3 minute read

Staying Physically Active from Home

Despite the social distancing, uncertainty, and challenges surrounding the pandemic, we can only look to adapt and stay the path. Just because gyms are closed doesn’t mean you have to miss your workout. Exercise specialist Dean Sciberras demonstrates a set of fundamental home-based exercises suitable for all fitness levels.



Exercise objective: To develop strength and stability in the muscles of the pelvic, abdominal, and back. Exercise description: I. Start on all fours on a non-slip surface. II. Elbows should be directly under shoulders and feet should be in full extension while keeping head in a natural position. III. Tighten your abdominal muscles by pulling belly button towards the spine. Maintain position.


Exercise objective: To develop strength in the back and gluteus muscles. Exercise description: I. Lie down facing down with legs extended (toes resting on the floor), and hands straight forward. II. Lift hands and feet off the ground simultaneously while maintaining balancing muscles. back your legs. VI. Land and repeat.


Exercise objective: To develop strength and endurance mainly in the muscles of the chest and shoulders. Exercise description: I. Start on all fours on non-slip surface. II. Set hands slightly wider than shoulders, while feet should be fully extended. III. Lower your body until chest nearly touches the floor. IV. Keep body straight through the whole movement by engaging your abdominal muscles. back your legs. VI. Land and repeat.


Exercise objective: Develops strength in the lower extremity such as glutes, hamstring and quadriceps muscles. Exercise description: I. Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart and toes turned out slightly. II. Lower your body by drifting your glutes backwords until thighs are parallel to the floor. III. Pause and return to starting position while always keeping control of the movement


Exercise objective: To develop strength in the posterior chain such as back, glutes and hamstring muscles. Exercise description: I. Find balance on your right leg, while driving your left leg slightly behind raised from the floor. II. In order to help you keep balance, place your hands straight out to your sides. III. Slightly bent your right leg at the knee joint and squat down to touch your left HAND to the toe of your right foot. IV. Always keep your left leg in the air behind you. V. Execute exercise with left leg too.


Exercise objective: To develop strength in the lower back, glutes, pelvic and hamstring muscles. Exercise description: I. Lie down facing up with feet shoulder-width apart. II. Perform a 90 degree angle in the knee joint. III. Trust your hips up by pushing through the heels. IV. Squeeze glutes while maintaining stunt for approximately 2 seconds. V. Go down slowly while controlling the movement.

Dean Sciberras is a personal trainer and Exercise Specialist whose work involves liaising closely with physiotherapists and GP’s with the goal of assisting people in reaching their fitness goals.


The workout is split into three different sections. A minute of rest should be taken between each section. The total workout will only take 9 minutes per round.

Section 1;

45 Seconds push ups

45 seconds plank

30 seconds jumping jacks


Section 2;

45 seconds hyper-extensions

45 seconds squats

30 seconds Burpees


Section 3;

45 seconds static hip raise

45 seconds single leg deadlifts

30 seconds Mountain climbers