8 minute read
2020 Donor List
Thank You: 2020 Donor List
Chancellor’s Circle
Individual donors who have contributed $25,000 or more from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
Mickey MacDonald Colin MacDonald Jack MacDonald Leslie McLean & Scott McCain Jim Spatz
President’s Circle
Individual donors who have contributed $10,000 - $24,999 from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
Linda & Hugh Brown Lily & Paul Chan Elizabeth & Fred Fountain Mary Anne Yurkiw
Dean’s Circle
Individual donors who have contributed $5,000 - $9,999 from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
Sheila A . Brown Susan Covert John Flemming Shirley Forde J . Freda Fraser Roberta Hammett Dennice & Stephen Leahey Ramona Lumpkin & William Blackburn Ann MacGillivary Suzanne McCarron Rosemarie Sampson Janis Sobey-Hames Scholar’s Circle
Individual donors who have contributed $1,000 - $4,999 from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
Betty Anderson* Ninette Babineau Nancy Battis Mary Bluechardt Jessica Bungay Diane Campbell Julie Carroll Margaret Casey Elizabeth Church Mary Clancy Marcelle Comeau Tyrone Cotie Kellie Davis Amanda Dean Marian Dell Brandy Dowdall Rosemarie & Robert Eisner Jeanne Flemming Kelly Gallant Nancy Gilbert Dale Godsoe Tom Hayes Cheryl Hodder M . Marilyn Hutchings Michael J .B . Jackson Natasha Kyle Noeline Laccetti Arthur & Patsy Leblanc Gayle MacDonald Paul MacIsaac Marion MacKenzie Rod & Robin MacLennan Robert & Wendy McDonald Anne McGuire Johanne & Ian McKee Margaret McKim Julie McMullin Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Meredith Ralston Suzanne Reynolds Ruth Roy James Sawler Marie Scagliola Marilyn Schnare Suzanne Seager Corrine Sparks Kathleen Taylor Annette Verschuren
Learned Circle
Individual donors who have contributed $500 - $999 from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
Janis Aitken Gail Asper Nancy Aust William Bent Robert Berard N . Louise Bradley Mike Brien Janet Brisse Susan Church Dawn Dalley Katherine & Sultan Darvesh Anne Derrick Kenneth Dewar Doug Doucet Suzanne Drapeau Bryan Fader Harriet & Christopher Field Sandra Findlay-Thompson Michelle Forrest Mayann Francis Normand Gendron Genevieve Gilbert Amy Gordon Denise Green Elizabeth Guinan Susan Gunn Heather Hanson Mary Harnish Tanja Harrison Becky & James Hong Brent King Elizabeth Larmond-Elliot June Lumsden Pat Maccagno Bruce MacNeil Dorothy Moore Wilfred Moore Marguerite Muise M . Linda Murray Mary O’Regan Terrence Paris Mary Pothier Elizabeth Raum Patricia Reese Kelly Resmer Mary Rigby Cornelia Schneider Kari Shannon Nancy Spencer Maura Sullivan Patricia Sullivan Lynne & Don Theriault Anne Thibodeau Mary & Norman Uhl David Wainwright Caroline Yeh
Individual donors who have contributed $100 - $499 from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
Hanaa Aboushahla Shelagh Abriel Cicely Alfonso Fahad Alghazi Jana Amirault Gloria Amirault Elizabeth Baillie Sandra Baillieul Catherine Banks Ryan Barry Gregor Barry Colin Barry Jonathan Barry Paula Barry Mercer Gillian Batten A . Rochelle Bean Jo-Anne Belliveau Madeleine Berrigan Ruby Blois Ilya Blum Nancy Boutilier Anne Bowie Susan & Russell Boyd
Todd Brayman David Brien Leslie Brown Holly Burridge Elaine Burrows Beverly Cameron Kim Campbell Paul Cantelo Antony Card Sheila Cardone Jane Carman Judith Carson Cheryl Catt Jane Cawley Ashley-Jane Chow Corinne Church Yvonne Chute Phyllis Clark Michael Collicott Joy Collins Patricia Comeau Clarice Comeau Eleanor Connor Ann Conrod Jonah Cotie Paula Crouse Angela Crowdis John Crowley Sheilagh Crowley Sheila Crummell M . Elizabeth Cullen Ingrid Culmer Sheila Cummings M . JoAnn Cunningham Mary Dable Arab Bonnie Dalton Barbara Darton Sharon Davis Keith Davis Carrie Dawson Agnes De Felice Alison DeLory Frank DeMont Danielle Desjardins John Doody Louise Doran Gregory Doyle Pamela Duncan Andrea Duncan-Martyn Pamela Fancey Suzanne Fougere Ruth Fox Heather Frederick-Strickey Myra & Lawrence Freeman Frederick French Michelle Gailey Simone Geddry Carla Gillis Mary Gilroy Mary Goodman Jane Gordon Janice Graham-Migel Charlotte Gray Bonnie Greenwood Janet Hadley Kaylee Hake Gwen & Robert Haliburton Claire Hanlon Smith Elizabeth Hartnell Donald Hatcher Lawrence Hayes Ottilie Hayes Frances Hayes Kim Healy Lorraine Heffler Elizabeth Hemeon Elsie Henderson Marguerite HendersonDavis Carol Hill Donna Hillier Stephen Horne Shuyue Huang Hazel Irwin Margaret James Roy Jamieson Brian Jessop Pari Johnston Barbara Jones Nargess Kayhani James Kelly Simon Kennedy & Suzanne McCarthy Paul Kent Lucy Kerr Colleen Keyes Kim Kienapple Laurel King Patricia Kirby Janet Kline Jean Knickle Carole Kubal-Sellerberg Lorraine Lafferty Phyllis Lambert Lori Lancaster Martha Laurence Patricia Leader Janet LeBrun Megan Leslie Lorraine Lewis Jingchuan Lin Gary Logan Janet Lowe Ran Luo Anne MacCleave Heidi MacDonald Shari MacDonald Tara MacDonald Margaret MacDonald Janice & Robert MacKay M . Marlene MacLellan Deanne MacLeod & Mark Forward Jeffrey MacLeod Abbey MacLeod Michael MacMillan Mary MacNab Dawn MacNutt Ashely Manzer Traci Manzer Daphne Martell-Carter Sheilagh Martin John Martin Kathleen Martin Lou Massa Jeffrey McCain Raymond McCurdy V . Francine McIntyre Marvin McKay-Keenan Elspeth McLean-Wile Hazel McLeod Christine McNeille Antje McVeigh Donna Meagher-Stewart Anne Melanson Jeannette Melanson Robin Middleton Javon Minors Mary Morash Anna Morris Janice Mrkonjic Joyce Munroe Carole Murphy Janet & T .J . Murray Dana Murray Mustansar Nadeem Farishazad Nagir Vanessa Nasrallah Ruth Nelligan Edith Nelligan Ethel Nelson Judith Newman Matthew Nichols Lynette Noel Fernando Nunes Joan O’Keefe Mora O’Neill Olive Pastor Erin Patrick Jon Phillips Donovan Plumb Charmaine Pope Sandra Powell Elena Powell Ann Power Joanne Power Patricia Quinn Kim Raine Terence Rainey DeNel Rehberg Sedo Paul & Hazel Reyno Deborah Richards Joanne Rider Marie Riley Susan Ringrose Laura Ritchie Harrison Robbins Chris Ronald Linda Rowe Fitch Lara & Brett Ryan Judith Schurman* Robert Shaw Mary Shea Nancy Sheehan Barbara Sheffield Donald Shiner Madge & Ward Skinner Jane Smith Karen Smyth Marietta Snetsinger Deborah Sowerby Ronald Stallard Della Stanley-Cromwell Nancy Jane Stapleton
Thank You: 2020 Donor List
Heather Sullivan Patrick Sullivan Judith Sullivan-Corney Pamela Sweet Smith Linda Swinwood* Laurianne Sylvester Errol Taylor Annette Thibodeau Michelle Thomason Amy Thurlow & Paul Card Diane Tinkham Tanis Trainor Hong Nhung Trinh Peter Turnbull Barbara Turner Patricia Uthe Donna Varga Sarah & Gordie Veinot Susan Veniot June Verrett Genevieve Vest Lynette Warner Wiltshire Marilyn Watson Margaret Watts Gisela Westphalen Michael Whalen Lola Wheeler Carl Wickstrom Charles Williams Dorothy Wills David Wilson Harolyn Wilson Budge Wilson* Marilyn Wilson Patricia Wilson Jeffrey Young Susan Young George Zinck
Individual donors who have contributed up to $99 from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020
Nancy Adames Guilherme Amaral John Andrews Gladys Ascah* Rachel Bailey Mary Barker Marie Bartlett Kathleen Batherson Douglas Beall Deborah Beaver Meghan Bolhuis Wanda Bolivar Elizabeth Brideau-Asbridge Colin Brien Christina Brien Susan Brigham David Brinton Jessica Brown Stephanie Burdock Barbara Burke Marisha Caswell Mary Clark Mary Ruth Cochrane Lorna Crawley Gail Creaser Mabel Davis Nicholous Deal Jane Dearing Beverly Delory Anne Louise Desrosiers Ruth Dewis Edwina Doucet Wendy Doyle Tara Drake Brenda Dwyer Sarah Eberhard Lori Errington Pamela Fancey Margaret Ferguson Jill Flinn Anne Gillies Beverley Gray Nicole Green Stephanie Hale Keri Hardman Coral Harris M . Eileen Hartigan-Drohan Gail Hersey Joanne Hickey Aine Humble Jill Hurlbert Kelly Isenor Shannon Kehoe Terry Kelsey Lindsay Lamb Nola Lamoureux Suzanne LeBlanc Emily Leblanc Johanne Leclerc Hope Lemoine Linda Lewell Jackie Lewis Jingnan Li R . Bernice Logan Alison MacDonald Leigh-Ann MacFarlane Linda MacIsaac Chelsea MacKay Sandra MacKenzie Tracy MacKenzie Shirley MacKenzie Amy MacKillop Kathryn Mahoney Carolyn Marshall Sheilagh Martin M . Rachel Martin Mahx Mason Patricia McKelvie Dana Mills Patricia Mulatz Nancy Mulock Shirley Nicholson Stanislav Orlov Sharon Parker Linda Partington Madeline Patton Cynthia Pilichos Margaret Power Gertrude Purdy Christene Reynolds Rebecca Rideout Jonathan Roberts Sharon Ross John Ross Sara Salter-Burke Craig Sampson Raymond Sampson Cynthia Sampson Dinah Simmons Nancy Slater Virginia Smith Xuefeng Song Ashley Stewart Daniel Taylor Linda Thistle Donna Thompson Erin Tomlinson Patricia Turner Philippa Verrier Richard Walkden Heather Watts Marleen West Martha Westwater Patricia Whitman Lisa Whynott Geraldine Williams Shirley Yabsley Jan Zwicky
Corporations, Foundations and Organizations
Broadway Place Ltd . Canadian Association of Food Service Professionals Canadian Association of Food Service Professionals Local Halifax Chapter Crow Communications Inc . Develop Nova Scotia Doctors Nova Scotia Ella Jewellery Company Halifax Protestant Infants’ Foundation Harrison McCain Foundation Holloway Investments Insurance Bureau of Canada J&W Murphy Foundation Knowledge First Foundation Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation Medavie Health Foundation MSV Alumni Association MSVU Faculty Association MSVU Students’ Union Navigator Ltd Ocean Contractors Ltd Pagweak Charitable Gift Fund Palookas Charitable Foundation RBC Foundation rcs Construction Sisters of Charity - Halifax Spatz Foundation Taylor’d Communications
LLC TD Bank Group The Gail Asper Family Foundation The Johnson Scholarship Foundation The Joyce Family Foundation The Liz and Tony Comper Foundation The Phyllis Lambert Foundation Theriault Financial Services University of British Colombia Walker Wood Foundation Women in Science
Estate of Sonja Ingrid Bata Estate of Patricia Keene Estate of John Knodell Estate of Evelyn Catherine Tucker Estate of Mary M . Young Marial Mosher Charitable Trust 1873 Society
Betty Anderson* Ninette Babineau Sheila A . Brown & Donald Wyllie Diana Carl Jane Cook & David Marcogliese Susan Covert S . Lynn Coveyduck Kelly Gallant Nancy Gilbert Susan Godwin Jane Gordon Gwen & Robert Haliburton Brenda Hattie Gary Logan Janet MacMillan Marguerite Muise Judith Newman Tracey Newman Carolyn Nobes Terrence Paris Elizabeth Parr-Johnston, CM M . Jane Phillips Barbara Pike Suzanne M . Reynolds Trudie Richards Rosemarie Sampson & Burton MacDonald Marie Scagliola Marilyn Schnare Marsha Single & Ralph Single Corrine Sparks Anne Thibodeau
*We are saddened by the loss of our friends and community members
While we have made every effort to ensure accuracy, please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions . Please contact University Advancement at 902-457-6470 or e-mail giving@msvu .ca if you believe an error has been made . The Advancement & External Relations Committee of the MSVU Board of Governors advances the University’s mission and vision and supports institutional priorities and objectives by promoting sound relationships between the University and its communities, including alumni, donors, government and broader community partners .
Advancement & External Relations Committee for 20192020:
Heather Hanson, Chair Amanda Dean Chris Ronald Glenn Squires Alison MacDonald Trevor Poole Gabrielle Durepos Charlanie Innocent Marion MacKenzie Patrick Sullivan Ex Officio: Anne McGuire, Board Chair Mary Bluechardt, Past President and Vice-Chancellor Denise Green, Executive Director, Advancement Kelly Gallant, Associate VicePresident, University Relations