Few Mistakes to Avoid While Going For CE If you happen to be an enrolling agent, you may be required to obtain continuing education. It will help you renew your credentials. But before you enroll for the course it is important to evaluate whether the course will be accepted for the CE credit for license renewal or not. You will certainly not like to be contacted by IRS for the reason that your course is not valid. Sometimes years may pass, and you may never realize that months or even years may pass after the completion of the course. Some factors that may affect the acceptance of CE, CPE provider is not authorized by IRS, the course may not be approved (Annuity Suitability CE Continuing Education). Sometimes the course format may not be acceptable, or you might have taken CPE in the wrong period.
How Many Mistakes Prove Costly? Although these problems aren’t threatening, they can affect your ability to work as an agent. Sometimes these mistakes may cause a lot of inconveniences and may also cause a lot of time to go waste. One of the most common results of taking wrong courses is that you might not have a right number of courses when it comes to renewing credentials. For instance, you might be placed on the inactive status when you submit the renewal. No, let us take a look at the various mistakes and what you can do about them.
Education Provider Is Not Authorized IRS regulates the agents on a national basis. What you have to look for is IRS CE provider number. It is equally important to make sure that IRS course number is there even before you join any course. It is this number that is used for reporting the course completions, and you must also make sure that this number is printed on your certificate of completion.
Course Is Not Approved Even before you join the CE course, you have to make sure it is approved. So while you may be looking to join annuity suitability CE continuing education, it is better to make sure that the course has been approved and that the provider has the right course number.
Finally Education is good only when it is practical, so learn from those who are experienced and have real-life experience.