5 minute read
Danielle Cyr – Leading the way
Strength Through Community: MSVU Strategic Plan 2021-2028
Nova Scotia’s university sector is recognized as playing an informed, critical role in the social, economic and cultural development of the province, and the landscape in which the sector operates is one of continuing change and corresponding challenge in an evolving global context. This Strategic Plan is designed not only to ensure MSVU responds to those challenges, but that its tenets will permeate all that we do as we respond to the growing competition for students, faculty and staff who are increasingly committed to social justice and social responsibility.
The ideas in this Strategic Plan emerged after significant consultations with constituents as diverse as MSVU itself. Consultations, undertaken over a span of more than seven months, included students, faculty representing all academic departments, staff, Board of Governors, Senate, alumni, government (civic, provincial and federal), business and community leaders, postsecondary leaders (regionally and nationally), co-op employer partners, the Sisters of Charity and many others.
Building upon the successes achieved with our prior plan, Mount 2017, this plan will inform who we are as an institution as we continue to nurture socially responsible global citizens and prepare them to confidently take their place in an uncertain world where activism on climate change, economic, social and political issues will be expected of them. The plan speaks to our research and scholarly work, our respect for cultural diversity, our commitment to community in every sense of the word, and will reflect and respond to an increased need for even wider diversity within our academic programming.
While changes in the delivery of postsecondary education are a certainty, we are well positioned to respond. For decades, MSVU has provided exceptional and personalized classroombased teaching with small class sizes that distinguish us from other institutions. For more than 35 years, MSVU has also been delivering high quality undergraduate and graduate distance/online courses and programs to students locally, regionally, nationally and globally. Based on this expertise, and our commitment to accessible postsecondary education, we continue to be leaders in the advancement of digital learning in Nova Scotia. Similarly, history demonstrates that we are best positioned to respond to students requiring flexibility/ accommodation in the delivery of education as they balance family, single parenthood, careers and socio-economic impacts that are the reality in the lives of many of our students.
We look forward to developing strategic and operational plans at the unit level, which will be designed to ensure both accountability and our continued growth as a progressive institution over the course of the coming seven years. FM
Proud new brand for Mount Saint Vincent alumni
By Morgan Morrison, 4th-year BPR student
Last summer, Mount Saint Vincent Academy, College, and University alumni worldwide participated in an engagement survey to share thoughts and opinions on their connection to the Mount. A diverse array of nostalgic sentiments was shared along with some common values and themes. The occasion for feedback, developed as a first and integral step in a renewal of the alumni brand, provided the wonderful opportunity for many to take a walk down memory lane.
The Mount was established by the Sisters of Charity in 1873, where it was known for offering higher education to women. So not surprisingly the advancement and education of women was the most important quality for over half of survey respondents.
The beauty of campus, small class size with access to professors who care about student success, leadership in teaching and research, and specialized programs were also noted attributes that stood out for graduates.
The beauty of campus was another important connection. Participants recalled the beautiful tree-lined paths that change with each season, and the flora and fauna surrounding each building that sit on top of the rolling hills. Our small but mighty campus brought a sense of belonging and feelings of inclusiveness and friendship to those who became part of it.
“If the Mount was a person, how would you describe them?” Nearly a third of respondents to this question said: authentic, accessible, and sincere.
It is with all these thoughts and opinions in mind that the renewed brand was created, striving to resonate with all alumni, new and experienced, while best representing Mount Saint Vincent and all that we know it to be. FM
Note: Morgan Morrison’s wonderful write up had to be adapted for space. Please read her full account on the alumni website at msvu. ca/alumni.
Inside the new alumni brand
We have a new alumni brand. It encompasses two creative logos: a main logo that showcases maple leaves and the university crest, and a secondary logo that captures these elements and incudes Evaristus Hall. Representing our unique collective family of Mount Saint Vincent Academy, College, and University graduates and ensuring representation of all Mount alumni were critical pieces of this rebrand and are reflected in the name.
The fonts are strong and bold, like our values and history. The blue is the traditional Mount blue. The new shade of gold represents the university’s distinction and high academic standards. The shield represents our traditional coat of arms and clear vision in the pursuit of knowledge and social justice. The flora and fauna of campus was mentioned frequently by survey respondents, so the maple leaves were moved from the shield and brought into the main logo to represent Canada and the natural beauty of the campus. Evaristus Hall is included in one logo version to represent an iconic piece of university history that for many is etched in collective memory. Named after the first president of Mount Saint Vincent College, Sister Mary Evaristus, it stands overlooking our campus – strong, tested, and beautiful – at the top of the Mount grounded by an unwavering foundation of excellence. FM