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Jazz at Winterfest at Green Park
Todd Wright with dining in the Chestnut Grille
Friday - Jazz Trio
Saturday - Jazz Quartet
Enjoy Special Jazz at Winterfest menu in the Chestnut Grille
Seating 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Dinner Reservatins Required to attend Event
(828) 414-9230
“WinterFest has become a very popular event over the course of 25 years. The event that is at the top of the spectator events is the polar plunge which amounts to wearing very little clothing and jumping in water that is around mid-30s in Fahrenheit. It has astonished me at the number of participants that make this pilgrimage to Chetola, paying an entry fee and jumping into the frigid water.”
Charlie Ellis and Company
Both Evenings 5pm-8pm in the lobby!
All of the entree frees collected from the polar plunge are donated to nonprofits around the High Country, making it not only a popular event for the entire community, but also one that gives back.
“My thanks to the