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The Scentist
the scentist is based on the challenge of a very simple fact: no person is like another. why shouldn’t this also apply to perfumes.
Artificial Intelligence at the service of fragrance
The motivation of the founders was to offer all those who do not like mainstream perfumes but seek to enhance their individuality a completely new and very personal dimension of the highest olfactory quality. After an intense three years of research and development with renowned perfumers and IT specialists, The Scentist succeeded in creating an exclusive fragrance for every person that is completely unique, with a totally new approach. Using a specially developed, image-based, digital personality test, The Scentist takes into account individual preferences in the areas of cuisine, travel, lifestyle and more. From this information, digital intelligence composes scent chords and aromas. It also takes into account the skin type in the fragrance analysis process. The personal answers in the computer-controlled The Scentist dialogue are intelligently analysed by algorithms and self-learning database systems and compared with the expertise of top international perfumers stored in The Scentist software. The digital perfume composition is unique worldwide and turns customers into their own perfumers.
When arTificiaL inTeLLigence meeTs PerfumerY
using technology to create custom-made fragrances: the wager of this german start-up
The heart of The Scentist is a continuously changing, self-learning system based on artificial intelligence, which is constantly evolving – just we humans are constantly changing in our thinking and feeling perception and action.
A pop-up store in Cologne
To launch the brand, the young start-up opened a digital perfumery laboratory last April & May in the form of a pop-up store in the High Street of Cologne. The founders of this very original concept are Daniel de Sain and Guido Maria Schmitt, whose family have been involved in the world of essential oils, fragrances and essences for a hundred years. He says that at format. Most of the time, the faces of store visitors were pictures of amazement. Consumers were positively surprised by the accuracy of the description when the perfume created for them corresponded to their preferences. In 96% of the cases, consumers declared that the detailed description of their fragrance was right for them. The experience of the popup store was very beneficial, as it gave the founders the chance to optimize the customer experience.
The Next step
The pop-up store has been perceived as an innovative new shop-in-shop and/or franchise format. Alongside with online sales of customized The Scentist fragrances it is an additional offer in the assortment of retailers. The advantages: it’s only made on demand, it’s sustainable, there is no inventory. Mobile First: Retailers may also partner easily by promoting The Scentist through vouchers and digital marketing campaigns specially for mobile use.
Daniel de Sain and Guido Maria Schmitt are convinced that the future of fragrance is in Artificial Intelligence: time will tell if they are right!