4 minute read
Charisma & Leadership
by Dr Marina Nani
Charisma is often perceived to be something you either have it or you don’t. Is this natural star power that children display before going to school a silent asset? Are we conditioned to believe that being average is a safe choice? After interviewing many charismatic leaders from around the world, it became obvious that leadership gives you charisma. 95% of the leaders we interviewed in the last two years, admitted that charisma is an asset, just like beauty, brains, or emotional intelligent that each one of us holds in abundance. What makes us decide how much and how often we use Charisma?
We reached out to Naomi Susan Isaacs, Charisma Consultant, Founder of the Institute of Charismology, who works with her students to start re-writing their story and authoring their lives. Facilitator and Mentor, jazz singer and TedX Talk, Naomi empowers her clients to reclaim their lives. Her mission is to awaken her mentees to the true value that Charisma can play in their lives. Naomi teaches new skills to help her students explore new opportunities, become confident in making new choices, living their life by choice. In addition, each Workshop offers a group dynamic which often catapults participants to breakthroughs which they didn’t believe possible.
Known in Germany and internationally as a dynamic and innovative coach and trainer, Naomi supports people from all walks of life in their quest to restore the knowledge of their selfworth, to strengthen their voices and to re-ignite their natural charisma. A dedicated, innovative and highly-qualified educator, she readily shares her profound knowledge and experience with stage performers, business executives, seminar leaders, in short: all whose profession places high demands on voice, authenticity, stage presence and audience connection.
How do you define Charisma?
Focusing on the original meaning of the word “Charisma” which is described as “the divinely bestowed or unique gift/core talent” Isaacs often presents guest speakers and coaches whose particular field of expertise contributes to the charismatic growth of her students.
In a recent interview Naomi invites John Travolta to share his personal wisdom and how charisma influenced his life. “There is no limits to charisma” John Travolta says.
To be or not to be a Charismatic Leader?
“On my 40th birthday I woke up before my husband and the first thought that entered my head was the question „Do I feel any different today?“ Up to now, I had noticed no particular change of mind set on my birthdays. But today was different. A little voice inside me said „You’re now too old to let anyone to tell you what to do – and much too young to die!“
A shock! Was I dying? I was not sick, at least not physically. But secretly I knew that the life I was living was not the one I wanted to live. I was living a life „on default“.
Growing up in post war London as the daughter of classical musicians, I had experienced a kind of elitism which I hated, so when I discovered American folk music and jazz I immediately took to them. The protest songs of Woodie Guthrie and the discordant sounds of modern jazz resonated within me; they reflected my feeling for life.
My family was horrified! To add to this, I held the deep conviction that an academic career does not make a person „more valuable“. In fact I considered many of the academics who visited our house pompous and self-opinionated. I was the dissident in my family and often found myself „alone against the rest of the world“.
I successfully avoided classical singing lessons and a university education. My whole family was convinced I would be a complete failure and end up in the gutter. Knowing what I DIDN’T want was easy, but I never had the courage to say what I DID want for fear of altogether losing the love of my family who already strongly disapproved of me. So I did what so many people in my situation have done: I became a school teacher. A „default“ decision. As it turned out I loved teaching – but I hated school. The hierarchy, the rules and regulations and the syllabus which often seemed irrelevant.
Evenings and weekends found me with my guitar recovering from the week and tanking energy in one of the many folk music clubs in the British Midlands of the 60s. There I gained stage experience which later proved very valuable.
As luck would have it, in 1967 I met a charming young English engineer who lured me to Munich/ Germany where, out of necessity, I embarked on my second „default“ career as a typist. During the following 17 years I advanced from „2-finger typist“ to departmental secretary and was fairly happy – until my 40th birthday. It was then that I awoke to the fact that I had lived my whole life „on default“ according to the wishes and values of others.
What’s next?
I finally admitted that I was unutterably miserable in every area of my life. After my divorce, the big question was „what now!? Was that all?“ I now realise that there are thousands of women in this very situation. They have arrived at the middle of their life and are confronted with this same question: Is that all there is? I’m too old to be told what to do – and too young to die!
After my divorce I recalled the jazz clubs we had visited during our early days in Munich and wondered whether they were still there! They were! The music immediately got under my skin again and it was not long before, aged 43, I dropped my office job to try my luck as a jazz singer. I sang and taught in Europe and USA, founded the New Vocal Centre in Munich and became extremely happy. My family need not have worried about me.
My main motivation for dropping my job, however, was not the music; it was my absolute terror of having to admit at the end of my life that I never even tried to live my very own life, but wasted it trying to be as others wanted me to be. Having found my own solution to this pain, it is now my passion to support other women (and men) who find themselves in this emotional predicament and to show them that it’s never too late to start something new.
Inspired to live an adventure
Among the many wonderful teachers I have been fortunate to study with over the years, one who stands out is Gordon Stokes (1929-2006), co-founder of the 3-in-1 Concepts Institute of Kinesiology in Los Angeles. The memory of his deep respect for and empathy with his pupils, his compassionate and dignified treatment of all – especially those whose behaviour was “slightly strange” – inspires me to this day.
One-on-one coaching allows us to focus exclusively on the client’s most intimate issues which might be more difficult in a group setting. Many revisit their youth and discover that a modified version of their childhood dream is still possible. Some embark on new business ventures, achieving a life of self-determined, fulfilment and financial stability.
There are countless inspiring authors too: Napoleon Hill, Viktor Frankl and Eckhard Tolle, to name but three. And often a simple observation by a child can lead me to ask new questions, to search for new revelations and discover new facets of an aspect of life I thought I knew something about.