Celtic studies congress cfp guidelines final

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ICCS15: Guidelines for proposing Papers, Posters, Sessions and Round Tables All proposals (for Papers, Posters, Sessions and Round Tables) must be made using the online abstract submission system http://www.celticstudiescongress.org/abstracts/submitAbstract.php Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis. The deadline for submissions is 1 November 2014. Each proposal must include:  Name and affiliation  Contact Email address  Indication of whether Paper, Poster, Session, or Round Table  Title of contribution (in language of presentation)  Abstract of Paper or Poster in the language of presentation (or explanation of the rationale for the Session or Round Table): maximum 200 words, suitable for reproduction  Indication of the language of presentation  English translation of Paper title and abstract (if appropriate) Individuals may submit more than one type of proposal, but only one of any given type (i.e. a Paper and a Round Table, but not two Papers). PAPER Papers should be of approximately twenty minutes duration to allow for a short discussion period afterwards. Contributions delivered in Celtic languages are particularly welcome. We are currently exploring the possibility of providing limited simultaneous translation into English from Scottish Gaelic, Irish and Welsh for some papers – please indicate if you would like your Paper to be considered for this service (if available). All rooms are equipped with standard AV facilities of an internet-linked computer and data projector suitable for PowerPoint, etc. If speakers require any additional equipment they should make this clear on the on-line form. To assist programming, speakers are invited to tick a selection of relevant key-words. Please choose all that apply. SESSION A Session will normally consist of three 20-minute papers on related themes grouped within a 90 minute slot. If there are more than three papers, these may be grouped together in a series of linked Sessions. The organiser of the Session (who may or may not be one of the speakers) should submit the proposal for the Session (to include title, rationale, and the name of each speaker and the title of their Paper) and should ensure that each speaker submits a separate proposal for their own Paper. Session proposals may be submitted with fewer than three speakers identified. ROUND TABLE. A Round Table is an interactive event organized around a specific and tightly focused theme. Formal presentations are kept to a minimum and normally consist only of opening and closing remarks so that an open discussion is encouraged. A Round Table occupies a single 90 minute slot but the format of each is up to the organiser. Innovation is encouraged. Examples include but are not limited to: open debate on a ‘hot topic’ in Celtic Studies, discussion of pre-circulated papers, structured discussion of a primary text. Organisers should give an indication of their proposed format. To encourage general participation in the discussion efforts will be made to book the most appropriate rooms

and to this end it would be helpful if organisers could give an approximation of the number of participants they would anticipate (it may be necessary to limit the number of participants). All rooms are equipped with standard AV facilities of an internet-linked computer and data projector. If organisers require any additional equipment they should make this clear on the on-line form. POSTER Posters will be displayed for the duration of the Congress in one of the main social areas, but there will be a specific time slot in the program when posters will be ‘manned’. Details of format will be issued in due course. Further queries on any of the above should be addressed to: arts-iccsxv @glasgow.ac.uk

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