7 minute read
Donor Listing
Thank You 2021 Donor Listing
During the 2020/2021 fiscal year (April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021), donors supported Mount Saint Vincent University with funds totaling almost $1.6 million! We are grateful for your support - THANK YOU!
Areas of Greatest Need
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards
Capital Projects
Programs and Academic Departments
Special Initiatives Supporting Student Success
Please Note: The following donation lists represent gifts received during the time period of January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021. We are grateful for your support.
Chancellor’s Circle $25,000 or more
Leslie McLean & Scott McCain Jim Spatz
President’s Circle $10,000 - $24,999
Judy & John Bragg Lily & Paul Chan Maureen O’Neill Mary Anne Yurkiw The MacDonald Family – Colin, Mickey and Jack
Dean’s Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Linda & Hugh Brown Sheila A. Brown Elizabeth Church Susan Covert Joan Craig Shirley Forde Elizabeth & Fred Fountain J. Freda Fraser Kelly Gallant Susan Godwin Roberta Hammett Dennice & Stephen Leahey Ramona Lumpkin & William Blackburn Suzanne McCarron Rosemarie Sampson Craig Thompson
Scholar’s Circle $1,000 - $4,999
Ninette Babineau Paula Barry Mercer Robert Berard Leanne Birmingham-Beddow Ian Boyd Noella Brennan Fisher Diane & Wes Campbell Julie Carroll Mary Clancy Marcelle Comeau Anne Marie Coolen Tyrone Cotie Katherine & Sultan Darvesh Kellie Davis Catherine Davison Amanda Dean Rosemarie & Robert Eisner Jeanne Flemming Jacqueline Gahagan Bessie Harris Tanja Harrison Cheryl Hodder Michael J.B. Jackson Janice Keefe Arthur & Patsy Leblanc Gayle MacDonald Ann MacGillivary Marion MacKenzie Joanne MacRae Wendy & Robert* McDonald Anne McGuire Margaret McKim Edith Nelligan Ruth Nelligan Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Madeline Patton Suzanne Reynolds Laura Ritchie Ruth Roy Marie Scagliola Marilyn Schnare Kari & Jason Shannon Donald Shiner Ronald Smith Corrine Sparks Patricia Sullivan Brook Taylor Anne Thibodeau & Kevin Vaughan
Learned Circle $500 - $999
Gail Asper Nancy Aust P. Jane Barry Patrick Barry & Alexandria Pretty Nancy Battis Chris Beckett Bill Bent Jessica Bungay Kaireen Chaytor Anthony Comper
Dawn Dalley Michelle Driedger Bryan Fader Harriet & Christopher Field Sandra Findlay-Thompson Simone Geddry Duranda Greene Janet Guildford Heather Hanson Donald Hatcher Louise Hunt Brent King Deanne MacLeod & Mark Forward Elizabeth Larmond-Elliot Marguerite Muise M. Linda Murray Mary O’Regan Leslie Pezzack Maureen & Douglas Reid Joanne Roberge Craig Sampson James Sawler Judith Scrimger Meghan Selbee E. Diane Smith Nancy Spencer Lynne & Don Theriault Diane Tinkham Gisela Westphalen Dorothy Wills Jeffrey Young
Ambassadors $100 - $499
Janis Aitken Stefani Angelopoulos Doris Ashfield Margot Aucoin Martha Baigent Doris Balch Emily Ballantyne Catherine Banks Jonathan Barry Gillian Batten Deborah Beaver Tess Laidlaw Valerie Bellefontaine Jo-Anne Belliveau William Bent Adriana Benzaquen Ruby & Eugene Blois Ilya Blum Nancy Boutilier Anne Bowie Todd Brayman Christina Brien Colin Brien David Brien Katherine Brien Janet Brisse Holly Burridge Elaine Burrows Jennalle Butcher Anna Butland Beverly Cameron Kim Campbell Sheila* Cardone Jane Carman Judith Carson Cheryl Catt Yvonne Chute Christine Clark Mitzi Clarke Shawn Cleary Frances Cody Marlene Coffey Michael Collicott Clarice & Louis Comeau Eleanor Connor Eleanor Conrad Margaret Conrad Ann Conrod Jeremy Cox Paula Crouse Sheilagh Crowley M. Elizabeth Cullen Sheila Cummings M. JoAnn Cunningham David Cushing Keith Davis Sharon Davis Marian Dell Alison DeLory Anne Derrick Danielle Desjardins Jill Devanney Louanne Devanney Kenneth Dewar Louise Doran Madison Doucet Gregory Doyle Wendy Doyle Suzanne Drapeau Pamela Duncan Andrea Duncan-Martyn Brenda Dwyer Stacy Englehart Jean Fahie Gloria Finnigan Donna Forest-Robertson Suzanne Fougere Kimberly Fralick Mayann Francis Heather Frederick-Strickey Myra & Larry Freeman Frederick French Laura Gamble Sonia Gaul Roni Gechtman Mary Gilroy* Tony Goode Jane Gordon Janice Graham-Migel Denise Green Janet Hadley Gwen & Rob Haliburton Victoria Hammerling Rosenberg Mary Harnish Tina Harriott Doris Harrison Frances Hayes Lawrence Hayes Elizabeth Hemeon Elsie Henderson Carol Hill Amy Hillier Donna Hillier Becky & James Hong Patricia Hudlin Brian Jessop Andrea Johnston Elizabeth Johnston Sandra Jolly Barbara Jones James Kelly Barbara & Paul Kent Lucy Kerr Dan Kingdon Patricia Kirby Jean Knickle Shannon Labre Ella Lam Nola Lamoureux Lori Lancaster Melanie Lantz Patricia Leader Suzanne LeBlanc Kelcie Levesque Lorraine Lewis Gary Logan Lee & Mike Lumpkin June Lumsden Anne MacCleave Ann MacDonald Heidi MacDonald Mary MacDonald Shari MacDonald Sharon MacDonald Carole Ann MacIntyre Paul MacIsaac Chelsea MacKay Janice & Robert MacKay Robin & Rod MacLennan Abbey MacLeod Michael MacMillan Mary MacPhee Anne Mahoney-MacDonald Melissa Marshall Sheilagh Martin Margaret Matheson Suzanne McCarthy & Simon Kennedy
Thank You 2021 Donor Listing
Jennifer McLaren Elspeth McLean-Wile Colina McNeil Christine McNeille Antje McVeigh Donna Meagher-Stewart David Melanson Susan Metcalfe Miriam Milne Wilfred Moore Dyllon Moseychuck Janice Mrkonjic Alleyne Murphy Erin Murphy Julia Murphy Katheryn Myketyn Mustansar Nadeem Vanessa Nasrallah Ethel Nelson Judith Newman Matthew Nichols Allan Nicholson Jean Nicholson Shirley Nicholson Carolyn Nobes Lynette Noel Fernando Nunes Joan O’Keefe M. Linda Oliver Mora O’Neill Brigid O’Reilly Christopher Palmer Erin Patrick Cynthia Pilichos Robert Pinto Charmaine Pope Marilyn Porter Mary Pothier Sandra Powell Patricia Quinn Heidi Radford-Legg Mary Radoux Kim Raine Elizabeth Raum Patricia Reese Ellen Richards Marie Riley Daryl Ripley Harrison Robbins Teryl Robbins Gloria Rondeau Elizabeth Roscoe Sharon Ross Linda Rowe Fitch Lara & Brett Ryan Sara Salter-Burke David Schurman Robert & Jean Shaw Nancy Sheehan Barbara Sheffield Madge & Ward Skinner Marie-Anne Skomorowski Dorothy Smith Jane Smith Gabrielle Soskin Deborah Sowerby Gloria Springer Ronald Stallard Della Stanley Nancy Jane Stapleton Jim Stevenson Pamela Sweet Smith Errol Taylor Annette Thibodeau Michelle Thomason Amy Thurlow & Paul Card Celeste Tower Carol Trainor Susan Trenholm Hong Nhung Trinh Peter Turnbull Barbara Turner Patricia Turner Susan Veniot June Verrett Genevieve Vest Eleanor Wachtel David Wainwright Barry Waldman Weirong Wang Kathryn Watt Peggy Watts Kristine Webber Diana Whalen Lola Wheeler Susan Whiting Patricia Whitman Charles Williams David Wilson Harolyn Wilson Marilyn Wilson Susan Woelber Catherine Woodman Jin Yang Barbara Young Patricia Yourkavich-Moore Patricia Zinn
Friends Up to $99
Deborah Abbey Gail Allen Gloria Amirault Joanne Assini Reghan Barry Marie Bartlett Kathleen Batherson Andree Bourque Elizabeth Brideau-Asbridge Cassandra Bruhm Kathleen Cameron William Campbell Marisha Caswell Mary Clark Noreen Cleary Mary Ruth Cochrane John Cotton Lorna Crawley B. Doreen Crick Sheila Crummell Rosemary Cyr Mabel Davis Taylor Davison Donna D’Eon Fae-Marie Donathan Colleen Doucette Susan Drain Tanishq Drall Margaret Ferguson Ann Finlayson Jill Flinn Marguerite Flinn Garima Nancy Gilbert Carla Gillis Corinne Gilroy Conor Gormley Deborah Gosbee Catherine Granville Beverley Gray Clarence Guest Jennifer Guy Anne Hamilton Sylvia Harvey Helen Hendry Joanne Hickey Debbie Hobrecker Jill Hurlbert Margaret James Valerie & Rodney Jenkins Anne & Nigel Kelly Terry Kelsey Claudia Kingston Janice Kleiner Justin Laing Johanne Leclerc Hope Lemoine Jackie Lewis Suzanne Lohnes-Croft Tara MacDonald William MacDougall Heather MacDougall
Linda MacIsaac Sandra MacKenzie Tracy MacKenzie Valerie MacKinnon Kathryn Mahoney Elisabeth Manteuffel Gwendolyn Martin Emily Maynard Agnes McCully Virgie McIntyre Johanne & Ian McKee Christine McLean Johanne McNamara Jeannette Melanson Robin Middleton Sheldon Miller Sean Moore Mary Morash Kenneth Munro Noelle Murphy Donna Myers Keating Cindy Ng-Ivanoff Martha Norris Genevieve O’Connell Bob & Susan Pajkowski Sharon Parker Linda Partington M. Jane Phillips Jon Phillips Linda Pike Karen Pothier Margaret Power Jill Provoe Diane Racette Louise Rainforth Deborah Richards Ruth Rigby Colleen Ritchie Joanne Rivest & Dayle Harrington Barbara Rybiak Janet Sargisson Margaret Savage Sandra Schnare Margaret Schwartz Marilyn Singer Marietta Snetsinger Mary Somers Moira Spencer James Sutherland Linda Thistle M. Tousignant Philippa Verrier Peeranut Visetsuth Seth Wahlin-Stern Greta Webb Lisa Whynott Geraldine Williams Olivia Wolter-Cook Xia Zhou George Zinck Jan Zwicky
Corporations, Foundations and Organizations
Andromeda Investments Ltd. Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan Centre For Women In Business Deloitte Developmental Dynamics Enterprise Holdings Foundation Halifax Protestant Infants’ Foundation Harrison McCain Foundation Hayes Developments International Union of Operating Engineers J&W Murphy Foundation Margaret & Wallace McCain Foundation MSV Alumni Association MSVU Child and Youth Study Department MSVU Facilities Management MSVU Faculty Association MSVU Students’ Union Nestle Nova Scotia Co-Operative Council RBC Foundation Sisters Of Charity - Halifax Society of the Sacred Heart (Canada) Spatz Foundation Studio 11 Design Public Relations TD Bank Group The John and Judy Bragg Family Foundation The Johnson Scholarship Foundation The Liz and Tony Comper Foundation The Phyllis Lambert Foundation Theriault Financial Services Tourism Education Alliance of the Maritimes University of British Columbia University of Lethbridge Walker Wood Foundation
The Estate of Beverly Deville The Estate of John Knodell The Estate of Michael Covert The Estate of Patricia Keene 1873 Society
Betty Anderson* Ninette Babineau Sheila A. Brown & Donald Wyllie Barbara J. Burton Evelyn E. Burnham* Diana Carl Julie A. Carroll Jane Cook & David Marcogliese Susan Covert S. Lynn Coveyduck Kelly Gallant Nancy Gilbert Susan Godwin Jane Gordon Gwen & Robert Haliburton Brenda Hattie Donna Hillier Gary Logan Janet MacMillan Marguerite Muise Judith Newman Tracey Newman Carolyn Nobes Terrence Paris* Elizabeth Parr-Johnston, CM M. Jane Phillips Barbara Pike Suzanne M. Reynolds Trudie Richards Rosemarie Sampson & Burton MacDonald Marie Scagliola Marilyn Schnare Marsha & Ralph Single Corrine Sparks Anne Thibodeau & Kevin Vaughan
While we have made every effort to ensure accuracy, please accept our sincere apologies for any errors or omissions. Please contact Erin Patrick at 902-457-6470 or email giving@msvu.ca Thank you.
(*) We are saddened by the loss of our friends and community members.