9 minute read
Tentative MBA Teen Bowhunting Camp Schedule
Tues/Wed: Adult set-up/ Kitchen set-up/ 3 D course setup including tree stands and ground blinds/ practice range setup/firewood if applicable/ fire containment set-ups/ showering facility/ any outside vendors meet (toilets/supplies/targets/donations, etc.) the campers may come early if needed for volunteering or scheduling/traveling conflicts. Wednesday evening at 8pm is Adult group meeting. This is where we double check everything and make sure we are set to receive campers Thursday morning, last moments for sanity (just kidding!) NO alcohol, tobacco, marijuana etc. the kitchen will be set-up providing meals for volunteers. Thursday Morning 8 am: Receive campers from parents at pre-determined meeting point; ideally 1 mile or so, on entrance to camp location. Group meeting with campers/parents/all camp volunteers. double check any last-minute paperwork etc. Welcome, general discussion of safety, camp in general, etc.: break into teams, all gear except bows and packs loaded into camp vehicles for transport back to camp, parents are free to go to the camp and then leave unless previously arranged for volunteering or camping close by, the attendees and their pre-assigned teams and Team Leader (adult volunteer for camp duration) will hike to camp and will start getting to know one another on this trek. Upon arrival at camp, each team will set-up their wall tents, may pick where they would like to set-up within confines of pre-determined camping area, set up their personal belongings, assist other teams in need. 10:00 am -12:00 pm: Eequipment check and practice field time. A licensed and insured bow tech will go over each individual’s archery equipment to ensure participant safety and may make changes on an individual basis if parental approval was given. A pre-signed release by parent is requested but not required. IF NOT AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY EQUIPMENT CHANGES FOR SAFETY REASONS, THE ATTENDEE WILL BE ISSUED AN MBA GENESIS BOW AND ARROWS FOR USE DURING CAMP. Teens will use practice field so volunteers and Leaders will be able to assess and assist as needed. Field Range Etiquette will be in place. 12:15-1:00: Lunch (see team assignment sheet posted at kitchen for team duties) 1:15-3:15: INSTRUCTION PERIOD: this time slot may be a group activity or individual team activity, please see attached list of instruction ideas that have been employed previously or new ideas. 3:30-5:30: 3-D Range, practice field, The Team on Dinner duty will go out first followed by the other Teams. This is a fun time that should also include instruction on safety, tree stand safety and harness use by each Team leader. (Two targets are set-up at tree stand, blind has one target,) target angles, shot placement, yardages, etc. binos and range finders may be used if brought. Scores kept and posted on Kitchen board (this always leads to good rivalries between Teens and Adults. 6:00-7:00: Dinner - prepared and served by Team on Duty, other teams will do clean-up duty/ garbage duty/ etc. as listed 7:15-8:15: Blood trailing practice. two to three blood trails will have been setup during dinner. Teams will learn blood trailing techniques and work together to recover animals (antlers or hides) usually three trails on the 3-d course, one from tree stand, one from ground blind, one from standing position 8:30-9:45: campfire/hunting stories (showers) 10:00 pm: TENT TIME Friday 8am-8:30: Quick breakfast (breakfast team to kitchen at 7:30) 8:30-9:00: Teams will pack their own individual lunches for the day and prepare for in the field training. 9:00-12:00: Team Leaders will take teams on a hike and use this time to teach GPS/Mapping skills, animal identification and tracking/habitat, wind and terrain usage for hunting prowess, etc. each team Leader will pack a cell phone for pictures, (a handheld radio for emergency communication/sat phone/ spot whichever) bear spray, etc. A GPS co-ordinate will be provided for the lunch meet-up spot where Jerry meets the teams to go over hunting calls, etc. during lunch break. Each team will need to record three GPS locations on the way to the assigned location and make notes of observations at that spot and take pictures. These observations/lessons will be shared in the group meeting later at camp. 12:15-2:00: Hike back to camp and rest/free time (usually have game warden appear here) 2:00-4:00: INSTRUCTION PERIOD: this time slot may be a group activity or individual team activity, please see attached list of instruction ideas that have been employed previously or new ideas. 4:10-5:45: 3-D Range, practice field, The Team on Dinner duty will go out first followed by the other Teams. This is a fun time that should also include instruction on safety, tree stand safety and harness use by each Team leader. (Two targets are set-up at tree stand, blind has one target,) target angles, shot placement, yardages, etc. Binos and range finders may be used if brought. Scores kept and posted on Kitchen board (this always leads to good rivalries between Teens and Adults). Targets will have been moved. 6:00-7:00: Dinner - prepared and served by Team on Duty, other teams will do clean-up duty/ garbage duty/etc. as listed. 7:00-7:30: Flint and Steel competition- Fire starting (teams needed to collect fire building material while out on morning Hike) 7:30-9:00: Group Campfire and Special Guest Presentation- ideally we have a Guest Speaker who teaches the Teens something hands on like calling/bow making/ string making/etc. we ask the guest speaker to bring supplies for each Teen-Hands on (nothing like 20 Teens trying to blow on mouth reeds at the same time! lol) 10:00 pm: Tent Time Saturday 8am: Teams are on their own for breakfast, may take sack breakfast or DIY at camp. First two teams out for mock hunt, remaining. Two teams in camp for Treestand Safety Demo and practice. Switch out as Hunt Teams come in. Lunch will be after final teams are in from Lunch 12:00-1:00 Lunch and Hunt discussion/photos/videos/etc. 1:15-3:00: INSTRUCTION PERIOD: this time slot may be a group activity or individual team activity, please see attached list of instruction ideas that have been employed previously or new ideas. 3:00-4:00: TEAM CHALLANGE- Shelter Building, each Team will work together to build a natural Shelter. There will be prizes awarded after Judging by Leader/Volunteer Staff according to a set of pre-determined guidelines. 4:10-5:45: 3-D Range, practice field, The Team on Dinner duty will go out first followed by the other Teams. This is a fun time that should also include instruction on safety, tree stand safety and harness use by each Team leader. (Two targets are set-up at tree stand, blind has one target,) target angles, shot placement, yardages, etc. Binos and range finders may be used if brought. Scores kept and posted on Kitchen board (this always leads to good rivalries between Teens and Adults). Scores for the Week will be tallied and Awards issued at WildGame Banquet 6:00-8:00: WildGame Banquet and Awards Ceremony/Special Guests (Wild game donated by individuals, we previously have had elk/deer/lion/bison/fish/moose). 8:00-9:30: Campfire/ Hunting stories 10:00 pm: TENT TIME Sunday 8 am-8:45: Breakfast, assigned teams etc. 9:00-12:00: GROUP WORKDAY: Landowner relations and work as arranged by Landowner 12:00-1:00: Group Lunch 1:00-4:00: Complete Camp Breakdown pack-up by Everyone 4:00-5:00: Parent Pickup, some will need to leave earlier for travel reasons
These times are very lenient but allow for some structure and seem to fit the overall plan well. Giving the TEENS Ownership in the camp and how a camp should be kept in Bear country, how to organize and setup camp etc., and in General with Leave no Trace ethics is practiced throughout the camp and Leaders/Volunteers have the responsibility to teach these things. We will need a licensed medical person in attendance, who will keep the Teens and Adults medical information on hand and secure at all times, along with a medical emergency plan for the Stimson Property. We have previously divided the TEENS into 4 groups of 5, each with a leader or make corrections, usually depends on number of girls attending. That also means we have TWO women volunteer for the Girls’ Team and One man for each of the boys. (If we have to setup individual tents due to covid regulations, we will separate the girls from boys on opposite sides of camp.) The Leaders live, eat, breathe with their respective teams. This has shown to be a very positive thing creating unity, respect, and a team comradery that has shown to provide long lasting mentorship/friendships. Other Volunteer Staff fulfill emotional needs/requirements/ bonds as needed We have done activities such as hide cleaning and stretching, flint knapping and Atlatyl, emergency med in the field on the way back to camp on Friday, simulated bear attacks, mapping and GPS with the forest service, sign posting for Block Management on private/public hunting areas, issued tags to the kids at the Thursday morning meet and greet, then followed up by Game Warden appearance to check tags during mock elk hunt, and Q&A with local warden, fishing Camp makes sure we get group license from FWP), creek swimming, Flu Flu shooting, cast iron cooking, etc. Jerry will be one of our Mock Elk Callers, we will need one more (can show up just for the weekend) the Teams will utilize all of their learned skills to call and spot and stalk a Bull Elk Target, each TEEN gets one shot, then the Hidden(safely) Elk, will come to the group and discuss their shot placement and do a blood trail to recover the animal, Second team to each Elk will pack out the target. Generally, the Med person assists Beckie with kitchen and Camp MC duties. We have a trailer that we setup for the kitchen with outside tent/awning and stoves, water, wash station etc. inside we bring a chest freezer/generator/ice chests/ shelving/ table etc. snacks and beverages are Always available to the entire camp at will, locked up during the night with garbage. We prepare easy foods for large groups from scratch, the Teens really love creating meals their peers devour. We expect our volunteer leaders to come prepared to share their knowledge and we do not have a written up, exact doctrine to follow, rather an idea list of things to cover, a guideline for everyone. each excursion is designed to teach, and share time gets the info passed around rather well. Roger Licht would be an amazing tree stand safety instructor as Marlon and Mary won’t be able to travel. Jackie will volunteer as one of the Girl Teen Leaders, so we need one more. The medic could also fill this role as well. We have funds to pay a medical person, just need to find someone. I can answer any other questions and have some volunteers coming from the Bitterroot to assist. Jerry is unable to be a group leader with his med issues, however he’s invaluable in set-up, archery equipment and shooting, Friday lunch discussion, blood trailing, and Mock Hunt. We have some returning Teens who will be able to be mentors, possibly Leaders, age depending. I look forward to the camp as do many Teens who have been waiting!