Amplifier v. 17, no. 11; (1972, May 26)

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College of Mineral

Science and Technology


Vol 17, No. 11

May 26, 1972

"All The News That Prints To Fit",

o lis D Ie To Launch Tech Graduates June 4


Grad uation Free, If Y QU' re Fast

Greenhouse Germinates

The completion of a new greenhouse will enable biology, zoology, ecology and genetic classes to be xplored to a greater depth. Within the 74 feet by 20 楼2 feet building, various exotic rid native plants will be grown and studied, The high ~umidity enclosure will include a water fall and a fish tank. l'he Biology Club gathered rock to build a rock waterfall, lJpon which will be grown nalive algae and mo es from 10~al mount in area . If completed by this summ~r, ~esearch will be conducted In the greenhouse on reclamation Df mine tailings. Knuckey ~ons I uction is in charge of bUilding the facility, which has ~n estimated cost of $38,000.

K-TEK On Board for KTEK-F Radio was se1 ct during recent meetings 0 he FM-Radio Comlllitt . Th

Ex cutiv

"I get 'em to exercise


there, by heavens!"

k ets $9,000 Plus Bills have been mailed to sponsors of the recent VVaIk Mankind, and those who f or agreed to make contri'b u tio~ encouraged to make their are 'bl a ments as soon as POSSl e in ~rder to facilitate bookkeeping procedures. Of the $13,000 pledged, about $9 000 has been received. Checks may be made payable to Project Concern, Walk for Mankind and may be sent to Walk Treasurer Laura LaPalm at 3450 Gladst?ne, Butte. Cancelled checks wil serve as receipts, Twenty per cent of the monllect d will be given to ey co 路tal Silver Bow General Hospi t aid in the purchase of a o diac machine.. Ten per cent car 1 '11 remain in Butte for an~~er community project ,later this year, and the remainder '11 go to Project Concern, a :~n-profit medical-dental ?rganization which ~petrhia~es clinics and hospitals In Sf co~oreign t ry and in several . V' t nations, including ie nam.

This year, for the first time, tickets will not be necessary to attend commencement exercises at Montana Tech. Seats for the June 4 graduation ceremonies will be available on a first come first served basis. Activities will begin June 2 with a dinner for graduating seniors and their fathers. Seniors are asked to make reservations for the banquet by May ~O in the President's office. The following afternoon will be the senior luncheon, pictures with caps and gowns and commencement rehearsal. That evening Montana Tech alumni will have their annual banquet. Comencement will be the afternoon of June 4 and will be followed by a reception for graduates and their guests. Hollis Dole, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Mineral Resources is this year's speaker.


At Tech The Eastern Montana College Readers Theater presentd a production of Bob Dylan's Tarantula to students and faculty at a convocation held Wednesday, May 10, 1972. Readers Theater, according 10 Dr. Bowden, director of the EMC Readers Theater and instructor at EMC, is a theater of the mind. The audience is actively involved in the creation of each character. Approximately fifty people attended this production spon'sored jointly by the CIC, Joe Rohan, chairman, and the Public Events Committee, Dr Michael Doman, chairman.

"Minerals for the Second, America" is the title of the commencement 路address to be given June 4 at Montana Tech by Hollis Dole, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Mineral Resources. Sixty-four students are expected to recei ve degrees in undergraduate and graduate fields, five men will be awarded professional degrees and two honorary doctorates will be presented during Tech's seventy-second commencement exercises. Dole receivd his Bachelor of Science in geology from Oregon State University in 1940 and his Masters in the same field two years later. In 1954 he was awarded a P'h.D in geology from the University of Utah. Since March of, last year he has been Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Mineral Resources. He has served as act-

ing director, state geologist and . director of the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries in Oregon. He also has been an instructor at the University of Utah and a geology professor at Portland State College. Dole is credited with numerous publications, including government documents and testimony presented to United States House and Senate Interior committees. He is amember of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers; the American Association of Petroleum Geologists; the Association of American State Geologists; Sigma XI. and the Oregon Academy of Science. Dole has served on many committees and advisory boards for state and Federal governments as well as regional and National associations connected with the minerals industry.

News and Views Of Student Council by Kim Bawden The newly elected officers of the ASSOCiatedStudents of Montana Tech Were installed in their offices at the Student Council meeting held May 10, 1972. John McCarthy is the new president; John Likarish vice president: Coleen Ward, secretary; Tad Dale, delegat~ A; Tom Hohn, delegate B; Mark Bossard, justice A; and Gary Munson, justice B. Tad Dale was selected to be the sergeant at arms for the council meetings, while Tom Hohn was selected as the parliamentarian. Among other business taken care of before the installation, was the acceptance of the final draft presented by the business office which will assume the handling of student funds for 1972-1973. For this service, the Student Council will pay the business office $600.00 per year. The constitutional amendment voted on in the MDay elections was passed with 214 votes for and only 13 against. , The golf team requested that $100.00 be taken from the baseball fund so that the team could attend a tournament. The Stdent Council approved this measure; furthermore, it appropriated the additional $32.50 from the general fund to make up the balance needed for the tournament. The next order of business was the banquet for out- . going Student Council officers. The banquet, held Monday, May 22, 1972, was held at the Acoma. Montana's proposed constitution was the next subject for discussion. A request that the Student Council urge the students at Tech to support the new constitution was revised so that the Council is only urging all students to read and consider the proposed constitution and to make an effort to vote on June 6. The M..Day election was contested by Wayne O'Brien. :rhe reasons for his contestation were that the polls were not opened during the hours stated in the Constitution, and that the polls were moved during the noon hour. The justices rules that these changes had no effect on the election.

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May: 26, 1972

Seniors' Agenda A father-son banquet will cut the tape for this year's graduating seniors. The dinner will be held June 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ramada Inn. Reservations for the dinners must be .rnade at the president's office by May 30. The next day seniors not-toounder-the-weather will meet at the Finlen Hotel at 1:00 p.m. for the senior luncheon. Class pictures will follow on the same day at 3 :00 p.m. in the Museum Hall. Costume of the hour wil be caps and gowns. Then they'll rehearse. On Saturday (June 3), again in the Museum Hall immediately following the pictures, the seniors will practice for the big night. June 4 at 3:30 p.m. is the senior's final hour. Processional will form in the library beginning at 3:15. Caps gowns, seniors and faculty should all be present by this time. Mrs. Fiskum will collect the rented gowns at the book store after the seniors are launched. Unless there's some mighty fast progress on the SUB (which is about as likely as President Nixon ending the war), reception will be held in the gymnasium right after commencement.

Chess Tou rney Held in SUB A perpetual chess lateral tournament is in progress at 12:00 Monday through Friday in the SUB. An individual does not have to attend Tech to participate in the tournament. The Chess Club meets every Monday at 7:00. The oficers include president, Jim Williams and vice president, Marilyn Campbell.

Miss Daniel




In the M NEWS (Tech's alumni publication) for May, 1972, there is a list of missing and presumed unfound alumni. There are over one hundred names on this list, none of them sound like a woman's name. Rah.

Ie Recruits At High. Schools Tech students in the departments 'of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Environmental Engineering are working on a special recruiting program of their own. Coordinating the effort are Greg Sheridan, John Green, John Beatty, Diane Kitto, and Bill Suydam. The last four are leaders of the History Club and Literary Society. The first phase of the campaign involved letters to counsellors in the 400 high schools in Montana requesting names of students interested in going to college. The second phase is to send out letters to each student expresing interest and another letter to his parents pointing out the advantages of Tech and the programs here. The third phase will be a telephone follow-up for likely prospects. Meanwhile, students' and faculty members will visit high schools in Butte, Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Whitemall, and Boulder to talk to students. If the program is successful, the students plan to organize more formally in the fall and carry on their own effort to bring more students to Tech.

New Revised Heresy by Linda Lee Holmes Last night they elected me God, ~ So this morning I rewrote the Bible, Got rid of all those "Thou shalt nots" :And reduced all religion To only two commandments "Thou shalt love" and "Thou shalt obey the above mentioned commandment." I wonder if I've got A chance for re-election? Maybe they'll impeach me. AMPLIFIER Editor Reporters Ad visor



--------------KennethStocks Nancy Leskovar and Kim Bawden ~ :_------------------------ Robert T.'

y lor

Opinions expressed are those of the editor or authors of signed articles and not necessarily those of the college or student body unless the article so stipulates. Published bi-weekly during the academic year by the Associated Students of Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology (more lovingly referred to as Montana Tech), Butte, Montana 59701. 'liNn••

Five· Alumni Will Receive Honorary egrees Next' Wee Honoary Professional Engineering Degrees will be presented to five alumni during ·June 4 commencement exercises at Montana Tech. Leo Abell, consultant, Bechtel Corporation; Benjamin Adelstein, self-employed mining consultant; Thomas Jancic, manager, mine planning, Duval Corporation; Louis Marick, consultant, U. S. Army TankAutomotive Command, and Frank Trask, Jr., chief geologist, new mines, The Anaconda Company, will receive the professional degrees. Honorary Doctorate Degrees also will be awarded to Uuno Sahinen, retired director and chief geologist for the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, arid Hollis Dole, assistant secretary of mineral resources for the U. S. Department of the Interior, Who is the commencement speaker this year. Abell, a native of Renmark South Australia, a t ten d e South Australian School of Mines and was graduated in 1926 from Adelaide University. Between 1934-35 he attended Montana Tech. He will receive the degree of Mineral ressing Engineer. Abell is especially interested in mineral dressing investigation, operation and engineering. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the lc~ngineers' Club of San Francisco. Adelstein, a native of Trenton, N. J., was graduated from Montana Tech in 1922 with a mining engineering degree. Between 1923 and 1932, with the exception of one year during which he attended Montana State University, Adelstein was employed by the U. S. Engineers and between 1937-1970 he was chief mining engineer for the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission. In this position, Adelstein was involved in drafting rules and regulations and adopting policies, conducting mine examina t ion s and determining whether fraud 'n sales of mining securities had taken place and if so making recommendations as to procedures. He will receive the degree of Engineer of Mines. -He is a member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. In civic life Adelstein is active in school administration and politics. Another Montana Tech alumumnus is Jancic, who is a native of Slovenia, Yugoslavia. He received his degree from the Butte college in 1940 and will now receiv an Engineer of Mines degree. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining,


Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers and is particularly interested in open pit mining, planning, development and operation. Jancic has served as a sub-section chairman for AIME. He also is an instructor for a teachers' summer course in mining. Marick received his B.S. from Montana 'l'ech in 1925 in mining engineering. Two years later he was awarded his Masters from the University of Washington. In 1934 at the University of Wisconsin he received his Ph.D. From 1934 to 1968, when he assumed his present position as consultant for U. S. Army Tank-Automotive Command in Michigan, Marick was employed in various managerial areas by Uniroyal, Inc. of Detroit. Marick has a number of publications to his credit, including a contribution to the World Book of Encyclopedia. He also has been granted 19 patents pertaining to tire structure and design, inner tubes, and electrically conductive rubber and its application. He will receive an Engineering Science Engineer degree. Among the organizations to which he belongs are Sigma Xi and Gamma Alpha, both honorary societies. He also is a membe:r of the American Physical Society, the Ameri-. can Chemical Society, the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American Society for Testing and Materials, the Tire and Rim Association and the Rubber Manufacturers' Association. Trask was born in Deer Lodge and was graduated from Montana Tech in 1936 with a geological engineering degree. He also attended Ohio State University. He will receive the Geological Engineer degre, In addition to his employment with The Anaconda Com-

Most Liked Teachers Honored The outstanding teachers of the Year awards were given to Dr. Guillaume P, DeVault, Dr. Jack B. Goebel and Dr. Larry G. Twidwell during yesterday's Honors Convocation. Dr D Vault is the Associate Professor of Physics t Tech' Dr. Goebel is the Professor of Mathematics. and Dr. Twidwell is the As~ sociate Professor of Met 1Iurgy,

The three teachers We selected on he basis of the teacher valuation questionnaires filled out and turn d in by Tech students arli this year.

pany, for which Trask has held

positions in Montana, Chile, New York and Arizona he has worked for Cotopaxi Exploration Company in Ecuador, the Neptune Gold Mining Companypany in Nicaragua, the Austral Oil Exploration Company in Texas and the Andes Copper Mining Company in Chile. One of Trask's special intercsts is the training of young geologists. He has published a paper on the "Geology of the El Salvador MIne," and is a member of the Society of Economic Geologists, the American Institute of Mining Engineers, the Mining Association of Montana, the Northwest Mining Association, the Idaho Mining Association and the Arizona Small Mine Operators Association. He also has served as a member of the Western Governors' Mining Advisory Council.



Students planing to grab the sheepskin June 4 at Tech ten .. tatively include: Charles N. Anderson Jack E. Barnes Creighton .T. Barry Craig S. Bartels Lawrence C. Baxter David W. Bennett William G, Blake Mary M. Bultman Guillermo A. Caffarena John V. Corra Gordon H. Crawford Mary T. Davis Terrene L. Davis Arthur L. D g nhart Mary Ann Dillon Joseph M. Dos n James L. Fenton Antoinett D. Fre man St phen G. Galasso Victor F. Garrett William H. Geor Charles Goforth · Edward P. Kavran Gary L. Knudson Peter C. Larson Steven C. Martin Anilkant G. Mehta Darr 11 D. Metz Wally G. O'Connell obert D. Osm nson Frank J. Quilici Georg A. id Charl s S. ober J m sM. David H. ust John W. S ck tt Dana S lusso onald . S huyl 1 Gr go y L. h rid 11 n . Sol r Mieha 1 J. Sulliv n John

May 26, 1972


Page 3

Pet. Engineers Receive Grant The Schlumberger Foundation of Houston, Texas, according to Clifton Iverson, executive secretary to the managers, has announced continued support of Montana Tech for 1973. The Schlumberger grant was esta blished last year through the efforts of Tech's Department of Petroleum Engineering. The 1973 grant will provide $1,200 for student aid and $600 for use as an unrestricted grant, reports rÂť, William G~ Halbert, head of the petroleum department. These amounts, he notes, represents a $300 increase relative to the Foundation's initial grant last year. In his reply to Iverson, 'I'ech Acting President Dr. Kenneth M. McLeod, "These grants will be most welcome since budget restrictions continue to be one of our major problems." The Schlumberger Foundation is a division of Schlumberger Limited, a world-wide organization which provides services to the oil industry. The latter finding was based on a pollution cost-benefit

study previously done by the NWF. That study showed that the typical American family could save $13 per year with a national cleanup campaign w hich will reduce air pollution damages by 66 percent, and save $87 annually while slashing water pollution damages by 90 percent. The Federation estimated that the average family must invest some $500 by 1975 without any return. However, by 1979, the average family will recover this $500 and, by 1980, begin realizing annual savings of approximately $200-plus having a cleaner environment. Kimball


that econo-

mists and others who prepare pollution estimates for industry and the government have been failing to consider benefits of pollution cleanup as well as its cost. "How can you put a dollar value on your children being able to see into the Grand Canyon?" he asked. '(We're going to have to consider all benefits, economic and aesthetic, as well as the economic costs of pollution clean. up.

Cockhill Leads Wives The Montana Tech Student Wives have elected new officers year.



1972-1973 school


Robin Cockhill; LaDonna




Mary Ann Crowley; Fran Forguaard, secretary,

What Is A Boy? by Mark Bunn

(Editor's note: . Mark Bunn is a student in the new photography course being taughe by Frank Young and William HowelL Mr. Howell stated that the course will be implemented into the regular curricula as a semester course beginning this fall. Mark Dunn, freshman, intends to pursue a photo-journalistic related field. His work is representative of that of the class.) I

Between the innocenc~ of babyhood and the dignity of manhood we find a delightful creature called a boy. You can lock him out of your workshop, but you can't lock him out of your heart. You can't get him out of your mind; you might as well give up-he is your captor, your jailer, your boss and your master-a fun faced, pintsized, snow throwing, bundle of noise. Boys come in assorted sizes, weights and colors, but all boys have the same 'creed: To enjoy every second of every minute of every hour of each day until they are packed off to bed at night.



Mary Kay Bock; cor-

responding Gordon;


vice president,




Pat Spring-

er, and faculty advisors, Mrs. Bloomer, Mrs McClernan, Mrs. Earl, Mrs. McCaslin, and Mrs. McGlashan. The prime objectives of the Student Wives are to meet new people and raise money for various projects. A scholarship for a male married students may be offered next year. This scholarship would be funded by the Student Wives Club. Also the Wives sponsor bake sales, carnivals and the annual husband-wife Christmas Party, in which a pot luck dinner is served. In May, the Student . Wives honor at a dinner the Senior Student Wives, whose husbands are graduating. Thoss being honored have their dinner paid for and receive a di .. ploma, " Put tin g Hubby Through." At the end of the year, a picnic is held for the student wives, their husbands and children. The meetings are held every second Wednesday. Dues are $1.50 per semester. Refreshments, like cookies and punch are served after each meeting.




THE AMPLIFIER May 26, 1972

Applications Wanted For Fall Semester

Picture by Christy Walsh

Golfers Putt

To Third Place by Steven

M. Daniel

On April 15 the Tech golf team competed for the Frontier Conference Golf Championship against Northern, Western and Eastern. The tournament consisted of thirty-six holes stroke play. Unlike all the other teams competing, this was the only golf meet for Tech this year. Despite Tech's limited experience, the team still managed third place. This year's team members are Don McCarthy, Steve Daniel, Don Sullivan, Phil DeGicker and coach-player Gregg Sheridan. Coach Riley has expressed that he will try to get some more money for a better golf program next year ..

ust to UC'

This Fall A Montana Tech graduate student, David Rust, is the recipient of the $3,600 Jane L. Lewis Fellowship to study at the University of California, Berkeley. In addition, 'he has been given a $1,500 out-of-state fee waiver, Rust and his wife, the former Christine Permada of Anaconda, will leave in September for nine months of study at the California institution. Currently Rust is working on his master's degree in Mineral Dressing at Tech. He will complete his work and receive his degree this summer. He received his bachelor's degree from Tech last year in the same field. At Berkeley, Rust' will study material sciences, a branch of Mineral Dressing El1gineering ..

SpeechSchol a rsh ip Awa rded to Davis The second Floor Store Speech Scholarship, w 0 r i h $100, has been awarded to Mark Davis, Butte High School student, who will enroll at Montana Tech this falI. Davis, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Davis of Butte has won a number of awards in extemporaneous speaking at the high school. Mrs. Lucile Alt faculty advisor to Tech's speech and debate teams, says the Davis youth comes highly recommended by his high school coach Mike Sullivan. Davis also is an excellent student, notes Mrs. Alt. He plans to participate in debate and in individual events at Tech next year. The Floor Store award is the only speech scholarship available at Tech. Last year, When it was first awarded Ken Latsch, Butte, Was the winner. A freshan this year, Latsch has compiled a good college record in speech and debate. According to Mrs. Alt, "We are grateful to Mrs. Musgrove of the Floor Store for providing Montana Tech with this scholarship again. This year we have a fine group of beginners in speech and debate. They have made a good showing in nearly every meet. This scholarship is important to the caliber of new students attracted to Tech and it suppli s the rest of the speech and bate students with added incentive. "The ability to communicate ver bally is essential to each one of us, no matter what our field. W~ at Tech feel that we are developing an excellent forensics program for the benefit of all students."

Students planning to enter college in the fall are reminded by Montana Tech Registrar Frank Kelly that it is not too soon to begin preparation. Because of the length of time it takes registrars' offices to process applications" review transcripts and assign advisors and I.D. numbers, the sooner students can begin sending in to the college of their choice completed application forms the easier the fall rush becomes for the students and the registration offic-es. High school seniors from Butte and the surrounding area who intend to enroll at Tech in the fall are reminded by Kelly that applications can be submitted now. These students he路 says, also should request that their high school send a transcript of grades with the actual date of graduation and rank in class at the conclusion of this term. Tech students are required to take the American College Test before entering. These scores also must be on file in the Registrar's office. Students . or parents with questions concerning the admission procedure at Tee h should direct their inquiries to the Registrar's ofice, 792-8321, ext. 263. I

$500 Split mong Three Pre- Techers This year's First Metals Bank. and Trust Company Scholarships of $500 each have been awarded to three local students who will enter Montana Tech in the fall. Recipients of the awards are Rochelle O'Keefe of Butte High School and Michael Corbitt and Stephen O'Brien of Butte Central. Miss O'Keefe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett O'Keefe of 2,807 Silver Bow, plans to major in liberal arts at Montana Tech. Her excellent grade point average in high school has made her a member of the National Honor Society. Activities in which she participated includ~ Girls' Athletic Club, Pep Club and Kayettes. Corbitt is the son of Mrs. Margaret E. Corbitt and the late John D. Corbitt of 607 Transit in Walkerville. Interested in a variety of athletics as well as the fine arts the Corbitt youth intends to ~tudy education, or meterology When he enrolls at Tech. O'Brien also enjoys sports and at Central competed in football, track and intramural basketball. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Brien of 1007 Empire. Political sci.. ence is the field O'Brien has chosen for his major in college.

(IV L S IION/S el tive Sated for Th路n s Like ech The National Endowment for the Humanities has made a grant of $50,481 to the National Gallery of Art for distribution of Pioneers of l\-Iodem Painting, a six-part film series written and narrated by Kenneth Clark, to community and campus audiences in the United States through the auspices of smaller colloges and universities with enrollments under 2000 and smaller art museums. Announcement of the grant was made by Dr. Ronald S. Berman, Chairman of the National Endowment at a 10:00 a.m. news conference at The National Gallery of Art. The films, in color and 45 minutes in length, are visual explorations of the works of Manet, Cezanne, Monet, Seurat, Rousseau and Munch. They were originally produced for ATV-London. The news conference was also the occasion for the first United States press preview of two films from the series, those on Monet and Munch. The Endowment's grant to the Gallery will be used to purchase and distribute prints of the Pioneers of Modern Painting series through a disdistribution concept Which offers them free of charge to small colleges ad museums and neighbOring com m u nit i e s which might not otherWise be able to afford to rent or buy them.

Since 1970 the National Gallery has been distribUting prints of <?lifford, Clark's Widelyacclauned 13-part Civilisation series in a similar manner under a $10,000 matching grant from the National Endowment and the Xerox Corporation "The great success of this pro~ gram," said Dr. Berman, "has encouraged the National En?owment to engage in a sim .. II~ program with respect to Ploners of Modern Painting." Specifics of this second joint program for distribution of ~rd Clark's fIlms were outlined by J. Carter Brown, Director of the National Gallery of Art, follOwing Dr. Berman's ~nnounce~ent of the grant. !he National Gallery is especially pleased to be abl t ti e 0 con mua its partnerShip with the National Endowment :or the Humanities to reach the student and adult aUdiences for the arts across the country " ~a~~ Mr. Brown. "Through o~r Irutlal program sponsored also by the Endowment Lor d Clark's Civilisation fiims have already have been shown On more. than 600 campuses and the 1r commUnities in th United States and its po sses, . ~lons. The coperative screen~ngs of Civilisation for both tow~ ~d gown' have been en .... thuSIastlcally receiVed by the colleges and have proved to be a most useful formula in reach-

ing a broad community audience." One of the broad goals of the National Endowment for the Humanities is to bring media to serve more fully the needs of broad citizen audiences at the reduced unit costs which such technology makes possible. Dr. Berman stated at the conference that "in film lies th opportu nity to bring education to great numbers, yet with the extraordinary economy which this medium makes possible. In Pioneers of Modern Painting, as well as Civilisation, we have on film a gifted teacher and interpreter. Through Lord Clark s vision, millions of citizens and students now may gain a deeper insight into the work, life and events of six major artists who profoundly affected the direction of modern painting. '

Green Gold Black Gold Two internationally - known oil companies have announced their 1973 grants to Montana Tech Department of Petroleum Engineering, according to Department Head Dr. William G. Halbert. From the Shell Companies Foundation has come the announcement by Charles E. Parker, secretary, that a $1,000 grant will be made available to the college. Of this amount, $500 will be allocated for general faculty development, and another $500 will be used for student aid in the department. J. P. Malott, vice president of Continental Oil Company, has announced that his cornpany will grant $4,600 to the petroleum department at Tech. This grant includes scholarships of $700, $800, $900 and $1,000 to freshman sophomore, [unior and senior p~troleum engineering students respectively. The .balance of the grant, acCordIng to Halbert is an unre ... stricted suppleme~t to the department.




Doctor of E g. The degree of Doctor of Engineering, Honoris Causa, will be awarded to Uuno M. Sahinen, retired director and State geologist for the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, during comencement xercises June 4 at Montana T ch. Sahin n, Who retir d from Sta te service last sp in , spent nearly his ntir p 0 ession career with the Bur au of Min s. He served as chief of information nd se vic nd as chi f geologist. For nin ye rs, from 1962 until his reti m nt, Sahinen was associ t dir ctor and th n di ctor of th Bureau ..

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