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Explore North Georgia State Parks

North Georgia State Parks include a variety of recreational activities besides camping and welcome travelers to explore “Our Neck of the Woods”. Enjoy your passion to see a waterfall, go horseback riding, canoeing, fishing, hiking, biking, or just have a picnic. The great State Parks of North Georgia are waiting for you to watch nature at it’s best!

Moccasin Creek State Park
Park (706) 947-3194
Reservations (800) 864-7275

Known as the park “where spring spends the summer,” Moccasin Creek is located on the shores of lovely 2,800-acre Lake Burton. Accessibility offers easy navigation for large RVs, children’s bicycles and wheelchairs. This also includes a fishing pier that sits above a trout-filled creek open only to physically challenged visitors, senior citizens and children.

Smithgall Woods State Park
Park (706) 878-3087
Reservations (800) 864-7275

Dukes Creek, one of North Georgia’s premier trout stream, runs through this spectacular mountain property and has become known for it’s catch-andrelease fishing. Eighteen miles of roads and five miles of trails allow hikers and bicyclists to explore hardwoods, streams and wildlife. Dukes Creek Falls has a direct trail for cottage guests to view.

Unicoi State Park
Park (706) 878-2201
Reservations (800) 864-7275
Lodge (800) 573-9659

Unicoi State Park, named from the turnpike that was the early means of transportation, is over 1,050 acres of beautiful nature trails. It includes a 53 acre lake for non-motorized boats and a swimming beach. Enjoy flora, fauna and abundant wildlife as you picnic or hike a trail. Campsites and Cottages provide campers with many accommodations, including a 100 Room Lodge and Conference Center with a restaurant.

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