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Imagination Library provides books from birth to Cocke County kids
Over 1,500 Cocke County children receive a free book every month through the Dollywood Imagination Library, a program initiated by Dolly Parton to provide additional educational opportunities to Tennessee’s children. Application forms for Imagination Library are available at Newport Medical Center, Newport Pediat- ric Clinic, Cocke County Health Department, the office of the Cocke County Mayor, Cocke County’s Rural Medical clinics, and Cocke County’s four libraries: Cosby Community, Del Rio (Marie Ellison Memorial), Parrottsville, and Stokely Memorial. Children must reside in Cocke County. An application must be submitted. Enrollment may also be made online at www.imaginationlibrary.com. Children from other counties may register by visiting www.governorsfoundation.org online or by calling 1 (877) 99-BOOKS. Children receive the free books from birth to age 5. The month of their fifth birthday, children receive their final book, an introduction to kindergarten. For more information, call 423-623-7821.