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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 72 throughout the region. Each year Baptist Campus Ministries sends out more than 300 fall and spring break volunteers to serve not only across Tennessee, but also nationally and internationally. Because of such efforts, Carson-Newman was recognized in 2012, earning the Presidential Award in the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a university can receive for its involvement in community service.
Global education and broadening students’ horizons are staples of the Carson-Newman experience. Scores of international students study at Carson-Newman each year while others travel from campus to study abroad. Recent abroad experiences have included trips to Australia,
China, Costa Rica, France, Great Britain, Haiti, Ireland, Israel, Jordan and South Africa.
On October 18, 2012, Carson-Newman College’s Board of Trustees unanimously voted to begin the process of changing the institution’s name to “Carson-Newman University.” The move was made to more accurately describe the institution and its offerings both at home and abroad. The name change became official on February 11, 2013.
Through the institution’s name has changed, its mission remains unwavering. Its heritage is tailor-fit to the vision of Dr. O’Brien: “C-N’s future will be built on the twin pillars of academic rigor and Christian excellence.”
Carson-Newman students learn to think, to write, to read well, and to present and enter into the give and take of argument so as to become educated citizens and worldwide servant leader.