Mt. Diablo Chapter DAR Newsletter October 2011

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Volume 9 Issue 1

October 2011

Mt. Diablo Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution

Photo by Robert Picker

From the desk of your Regent Cathy Olsen Special points of interest: 

New Meeting Room Creekside Clubhouse Room 1, 1010 Stanley Dollar Drive, Rossmoor

Dear Daughters, Prospective Members, and Friends,

Dues are due— deadline Oct 31

RSVP for Oct 29 Heritage Tea by Oct 21

First, and foremost, it is an honor to serve as your new Regent for the next two years. How exciting to be working with a group of such talented, intelligent and fun ladies!

Civil War Stamps count for double points

The summer has flown by—jam packed with DAR activities and projects.

Revolutionary Tea Party Fund Raiser Nov 19 Fireside Room RSVP by Nov 4

Inside this issue: Note from a Devoted Daughter


9/11 Commemorative Events


The Tea Pot Won’t be the Only One Singing


Civil War Stamps 2X Why are we moving?


4th of July Danville Parade


Meet your Regent 5 Prayers for Daughters Upcoming Events


Shortly after our June meeting, Gay Scott, Janet O’Connell Mangham, Virginia Rood, and your Regent jetted off to Washington DC to attend the 102nd Continental Congress. The entire event was unforgettable but the tribute to September 11 on opening night at the beautiful DAR headquarters was beyond amazing. It reminded me why I am so proud to be an American and a dedicated Daughter of the American Revolution! A very early morning flight across country on July 3rd insured Gay Scott and your Regent would be back in California in time to march in the Danville 4th of July Parade with our newly affiliated Captain Molly

Corbin Society CAR. Photos from the parade and a full list of participants can be found on page 4. In August a record number of members—over 30—turned out for the Board Meeting and Genealogy workshop, which was held in the new Creekside Clubhouse. A special thank you goes out to Registrar Virginia Rood for organizing this annual event and to Anne Loucks Chapter Lineage Research Team for the great training and help with ancestor searches. The board was so impressed with the Creekside meeting room’s bright new state-of-theart facilities that it was decided to make the recommended move from Vista to the Creekside Clubhouse Room 1 for our regular monthly meetings. See page 3—‖So we are moving meeting rooms — Why ?” for more details. September found your Regent in Europe giving her husband a much needed break from DAR—who forbid her to even think about taking a computer to work on projects!

At home, several members honored the 10-year anniversary of 9/11 with special celebrations and displays of commemorative flags. Gay Scott’s church bell choir played a special song. Valerie Jo Remley sang for the Lafayette Flag Brigade Memorial. Holly Stover and daughters volunteered at the District IV 9/11 Commemoration Event Booth at the Alameda County Fair. (see page 2 for photos and write-ups). The October 11 meeting agenda is in the final stages and it promises to be packed with great programs—including a touching 9/11 video tribute and an entertaining presentation by Park Ranger/Tour Guide Rosie Riveter—Betty Reid Soskin. Just in: Veteran’s Committee would like monetary donations this year rather than clothing items. The goal is to raise $200—we are half way there thanks to donations from two very generous members. I hope you plan on joining me on the 11th in our new meeting room. It will be great to see you all after the long summer break.


Mt. Diablo Chapter

Note from A Devoted Daughter Dear Cathy,

Enjoy this beautiful summer.

I am sending you the photos of the 2011 Constitution Week Bulletin board that I did at the Country Club School in San Ramon this year. Hope this is acceptable.

Sincerely, Denise Dolan

I do it early– so that it looks nice for the beginning of the school year. It will stay there through Constitution Week.

Thank you for putting together such outstanding bulletin boards for Constitution Week every year!!

Hope that I can attend a few meetings this year. I will try to get Mother to come too.

We look forward to seeing you and your mom at a

Yes, Denise—It is more than acceptable—it is beautiful!

meeting soon. - Cathy

Bells Ring for 9/11

“It was not yet 8:30 a.m.—was San Francisco to be the next target?”

Ten years have passed and yet it seems like yesterday that I stood in my high rise office in downtown San Francisco looking out onto the Bay—listening to the news on the radio as the tragic events of 9/11 unfolded. A plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Tower one collapsed—then tower two—and then the Pentagon . It was not yet 8:30 a.m.—was

San Francisco the next target? Fortunately, my fears never came to fruition. However, the lives lost and the tragedies experienced have left permanent scars on this great country— and are a stark reminder of the many sacrifices our ancestors made defending our freedom. In remembrance of 9/11 and in honor of those who lost their lives, Parliamentarian and Past

Regent Gay Scott’s hand bell choir at the San Ramon Valley Methodist Church, Alamo, CA played ―Prayer of Peace‖ by Michael Hellman on Sunday, 9/11/2011.

9/11 Celebrations Didn’t Stop with Bells Members throughout the chapter joined in the 9/11 Celebrations. Valerie Jo Remley (left), who participated in the Lafayette Flag Brigade Memorial, received the fol-

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lowing glowing quote in the BRW News—―There was a spectacular live singing performance by Valerie Jo Remley, and what a performance it was. Valerie Jo has a beautiful voice, and it gives all of our favorite patriotic songs a whole new meaning.‖

A special thanks to Holly Stover and daughters Lauren and Leah—Captain Molly Corbin Society—for volunteering at District IV’s Commemoration Event Booth 9/11 Observance, Alameda Fairgrounds, Pleasanton.

Volume 9 Issue 1

The Tea Pot will not be the only one singing Attending the Religious Heritage Tea for the first time last year was indeed a day not to be forgotten. Not only was the setting beautiful and food delicious but our State Chaplain Barbara Volker also is an absolutely fabulous speaker—she has a beautiful voice to boot! Hopefully, many of you will take the opportunity to attend the 4th annual Religious Heri-

tage Tea which will be held at the Alameda Golf and Country Club, 6663 Hampton Drive, San Jose, CA 95120 on Saturday, October 29th from 1:00-3:00 PM. The program will be "Singing a New Song: Early American Choral Music." It will be presented by St. Columba Anglican Church Choir octet and will include Spirituals, Shaker hymns, Shapenote music and

the compositions of William Billings. RSVP by October 21, 2011 Cost is $20 per person. Make checks payable to CSSDAR Treasurer and mail to: Barbara Volker State Chaplain 684 W. Stuart Ave. Fresno, CA 93704

Barbara Volker, California State Chaplain

Civil War Stamps Count Double Stamp‖ opportunity.

Many of you may remember when everyone collected green stamps; Wednesdays

were double stamp day. This year, the Post Office is giving DAR a ―Civil War Double

If you purchase these beautiful stamps, save the commemorative cover (left) and any other of your cancelled stamps; send or give them to our Stamps for Veterans Chairman Charlotte Anderson, 215 Britain Ct., Alamo, CA 94507 for double credit on our Chapter Achievement Award: Veterans and History

So we are moving meeting rooms — why? So why — you ask—are we moving to the Creekside Clubouse, Room 1 on 10/11? Rossmoor Recreation Supervisor Betsy Hocking felt we were rapidly outstripping the capacity of the Vista Room with the Chapter’s continued growth.

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Also, the Vista Room is scheduled to be remodeled in the next few years—which meant we would have to relocate when that occurred. Finally, our room costs were increasing because of set up time for the projector.

The new room has the projector built in. Internet is a bonus as is the added light and an ice maker in the kitchen. However, the cost savings was the real tipping point. Feedback after the October meeting is appreciated. Will we be back to Vista in 2012?

“This year the Post Office is giving DAR a “Civil War Double Stamp” opportunity.”

Timely Dues are Worth 40 Points Dues are due and if we are late, we will loose 40 points on our Chapter Achievement Award. So please ladies, pay those dues before the October 31 deadline!!

Mt. Diablo Chapter

Affiliate Captain Molly Corbin CAR Members March with Mt. Diablo Chapter in Fabulous Danville 4th of July Parade

Natalie and Elizabeth Wolske— prospective members of the Captain Molly Corbin Society.

The day was beautiful—but hot— as the Mt. Diablo Chapter and Captain Molly Corbin Society gathered for the Danville 4th of July Parade. Photographers (husbands) Harvey Olsen and Bob Beratta snapped shots of the 25 enthusiastic marchers decked out in red, white, and blue with flags flying high during their 1.2 mile

Natalie & Elizabeth Wolske Barbara Beratta, Gay Scott, Charlotte Anderson, Stacy Gieber & Katie

trek down Hartz Avenue. Carrying the chapter banner are Natalie and Elizabeth Wolske from Captain Molly Corbin Society. Following are CAR members Lauren & Leah Stover and Sierra Gard. Mt. Diablo DAR marchers included Regent Cathy Olsen, Vice Regent Geri Willinger, Past Regents

Also marching, Gay’s daughter Tracy Miller—LA Escohsoltzia Chapter– grandkids Tess and Duncan, and sonin-law Bruce Miller.

Banner Natalie & Elizabeth Wolske, Captain Molly Corbin Society CAR Society President Holly Stover, Lauren & Leah Stover, friend Sierra Gard; Mt. Diablo Chapter Members

Regent Cathy Olsen driving Past Regent Barbara Beratta & Gay’s granddaughter Tess; Gay’s daughter Tracy alongside, marching behind is Past Regent Gay Scott and Charlotte Anderson Page 4

Barbara Beratta & Gay Scott, Marty Tunnell, Charlotte Anderson, Stacy Gieber & daughter Katie, Whitney Kirkendall & son, Holly Stover and Jackie Waldon.

Marty Tunnell driving 1st Vice Regent Geri Willinger

Volume 9 Issue 1

Meet your Regent quences.‖ Upon hearing the proposition, the New Mexico Tourist Bureau notified the manager of the Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce.

Imagine having to spell Truth or Consequences, New Mexico when you are five years old. Had I been born just a few years earlier—say 1950 instead of 1953—my spelling challenge would have been merely Hot Springs. In 1950, NBC television and radio producer Ralph Edwards, on the 10th anniversary of the Truth or Consequences radio program, called his staff together and said, ―I wish that some town in the United States liked and respected our show so much that they would change its name to ―Truth or Conse-

The lure of an annual fiesta with show hosts Ralph Edwards, Bob Barker and some ―not so famous‖ movie stars, in conjunction with the opportunity to eliminate the town’s constant confusion with Hot Springs, Arkansas, led the 1,290 town residents to vote for the new name. After graduating from Hot Springs High School (no name change there) in 1971 and then obtaining a BA in Accounting from New Mexico State University, I moved to Los Angeles to join the FDIC as the second female bank examiner in the San Francisco Region (consisting of the 11 western states). In 1988 I obtained my CPA certificate and in 1989 graduated from the University of Washington’s Pacific Coast Graduate School of Banking.

During my 31 years with the FDIC I held various positions from Regional Accountant to Regional Manager of the Division of Insurance and Research; the position from which I retired in 2006. I have two daughters, Heather and Crissy, with my first husband and a step daughter Lara and stepson Ben with my current husband of 20 years, Dr. Harvey Olsen. Combined, Lara and Ben have given us five wonderful grandchildren. Although Harvey closed his private medical practice in 2008, he continues to work part time doing locum tenens. Fortunately, I can travel with him—as long as he does not accept any assignments during the second week of the month-October to June! My qualifying ancestor, Ebenezer Peck is from NH. He served under Col. Jonathan Chase—qualifying ancestor of Louise Bisset and daughter Denise Dolan.

Daughters Heather and Crissy Phillips at Crissy’s graduation from UCLA. Heather is the National Sales Manager for AlliedPRA in San Francisco. Crissy is a chemical engineer for Johnson and Johnson and is currently living in Puerto Rico. Both daughters are pending junior members of our Chapter.

“..I moved to Los Angeles in 1977 to become the second female bank examiner in the San Francisco Region (consisting of the 11 western states)”

Special Prayers for a Speedy Recovery As many of you may know, Natalie Griffin recently suffered a stroke. The latest news from her son David is that Natalie’s feeding tube has been removed. She is beginning to walk with a walker and lots of help from

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her therapist. Her release date from Kaiser is October 13th. Get well cards and visits are welcomed. Kaiser Foundation Rehabilitation Center, 975 Sereno Drive, Vallejo, CA 94589, Room 3018. Telephone 707-

651-3298 Please contact Chaplain Margo Heltne immediately if you know of a member who is ill, who has lost a family member, or if you hear about the d e a t h o f a me mb e r :

Past Regent and Veteran’s Chairman Natalie Griffin

Mt. Diablo Chapter

Catherine Phillips-Olsen Regent Mt. Diablo Chapter DAR



October 11 Mt. Diablo Chapter Meeting—11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Rossmoor, Creekside Clubhouse Room 1, 1010 Stanley Dollar Drive, Walnut Creek, CA

October 18 San Ramon Genealogical Society Meeting—Preserving Your Family Photographs—Family History Center, 2949 Stone Valley Rd., Alamo, CA

October 20 District IV Meeting—10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pleasant View Church of Christ, 11300 Dublin Canyon Rd, Pleasanton, CA

October 29 Heritage Tea—1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Alameda Golf & Country Club, 6663 Hampton Drive, San Jose, CA 95120

Serving God, Home and Country through historic preservation, education and patriotism


Revolutionary Tea Party Fund Raiser—Reserve Now The Mount Diablo Chapter daughters will again not follow in the footsteps of their Boston Tea Party Ancestors, who in 1773 dumped their tea into harbor waters. Instead, these Daughters will use their tea to host a ―Revolutionary Tea Party‖ fund raiser on Saturday, November 19th at 11:30 a.m. at the Fireside Room, 1001 Golden Rain Rd., Rossmoor. The fund-raiser is a virtual insignia emblem to honor our Civil War, War of 1812, and Revolutionary War ancestors. The inscribed insignia - Bronze $25, Silver $50, Gold $75, Platinum $100—will be permanently posted on the Chapter’s new Patriots web page. The Tea Program will also list member and patriot donations. Family and friends are invited to attend. Tea cost is $25. Please send check to Treasurer Janet O’Connell-Mangham, 1525 Bismarck Ln, Brentwood, CA 94513

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