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The Grimm Brothers Today Kinder- und Hausmärchen and Its Legacy 200 Years After

June 21 Morning Venue: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Plenary Sessions I (9:00–12:30)

09:00–10:00 Sadhana Naithani (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India) A Wild Philology 10:0 –10:30 Coffee Break 10:30–11:30 Christine Shojaei Kawan (Enzyklopädie des Märchens, Germany) Once Two Brothers Had a Workshop... 11:30–12:30 Maria Tatar (Harvard University, USA) The Call of the Wild: Why Fairy Tales Are Good to Think With 12:30–14:00 Lunch Afternoon Venue: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Panels 1 (14:00–16:00) 1.A: Oral/written Texts, Types, and Genres: Reassessing Boundaries Valdimar Hafstein, chair and discussant 14:00–14:20 Cyrille François (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland) Grimms‟ Märchen and Andersen‟s Eventyr: A Tale of Two Genres 14:20–14:40 John Lindow (University of California, Berkeley, USA) A Swedish Tale-Type System in 1844? The Organization of Hyltén-Cavallius and Stephens, Svenska folk-sagor och äfventyr 14:40–15:00 Martin Lovelace (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) Literary and Oral Influences in Newfoundland Folktales 15:00–15:20 Rósa Thorsteinsdóttir (Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Iceland) Kinder- und Hausmärchen in Iceland 15:20–15:40 Discussant‟s feedback 15:40–16:00 Final debate 1.B: Fairy Tale and Genre in a Post-Grimm Era Donald P. Haase, chair and discussant

14:00–14:20 Cristina Bacchilega and Steven Gin (University of Hawai„i-Mānoa, USA) Where Are the Brothers Grimm in Today‟s Fairy-Tale Web? 14:20–14:40 JoAnn Conrad (University of California, Berkeley, USA) Generic Convention and Typological Determinism in the Legacy of the Grimms 14:40–15:00 Ulrich Marzolph (Georg-August U. and Enzyklopädie des Märchens, Germany) The Grimmification of Narrative Tradition 15:00–15:20 Margaret A. Mills (The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA) Boundaries of Magic and Deceit: Genre and Subgenre in Folktale 15:20–15:40 Discussant‟s feedback 15:40–16:00 Final debate 1.C: Brothers Grimm and their European Contemporaries Sadhana Naithani, chair and discussant 14:00–14:20 Maria Teresa Cortez (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal) Just as the Grimms did? Intercrossings and Dynamics of Transformation in the Portuguese Reception of the Kinder- und Hausmärchen 14:20–14:40 Monika Kropej (Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Slovenia) Collaboration of Jacob Grimm, Jernej Kopitar, and Vuk Karadžić in the Period of the National Awakening of Slavic Nations 14:40–15:00 Diarmuid Ó Giolláin (University of Notre Dame, USA) Thomas Crofton Croker: An Irish Grimm? 15:00–15:20 Niina Hämäläinen (University of Turku, Finland) The Brothers Grimm and Elias Lönnrot: Editorial Practices and the Quest for Modernity 15:20–15:40 Discussant‟s feedback 15:40–16:00 Final debate 1.D: Cross-Perspectives on the Grimm Märchen Anna Angelopoulos: chair and discussant 14:00–14:20 Shira Wolosky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) Disciplinary Structure in Grimm and Harry Potter 14:20–14:40 Xúlio Pardo de Neyra (University of Corunha, Galiza, Spain) The Flight of a Hummingbird or die Reise von der Swabian. Miño the Rhine to the Hair of the Nixe: Grimm, Avellaneda, Becquer and Fole, Squaring the Sprites in a Literary Suevism 14:40–15:00 Susana Seixas (ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon) A Green Speck in the Dark Forest: An Aspect of Chromaticism in Grimm Tales 15:00–15:20 Discussant‟s feedback 15:20–15:40 Final debate 16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break

Panels 2 (16:30–18:30)

2.A: Contemporary Issues in Traditional Fairy-Tale Guise Pauline Greenhill, chair; Martin Lovelace, discussant 16:30–16:50 Kimberly Lau (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA) Sleeping Beauty‟s Queer Double: Narrative Hauntings and Vampire Longings in Angela Carter‟s “The Lady of the House of Love” 16:50–17:10 Steven Kohm (University of Winnipeg, Canada) “This is the North, Where We Do What We Want”: Popular Criminology and the Red Riding Trilogy 17:10–17:30 Kendra Magnusson (University of Manitoba, Canada) Grimm Masculinities: Hucksters, Cross-Dressers, and Ninnies 17:30–17:50 Pauline Greenhill (University of Winnipeg, Canada) “Le piège d‟Issoudun”: Motherhood in Crisis 17:50–18:10 Discussant‟s feedback 18:10–18:30 Final debate 2.B: Metamorphosis as Metaphor: Transformative Magic in the Grimms' KHM Maria Tatar, chair and discussant 16:30–16:50 Yoel Perez (Ben Gurion University, Israel) Transformative Magic in a Bedouin Version from Israel of the Grimm Story "Little Brother and Little Sister" (AT 450) 16:50–17:10 Francisco Vaz da Silva (ISCTE–IUL / IELT, Portugal) Metaphor, Metamorphosis, and the Multiverse in Grimm Fairy Tales 17:10–17:30 Sara Graça da Silva (FLUP / IELT, Portugal) Frog Kings and Other More Ordinary Frogs: Why There is Nothing Heartless About Being Cold-Blooded 17:30–17:50 Discussant‟s feedback 17:50–18:10 Final debate 2.C: Reception, Translation, Proliferation: Recollecting Grimm Traditions Diarmuid Ó Giolláin, chair and discussant 16:30–16:50 Anne E. Duggan (Wayne State University, USA) The Reception of the Grimms in Nineteenth-Century France 16:50–17:10 Vanessa Joosen (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Dutch translators in the Tracks of the Brothers Grimm 17:10–17:30 Linh OnThiMy (Georg-August Universität, Germany) The Influence of the Brothers Grimm on Nguyen Dong Chi‟s Viewpoint and Method of Collecting Folk Narratives

17:30–17:50 Discussant‟s feedback 17:50–18:10 Final debate

June 22 Morning Venue: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Plenary Sessions II (9:00–12:30)

9:00–10:00 Valdimar Hafstein (University of Iceland, Iceland) The Opposite of Property: How the Grimm Brothers Helped to Create the Public Domain (and why perhaps that wasn't so great) 10:00–10:30 Coffee Break 10:30–11:30 Jack Zipes (University of Minnesota, USA) Seeds of Revolution in the Grimms' Tales: The Role of Superheroes from Six Who Changed the World to Seven Samurai 11:30–12:30 Donald Haase (Wayne State University, USA) The Brothers Grimm as Cultural Icons 12:30–14:00 Lunch Afternoon Venue 1: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas

Panels 3 (14:00–16:00)

3.A: Grimm Märchen, Heritage, and the Visual Arts Ulrich Marzolph, chair and discussant 14:00–14:20 Peter Tokofsky (J. P. Getty Museum and U. of California, Los Angeles, USA) The Art of the Grimms' Tales 14:20–14:40 Claudia Schwabe (University of Florida, USA) Between Socialism and Snow White: GDR Fairy Tales Watch movies: Three Gifts for Cinderella; Die goldene Gans; Der kleine Muck;Rumpelstilzchen; 14:40–15:00 Aurélie Zygel-Basso (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada) Who Owns Fairy Tale Images? A European Heritage French Canadian Style, From the Plates of Yesteryear to the Silver Screen Watch movie: Isabelle au Bois dormant/Sleeping Betty (2007, 9‟) 15:00–15:20 Dorothee Hemme (Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, Germany) On the Trail of Success with the Grimms: Strategies of Value Creation Around the Anniversary of the Grimms in Hesse and Lower Saxony

15:20–15:40 Discussant‟s feedback 15:40–16:00 Final debate 3.B: Transgressive Tales: Queering the Grimms Kay Turner, chair. Pauline Greenhill, discussant 14:00–14:20 Joy Fairfield (Stanford University, USA) Becoming-Mouse, Becoming-Man: The Sideways Growth of Princess Mouseskin 14:20–14:40 Cristina Bacchilega (University of Hawai„i-Mānoa, USA) Clever Gretel and Clever Else as Queer Tricksters 14:40–15:00 Jeana Jorgensen (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) Bodily Transgressions and Transformations in the Grimms 15:00–15:20 Kay Turner (New York University, USA) Playing with Fire: Intrigue, Attraction, Seduction, and Consummation in “Frau Trude” 15:20–15:40 Discussant‟s feedback 15:40–16:00 Final debate 3.C: Pedagogical Uses of the Fairytale Vladimira Velički, chair and discussant 14:00–14:20 Maria Afonsina Matos, Elane Rios Cabral (Centro de Estudos da Leitura – CEL/UESB, Brazil) Reading Station: Experiments with Fairy Tales in Brazilian Northeastern Interior 14:20–14:40 Maria da Natividade Pires (Escola Superior de Educação IPCB/ IELT, Portugal) Children‟s Readings in the 21st century: Which Place for the Grimm‟s Tales? 14:40–15:00 Marina Gabelica (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Grimm‟s Fairy Tales in the New Media 15:00–15:20 Vladimira Velički and Damir Velički (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Multimedia Adaptations of the Grimms‟ Fairy Tales: Possibilities and Limits 15:20–15:40 Discussant‟s feedback 15:40–16:00 Final debate AfternoonVenue 2: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (14:30 – 20:00)

Film Screenings & Roundtable

14:30–16:00 Milchwald, dir. Christoph Hochhäusler (2004) Film screening, with an introduction by Jack Zipes 16:15–18:15

Hänsel and Gretel, dir. Yim Phil-Sung (2006)

Film screening, with an introduction by Jack Zipes 18:15–18:45 Coffee Break 18:45–20:00 Roundtable (convened by Pauline Greenhill and Jack Zipes)

Discussants: Pauline Greenhill, Vanessa Joosen, Maria Tatar, Kay Turner, Jack Zipes

June 23 Morning Venue: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas

Panels 4 (9:00–11:00)

4.A: Filmic Adaptations of the Grimm Fairy Tales Jack Zipes, chair and discussant 9:00–9:20

Marcie Fehr (University of Winnipeg, Canada)

Mother/Witch and Forsaken Children: Distorted Women in Filmed Adaptations of “Hansel and Gretel” 9:20–9:40

Catherine Tosenberger (University of Winnipeg, Canada)

“We All Live in a House of Candy”: “Hansel and Gretel” as Pornographic Film Text 9:40–10:00

John Patrick Pazdziora (University of St Andrews, Scotland)

“From an Early German Folk Tale”: Re-appropriation the Grimm Fairy Tales in Jim Henson‟s The Storyteller 10:00–10:20 Rona May-Ron (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) Of Frogs and Men: The Grimms‟ “The Frog King or Iron Heinrich” and Disney‟s The Princess and the Frog 10:20–10:40 Discussant‟s feedback 10:40–11:00 Final debate 4.B: Re-engendering Grimm Märchen in Women’s Fiction Kimberly Lau, chair and discussant 9:00–9:20

Martine Hennard Dutheil (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland)

From Translation (Perrimm) to Rewriting (Grimmault): Angela Carter‟s “Cinderella: or the Little Glass Shoe” and “Ashputtle: or the Mother‟s Ghost” 9:20–9:40

Shuli Barzilai (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

Anne Thackeray Ritchie‟s Transformation of Transformative Magic in “Briar Rose,” or the Real-Life Story of Sleeping Beauty 9:40–10:00 Christy Williams (Hawai„i Pacific University, USA) Gaps in the Briar Hedge: The Reader‟s Role in Awakening Briar Rose 10:00–10:20 Alexandra Cheira (University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, Portugal) The Grimms‟ “The Glass Coffin” through the Looking Glass of A.S. Byatt‟s Retelling 10:20–10:40 Discussant‟s feedback 10:40–11:00 Final debate

4.C: The Grimms in America: Artifactualization, Authorization, and Artifice Adam D. Zolkover, chair; JoAnn Conrad, discussant 9:00–9:20 Linda J. Lee (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Offering Guidance, Dispensing Justice: The Moral Compass of the Grimm Fairy Tales 9:20–9:40 David P. Nickel (University of Iceland, Iceland) Grimm Realities: Contemporary Representations of the Grimms in Popular Culture 9:40–10:00 Kristiana Willsey (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) Based on a True Story: Fantasizing the Grimms 10:00–10:20 Adam D. Zolkover (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) “A Most Agreeable Kind of Reading”: The Grimms, and the Making of a Nineteenth-Century American Middle Class 10:20–10:40 Discussant‟s feedback 10:40–11:00 Final debate 11:00–11:30 Coffee Break Panels 5 (11:30–13:00) 5.A: Revisiting Grimm Märchen in Portuguese Children’s Literature Maria Teresa Cortez, chair and discussant 11:30–11:50 Maria da Conceição Tomé and Glória Bastos (U. Aberta, Portugal) “Mirror, mirror on the wall/Who is the freest of them all?‟‟: Grimms‟ and Contemporary Portuguese Children‟s Literature Princesses 11:50–12:10 Sara Reis da Silva (Universidade do Minho, Portugal) The Grimm legacy in Portuguese Children‟s Literature: The Case of Little Red Riding Hood 12:10–12:30 Discussant‟s feedback 12:30–12:50 Final debate 5.B: KHM at the Intersection of Learned Tradition and Popular Literature, Art and Folk Narrative Christine Shojaei Kawan, chair and discussant 11:30–11:50 Anna Angelopoulos (Université Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, France) Comparing Grimms‟ Rumpelstilzchen to the Greek Popular tradition of the tale-type ATU 500 11:50–12:10 Isabel Cardigos (Universidade do Algarve / CEAO, Portugal) The Frog King and the Love of Scary Tales 12:10–12:30 Lubomír Sůva (Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany) “Plague take it, today I´d dance with the devil if he asked me!” The Hero in the Czech Fairy Tale as Compared to Grimms´ Protagonists 12:30–12:50 Discussant‟s feedback 12:50–13:00 Final debate

5.C: Creative Uses of Märchen in Multimedia, Performance, and Cross-genre Retellings Vanessa Joosen, chair and discussant 11:30–11:50 Risto Järv (Estonian Literary Museum / University of Tartu, Estonia) Rotkäppchen and Seven Dwarfs: Characters and their Combinations in Fairy Tales 11:50–12:10 Rossitsa Minovska-Devedzhieva (Freelance puppet theatre director, Bulgaria) Interpreting Grimms‟ Tales on Puppet Theatre Stage 12:10–12:30 Marina Gellona (Scuola Holden, Turin, Italy) The Grimm Brothers‟ Golden Key To Creativity In Writing: KHM as a Text and Contest Where People Can Find Their New Stories 12:30–12:50 Discussant‟s feedback 12:50–13:00 Final debate 13:00–14:00 Lunch

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