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Newport Housing Authority
The Newport Housing Authority has 400 units in eight apartment complexes that it rents out to eligible low-income residents. Some are family units, and others are for the elderly/disabled. Rent, which is based on income levels, includes all utilities. Maintenance is also provided free-of-charge.
The main NHA office, where applications for housing can be picked up, is located at 440 Lennon Circle. Each
applicant must provide an original driver’s licenses, birth certificate, and Social Security card. For every child, a birth certificate and Social Security card or documentation that these have been applied for must be provided.
The phone number for the office is (423) 623-1575.
The 400 units are located on 12 streets scattered in different locations within Newport’s city limits.
The Newport Housing Authority enforces a zero drug tolerance policy, according to Walter Cole.
Cole became the Executive Director in 2018, replacing Dr. Charlie Boggan, who retired after seven years.