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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 32 the election commission?
Complete an updated voter registration application online at GoVoteTN. com or in-person at the election commission office.
Do I have to register to vote with the Cocke County Election Commission o ffi ce if I was registered in another county in Tennessee?
Yes. In Tennessee, voter registration does not automatically transfer from county to county when you move. You must complete and sign an updated voter registration application. When you register to vote, you will receive proof of your Cocke County voter registration in the mail. Do I have to register by party?
Voters do not choose a party when they register to vote in Tennessee. Voter must declare a party each time they appear to vote in a Primary election; you do it when you sign in to vote or fill out your absentee ballot application.
I have been convicted of a felony. Can I register to vote?
Some persons with a felony conviction may apply to have their voting rights restored. Contact the election commission office directly at 623-2042. Voting rights restoration paperwork should be completed as soon as possible so, if approved, the individual could have time to register to vote by the deadline.
Can I vote absentee by-mail?
Many voters are eligible to vote absentee by-mail, whether due to being out of town on Election Day, age, disability, caretaker, or several other reasons. Call the election commission office or visit GoVoteTN.com for the complete list. Voters may request an absentee by-mail ballot as early as 90 days before each Election but no later than seven days before an Election. Voters must sign a request form for each election in which they want to vote absentee bymail. Exceptions apply for some active military and overseas voters. What do I need to vote in-person?
All voters must present a federal or Tennessee state government ID containing the voter’s name and photograph when voting at the polls, whether voting early or on Election Day. An example of a valid photo ID is a Tennessee Driver License. For more information on photo ID requirements, call 623-2042 or visit GoVoteTN.com. The voter registration card is not required to be shown when voting.
Does Tennessee have Early Voting?
Early Voting in-person is available to all registered Tennessee voters. Early
Voting begins 20 days before each election and ends 5 days before each election. The exception is the Presidential Preference Primary, during which early voting ends 7 days before Election Day. Early Voting location and times will be announced before each election.
Where would I vote on Election Day?
Refer to your voter registration card or proof of registration mailed to you when your voter registration application was approved. The election commission office now prints the address of the Election Day polling location on each proof of registration. You may also call the office at 623-2042 or use the voter lookup tool on GoVoteTN.com.
County Election Commission members are Vaughn Moore, Chair; Vickie Moore, Secretary; Charlotte T. Leibrock; Stephen V. Stokely; and Betty H. Whitson. The Administrator of Elections is Josh Blanchard, office staff Dawn Mousseau and Teri Spinks. Josh has served as the East Tennessee Vice-President of the Tennessee Association of County Election Officials since 2019.
The Election Commission operates with a network of over 100 dedicated Cocke County residents who serve as poll officials during each election, without whom no successful election could be possible.


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