Key Tips to Improve Diagnostic Radiology Report Turnaround Times Medical transcription companies focus on providing radiologists with accurate radiology reports in short TAT.
For any hospitals or clinics, the accurate interpretation of imaging studies and appropriate reporting of the findings is important for patient management. Radiology transcription is crucial for practices to get accurate and timely radiology reports and improve workflow. These reports contain high quality images, details about clinical presentation, diagnostic impression, examination procedure, and details about contrast administration. Report turnaround time (TAT) is a critical element in diagnostic radiology as delays in reporting affect all stakeholders – the radiologist, referring provider, patient, and administrator. Here are top strategies that experts recommend to improve radiology TAT:
Improving radiology practice workflow helps improve TAT and wrkflow.
Evaluate department workflow and activities and make changes to reduce TAT
Implement an efficient RIS/PACS system with well-integrated tools, such as speech, intelligent display protocols, 3D visualization and more
Fix any paper-based processes that can cause delays and create a standard set of instructions for different reading situations
Use data to support potential investment in new hardware, software, or personnel
Train physicians to efficiently use systems for managing and sharing any information and make sure that PAC system can support increasing workloads
Ensure proper study prioritization and check whether separating PACS administration from RIS administration can save time
To help radiologists generate reports in a timely manner, referring physicians need to be educated on ranking ordered studies based on a patient’s condition or care
Limit any distractions that impact the report directly, such as phone calls or face-to-face reading room visits
Implement new technology options such as artificial intelligence (AI), structured reporting and voice recognition to eliminate time-consuming tasks in radiology.
To ensure accuracy, imaging reports can be sent for proofreading and editing to a reliable medical transcription company. Turnaround times for reports also differ. While some tests such as chest X-rays or CT scans for brain bleeds require 15 minutes to interpret, others take a longer time to read. TAT in radiology reporting is even more critical in the emergency department (ED). With the transition to a value-based care model, improving TAT has become an important goal for radiology departments.