The Magazine for Mount Alumni and Friends

November 4, 2018 • Margaret Anne McKenzie (Hartley), BEC (’70) ,February 2, 2020 • John Patrick Milligan, BED (’70), MED (’80), December 24, 2018 • Susan Noiles, LEGSE (’76), BSA (’77), BED (’78), MED (’02), November 14, 2018 • Isabel (Scottie) O’Neill (Scott) BA (’79), January 24, 2020 • Heather Stallard (Moore), BED (’76) May 29, 2019 • Barbara Yorke (Thomas), BED (’74), February 23, 2020 1980s Catherine Earles, BA (’88), December 7, 2018 • Karen Greene (Lambert), BA (’85), September 14, 2019 • Heather McMillan Houston, BA (’85), February 15, 2020 • Margaret MacAskill (Cameron), BCS (’84), BED (’87), December 7, 2019 • Dorothy Marshall (Walker), BSc (’88), October 9, 2019 • Sharon Palermo, MAE (’89), March 5, 2019 • Janet Rowe (Conrad), CGN (’83), September 4, 2019 • Heather Louise Smith (MacLaggan), BSc (’82), MED (’06), June 30, 2019 1990s Michelle Avery, BA (’98), MED (’04), December 31, 2019 • Nicole Boucher (Comtois), BA (’90), BED (’91) ,April 2, 2019 • Janet Anne Campbell, MED (’97), August 14, 2019 • David McKeage, BPR (’96), December 30, 2018 • John Tillmann, BBA (’90), December 23, 2018 2000s Rosemarie Fleming, January 28, 2018 • Andrew Gray, BMC (’08), November 10, 2019 • Mary Beth A. Thompson, BPC (’15), January 30, 2020 • Thelma Coward-Ince, BA ‘03, April 17, 2020 MSVU Community Angela Belliveau (Amiro), April 24, 2019 • Michael Blanar, April 23, 2019 • Colleen Brown (Flinn), November 24, 2018 • John Buchanan, October 3, 2019 • Joan Casey, May 6, 2019 • Cameron Clairmont , November 2, 2018 • Elsie Cole, April 1, 2018 • Jacquelyn ‘Jackie’ Creemer (Hannam), August 19, 2019 • Dr. Janice Laura Doull, May 30, 2019 • Claire Farrell, March 27, 2019 • Nora Marie Findlay, February 6, 2019 • Gwen Flemming, December 23, 2018 • Winifred “Winnie” Gallant (Fitzpatrick), February 22, 2020 • Marsha Gannon (Jones), January 10, 2019 • Sr. Marie (John Raymond) Gillen, August 10, 2019 • Ron Joyce, January 31, 2019 • Peter Fownes King, July 29, 2019 • David Lawrence, May 9, 2019 • Carol Moore (Gilroy), March 6, 2020 • Tommy O’Brien, April 17, 2020 • Mary Lou O’Hara, November 11, 2019 • Gerald O’Malley, November 16, 2018 • Donald ‘Don’ Allan Mitchell, June 21, 2019 • Nick Newbery, February 19, 2020 • Laura Smith, March 7, 2020 • Verna Patricia Strachan (Phelan), July 9, 2019 • Sr. Ann (Ann Maureen) Whalen, November 28, 2019 • Mary “Gerri” Geraldine Walker (Doyle) • Charles Watt, April 17, 2019 • Marjorie Lindsay, May 1, 2020 FM

Please note that only those individuals for whom the alumni office was notified are mentioned.

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HONOUR. INSPIRE. EMPOWER. ELEVATE. There is no better time than the present to celebrate women who foster strength, leadership and community spirit. Let’s work together and recognize exceptional women who encourage, guide and inspire the best in others and themselves. The only one of its kind in Canada, The Riva Spatz Women’s Wall of Honour is a celebration of women from all walks of life. Each named leaf represents a lasting tribute to women who have inspired others with their commitment to community, family and profession. Honour an inspiring woman in your life or add your name to the wall.

Honour her past, present, future. CELEBRATING EXCEPTIONAL WOMEN, ONE LEAF AT A TIME.

Folia 2020


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