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RipRoaringAdventuresagain ratedamong‘BestoftheBest’
The Pigeon River floated over 200,000 commercial guests through the Great Smoky Mountains in 2020, officially gaining the title of “Most Rafted River In America”. That number increased by over 25% in 2021 — with morethan 305,000 guests floating down the mighty Pigeon River. Eleven outfitters were registered to offer whitewater rafting trips on the Upper and Lower Pigeon River, but one Hartford, TN operation really made a splash with tourists in 2021. Rip Roaring Adventures once again received multiple Travelers’ Choice — Best Of The Best awardsfrom the international tourism ratings aggregate TripAdvisor in 2022. Rip Roaring Adventures was rated the No. 2 Top Snorkeling & Water Sports experience in the US, and No. 7 Top Snorkeling & Water Sports experience in the world. In addition to topping the Travelers’ Choice spots, Rip Roaring Adventures was also named the No.13 Overall Experience in America and the onlyrafting company on that list. Family owned and operated, Rip Roaring Adventures attributes its success to a focus on customer experience built on a true passion for whitewater rafting. Owner Joe Novotny is a professional raft guide with call us you talk to me, and Joe will guide you down the river. We have a reallygreat staff and our guests appreciate our hands on approach and experience.” Rip Roaring Adventures guided over 17,000 visitors down the Pigeon River this past year, and Joe Novotny attributes much of his company’s continued success to the incredible feedback rafters have left on TripAdvisor. “TripAdvisor really works in an amazing way because our guests actually know our guides before theyeven get here,” Novotnysaid. “We have requests for certain guides even if they have never been rafting with us before. They read on TripAdvisor how much funother guests have had and they want the same experience.”
Rip Roaring Adventures still partners with local tourism, lodgingand adventure destinations in the region to ensure guests a truly authentic Tennesseeexperience. The family’s passion for whitewater rafting, and commitment to showing visitors the best of what our region has to offer has helped propel Rip Roaring Adventures to the top rankings worldwide, year after year.
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