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What you’re telling us
Every month we reply to members’ questions and comments drawn from conversations with the MTA team. Do you need advice or an answer on something? Radiator would love to hear from you. Email simon.bradwell@mta.org.nz.
“I wish the lending laws were better, they don’t help dealerships at all.”
Late last year Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark announced further changes lthat come into effect in March 2023, to “ensure borrow-ready Kiwis aren’t being unfairly penalised when applying for a loan”.
“How do I get to sign up for the MTA member benefit N3 card?”
There’s a link to signing up in the MTA Toolbox. To get started, just go to www.n3.co.nz/mta and complete the short form. Make sure you have your MTA ID ready.
Your n3 membership is fully covered by MTA; it is FREE to you as a member.
As an MTA member, you are entitled to 50 free users on Boost. When filling out the n3 form, tick the ‘Yes, I am interested in Boost’ box.
* Unless otherwise specified, savings are calculated during an average 12-month period. You can also contact n3 directly onEmail: ask@n3.co.nz or Phone: 0508 20 30 40
“What rules and laws should I be aware of when hiring an after-school worker?”
A young employee is anyone who is under the age of 20. In addition to fundamental rules of employment, the following also apply:
Signing employment documents: young persons under the age of 18 can sign an employment agreement, however the employer must ensure that they receive help when agreeing to the terms and conditions. As they have right to representation, their parents or representative can be with them while discussing employment matters with the employer.
Record of age: If the employee is under the age of 20, the employer must record their age in the wage and time records.
Hours of work: If you employ school-aged students ie, under 16 years of age, they can only work during out-of-school hours. They cannot work between the hours of 10pm and 6am.
Minimum wage: There is no minimum wage for employees under the age of 16. Young employees aged 16 to 19 years can be paid a different minimum wage from adult workers, if the starting-out wage applies.
Health and safety: As a health and safety requirement, employers have a duty to make sure that school-aged students do not do night work (between 10pm and 6am).
“I just received a copy of Radiator with a bonus 2023 calendar - great work and nice to have for the reception area.”
Thanks for the accolade, it’s always appreciated when we get feedback from members. We have a few extras in stock. Please call 0800 00 11 44.
Settlement agreements: People aged 16 or 17 years may sign settlement agreements to resolve disputes with employers. These agreements will still be final and binding. Right to representation applies in settling a dispute.
You can read more about hiring young people by going to employment.govt.nz or contact MTA if you need specific advice.
“I’m in the Coast-to-Coast region and NAPA did a golf tournament recently in Queenstown; it was fully booked out. MTA used to do these, and there hasn’t been one in a while; I would love to see something like this again.”
Golf tournaments have been much-loved events in a number of MTA’s regions and the Coast-to-Coast committee has confirmed it will be hosting a golf tournament aimed at MTA members. The details should be finalised next month.
“I’m interested in joining one of MTA’s focus groups. When are they coming up?”
The schedule for MTA’s 2023 focus groups is currently being worked on and members will be notified of the dates in Radiator once they are finalised.
Some helpful tips from others in the business:
Members often tell us about improvements they have made in their businesses; here are some from the last couple of months:
• The key to making extra money with customers is to do bundle or combo deals offering things like new brake pads, brake fluid, oil change as a package deal.
• I take on an apprentice religiously every year and once the last person is on the last part of their apprenticeship cycle, the next person is introduced.
• If the receptionist/admin is away, one of the apprentices (past two years’ experience) can answer the phones and order parts online.