The Magazine for Mount Alumnae and Friends
Student Success
Spring 2011
Take your classroom with you.
Contents I Spring 2011 3
A year-long focus on Women, Writing and Learning.
A life to celebrate.
Surpassed fundraising goals benefit Mount students.
Donor generosity recognized.
The Meager Family Connect to the Mount.
Noella Brennan Fisher honoured.
Mount alumna plays role in Games’ success.
Message from the President My first few months at the Mount have been everything that I dreamed they would be. I now know first-hand why Nova Scotia is famous for the welcome it extends to newcomers. To those within the Mount and the greater community who have reached out to make my early days here such good ones, I want to extend my warmest thanks for your gracious hospitality. One of the highlights of the past fall was my opportunity to attend the Scholars’ Luncheon, where donors and scholarship recipients sat down together to celebrate academic success. I shared a table with our 2010-11 Presidents’ Scholars, all of them deeply grateful for the support they’ve been given to study at the Mount. Everyone who has contributed to our drive for scholarship funding—and every volunteer who has worked so hard to raise funds in support of student success—can take great pride in the results of this campaign. As a result of your efforts, lives are being changed through the gift of education.
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Our next challenge, and one I’m confident we can meet, will be to build a new Teaching, Learning, and Research Centre, the first classroom building to be constructed at the Mount in 40 years. Once again our volunteers and donors will be central to the success of this project, and I look forward to the work we will do together to realize our goal.
Would you like to receive Folia Montana in your in-box rather than your mail box? A digital edition of Folia Montana is available online.
Finally, I want to congratulate the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association on the occasion of your 90th anniversary. Thank you for all that you contribute to ensuring the vitality and well-being of our beloved Mount.
Contact us at and the next time Folia is published, we will send you an email with a link to the latest issue. 1
EDITOR’S NOTE Dear fellow alumnae and friends:
The Magazine for Mount Alumnae and Friends
EDITOR Donna Redmond Gates, BPR ’95 UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT Manager, Alumnae Relations: Shani Pearson Program Coordinator, Alumnae Relations: Beth Pyesmany Arsenault Program Coordinator, Development: Stéphanie Comeau, BPR ’09 Administrative Assistant: Erin Hemeon Records Clerk: Kathryn Baker Special Events Assistant (Co-op): Mel Rusinak CONTRIBUTORS The following departments at the Mount: Archives Public Affairs University Advancement COVER Jeff Babineau, Babineau Photography Folia Montana maintains and strengthens the connection among alumnae, friends and the University through coverage of newsworthy accomplishments, discussion of campus issues, information on Alumnae Association activities, and the sharing of class notes. It appears twice a year. The digital edition is posted on the University’s website at PRODUCED BY Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Mount Saint Vincent University DESIGN AND PRODUCTION Cathy Little DIGITAL IMAGING, PREPRESS FILM & PRINTING Transcontinental Printing CONTACT US Alumnae Relations, University Advancement Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 T: 902.457.6470 T: 1.888.MSV.ALUM (678.2586) (Toll Free in Canada/USA/Bermuda only) F: 902.445.3962 E: W: Publication Agreement Number 40063269
This is my final issue as Editor of Folia Montana. I have truly enjoyed reconnecting with the Mount in this special way. I will continue to read Folia with much interest as we see our Mount expand and its mandate further enhanced. It is fitting to see this issue’s theme, Student Success Ensured. Although it has been over 20 years since I first walked through the Mount’s doors, I, like all of you, remember these days fondly. I feel it is our responsibility as alumnae to ensure the students following behind us enjoy all the success that we did. And that we work to provide them with even more opportunities going forward. I hope you have enjoyed the last eight issues as much I have – and this, number nine. Special thanks to Shani Pearson, Manager, Alumnae Relations and everyone in the Department of Advancement. We are very fortunate to have such a terrific team leading this important effort. Cheers,
Donna Redmond Gates, BPR ’95
Letter to the Editor The Fall issue of the alumnae magazine arrived this week. I have thoroughly perused it, and I feel that there is a new energy and a new enthusiasm there. Clearly the new President has given them all a lift. It is a great picture of you on the cover, and the interview, “A New Path” sets a new tone. Congratulations again on taking charge of Mount Saint Vincent. From my perspective you are saying all the right things and I think I know enough about the Mount to know you will get lots of support and loyalty from students, faculty and staff. I shall follow developments with renewed interest. I hope Folia Montana will print more about the Installation, and do an article on Alexa’s contribution. As an Interim President, she was exceptional. Very best wishes for the exciting months ahead. This letter was submitted by E, Margaret Fulton, the Mount’s President and Vice Chancellor from 1978-1986. She recently wrote to the latest woman to assume this role, Dr. Ramona Lumpkin. Indeed plans to acknowledge Alexa McDonough’s contributions were underway and please see page 8 to learn more. For more on Lumpkin’s installation, please see page 3.
Send Letters to the Editor We welcome feedback on any aspect of Folia Montana, comments on issues that pertain to Mount alumnae or your experience at the Mount as well as submissions regarding alumnae activities. Letters to the editor and submissions for publication may be edited for content and length.
Please direct correspondence to: Editor, Folia Montana c/o Alumnae Relations, University Advancement, Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax NS B3M 2J6 Canada F: 902.445.3962 E:
CampuS NewS
Celebrating literacy, Verse and Voice Celebrated children’s author Sheree Fitch reads from one of her well-known books to children from the Mount’s own campus Child Study Centre. Fitch was at the Mount to participate in the announcement that the University has been chosen to house the Canadian Children’s Book Centre (CCBC) collection.
iteracy is the cornerstone of education. This is something the Mount’s new President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ramona Lumpkin believes in strongly. Lumpkin grew up surrounded by books and remembers fondly her mother saying, ‘That child would rather read than eat.’ Years later while working in Kentucky, she notes there was a fair amount of adult illiteracy and not many appropriate books for adult new readers. Lumpkin worked with several university professors in the humanities and social sciences to create high interest, low reading-level books for adults and convinced the University of Kentucky press to publish them. Twenty years later, the books are still being used in literacy programs. So, it was extremely fitting that during her installation as President and ViceChancellor in October of 2010 that the Mount held an intimate evening of poetry and music – uni-verse-ity. This helped launch the University’s year-long focus on women and literacy. Musical
and spoken-word artists came together to share their work and to welcome Lumpkin into the Mount community. Artists on hand included award-winning poet Sue Goyette, performance artist Tanya Davis, Nova Scotian historian Rosalee Peppard, and hip-hop activist and spoken word artist El Jones. Also to honour Lumpkin, the Mount commissioned Dr. Lorri Neilson, Professor, Faculty of Education, to write a poem as a gift to the President. Neilson presented this gift at the Lumpkin’s Installation Ceremony on October 24, 2010. The poem is entitled ‘To Begin” and is currently being published.
Mount to house prestigious Canadian Children’s book Collection About a month following Lumpkin’s installation, the Library at Mount Saint Vincent University announced it had been given the honour of housing the
Atlantic regional repository for the Canadian Children’s Book Centre (CCBC) collection. The Mount was selected because of its ongoing commitment to promoting literacy and its support for child and youth study. “The Mount faculty and students have enjoyed the use of the CCBC collection for many years now, and we are thrilled to be providing a new home for the collection here in the Mount Library,” says Lumpkin. “This occasion is important to the Mount as a signal of the high value we place on literature and on literacy as a central part of our academic mission.” This ever-expanding collection includes more than 6,000 new children’s books published in Canada by Canadian writers. With mirror collections in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton and Winnipeg, the collection includes picture books, young adult books, non-fiction books, and series. The goal of the collection is to promote child and youth literacy education. 3
“It is very exciting for the Mount to house this collection,” says Donna BourneTyson, University Librarian. “As the premier Education degree-granting university in the region, the collection will allow the Mount to continue its commitment to advancing literacy and will allow the surrounding community to enjoy the gift of reading.” The unveiling of the collection took place during an event at the Mount Library, which featured celebrated children’s author Sheree Fitch. Fitch read from one of her much-loved books to an audience which included children from the Mount’s own campus Child Study Centre.
Writing Matters Conference A well-known attribute of the Mount is taking all that is available on campus into the greater community with an aim to cultivate a life-long love of learning. Taking place last fall, the Mount held a free, week-long, campus-wide initiative to promote and celebrate the writing we do as a community everyday and the significance of writing at the Mount. Writing Matters: Beyond the Mount was planned in collaboration with the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia and sponsored by the President’s Special Conference Fund. The conference featured guest writers Alexander MacLeod, whose book Light Lifting was nominated for the 2010 Scotiabank Giller Prize, Crystal Garrett, Assistant Professor, in the Mount’s Department of Communication Studies, and Chris Benjamin, Sustainable City columnist, with The Coast. His first book, Drive-By Saviours was nominated for the Top 40 Canada Reads 2011 competition.
Publish It! Another terrific example of taking literacy into the community is Dr. Jane Baskwill’s research and development program for parents to help their children enhance their reading and writing skills. Baskwill is an Associate Professor and Literacy Coordinator at the Mount. She is also an internationally recognized family literacy expert. The Publish It! Family Literacy Program is based on the idea that writing can be a shared family experience with a range of benefits for the educational, social and emotional well being of children, parents and community members. 4
Publish It! began as a word processorbased tool that allowed families to write their own stories and publish them into books. Parents and children would use their school’s computer lab to work on their books after school or in the evening, with the help of project facilitators. The books were then “published” on-site and copies became part of the classroom, school and community libraries, and families would receive a copy to take home. Baskwill wanted to find a way to expand the program to make it available in more schools and to more families. She approached Gina Funicelli, Director of the Industry Liaison Office at the Mount, looking for suggestions on funding sources. Funded by Springboard Atlantic, Funicelli’s position is part of a special collaboration between Saint Mary’s University and the Mount, allowing both universities to benefit from her commercialization expertise. Springboard Atlantic is a network that encourages the transfer of knowledge and technology to the region’s private sector. When Funicelli heard about the project, she saw a much broader potential for Publish It! “The development of an online version of the program will reach more people, by allowing them to participate anywhere and anytime,” says Funicelli. “There are also tools available online that can easily enhance the program, such as providing the option to write books in other languages and creating an online catalog to make books accessible through search engines, for example, by title, theme or author.” Using Springboard funding, Funicelli enlisted the services of Media Mechanics, a Halifax-based company that specializes in interactive design and development. Working closely with Baskwill, Media Mechanics brought Publish It! to life, creating a simple, dynamic website that empowers families to easily write stories, format text, add images and publish their own e-books. The site even features an online library that allows for sharing of e-books among users. Presently, the prototype of the online version of Publish It! is being tested. Based on user feedback, Dr. Baskwill will refine and improve the program while Funicelli works toward commercializing it through a license agreement with a private company who will market to government, libraries and community groups.
On the heels of a poetry event to celebrate Lumpkin’s inauguration, October 2010 also saw the start of the Voices Project on campus, part of the President’s yearlong focus on Women and Literacy. The Voices Project is a short-term writing collective for women connected to the Mount—staff, alumnae, administration, faculty, students—who meet monthly in a relaxed space where they can speak and hear each other’s stories and have the opportunity to present their work to a wider audience. Work, tea, and stories are shared in the lounge of the Institute for the Women, Gender and Social Justice at meetings where established writers in the local community who speak frankly about writing challenges and the idea of finding a creative space. Inspired by the donation and the story of outgoing President Alexa McDonough’s roundtable, Voices Project participants wrote about objects of significance to them as women—pen, handkerchief, quilt, mirror, ring—objects now being donated and installed in the lounge, alongside the stories, as a permanent contribution to the space. Participants are currently writing on their early experiences shaping language into letters and producing a hand sewn scrapbook of their ‘storied objects’ pieces.
The World Inside Our Campus In January of 2011, the Mount took a step forward in enhancing its cultural diversity by signing a Letter of Understanding with Immigrant Settlement and Integration Services (ISIS), building on their existing partnership. ISIS’ mission is to welcome immigrants and to work in partnership to offer services and create opportunities that enable them to participate fully in Canadian life. ISIS is the leading deliverer of settlement services in Atlantic Canada and provides the full range of programs and services to 3,500+ immigrant clients annually in 34 communities across Nova Scotia. It is the primary contact in Nova Scotia on refugee, settlement and
immigration issues for more than 2,000 organizations, employers, government departments, and individuals annually. “We’re so pleased to have the opportunity to work more closely with ISIS on a partnership that will see great benefits for both organizations,” says Dr. Ramona Lumpkin, President of the Mount. “Clients at ISIS will have increased opportunity for employment and services at the Mount, while the University will enjoy the rich culture and knowledge that immigrants in Nova Scotia bring to our province.” The Mount and ISIS first began working together in 2007 when the Mount welcomed ISIS clients into work placements on campus under the New
Beginnings Program, aimed at ensuring new immigrants to the province gain the work experience they need to integrate into the local workforce. The Mount has students from more than 60 countries around the world. “ISIS has worked collaboratively with the Mount for many years in many capacities and we are extremely pleased to be able to formalize and strengthen this relationship today,” says Gerry Mills, Director of Operations, ISIS. “This partnership agreement will provide enhanced opportunities for work and study for immigrants who come to Nova Scotia and they in turn will be able to contribute their many skills and experience to the Mount Saint Vincent University community.”
National Body Image Conference Hosted by the Mount In November of 2010, the Mount hosted a national Conference on Body Image: Breaking the Mold, Breaking the Silence.
Dr. Rita Deverell
Presented by Dr. Rita Deverell, the Mount’s Nancy’s Chair, the conference explored the many issues people are faced with in today’s body-conscious world. Topics ranged from infertility to aging, and also examined the relationship between self-esteem and eating disorders
“Our hope for the conference is that it would be a forum to share information and experiences in an effort to take back our bodies as our most useful resource of intelligence, productivity, beauty, and accomplishment,” said Deverell. “We wanted to focus on body image issues that people from all walks of life face, not just one particular segment of society.” The conference was a partnership with Media Awareness Network and the Eating Disorders Action Group.
In conjunction with the conference, the Mount’s Art Gallery featured an exhibit that reflected the same topic. Beneath the Surface, by Nova Scotian artists Nancy Edell, Kim Morgan and Susan Wood, presented metaphors for the invisible, sometimes pathological processes taking place within the body. The presentations also included a documentary produced by Newfoundland students Emma Ward,12, and Emily Null,13, entitled, “Be Yourself, Be Beautiful…A Film for Girls by Girls.” Also speaking was author Heather Kuttai, whose dissertation, “Maternity Rolls-Pregnancy, Childbirth and Disability,” was published as a book by Fernwood Publishing. Kuttai, a paraplegic, discussed her life experience and body image concerns as an athlete and mother of two. The conference concluded Canada’s Fifth Annual Media Literacy Week, which was themed Gender and Media. Media Literacy Week is an initiative of the MNet and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, who encourage teachers, parents, and professionals to explore issues related to gender representation in media.
MAry SpArling
life to Celebrate
The Mount Community was deeply saddened by the passing of the former MSVU Art Gallery Director, Mary Sparling, DHumL ’04, in March of 2011. While leading the MSVU Art Gallery from 1973 to 1994, Sparling made a district and lasting contribution to Nova Scotian culture. Through advocacy and education, she provided exhibition opportunities for women artists, as well as exhibitions recognizing African Canadian and First Nations cultures.
In 1975, she founded the Slide Registry of Nova Scotian Women artists, to enhance career opportunities for Nova Scotians struggling against gender discrimination. The registry represented nearly 200 artists. In 1989, working with film-maker Shelagh MacKenzie, DHumL ’03, Sparling organized an exhibition titled Africville: a spirit that lives. It was accompanied by a conference whose events were organized by the Africville Exhibition Steering Committee, of which Sparling was a part. The exhibition also resulted in a book being published in 1992.
A Picture is Worth 1000 Memories Mount Public Relations students spent the fall semester snapping photos of campus life. As part of a public relations audio visual communication project, students were called upon to document life at the Mount. The students have done an excellent job of capturing the essence of the Mount in photos that will be used on our website ( and in our promotional materials. In the class taught by part-time instructor Janice Landry, Erin Doherty and Cecile Nayral de Puybusque and took the top photo collection titles. Kudos to Aurelia Boige, Helene Clabecq, Victoria Homeier, Anastasia Knyazeva, Jenna MacDonald and Lisa Vockenhuber and who were runners up. To see the photos and relive some of your favorite Mount memories, visit the website at aboutus/mediacentre/Headlines/2010StudentPhotos.aspx. We would love to hear our thoughts on some of the photos and the memories they evoke. Please write us at
In the early 90s, she collaborated with a number of organizations and communities to produce the Pier 21 exhibition at the Mount. This spurred the development of what is now the Pier 21 Museum on the Halifax Waterfront. She always fought fiercely to bring financial stability to the arts community she was instrumental in building. Sparling was recognized for this and all her accomplishments with an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from the Mount in 2004.
Student photos
The Mount’s graduate program offerings A key strategy in ensuring student success is the Mount’s continued focus on growing its list of graduate programs and a commitment to distributed and flexible learning. Innovations have included the Interdisciplinary PhD in Education, graduate programs in public relations now fully available via distance, and a Masters of Arts in Women and Gender Studies – all making graduate education more accessible to Mount alumnae. The Department of Family Studies and Gerontology now concentrates on delivering the Masters of Arts in Family Studies and Gerontology, allowing students to develop close working relationships with faculty and hone strong research skills in issues related to family relationships and aging. Faculty engage in research related to areas such as family/friend caregiving, caregiving policy, learning styles of students, peace and conflict, military families, family life education, aging with lifelong disabilities, sexuality, retirement, rural aging, and division of labour. Recently, a new PhD in Educational Studies was introduced in Nova Scotia as a result of the collaboration and
Applied Human nutrition
• Master of Applied Human Nutrition • Master of Science Applied Human Nutrition
child and youth study
• Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study
• Master of Education (Curriculum Studies) • Master of Arts in Education (Curriculum Studies) • Master of Education (Curriculum Studies): Supporting Learners with Diverse Needs and Exceptionalities • Master of Education (Curriculum Studies): Teaching English as a Second Language • Master of Education (Curriculum Studies): Education of Young Adolescents • Master of Arts in Education (Curriculum Studies): Education of Young Adolescents • Master of Education (Educational Foundations)
innovation of three Nova Scotian Universities. The Inter-University Doctoral Program in Educational Studies, which is the only one of its kind in the region, is a shared venture between Acadia University (Acadia), Mount Saint Vincent University (the Mount), and Saint Francis Xavier University (StFX). This is the inaugural doctoral degree offering for all three universities and builds on an already strong reputation of their graduate study offerings. The interuniversity program will allow students to stay in the region to further their education and it will attract students to Nova Scotia. In addition, it will lead to an advanced research base in educational studies in the province and beyond – research that could very well affect curricula development and public policy on the education system. Classes will begin in July. “This is a very exciting time for us,” says Jim Sharpe, Chair of the Inter-University Committee on Teacher Education, Doctoral Committee and Dean of the Faculty of Education at the Mount. “Initiating this program together is a
• Master of Arts in Education (Educational Foundations) • Master of Education (Educational Psychology) • Master of Arts in Education (Educational Psychology) • Master of Education (Educational Psychology) • Master of Arts in Education (Educational Psychology) Human Relations • Master of Education (Educational Psychology) Education of Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired • Master of Education (Educational Psychology) Education of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing • Master of Education (Elementary and Middle School Education) • Master of Arts in Education (Elementary and Middle School Education) • Master of Education (Literacy Education)
great way to show our joint commitment to providing quality education for Nova Scotians. It serves as a model of interuniversity collaboration and innovation.” The program will be delivered through intensive summer sessions and through residency at each university. The degree has been designed to be among the best in the country, anticipating the attraction of top doctoral candidates. “The program will include a mix of courses related to the foundations of educational inquiry, research methodologies, theories, and methods, in addition to a Comprehensive Portfolio and a Dissertation,” says Sharpe. Students will graduate from the university that is home for their supervisor. Their program of study will be delivered using on-site and e-learning at all three campuses throughout the duration of their degree. For more information about this innovative new program, please visit the website at For more information about the Mount’s graduate programs, including how to apply, please visit the Mount’s website at
• Master of Arts in Education (Literacy Education) • Master of Education (Studies in Lifelong Learning) • Master of Arts in Education (Studies in Lifelong Learning) • Master of Arts in School Psychology • Research Master of Arts • PhD in Educational Studies
family studies and gerontology • Master of Arts in Family Studies and Gerontology
Public relations
• Master of Public Relations • Master of Arts in Public Relations
Women and gender studies
• Masters of Arts in Women and Gender Studies
Thank you Alexa “Alexa McDonough has battled tirelessly throughout her career as an advocate for peace and social justice. In her 15 months as Interim President, she energized the campus and engaged the best in our community,” Dr. Ramona Lumpkin President and Vice-Chancellor
Alexa McDonough, OC, MSW, DHumL ’09, served a 15-month, inspiring term as Interim President and Vice-Chancellor that concluded this past October. She was the 11th woman to assume this leadership role. During her time at the Mount, McDonough became an Officer of the Order of Canada – one of Canada’s highest civilian honours. The Order of Canada recognized McDonough for her pioneering contributions as a politician, and her lifelong commitment to progressive change and social activism. Applauded nationally for her achievements and contributions to the nation, McDonough is also recognized for her many achievements and contributions to the Mount. As an advocate for peace and social justice, she enriched the University’s commitment to building a culture of peace through education. At a landmark Peace Conference, in July of 2010, hosted by the Mount, the conference brought together advocates of change to discuss building a more peaceful world through peace education, women’s activism and the disarmament movement. The following September, under McDonough’s leadership, The Mount would also be designated a Peaceful School by Peaceful Schools International. Under McDonough’s leadership, the Mount continued on its path into social, environmental and economic responsibility with the campus’ transition to natural gas. The conversion is estimated to cut operating costs by ten percent and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 35 per cent. The conversion is just one component of the University’s plan for a Sustainable Campus. McDonough was sure to include and engage students in her projects. Mount co-op students were able to assist in projects such as the Peace Conference and also the Citadel High Theatre Society, raising funds for the facility which became operational for the Canada Games with an official opening in March 2011.
Above: The annual Scholars’ Luncheon in November 2010 saw four presidents of the Mount gather to celebrate student success and recognize donor support. Left to right: Dr. Sheila A. Brown, President, 1996-2006; Dr. Elizabeth Parr-Johnston, CM, President, 1991-1996; Dr. Ramona Lumpkin; Dr. Alexa McDonough, OC, President, 2009-2010. Left: Alexa McDonough, OC with Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99, President of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association.
Student Success Over the last several years, the Mount reached out to the greater community with two goals: Enhancing Academic Excellence and Ensuring Student Success. Through the generosity and leadership of our donors, both these goals were surpassed. Enhancing Academic Excellence
Funds raised for this goal will allow the Mount to invest in leading edge tools, ensure strong academic holdings and establish a research chair which will assist classroom teachers in meeting the needs of all their students. The establishment of Departmental Enhancement Funds will assist various academic departments with attaining the resources to undertake strategic initiatives and special projects important for student success. Central to the success of this goal is the Gail and Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Learning Disabilities. The Mount has created the Gail and
Photo: Babineau photography
Ensured enhancing Academic excellence
GOAl: $2 million
Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Learning Disabilities to develop “best practices” programming so that the teachers of tomorrow will gain the skills they need to ensure all children are able to realize their academic potential. Students with learning disabilities make up the largest single group of children and youth with disabilities in the educational system. It is critical for parents and teachers to identify learning disabilities early in the primary grades. The Gail and Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Learning Disabilities is the only one of its kind in Canada and one of only four in the world. This research chair will enhance academic excellence by
RAISeD: $3.7 million
conducting and disseminating research and “best practices” programming regarding students with learning disabilities. This research position will conduct world-class research and knowledge mobilization. The Chair will communicate research into best practices to address the academic, personal and social strengths and needs of children and youth with learning disabilities. The Chair will also offer insight based on the above research into the implications for teacher education, teacher professional development and educational policy development. 9
About the Chair, Dr. Jamie Metsala
About the Donor, Stephen A. Jarislowsky, CC, GOQ
“In fact, the two major impediments to adequately addressing learning disabilities are the lack of basic research to further understand learning disabilities and best practices, and the lack of processes for communicating and implementing these ‘best practices’ in the classroom.”
Stephen A. Jarislowsky was born in Berlin, Germany in 1925, the stepson of a steel mill owner in Germany who was ousted by the Nazis for harbouring Jews. He attended public and high school in the Netherlands and France. In 1941, he emigrated to the US where he attended preparatory school in Asheville, North Carolina, studied mechanical engineering at Cornell University. He then went on the serve in the US Army. Once completing basic training, he studied Japanese at the University of Chicago prior to serving in Counter-Intelligence in Japan after the war.
Dr. Jamie Metsala Gail and Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Learning Disabilities Mount Saint Vincent University
Dr. Jamie Metsala is returning to Mount Saint Vincent University as the Gail and Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Learning Disabilities. Prior to taking this role Metsala was an Associate Professor at the University of Western Ontario in the Facility of Education. From 2005-2010 she was Associate Professor in the Mount’s Faculty of Education where she taught in the School Psychology program. She was also the Director of Research and Psychology at the Integra Children’s Mental Health Centre in Toronto and is a registered Clinical Physiologist. Metsala holds a BSc Honours in Psychology (Developmental), Master of Arts in Special Education and PhD in Applied Psychology from the University of Toronto. She has published several journal articles on the subject of learning disabilities and childhood education. She edited the book, Word Recognition in Beginning Literacy in 1998. Metsala has received several research funding grants to pursue her work in language and reading, spoken word recognition and social cognitive processes in young children with nonverbal learning disabilities. Metsala assumes the role of chair in July 2011.
Returning to the United States in 1946, he also returned to the University of Chicago, graduating with an MA and Phi Beta Kappa Honours. He followed this with MBA studies at Harvard Business School, graduating in 1949. He worked three years with Alcan Aluminum in Montreal and briefly returned to the United States prior to starting Jarislowsky, Fraser & Company Limited in June 1955 in Montreal. Now Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and former President of the firm for 40 years, he has directed the growth of the company to become one of the largest and most successful investment management firms in Canada. Jarislowsky has been active in other corporations, participated in educational, cultural and charitable activities of many kinds. With his wife Gail, to date has endowed 12 eponymous university chairs in Canada. He is a recipient of the Companion of the Order of Canada has Honorary Doctorates of Law from a growing list of Canadian universities. In 2005 he published The Investment Zoo: Taming the Bulls and the Bears which sold more than 15,000 copies in Quebec and pushed the French edition of The Da Vinci Code out of the top position on the bestseller list.
Ensuring Student Success Support in this area will propel the Scholarship, Bursary and Award program to new heights. This investment will transform the lives of countless students now and for many generations to come. The Mount has created Leadership Awards, recognizing that students excel outside the classroom and that these accomplishments should be celebrated.
Ensuring Student Success
Goal: $2 million
Raised: $3.4 million
To ensure all Mount students have access to the opportunity to enjoy a semester at any number of partner institutions around the globe, the Mount has established Student Study Abroad Awards. With the expansion of academic programs at the Mount, donors have established scholarships to ensure student success in new cutting edge programs such as the Bachelor of Science (Science Communication).
New Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards at the Mount Scholarships
Alexa McDonough Scholarship ARAMARK Scholarship Beacon Securities Endowed Scholarship Beth Manthorne Endowed Scholarship Big Picture Conferences Inc. Scholarship BMO Bank of Montreal Graduate Scholarship Campbell’s Canadian Scholarship CCL Group Scholarship CIBC Scholarships Dr. Elizabeth Weber Endowed Scholarship Dr. Sheila A. Brown Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth L. Foley Burbridge Endowed Scholarship Geoffrey Ettridge Paris Memorial Endowed Scholarship Harrison McCain Scholarships in Public Relations Harvella Endowed Scholarship Hayes Family Endowed Scholarship Hildred Martin Leadership Endowed Scholarship International Women’s Forum – Atlantic Chapter Scholarship Janet MacMillan Scholarship Leading Women Scholarship Lily On-Ping Chan Endowed Scholarship M. Jane A. Egan Memorial Endowed Graduate Scholarship in Applied Human Nutrition Margaret Flemming Endowed Scholarship Marial Mosher Canadian Studies Scholarship MSVU Pension Members’ Scholarships Murray-Pottie Scholarship in Science Communication Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Endowed Scholarships Patricia Keene Memorial Scholarship Pepsi Scholarship for Academic Excellence RBC Financial Group Scholarship Sushi Nami Royale Expendable Scholarship TD Bank Financial Group Endowed Scholarship in Business Administration Terry Goode Memorial Scholarship
80th Anniversary Endowed Bursary Fay C. Spencer Memorial Endowed Bursary International Student Bursary Fund Isabel Hyland Memorial Bursary John and Bernice Aqui Bursary Lily On-Ping Chan Endowed Bursary Toronto Chapter Golden Jubilee Bursary
Alumnae-Students’ Union Endowed Leadership Award Athletic Achievement Expendable Award Dr. Frank Bennett Mathematics Research Award Dr. John Reid Statistics Award Dr. Lillian Wainwright Biology Prize Dr. Mary Schoeneberger Education Prize Dr. Patrick O’Neill Prize in Public Speaking Dr. Susan Boyd Prize in Chemistry Dyrick McDermott Memorial Endowed Leadership Award Franklin Raymond and Helen Plato Memorial Academic/ Alumnae Varsity Prize MacDonald Chisholm Trask Insurance Leadership Award for Women’s Basketball Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc Endowed Leadership Award Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Endowed Award for Excellence in Tourism & Hospitality Management Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Endowed Travel Award for the Tourism and Hospitality Management degree Robert (Bob) Bagg Endowed Award Scotiabank Endowed Study Abroad Awards Tracy Barton Memorial Endowed Award *This list includes scholarships, bursaries and awards established since 2004.
11 Million Thank You’s Thank You to our generous supporters who have pledged their support for Mount Saint Vincent University. Every gift makes a difference in ensuring student success–today and well into the future.
The Honourable Myra A. Freeman, CM, ONS Honorary Chair
BENEFACTOR Jarislowsky Foundation
Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association Rosemarie Sampson Stewart McKelvey
Elizabeth & Fred Fountain, CM MSVU Students’ Union
Big Picture Conferences Dale Godsoe Foundation Edwards Family Charitable Foundation Mike Foran & Cathy Keating Shirley Forde E. Margaret Fulton, OC Lawrence Hayes Louise Hunt International Women’s Forum Atlantic Chapter Michael Jackson Maritime Broadcasting System Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association O’Regan’s Automotive Group Terrence Paris Susan Patten, CM, ONL Scotsburn Dairy Group The Shaw Group Judy Steele & Bruce Towler
$1,000,000 PLUS
$250,000-499,999 John & Judy Bragg Family Foundation Scotia Investments Limited TD Bank Group The Windsor Foundation
$100,000-249,999 Aramark Canada Ltd. Beacon Securities Bell Aliant Regional Communications BMO Bank of Montreal The Brown Family Richard & Sharon Calder CIBC Atlantic The Craig Foundation Harrison McCain Foundation The McCain Foundation Pacrim Hospitality Services Inc. Power Corporation of Canada RBC Foundation Scotiabank The Sobey Foundation
$50,000-99,999 A. Garnet Brown and Family Lily & Paul Chan Global Television Martha Jodrey, OC & Bruce Jodrey KPMG Charitable Foundation Alexa McDonough, OC
$10,000-24,999 Armour Group Ltd. Susan & Russell Boyd Linda & Hugh Brown Sheila A. Brown Canaccord Capital Corporation CMA Canada Susan Covert Katherine Darvesh Jeanne Flemming Harold Crabtree Foundation Holloway Lodging Catherine Langille Deanne MacLeod & Mark Forward The McLean Foundation Janet Murray & T.J. Murray, OC Elizabeth Parr-Johnston, CM
The S. Schulich Foundation Ward & Madge Skinner Janis Sobey-Hames Theodore R. & Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Foundation Hans & Annegret Uhthoff Annette Verschuren
CHAMPION $5,000-9,999
ASG Financial Corp. Robert Batherson & Cathy MacIsaac Wayne Bossert Mike & Beth Brien Evelyn Burnham Canadian Centre for Energy Information Chemical Institute of Canada Extreme Group Sandra Findlay-Thompson & Bruce Thompson F.K. Morrow Foundation Jeremy Freedman Tony Goode Jane Gordon Peter Greenwood Greg Grice Kathryn Laurin Dennice Leahey, CM & Stephen Leahey Ann MacGillivary Janet MacMillan MAW Charitable Trust R. Mark McCondach Jone E. Mitchell Kim Morgan New Democrats of Canada Association Judith Newman Nova Scotia Power Inc. Mary O’Regan Meredith Ralston Gladys & F.G. Savard James Sharpe Sarah & Gordie Veinot Donna Woolcott
ASSOCIATE $1,000-4,999
Tex Barkhouse Chris Beckett Ilya Blum Donna Bourne-Tyson Noella Brennan Fisher Gerard Buckley Catherine Butler Kim Campbell Barbara Casey Angela Chipman Frances Cody
Colour Jane Cordy Anthony Davis Sharon Davis Linda DeGrace Kenneth Dewar Madelyn Doody Wendy Doyle Susan Drain Patricia Drake Craig & Susan Duhamel Myra A. Freeman, CM, ONS Janice Gaudet Peter Glenister Gwen Haliburton, ECNS Mary Jane Harkins Fred Harrington Karen Hatcher Elizabeth Hicks Carol Hill Glenn Hollett Jeff Hollett The Jackman Foundation Kurt Jacobs Brian Jessop Velma Kaiser-Whitlock Barbara Kane Alla Kushniryk Elizabeth Larmond-Elliot June Lumsden Mary Lyon Patricia MacCleave Shari MacDonald Cathy MacGregor Ron MacKay Bruce MacNeil Timothy Mansfield Manulife Financial Corporation Alanna Mason Sue McGregor Robyn McIsaac Margaret McKee Claire Milton Carolyn Nobes Deborah Norris Adrienne O’Pray Stanislav Orlov Shani Pearson Lisa Pelley Barbara Pike John Reid Harrison Robbins Lara Ryan Brigid Savage Lori Scott Judith Scrimger Suzanne Seager Marie Anne Skomorowski Della Stanley Alison Stark Caroline Wolfe Stewart & Ron Stewart Brook Taylor
Our donors have pledged over $11 million to support Enhancing Academic Excellence, Ensuring Student Success, and Expanding Our Campus. Gifts for the Teaching, Learning and Research Centre are foundation gifts for Project TWENTY12. This list includes individuals, corporations, foundations and associations according to recognition levels. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information. If you are aware of any errors or omissions, please contact University Advancement at 902.457.6470.
Diane Tinkham Mary & Norman Uhl Richard Walkden Margaret Watts Michael Whalen Catherine Woodman
A-1 Auctioneers & Evaluation Services Ltd Mary Akin Cicely Alfonso Carol Anderson Elizabeth Archer Helen Arnold Shirley Arsenault Berit Ås Tena Ashley Ninette Babineau Tanya Baggio Myrlane Ball Sheila Bannon Deborah Barker-McIntosh Courtney Barnhill Paul Bennett Adriana Benzaquen Robert Berard Madeleine Berrigan Kelly Blair Elizabeth R. Bowering Robert Bradford Carolann Broome Leslie Brown Anna Buccioni Stephanie Burdock T. Burgess Vicki Burke Diane Burns Joanne Burns-Theriault Beverly Cameron Stewart Cameron Marilyn A. Campbell Michael Campbell Sarah Carlos Jane Carman Charlotte Carter Carmen Chaddock Mary Chipman Laurel Christie Elizabeth Church Yvonne Chute CKF Inc. Christine Clark Maureen Cleary Greg Coakley Clarice Comeau Paulet Cormier-MacBurnie Marion Crabbé
Nancy Crane Beverley Daye Paul Delahunt Alison DeLory Wanda Deschamps Jill Devanney Rita Deverell Colin Dodds Barbara Downie Catherine Driscoll Brenda Dwyer Felicia Eghan Pamela Fancey Connie Farronato Patricia Fennell Frederick Fennell Vera Fennell Harriet Field Ann Finlayson Randall Fisher Donna Forbes Ruth Fox Heather Fraser-Davey Christine Frigault Kelly Gallant Sharon Ganong Genevieve Gilbert Nancy Gillis Joan Glode, CM Kerry Gouthro Janice Graham-Migel Mary Anne Grant Elizabeth Guinan Stephanie Hale Heather Hanson Mary Harnish Vicki Harnish Tina Harriott Erin Hemeon Paul Henderson Joseph Henman Jean Hennigar Gail Hersey Sonya Horsburgh Jill Hurlbert Michelle Innes Linda Isenor Ingrid Jenkner Johanna Jodrey Frances Johnson F. Marie Jones Nargess Kayhani Lynn Kazamel-Boudreau & John Boudreau Allen Keeping Brenda Kennedy Simon Kennedy & Suzanne McCarthy Freida Kernaghan KCI Ketchum Canada Brent King
Jean Knickle Kraft Canada Randy Krise Raymond Krulicki Michelle Landreville Norma Landry Daryl Langille Larry Langley Mark Latus Jennifer Lavoie Buddy Lawrence Barbara LeBlanc Mary Lou LeRoy Linda Levangie Elsie Lewis Hui Li Dianne Lindsay Gary Logan Jill Logan Bernard Long Janet Lowe Irene MacDonald Janet MacDonald Laura MacDonald Linda MacDonald Margaret MacDonnell Shirley MacKenzie Susan MacLellan Michael MacMillan Hazel MacRae Jolene Mahody Patrick Marsh Earl Martin Sheilagh Martin Jean Mathers Stephanie McCandless-Reford Michele McCarthy Amy McGraw Geraldine McGuire Elizabeth McIver Jennifer McLaren Sheva Medjuck Roy Mestdagh Sheldon Miller Joanne Mills Diane Morgan Mount Saint Vincent University Administrative & Professional Association Debra Muise Marguerite Muise Nancy Mulock The Mutual Group Lana Neil Tracey Newman Douglas Nicholson Shirley Nicholson
Martha Norris Helen O’Halloran Iris Owen Joan Penney Judy Pertus Michele Peveril Janet Piers Zita Poirier Beth Pyesmany Arsenault Elizabeth Raum Margaret Raven RBC Royal Bank Donna Redmond Gates & Allan Gates Paul Reyno Calvin Rice Trudene Richards Marie Riley Peggy Ritchie Joanne Rivest & Dayle Harrington Danette Robinson Gabriel Roughneen Blake Rutledge Virginia Rutledge Kevin Sanford Linda Schafer-Millar Sandra Schnare Donald Shiner Rochelle Simons-Lee Marilyn Singer Richard H. Smith Carol Snow Adah Spencer Heather Standing Leighton Steele Arlene Steger Maura Sullivan Marilyn Surette James Swindells Linda Thistle J. Roderick Tilley Vera Vanderschot-Magtanong Dora Vaughan Marilyn Watson Walter Webber Marie Weeren Jennifer White Amanda Whitewood Lisa Whynott Heather Withrow-Kowalczyk Kelli Wolfe-Enslow Aibing Xia John Young Patricia Yourkavich-Moore Nancy Zwaagstra ... and numerous donors who wish to remain anonymous
mount saint vincent incent Alumnae Association
President’s Message
Board of Directors
ExEcUtivE committEE
e rsa v i n n A
Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 It is hard for me to believe that I’m in the final months of my term as President of the Alumnae Association. It’s been an honour to represent the alumnae over the past two years, and to meet so many of you and hear of your experiences. We have a tremendous alumnae family. During my term the Association’s Board of Directors has been committed primarily to three broad objectives; supporting students, supporting the Mount, and engaging our alum. We have made investments in each of these areas and can be proud of our results, including new and expanded awards for students; paying forward the Association’s pledge towards a new academic building on campus; and the development of several new and innovative alumnae events that have helped grow and diversify our event attendance. The accomplishments have been realized through countless hours of volunteer and staff time, so a huge gratitude needs to be paid to our Board, its subcommittees and the staff of the University who provide so much support for what we do. I am proud of what the Association has achieved, and we are in a great position to build on these successes. 2011 marks the 90th anniversary of the Alumnae Association and if you haven’t been to an event lately, I would encourage you in this anniversary year to reconnect with classmates, reengage with the Mount and give your time, ideas and enthusiasm – we encourage your contribution to another 90 years of success! Best wishes. I hope to see you soon.
President: Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 Vice President: Deanne MacLeod, BBA ’92 Immediate Past President: Lara Ryan, BPR ’92 Secretary: Lisa Whynott, BOA ’94 Treasurer: Tanya Baggio, BBA ’95
mEmbErs At lArgE
Todd Brayman, BBA ’98 Alison DeLory, BPR ’98 Stephanie Hale, BOA ’03 Jill Hurlbert, BTHM ’93 Tanya Lorimer-Charles, BBA ’89 Tara MacDonald, BBA ’06 Kelly MacLeod, MAEd ’01, MEd ’05 Terri Mann, CertBusi ’03, BTHM ’06 Alanna Mason, BSc ’92 Kevin Sanford, BBA ’03 Erin Tomlinson, BPR ’04, BEd ’08 Caroline Wolfe Stewart, BScHEc ’90
stUdEnt rEPrEsEntAtivEs
Max Herrington, MSVU Students’ Union
AlUmnAE rEPrEsEntAtivEs on moUnt boArd of govErnors Deanne MacLeod, BBA ’92 Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99 Caroline Wolfe Stewart, BScHEc ’90
Ex officio
Shani Pearson, Manager, Alumnae Relations
noticE of mEEting mount saint vincent Alumnae Association Annual general meeting June 14, 2011 at 6.00 pm rosaria student centre information: or 902.457.6340
Alumnae Weekend Schedule
Planning is underway for Alumnae Weekend 2011. Stay tuned to the website as details become available.
Friday, September 23
Saturday, September 24
12:00 pm
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
7:00 - 9:00 pm
3:00 - 5:00 pm
50th Class Luncheon Celebrate the Golden Jubilee Lunch for the Academy and College Classes of 1961.
Alumnae Weekend Brunch Always lots of laughter. Special guests: members of the classes of 1941, 1946, 1951 and 1956 Family Fun Day Chat with friends while the kids have fun.
Brewery Tour Sample some of Nova Scotia’s finest.
6:00 for 6.30 pm
Alumnae Weekend Dinner Rediscover what makes Mount alumnae special through stories and laughter. Homecoming Soccer Games on Sunday, September 25, 2011. Mount Mystics versus NSAC Rams.
Campus tours available. The Alumnae Association is looking for volunteers from the Academy, College and University to gather the troops. The class leaders for Academy ’61, College ’61 and University ’86 have stepped forward to make the most of their milestones. Are you willing to step forward for your year? 10 year reunion – Class of 2001 15 year reunion – Class of 1996 40 year reunion – Class of 1971 45 year reunion – Class of 1966
55 year reunion – Class of 1956 60 year reunion – Class of 1951 65 year reunion – Class of 1946 70 year reunion – Class of 1941
Call 902.457.6433 or email
A Message to the Class of 1961 Whenever I receive Folia Montana I always check to see if there’s any news from the Class of 1961 in the Class Notes section of the magazine. Alas, there’s usually no news. I often thought that maybe I should send in something, but then the years went by and now we are soon to celebrate our 50th anniversary reunion. It did not seem that long ago that we celebrated our 25th and 40th anniversary reunions. I am making a real effort now to send this message before more years slipped by. I want you to know that I treasure our friendship made possible during our years at the Mount. I have managed to keep in touch with some of you over the years and wish to have done a better job in not letting so many others disappear from my life. I hope the attendance for our 50th anniversary reunion this coming September will be great. A number of our
classmates from the Halifax area are doing the organizing so you should be hearing from them soon. It will be really wonderful to meet up again to reminisce on our Mount days and share some of our life experiences that we have garnered over this half century. When I was at the Mount I never thought of attending such a GOLDEN event and now the chance is coming up in a few months and I hope to see many of you at our alma mater in September. Submitted by Lily On-Ping Wong Chan, BA ’61 If you wish to contact Lily, or obtain information about the activities planned for the 50 t h reunion, please contact
Alumnae Weekend 2010 “You haven’t changed a bit! I would have known you anywhere!”
Mount alumnae gathered on Alumnae Weekend 2010 to reconnect, laugh and enjoy one another’s company while taking in the many events ranging from Alumnae Dinner, to a wine tour of the Valley to the Alumnae Brunch. The Academy and College Classes of 1960 were the special guests at the Golden Jubilee Lunch at the Meadows. The classes of 1955, 1950, 1945 and 1940 were honoured at the Alumnae Weekend Brunch while tribute was paid to Alexa McDonough, OC, DHumL ‘09, Interim President of the Mount, at the Alumnae Weekend Dinner. Even after 15, 50 and even 60 years, old friends recognize one another and are transported straight back to their time at the Mount.
Pictured are the Meagher sisters - Kay is on the top stair, followed by Donna, Mary, and Patsy and (inset) their beloved sister Sharon.
A family Tradition Continues “I remember it always seemed there was an older sister getting a drive or taking the bus to the Mount,” said Patricia Cunningham CertBusi ’08, BA ‘10, one of five Meagher sisters to attend the Mount. It would have seemed that way to Patricia, or Patsy as her sisters call her. Patsy had grown up watching four of her sisters (Kay, Donna, Sharon and Mary) pursue a higher education through the Mount. The Meagher sisters are first-generation Haligonians, and the first generation to attend university in their family. Their parents, hailing from Cape Breton, raised six girls and three boys. Their mother had been a teacher but their father did his learning on the farm where he was needed, never finishing high school. Kay A. Meagher BA ‘68, was the oldest of the girls and the first to go to the Mount. Kay spent eight years as a Sister of Charity (Sister Anne Donald) taking her vows in 1967 and graduating with an arts degree 1968. After getting her Bachelor of Education out west and spending some time teaching in a Separate School in Edmonton, Kay returned to Nova Scotia. Her time with the Sisters of Charity, along with her education, prepared her for a career in social services. She retired in 2006. Kay’s time on campus would be a world apart than that of the future Meagher sisters yet to follow. Vatican II was concluded in 1965, relaxing some of the strict rules associated within the Catholic Church. However, she was still fairly restricted, especially during three years in the Postulate and the Novitiate
when the girls were cloistered. “It was fair to say we were not allowed to hang around and gab …I remember being in my first year and seeing my friends from high school in the library and only being able to wave,” recalls Kay, “However, there were interactions between the girls in the Convent and the general population that were arranged in the name of friendly competition, such as basketball games.” Patsy’s early memories of the Mount stem from Kay’s time in the convent, “Here we were living in Halifax and the Mount only on the Bedford Highway, however, the trips to see Kay Ann were scheduled and only once in a while ...I was about 7 or 8 at the time. We would take walks around the grounds, visit the grotto or the Stations of the Cross and I remember how clean and shiny the floors were. My brother and I would slide on the floor and play hide and seek in the corridors of that great building and I’m sure we weren’t allowed.” Donna Meagher-Stewart, BScN ’70, a Registered Nurse, would turn her love of learning into a lifetime love of teaching. She is currently a professor with the Dalhousie University School of Nursing, where she has taught for 32 years. Her research includes a focus on community health and women’s health issues. To this day, Donna still appreciates the unique educational experience she had at the Mount, “The fact that the Mount was all women students, and the one-on-one support you received.” She continues, “It was my studies at the Mount that
stimulated my interest in women’s issues and women’s health.” “Going to the Mount became a tradition” says Mary Robertson, BA ’73, the fourth sister to attend. Mary graduated with an arts degree in business economics and spent her career in human resources. She retired from the Department of National Defence three years ago, although she returns to facilitate workshops for federal employees. Both Mary and Sharon Meagher MacDonald, JrDip ’71, BA ’91, BEd 92, would attend the Mount at the same time in the early 1970’s. After completing a Junior Diploma in Education, Sharon would also return to the Mount as a mature student to upgrade her credentials, completing both an arts and education degree. Sadly, Sharon passed away in 2006 after a battle with brain cancer. Patsy, who returned to the Mount also as a mature student, credits Sharon as her source of inspiration, “Sharon gave me the push I needed. She had a very busy life with a husband, four children and teaching and still found the time to go back to the Mount to update her license.” The Meagher sisters’ tradition at the Mount is still being carried on today. Kristen, the daughter of the sixth Meagher sister, Eileen, is pursuing a degree in women’s studies.
Mount alum among country’s
top educators Joanne Alex, MEd ’00, Principal, We’koqma’q Mi’kmaw School, Waycobah First Nation Education, Kevin Power, MEd ’02, Principal, Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Elementary, and Heather Smith, MEd ’06, Principal, Janesville Elementary were honoured among Canada’s Outstanding PrincipalsTM for 2011. The award is an initiative of The Learning Partnership, and is presented to principals who have made a measurable difference in the lives of their students and their local communities. Alex also received the Learning Partnership’s Special Award which recognizes the unique challenges that educational leaders face in on-reserve schools. Award recipients joined their colleagues in the National Academy of Canada’s Outstanding Principals and were honoured at a Gala Awards Ceremony emceed by Marci Ien, host of Canada AM, on February 8, 2011. They also participating in an exclusive five-day management course at the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, where they gained valuable knowledge and learned strategies to help them enhance public education at their school and in their community.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Award 2011
Nominations For outstanding dedication to the service of others in Nova Scotia You’re invited to nominate an individual, couple or group from Nova Scotia for the annual Elizabeth Ann Seton Award to be presented this year on November 6. The Sisters present the award each year to a community member, a young adult (ages 17 - 25) and to a Sister of Charity who personify the qualities of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. For more information: Carrie Flemming: 902-406-8114
Alumnae Award of Distinction “When I graduated from both the Academy and with my BA, I felt I was empowered to follow my dreams and do anything I wanted and that being a woman was not going to stop me.” Noella Brennan Fisher Alumnae Award of Distinction 2011
Noella Brennan Fisher, ACAD ’59, BA ’62, is a trailblazer and role model who embodies the ideals of the Mount. Brennan Fisher’s professional life has been marked by a number of firsts: • one of the first, if not the first, Mount graduate to become a lawyer • one of the first female lawyers hired by the Nova Scotia Department of Justice • first woman to be named Financial Counsel for the Province of Nova Scotia • first chair and founder of the Canadian Government lawyers section of the Canadian Bar Association • first female member of the Halifax Club Brennan Fisher was the first full-time female member of the Halifax Club, an historic private men’s club. Apparently, her 10-year battle to break the gender barrier at the Halifax Club created quite the stir. According to a Chronicle Herald reporter at the time: “this is a bigger story than the Space Shuttle explosion!” It would take close to another 20 years before the Club would elect its first female president. Brennan Fisher made it possible for Mount grad Judy Steele, BPR ’82, to become president of the Club. Brennan Fisher enjoyed a 25 year career as a lawyer with the Province of Nova Scotia, retiring in 1997. She became a recognized expert in the area of international and national finance and securities law. Her work resulted in a report which established the Nova Scotia Securities Commission and legislation to enact the Provincial Finance Act.
Throughout her career, Brennan Fisher demonstrated a commitment to gender issues having served on federal and provincial committees examining issues relating to women and the law, as well as female lawyers in the legal profession. She was named Queen’s Counsel in 1982 and last year was appointed a Justice of the Peace. Brennan Fisher has been involved in the Mount community in many capacities. As a board member, she served on numerous alumnae association committees, including the selection committee for the Jubilee Alumnae Award of Distinction. She was a member of the Mount’s Board of Governors, chairing a successful fund raising campaign. The Sisters of Charity have played a significant role in her life and she has given back to the Congregation by chairing boards including the Financial Advisory Committee. Her list of community involvement is extensive and ranges from Girl Guides to the John Howard Society to the Royal Commonwealth Society. In her spare time, she enjoys oil painting and geneology. In fact, she recently completed four books on her grandparent’s family histories. Noella Brennan Fisher graduated from the Mount Saint Vincent Academy in 1959, from Mount Saint Vincent College with her Bachelor of Arts in 1962 and she received her law degree from Dalhousie in 1966. We are so very proud to call her a Mount alumna! Noella Brennan Fisher, QC, JP was honoured at the Annual Dinner for Mount Alumnae & Friends on March 3, 2011.
To mark the 90th anniversary of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association, the Board of Directors reinstituted the Alumnae Award of Distinction. This prestigious award is presented to a Mount alumna/us to recognize distinguished professional achievement, outstanding contribution to the community at large, or a particular field of endeavour. The Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association honours the alumna/us by making a $500 donation to a Mount scholarship, bursary or award.
1 President’s Reception
Members of the Board of Directors of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association were among the guests at the President’s Reception at the Art Gallery in January 2011.
2 Jamaica Reception
Alumnae Gatherings Celebrations
Warm breezes, smiles and much laughter were on the menu at a gathering for Mount alumnae at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica in November 2010. The visit to Kingston for Dr. Jim Sharpe, Dean of Education and Shani Pearson, Manager, Alumnae Relations, also included a Graduation Celebration for the Master of Education graduates from 2009 and 2010, and Graduation Ceremony at St. Joseph’s Teachers’ College.
3 Ottawa Reception on the Hill
Alumnae gathered with members of the House of Commons and the Senate at a reception on the Hill in October 2010 to welcome Dr. Ramona Lumpkin to her new role. The reception was graciously hosted by the Honourable Jane Cordy, BEd ’89, Senator, the Honourable Nancy Ruth, DHumL ’89, Senator and Megan Leslie, Member of Parliament for Halifax.
4 Basketball Double Header
Alumnae, supporters and friends of the Mount joined forces with students and parents to cheer on the Mount Mystics Men’s basketball team at the Metro Centre in January 2011 and then raised the roof at the Halifax Rainmen game. The Nova Scotia Sport Hall Fame was the perfect venue for a reception between games where the team was congratulated on the win over the Holland College Hurricanes.
5 Scholars’ Luncheon
The annual Scholars’ Luncheon in November brings donors and students together to celebrate academic achievements. Alumnae are always in attendance as are many former Mount faculty and staff.
6 Toronto Chapter Brunch
The Toronto Alumnae Chapter, the Alumnae Association’s oldest chapter, hosted a brunch in November and welcomed the Mount’s new president, Dr. Ramona Lumpkin.
7 Past President’s Tea
In October, Sheldon Miller, BBA ’99, President of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association, introduced Past Presidents of the Alumnae Association to Dr. Ramona Lumpkin at a tea at the Meadows.
8 Canadian Studies Grads Gather in Ottawa On Sunday March 13, Mount grads who are now working and living in Ottawa gathered for tea and a visit at the home of Dr. Della Stanley, Professor Emeritus, in Ottawa.
3 4
8 21
A Diary of the Games When we heard the 2011 Canada Winter Games were coming to Halifax, we knew Mount alum would be involved in some way to ensure its success. Folia Montana asked Melissa MacKinnon, BPR ‘04, to keep a record of the days leading up to the big event and its subsequent 18 days. In her role as Director, Communications & Community Relations of the Games, MacKinnon experienced many of same feelings of exhaustion and elation as the athletes. And, she got to spend some time with Rick Mercer for the Rick Mercer Report. Win. Win.
Melissa MacKinnon, BPR, Director, Communications & Community Relations in the Games Media Centre.
Here is a snapshot of the Games in her own words.
time gone? Ceremonies Producer and
k ’till the Games. Where has the Friday, February 4: One weeming 2.5 years ago when I had no real. A far cry from where we were his team are in town – it’s all beco idea where to start.
ne is pins and delivering computers, everyo
Details, details. From counting Saturday, February 5: es, pins, and tartan scarves. Stuffing media bags with media guid working out the final details.
l Had an office potluck for Super Bow
s are a thing of the past now. Sunday, February 6: Weekend Game on the big screen. the boardroom and projected the Sunday – brought our laptops into
is just before the Games. The Media Centre
t big planning team meeting ved Monday, February 7: Las es – the most ever. Computers arri 500 media accredited for the Gam about ready to go – close to today, along with flags, TVs.
ved to get things ready for
ial Mission Staff teams have arri Tuesday, February 8: Provinc town. They’re already talking different coloured jackets around
their athletes. Nice to see all the CTV about my own Games 15 media calls today. Got to talk to about the great hospitality. Fielded ago. Ah, the glory days! experience as an athlete, 10 years a hitch. So much – Opening Ceremony went off without here ly final It’s 11: ary bru Fe , Friday s and media rooms. Media and zing volunteers working photo zone work went into it. Shout out to ama not an easy task. photogs were happy, which is generally emony, #2011canadagames brief moment during the Opening Cer a For 12: ary bru Fe , day Satur with chatter about the Pretty cool. The internet is buzzing was trending worldwide on Twitter. ial media volunteers. Games, thanks to our awesome soc essional life. Dealt with the most challenging day of my prof sibly Pos 13: ary bru Fe y, Sunda able to draw upon health-care the satellite athletes’ vvillage. Was seriously ill athlete and bed bugs at our experienced group of volunteers. lot of amazing support from ou PR experience A LOT today. Had a . Was an all-hands-on-deck sort of day uld e on CBC national news. Nobody sho Woke up to the sound of my own voic light High es. Gam the at Monday, February 14: it’s Day tia Valentine’s Day and I Love Nova Sco start their day like that. But in Grand Parade. ple peo 00 0 6,0 with n” tow this “I love was singing along to Joel Plaskett d women’s curling compete while ryday kids become stars – watche the last. Tuesday, February 15:t Eve ced that – but it probably won’t be ever experience ers curl the time Firs st. dca mic’d for TSN broa from Sherbrooke, Quebec, and Spent time today with delegations 16: ons ary bru Fe ay, sd dne We lot about lessons learned. Key less next two Canada Games. Talked a with able ount acc and n ope g Prince George, BC – hosts of the bein g more creative to get noticed; and around the use of social media; bein media and the public from the get-go. is being called a ‘world-class’ venue hed competition on the Oval, which Thursday, February 17:edFinis ting community. by the national Long Track Spe Ska 22
Photo: Halifax 2011/Scott Clo uthier bb 2011/Shirley Ro Photo: Halifax
at the fact that broadcast is limited, even Friday, February 18: People still upsetthan 700 hours of coverage – the most in the Games’ TSN and are broadcasting more history.
and another 1,900
the Games: 1,700 athletes leave Saturday, February 19: Turnaround day at g luggage and teams to airport. All hands on deck. Later
fly into Halifax today – a lot of logistics gettin Sea play Celebration Square at Grand Parade. in the day, 15,000 people came out to hear Great Big concert “I’ll remember this moment for the rest Overheard one Saskatchewan athlete say during the of my life.” starting to get to everyone. Feeling pretty tired. Staff Monday, Feb 21: The 18-hour days are of a blanket and an old lava lamp. set up a ‘nap room’ in our office with a piece foam, blow a few cases of norovirus out of proportion. Less Tuesday, February 22: Media try to of a stomach bug and recovered within 8-10 hours. than 20 participants (out of 3,600) have had a bit which helped us contain the spread to other Were very fortunate to have athletes 2-3 to a room, participants. ia boxers win four medals, putting pressure on the Thursday, February 24: Nova ScotGame s sport. Being in the Halifax Forum with 5,000 other Canada Games Council to keep boxing as a great history of that building and the sport of the screaming Nova Scotians helped me understand boxing. ns report tells us that more than 18,000 conversatio Saturday, Feb 26: Day 16 social mediaout my of one creating the Games’ Blog Squad was occurred on Twitter about the Games. Turns better decisions. rence. Federal Sunday, February 27: Closing press confe exceptional” and
Sport Minister calls the Halifax Games “Truly x on taking Canada Games Council Tom Quinn congratulates Halifa her TSN toget puts Black Rod level. new a the Canada Games to e were “Ther says video the of line rite favou My . montage video city, big a in lost get concerns that the Canada Games would s.” Game a Canad the in lost but it turns out the big city got done. is With that, my job
Photos, top left: 2011 Canada Games boxing. Top right: 2011 Canada Games Snowboarding. Right: “Backstage at GBS”: Melissa MacKinnon, BPR, Director, Communications & Community Relations and Andrea Bowie, BPR, Director of Sales and Events backstage at Great Big Sea on Feb 19.
Mount Alumnae
with Halifax Rainmen Mark Forward, BBA ’93, was introduced to Andre Levingston, owner, President and CEO of the Halifax Rainmen, by a mutual connection. Levingston was looking for a professional to take on his finances who also had a basketball background. Forward values the partnership and friendship that evolved from the opportunity. “It’s been pretty-good ever since. Andre has been good to the Mount, we have a relationship - there’s a nice energy going with the Mount and the Rainmen,” says Forward. With so much on the go, Forward has taken on two fifth-year business administration students, John Caulfield and Anthony Zinn, to help out with the Rainmen’s books. Forward does the Rainmen’s financials but he also is one of Levingston’s connections to the local basketball community.
New Alumnae Faces on Campus Ardra Cole, BEd ’76
Dr. Ardra Cole joined the Mount community as Associate Vice-President (Academic and Research) in January.
Stéphanie Comeau, BPR ’09
Comeau joined the team in University Advancement in January as Program Coordinator, Development.
Joanne Peckham, BSA ’87
In February, Peckham joined the Public Affairs team as Communications Assistant and Office Administrator.
“Mark – he’s my man! He’s been my financial manager here for three years. We continue to grow each year and he’s been a part of that,” says Levingston of Forward’s involvement with the organization. Also involved with the organization is Jenn Cotterill, BPR ’05, who is Game Operations Producer and currently back on campus completing her Master of Public Relations. Nicole Moore BTHM ‘10, and Dereck Hubley BTHM ’10 are Sales Leads. Jillian Blackman BPR ‘10, is Director of Marketing and Public Relations. Blackman says her time at the Mount was the “most valuable experience I could have had ever.” She credits the program at the Mount for providing her with the opportunity to achieve, be recognized and make connections that would lead to her position in the organization.
Chris Beckett Retires Chris Beckett joined the Mount as Coordinator of DUET-- as the instructional television program area was then called-- in 1986. This was the Mount’s founding distance learning endeavour, and it has continued to thrive due to Chris’ dedication to its growth and development. He has been an exceptionally articulate and enthusiastic promoter of instructional television throughout his career, and has inspired many faculty to become engaged in distance learning. Beckett is a creator and an explorer, a musician, a sailor, a writer, a reader, a gourmet cook, a traveler, a story-teller, and much more. With all of these talents and interests, “retired” hardly seems the word to describe his future.
Class Notes 1966
Phyllis (Payzant) Cross, BA ’66, BEd ’67
Gina Connell, BPR ’87
Phyllis is enjoying retirement after a great teaching career. She is living at her cottage full-time.
Sister Yvonne Pothier, BSc ’66, BA ’77 Sister Yvonne received the Elizabeth Ann Seton Award 2010, recognizing her work with the Archdiocese of Halifax Refugee Sponsorship Program.
1972 Dianne Buffett, BA ’72
Dianne is an ESL teacher in New Jersey and is putting out a call to her former classmates, especially Elly McNutt, who she would like to hear from. She’s also looking to reconnect with any alumnae in New York. To contact Dianne, please write alumnae@
Ruth Copeland, ACAD ’72
After living out west in Alberta, and BC, since 1973, Ruth is now living on PEI. She would love to get in touch with former classmates. To get in touch with Ruth, contact Alumnae Relations at
Louanne Devanney, BA ’72, BEd ’86 Louanne’s husband Burris, has written a memoir of their experience in Africa in the mid 1960’s, titled African Chronicles.
1979 Janet Lugar Miller, BEd ’79
After graduating from the Mount, Janet has been circuit elementary Core French in 28 schools. Over the years she has guided 10 student teachers. She has fond memories of Professor Jacques Barthomeuf and his great instruction. Janet plans to retire in June, 2011.
1984 Barry Waldman, BSc/BEd ’84
Barry is an Educational Consultant with the Eskazoni School Board. His charity, Educational Program Innovations Charity Society, received the 2010 Donner Foundation Award for Excellence in the Delivery of Social Services, Canada’s top award for non-profit management. He would like to send out a ‘thanks’ to the Mount for the extraordinary services he received as a mature student.
Gina is now the Vice President of m5pr’s Nova Scotia division. She was appointed July, 2010 to head up the Nova Scotia office as the public relations arm continues its growth through Atlantic Canada.
Anne Melanson, BPR ’87
Anne received the 2010 Women of Excellence Award for Communications and Public Affairs from the Canadian Progress Club (November 2010). Anne is Principal with Bloom Non-Profit Consulting Group.
1988 Samual Samson, BA ’88, BHEd ’89
Samual is the Vice-Principal of a new French school in the Halifax region, École secondaire du Sommet. He and his wife Sandra Currie-Samson BHEc ’89 are the parents of two beautiful girls (Laura 12 and Charlotte 7).
Ellyn Winters-Robinson, BPR ’88
1991 Francis Perry, MEd ’91
Francis has recently retired from over thirty years as a teacher and school counselor. He has published a new suspense novel, set in a school. More information on the book is available at
1992 Class of ’92
Dawn (Hayman) Mallyon, BPR ‘92 After two years as Director of Marketing, Dawn accepted a promotion to the position of Vice President, Marketing for Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.
1993 Nancy Fullerton, BPR ’93
Nancy recently accepted a position as the Associate Vice President of Communications at Valparaiso University in Indiana.
After twenty years of corporate life, Ellyn has found a new love in entrepreneurship. She’s running her own high-tech marketing consultancy called Ignition. Ignition provides strategy, marketing communications and PR services to clients from Canada, the U.S. and Europe. She is living in Cambridge, Ontario with her husband and two children.
Harvey McCarthy, BA ’93
Natalie MacLean, BPR ’89
Marianette Bryan, BA ’94
Natalie has won Les Dames d’Escoffier International M.F.K. Fisher Award 2010 for an article on wine. Check out her winning entry at which trumped entries from the Washington Post and the Boston Globe, to name a few.
1990 Stephanie Wells, BPR ’90
Stephanie graduated with an MSc in Educational Leadership from the University of Leicester, UK. Currently, she is a faculty member at the Capilano University in the Faculty of Tourism & Outdoor recreation. She lives just south of Whistler in Squamish, B.C. with her husband and two boys (aged 9 and 11).
Harvey has just been transferred from the City of Denver to Cook Park Recreation Centre. Harvey’s second novel, The Crystal War Saga, was published August of 2010 via PublishAmerica. Harvey has three titles available, for more information visit: www.
In May 2010, Marianette graduated with her Master of Social Work from Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester NY.
Vanessa Burns, BPR ’94
Vanessa recently joined Datarite as a Sales Representative for Managed Print Services.
Ian Cowan, BA ’94
Ian is currently the Head of the Social Sciences and Family Studies Department at Clarkson Secondary School for the Peel District School Board in Mississauga, ON.
1995 Sara Napier, BPR ’95
Congratulations to Sara, member of the Sobey Executive MBA Class of 2011. Sara is Director, Marketing & Communications with the IWK Health Centre Foundation.
Susan Smith, BA ’96
Rick Plato, Head Coach of the MSVU Men’s Mystics Basketball team, was recently honoured for his 500th win. Plati has been head coach of the Mystics for 22 years. Plato has been named the ACAA Coach of the Year numerous times and the CCAA Coach of the Year in 2008. He has coached the men to six consecutive ACAA championships and two national medals.
Derrick Brooks, coach of women’s volleyball and Rick Plato, coach of men’s basketball were both named ACAA coach of the year for 2001.
1996 Susan recently started a new business venture. The Nightmare Nibbler is a loveable plush toy designed to assist children in managing their nighttime fears.
Ruth Hammond, DHuml ’98
In 1956, Ruth was one of the first women public relations consultants to participate in the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS). In 2010, CPRS presented Ruth with the first-ever honorary title on the CPRS Board of Directors on the occasion of her 90th birthday.
Catherine Woodman, BPR ’84 was the recipient of Woman of the Year, a Consumers Choice Award presented before an audience of small business leaders at the World Trade and Convention Centre on December 1, 2010.
Allan Gates, BPR ’98
Dr. Ramona Lumpkin, President and Vice-Chancellor of the Mount, is this year’s recipient of the YMCA of Western Ontario Women of Excellence Award in the Education, Training & Development category.
Don Theriault, long time member of the MSV Golf Classic Committee, was named and Honorary Member of the Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association at the Annual Dinner for Mount Alumnae & Friends on March 3, 2011.
Allan has launched REDGATE Communications, an agency focused on marketing, public relations and social media. To find out more, visit
Angelina Brogan, BPR ’99, CertMktg ’99
Angelina has been named among the Top 5 Blogs for Photography and Travel by Weblogtheworld. Check out her appetizing and delicious blog at:
Mike Pickles, Med ’99
Mike is now teaching in the Education Program for the Nunavut Arctic College in Rankin Inlet. He is in his 16th year and still loves it. Besides teaching, he is busy bringing up his son (aged 6), travelling and has been published in a book called The Path to Success.
21inc., an ‘action tank’ committed to developing, supporting and encouraging leadership across Atlantic Canada, recently named three Mount alum among their 50 exceptional young leaders: Craig Ennis, BPR ’00, Vice President, Policy and Communications, St. John’s Board of Trade; Tracey Newman, BBA ’00, Manager, Field and Collection Services, Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia; and Ashley Ward, BEd ’07, Executive Director, Give to Live.
Annual Dinner for Mount Alumnae & Friends
Presenting Sponsor
Mount Alumnae from the Class of 1941 to the Class of 2011 gathered at the Mount on March 3rd for the Annual Dinner for Mount Alumnae & Friends. Thank you to everyone who attended with special thanks to our speaker, Karen Kelloway, BPR ‘93, who spoke on career transformation. Kelloway has been receiving rave reviews for her book Nail It! Six Steps to Transform Your Career. Sister Margaret Young, Class of 1941 (ACAD ‘41, BMus ‘44) enjoys a moment with Max Herrington, Class of 2011.
Applauding Accomplishments
Class Notes
We congratulate Mount alumnae who recently graduated with their CMA and CGA as well as those who successfully completed the UFE.
Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Samantha Burgess, BBA ’06 Michelle De Sio, BBA ’03 Krista Foley, BBA ’02 Shelly Fubler, BBA ’07 Jeffrey D. Klassen, BBA ’06 Tammy Moffat, BBA ’04 Deanna (Dill) Warren, BBA ’93
Certified General Accountant (CGA) Hendrika Steenweg, BBA ’05
Do you know the face?
Uniform Final Exam (UFE)
Dorielle Battersbee-Hurdle, BBA ’08 Natalie Snook, BBA ’08 Lois Oyuko, BBA ’07 Michael Crosby, BBA ’09
2002 Nathalie (McArter) Amirault, BBA ’02 Nathalie has been promoted to Senior Management at Grant Thornton.
2002 Matthew MacAdam, BBA ’02
In good alumnae company, Matthew has been promoted to Senior Management at Grant Thornton.
2005 Jennifer (Opuku) McDaniel, BSc ’05
Jennifer graduated with a Master of Science in Library Science from The Catholic University of America in May, 2010. In August, 2010 she began working at the Tomkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University, as an Education and Research Librarian.
2006 Terri Mann, CertBusi ’03, BTHM ’06
In 2010, she graduated from St. Mary’s University with a Master of Business Administration. She is now working for full-time at Dalhousie University in Student
Can you help identify the faces, when exactly the photo was taken, and what they were up to? Please let us know. Contact: Editor, Folia Montana at, or Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS B3M 2J6 Housing and part-time at Bishop’s Cellar. She’s currently a member of the MSVAA Board of Directors and enjoys keeping active with the Mount community.
2007 Sarah Woods, BPR ’07
Sarah recently took on a new job at Cenovus Energy in Calgary, as Communications Advisor.
2009 Winsome Smith, MEd ’09
Winsome migrated from Jamaica to Canada in August 2010, after graduating from the Mount. Residing in Toronto, Winsome is looking to network, socialize and volunteer with other alumnae in the area. To get in touch with Winsome, email
2010 Martha Gallagher, MPR ’10
Martha has joined the HalifaxHype. com team and brought along a strong background in communications and a passion for all things social media. Currently she’s teamed up with Marqedia PR in an effort to enhance small business
online profiles around Halifax. She was selected to present her original and independent research at the 2010 Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. Follow Martha on twitter @marthagallagher
Nicole MacDonald, BBA ’10
Nicole is working for Best Buddies Canada, whose goal is to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Nicole is in the process of planning two fundraising runs/walks for Halifax (April 30) and Fredericton (May 28) and would love more Mount alumnae to join her. You can contact Nicole at Nicole@bestbuddies,ca or check out the organization at
Ryan Meaney, MPR ’10
Ryan has been getting lots of volunteer help from many Mount students who have been donating their time to help his HalifaxHype. com business grow. In exchange for the students’ time, Ryan provides practical business experience and materials for their resumes and portfolios.
Chelsea Nisbett, BEd ’10, recently won the Gospel Music Association of Canada’s Covenant Award for Album of the Year in the Urban/R&B/Soul category for Anchored Roots. 27
IN TOUCH onlinE commUnitiEs Join our online communities on Facebook and linkedin. you will find Mount alumnae groups on both social networking sites. Also, become a fan of Mount Saint Vincent university on Facebook! Find friends, hear about alumnae events and stay connected. FoliA viA EmAil prefer to read Folia at your computer? let us know by contacting alumnae@ and the next time Folia is published we will send you an email with a link to the latest issue. clAss notEs what are you up to lately? let your classmates know your news by sending a brief update to AddrEss cHAngEs Moving? help us keep you informed about the Mount. Call 902.457.6470 or 1.888.678.2586 (toll free in Canada/uSA/bermuda), email or update your contact information online at AdvErtising Advertising inquiries 902.457.6433 or discounts available for alumnae. corrEsPondEncE Alumnae relations, university Advancement Advancement house Mount Saint Vincent university halifax nS b3M 2J6 F: 902.445.3962 the Mount respects your privacy and we want you to know that it is important to us. We use your information to keep you informed of Mount events and news, including the distribution of Folia Montana and Alumnae e-news. the information is used to administer our programs and services which includes allowing our affinity partners to occasionally send you information about products or services we consider valuable. in these cases, we protect your privacy as we never provide your name or contact information directly to the supplier; all contact is through a third-party organization operating under strict rules of confidentiality. You can, of course, choose not to receive such communications. if this is your preference, please let us know by calling 902.457.6470 or 1.888.MSV.AluM (toll free in Canada/ uSA/Bermuda) or via email at
in memoriams The Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Association has made a donation towards Alumnae Association scholarships and bursaries in memory of the following alumnae.
1920s Sr. Marie Amirault, SCM, ACAD ’27, BA ’30 February 20, 2011 Helen Gagnon, ACAD ‘27 Summer, 2010
Sr. Christina McMullin (Mary Aeneas), BSc ’67 January 2, 2011 Sr. Agnes Morrisey (John Edward), BSc ’63 November 4, 2010 Marianna O’Gallagher, BA ’62, MA ’06 May 24, 2010
Sr. Irene Cote (Maria Gratia), ACAD ’30 December 27, 2010
Margaret (Hayden) Busche, BA ’70, BEd ’70, MEd ’74 Sr. Aileen Gillis, BSc ’73 October 7, 2010 Gloria Slaunwhite, BA ’79 March 28, 2010
Sr. Mary E. Walsh (Mary Ita), ’33 September 30, 2010
1940s Mary Josephine Deeble, ACAD ’43 November 26, 2010 Theresa (Collins) Fawson November 3, 2010 Margaret Mary (Halley) Long, BA ’43 June 2006 Elizabeth (MacNeil) MacDougall, ACAD January 4, 2011 Sr. Maria Aquin Nantes, BA ’47 October 24, 2010 Patricia (Ryan) (Kinsman) Simard, ACAD ’43 February 20, 2011 Louise M. Schmidt, BA ’47 December 18, 2010
1950s Arlene (DeGrace) Burns, BScHEc ’56 January 1, 2011 Sr. Rita Francis Kehir, BA ’51 September 26, 2010 Sr. Marion James MacLeod, BA ’50 October 16, 2010 Sr. Mary Wilma MacPhee, BEd January 4, 2011 Sr. Mary Aidan Moriarty, BA ’59 February 10, 2011
1960s Kathleen (Kay) (Lewis) Chiasson, DipEd ’69 January 20, 2010 Margaret “Peggy” (Blaney) Fudge, ACAD ’67 January 10, 2011 Sr. Nora Fogarty (Mary Richard), BSc ’60, BA ’66 November 4, 2010 Sr. Doris McKenna (Albert Marie), BA ’67 February 11, 2011 Sr. Norma McKenna (Leonard Patrice), BA ’65 October 14, 2010
1980s Margaret Fawson, BBA ’89, CertGer ’92 December 23, 2010 Karl-Ludwig Wendt, BA ’89 August 22, 2010 Lynne (Duggan) Wilson, BBA ’80 December 27, 1980
1990s Lynette Allison (Reid) Briggs, BBA ’92 December 2, 2010 Lynn (Elizabeth) Dolmont-Ross, BEd ’92 December 7, 2010 Jean Edwards, MAHEc ’91 Olive Dickason, DHumL ’99 March 12, 2011
2000s Lesley Ann Beaton, BA ’04 February 2, 2011 Leila Theresa Thomas, DHumL ’01 January 2, 2011 Shirley (Cull) Thomson, DHumL ’06 August 10, 2010 Margaret Wade Labarge, DHumL ’03 August 31, 2009 Mary Sparling, DHumL ’04 March 16, 2011
Mount Community Reba Gordon July 9, 2010 Mother of Dr. Jane Gordon Autumn Lea Mombourquette August 3, 2010 Daughter of Dr. Peter Mombourquette Sharon Oliver January 19, 2011 Former Member of Board of Governors
one of Mount’s oldest Alumna passes Away Sister Marie Amirault, SCM, ACAD ’27, BA ’30, died in Montreal on her 100th birthday on February 20, 2011. A beloved teacher, one of her former students was at her bedside. Sister Marie taught in schools in Halifax, Bridgewater, and Chicoutimi. She was Principal of a girls school in Ethiopia, where she witnessed history as the dynasty led by Haile Selassie was overthrown. In her later years, she continued to tutor French and English. She is survived by her sisters, Sister Irene Amirault, SOC, ACAD ’34 and Cecile Gérin, wife of Dr. Pierre Gérin, who was a French professor at the Mount for many years.
Mark the date MSV golf Classic
Thursday, August 11, 2011 granite Springs golf Club Help the Alumnae Association support Mount students and have lots of fun too! How the monies raised at the MSV Golf Classic have been used: • Increased sponsorship of student activities • Increased endowment levels of alumnae association scholarships • Endowed the Alumnae-Students’ Union Leadership Award • Established new academic prizes and the Alumnae Varsity Prize • Increased support for the Teaching, Learning and Research Centre • Naming of the Alumnae Garden
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Spring 2011 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Advancement House Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax NS B3M 2J6 Canada