7 Things To Consider For Next Beirut Trip Point 1) Beirut is a safe and quiet city but need to guard your personal belongings closely. Never keep your coats and other belongings unattended while enjoying a great lunch or dinner. Some pickpockets are at work in crowded places and the public transport.
Point 2) You must be very careful with your attire while traveling to religious sites and important sites of the city. If you are traveling with family in Lebanonmake sure that women are not wearing any of their exposing clothes. You will find people
wearing loose pants and a shirt so just avoid wearing shorts with T-shirts or shirts with short sleeves.
Point 3) Travel taxis service provider Uber offer their services here. They are the best way to travel when you have to go somewhere quickly. If you are planning to go too far that is out of the way; it is better to go with a taxi. It is always better to negotiate the cost of a ride in advance. Better to negotiate early than squabble later.
Point 4) It is for the drunkards. Although some wine stores offer liquor at very attractive prices, it can be consumed only in some restricted areas.
Point 5) If you are planning to buy antiques and souvenirs, make sure that you have registered all the documents and the export of jewelry and currency is not limited.
Point 6) While taking photographs of the monument and other historical places is completely okay, but if you are planning to take photos of local people it is better to seek the permission first. Never make the mistake of taking photos of military places.
Point 7) There are many places to stay in here. 4 stars hotels in Lebanon are in aplenty, and there are hostels available as well for lone travelers.