Guidelines for your LED Signs
Guidelines for your LED Signs
There are some major differences between the LED signs and the things you don’t know could hurt your wallet. So if you are not aware of what to look for, you might not be happy with your LED display, and you will end up unhappy. But how big your Digital display sign boards should be? Well, a proper answer to this question requires a thorough review of the positioning for the sign as well as the specific application. Moreover, several factors that should be taken into consideration include:
Speed Limit of Traffic Traffic Lanes Stop Lights or Stop Signs Viewing Distance Sight Elevation Content
But of all the items mentioned above, content is the most engaging one.
Ways to Build LED Signs
The first way is soldering the LEDs directly to the circuit boards and put a plexiglass face over the LED sign face to make it weatherproof. However, there are certain disadvantages to this method. Firstly, the plexiglass used as a shield will cause glare from the sun which will make your sign harder to read during the day time. Secondly, as the LEDs are soldered directly to the circuit board. If one of the LEDs goes out, entire board must be replaced because it can cause a quilting effect where one part will be brighter than the surrounding areas.
The second method, which is a better method, is to solder the LEDs directly to the circuit board but seal the entire face of the sign without using a plexiglass face shield. The advantage of this method is that it eliminates the sun glare problem, but still it has all the other disadvantages of the first method.
The third and one of the best methods include the use of individually sealed pixels. This method enables you to remove individual pixels without even turning off and opening the sign. This method eliminates all the drawbacks of the above two methods.
But the most daunting task is to watch out for sign sales people. Most of them are hardworking people and honest too. But most of them lack the required expertise and knowledge to properly program and size an LED sign. Make sure that the sales person you are dealing with has an expertise in sizing and programming the digital display boards. Since it requires proper planning and consideration, do yourself a favor by contacting a professional.