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Technical Education classes at Ben W. Hooper Vocational School (CCHS) and Raymond Large Vocational School (CHS). Additionally, the Cocke County Adult High School provides services to returning adult students who want to either complete their graduation requirements or obtain a GED.
The Cocke County Alternative Education Program includes Adult Education (GED) prep, the Adult High School, and basic literacy classes, the Graduation Alternative Program (GAP), and the Cocke County Alternative School.

All Cocke County schools meet the requirements to receive Title I funding. Utilizing ‘school-wide’ programs, funds are used to provide personnel to reduce the overall teacher-student ratios for the schools. Currently, over forty personnel are employed with Title I funding. Title I funds also provide substantial materials and equipment to support the academic programs of the schools. With an emphasis on technology, Title I funds have been utilized for wireless computer labs, iPads, and Promethean boards. Additionally, funds provide tutoring and intervention programs for K-12.
A high priority of the system is to ensure that all teachers are highly qualified and that both certified and classified staff have access to professional development opportunities necessary to be highly effective. Including teachers and administrators, the system employs just under 400 certified personnel. Two Title I instructional coaches, one full-time and one part-time, along with one full-time Read To Be Ready instructional coach, serve the elementary schools.
The Cocke County School System enjoys positive and beneficial partnerships with several outside entities. Save the Children provides in-school and after-school literacy programs at Bridgeport, Cosby Elementary, Edgemont, and Northwest. High school students have access to dual enrollment courses through an agreement with Walters State Community College. Save