Sovereign Magazine
Like Like
How Martha Bernal and Alexandra Lange Bernal are fundamentally changing how mothers and daughters relate.
he mother-daughter relationship can mean many things to different people. For some, it is a source of comfort and inspiration, for others it can be a challenging road. When it comes to our families, we are often impeded by years of ineffective communication and unresolved issues. This means that we struggle to express our innermost thoughts and feelings to the people who should be closest to us. For mother and daughter team, Martha Bernal and Alexandra Lange Bernal, their relationship has empowered them to support thousands of women through such struggles. Their workshops, events and 11 mentoring programmes have inspired their clients to not only change their personal mother-daughter relationships but to see these relationships in the wider context of their immediate communities and the world as a whole, the most fundamental of relationships. Their business, “Like Mother Like Daughter” is more than just a name, it’s a way of life and a shared vision that has only gone from strength to strength. We spoke to them about relationships, empowerment and entrepreneurship. Did you always want to work together? We’d always dreamt of starting our own business and we knew that we wanted to work together. In the last decade, we have been approached by thousands of women, mothers and daughters, and men alike, wondering how we manage to relate so authentically to each other, while still honouring our different personalities and independence. While we answered their questions with tips and secrets of our own journey, we realised the power of it all and the impact we had on others’ lives, for the better. We started sharing our vision of the world with each other - a world where every mother and every daughter will connect, communicate and bond, not only to improve their own lives, but for the betterment of humanity as a whole. The idea to build a business came organically as we shared this vision with each other. ‘Like Mother Like Daughter’ was born out of a desire to share the joy and wealth of these experiences with other mothers and daughters, so that they might benefit and embrace all of the rewards of their own fundamentally important relationships.
About. “Like Mother Like Daughter” was set up by mother and daughter team, Martha and Alexandra Bernal. Their mission is to help mothers and daughters who want to have a meaningful relationship and better communication with each other, but are frustrated because they don’t know how. With their proven 7-Step BONDING Framework, they take mothers and daughters on a powerful journey so that they can ‘Connect Deeply, Communicate Fully and Bond Truly’ with one another.
How did you put your ideas into action? In October 2017, we took a leap of faith and invested blindly on an international mentorship program for business owners and entrepreneurs, who wanted to multiply their impact. As soon as we committed our time and energy into creating and building what once seemed to be only a dream, the right people, resources and opportunities started to show up in our lives. One of these people has been Giselle Rufer, founder and owner of ‘Delance Swiss Watches’. A wo-