Mtrading brandbook

Page 1

Standards & Guidelines September 2013



Our Brand

Who is our customer? Rookie Traders Experienced Traders Savvy Traders Who we are? Our Purpose Copy and Tone of Voice

Our Look and Feel

Imagery and Design

4 5 6 7 8 8 9 11

Our logo

What it means 12 Clearspace 13 Sizes 14 positioning 15 Logo variations 16 Prohibited use of the logo 17 Primary Colour pallete 18 Secondary Colour pallete 19 Recommended backgrounds 20 Pattern 21 Colour ratio 22

Charts and Tables Piechart & Graph Default table


Heading typography Body typography Typography style

Written Communications Written communications

Corner decoration

Corner position Corner decorations on photos

Product Taglines Product Taglines

28 29 30


Typography style 31 People 32 Lifestyle 34 Landscape 36 Products 38 Analytics 40

Office Supplies

Office Supplies



Signage 43

23 24 25 25 26 28


OUR BRAND WHO IS OUR CUSTOMER? “Our aim is to know and understand our customers so well that our products and services fit perfectly and sells itself.” In any interaction, the key to great relationships is fully understanding and knowing who you’re talking to. Whatever the level of trading they’re at, knowing why, how, where and when a customer trades is important. Only then can we effectively communicate our message to them.

4 Our brand

ROOKIE TRADERS Forex traders who are new to the market and looking for new investment opportunities. Forex could be their first foray into investment, or could be part of their expanding portfolio. Whatever the case, novice traders are inquisitive, cautious and need expert guidance through the exciting world of trading. Trading experience:

<100 orders (demo or real)

Risk awareness:


Platform and trading knowledge:


FX market knowledge:


Level of trading guidance needed:


Level of service required:

Above average knowledge of the Forex market

Our brand 5

EXPERIENCED TRADERS With a few years of trading under their belt, experienced traders know what they want. They are typically smart and ambitious entrepreneurs exploring business opportunities. They are knowledgeable of the latest trading strategies and use market trends and analytics in their trades. Experienced traders expect efficient systems to support their trades. Trading experience:

>100 orders (real)

Risk awareness:


Platform and trading knowledge:


FX market knowledge:


Level of trading guidance needed:


Level of service/staff required:

Advance level of expertise in trading and understanding of market conditions

6 Our brand

SAVVY TRADERS Typically high-income earners and investment savvy traders who may be dealing with stocks and mutual funds. They are fascinated by trading and find the speed of execution exhilarating. Available leverage, fast response and quick turnaround is important to them.

Trading experience:

From basic to advanced

Risk awareness:

High. With only certain technical parameters considered as important e.g. stop-out and leverage

Platform and trading knowledge:


FX market knowledge:


Level of trading guidance needed:


Level of service required:

High level of knowledge required for technical and operational support

Our brand 7



MTrading stands for Knowledge, Confidence, Innovation and Empowerment. We equip traders with knowledge and the latest trading tools available, coupled with innovative products and services, to empower them to make intelligent trading decisions.

To bring a lifestyle of financial independence through intelligent and thoughtful trading.

Our Personality • • •

Confident, informed, tech-savvy and future-oriented Open, honest and willing to go the extra mile Current and aware of latest trends

8 Our brand

What we value? • • •

Integrity Innovation and technology Openness and sincerity

COPY AND TONE OF VOICE Represented through verbal and written communications, the MTrading copy and tone of voice is how we are recognized and distinguished in the market.

Delivered through offline channels like print collaterals, signages, client interactions, and online channels like websites, online ads, emails, presentations, etc. We should be: • • •

Smart Confident Engaging

• • •

Honest Human Sincere

External Communications Show that you are an expert

All the information can be found on our website.

Based on your description, I would recommend our standard account to start with.

Be helpful

“No reply”

I apologize but I am currently engaged with another client. But my colleague will help you/ I can call you back in 30 mins.

Do not use jargons

Addressing a non-IT audience: The page looks weird, as CSS is hosted on netDNA servers. We should add the file to our root folder.

We are experiencing technical issues with our servers. I will replace the code manually to resolve the issue.

Use clear and direct correspondence

Thank you for taking time to share your experience from the onset of intending to try trading FOREX til deciding to trade with Admiral Markets.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Forex. I am happy to answer your questions.

Avoid gambling references

Forex is just like poker, except that everyone has an equal hand.

Knowing when to buy or sell currency involves knowledge and understanding of the market.

Empower and encourage

Forex is too complicated and risky.

With the right training and tools, Forex can be profitable and rewarding.

Promote MTrading in a positive light

MTrading is a Forex provider.

MTrading has key presence in the Asia Pacific Rim and the Emerging Markets of Africa and South America.

Our brand 9

Internal Communications Be specific

The page is all wrong!

The image used on the page is wrong. It’s not appropriate for use on this country’s website.

Do not use jargons

Addressing a non-IT audience: The page looks weird, as CSS is hosted on netDNA servers. We should add the file to our root folder.

We are experiencing techincal issues with our servers. I will replace the code manually to resolve the issue.

Use facts to support claims

Our sales have increased.

Our net deposits have increased by 25.8% over the last 3 months compared with the same period last year.

Share information and ideas

If I tell you my strategy, then I’ll have to come up with a new one.

Here’s a great article I found. I’ll post it on Wiki so that everyone can learn from it.

Be positive

Sales are down and we’re losing people. What’s the point?

We have an excellent team supporting our product and service offerings. We can do this!

Be polite and respectful

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see it’s not that complicated!

Can you clarify why the system cannot support the changes I requested?

Be open and show genuine interest

Sorry, what did you say you did over the weekend again?

Glad to know you had a good weekend. It was great beach weather wasn’t it?

10 Our brand

OUR LOOK AND FEEL IMAGERY AND DESIGN This section will cover the core visual elements that are essential to our brand: the logo, the typeface, colour palletes, imagery, graphics and more. As MTrading, we portray ourselves as: •

Bold: Dare to explore, think outside the box, and go beyond one’s comfort zone

Ownable colour: Fresh and aspirational colors with striking color accents

Premium: Aspirational imagery denoting a financially secure lifestyle

Deliberate: Success is in the details. Precision.

Contemporary: Innovation, technology, latest trends

Our look and feel 11

OUR LOGO WHAT IT MEANS The MTrading logo is made up of three key elements: the letter “M”, triangles and the purple colour. Each element is distinct and significant to the identity of the MTrading brand.

The Letter “M” M • • •

stands for motivate, mobilize and manage. Motivate people to trade Forex. Mobilize the best tools to equip traders. Manage relationships with customers and their expectations.

Triangles Like pieces of a puzzle, the interconnecting triangles represent the intricacies of Forex. Whether it’s having the right trading conditions, tools or information, MTrading connects all the pieces together and makes everything fit into place. Giving our customers a full and complete trading experience.

Purple Combining the dynamism of Red and the calmness of Blue, Purple is recognized as the colour of good judgment, a character trait that is crucial for any trader. Purple is also the colour of royalty. Representing how we treat our customers... like royalty.

12 Our logo


CLEARSPACE Clear space frames the logo, separating it from other elements such as headlines, text, imagery and the outside edge of printed materials. The X equals to the height of the letter “M� in the text. The clear space indicated is the minimum. The X of the logo without typography should equal the X of the secondary logo composition.







x x


01. Primary logo composition













03. Logo without typography


02. Secondary logo composition


Our logo 13


On screen

In print

The minimum logo width for web pages and applications is 100px or 55px. Considering the screen’s pixel density is 72 PPI, the optimum width should be 150px or 60px

The minimum logo width for print is 40mm or 30mm. The optimal width for A4 print is 45mm or 35mm.





The minimum sizes described above does include clear space. The minimum sizes described above are applicable for displays of 72 PPI. If the display screens have higher PPI (e.g. retina), minimum sizes should be adapted proportionally.

14 Our logo

POSITIONING The logo in printed and online media should preferably be aligned to the right. Both primary and secondary logo variations may be used on documents. Alternatively, it is possible to align the logo to the left if necessary.

Right-Top position of the logo

Right-bottom position of the logo

Our logo 15

LOGO VARIATIONS The logo can be published in four variants: A. The default colour version on white background. It is prohibited to use the default colour version of the logo on any other backgrounds except white.





B. The greyscale version on white or light background. It is prohibited to use the greyscale version of the logo on any other backgrounds except the light ones. C. The solid colour logo on a white background with no halftones. The colour of the “M” and the text must be identical. D. The white solid colour logo on a dark background with no halftones. The colour of the “M” and the text must be identical. The MTrading logo should only be reproduced from master artwork which is available on Admiral Wiki or can be provided by the Marketing Department.

16 Our logo

PROHIBITED USE OF THE LOGO A. It is pohibited to change the alignment of the “M� to the text. B. It is pohibited to change the colours of the logo.







C. It is prohibited to scale the logo. D. It is pohibited to change the font of the logo. E. It is prohibited to place the default colour version of the logo on any other backgrounds except white. F. It is prohibited to place the logo on complex backgrounds.

Our logo 17


1 PANTONE: P 94-8 C CMYK: 80 97 26 13 RGB: 83 44 108 WEB: 532c6c

4 PANTONE: P 88-7 C CMYK: 42 86 0 0 RGB: 157 71 155 WEB: 9d479b

7 PANTONE: P 80-11 C CMYK: 8 59 0 7 RGB: 208 123 171 WEB: d07bab

18 Our logo

2 PANTONE: P 92-7 C CMYK: 58 91 0 24 RGB: 105 44 121 WEB: 692c79

5 PANTONE: P 83-7 C CMYK: 31 87 0 0 RGB: 177 69 153 WEB: b14599

8 PANTONE: P 27-10 C CMYK: 0 23 36 5 RGB: 239 192 155 WEB: efc09b

3 PANTONE: P 91-7 C CMYK: 56 88 0 0 RGB: 133 67 153 WEB: 854399

Colour 1

Colour 3

Colour 7

Colour 6

Colour 7

Colour 9

6 PANTONE: P 80-6 C CMYK: 11 81 0 0 RGB: 215 85 159 WEB: d7559f

9 PANTONE: P 17-1 C CMYK: 0 10 22 0 RGB: 254 229 198 WEB: fee5c6


10 Pantone: 2935 C CMYK: 100 68 4 0 RGB: 0 85 183 WEB: 0055b7

14 Pantone: 306 C CMYK: 81 3 5 0 RGB: 0 178 226 WEB: 00b2e2

18 Pantone: 3125 C CMYK: 94 2 22 0 RGB: 0 171 199 WEB: 00abc7

11 Pantone: 3272 C CMYK: 100 3 50 0 RGB: 0 161 154 WEB: 00a19a

15 Pantone: 335 C CMYK: 100 26 74 13 RGB: 0 121 95 WEB: 00795f

19 Pantone: 358 C CMYK: 34 0 57 0 RGB: 172 218 144 WEB: acda90

12 Pantone: 1215 C CMYK: 1 15 66 0 RGB: 254 214 113 WEB: fed671

16 Pantone: 144 C CMYK: 2 54 100 0 RGB: 243 138 0 WEB: f38a00

20 Pantone: 1665 C CMYK: 6 87 100 1 RGB: 226 67 1 WEB: e24301

13 Pantone: White CMYK: 0 0 0 0 RGB: 255 255 255 WEB: ffffff

17 Pantone: Cool Gray 6 C CMYK: 35 29 28 0 RGB: 169 168 169 WEB: a9a8a9

21 Pantone: Black 6 C CMYK: 81 71 59 76 RGB: 16 24 31 WEB: 10181f

Our logo 19

RECOMMENDED BACKGROUNDS You can use both solid and gradient backgrounds with the colours from the corporate primary colour palette.

Color 1

Color White

Gradient 1

Gradient 2

20 Our logo


Chromatic Version

Achromatic Version

Achromatic Version with Logo

Our logo 21

COLOUR RATIO Use the pie chart to guide you in balancing core and highlight colours in MTrading branded materials. •

Use our core colours for a consistent platform that allows other design elements.

Case by case, colour ratio depends on the individual application.

Use the ratio pie chart to make sure you’re balancing our colours correctly.




50% 15%


22 Our logo


25% Ullamco laboris 10% Nostrud exercitation 15% Adipisicing 65% Eiusmod tempor

PIECHART & GRAPH Use only solid colours for graphs or charts. No gradient, 3D effects, distortion or any other effects are allowed. Use only the corporate colour palette for graphs and charts.

Pie chart (You can also use other colours from corporate colour palette)

25% Ullamco laboris 10% Nostrud exercitation 15% Adipisicing 65% Eiusmod tempor

Graph (You can also use other colours from corporate colour palette)

Charts and Tables 23

DEFAULT TABLE The minimum distance between the cell’s border and the text within is 7px. You can use the corporate colour palette for the tables. If you use a dark background colour for the table, the borders must be white or absolutely absent.






















Default table

24 Charts and Tables



The Mtrading primary typeface for headings, titles and straplines on printed and online materials is Gotham.

One of MTrading’s primary typefaces is Open Sans. The MTrading primary typeface for body text on printed and online materials is Open Sans. Open Sans is the typeface to use on all documents where Gotham font is unavailable or inappropriate. It prevents the documents from being reflowed and displayed in random default typefaces. Typical applications include letters, presentations, websites and documents.

NB! Please note that it is not permitted to use this typeface for body text. If you can’t see Gotham font in your language, please use Open Sans as primary typeface.

Gotham ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 (&?$!) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 (&?$!) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 (&?$!)

Open SansSS ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 (&?$!) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 (&?$!) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 (&?$!)

Typography 25

TYPOGRAPHY STYLE The preferred colour for a Strapline or a Heading is “Colour 1”. But it can also appear in white when displayed on a dark background.

Headings Gotham Bold


Introduction Gotham Book

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Subheadings Open Sans Bold

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Body Open Sans Regular

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate.

26 Typography

Bullet style Open Sans Regular

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Quote Open Sans italic

“Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.”

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit.



Envelope 220x110mm



Font-size 8pt 90mm


DieSachbearbeiter Schรถnhauser Allee 167c 10435 Berlin Germany +49 30 47373795


DieSachbearbeiter Schรถnhauser Allee 167c 10435 Berlin Germany +49 30 47373795

DieSachbearbeiter Schรถnhauser Allee 167c 10435 Berlin Germany +49 30 47373795





25.5mm Hello John Doe Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia 25.5mm consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?



Longname Longsurname Junior Sales Manager




Business Card 88.9x50.8mm



Title: GothamBold - 10pt Subtitle: Gotham Book - 7pt Body: Open Sans - 7pt

+372 200 555 55 +372 200 555 55 Ahtri 6A, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia A-korpus, 5 korrus Mtrading LTD 7mm

Document A4 Format Font-size 9pt

Written communications 27

CORNER DECORATION CORNER POSITION These elements were created to make the MTrading brand recognizable in offline and online media. They must always be located in the corners and may be combined with photos. The height of the decoration must amount to at least 40% of the height of the page.

Left top

Left bottom

28 Corner decoration

Right top

Right bottom

CORNER DECORATIONS ON PHOTOS Apply “multiply” blend mode and 100% opacity on the corner decoration when you place it over a photo.

Corner decoration 29

PRODUCT TAGLINES Our trading accounts is core to our product offerings. To better promote these accounts, its value and proposition needs to be well communicated. Outlined below are taglines that can be used to communicate and advertise the products. It is encouraged to use these taglines to promote the products.




• • • •

• • • •

• • • •

Your trading essentials The solid choice Forex. Metals. Indices 71 instruments. 1:500. 10$ start

ECN. 0,1 pips. 29 instruments Lightning-fast execution Supreme Trading Conditions FX at its Best

MT5. NDD. 52 pairs Five star trading The new trading era The evolution of trading




• • •

• • • •

• • • •

Stocks. Metals. Indices Your personal stock exchange 1000 Equities. 1:10 leverage. Endless opportunities Leveraged Equities Trading

30 Product taglines

Solid. Precious. Eternal Your personal vault Classic, yet exciting Trader’s jewellery

Try. Learn. Master Practice makes perfect On the safe side Your experiential learning tool


TYPOGRAPHY STYLE MTrading uses photography to communicate the brand with our audience. Hence, both in-house and purchased stock imagery must comply with the following: •

Proper ownership of artwork copyright

Photos used must be of high quality





Photography 31

PEOPLE A. Use only professional studio photos. B. Subjects must be dressed appropriately in business wear. Do not use photos with people casually dressed in T-shirts, sweats, caps or othe head gear. C. People on the photos must have a positive facial expression. No negative emotions. D. The background must either be solid or blurred. E. Use the Rule of Thirds (http:// thirds).

32 Photography

Don’t take photos outdoor with natural light.

No photos in t-shirts, hoodies, caps and other casual wear

Do not use cluttered backgrounds.

Use only professional photos shot in a studio. No mugshots allowed.

No angry poses or expressions.

Do not use any effects.

Photography 33

LIFESTYLE These rules apply to stock photos. A. People on the photo must be in reallife situations. B. People on the photo must look natural. No artificial poses. C. Use only professional photos. D. Use the Rule of Thirds (http:// thirds).

34 Photography

Do not use elderly looking subjects.

Do not use fashion shots or sexy imagery

Avoid clichĂŠ and people looking directly at the camera.

Do not use animals.

Do not use funny or crazy pictures.

Do not use photos with too many people

Photography 35

LANDSCAPE These rules apply to stock photos. A. The landscape on the photos must be relevant and applicable to the region/country where it will be displayed B. Use the Rule of Thirds (http:// thirds).

36 Photography

Do not use photos depicting bad weather and gloomy skies.

Do not use landscapes with people in artificial poses.

Do not use landscapes with any effects.

Do not use landscapes with curved horizon.

Use only professional photos.

Do not use landscapes with very vivid colours.

Photography 37

PRODUCTS These rules apply both to stock photos and to in-house photos. A. The item(s) must look contemporary and of good quality. B. The item(s) must be associated with a business-like environment. C. The item(s) must be in focus and blend well with the background. D. The item(s) must be easily recognizable.

38 Photography

Do not use items with logos of other brands.

Do not use old-fashioned items.

Do not use toys.

The photo’s central item must always be in focus. Do not use blurred photos.

The item must not be the only one on the photo. It must be placed within the context of its surroundings.

Do not use too detailed close-up photos. The item must be recognizable.

Photography 39

ANALYTICS These rules apply to stock photos. A. The graphs/charts must be clear for the viewer. B. The graphs/charts must contain a small number of elements that are easy to read. C. Preferably use “positive� trend graphs, i.e. in an upward direction.

40 Photography

Avoid clichĂŠ stock images.

Do not use 3D graphs/charts.

Do not use toy-like imagery

Do not use complex backgrounds.

Do not use graphs/charts overloaded with elements and hard to understand.

Do not apply any effects to the graphs/charts.

Photography 41


42 Office Supplies








A. If the wall surface is made of brick or stone, or has a visible texture, the logo must be placed on a panel to provide an appropriate level of contrast. Please note that the 2X measurment on the panel must be equal to the height of the “M� multiplied by 2. B. Preview with other background. C. There should be a distance of 160cm in between the floor and the centre of the logo. D. If the logo is placed on the wall beside the door, then place it on the side where the door opens.

160 cm


160 cm


Signage 43

The content shown within this brand book is an overview provided for the use of MTrading design teams and agencies only. An online version of this brand book is available at: Current MTrading logo art and campaign graphics for print and web, as well as individual company identity materials, are available for download at the MTrading Corporate Media Page. Although we have attempted to cover the majority of identity and brand reproduction instances, this document does not cover all situations. Inquiries about specific situations that are not addressed by these guidelines, as well as other requests for creative and design support, should be addressed to the Global Marketing Quality Assurance Manager. This guide will be continually updated to reflect the latest standards and guidelines, so check the MTrading corporate media page before beginning new projects. You can request information about our Corporate Media Page from your Regional Marketing Project Manager. All use of MTrading assets must be sent to the Global Marketing Quality Assurance Manager for approval.

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