Montana Colors Color Charts

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MTN 94 400 ml

The format that revolutionized the graffiti world continues to undergo constant evolution in order to fulfil the market’s demands. Thanks to Montana Colors’ experience in the field, Hardcore comprises maximum aerosol paint development, making it one of the best performing gloss spray paints on the market. 112 colors. Included cap: Pocket. RV 252 Amarillo Unicornio Unicorn Yellow

RV 29

Azul Ártico Arctic Blue

RV 208 Calabaza Pumpkin

RV 189

Amarillo Ipanema Ipanema Yellow

RV 193 Chicle Chewing Gum

RV 321

RV 222 Amarillo Playa Beach Yellow

RV 8

Azul Claro Light Blue

RV 2003 Naranja Pastel Pastel Orange

RV 20

Amarillo Fiesta Party Yellow

RV 115 Tutti Frutti Tutti Frutti

RV 195 Violeta Shiva Shiva Violet

RV 20

RV 217 Azul Avatar Avatar Blue

RV 2004 Naranja Orange

RV 109

RV 3017 Rojo Fiebre Fever Red

RV 322

RV 1021 Amarillo Claro Light Yellow

RV 30

RV 209 Naranja Calcuta Calcutta Orange

RV1021 Amarillo Claro Light Yellow

RV 116 Rojo Sangre Blood Red

RV 11

Amarillo Ganges Ganges Yellow

RV 5005 Azul Oscuro Dark Blue

RV 210 Naranja Prometeo Prometheus Orange

RV 110

Amarillo Yosemite Yosemite Yellow

RV 17

Arena Teneré Tenere Sand

RV 218 Azul Neptuno Neptune Blue

RV 260 Rojo Iroko Iroko Red

RV 111

Verde Babel Babel Green

RV 246 Marrón Druida Druide Brown

RV 227 Azul Waimea Waimea Blue

RV 206 Amarillo Atacama Atacama Yellow

RV 112 Verde Misión Mision Green

RV 247 Marrón Tepuy Tepuy Brown

RV 228 Azul Zeppelín Zeppelin Blue

RV 1017 Melocotón Peach

RV 113

RV 248 Marrón Baobab Baobab Brown

RV 229 Azul Andrómeda Andromeda Blue

RV 1028 Amarillo Medio Medium Yellow

RV 249 Marrón Galgo Greyhound Brown

RV 5002 Azul Ultramar Ultramarine Blue

RV 8002 Marrón Tostado Toasted Brown

RV 230 Azul Leviatán Leviathan Blue

RV 35

Amarillo Fiesta Party Yellow

Marrón Chocolate Chocolate Brown

RV 75

Azul Eléctrico Electric Blue

Azul Nostromo Nostromo Blue

RV 199 Verde Java Java Green

RV 7040 Gris Perla Pearl Grey

RV 3001 Rojo Vivo Vivid Red

RV 323

RV 159

Azul Odisea Odyssey Blue

RV 182 Verde Esmeralda Emerald Green

RV 119 Gris Londres London Grey

RV 47

RV 276 Violeta Obispo Bishop Violet

RV 160

Azul Eureka Eureka Blue

RV 183 Verde Berilo Beryl Green

RV 120 Gris Lobo Wolf Grey

RV 3004 Rojo Burdeos Bordeaux Red

RV 275 Violeta Raval Raval Violet

RV 161 Azul Jase Jase Blue

RV 179 Verde Bonsai Bonsai Green

RV 121 Gris Ícaro Icarus Grey

RV 3007 Rojo Cherokee Cherokee Red

RV 283 Voleta Sultán Sultan Violet

RV 162

Azul Profundo Deep Blue

RV 180 Verde Thai Thai Green

RV 7016 Gris Antracita Anthracite Grey

RV 114 Verde Maya Maya Green

RV 77

RV 274 Violeta Reverendo Reverend Violet

RV 163

Azul Poseidón Poseydon Blue

RV 181 Verde Laberinto Labyrinth Green

RV 78

Gris Metrópolis Metropolis Grey

RV 207 Mango Mango

RV 192 Sundance Sundance

RV 194 Rosa Supernova Supernova Pink

RV 310

Violeta República Republic Violet

RV 186 Verde Virgen Virgin Green

RV 267 Amarillo Azufre Sulfur Yellow

RV 300

Gris Tofu Tofu Grey

RV 8023 Mostaza Mustard

RV 102 Naranja Dalai Dalai Orange

RV 164 Rosa Tokyo Tokyo Pink

RV 311

Violeta Woodstock Woodstock Violet

RV 142 Verde Géminis Gemini Green

RV 266 Verde Psycho Psycho Green

RV 301

Gris Placebo Placebo Grey

RV 262 Gris Materia Matter Grey

RV 237 Verde Cologno N Cologno N. Green RV 5

Verde Lutecia Lutecia Green

Gris Claro Light Grey

RV 216 Violeta Anonymous Anonymous Violet RV 264 Violeta Galaxia Galaxy Violet

Verde Dragón Dragon Green

RV 103 Naranja Plural Plural Orange RV 50

RV 7040 Gris Perla Pearl Grey

Violeta Azulado Blue Violet

RV 7047 Gris Siberia Siberian Grey

Azul Perseo Perseus Blue

RV 214 Violeta Violet

RV 3

RV 269 Azul Génesis Genesis Blue

Azul Barceloneta Barceloneta Blue

RV 158

RV 236 Verde Mojito Mojito Green

Verde Guacamole Guacamole Green

RV 156

RV 170 Violeta Persia Persia Violet

RV 6

RV 34

RV 198 Gris Stardust Stardust Grey

RV 118 Gris Rita Rita Grey

RV 261 Marrón Pangea Pangea Brown

RV 215 Violeta Profeta Prophet Violet

RV 270 Azul Formentera Formentera Blue

RV 268 Azul Tramontana Tramontana Blue

Amarillo Canarias Canarias Yellow

Naranja Solar Solar Orange

RV 105 Mandarina Tangerine RV 106 Naranja Lava Lava Orange

Rojo Clandestino Clandestine Red

Rojo Noche Red Night

RV 165 Rosa Orquídea Orchid Pink

Violeta Arlet Arlet Violet

RV 185 Azul Ángel Angel Blue

Azul Thalassa Thalassa Blue

RV 256 Malva Malva

Verde Pistacho Pistacho Green

Violeta Abril April Violet

MTN Water Based 300 is a revolutionary water-based paint spray. Its handy 300 ml format, low pressure and, above all its low odor, make it the perfect tool for studio or indoor work. In addition and due to its composition, it is an incredibly versatile paint that may be utilized with various techniques. 96 colors + 2 varnishes. Included cap: Pocket.

RV 157

RV 235 Verde Veneno Poison Green

RV 16


MTN 94 is probably the most versatile aerosol on the market. Thanks to its extensive color range, quick drying ability and low pressure, it is an suitable tool for practically any type of creative work that requires a matt finish. 216 colors. Included cap: Pocket.

Violeta Mandala Mandala Violet

RV 171 Violeta Comunidad Community Violet

RV 6027 Verde Luz Luminouse Green

RV 265 Verde Sónar Sonar Green

RV 302

Gris Koala Koala Grey

RV 4003 Erika Erika

RV 172 Violeta Destino Destiny Violet

RV 144

Verde Bali Bali Green

RV 281 Verde Láser Laser Green

RV 303

Gris Nativo Native Grey

RV 4010 Magenta Magenta

RV 173 Ultravioleta Ultraviolet

RV 145

Verde Erasmus Erasmus Green

RV 282 Verde Laos Laos Green

RV 304

Gris Balboa Balboa Grey

RV 166 Rojo Açaí Açaí Red

RV 174 Violeta Venus Venus Violet

RV 5018 Turquesa Turquoise

RV 280 Verde Hulk Hulk Green

RV 305

Gris Nube Cloud Grey

RV 7031 Gris Oscuro Dark Grey

RV 2004 Naranja Orange

RV 167 Rojo Rioja Rioja Red

RV 175 Violeta Electra Electra Violet

RV 146 Azul Gloria Glory Blue

RV 272 Verde Menta Mint Green

RV 306

Gris Invierno Winter Grey

RV 263 Gris Spútnik Sputnik Grey

RV 107

RV 168 Rojo Ira Danger Red

RV 28

RV 147 Azul Pegasus Pegasus Blue

RV 273 Verde Iguana Iguana Green

RV 307

Gris Tiburón Jaws Grey

RV 7016 Gris Antracita Anthracite Grey

RV 108

Naranja Marte Mars Orange Naranja Fénix Phoenix Orange

RV 169 Rojo Taurus Taurus Red

RV 27

Violeta Cosmos Cosmos Violet Violeta Vampiro Vampire Violet

RV 148 Azul Hércules Hercules Blue

RV 271 Verde Mystic Mystic Green

RV 308

Cadmium Yellow Light RV 222 Amarillo Playa

Gris Ballena Whale Grey

RV 253 Verde Elemento Element Green

RV 257 Violeta Princesa Princess Violet

R 9010 Blanco Divinidad Divinity White

RV 190 Blanco Malta Malta White

RV 196 Rosa Saudade Saudade Pink

RV 312 Azul Sagan Sagan Blue

RV 187 Verde Vespa Vespa Green

RV 1017 Melocotón Peach

RV 309

RV 15

RV 224 Violeta Bruja Witch Violet

Blanco Satinado Satin White

RV1013 Blanco Hueso Bone White

RV 86

Rosa Boreal Boreal Pink

RV 313 Azul Martínez Martínez Blue

RV 124 Verde Frisco Frisco Green

RV 1028 Amarillo Medio Medium Yellow

SPECTRAL Amarillo Etereo Ethereal Yellow

RV 250 Verde Rambo Rambo Green

RV 225 Violeta Geisha Geisha Violet

Blanco Mate Matt White

RV 135

RV 87

Rosa Stereo Stereo Pink

RV 314 Azul Romero Rosemary Blue

RV 16

Verde Pistacho Pistachio Green

RV 207 Mango Mango

SPECTRAL Naranja Calima Calima Orange

RV 6013 Verde Caqui Khaki Green

RV 4006 Púrpura Purple

R 9011 Negro Black

RV 136 Marrón Inca Inca Brown

RV 88

Rosa Single Single Pink

RV 315 Azul Bailarinas Dancer Blue

RV 34

Verde Guacamole Guacamole Green

RV 177 Eldorado Eldorado

SPECTRAL Rojo Alma Soul Red

RV 6003 Verde Olivo Olive Green

RV 226 Violeta Tube Tube Violet

Negro Satinado Satin Black

RV 137 Marrón Kraft Kraft Brown

RV 89

Rojo Compacto Compact Red

RV 316 Azul Marseille Marseille Blue

RV 125 Verde Neón Neon Green

RV 178 Tibet Tibet

SPECTRAL Marron Judea Judea Brown

RV 251 Verde Bosque Forest Green

RV 4007 Cereza Cherry

Negro Mate Matt Black

RV 138 Marraquech Marrakech

RV 90

Rojo Bitácora Bitacora Red

RV 317

RV 6018 Verde Valle Valley Green

RV 8023 Mostaza Mustard

SPECTRAL Violeta Aura Aura Violet

RV 254 Verde Max Max Green

RV 258 Rosa Manga Manga Pink


RV 139 Marrón Secuoia Sequoia Brown

RV 91

Rojo Pandora Pandora Red

RV 318 Azul Ween Ween Blue

RV 126 Verde Toscana Toscana Green

RV 99 Marrón Glacé Glacé Brown

SPECTRAL Azul Atmósfera Atmosphere Blue

Verde Manzana Apple Green

RV 1013 Blanco Hueso Bone White

Marrón Safari Safari Brown

Azul Porto Porto Blue

Gris Chernóbil Chernobyl Grey

RV 219 Verde París Paris Green

RV 211 Rosa Amor Love Pink

RV 238 Amarillo Gigante Giant Yellow

RV 140 Marrón Topo Topo Brown

RV 92

Rojo Gaudí Gaudí Red

RV 319 Azul Tuareg Tuareg Blue

RV 127 Verde Era Era Green

RV 278 Rosa Joker Joker Pink

SPECTRAL Verde Brisa Breeze Green

RV 220 Verde UFO UFO Green

RV 4003 Erika Erika

RV 239 Amarillo Lúxor Luxor Yellow

RV 141 Marrón Góndola Gondola Brown

RV 93

Rojo Stendhal Stendhal Red

RV 320 Azul Mantra Mantra Blue

RV 6009 Verde Amazonas Amazonas Green

RV 277 Rosa Disco Disco Pink

SPECTRAL Blanco Aire Air White

RV 21

Verde Quirúrgico Surgical Green

RV 4010 Magenta Magenta

RV 240 Naranja Kenia Kenya Orange

RV 191 Marrón Jaima Jaima Brown

RV 197 Marrón Penélope Penelope Brown

RV 184 Azul Lluvia Rain Blue

RV 188 Verde Destello Shining Green

RV 279 Rosa Rosario Rosario Pink

SPECTRAL Gris Humo Smoke Grey

RV 6016 Verde Oscuro Dark Green

RV 212 Rojo Akari Akari Red

RV 244 Rosa Miami Miami Pink

RV 94 Marrón Dingo Dingo Brown

RV 176 Marrón Sensible Sensible Brown

RV 149 Azul Hydra Hydra Blue

RV 1016 Amarillo Limón Lemon Yellow

RV 3020 Rojo Claro Light Red

SPECTRAL Negro Sombra Shadow Black

RV 221 Verde Perséfone Persephone Green

RV 213 Rojo Merlot Merlot Red

RV 241 Rojo Madrid Madrid Red

RV 95 Marrón Tana Tana Brown

RV 203 Marrón Roble Oak Brown

RV 150 Azul Argo Argo Blue

RV 129 Verde Orégano Oregano Green

RV 241 Rojo Madrid Madrid Red


Amarillo Fluorescente Fluorescent Yellow

RV 255 Azul Patagonia Patagonia Blue

RV 259 Flamingo Flamingo

RV 242 Rojo Sóviet Soviet Red

RV 96 Montserrat Montserrat

RV 204 Marrón Interrail Interrail Brown

RV 151 Azul Libertad Freedom Blue

RV 60

RV 245 Cian Cyan


Naranja Fluorescente Fluorescent Orange

RV 231 Azul Cousteau Cousteau Blue

RV 223 Rojo Buda Buddha Red


RV 232 Azul Glaciar Glacier Blue

RV 33

RV 6018 Verde Valle Valley Green

Rojo Colorado Colorado Red

RV 3020 Rojo Claro Light Red


RV 233 Azul Christianía Christiania Blue

RV 3001 Rojo Vivo Vivid Red

RV 234 Azul Índigo Indigo Blue

RV 3004 Rojo Burdeos Bordeaux Red

RV 14

Azul Planeta Planet Blue

RV 8017 Marrón Tabaco Tabacco Brown

RV 6009 Verde Amazonas Amazonas Green

RV 97 Marrón Chiapas Chiapas Brown

RV 205 Marrón Guerrero Warrior Brown

RV 152 Azul Europa Europe Blue

RV 130 Verde Euskadi Euskadi Green

RV 243 Azul Babilonia Babylon Blue


Rojo Fluorescente Fluorescent Red

RV 98 Marrón Frijol Bean Brown

RV 200 Plancton Plancton

RV 30

RV 131 Verde Comarca Comarca Green

Blanco / White


Fucshia Fluorescente Fluorescent Fuchsia

RV 100 Marrón Café Coffee Brown

RV 64

RV 245 Cian Cyan

RV 35 Marrón Chocolate Chocolate Brown

RV 243 Azul Babilonia Babylon Blue

RV 101 Marrón Ébano Ebony Brown

RV 27

Verde Kripton Krypton Green

Rosa Respeto Respect Pink

Azul Eléctrico Electric Blue

RV 5005 Azul Oscuro Dark Blue

RV 132 Verde Borneo Borneo Green

Negro / Black


Violeta Fluorescente Fluorescent Violet

RV 201 Marrón Scarlet Scarlet Brown

RV 154 Azul Tornado Twister Blue

RV 133 Verde Dharma Dharma Green

Plata Joya / Jewel Silver


Azul Fluorescente Fluorescent Blue

RV 202 Marrón Mosquito Mosquito Brown

RV 5013 Azul Marino Navy Blue

RV 134 Verde Infinito Infinity Green

Oro Marco / Frame Gold


Verde Fluorescente Fluorescent Green


Cobalt Blue Pale RV 327 Kathmandu Blue

Titanium Light RV 1013 Blanco Hueso

Cadmium Yellow Medium RV 1021 Amarillo Claro

Cobalt Blue Light RV 69 Azul Sueño

Naples Yellow RV 135 Marrón Safari

Azo Yellow Deep RV 177 Eldorado

Cobalt Blue RV 68 Azul Esperanza


Yellow Ocre RV 264 Amarillo Jericó

Ultramarine Blue RV 5002 Azul Ultramar

Raw Umber RV 137 Marrón Kraft

Raw Sienna RV 265 Marrón Kruger


Ultramarine Blue Deep RV 328 Abyss Blue


Raw Umber Deep RV 139 Sequoia Brown



Primary Blue Pale RV 336 Mykonos Blue


Warm Grey Pale RV 331 Elephant Grey

Azo Orange Pale RV 102 Dalai Orange

Pack of 12, 24 and 36 dual tip felt markers with a fine tip for drawing and a chisel tip for filling in color or doing calligraphy. The colors are similar to a selection from the 94 spray paint color range and thanks to their translucent, alcohol-based ink, they may be combined in layers.

Cobre Copper



12 Un.

12 Un.

12 Un.

Since the professional color chart is printed with the actual paint, it very accurately shows the colors of our products.

RV 2003 Naranja Pastel Pastel Orange

RV 8

Azul Claro Light Blue

RV 8002 Marrón Tostado Toasted Brown

RV 211 Rosa Amor Love Pink

RV 30

Azul Eléctrico Electric Blue

RV 7040 Gris Perla Pearl Grey

RV 4010 Magenta Magenta

RV 216 Violeta Anonymous Anonymous Violet

R 9010 Blanco Divinidad Divinity White

RV 3020 Rojo Claro Light Red

RV 219 Verde París Paris Green

R 9011 Negro Black


Warm Grey Light RV 302 Koala Grey

Azo Orange RV 2004 Naranja


Primary Blue RV 338 123 Klan Blue


Warm Grey Light RV 302 Koala Grey

Azo Orange Deep RV 209 Naranja Calcuta


Primary Blue Deep RV 339 Lesbos Blue


Warm Grey Deep RV 332 Pinocchio Grey


Azo Orange Dark RV 347 East Orange


Primary Blue Dark RV 340 Holy Blue

Burnt Umber RV 266 Marrón Volcán

MEGA Plata 600 ml


Cadmiun Red Pale RV 322 Medusa Red


Blue Green Pale RV 341 Hawaii Blue


A superior quality paint, containing a perfect amount and proportion of gas. Included cap: Pink Fat Cap.

Cadmium Red Light RV 223 Rojo Buda


Blue Green Light RV 342 Fiji Blue

Neutral Grey Light RV 7047 Gris Siberia

Naphtol Red RV 3020 Rojo Claro


Blue Green RV 343 Reef Blue

Neutral Grey RV 7040 Gris Perla



Blue Green Deep RV 14 Planet Blue

Neutral Grey Deep RV 263 Gris Sputnik

Blue Green Dark RV 234 Indigo Blue


Naphthon Red Deep RV 241 Madrid Red

Neutral Grey Pale RV 6 Light Grey

Carmine RV 3004 Rojo Burdeos



Phthalo Green Blue RV 254 Verde Max

Titanium White R 9010 Blanco

Quinacridone Rose RV 211 Rosa Amor

Turquoise Green RV 219 Verde París

Carbon Black R 9011 Negro

Quinacridone Magenta RV 4010 Magenta


Emerald Green Light RV 220 Ufo Green


Amarillo Fluorescente Fluorescent Yellow

Red Violet RV 213 Rojo Merlot

Emerald Green RV 21 Verde Quirúrgico


Rojo Fluorescente Fluorescent Red


Red Violet Deep RV 324 Red Wine


Emerald Green Deep RV 221 Persephone Green


Fucshia Fluorescente Fluorescent Fuchsia


Blue Violet Pale RV 325 Greta Violet


Brillant Yellow Green Light RV 235 Poison Green


Azul Fluorescente Fluorescent Blue

Quinacridone Rose Light RV 323 Vice Pink

RV 34

Plata Silver

Nitro 2G Colors 500 ml

RV 1021 Amarillo Claro Light Yellow

RV 34

Verde Guacamole Guacamole Green

RV 27

RV 2004 Naranja Orange

RV 8

Azul Claro Light Blue

R 9010 Blanco Divinidad Divinity White

RV 3001 Rojo Vivo Vivid Red

RV 5013 Azul Marino Navy Blue

Brilliant Yellow Green RV 236 Verde Mojito


Blue Violet RV 225 Violeta Geisha


Brillant Yellow Green Medium RV 333 Eva Green

Jewel Silver Plata Joya

Blue Violet Deep RV 167 Rojo Rioja


Brillant Yellow Green Deep RV 334 Guernica Green

Frame Gold Oro Marco


Blue Violet Dark RV 169 Taurus Red


Brillant Yellow Green Dark RV 335 Serengueti Green

PROTECTION Glossy Varnish Barniz Brillante


Dioxazine Purple Pale RV 321 April Violet


Phathalo Green Light RV 124 Frisco Green

PROTECTION Matte Varnish Barniz Mate

Dioxazine Purple Light RV 214 Violeta


Phathalo Green RV 329 Vera Green

SPECTRAL Blanco Aire Air White

Dioxazine Purple RV 173 Ultravioleta

Brilliant Light Green RV 34 Verde Guacamole

Dioxazine Purple Deep RV 174 Violeta Venus

Brilliant Green RV 6018 Verde Valle



Brillant Green Deep RV 127 Era Green

Phthalo Blue Light RV 29 Azul Ártico


Grey Green Pale RV 344 Moss Green

RV 1021 Amarillo Claro Light Yellow

R 9010 Blanco Divinidad Divinity White



Grey Green Light RV 345 Peyote Green

RV 3020 Rojo Claro Light Red

R 9011 Negro Black

Cerulean Blue RV 217 Azul Avatar


Grey Green RV 179 Bonsai Green

RV 8

Plata Silver

Prussian Blue RV 30 Azul Eléctrico


Grey Green Deep RV 131 County Green



Grey Green Dark RV 346 Nebraska Green

Phthalo Blue Pale RV 326 Gumball Blue

Prussian Blue Deep RV 154 Tornado

Verde Fluorescente Fluorescent Green

The colored version of the 2G. High pressure. Developed specifically to cover chrome painted surfaces. 10 colors. Included cap: Pink Fat Cap / Universal.

Blue Violet Light RV 224 Violeta Bruja

Dioxazine Purple Dark Rv 28 Cosmos Violet

Verde Guacamole Guacamole Green

Neutral Grey Dark RV 7016 Anthracite Grey

Violeta Vampiro Vampire Violet

R 9011 Negro Black Plata Silver

SPECTRAL Negro Sombra Shadow Black

Nitro 2G 400 ml Excellent coverage over metallic colors on the most difficult of surfaces. Available in black. Included cap: Universal.

R 9011 Negro Black

Pocket 150 ml A pocket sized spray can. Keep it handy and take it everywhere. Matte finish. 6 colors. Low pressure. Included cap: Pocket Cap.

Azul Claro Light Blue

ALIEN 250 ml The satin range from MTN. Low pressure offering the ultimate control. Included cap: Skinny Pro Cap. R 9010 Blanco Divinidad Divinity White

MTN Water Based 100 is the miniature version of the revolutionary MTN Water Based 300. 18 colors. Included cap: Pocket.


RV 225 Violeta Geisha Geisha Violet

Primary Blue Light RV 337 Ona Blue


Looking for the exact color?

RV 1021 Amarillo Claro Light Yellow


94 Graphic Markers & Packs

Oro Gold

Ideal for large surfaces. Comes equipped with a fast valve.15 colors. Included cap: Pink Fat Cap.

Azo Orange Light RV 105 Mandarina

Violeta Vampiro Vampire Violet

Plata Silver

MEGA Colors 600 ml

Naples Yellow Deep RV 330 Anubis Brown

Cadmium Yellow Medium RV 1021 Amarillo Claro

Phthalo Blue Light RV 29 Azul Ártico

Raw Sienna RV 265 Marrón Kruger

Azo Orange RV 2004 Naranja

Prussian Blue RV 30 Azul Eléctrico

Neutral Grey RV 7040 Gris Perla

Naphtol Red RV 3020 Rojo Claro

Turquoise Green RV 219 Verde París

Titanium White R 9010 Blanco

Quinacridone Rose RV 211 Rosa Amor

Brilliant Light Green RV 34 Verde Guacamole

Carbon Black R 9011 Negro

Quinacridone Magenta RV 4010 Magenta

Brilliant Green RV 6018 Verde Valle

Jewel Silver Plata Joya

Blue Violet RV 225 Violeta Geisha

Naples Yellow RV 135 Marrón Safari

Frame Gold Oro Marco

R 9011 Negro Black

Micro 30 ml A microscopic sized spray can. 30 ml of paint. Available in black. Included cap: Skinny Banana. R 9011 Negro Black

Maximo 750 ml The biggest spray can on the market, ensuring you never leave the job half done. Included cap: Pink Fat Cap. R 9010 Blanco Divinidad Divinity White

K-750 KRINK 750 ml The K-750 contains 750 ml of the highest quality paint in a matte finish. Made to create lines up to 4m high.

R 9011 Negro Black



24 Un.

24 Un.


More information about the WB Markers on the back.

Plata Silver

R 9011 Negro Black



120 & 1000 Un.

Super Skinny Cap

Pocket Cap

Skinny Cream Cap

Pro Cap

Universal Cap

Soft Cap

Fat Pink Cap

Hardcore Medium Cap

Needle Cap

Super Fat Cap

Astro Fat Cap

Skinny line 2 cm Ø / 1.1 in.

Medium line 2,5 cm Ø / 1.4 in.

Medium line 3 cm Ø / 1.2 in.

Medium line 3 cm Ø / 1.2 in.

Medium line 3 cm Ø / 1.2 in.

Medium fat line 3,6 cm Ø / 1 in.

Fat line 5 cm Ø / 1.8 in.

Wide and defined lines 6 cm Ø / 2 in.

Lines from a distance 2 cm Ø / 1 in.

Fat line 8 cm Ø / 2.8 in.

Very fat line 12 cm Ø / 3 in.

Hardcore Fat Cap

NY Cap Fat

Lego Cap

Transversal Cap

Transversal Fat Cap

Transfer Cap

Fat line 12,5 cm Ø / 3 in.

Fat line 5 cm Ø / 1.9 in.

Medium line 5 cm Ø / 3 in.

“Calligraphy” line 4,5 cm Ø / 1.2 in.

“Calligraphy” line 9 cm Ø / 3.5 in.

Paint extractor 2,5 cm Ø / 1.2 in.


POLAND ON WHEELS Warsaw - the capital of Poland, we have here some of the oldest and most beautiful commuter trains in Europe. The end of the 90s was ‘golden era’ of graffscene - but after the buff its unfortunately passed away. New coloration of our trains began new era of no tolerance to graffiti on trains. Nevertheless, year after year the activity of writers does not decrease. KM (commuter company) use best efforts to fight with graffiti, new cameras, sensors, photo-traps and train-police ambushes it’s quite normal here right now, but local wariors don’t give up! Today in Warsaw a lot of panels and wholecars is running!

NEW COLORS AVAILABLE RV 3001 Rojo Vivo Vivid Red


RV 219 Verde París Paris Green


Plata Silver


R 9011 Negro Black


R 9010 Blanco Divinidad Divinity White

RV 1021 Amarillo Claro Light Yellow


RV 216 Violeta Anonymous Anonymous Violet RV 30

Azul Eléctrico Electric Blue

Designed to fill large surfaces at high speed, it can also be used to paint enormous sized typography.


Featuring: Snur, Ego, Phick, Dior, Lokal, Rats, Claro, Diego, Erot, Goal, Ziber, Halun & Shot

Water Based Markers, Paint & Packs

STREET INK Markers, Dabbers & Refills

Water-based marker range and refill cartridges that are ideal for artwork, crafts, and fine arts. They are fully compatible with our Water Based spray paint, as well as with most fine arts products (acrylics and solvent-based Montana Colors aerosols).

Multipurpose ink available in marker, dabber, and refill bottle format. Its chemical composition makes it especially resistant to sunlight and wear. Available in two colors; red and black.


Range of refillable markers and Dabbers. The tips and valve system components are totally compatible with the new Water Based paint and with the Montana Colors Street ink and paint range.

MTN Books

MTN Books are ideal for colouring and sketching with pencil, pen, or any type of marker, including water or alcohol based markers.


DABBER 30 10 mm / 0.4 in.

140x89 mm

DABBER 90 18 mm / 0.7 in.

ULTRA FINE 0,8 mm / 0.031 in.

EXTRA FINE 1,2 mm / 0.047 in.



148x210 mm

210x148 mm

FINE 3 mm / 0.11 in.

MEDIUM 5 mm / 0.19 in.

WB 3 Pack

WB 8 Pack Fine & Medium

WB 20 Pack Fine & Medium

Fine & Medium

The STREET PAINT line is dedicated to graffiti writers who need opaque paint with bright, resistant colors. Available in marker, dabber, and 200ml bottle format for refilling or mixing colors.

CHISEL 4-8 mm / 0.15-0.3 in.

ROUND 10 mm / 0.39 in.

SQUARE 15 mm / 0.59 in.



210x297 mm

210x297 mm

MONTANA SHOP FLAGSHIP STORES AMSTERDAM St Antoniebreestraat 136, 1011 HB Amsterdam - BANGKOK 939 Rama 1 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 - BARCELONA - EL BORN Comerç 6, 08003 Barcelona - BARCELONA - GRÀCIA Carrer de les Guilleries 28, 08012 Barcelona - BRUSSELS Rue de la madeleine 19, 1000 Bruxelles - CAPE TOWN 167 Longmarket Street, Cape Town 8001 South Africa - ISTANBUL Dolapdere Caddesi Ekinci Plaza 223-A, 34375 Istanbul - KUALA LUMPUR 11B Medan Imbi,Off Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) - MONTANA COLORS S.L C/ Anaïs Nin 12, P.I. Plà de les Vives.

KUALA LUMPUR 11B Medan Imbi,Off Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) - LOS ANGELES Montana Shop LA. 800 E 4th Street. Los Angeles CA 90013 - LIMA Calle bolivar 161, semisótano 3 - Miraflores - MADRID Caballero de gracia 9, 28013 Madrid - MARSEILLE 81 Cours Lieutaud - 13006 Marseille - MEXICO DF Puebla #152-A. México D.F. Colonia Roma. Sub: Insurgentes - MONTPELLIER Rue d’Alger 11, 34000 Montpellier - MONTREAL 2817, rue Ontario Est Montréal (Québec) H2K 1X5 -

08295 Sant Vicenç de Castellet. BARCELONA - Spain T. (+34) 93 833 27 60 - - Graffiti Blog:

NOTTINGHAM 6 Goose gate-Hockney. Nottingham - PUEBLA 7 oriente #3 Col. Centro (Puebla, Puebla – México) - QUITO Av. El Inca y las Gardenias 1000 170503 Quito RIO DE JANEIRO Rua Conde de Bonfim, 346. Subsolo - L. 107 Tijuca Rio de Janeiro - SANTIAGO Av. Providencia 2237 - Loc. p47 (e/ Ric. Lyon y Suecia). Santiago, Metropolitana - 7510089 - SÃO PAULO Av. Sâo Joâo 439 Subsolo. Sâo Paulo - SEVILLA Amor de Dios nº 15. 41002 Sevilla - TOKYO Information / Contact:



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