Planet reports

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Our Solar System

Written by 5L

Contents Mercury………………………………….Page 3 Venus…………………………………….Page 13 Earth……………………………………..Page 16 Mars………………………………………Page 22 Jupiter…………………………………..Page 36 Saturn……………………………………Page 50 Uranus…………………………………..Page 58 Neptune………………………………..Page 62


Mercury is the first planet from the Sun. It got its name from the Roman God Mercury. Mercury was very fast, they gave it the name Mercury because it is the fastest God and the first planet (Mercury) is the fastest planet.

The wings represent speed

God Mercury

Description Mercury is 2,440KM in diameter. There are no moons that have been recorded so far. It is the smallest planet in our Solar System. It is known as a terrestrial planet but it has no living life that has been found on Mercury. Standing on its surface at its closest point to the Sun, the Sun would appear three times larger than on Earth. The special feature of this planet is that it’s so close to the Sun.

Mercury during the day

Composition Mercury has an Iron core the size of Earth’s moon it also take up 70% of its weight. Sometimes is goes by the name “Iron planet.” On top of the core lies an outer rocky shell that is about 550KM thick from the core. The temperature can range from 173o – 427o. In the atmosphere there are small amounts of Hydrogen, Helium and oxygen. There are also tinier amounts of Sodium, Potassium, calcium and Magnesium.

Inside of Mercury


Position The distance from the sun to Mercury is 57,910,000KM. But with it being so close to the sun it can reach a scorching temperature 400oc. Mercury is the first planet in the alignment, the minimum distance to the Sun is around 28.5 Million Kilometres and the maximum is 43.5 Million Kilometres.


Alignment of the planets


Orbit The length of one day is 58 Earth days, 15 Earth hours and 30 Earth minuets. It takes Mercury 88 Earth days to orbit the Sun (One year) so its very quick.

Orbit of Mercury Mercury is the smallest and the closest planet in the Solar System. It is not safe to live, let alone go on it. Scientist don’t believe that is any life on it.

By Mackenzie


By Mia

Mercury is a planet in our Solar System. Like all the planets in our Solar System, Mercury is named after a Roman God. His name was Mercury. Mercury was a Roman God messenger god and was also the god of the travellers. Description

The diameter of Mercury is 2,440km. It is the same size as the united states, so this makes Mercury about two—fifths the size of Earth. Mercury has no moons mostly because of its little gravity and orbit. The other reason is Mercury is too close to the sun. One of mercury’s special features is the Caliros basin. The Caliros Basin was probably caused by a large impact in the early solar system. Composition Mercury is a metal ball of iron with a very thin crust. Mercury’s core makes up about 75% of the planet, while Mercury’s crust is only about 300 to 400 miles thick. The temperature on Mercury in the day is very hot at 420c but the temperature at night is an extreme –180c. It would be impossible for any living creature to survive there. Mercury’s atmosphere has small amounts of Hydrogen, helium and oxygen.

Position Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and it is only a little bit larger than our moon (Earth’s). Mercury is about half as far from the Sun as Earth is. The distance in kilometres is

57,910,000km. Orbit Mercury rotates very slowly so, the Sun only rises and sets every two Mercury years, that means Mercury has 176 days of sunlight and 176 days of darkness. It takes almost 88 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun. If you were somehow on Mercury you would not weigh as much as you do on Earth, because Mercury is smaller, so it has less gravity. If you weigh 32kg on Earth, you would only weigh about 12kg on Mercury. Mercury may be far away from Earth but that does not mean that there isn't so much to learn about it and so many things yet to be discovered.


Roman God


Solar System





Venus is the sixth biggest planet. It was named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty because of a particular woman. It is also the brightest planet in the night sky because its thick clouds reflect most of the sunlight that reaches it.



The mass of Venus is 4.867E24kg and is 460 million square kilometres. It has no natural moons at all. It is smaller than Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Earth but is Larger than Mars and Mercury. It has more than one-hundred volcano Calderas and one of them are more than 100km wide. Also Venus is the sixth biggest planet in our Solar System

COMPOSTION Venus’ core is made up of Iron and rocky mantle. 97% of the atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide and 3 % of it is Nitrogen with little amounts of gas. The temperature of Venus’ atmosphere can get over 400 c and if you were to go on the planet you would get crushed by the heavy atmosphere. VENUS’ CORE POSITION Venus is the second planet from the sun with Mercury placed in front of it. The planet Venus is 108,200,000km from the sun. It is hotter than Mercury only because it has a very thick atmosphere.


ORBIT A day on Venus is 116d 18h and o minutes. A year on Venus takes 224 days. Earth and Venus are very similar in many ways.

Venus is known as Earth’s twin planet as they are close in size, weight and made of nearly the same composition. If you were to go on Venus you would instantly die.


By Scoutt

Venus Venus is a planet. It is named for the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty, it is believed Venus was named for the most beautiful of the ancient gods. Description Venus doesn't have any natural satellites. Venus is 6052 km in diameter (the distance around the middle of the planet). Composition Venus is made up of a central iron core and a rocky mantle, similar to the composition of earth. The climate on Venus is 462c or 863F that is 410 degrees hotter than the hottest desert. It is 460 degrees day or night. Position Venus is the second planet from the sun and the sixth largest. It is 108,200,000km from the sun. Orbit Venus takes 243 earth days to rotate around on its axis (length of one day). Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky after the moon. It can be seen without a telescope and looks like a star in the night sky. By Tory

Earth Planet Earth means ground. Other planets got their names from Greek Romans or God’s or Goddesses. Description The size of Earth around the equator 12,726 km the surface area is 500 million km. Earth only has one moon and it is called “moon�. Composition Earth is made of thing like frozen water and lakes and it is rock because it is one of the first four planets but the surface is mostly water. The planet climate on Earth is it is warm near the equator and cold at the poles. Our planet is able to support a variety of living things because it is diverse. The atmosphere of Earth is a largest of gases that are surrounding it. Is primarily composed of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). Position There are 10 planets it in our solar system including Pluto the dwarf planet. Earth is located in preteen mars and Venus and it is the third planet from the sun. The disentrance from the sun is 149,600,000 km and it is the largest of the terrestrial planet unlike the other planets in the solar system.

The Solar System

Orbit One day on Earth is a 24 hour period. One year is 365 days so that is 8760 hours. Earth is the only planet they can have life living on it without it dying because it is not too close to the sun or not too far away from the sun. By Kelso


Earth is a planet in our solar system. Earth is an English/German word which means the ground. Description Earth is 12756 kms in diameter. Earth has one moon. The moon is rocky, has a solid surface with craters. The moon has a thin atmosphere, no water and no life. Composition The Earth’s core is made of nickel and iron. It’s mantle is made of rock. Earth’s surface is mainly covered in liquid. Earth’s atmosphere is made of water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen. The climate varies from very cold to very hot. Positon Earth is the 3 rd planet from the sun. The distance from the sun is 149 600 000 kilometres. Orbit Earth’s length of one day takes 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds which is rounded to 24 hours. It’s year is exactly 365.24 day which is 365 day. Every 4 th year is 366 days.


EARTH Earth is a planet in our solar system. The name Earth is an English/German name which simply means the ground.

DESCRIPTION The diameter of Earth is 6371km. Earth has one moon. Earth’s special feature is that there are living things on Earth e.g. people, animals and nature. Earth is the 4th smallest planeat.

COMPOSITION Earth is made up of rock, lava, dirt, iron, oxygen and a lot of other things. Earth’s climate is sometimes hot and sometimes cold but it depends where you live in the world. The atmosphere is a mix of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases and the higher you go the thinner the air.

POSITION Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun and is he 5th last planet. Earth is 149, 6000, 000km from the sun.

ORBIT The length of one day on Earth is 23houes 56mins and 4.1sec. The length of one year on Earth is 365days, 8765hours, 526000mins, and 13.6million sec.

Earth is a rock and so are all of the other planets and it is the only planet that is known to man where living beings can survive. The population there can be over 312000 people born and over 328000 people die. By Lexi

EARTH Earth is an English and German name that means ground. Many planets got their name from Greek gods but earth just meant ground.

Description The diameter distance around is 12, 726 km, the surface area is 510 million sq. km. Earth has one moon. Neil Armstrong was the first to make a landing on the moon in 1969.

Composition Earth is made of rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and frozen water as glaciers and ice caps. The climate on earth Varies due to movement of the atmosphere and its water Vapour distributed by clouds and falling rain. Generally conditions become colder from the equator (tropics) to the poles. Composition of the earth’s atmosphere is Nitrogen 78%-Other 1%-Oxygen 21%.

Position Earths location is 3rd from the sun Its neighbours are on the left side Venus and on the right side Mars. Earth is 149, 600, 000 km from the sun

Orbit The length of one day on earth is 24h. The length of one year is 365 days and 366 days if leap year. Earth has high Mountains and deep ocean trenches which make up only 1/5000th of the earth’s surface. By Will

Mars Mars is a rock planet in our solar system and was named for the Roman God of war because of its reddish colour.

Description Mars is 6790 km in diameter and has to moons. Their names are Phobos and Deimos. Mars is a relative size to Earth. It’s only a bit more than half the size of Earth. Composition The Planet Mars is mainly made up of Iron and sulfur. Mars is one of the five rock planets in our solar system. The climate on mars is 125 degrees and what water remains if either frozen or deep underground. The atmosphere is 1% of Earths so it does not protect Mars from the sun. Position The Planet Mars is 227,9000,000 km and is the fourth planet from the sun which means it is not very hot at all and is the smallest planet from the sun.

The position of Mars in our solar system

Orbit The planet Mars has a very similar day length to Earths. Its day length is 24 hours and 37 minutes. It’s year length or how long it takes to orbit the sun is 687 day which is nearly two Earth years.

Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system and scientists are thinking about sending people to live on Mars forever and also the month of March was named after the planet Mars in our solar system.

By Charlie

Mars Mars was named after the roman god of war, it’s also called the red planet.

Description The size of Mars’s diameter is 0.53 that of earth and the mass is one ninth that of earth. Mars is the third smallest planet in our solar system. Mars has two moons, Deimos and Phobos. Mars along with, Mercury, Venus, and Earth are terrestrial or rocky planets.

Composition Mars is made of dirt, rocks, iron, ice on the top and bottom and the soil may contain iron oxide. There are volcanoes, canyons and dusty plains. The atmosphere of mars is less than 1% of earths. The temperature can get very cold and barely gets above 20.c and can get down to minus 73.c mars cannot retain any heat energy.

Position Mars is the 4th planet from the sun in between earth and Jupiter. There are 8 planets in total. Mars is 228 million km from the sun.


Our solar system

Orbit It takes mars 686.9 days to orbit the sun which is once every 1.8 earth years the red planet speeds along at 53.979 miles per hour. It takes 24 hours 37 minutes and 22 seconds to rotate on its axis.

Mars gets its red colour from all the rusted iron.

Mars is also known as the red planet.

The red planet is small, rocky, cold, 4th from the sun. You cannot live on mars because it is 95% carbon dioxide.

By Connor


Mars is a planet in our solar system that orbits the sun. Mars’ blood red colour led Greeks to naming ‘Mars’ Ares, their god of war. When the Romans defeated the Greeks in battle, the Romans changed ‘Ares’, to their god of war, Mars.

Greeks and Romans in Battle

Description Mars is quiet a small planet being 3,390 KM in diameter. Mars has 2 moons the size of Asteroids, their names are Phobos and Deimos. Mars has a gravity scale of 3.711 m/s² which would not let you walk on Mars but float just like being on Earth’s moon. Mars is the second smallest planet in our solar system because of Mercury with 2,440kmin it’s diameter. The iron dioxide is what makes Mars a reddish colour, Mars is sometimes known as ‘’Red Planet.’’



Mars’ Moons

Composition Mars centre is made of a core which is mainly iron and sulfur and is covered by a crust that is made of basalt. Mars has just enough iron dioxide to keep the planet going. Mars has a thin atmosphere-too thin to easily support life-animals and humans. The very thin air on Mars can also become very dusty. Mars would be around the same temperature as Earth because it is close to Earth but Mars is a lot colder. Mars can get as cold as 81, in fact most of the time on Mars would be around that temperature.



Position Mars is closer to the Asteroid Belt, so it has more of a chance of being struck by large objects from the Asteroid Belt. Mars is 4th closest planet to the sun and the closest planet to Earth. Mars is 227,990,000 km away from the sun. Mars can easily be seen if you have the right telescope from earth because the reddish colour is very noticeable in the night sky.

Mars’ Position in our Solar System


Orbit Mars’ day is very similar to Earth’s day but its year is very different to Earth’s, nearly double the time. Mars takes 1 day and 40 minutes to spin on its axis but Mars takes 686.980 to orbit the sun once.

Mars’ Orbit Path Mars

Mars is known as the ultimate lonely destination because there are so many great parts in Mars but nobody lives or visits Mars. They are planning to start a colony on Mars and will be sending groups of people over to Mars every 2 years starting in 2024. Mars has the second largest mountain in our solar system named Olympus Mons. When the first and only successful flyby happened, later after it happened they had noticed that Mars has special optical illusions including straight and curved lines. Mars From A Telescope on Earth

Jupiter Jupiter

Jupiter is a Giant Gas Planet, Giant Gas Planets are made from a rocky core to a gas atmosphere. Jupiter was named after the Roman God. It was named around the 7th or 8th century. Jupiter was named after the Roman God the highest God of the Romans because Jupiter is the biggest planet.

Description Jupiter has 67 moons revolving around it, Jupiter has the most moons of the planets. Jupiter is 139822 km in diameter, which makes it the largest planet in the Solar System.

Composition Jupiter is made from water, methane and ammonia. The climate on Jupiter is very cold and windy above the clouds far below the clouds it is even windier and hotter than a furnace. Within the clouds there is constant lighting. Jupiter’s volume is over 1300 times the volume of Earth.

Position Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun, but the 1st Giant Gas planet. Jupiter is 69, 911 km from the sun. Jupiter is between Mars and Saturn.


Orbit Jupiter takes 9 hr 56 min to rotate around on its axis. For Jupiter to orbit around the Sun it takes 11.86 Earth years, which is 144 months in 1 year for Jupiter. Jupiter is known for the Great Red Spot. The Great Red Spot is an enormous storm, three Earths would fit within its boundaries. Scientists believe Jupiter’s Great Red Spot has been there for more than 400 years. Scientists believe Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is slowly dying. By Carlyle

Jupiter Information report

By Chelsea

Jupiter Jupiter is named after the Roman God of all the Roman God’s. Jupiter was named Jupiter because it is the largest planet in our solar system and Jupiter the roman god is the highest God in the Roman times.

Description Jupiter is known for its big red spot, but Jupiter’s spot is currently shrinking and soon there will not be a red spot on Jupiter, Before Jupiter’s spot started to shrink you could fit three Earth’s in it and have extra room to spare. Jupiter actually has 67 natural satellites unlike earth that only has one, Four of Jupiter’s moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Calisto. Io is the fourth largest moon in our solar system at the diameter of 3,642 km, but Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, Ganymede is three times larger than the moon orbiting around earth. Jupiter is 69,911 km wide and it weighs 1.898E27 kg. If you stuck Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune together Jupiter would be 2 ½ times heavier. Jupiter is a giant gas planet. A gas planet is a planet that isn’t made entirely of rock or solids.

Composition Jupiter’s climate is between -100c and -160c. Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up of Molecular hydrogen, helium and hydrogen sulfide. Jupiter is made of Water, Methane and Ammonia.

Position Jupiter is the fifth planet in our solar system placed between the asteroid belt and Saturn. Jupiter is 788,500,000 km away from the sun.

Orbit Jupiter’s day is 9 hours and 56 minutes long. Jupiter’s year is 4,332 earth days or 11.86 earth years

Jupiter has rings that are made of ice. They are faint, dark and very narrow.

Jupiter Jupiter is a planet in our Solar System. Like all planets in our Solar System, Jupiter was named by the Romans. The Romans named the planet after their King of Gods – Jupiter. Jupiter was also God of the sky and thunder. Jupiter is the largest object in the sky so that is how Jupiter got its name.

Description Jupiter is 69, 911 km in radius. It has 50 confirmed moons, but has four main moons. Their names are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Jupiter is larger than Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and all the other smaller planets put together. One interesting fact about Jupiter is that you can fit all of the other planets within it. Jupiter has very light, narrow rings. Unlike Saturn, which has bright ice rings, Jupiter has dark rings which are made up of dust and tiny pieces of rock

Composition Jupiter is made of Hydrogen and Helium, Water, Methane and Ammonia. The core is thought to contain Rock and Metallic Hydrogen, but no one definitely knows because it is impossible to get to the core of Jupiter. The temperature on Jupiter is minus 145 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere is mostly Molecular Hydrogen and Helium. Some scientists believe that there is a thin layer of clouds made of water under the Ammonia layer. The theory is based on flashes of lightning. Lightning on Jupiter can be a thousand times as powerful as lightning on Earth. Lightning

Position Jupiter is the fifth planet away from the Sun. Jupiter is between two other planets; Mars and Saturn. Both Saturn and Mars are quite cold planets. In between Mars and Jupiter there is an Asteroid Belt. The Asteroids are mostly made of carbon but the Asteroids further away from the Sun are made of Silicate Rock. Jupiter is 778,500,000 km from the Sun.

Orbit Because Jupiter has a large orbital path around the Sun, one Jupiter year is 11.86 Earth years. The time it takes for Jupiter to rotate on its axis (also known as length of one day) is 9 hours and 56 Earth time. All planets orbit around the Sun while spinning on its axis in a circular motion.

Size in Comparison There is a Giant Red Spot in Jupiter’s atmosphere which is known to be a massive storm that has been going on for over 400 years. It is like a hurricane on Earth, but it is much larger. It is believed that Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is more than twice the size of Earth so that means The Great Red Spot could swallow up Earth. Winds inside the Storm reach speeds of about 270 kilometres an hour. Nobody knows when The Great Red Spot first appeared on Jupiter, but it has been seen on Jupiter ever since people started looking through telescopes about 400 years ago.

Great Red Spot

By Gemma

Jupiter Jupiter is a planet in our solar system. It is named after the Roman God of the sky and thunder. It was given its name in the 8th or the 7th century. It was named after the Roman people of that time. Jupiter

Great Red spot

Description Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system with a diameter of 69,911km. It has a giant storm that was two to three times bigger than Earth. It has been for over four centuries and hasn’t stopped for a second. Jupiter has 67 natural satellites and the four main ones are called IO, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

Composition Jupiter is made of water, methane and ammonia. It is a gas giant and it is not known if Jupiter has a solid surface or not. The atmosphere is cold and windy. At the level of the clouds there is constant lightning. Far below the clouds, it is hotter than a blast furnace.

Position Jupiter’s position in our solar system is the fifth planet. It is 588,000,000km from Earth and 778,500,00km from the sun. It is the first planet after the asteroid belt.

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Orbit Jupiter’s year is at least 11.86 Earth years and Jupiter’s day takes 9 hours and 55 minutes. That is at least half a day on Earth. Jupiter spins counter clockwise just like most of the other planets and dwarf planets. There was a spacecraft called NASA that went to Jupiter for five years in 2011. The spacecraft will be back sometime in 2016. Scientists believe that Jupiter’s great red spot is shrinking, which means that someday this amazing feature of Jupiter might vanish. Jupiter is 4.5 billion years old just like Earth and any other planet in our solar system. Scientists say that there is global warming on Jupiter. They say that it is caused by the lightning in the clouds, but otherwise they do not know how Jupiter has global warming.

By Jemma

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Jupiter By Mali

The romans named the planet Jupiter after their king of gods who was also the god of sky and thunder. Jupiter is the largest object in the solar system and the most powerful. Description Jupiter is 69,911 km in diameter it is so big that three earths could fit inside it. Jupiter has sixteen moons the main Four are called Ganymede, cellist, Europa and Io. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. The great red spot is a huge storm on Jupiter, it has raged for at least 46 | P a g e

350 years. Jupiter has dark narrow rings that are made of tiny pieces of rock and dust. Jupiter’s Big Red Spot Jupiter


Jupiter's Rings

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Composition Source Jupiter is made of water, methane and ammonia therefore it is a gas plant. The temperature on Jupiter is 234 degrees but increases every day. Jupiter is the warmest planet. The atmosphere is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter's Materials

Position Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun at the distance of about 778 million km. In between mars and Jupiter there is an asteroid belt, Asteroid belts are very dangerous many have hit Mars and Jupiter in the past.

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Jupiter's Position

Orbit One day on Jupiter takes about ten hours One Year on Jupiter is 12 years (4,333Earth days) Jupiter is now orbiting the sun on its axis at 3 degrees Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, it is the fourth brightest object in space.

The Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars

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Saturn Saturn is a gas giant there are only two gas planet in our solar system. Saturn gets its name off a Roman God of farming, civilization and prosperity it was also the name of the rockets that powered the Apollo astronauts to the moon. Description Saturn is approximately 75 thousand kilometres it is the second biggest planet in the solar system. A special feature of Saturn is its rings which is made up of space junk and asteroids. It also has over 30 moons, Saturn's biggest moon is Titan. Composition Saturn is a gas giant that is made out of hydrogen and helium. The average temperature is 288 degrees and the atmosphere is also hydrogen and helium.

Position Saturn is the 6th planet in our solar system. It is in between the biggest planet in our solar system Jupiter and Uranus. It is 1,433,000,000 km away from the sun. Orbit The length of one day on Saturn is 10 hours and 39 minutes and the time it takes for Saturn to orbit the sun is amazingly 29.7 human earth years. Saturn’s rings are made out of rocks, moons, space junk and all kinds of things. By Curtis

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Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system and it got its name after the Roman God of agriculture and time. The planet is called Saturn because it takes a long time to go around the sun.

The size of Saturn is 58,232km in diameter. Saturn has 62 moons and the biggest one is Triton. Saturn’s rings have big and small chunks of ice and small amounts of carbonaceous dust. Saturn’s rings stretch out more than 120,700km from the planet but the rings are amazingly thin and are 20 meters thick. Saturn is so big that it can turn hydrogen to solid. Saturn’s one of the fastest spinning planets and rotates at the speed of 11.5 hours which means it turns over 10,000 km/h. Saturn also has very powerful magnetic field witch sends out strong radio signals.

Saturn is made out of a rocky core with hydrogen surrounding it. The orange colour on Saturn is because Saturn has more sulphur in its atmosphere. Saturn’s atmosphere is made of 75% hydrogen and 25% helium, with a trace of other substances like water, ice and methane. The surface temperature of Saturn is -139c and the winds are ten times stronger than a hurricane on Earth, which gets up to 1,000 km/h.

Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system and it is 1,433,000,000 km from the sun. That would mean that Saturn’s year is longer than Earth’s year.


It takes Saturn 10.656 hours to spin on its axis. Saturn rotates faster than Earth so a day on Saturn is shorter than a day on Earth. It takes 29.45 years (or 10,759 days) to orbit the sun. The orbit distance is 1,426,666,422 km (9.88AU). Saturn takes 29 and a half years to travel around the sun once.

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Many people and scientist say that the rings around Saturn are so stunning and that is why it the most beautiful planet on the solar system. Saturn’s beautiful rings

What Saturn looks like

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SATURN Saturn is a planet in our solar system it is named after a Roman God. Saturn is made out of gas. Description Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is the biggest in our solar system. The rings are made out of specks of dirt and specks of dust, there are billions of pieces of dust and dirt in Saturn rings but from earth it might not look like it. From Earth it looks like pieces of gold in Saturn’s rings. Saturn has the most moons in the solar system, it has 32 moons. The most beautiful moon is Titan, it is orange and blue when the sun is on it. Saturn is the most beautiful planet in the solar system because of the rings, although other planets have rings their’s is not as visible as Saturn’s rings. Composition Saturn is a giant gas planet it has got a lot of types of gases. These are the gases that Saturn has; 94% hydrogen 6% of helium and amounts of methane and ammonia. The climate on Saturn is minus 285 Fahrenheit which is minus 178 degrees Celsius. Position Saturn is the 6th planet in our solar system. The distance from the sun is 1,433,000,000 km.

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Orbit One day in Saturn is 10h 39mins, that is the second shortest in our solar system. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in our solar system. One year on Saturn is 10,832 days in a year that is way longer than earths. Earth is only 365. One walk around Saturn’s rings is 365,882km that is the biggest ring. They are the most visible rings as they are made out little specks of dust and dirt.

By Nathan

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Saturn Saturn is a gas giant. A gas giant is a planet that is made up of hydrogen and helium. Saturn was named after Roman mythology. This is the god of agriculture and harvest. Description The size of Saturn is 42,700,000,000km . Saturn has 31 known moons. The 4 main moons are Tethys, Dione, Rhea and Lappets. 2

Saturn’s moons 55 | P a g e

Composition Saturn is not made up of rock like some planets are. Saturn is made up of gas. A planet that is made up of gas can be called a gas planet or a gas giant. Saturn has an atmosphere of 94% hydrogen and 6% helium.

The Core

Positioning Saturn is the sixth planet in our solar system. Because Saturn is one of the last planets, it is on the outer side of the Astro belt. Saturn is 1,433,000,000km away from the sun. Since Saturn is so far away from the sun, it cannot have life on it.

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Orbit The rotation on its axis in 10 hours and 39 minutes. Saturn is one of the fastest spinning planets in our solar system. On Saturn the time that is takes to orbit the sun is 29.7 Earth years. That is equivalent to 10840.5 Earth days. Saturn is one of four planets that have rings. Saturn’s rings are made up of billions of pieces of rock and dust. By Tom

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By Montanna

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Uranus is a planet in our Solar System. It was named after the ancient Greek God of the sky because it was believed to be the offspring of the ancient Gods Aether and Hemera, Air and Day. Uranus is also the second smallest gas giant and Uranus is after the asteroid belt.

Solar System

Description Uranus is a large planet with a diameter of 51,118km. Uranus also has 27 moons; some of their names are Ariel, Puck, Portia and Juliet. Uranus and Neptune are about the same size, with Uranus being slightly bigger. It also has 9 bright rings as well as well as several faint rings.

Composition The material on Uranus is mostly made of various ices like water, ammonia and methane. The temperature on Uranus The planet Uranus in not the farthest planet 59 | P a g e

from the sun but it is the coldest planet in the solar system with a temperature of -224.c. Finally the atmosphere on Uranus is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium.

Uranus’ rings

various ices like water, ammonia ands methane.

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Position Uranus’ location is the 7th planet in the solar system which means it is the 7th planet from the sun. Uranus’ distance from the sun is 2,877,000,000km.

Orbit The time Uranus takes to obit the sun in years is 84 Earth years. The time Uranus takes to orbit the sun in days is 30,687 earth days. Uranus is a very interesting planet with lots of interesting facts. One fact that is particularly interesting is that Uranus was first seen through a telescope on March 13, 1781 by a man named William Herschel.

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Neptune The planet Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea. The blue-green sea like colour inspired several astronomers to suggest names for the planet. In late 1946 the planet adopted the name Neptune.

Description Neptune is 24.622 Km in diameter and has ten moons, their names are Nix,Gabreill ,2005 Fy, ErisItydra ,itydra,Quaroar,2003 EL,sedan,orus and Varurn. On one side of the asteroid belt Neptune is the biggest planet and on the other side it is the smallest planet.

Composition Neptune’s atmosphere is the smallest out of all the gas planets in our solar system. Neptune has dangerous storms and really wild winds. Neptune is made of Helium, Hydrogen and Ice.

Position Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun. It is the last planet in the solar system and that is why it is so cold. Neptune is 4.550B Km away from the sun.

The Solar System 62 | P a g e

Orbit Neptune takes 16 hours to rotate on its axis and 165 years to orbit the sun. Neptune is the last planet in the solar system but it was not always the last planet. This is because Pluto which was the last planet was renamed as a dwarf planet.

The Planet Neptune

By Bryce

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Neptune Neptune is the smallest gas planet that orbits the sun. Neptune got its name from roman water gods because of its dark blue colour.

Description Neptune is 24,622KM in diameter and has 13 moons called Triton, Nereid, Proteus, Naiad, Larissa, Galatea, Thalassa, Despina, Halimede, Neso, Psamathe, Laomedeia and Sao. Neptune is the smallest gas planet but compared to planets close to the sun it is bigger, in fact it is the fourth biggest planet in our solar system, with Jupiter being the biggest.

Composition Neptune is very cold. The temperature on Neptune can drop to -353 Celsius. It has the coldest atmosphere in our solar system. Neptune is made of hydrogen, helium and ice.

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Position Neptune is the 8th planet, the furthest away from the sun that is why it is so cold. Neptune is 41/2billion km away from the sun.

Orbit Neptune takes 16HR 6mins and 36sec to spine on its axes. It takes 165 times longer than earth to have a full year.

The reason why Neptune is dark blue is because it is so cold. By Carlin

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By Zac

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Classification Neptune is the smallest gas planet. It was named after the roman god of the sea because of its deep blue colour.

Neptune roman god

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Description Neptune is 24,622km in diameter. It has 13 moons named Iriton, Nereid, Proteu, Naiad, Larissa, Galatea, Thalassa, Despina, Halimeda, Neso, Psamathe, Laomedeia, and Sao. Neptune is the 4th largest planet in the solar system. Only about one thousandth of light received by Earth reaches Neptune.

Neptune’s moons

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Composition Neptune’s upper atmosphere is hydrogen, helium and methane gas. Its mantle is water, ammonia, and methane ices. Its core is rock and ice. Even with a chill in the air Neptune still manages to host some of the most violent and extreme conditions in the solar system.

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Position Neptune is 4,503,000,000km away from the sun. Neptune is between Uranus and Pluto (dwarf planet) it is the 8th planet from the sun.

Our solar system

Orbit Length of one Neptune day is 16h and 6m in earth time. One Neptune year is 365.25 days or 164.79 years on earth.

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Neptune is 2.7 million miles away from the sun. Neptune orbits19, 720 kilometres per hour.

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