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Scoutreach Program

The Scoutreach Initiative’s cornerstone is positive engagement with neighborhood leaders and listening to and supporting parents and their families. This initiative removes barriers to Scouting by recruiting and training adult volunteers, assisting with financial concerns, and helping with transportation needs. Scoutreach provides an exciting opportunity and a compass to help young people develop their sense of purpose, confidence, and dream beyond what is in front of them. There is no doubt that we are developing tomorrow’s leaders today through Scoutreach.

At the start of 2022, the MTCBSA renewed and strengthened the emphasis on the Scoutreach initiative. The year began with 506 youth supported by the Scoutreach initiative and ended 2022 with 617 youth experiencing Scouting in 22 Cub Scout Packs, twelve Scouts BSA troops, and one STEM lab. The outcomes we see are increased self-esteem in youth as they learn skills to help them be successful in and out of school. As demonstrated over the last twentyplus years, the Scoutreach initiative continues to teach life skills, develop a love of service, and create lifelong memories for boys and girls and their parents.

The Council invested

$467,080 in the Scoutreach Initiative in 2022.

Special Assistance

The Council program makes Scouting possible to all current and potential members in the form of need-based financial assistance.

880 youth and 97 adults received some type of assistance totalling to $69,937.

Community Service

20,067 hours of service in projects at churches, schools, and other local nonprofit organizations were completed by Scouts and leaders. Those service hours translate into almost a $601,007 investment into Middle Tennessee communities.

2,032 Scouts and volunteers in MTC collected over 43,627 pounds of food items for the Scouting for Food drive. Held each February, the event helps support local food pantries across the Council.

MTC, BSA owns and operates four camping facilities:

Boxwell Reservation on Old Hickory Lake

Grimes Canoe Base on the Buffalo River

Latimer Reservation on the Cumberland Plateau

Parish Reservation at Rock Island

Each camp provides a unique outdoor experience, but all offer opportunities for Scouts and families to explore, learn, have fun and make memories that will last a lifetime.

22,193 nights camping by MTC Scouts.

10,182 merit badges were earned by MTC Scouts BSA youth, as they learned new skills, sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and explored future careers that reflect their buidding interests.

9,747 Scouts participated in programs at one of the Council four camp properties.

Citizenship in the Society

First Aid

Personal Fitness



Top 10 Merit Badges


Environmental Science

Personal Management

Emergency Preparedness

Citizenship in the World

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