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Cherokee Botanical Sanctuary

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Quanassee Path

Quanassee Path

Along the Quanassee Path between Spikebuck Mound/Quanassee Town site and the Cherokee Homestead Exhibit is the Cherokee Botanical Sanctuary. This section of the Quanassee Path may be accessed across from Clay County Veterans Recreation Park on Anderson Street or at the Cherokee Homestead Exhibit.

This 0.3 mile section of the trail, which follows Town Creek adjacent to Clay County Schools’ property, is a pedestrian-friendly trail through stands of native trees and plants. Native plants were added along this portion of the trail to include those used by the Cherokee for medicine, food, and daily living activities. The Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition donated native plants and helped to remove invasive plant species from the creek beds. Restoration Coordinator Tony Ward explains, “The HRWC was happy to use Duke Energy Funding to help make the vegetation along the trail more like what people living in Quanassee might have seen along the creek. Native trees and shrubs are better for water quality, too.” The Conservation Fund’s Creating New Economies Program provided funds for additional native plants, informational kiosks and plant labels.

Sponsored by the Clay County Communities Revitalization Association, a non-profit 501C3 organization. Please visit cccra-nc.org/ or write to PO Box 1533, Hayesville, NC 28904 for more information.

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