American Romanian Festival
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Concerts & Film Series
welcome ta b l e o f co n t e n t s
Board Members Staff Sponsors Thank You Space for Notes
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E v e n ts
October 1, 2015 / Dickinson Songs: A Multimedia Recital October 3, 2015 / The Bear October 3, 2015 / Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter October 4, 2015 / Black Angels October 22, 2015 / La Follia Baroque Ensemble Timişoara October 23, 2015 / Romanian Culinary Evening & Music October 24, 2015 / Chasing Rainbows October 24, 2015 / Audience Choice November 1, 2015 / Musical Chatter Romania Events
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Robert Conway, piano Jennifer Goltz, soprano Will Haapaniemi, viola Heidi Han, violin Sheryl Hwangbo, violin La Follia Baroque Ensemble Timişoara David LeDoux, cello Logan Skelton, piano Marian Tănău, violin Ramona Uritescu-Lombard, Lecturer
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Board Members
Sta f f
Marian Tănău, President Maureen D’Avanzo Franz Herbert Silviu Pala John Rakolta Jr. John Santeiu Jr. Charles Slater, Secretary-Treasurer
Logan Skelton, Artistic Director Maria Clesiu, Education Liaison (Romania) Lori Newman, Operations (USA) Ramona Uritescu-Lombard, Movies Curator
American Romanian Festival 2015
sponsors. 2015 sponsors
Gold Level
The American Romanian Festival programs are supported by our generous sponsors.
Anonymous Romanian Friend Walbridge, John & Terry Rakolta Jr. Marian & Jennifer Tănău Wayne State University
Bronze Level
S i lv e r L e v e l
James & Ann Nicholson Silviu & Gela Pala Maureen & Jerry D’Avanzo Charles & Carol Slater
Colegiul Naţional de Artă Ion Vidu Timişoara
Friends Circle
Ioan & Georgeta Atanasiu Lucian & Silvia Bogdan Barbara Brana Barbara & Paul Burakoff Liviu Capatina Vanja & Daniella Cemalovic Marcy Chanteaux & Bill Stein Robert & Esther Churella Doug & Minka Cornelson Dr. Anna Davina & Paraschiva Jonascu Ileana Dragnea Anne & Kevin Ellis Ella & Adi Gheorghiu Franz Herbert & Elizabeth Greve Maria Hunciag Nick & Judy Ioannou Ana Ionascu Jeannette Jackson Linda Joy & Brad Carol Cristina Muresan & Rabah Hadjit Razvan Pala Claudia Petrescu Magdalena Predeteanu Eugen Raica John III & Liz Santeiu Mark Santeiu Family Peter & Jennifer Santeiu Elena Schiopu Lisa & Logan Skelton Nicolae Stan Liz Stern & Hugh Huntley Alan & Diane Thompson
artistsYou. Thank T h a n k yo u
Sebastian Ciocan – Recording Studio Engineer, Show Factory Recording Label, Romania Marius Cîrnu – Director, National College of Arts “Ion Vidu,” Timişoara, Romania Maria Cleşiu – String Department Chair, National College of Arts “Ion Vidu,” Timişoara, Romania Dr. & Mrs. Corneanu Romulus & Gabriela Creţu Alina Cuibariu – Professor of Percussion, National College of Arts “Ion Vidu,” Timişoara, Romania Norah Duncan – Interim Chair, Department of Music, Wayne State University Ana Dupta Ioan Gârboni – Executive Director, Timişoara Philharmonic Orchestra, Romania Alexandra Guţu – Concert cellist, Romania Nick Ioannou Beth Kohler – Director of Development, Schoolcraft College Foundation Shawn J. Loving- Culinary Department Chair, Certified Executive Chef, Schoolcraft College Ana Lungu – Romanian Film Director Graţiela Negruţiu – Dean, Music Department, West University Timişoara, Romania Lori Newman – editing & program notes Joan Olkowski – design Claudia Petrescu – Dean, Graduate Education, Oakland University Matthew Pons – Stage Department Head, Detroit Symphony Orchestra Larissa Pop – Chef, Detroit John Rakolta Jr. – Romanian Honorary Consul in Detroit Alina Sălcudeanu – Responsible Foreign Affairs, Romanian Film Centre The Santeiu Family Şandor Tamaş – Director, Pro Bartok Society, Romania Jiva Tănău Ramona Uritescu-Lombard – UM Lecturer in Germanic Languages & Literature
American Romanian Festival 2015
CONCERT. Dickinson Songs A M u lt i m e d i a R e c i ta l
Thursday, October 1, 2015, 8:00 p.m. University of Michigan, Stamps Auditorium 1226 Murfin Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Jennifer Goltz, soprano Logan Skelton, piano P o e t r y o f Em i ly D i c k i n s o n . S o n g s o f Lo g a n S k e lto n .
The music for this recital consists of two books of songs composed by Logan Skelton set to poetry of Emily Dickinson. The performance of the songs is combined with projected images timed to correlate with each moment in the poetry and music. The recital seeks to bring the audience deep into the unique artistic world of Emily Dickinson. Co n c e rt P r o g r a m
Dickinson Songs, Book 1: An Intimate Nature (2005) My River runs to thee – How soft a Caterpillar steps – Your Riches – taught me – Poverty Within my Garden rides a Bird A Thought went up my mind today – If you were coming in the Fall I reason, Earth is short – I felt a Funeral, in my Brain Good Morning – Midnight – INTER M ISSION –
Dickinson Songs, Book 2: The Unknown Peninsula (2008) A word is dead That I did always love The Moon is distant from the Sea – I had been hungry, all the Years – Pain – has an Element of Blank – She dealt her pretty words like Blades – To be forgot by thee A Rat surrendered here The Whole of it came not at once – If I’m lost – now Now I lay thee down to Sleep The earth has many keys
Film Series The Bear
Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter
Film Screening
Film Screening
Saturday, October 3, 2015, 3 p.m. VisTaTech Kehrl Auditorium Schoolcraft College 18600 Haggerty Rd, Livonia, MI
Saturday, October 3, 2015, 6 p.m. VisTaTech Kehrl Auditorium Schoolcraft College 18600 Haggerty Rd, Livonia, MI
$10 Admission
$10 Admission
The Bear
Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter
Ursul, 2011, Dan Chisu, Comedy, English Subtitles, 89 min
Autoportretul unei fete cuminti, 1915, Ana Lungu,
At the Bucharest Circus, the new young manager is trying to solve the major financial issues of the company by selling its only bear — old, and believed to be dying soon. The buyers are German hunters. The circus artists, however, do not want to sacrifice their favorite animal. The manager then decides to steal the bear and meet the German hunters to complete the transaction.
Cristiana is a 30-year-old woman, brought up in a “proper,” bourgeois middle-class family. Her time is split between writing for her PhD in Earthquake Engineering; conversations with Alex and Michelle, her two close friends; and occasional, eagerly awaited rendezvous with Dan, a married man with whom she is romantically involved. After her parents move out of the family apartment into a new house, she decides to get a dog. It is something that she wanted ever since she was a child, and now that she lives on her own, she can finally fulfill this wish.
D i s cu s s i o n
Please join Ramona Uritescu-Lombard, film scholar and Lecturer in the German and Comparative Literature departments at the University of Michigan, for a discussion and Q&A.
American Romanian Festival 2015
English Subtitles, 81 min
—written by Ana Lungu Discussion
Please join Ramona Uritescu-Lombard, film scholar and Lecturer in the German and Comparative Literature departments at the University of Michigan, for a discussion and Q&A.
Sunday, October 4, 2015, 3:00 p.m. Schaver Recital Hall, Wayne State University 480 W. Hancock St., Detroit, MI 48201
Marian Tănău, violin Sheryl Hwangbo, violin Heidi Han, violin Will Haapaniemi, viola David LeDoux, cello Robert Conway, piano Co n c e rt P r o g r a m
George Crumb (b. 1929) “Black Angels” String Quartet (1970) I. Departure 1. THRENODY I: Night of the Electric Insects, 2. Sounds of Bones and Flutes 3. Lost Bells 4. Devil-music 5. Danse Macabre (Duo alternativo: Dies Irae) II. Absence 6. Pavana Lachrymae (Der Tod und das Mädchen) (Solo obbligato: Insect Sounds) 7. THRENODY II: BLACK ANGELS! 8. Sarabanda de la Muerte Oscura (Solo obbligato: Insect Sounds) 9. Lost Bells (Echo) (Duo alternativo: Sounds of Bones and Flutes) III. Return 10. [Solo: Aria accompagnata] God-music 11. Ancient Voices 12. Ancient Voices (Echo) 13. THRENODY III: Night of the Electric Insects
Ciprian Porumbescu (1853-1883) Ballad for Violin and Piano (1880) Heidi Han, violin • Robert Conway, piano Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Piano Quintet in f minor, Op. 34 (1864) I. Allegro non troppo II. Andante, un poco adagio III. Scherzo: Allegro IV. Finale: Poco sostenuto – Allegro non troppo – Presto, non troppo Sheryl Hwangbo, violin • Heidi Han, violin Will Haapaniemi, viola • David LeDoux, cello Robert Conway, piano
Marian Tănău, violin • Sheryl Hwangbo, violin Will Haapaniemi, viola • David LeDoux, cello – INTER M ISSION –
CONCERT La Follia Baroque Ensemble Timişoara from Romania C h a m b e r M u s i c Co n c e r t
Thursday, October 22, 2015, 7:30 p.m. Schaver Recital Hall, Wayne State University 480 W. Hancock St., Detroit, MI 48201
FREE ADMISSION Join us at Wayne State University, Thursday, October 22, 2015, at Schaver Recital Hall for a chamber concert performance by visiting guest artists La Follia Baroque Ensemble Timişoara, from Romania. Artists
La Follia Baroque Ensemble Timişoara Codrin Emandi, violin Diana Emandi, violin Ciprian Campean, cello Fernanda Romila, cembalo Co n c e rt P r o g r a m
Concert of Baroque works.
American Romanian Festival 2015
CONCERT. Romanian Culinary Evening & Music with La Follia Baroque Ensemble Cu l i n a r y E v e n i n g & C h a m b e r M u s i c Co n c e r t
Friday, October 23, 2015 6:00 p.m. Romanian Culinary Evening Dinner 8:30 p.m. Chamber Concert with La Follia Baroque Ensemble (following Culinary Evening) VisTaTech Presentation Room, Schoolcraft College, 18600 Haggerty, Livonia, MI
$110 Dinner & Concert
$25 Concert Only
The Romanian Culinary Evening & Music features wonderful Romanian food prepared by the Master Chefs at Schoolcraft College’s American Harvest Restaurant. Following the culinary experience, savor passionate and imaginative music with Romanian guest artists. Artists
La Follia Baroque Ensemble Timişoara Codrin Emandi, violin Diana Emandi, violin Ciprian Campean, cello Fernanda Romila, cembalo Co n c e r t P r o g r a m
Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) Sonata Op. 1, No. 8 in d minor, RV 64 (1705) I. Preludio II. Corrente III. Grave IV. Giga Nicola Matteis (c. 1650–c. 1714) Sonata Aria Aria amorosa Movimento incognito Preludio in fantasia Allegro Aria malinconica Aria burlesca
Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757) Sonata in D Major, K. 459 (c. 1755) Andrea Falconieri (1585-1656) Folias echa para mi Señora Doña Tarolilla de Carallenos (c. 1650) Battaglia de Barabaso yerno de Satanas L’Eroica Antonio Vivaldi Sonata Op. 1, No. 12 in d minor, “La Follia,” RV 63 (1705) I. Adagio – Andante – Allegro II. [Allegro] – Adagio – Vivace – Allegro – Larghetto – Allegro III. Adagio – Allegro
Giovanni Battista Vitali (1632–1692) Partite sopra diverse sonate per il violone Passacaglia Chaccona
Film Series Chasing Rainbows
Audience Choice: Vote for Finale Film Screening!
Film Screening
Film Screening
Saturday, October 24, 2015, 3 p.m. VisTaTech Kehrl Auditorium Schoolcraft College 18600 Haggerty Rd, Livonia, MI
Saturday, October 24, 2015, 6 p.m. VisTaTech Kehrl Auditorium Schoolcraft College 18600 Haggerty Rd, Livonia, MI
$10 Admission
Chasing Rainbows Şi caii sunt verzi pe pereţi, 2012, Dan Chisu, Comedy, English Subtitles, 101 min
Chasing Rainbows is a story about the illusion of becoming rich in Romania. In a country where stories of “striking it rich” are everywhere, anyone thinks such a thing is not only possible, but it’s easily achievable. The storyline follows two destinies: one is of a young couple that could have gotten rich, and the other is of a man who, because of his lack of knowledge when it comes to modern technology, gets fooled by a spam email. D i s cu s s i o n
Please join Ramona Uritescu-Lombard, film scholar and Lecturer in the German and Comparative Literature departments at the University of Michigan, for a discussion and Q&A.
American Romanian Festival 2015
$10 Admission
The final film screening of the 6th Annual Romanian Film Series is audience choice! The audience choice will be announced on October 19, 2015, via email marketing and Facebook. One can view the available film choices online by visiting If you would like to participate, please visit, send a message via the American Romanian Festival Inc. Facebook page, or send an email to Choices will also be considered at the first film screenings on October 3, 2015.
CONCERT. Musical Chatter C h a m b e r M u s i c Co n c e r t
Sunday, November 1, 2015, 3 p.m. Schaver Recital Hall, Wayne State University 480 W. Hancock St., Detroit, MI 48201
Sheryl Hwangbo, violin Marian Tănău, violin Will Haapaniemi, viola David LeDoux, cello Robert Conway, piano Co n c e rt P r o g r a m
Paul Schoenfield (b. 1947) Café Music (1986) Allegro Andante Moderato Presto Marian Tănău, violin • David LeDoux, cello Robert Conway, piano – INTER M ISSION –
Theodor Grigoriu (1926-2014) On the River Arges (1953) Ballade: Moderato poco rubato Dance with flute A la sorce: Lento soave The small willow: Allegro molto Sheryl Hwangbo, violin • Marian Tănău, violin Will Haapaniemi, viola • David LeDoux, cello
artists Robert Conway
Jennifer Goltz
Robert Conway is an associate professor of piano at Wayne State University, where he is also the director of the piano area. Since 1989, he has performed regularly as orchestral keyboardist with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and has been a soloist with them on several occasions. In 2013, he performed the solo piano part to Symphony No. 4 by Charles Ives in Carnegie Hall as part of the Detroit Symphony’s presentation of the complete symphonies of Ives. He has served as a musical representative of the United States as an Artistic Ambassador of the United States Information Agency on a month-long tour of South Asia and the Middle East in 1997, as well as acting as a Department of State Cultural Envoy to Jamaica in 2005 and Azerbaijan in 2008. As a soloist and chamber musician, he has appeared at numerous national and international festivals, performed concertos with many orchestras, collaborated with prestigious composers, given countless premieres and is featured on several recordings on numerous labels. In 2009, he performed as part of the American Romanian Festival in Timişoara and Sannicolau Mare, Romania. Conway received a Bachelor’s degree in piano performance from the New England Conservatory and Master’s and Doctoral degrees in piano performance from the University of Michigan. His principal teachers were Theodore Lettvin, Rudolf Kolisch and Eugene Bossart.❖
Soprano Jennifer Goltz specializes in the performance of new music and fin de siècle art song. Her eleven-year affiliation with the ensemble Brave New Works has yielded performances across the country of such works as Leslie Bassett’s Pierrot Songs, William Bolcom’s Briefly It Enters, George Crumb’s Madrigals, and Bright Sheng’s Three Chinese Love Songs, as well as numerous premieres, including Far Cry by Andrew Mead and The Black Sword of Sappho by Forrest Pierce. At the invitation of the composer, she performed Luciano Berio’s Circles with Klangforum Wien at the Salzburg Music Festival. She continues to premiere new works written for her by pianistcomposer Logan Skelton; in summer 2009 the pair recorded two new cycles of Emily Dickinson settings. With French cabaret specialist Stephen Whiting she has given lecture-recitals on early European cabaret, most recently at the Chicago Humanities Festival. In recent years, Ms. Goltz has become known for her sensitive and elegant Mozart interpretation. Gramophone magazine calls her “captivating” and “brilliant … a voice full of subtle allure and sprightly energy.” Ms. Goltz holds a Master’s degree in Vocal Performance and a Ph.D. in Music Theory from the University of Michigan School of Music; she currently teaches in the Music Theory department of the UM School of Music.❖
American Romanian Festival 2015
artists. Will Haapaniemi
Heidi Han
Will Haapaniemi is a violinist born in Los Angeles from Finnish ancestry. He is thrilled to have joined the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in 2014 alongside his wife, violinist Heidi Han. Will always wanted to be a violinist, from the time he saw Itzhak Perlman play on Sesame Street when he was a little over two years old. Many other interests competed with practice time; some of his favorites were the martial art Capoeira, dance, and training for his sailplane pilot’s license. Much is owed to Will’s master violin teachers, Yoko Takebe and Michael Gilbert of the New York Philharmonic while Will attended Manhattan School of Music. In high school, Will was fortunate to study with Mark Kaplan, and fondly remembers lessons with Ruggiero Ricci in his home in Palm Springs. Also a great influence, Will’s cousin Paul Roby of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and his aunt, Linda Grace, whose tireless support encouraged him to be the musician he is today. And of course, without the support of Will’s parents, none of this would have been possible. Will is active as a soloist and chamber musician, and has played viola since high school.❖
Korean violinist Heidi Han first picked up a violin at the age of five. Born and raised in Korea, she began her studies with JaeKwang Song while attending Yewon School of Arts. When Heidi was 13, her family moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada, and she continued her studies with Robert Davidovici. While in Canada, she served the Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra as a concertmaster and won first prize of the Kiwanis Competition, Burnaby Clef Concerto Competition, and the Young Artists of British Columbia Competition. Heidi received both her Bachelor’s degree and graduate performance diploma from the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University, earning the Peabody Merit Scholarship for both programs. During her time at Peabody, Heidi studied with Victor Danchenko and was the concertmaster for the Peabody Concert Orchestra. While pursuing her degrees, she won the first prize in the Marbury Competition and was awarded the Josef Kaspar Award, and she was invited to join the Keshet Eilon International Violin Mastercourse in Israel to study with Shlomo Mintz. Currently, Heidi plays with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra as a second violinist and lives in Detroit, Michigan, where she enjoys great music making with her colleagues and her husband, Will Haapaniemi.❖
artists Sheryl Hwangbo
La Follia
Baroque Ensemble TimiĹ&#x;oara
Violinist Sheryl Sul Hwangbo joined the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in 2012. Born in South Korea, Sheryl began her violin studies at age six. As an active soloist, chamber, and orchestral musician, Sheryl won various competitions in the Midwest and participated in the Verbier Festival, Aspen Music Festival, and the Pacific Music Festival, among others. During her studies, Sheryl served as a concertmaster of the Juilliard and MSM Orchestra. She won the Juilliard Concerto Competition which led to a solo performance with the Juilliard Orchestra. Sheryl received her Bachelor of Music degree from Cleveland Institute of Music, Master of Music degree from the Juilliard School, and Professional Studies degree from Manhattan School of Music. Primary teachers include Paul Kantor, Ronald Copes, Glenn Dicterow, and Lisa Kim.â?–
By its historically informed interpretative style, based on specific instrumental techniques covering the 17th and 18th centuries, La Follia sets out to restore the music of that period through concerts, recordings, collaborations with other musicians or ensembles, and participation in educational, governmental, and nongovernmental programs. Taking as a reference point the given configuration, the ensemble allows itself to adopt, depending on the repertoire, a variable geometry, giving up one or several instruments or adding others, specific to the epoch. La Follia plays on period instruments (originals and copies of those made at the time). The players attain authenticity by making the most of their considerable experience with opera, symphonic, and chamber music, an experience which they have acquired through their extensive training in this special domain. All the members of the group have graduate and postgraduate degrees in the field. As its mission, the Baroque ensemble La Follia intends to restore a live, sincere, and expressive concept to Baroque music, supported by constant research and documentation. La Follia wishes to be a friendship ambassador to the multitude of cultures, united among other means through music.â?–
American Romanian Festival 2015
artists. David LeDoux
Logan Skelton
c e l lo
David LeDoux has appeared as a soloist with the Syracuse Symphony, the Skaneateles Festival Chamber Orchestra, the Tulsa Philharmonic, the Oklahoma State University Symphony, the Louisiana Sinfonietta and the Mid-Texas Symphony. LeDoux is an active and avid chamber musician, including many years with the Syracuse Society for New Music. As a committed private teacher, he spent last year as a cello instructor for Imagine Syracuse, a music program in an inner-city school which was modeled after the El Sistema program in Venezuela. Previous professional engagements for David have included serving as Principal cellist with the Baton Rouge (LA) Symphony, the Mississippi Gulf Coast Symphony and the Louisiana Sinfonietta. This summer David will be returning to his faculty position with the Eastern Musical Festival. David and his wife currently reside in Madison Heights, and David includes among his hobbies reading, running, and movies.❖
Logan Skelton is a much sought-after pianist, teacher, and composer whose work has received international critical acclaim. As a performer, Skelton has concertized widely in the United States, Europe, and Asia and has been featured on many public radio and television stations. He has recorded numerous discs for Centaur, Albany, Crystal, Blue Griffin, and Naxos Records and is a frequent juror for international piano competitions. Reviewers have repeatedly noted Skelton’s “superb, wonderfully subtle and elegant playing” (American Record Guide). As a composer, Skelton has a special affinity for art song, having composed well over one hundred songs, including numerous song cycles. Critics have noted the close fusion of text and music in Skelton’s songs and how words are “illuminated with brilliance and deep emotional power” (American Record Guide). Others have found “joy—a night unto ecstatic joy … in word and sound-play” (Dial M for Musicology). A devoted teacher himself, his own piano students have repeatedly won awards in many national and international competitions. Skelton’s former students hold positions of prominence in music schools and conservatories throughout the world. He has served on the faculties of Manhattan School of Music, Missouri State University, and is currently Professor of Piano and Director of Doctoral Studies in Piano Performance at the University of Michigan.❖
artists Marian Tănău
Ramona Uritescu-Lombard
Romanian-born violinist Marian Tănău first picked up the violin at age four and began his musical education in his hometown of Timişoara in Romania. He graduated from Liceul de Muzica “Ion Vidu,” where he studied violin with Maria Cleşiu. He then left for the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca and the Conservatorul de Muzica “G. Dima,” where he earned an Artists Diploma. Later in the USA, he earned a graduate degree from Bowling Green State University. Tănău joined the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in 1995. He has appeared as a soloist with orchestras in Romania and the USA and is an active chamber musician. In 2004, Tănău joined the violin faculty at Wayne State University. In 2005, he was awarded a sabbatical year and moved temporarily to Romania where he joined the music faculty at the National College of Art “Ion Vidu,” and the Music Conservatory of the West University from Timişoara. His recording of the Violin Sonata by Paul Paray, recorded for Grotto Productions, received praise from critics in the prestigious Strad, Gramophone, and Fanfare Magazines. Marian Tănău is the founder and president of the American Romanian Festival, Inc., a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote American and Romanian music and culture to audiences in the USA and Europe. ❖
Ramona Uritescu-Lombard is a Lecturer in German and Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where she teaches courses in German and French literature. She was born in Timişoara, Romania, and her training is in Comparative Literature (University of Western Ontario, Harvard University). Her interests include migration literature, affect in literature and film, and more recently, New Romanian Cinema. She has taught an introductory course on Romanian culture in the twentieth century at the University of Michigan.❖
American Romanian Festival 2015
CONCERT. Romania Events. Pa r t i c i pa n t s
Sheryl Hwangbo, violin Heidi Han, violin Gabriela Petrila, violin Marian Tănău, violin Will Haapaniemi, violă Lucian Petrila, violă Alexandra Gutu, cello David LeDoux, cello Ellen Hwangbo, piano
co n c e r t s
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Colegiului de Arta “Ion Vidu” (Art College “Ion Vidu”) Mihai Perian Hall George Crumb: “Black Angels” String Quartet Marc Mellits: String Quartet No. 2, “Revolution” Maurice Ravel: String Quartet in F Major Saturday, June 6, 2015, 6:00 p.m. Sânnicolau Mare, Bartók Museum Béla Bartók: Rhapsody No. 1 for Violin and Piano Maurice Ravel: String Quartet in F Major Johannes Brahms: Piano Quintet in f minor, Op. 34 Tuesday, June 9, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Capitol Hall, Banatul Philharmonic Timişoara Johannes Brahms: Piano Quintet in f minor, Op. 34 Felix Mendelssohn: String Octet in E-flat Major, Op. 20 Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Facultatea de Muzica Universitatea de Vest, Orpheum Hall Logan Skelton: American Sketches Franz Schubert: Fantasia in f minor, D. 940 Béla Bartók: For Children; Romanian Dances Thursday, June 11, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Sala Facultatea de Vest Paul Schoenfield: Café Music Johannes Brahms: Piano Trio No. 1 in B Major, Op. 8 Friday, June 12, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Sala Filarmonicii, Capitol Hall Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Concerto No. 10 for Two Pianos in E-flat Major, K365/316a Saturday, June 13, 2015 Sânnicolau Mare, Bartók Museum Jules Massenet: “Meditation” from Thaïs Johan Halvorsen: Passacaglia in g minor on a Theme by George Frideric Handel Paul Schoenfield: Café Music Logan Skelton: American Sketches
American Romanian Festival 2015
mission The mission of the American Romanian Festival is to create a bridge between the two cultures, helping to foster mutual understanding. A specific focus of the festival will be to promote cultural awareness and understanding between people of culture, musicians, and artists of the United States and Romania. The festival organizes educational, cultural, and artistic events which will take place in Romania and the USA. The organization supports cultural exchanges with Americans participating in events in Romania and Romanians participating in events in the USA. The American Romanian Festival is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. To make a tax-deductible contribution, please make checks payable to the American Romanian Festival and mail to: American Romanian Festival, Inc. 1407 Ferdon Road Ann Arbor, MI 48104