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Economic Development Commission works for preparedness
The Cocke County Partnership through the Newport/Cocke County EDC has a stated mission to enhance the community for all. The EDC has worked to prepare a strategic plan to help in directing its activities and to identify priorities. The county must have a plan that prepares for growth and new partnering opportunities.
The current plan has three primary goals: 1) quality job creation 2) increase new capital investment in the county and 3) to expand the overall tax base of the county.
The plan targets five sectors that play a major role in helping to achieve the goals of the EDC. They are 1) the industrial, manufacturing sector 2) the retail, commercial market 3) the tourism industry 4) the residential housing market and 5) the redevelopment of downtown Newport.
In addition to the targeted sectors, a primary focus of the EDC is to assist in the development of infrastructure within the city
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 50 and county; infrastructure development that will benefit the five targeted areas as well as other development in the future.
Infrastructure includes broadband fiber, electric, natural gas, railway enhancement, roadway improvements, water, and sewer system upgrades. The key issue is providing capacity to our existing industries and have available the items new businesses will require for growth.
Two other issues identified as extremely important for the future growth of the county are education and healthcare. Businesses look to invest for the future where they are confident they can find educated and trained workers in a place that offers quality healthcare to their families and workers. Progress has been made in both fields; more will need to be done in this globally competitive marketplace. In the final analysis, Newport/Cocke County must be able to manage a diverse business plan to offer world class amenities to business and industry to match the world class
The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development continues to offer a marketing grant to the department.
A concerted effort to brand the county as the Adventure Side of the Smokies continues this year and the Partnership was awarded a grant from ARC to develop mountain bike trails near the Cherokee National Forest.
“It is my distinct pleasure to be able to share Cocke County’s stories with our visitors,” Lewanski concluded.
“Real heritage, real people, real adventure — for your next real adventure give us a holler — 423-625-9675 or visit www.yallvisitthesmokies.com”
Staff members, in addition to our President, Lucas Graham, are Jennifer Brown-Director of Finance/ HR, Tourism Director Linda Lewanski, Chamber of Com- natural surroundings offered. merce Director Lynn Ramsey, Chamber of Commerce Member Service Coordinator Nicole Shisler, Chamber of Commerce Support Services Coordinator Susan Ball, Cocke County Cradle to Career Collective Impact Lead Jennifer Ellison, Cocke County Cradle to Career

Approximately one third of the county has been set aside for recreational use; having four national/state parks and forests and three distinct river systems, there is an abundance of outdoor activities at the door step. The challenge is to mesh the two to future enhance economic opportunities to all residents.
The EDC Board of Directors are Zac Valentine/ Chairman, Jason Oury/ Vice-Chairman, George Barton/Treasurer, Clint Hammonds/Secretary, Mayor Crystal Ottinger, Mayor Roland Dykes, III, Mayor Dewayne Daniel, Thad Balch, Dolly Blazer, Michael Williford and Dennis Gregg.
Lucas Graham is the Executive Director of the Commission. Jennifer Brown is Executive Assistant. The EDC Board and Partnership staff are working to benefit the people who call Newport/ Cocke County home.
For more information call the EDC office at (423) 623-3008.
Food Securities Coordinator Nicole Howard and Cocke County Cradle to Career Financial Assistant Sommer White.
The Cocke County Partnership continues to serve our community—won’t you join us? For more information, call 423-623-3008.