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All You Want to Know About the Clark Fork Environmental Cleanup. !"#$%&'#$%(")*#+,*-%.-/0")1'2%3#'4#"5%6% 78*9:;#4
!"#$!#%&'#()*&#+,*-' It is hard to grasp the full meaning when one hears the following: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Upper Clark Fork River basin from Butte to Missoula is the largest complex of Superfund sites in America.â&#x20AC;? This publication will guide citizens in their basic understanding of this statement in the following ways: For starters, it means a lot. Just the massive size alone makes the Upper Clark Fork basin Superfund complex a complicated animal to understand â&#x20AC;&#x201C; over 20,000 square miles make up the watershed from Butte to Missoula. Within this area are literally, dozens of individual cleanup sites. Each site has its own project managers, cleanup designs and schedules. Add to these issues a jumble of state and federal acronyms, standards and legal distinctions and definitions, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got a mess almost as daunting as the one thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s being cleaned up! A two-page spread in the publicationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s center includes a map of the entire watershed from Butte to Missoula. Also included on the center spread is a timeline that tracks important events. The timeline begins in the late 1800s when historical damages first began to occur in the Upper Clark Fork; it extends into the future, based on anticipated dates of cleanup and long-term treatment and management. Lastly, the center map of the watershed is further divided into four smaller areas, named for the largest community
By Matt Vincent Cfwep.Org Director Cfwep.Org: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Teaching Science Education @ Your Location!â&#x20AC;? After months of careful thought and deliberation, the Clark Fork Watershed Education Program is proud and excited to unveil our organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new nameâ&#x20AC;Ś Cfwep.Org. Following is an introduction to our new image, which includes some answers to the burning questions you may have: How do you pronounce it? !!"# $%!&# '()*# +()),-# &./01234# but we arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t concerned. Cfwep.Org prides itself in being a regional leader in place-based education. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what we do and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s who we are, regardless of how awkward the name might sound. After all, what local watershed organization 013#1)#15/'),6#7017#/'883#'++#70.#7')9(.-# The BHWC (Big Hole Watershed Com6:77..;-# <=%<# ></1):7.# =.1*?17./3# %17./30.*#</'(2;-#@A%B#>@:8C#A:D./# %17./30.*# B88:1)5.;-# E0./.# F(37# :3)G7# one. Cfwep.Org epitomizes the sound of place-based education, regardless of location. We talk the talk, but more importantly, we walk the walk. What is Cfwep.Org? Our new name is simply our old acronym with the added tag â&#x20AC;&#x153;dot Org,â&#x20AC;? to automatically direct our constituents
in that area: (1) Butte; (2) Anaconda; (3) Deer Lodge; and (4) Missoula. Each one of these areas is covered in further detail in the corresponding sections of the guide. Each local section of the guide includes: t " CSJFG PWFSWJFX BOE EFTDSJQUJPO PG FBDI cleanup site within the area (some areas, like Butte and Anaconda, have several sites) t #BTJD JOGPSNBUJPO PO UIF BSFB BOE TJUFT present and future cleanup status; and t " EJSFDUPSZ PG JOEJWJEVBMT BOE HSPVQT in charge for each site that citizens may contact for more information and site updates. Above all, everything in the guide is very important. There are hundreds of millions of dollars already spent on the cleanup and even more to come. As citizens of our communities, we have the great opportunity to get involved to help improve our future and our environment. We also have a responsibility to ourselves, our children, our grandchildren and so on.
If you need assistance using this guide, or have questions about a particular section, please feel comfortable contacting us, the Clark Fork Watershed Education Program (Cfwep.Org), either online at www.cfwep.org, via email info@cfwep. org, telephone 406-496-4832 or come visit us on the campus of Montana Tech of the University of Montana, Main Hall 008, 1300 West Park Street in Butte. There are also numerous groups and individuals whose contact information is listed for specific clean up areas.
This document is designed to allow an individual to gain a basic understanding of everything he/she wants to know about the Superfund cleanup process in the Upper Clark Fork Basin. Included within are: t " CSPBE IJTUPSJDBM PWFSWJFX PG UIF FOUJSF BSFB BOE JUT EBNBHFT t " NBQ BOE UJNFMJOF UP QVU UIF EBNBHFT JO QFSTQFDUJWF t *OEJWJEVBM EFTDSJQUJPOT PG DMFBOVQ TJUFT t $POUBDU JOGPSNBUJPO GPS BHFODJFT JOEJWJEVBMT BOE HSPVQT involved in the cleanup. t " OVNCFS PG 4VQFSGVOE BOE DMFBOVQ SFMBUFE EFÄ&#x2022;OJUJPOT UP help one navigate the guide. Citizens can use this as a guide and directory in their basic understanding of the Upper Clark Fork cleanup in the following ways: t 5P QSPWJEF B DMFBS EFÄ&#x2022;OJUJPO PG DMFBOVQ PO UIF MBSHFS TDBMF PG UIF entire Upper Clark Fork River, from its headwaters in Butte to its confluence with the Blackfoot River near Missoula. t 0O UIF MPDBM TDBMF UP DMFBSMZ EFÄ&#x2022;OF BOE EFTDSJCF JOEJWJEVBM DMFBOVQ sites near the specific communities of Butte, Anaconda, Deer Lodge and Missoula.
.)!#*&#/0"'123456 and prospective clients directly to our dynamic website, and to impress upon the same that we are â&#x20AC;&#x153;on lineâ&#x20AC;? and with the 21st century of education and technology. Therefore, the acronym still stands for Clark Fork Watershed Education Program. Cfwep.Org is an apoliti5184# )')H1*D'515,4# )')H2/'I7# '/91):J17:')#1+I8:17.*#?:70#@')71)1#E.50#'+#70.# K):D./3:7,#'+#@')71)1#1)*#70.#@')71)1# Tech Foundation in Butte. We are housed in and part of the Department of Techni518#L(7/.150#')#@')71)1#E.50G3#5162(3M# # %.# /.5.:D.# 1# 61F'/:7,# '+# '(/# +()*ing through a contract with the State of @')71)1HN.21/76.)7# '+# O(37:5.G3# P17(/18#A.3'(/5.#N1619.#&/'9/164#70.#9'Dernment entity charged with leading and managing the restoration of the Upper Q81/C#$'/C#A:D./#R13:)# (2./+()*#5'6plex. We are dedicated to fostering environ6.)718# 37.?1/*30:2# 1)*# 35:.)7:I5# *.5:sion making through place-based learning. To further instill this mission, we have added the tagline, â&#x20AC;&#x153;teaching science education at your location!â&#x20AC;?
serving the schools and communities in the Upper Clark Fork Superfund complex. We continue to excel in this area, but have expanded to serve schools and communities on both sides of the Continental Divide and across west./)#@')71)1M What is NOT Cfwep.Org? B91:)4# ?.# 1/.# PLE# 1# political nor advocacy group. While our name is similar, we are not the Watershed Educa7:')#P.7?'/C#>%!P;#'/# the Clark Fork Coalition '+# @:33'(814# 1870'(90# we regularly work with both.
Clark Fork Watershed Education Program "Teaching Science Education @ Your Location."
Contact us with questions at Cfwep.Org or (406) 496-4832
Cfwep.Org started in 2005 as a placebased science education organization
!"#$%&!'$()*#+!*&!),%!-..%#!/01#2!3*#2!4$5%#!"1($6 Many things have changed in the Upper
$MBSL 'PSL TJODF OPO *OEJBOT CFHBO PDDVpying its regions in the mid-1800s. Agriculture, timber, transportation, railroads and the advent of cities resulted in big environmental changes. However, it is the impacts from the Anaconda Companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mining and smelting operations that are the only focus of the Superfund cleanup. The exact details of the Anaconda Companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impacts are further described in the Remediation and Restoration sections, but first it is important to revisit what the areas around here were like before UIF EBNBHF *O PSEFS UP SFstore, we must first recallâ&#x20AC;Ś Ä&#x2021;F $POGFEFSBUFE 4BMJTI ,PPUFOBJ 5SJCFT were the original people to live here, beginning some 15,000 years ago after the last ice age. Their place names for locations are perhaps the best descriptions of what the watershed once looked like. The Silver Bow Creek area near Butte was known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;the place where you shoot them in the head.â&#x20AC;? This place name was in reference to the vast numbers of native bull trout and westslope cutthroat that were so plentiful they could be harvested with a bow and arrow. The area where the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers meet at the site of the former Milltown Dam near Missoula was called â&#x20AC;&#x153;the place of the big bull trout.â&#x20AC;? For thousands of generations, these places remained largely unchanged. Fast forward to more recent timesâ&#x20AC;Ś Gold was discovered in Silver Bow Creek OFBS #VUUF JO BOE NJOJOH CFHBO By the 1880s, gold and silver mining had been replaced by copper, the metal that gave Butte its name, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Richest Hill on Earth.â&#x20AC;? America had entered the electrical industrial a g e , a n d copper was its most d e mande d commodity. Butte entered its â&#x20AC;&#x153;war of the copper k i n g sâ&#x20AC;? e r a . 5 I F copper kings: William A. Clark, Augustus Heinze and Marcus Daly, controlled an underground mining workforce of thousands. Miles and miles of tunnels and shafts were EVH EFFQFS BOE EFFQFS 5POT BOE UPOT PG ore were processed on a daily basis, producing pounds and pounds of copper. The copper was exported to electrify America
The raging waters carried away bridges, barns, homes and waste. Millions and millions of tons of mining wastes washed out of Butte and Anaconda and were laid down across thousand and thousands of acres of the floodplains of Silver Bow Creek and the Clark Fork River. William A. Clarkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newly built Milltown Dam at the confluence of the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers held back the majority of wastes, saving the Missoula valley floor. Everything upstream was ravaged. After the flood waters subsided, business as usual continued. Marcus Daly EJFE JO CVU the company he founded, Anaconda, lived on to win the war of the copper kings. The Anaconda Company grew and grew; so did the cities of Butte and Anaconda. And so did the mess. Anacondaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s copper production process covered the following bases:
across at its base. â&#x20AC;&#x161;â&#x20AC;&#x161; t Ä&#x2021;F DPQQFS GSPN "OBDPOEB XBT UIFO shipped to the Anaconda Companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s refinery in Great Falls. Here, the copper was purified and manufactured into wire, sheeting, piping, etc. As parU PG UIF #FSLFMFZ 1JU PQFSBUJPOT B new concentrator was constructed in Butte that replaced the old one in Anaconda by The federal Clean Air Act was passed in DBMMJOH GPS DPTUMZ JNQSPWFNFOUT UP the smelting operations in Anaconda. Ä&#x2021;F $MFBO 8BUFS "DU QBTTFE JO BOE required treatment of waters leaving the new concentrator in Butte, adding addi-
tional costs. *O UIF "OBDPOEB $PNQBOZ TPME BOE transferred everything â&#x20AC;&#x201C; including its environmental liability â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to oil giant Atlantic Richfield Corporation, better known as "3$0 "3$0 DMPTFE UIF "OBDPOEB TNFMUFS JO UIF TBNF ZFBS UIBU UIF 4VQFSfund law was born. and other parts of the world. But the tons Ä&#x2021;F #FSLFMFZ 1JU FOEFE PQFSBUJPOT JO and tons of waste stayed in the Upper Clark and its underground pumps were shut off Fork, spread throughout the water, air and JO UIF TBNF ZFBS UIBU UIF DPNQMFY soil. Forests were cleared of trees. Railroads of Upper Clark Fork Superfund sites was were connected from coast to coast. Rivers CPSO "MTP JO UIF 4UBUF PG .POUBOB Ä&#x2022;MFE B NBTTJWF MBXTVJU BHBJOTU "3$0 GPS past environmental damages to our natural t 0SF XBT NJOFE JO #VUUF 'PS NPTU PG UIF resources and the publicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lost use of them. life of the company, the mining method was Both the Superfund law and the State of underground. As the amount of copper in .POUBOB W "3$0 MBXTVJU BSF EFTDSJCFE JO Butteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ore body decreased, the deep mines their own section. QSPWFE UPP DPTUMZ 0QFSBUJPOT TIJÄ&#x2122;FE UP UIF surface with open pit mining. The Berkeley The Upper Clark Fork has been the largest 1JU TUBSUFE JO BOE CFDBNF UIF XPSME T complex of Superfund sites in America for largest truck-operated pit mine before its close to 30 years. Cleanup activities have DMPTVSF JO Ä&#x2021;F .POUBOB #VSFBV PG been ongoing for nearly that long. Still, exMines and Geology estimates that over tensive improvements in the environmen CJMMJPO QPVOET PG DPQQFS SFTVMUFE GSPN tal conditions throughout the watershed will continue for many years to come. As Butte ores. one present-day environmental group in t 0ODF UIF PSF XBT PVU PG UIF HSPVOE JU XBT Butte quips, â&#x20AC;&#x153;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not easy cleaning up after shipped by railroad 25 miles to the Anacon- copper kings.â&#x20AC;? da Reduction Works and Smelter in the city Hopefully, this guide can at least make it of Anaconda. The ore was milled (crushed) easier to understand. were dammed and harnessed for their wa- and concentrated and then smelted into ter and electrical power generation. OFBSMZ QVSF DPQQFS *O UIF "OBDPOEB 1SPÄ&#x2022;UT BOE QSPHSFTT XFSF UIF POMZ SFHVMB- smelter pumped out approximately 30 tons tors in what was still, environmentally, the of airborne arsenic and over 100 tons of ac8JME 8FTU B QMBDF XJUIPVU MBXT *O id-producing sulfur every day. This amount nature called â&#x20AC;&#x201C; literally. The biggest flood increased, as did the areas over which it was Matt Vincent - Editor on record rolled across the barren, toxic TQSFBE BT UIF TUBDL XBT CVJMU MBSHFS JO landscapes at the headwaters regions of the UP JUT QSFTFOU TJ[F GFFU UBMM BOE GFFU 'SBOL 1POJLWBS -BZPVU %FTJHO Upper Clark Fork in Butte and Anaconda.
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In 1983, the State of Montana filed a massive lawsuit against the Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) to recover damages for: t JOKVSJFT UP UIF XBUFS BOE MBOE resources and fish and wildlife populations in the basin t UIF QVCMJD T MPTU VTF BOE FOKPZ ment of these injured resources and populations Ä&#x2021;F /BUVSBM 3FTPVSDF %BNBHF 1SPHSBN /3%1 XBT GPSNFE JO BOE JT VOEFS the Attorney General in Montanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s DeQBSUNFOU PG +VTUJDF /3%1 QFSGPSNFE BO JOUFOTJWF BTTFTTNFOU CFUXFFO BOE UP EFUFSNJOF UIF NPOFUBSZ DPTU PS damages, of these injuries. The damages DMBJN UPUBMFE NJMMJPO EPMMBST .PSF than half of this amount was assigned to the publicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lost use and enjoyment of the damaged resources.
Ä&#x2021;F MBXTVJU XFOU UP USJBM JO Ä&#x2021;F $POGFEFSBUFE 4BMJTI BOE ,PPUFOBJ 5SJCFT XFSF BEEFE UP UIF MBXTVJU JO Ä&#x2021;F 4UBUF BOE UIF 5SJCFT SFBDIFE UIF Ä&#x2022;STU PG B TFSJFT PG TFUUMFNFOUT EFTDSJCFE CFMPX JO Ä&#x2021;JT DPNQMFUFE UIF TFUUMFNFOU GPS UIF 5SJCFT UIF State reached additional settlements with "3$0 JO BOE *O UIF 4UBUF of Montana also settled a lawsuit to recover damages in the Upper Clark Fork River BaTJO BHBJOTU "3$0 BOE "4"3$0 BOPUIFS former mining company) on the Mike Horse Dam, a historic mining site located at the headwaters of the Blackfoot River near Lincoln. Also in 2008, but not located in the Upper Clark Fork River Basin, the 4UBUF TFUUMFE XJUI "4"3$0 GPS JOKVSJFT UP natural resources at the former East Helena TNFMUFS TJUF BOE BU UIF #MBDL 1JOF NJOF TJUF near Superior. Settlements 1999 $230 million was awarded to the State for UIF GPMMPXJOH NJMMJPO UP FTUBCMJTI UIF Upper Clark Fork River Basin Restoration 'VOE NJMMJPO GPS UIF UPUBM DMFBOVQ SF $POUJOVFE PO 1BHF
!"#$35"6(3*7#8&29#:!&%#4,#4%; *O 6 4 $POHSFTT QBTTFE XIBU JT known as the Superfund Law. The law was created to clean up the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most polluted areas. Superfund was a very important law for the environment. Unlike the Clean "JS BOE $MFBO 8BUFS "DUT that set pollution limits for active industrial sites, Superfund was the first law to address old industrial messes that were made by companies long before regulations like the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act preWFOUFE JU " /BUJPOBM 1SJPSJUJFT -JTU /1- of these historically polluted sites was comQJMFE JO )B[BSEPVT TVCTUBODFT PO these sites posed serious risks to both humans and the environment. All of the sites that make up the Upper Clark Fork River #BTJO DPNQMFY XFSF PO UIBU MJTU CZ There are four sites on the national list that make up the Upper Clark Fork River Basin complex. Each one of these sites has a numCFS PG TVC BSFBT .POUBOB IBT UPUBM TJUFT on the national priorities list. The law was called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Superfundâ&#x20AC;? because it created a trust fund using taxes levied on some of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most polluting industries, such as chemical and petroleum corporations. U.S. citizens also pay into the Superfund. More information on the fedFSBM 4VQFSGVOE MBX DBO CF GPVOE PO UIF *OUFSOFU BU UIF &1" T XFCTJUF IUUQ XXX FQB HPW TVQFSGVOE
Ä&#x2021;F &OWJSPONFOUBM 1SPUFDUJPO "HFODZ &1" JT UIF MFBE BHFODZ JO DIBSHF PG 4VQFSGVOE &1" T SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ JT UP JEFOUJGZ what corporations and parties are responsible for cleaning up areas and to make sure the sites are cleaned up to meet state and federal environmental laws for air, soil and water (both surface and groundwater). These laws are the focus of remediation, as described below. The primary responsible party for the Upper Clark Fork River Basin DPNQMFY PG 4VQFSGVOE TJUFT JT "3$0 OPX B TVCTJEJBSZ PG #SJUJTI 1FUSPMFVN Ä&#x2021;F &1" is assisted in its Superfund supervisory role by the State of Montanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s equivalent agency, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Because of settlements in the State of .POUBOB W "3$0 MBXTVJU EFTDSJCFE JO the next section), the Montana DEQ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; not UIF &1" o JT UIF MFBE BHFODZ JO DIBSHF PG the cleanup at the Silver Bow Creek and $MBSL 'PSL 3JWFS 4VQFSGVOE TJUFT &1" BTTJTUT %&2 PO UIFTF TJUFT *O BEEJUJPO UP UIF &1" T OBUJPOBM QSJPSJUZ MJTU PG 4VQFSGVOE sites, the State of Montana has its own version of the Superfund law to address cleanup sites that are not on the national list. Here is the DEQâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website on Montanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 4VQFSGVOE MBX IUUQ XXX EFR NU HPW TUBUFTVQFSGVOE $FDSB NDQY
."<"74&%4'*#&*7#.",%'6&%4'*;#:!&%=,#%!"#74(("6"*>"; ."<"74&%4'* *O BEEJUJPO UP UIF SFTUPSBUJPO TFUUMFNFOUT to address specific sites, like Milltown, Silver Bow Creek, and the Upper Clark Fork &1" JTTVFT B i3FDPSE PG %FDJTJPO w XIJDI River, there is another program in place to is a more detailed description of the clean- fund a variety of other restoration projects up plan; in the Upper Clark Fork River Basin. The Upper Clark Fork River Basin Restoration FJUIFS BO BHSFFNFOU UP QFSGPSN UIF 3F- 'VOE XBT FTUBCMJTIFE VOEFS UIF TFUUMFcord of Decision is signed by the respon- NFOU XJUI NJMMJPO EPMMBST 4JODF TJCMF QBSUZ PS &1" PSEFST UIF SFTQPOTJCMF SPVHIMZ NJMMJPO IBT CFFO BQQSPWFE QBSUZ UP JNQMFNFOU UIF 30% BOE for 118 projects in Butte-Silver Bow, AnBDPOEB %FFS -PEHF 1PXFMM (SBOJUF BOE 8) the responsible party implements the Missoula counties. The restoration grants 3FDPSE PG %FDJTJPO 0ODF UIF DMFBO VQ JT program has mostly spent only the interest completed, there is usually long-term man- PO UIJT TFUUMFNFOU NPOFZ 0WFS NJMA number of remediation-type cleanups agement and maintenance of the cleaned lion still remains in the fund. Under the IBWF CFFO QFSGPSNFE PS BSF POHPJOH *O up site to allow for appropriate uses by pri- restoration grants program, projects are eligible for possible funding if they propose UIF 6QQFS $MBSL 'PSL *O QMBDFT MJLF #VUUF WBUF FOUJUJFT BOE PS UIF QVCMJD to: and Anaconda, some of the early actions CBDL JO UIF T BOE T XFSF UFSNFE t 3FTUPSF BRVBUJD HSPVOEXBUFS PS UFSâ&#x20AC;&#x153;removalâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;time criticalâ&#x20AC;? because hurestrial resources in the Upper Clark Fork mans and the environment were at a very high risk from the hazardous wastes left by Restoration is generally defined as â&#x20AC;&#x153;the act River Basin that were lost or injured as a historic mining and smelting. Wastes were of returning something to its original or result of contaminaremoved or capped to protect humans and GPSNFS DPOEJUJPO w *O UIF DBTF PG UIF 6QQFS tion by past mining the environment. A list of all of Montanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Clark Fork River Basin, restoration returns and smelting operafederal Superfund sites can be found on the resources to the condition they would have tions; &1" 4VQFSGVOE XFCTJUF IFSF IUUQ XXX been in absent the injuries caused from mining, milling, and smelting. When com- t 3FQMBDF UIFTF JOFQB HPW SFHJPO TVQFSGVOE NU resources pared to remediation (above), restoration is jured (aquatic, groundusually a much higher standard of cleanup. In general, remediation work performed water, or terrestrial) 8IFSFBT UIF &1" BOE %&2 BSF JO DIBSHF under the Superfund Law works like this: equivalent of Superfund remediation work, the State with 1) site is listed and responsible parties are of Montana-Department of Justiceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Natu- or similar natural SBM 3FTPVSDF %BNBHF 1SPHSBN /3%1 resources in the identified; JT UIF MFBE BHFODZ PO SFTUPSBUJPO XPSL *O Upper Clark Fork 2) the locations of hazardous substances areas of the Upper Clark Fork River Basin River Basin. An exand their threats to humans and the envi- where remediation is ongoing, or has yet ample of this is the UP CFHJO UIF /3%1 %&2 BOE &1" XPSL purchase of private, ronment are investigated and studied; land together to maximize the effectiveness of undamaged &1" DPNFT VQ XJUI B MJTU PG DMFBOVQ BM- cleanup and the money available. This is or streams for both ternatives and proposes one or a combina- accomplished by coordinating restoration wildlife and the and remediation activities to occur togeth- publicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s use. tion of those alternatives; FS 5XP FYDFMMFOU FYBNQMFT PG UIJT DPPSEJOB4) responsible parties and the public pro- tion of remediation and restoration are the t 3FQMBDF UIF QVCvides review and comments on the pro- Milltown Dam project and the Silver Bow licâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lost use of or Creek cleanup. Restoration will be coor- service from a natuposed plan; dinated with the remediation at the Clark ral resource. The key &1" DPOTJEFST UIF QVCMJD DPNNFOUT BOE Fork River and Smelter Hill Area Upland example of this is replacement of Butte site, too. The word remediation comes from the root word â&#x20AC;&#x153;remedy,â&#x20AC;? which means â&#x20AC;&#x153;something that corrects or counteracts,â&#x20AC;? from the dictionary. *O UIF 6QQFS $MBSL 'PSL 3JWFS #BTJO 4Vperfund complex, remediation is the term used to describe the cleanup work required CZ UIF &1" PS UIF .POUBOB %&2 PO 4VQFSGVOE TJUFT #PUI UIF &1" BOE %&2 SFRVJSF that cleanup work meets legal limits of contamination for air, water and soils. These limits ensure that contamination is cleaned up to a level that is safe for human health and the environment.
makes changes in the proposed plan which it believes are appropriate;
and Anacondaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s drinking water supply and distribution systems. The restoration grants program under the Upper Clark Fork River Basin Restoration 'VOE JT HVJEFE BOE NBOBHFE CZ /3%1 5XP PUIFS HSPVQT UIF 6QQFS $MBSL 'PSL River Basin Remediation and Restoration Citizens Advisory Council (Advisory $PVODJM BOE UIF (PWFSOPS T 5SVTUFFT 3FTUPSBUJPO $PVODJM 5SVTUFFT $PVODJM also make decisions on which projects are eligible for funding. The Governor of MonUBOB JT UIF 5SVTUFF PG UIF TFUUMFNFOU NPOies and has final decision-making ability. A long-range plan proposal developed by the Advisory Council is currently under DPOTJEFSBUJPO CZ UIF 5SVTUFFT $PVODJM BOE the Governor. Unlike the existing annual grants program, this long range plan would significantly change the restoration grants program process.
BUTTE contacts EPA Sara Sparks 400 n. Main St. 782-7415 sparks.sara@epa.gov
The Mining City
Montana DEQ contact: +PF (SJÄ?O 4UBUF 1SPKFDU 0Ä?DFS !" "" "" " " #$%&'(" )*+" ,(''-.)/00'"1('2"32- former wood treating facility on the south Montana Department of Environmental tional Priority List site: Butte Priority Soils 6$7'" *M" )/00'!" O(*/87+20'(" 287" 6*$%6" 2('" Quality 4" " " 5'6$7'80$2%" 9'02%6" 1:20';'80" <%28!" contaminated with a carcinogen pentachlo- 1 0 #PY Ongoing remediation of residential yards, rophenol (PCP). )FMFOB .5 attics and living spaces contaminated with Butte Area Restoration: 2(6'8$="287.*("%'27! KHSJÄ?O!NU HPW 4""<2((*0">2$%$8?6.)/00'"1('2"@8'!"#A2%%*+" !" " " " " " " )/00'"1('2" @8'!" #'00%'7" $8" NPPQR" Daryl Reed groundwater associated with the former Butte Area One extends from the upper end 4UBUF 1SPKFDU 0Ä?DFS GPS 8BSN 4QSJOHT Parrott Smelter and concentrator. *M"0A'"9'0(*"#0*(;"I(2$8"8'2(">'S26"1&4"""#0*(;+20'("9282?';'80!"9282?';'80" 1POET 3PDLFS BOE .JOF 'MPPEJOH and cleanup of metals contaminated storm- enue, downstream to the former location Montana Department of Environmental of the Colorado Tailings along Silver Bow Quality water runoff from the Butte Hill. 4""")/00'"5'=%2;20$*8"B&2%/20$*8"#C60';!" ,(''-R"2:*/0"2";$%'"7*+860('2;"*M"9*8- 1 0 #PY The annual review and maintenance of the tana Street. Contaminated water from this )FMFOB .5 over 200 remediated mine dumps on the area adversely affects water quality and 2T/20$="%$M'"$8"#$%&'(")*+",(''-!">A'"UNQ" dreed@mt.gov Butte Hill. ;$%%$*8"2%%*=20'7"0*"0A$6"6$0'"/87'("0A'"NPPQ" Silver Bow Creek (Streamside Tailings) settlement is expected, along with the EPA Joel Chavez 4"""""""""D2(;"#E($8?6"<*876 remediation, to address this contamina- 4UBUF 1SPKFDU 0Ä?DFS GPS 4JMWFS #PX $SFFL 4""""""""")'(-'%'C"<$0"F9$8'"G%**7$8?H 4"""""""""D'60",2;E.>(2&*82!"I''E"?(*/87- 0$*8!">A'")/00'"320/(2%"5'6*/(='",*/8=$%" 4USFBNTJEF 5BJMJOHT
water on the west side of Butte that is is a group of Butte citizens appointed by Montana Department of Environmental pumped and treated at the Lower Area One the Butte-Silver Bow Chief Executive and Quality 0('20;'80"%2?**86"8'2("0A'"9'0(*"#'+2?'" O*&'(8*("0*"?/$7'"287";2-'"7'=$6$*86"*8" 1 0 #PY how to best spend these settlement funds. Treatment Plant on Centennial Avenue. )FMFOB .5 J"""""""""5*=-'(">$;:'("G(2;$8?"287">('20$8?" Plant. A small area of arsenic-contaminat- N!"""""""VEE'(",%2(-"G*(-"5$&'(")26$8"5'6- jchavez@mt.gov ed shallow groundwater in the Silver Bow 0*(20$*8"G/87"F6''" WWW"9*80282"&!"15,@" ,(''-"K**7E%2$8" 2:*/0" L&'" ;$%'6"+'60" *M" settlement) Natural Resource Damage Program )/00'"$8"5*=-'(! Montana Department of Justice 4"""""""""D'606$7'"#*$%6!">A'('"2('"A/87('76" X!"""""""#$%&'(")*+",(''-"5';'7$20$*8"287" 1301 East Lockey of unreclaimed mine dumps in between 5'60*(20$*8" F6''" WWW" 9*80282" &!"15,@" 1 0 #PY )/00'" 287" 5*=-'(" F+'60" *M" 9*80282">'=A" settlement) )FMFOB .5 campus). N!"""""""9*80282"<*%'"287">('20$8?"<%280!"1" ,BUIZ $PMFNBO 1SPHSBN 4QFDJBMJTU 1IPOF
Butte Superfund Sites:
#VUUF Ä?DF /BUVSBM 3FTPVSDF %BNBHF 1SPHSBN &BTU #SPBEXBZ #VUUF .5 1BU $VOOFFO &OWJSPONFOUBM Science Specialist 1IPOF E-mail: pcunneen@mt.gov Montana Pole and Treating Plant &1" 8FC -JOL IUUQ XXX FQB HPW SFHJPO TVQFSGVOE NU NPOUBOB@QPMF JOEFY html &1" DPOUBDU Roger Hoogerheide 3FNFEJBM 1SPKFDU .BOBHFS 6 4 &OWJSPONFOUBM 1SPUFDUJPO "HFODZ 3FHJPO .POUBOB 0Ä?DF Federal Building 10 West 15th Street, Suite 320 )FMFOB .5 hoogerheide.roger@epa.gov Montana DEQ contact: Lisa DeWitt 1SPKFDU 0Ä?DFS Montana Department of Environmental Quality 1100 North Last Chance Gulch 1 0 #PY )FMFOB .5 UPMM GSFF JO TUBUF POMZ
Robert Collins, Supervising Assistant Attorney General 1IPOF $BSPM 'PY 3FTUPSBUJPO 1SPHSBN $IJFG 1IPOF
Critical Water Level approaches; Berkeley Pit water treatment begins.
ARCO suspends operations. Underground pumps flooded.
Pit begins to fill with water.
Studies begin to determine best cleanup.
A performance review of the Horseshoe Bend Water Treatment Plant using water from the Horseshoe Bend drainage shows that discharge ARCO and Montana Resources meets all standards set for contaminants of sign Consent Decree with Treatment concern in the ROD. Additional adjustments still federal and state agencies. Plant upgraded need to be made to address pH. and ready to treat Berkeley Finalize treatment Mine suspends New water treatment plant operational. plant design upgrade to Pit water. operations and Horseshoe Mining resumes with treated Horseshoe Bend handle Berkeley Pit water. Bend water flows to the Pit. water used in mine operations.
ARCO and Montana Resources install water diversion pumping system at Horseshoe Bend, cutting water flow into the Pit roughly in half.
Berkeley Pit designated as a Superfund site.
Record of Decision made on best cleanup.
5.()QRS(8M6.OTMUV(W88M.8 ). (!&(,(%1%DX01H("(*!"!#$%(/1-;%"$$0(10Y,%!#,"!1%( ,/,!-,Z-$("1(,%&[$0(K1;0(8;X$0G;%J(\;$&"!1%&]
!"!#$%&'()$*+%!*,-(.%/!01%2$%",-( 122!""$$ ( 34(5$&"(6,07(8"0$$"9(:;""$9(<)((=>4?@(( 6+1%$A((B?CD43EDC3B4 FGH(*$(I1;0&A((<1%J,K(D()+;0&J,K((@?A??(L(EA??(6<
:M)). ). NFOP
Anaconda Company Begins Mining
Mining Begins
1908 – huge flood washes mine waste down the river; recently built Milltown dam must be rebuilt.
In 1889, the city of Butte passed Montana’s first environmental law improving air quality in the Summit Valley.
Copper Demand Soars 1914-1918
Superfund Websites for More Information http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/mt/ This site includes links to all 17 of Montana’s EPA Superfund sites on the National Priority List (NPL). The sites relevant to this guide are Anaconda Co. Smelter; Clark Fork River Basin; Milltown Reservoir Sediments; and Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area. Also within the Upper Clark Fork Basin is the Montana Pole and Treating Plant, a former wood treating facility in Butte, not associated with ARCO or the lawsuit settlements with the State of Montana and Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes. Other relevant sites on the list, pertinent to ARCO/former Anaconda Company operations and lawsuit settlements are ACM Smelter and Refinery and East Helena Site, respectively.
http://www.doj.mt.gov/lands/naturalresource/default.asp Montana Attorney General, Department of Justice—Natural Resource Damage Program website.This site includes information on the lawsuit history; all of the remediation/restoration settlements; information on the restoration grants process and projects; and a variety of everything relative to restoration in the Upper Clark Fork:
Montana DEQ’s website on the Clark Fork River construction:
http://deq.mt.gov/rem/mwcb/ConstructionServicesSection/ClarkFork/default.mcpx Montana DEQ’s website on the Silver Bow Creek construction: http://deq.mt.gov/REM/MWCB/ConstructionServicesSection/SilverBowCreek/default.mcpx Montana DEQ’s website on the Mike Horse/Upper Blackfoot construction:
(1) Butte (2) Anaconda (3) Deer Lodge (4) Missoula UPPER CLARK FORK RIVER BASIN UPPER CLARK FORK BASIN
Superfund Answers
Cfwep.Org - Clark Fork Watershed Education Program
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19 W
1970’s – Clean Air & Water Acts drastically improves environmental impacts of Butte concentrating and Anaconda smelting operations.
910s & 1950’s – construction of Warm Springs Settling Ponds
ARCO purchases Anaconda. 1977
C(-"&"D “Contamination” Historic mining, milling, concentrating and smelting operations – namely those of the former Anaconda Company – produced billions and billions of pounds of waste beginning in the late 1800s through 1982. These wastes were widely spread throughout the Upper Clark Fork during the life of Anaconda’s operations, by humans, but also by nature. The great flood of 1908 washed wastes from Butte and Anaconda over thousands of acres of the Silver Bow and Warm Springs Creek and Clark Fork River floodplains. The Anaconda smelter dispersed wastes through the air over tens of thousands of acres. These are prime examples. But what is in these historic wastes that make them harmful to humans and the environment? Following is a list of descriptions of the conditions and contaminants that make cleanup of the Upper Clark Fork Superfund sites necessary: Acid Rock or Mine Drainage. The ore and wastes produced from Butte are primarily sulfides. Sulfides are minerals in which metals, such as iron and copper, are chemically bound with sulfur. When these minerals are dug up and exposed to air (oxygen) and water, a natural chemical reaction occurs called “acid rock drainage.” In acid rock or mine drainage, iron sulfide, commonly known as pyrite or fool’s gold, oxidizes, and with water, produces sulfuric acid and rust (iron oxide). While it is a natural process, the historic operations in Butte and Anaconda magnified its effects exponentially. The highly acidic conditions caused by this process make it impossible for most types of life to establish on land or in water. These conditions also make other harmful metals and arsenic available to humans and the environment. Arsenic. Arsenic is an element known as a metalloid. Commonly found in the wastes, surface water and groundwater of the Upper Clark Fork Superfund sites, arsenic is highly harmful to humans. Arsenic is known to cause skin, liver, bladder, lung and kidney cancer. Lead. Lead is a heavy metal that is also very harmful to humans, causing damage to the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and the immune system. Lead is especially harmful to young children
Superfund Answers
and pregnant women. Most past, present and future residential environmental cleanups in the Upper Clark Fork are driven by lead and arsenic levels that exceed safe levels. Copper and Zinc. While arsenic and lead are the two primary elements in the Upper Clark Fork that pose threats to human health, copper and zinc are the two main metals that damage the health of the environment – mostly plants, fish and other aquatic species. In soils, high levels of copper and zinc are extremely toxic to plants. When these barren soils and wastes erode and wash into streams or rivers, or dissolve into groundwater, they cause extreme injury to most forms of aquatic life, including fish kills. Silver Bow Creek, the most damaged stream in the Upper Clark Fork River Basin, did not have trout in its waters beginning in the late 1800s up until only a few years ago. Thanks to the remediation and restoration work that began in 1999 by the State of Montana, trout and other aquatic life is beginning to return to the creek. Here are a few other definitions that help in understanding the nature of contamination in the Upper Clark Fork: Tailings: The waste materials left over after the process of milling and concentrating copper ore. Tailings are very fine in texture (like sugar) and often appear powdery to the touch. Most tailings produce Acid Rock Drainage and high levels of copper, zinc, lead and arsenic. Because of their fine-grained size, tailings are very mobile, and were the primary waste spread downstream in the 1908 flood. Waste rock: The earth materials moved or dug out of the way to mine the ores. While waste rock still contains metals (copper, zinc, lead, etc) and sulfides, it does not contain enough to be considered ore. Billions and billions of tons of waste rock were moved over the course of Butte’s mining operations. Waste rock differs from tailings in that it is not crushed or processed. Acid and metals contamination in waste rock piles prevent plant life from establishing and runoff. Erosion, runoff and seepage from these piles contaminate surface water, ground water and can pose threats to humans if they are high in levels of lead and arsenic.
Cleanup Timeline 1980 Superfund law passed by Congress Anaconda smelter closes
1982 /(01()(2$3&'$5"#$/!''($ Concentrator Close
1983 Uppe r Clark Fork Super!"#$%&'(%$)&%'(#*$+,$-)(%$ natural resource damage lawsuit against ARCO
1990 NRDP Natural Resource Damage Program created in MT Dept of Justice
1999 - 2008 :'5'($%('')(%$$%!&'$;&'7$<8=>$ 40$ &"?!0&(%$'4$'7($@AA(0$=)501$B401$ and Montanan’s lost use of its resources.
2020’s .$/(01()(2$3&'$'4$0(567 critical water level of 5,410 ft above sea level; Water treatment plant begins operating. .$8(9(#&5'&4"$5"#$0(%'405'&4"$4 $ Upper Clark Fork ongoing/ nearing completion.
Cfwep.Org - Clark Fork Watershed Education Program
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Citizen Involvment !"#$%&'()*+,"$-'+./0
Dr. Seuss perhaps characterized environmental stewardship best in his DMBTTJD Ä&#x2021;F -PSBY wy6/-&44 TPNFPOF MJLF ZPV DBSFT B XIPMF BXGVM MPU OPUIJOH JT HPJOH UP HFU CFUUFS *U T OPU w
But caring is only part of the equation. Caring enough to learn most places on the planet. Very few, if any, of those places are about the issues and to speak up and get involved is the key to: given a second chance to learn from previous mistakes. The cleanup is the beginning of the Upper Clark Forkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restoration. t .BLJOH TVSF UIF SFNFEJBUJPO BOE SFTUPSBUJPO QSPKFDUT JO ZPVS Making sure that the citizens of today and tomorrow know how to take care of a renewed watershed will determine the end result: area are the best projects for the communities success or failure. t *OTVSJOH UIBU BMM PG DMFBOVQ XPSL QFSGPSNFE JO UIF 6QQFS Clark Fork Basin lasts to provide healthy natural resources Well over a billion dollars will be spent by the time all of the and a vibrant living and working environment for our future injuries are repaired to our natural resources. The citizens in every community of the Upper Clark Fork Basin should be generations. excited, interested and committed to find out what they can do Ä&#x2021;F &1" .POUBOB %&2 BOE UIF /3%1 QFSTPOOFM BT XFMM BT to get involved. After all, it would be a shame if that amount of "3$0 BSF SFTQPOTJCMF GPS UIF DMFBOVQT USFBUNFOU QMBOUT XBTUF money and effort were spent without a lasting benefit! management areas and for anything that may require attention Below are the best places to get involved with the cleanups in in the future. Local governments will do their best to manage your area. These are public participation and education groups, activity and growth in and around the cleanup areas. But at the all of which are committed to staying on top of the Upper Clark FOE PG EBZ JU JT VMUJNBUFMZ VQ UP &7&3:0/& UP NBLF TVSF UIF Fork cleanup. Many of these groups hold regular meetings where personnel from the cleanup projects give presentations. cleanup lasts. Citizens are encouraged to attend and speak up with questions The communities, environment and natural resources of the and comments. Upper Clark Fork Basin were injured and damaged worse than
8 1BSL 4USFFU buttectec@hotmail.com Website: www.buttectec.org Butte Restoration Alliance Website: www. butterestorationalliance.org
10 #PY .JTTPVMB .5
PS Email: info@cfrtac.org 8FCTJUF IUUQ XXX DGSUBD PSH Watershed Restoration Coalition (WRC) 1002 Hollenack Road %FFS -PEHF .5
$'35"$ 10 #PY .JTTPVMB .5 PS Email: info@cfrtac.org 8FCTJUF IUUQ XXX DGSUBD PSH Bonner Development Group )JHIXBZ & .JTTPVMB .5
Clark Fork Coalition 140 South 4th St. West .JTTPVMB .5 8FCTJUF IUUQ XXX DMBSLGPSL PSH
!"#$!%" The Smelter City Anaconda Superfund Sites: !"""""""#$%&'(")*+",(''-.)/00'"1('2!"34'" Silver Bow Creek and Warm Springs Ponds areas are in Deer Lodge County and near Anaconda. 2. Anaconda Company Smelter. Lo520$*6" *7" 04'" 7*(8'(" 1625*692" :$6'(2%;" ,*8<26=" >1:,?" *('" <(*5';;$6@" 269" smelting facilities. Soils, surface water and groundwater are contaminated with heavy metals and arsenic. The site covers an area of approximately 300 square miles. Cleanup at the site has been ongoing since 04'" ABC;"269"+$%%"5*60$6/'! D"""""""""1,:"#8'%0'("E$%% ¡ Community Soils D"""""""""F%9"G*(-;.H2;0"I'&'%*<8'60 J"1625*692" K'@$*62%" G2;0'L" G20'(L" #*$%!" Includes the Opportunity Ponds, Warms Springs Creek and a number of other areas in the Anaconda-Deer Lodge area. M!""""""",%2(-"N*(-"K$&'(!"34$;";$0'"$65%/9';" 04'" ,%2(-" N*(-" K$&'(" O2;$6" 7(*8" 04'" */0fall of Silver Bow Creek at Warm Springs P*69;" 9*+6;0('28" 0*" 04'" :$%%0*+6" ;$0'" 6'2("3/(24!"34'" 82Q*($0=" *7" 5%'26/<" +$%%" take place between Warm Springs Ponds 269"04'"5*6R/'65'"*7"04'"S$00%'")%25-7**0" K$&'(" 6'2(" T2(($;*6!" #'00%'9" $6" 04'" UCCB" :*60262"&!"1K,F"<(*5''9$6@;! Anaconda-area Restoration. !""""""1625*692"V<%269;!"N(*8"04'" BBC;" 0*" ABCL"%2(@'"&*%/8';"*7"42W2(9*/;";/Ostances were released into the air by the Anaconda Smelter. These emissions were deposited onto the land, resulting in severe %*;;"*7"&'@'020$*6"269"$6Q/($6@"6'2(%=" X!B" square miles of land in the mountains surrounding the city of Anaconda. The loss of vegetation resulted in widespread erosion, topsoil loss, degraded wildlife habitat and ;$@6$Y5260%=" ('9/5'9" +$%9%$7'" $6" 04'" 2('2!"
This claim area includes portions of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of hazardous substances that were released over the last 125 years from mining-related operations in the Butte and Anaconda areas. This degradation poses limited human 4'2%04" 42W2(9;" $6" ;<'5$Y5" 2('2;" 269" 42;" drastically reduced trout populations in 04'"V<<'(",%2(-"N*(-"K$&'("2;"+'%%"2;"04'" loss of plants, wildlife and wildlife habitat 2%*6@"04'"($&'(_;"R**9<%2$6!"34'"<($65$<2%" sources of contamination are: ¡ tailings and contaminated soils in the V<<'(",%2(-"N*(-"K$&'("R**9<%2$6L"+4$54" affect thousands of acres, and ¡ contaminated sediments in the riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bed and banks. 34'" :*60262" IH`L" +$04" HP1" *&'(;$@40" $;"$6"542(@'"*7"04'"('8'9$20$*6!"34'"a20/(2%" K';*/(5'" I282@'" P(*@(28" +$%%" +*(-" alongside DEQ and EPA to integrate restoration work with the remediation Z!" " V<<'(" ,%2(-" N*(-" K$&'(" )2;$6" K';0*(20$*6" N/69" >;''" AAA" :*60262" &!"1K,F" settlement)
EPA/DEQ Five-Year Reviews &1" PS UIF MFBE BHFODZ DPOEVDUT Ä&#x2022;WF ZFBS SFWJFXT GPMMPXJOH UIF start of a Superfund cleanup when contamination is left on the site. These reviews are repeated every five years. We use these reviews to determine: t )PX UIF SFNFEZ JT XPSLJOH t *G UIF SFNFEZ SFNBJOT QSPUFDUJWF PG IVNBO IFBMUI BOE UIF environment. &1" JT DVSSFOUMZ DPOEVDUJOH UIF UIJSE Ä&#x2022;WF ZFBS SFWJFX Ä&#x2021;F purpose of this review is to determine whether the remedy at the site, as selected and implemented subsequent to the Record of %FDJTJPO 30% JT FYQFDUFE UP CF QSPUFDUJWF PG IVNBO IFBMUI and the environment. The methods, findings and conclusions of the review are documented in the five-year review report, which is expected to be completed in June 2011 and will be posted on this Web page. A five-year review fact sheet (site update) has been EFWFMPQFE BOE JT BWBJMBCMF GSPN &1"
Anaconda Co. Smelter Site &1" 8FC -JOL IUUQ XXX FQB HPW SFHJPO TVQFS- jchavez@mt.gov GVOE NU BOBDPOEB JOEFY IUNM +PF (SJÄ?O &1" DPOUBDU 1SPKFDU .BOBHFS Charles Coleman 3FNFEJBM 1SPKFDU .BOBHFS KHSJÄ?O!NU HPW 6 4 &OWJSPONFOUBM 1SPUFDUJPO Agency, Region 8 /BUVSBM 3FTPVSDF %BNBHF 1SPHSBN .POUBOB 0Ä?DF Anaconda Federal Building Greg Mullen, Environmental 10 West 15th Street, Suite 3200 Science Specialist )FMFOB .5 1IPOF gmullen@mt.gov UPMM GSFF
coleman.charles@epa.gov Clark Fork River 5PN .PTUBE Wendy Thomi $PNNVOJUZ *OWPMWFNFOU tmostad@mt.gov Coordinator 6 4 &OWJSPONFOUBM 1SPUFDUJPO Agency, Region 8 .POUBOB 0Ä?DF Federal Building 10 West 15th Street, Suite 3200 )FMFOB .5 UPMM GSFF
thomi.wendy@epa.go Montana DEQ contacts: Larry Scusa Federal Superfund Section Supervisor Montana Department of Environmental Quality 1 0 #PY )FMFOB .5 lscusa@mt.gov Joel Chavez 1SPKFDU .BOBHFS Montana Department of Environmental Quality 1 0 #PY )FMFOB .5
Helping to
Beautify MONTANA!
JORDAN CONTRACTING West of Anaconda, Montana 406.563.8276
!!"#$%&'!#(##)*+",#-%",#./0!" *-0-&,)+&"/%,-"6--2"5-I&%5-5"6="%",%&+-1=" of hazardous substances that were released over the last 125 years from mining-related operations in the Butte and Anaconda areas. This degradation poses limited human /-%$1/" /%W%&50" +2" 0>-3+M3" %&-%0" %25" /%0" drastically reduced trout populations in 1/-"T>>-&"#$%&'"()&'"*+,-&"%0":-$$"%0"1/-" loss of plants, wildlife and wildlife habitat %$)2I"1/-"&+,-&X0"?))5>$%+2!"./-">&+23+>%$" sources of contamination are: D!" " " " " " " B&%21JK)/&0" *%23/" *-8-5+%1+)2!" ¡ tailings and contaminated soils in the ./+0"+0">%&1")7"1/-"#$%&'"()&'"*+,-&"&-8-5+- T>>-&"#$%&'"()&'"*+,-&"?))5>$%+2L":/+3/" %1+)2"%25"&-01)&%1+)2L"641"+0"0>-3+M3"1)"1/-" affect thousands of acres, and 7-5-&%$" $%250" )2" 1/-" B&%21JK)/&0" *%23/L" ¡ contaminated sediments in the riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s %2"/+01)&+3"42+1")7"1/-"N%1+)2%$"9%&'0"C=0- bed and banks. 1-8!"./-";)21%2%"O->%&18-21")7"P2,+&)28-21%$"Q4%$+1="ROPQSL":+1/"N%1+)2%$"9%&'" ./-" ;)21%2%" OPQL" :+1/" P9G" ),-&0+I/1" Service oversight, is responsible for the +0"+2"3/%&I-")7"1/-"&-8-5+%1+)2!"./-"N%14cleanup and restoration &%$" *-0)4&3-" O%8%I-" 9&)I&%8" :+$$" :)&'" alongside DEQ and EPA to integrate restoDeer Lodge-area Restoration: ration work with the remediation. !"""""""T>>-&"#$%&'"()&'"*-8-5+%1+)2"%25" *-01)&%1+)2!" ./-" %U4%1+3" %25" &+>%&+%2" &-- D!"""""""T>>-&"#$%&'"()&'"*+,-&"A%0+2"*-00)4&3-0" )7" 1/-" T>>-&" #$%&'" ()&'" *+,-&" 1)&%1+)2"(425"R0--" YYY";)21%2%",!"G*#H" 7&)8"V%&8"C>&+2I0"9)250"1)"1/-";+$$1):2" settlement)
Deer Lodge Superfund sites: !"""""""#$%&'"()&'"*+,-&!"./+0"0+1-"+23$45-0" 1/-" #$%&'" ()&'" *+,-&" 6%0+2" 7&)8" 1/-" )41fall of Silver Bow Creek at Warm Springs 9)250" 5):201&-%8" 1)" 1/-" ;+$$1):2" 0+1-" 2-%&" .4&%/!" ./-" 8%<)&+1=" )7" 3$-%24>" :+$$" take place between Warm Springs Ponds %25"1/-"3)2?4-23-")7"1/-"@+11$-"A$%3'7))1" *+,-&" 2-%&" B%&&+0)2!" C-11$-5" +2" 1/-" DEEF" ;)21%2%",!"G*#H">&)3--5+2I0
EPA contact: ,SJTUJOF &EXBSET 1SPKFDU .BOager 3FHJPO .POUBOB 0Ä?DF Federal Building 10 West 15th Street,Suite 3200 )FMFOB .5 edwards.kristine@epa.gov Montana DEQ contact:
Brian Bartkowiak, 1SPKFDU .BOBHFS 1 0 #PY )FMFOB .5 BBartkowiak@mt.gov &SJD .BTPO $&3$-" 1SPKFDU Manager Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site 8BSSFO -BOF %FFS -PEHF .5 %FFS -PEHF Natural Resource Damage Program Clark Fork River 5PN .PTUBE
ig Sky Reclamation is a land reclamation contractor that works on numerous environmental clean up and superfund sites in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah. The primary focus of BSR is vegetation construction and management. Services are: Soil amending, seeding, weed control, fertilizing, erosion control, integrated site management and vegetation assessment. In addition to construction BSR acts as a consultant !"# $%&'"!%(# '$)*$''"*$)# +"&(,# # -./# *(# 011"'2*3'2# 0$2# 4*1'$('2# 56# 37'# Montana Dept. of Agriculture. Big Sky Reclamation employs 8 full time 0$2#70(#! +1'(#*$#-%33'#0$2#8$01!$20,
Phone: 406-565-5626 Mark Moodry President
Cell: 406-490-5377
Missoula/Bonner Superfund sites: !"#$%%&'()"*+,+-.'$-"/)0"1+0$2+)&,!"34$," 5-'6+7&" $).'%.+0" &4+" -+2'./%" '8" &4+" 8'-2+-"#$%%&'()"9/2")+/-"&4+"7'):;+)7+"'8" &4+"<%/-=">'-="/)0"?%/7=8''&"*$.+-,@"/)0" nearly 3 million yards of contaminated ,+0$2+)&," 8-'2" &4+" :''05%/$)" ;5,&-+/2!" *+2+0$/&$')" $," +A5+7&+0" 8'-" 7'25%+&$')" near the end of 2011. B!" <%/-=" >'-=" *$.+-!" 1++" $)8'-2/&$')" $)" Deer Lodge section. Missoula/Bonner-area Restoration. !" #$%%&'()" *+,&'-/&$')!" C)" BDDE@" &4+" F*9G"-+7+$.+0"/55-'A$2/&+%H"I J"2$%%$')" in total value for its natural resource damage claims, including the following: K""""IJ!L"2$%%$')"8'-")/&;-/%"-+,';-7+"-+,&'-/&$')"8-'2"F'-&4M+,&+-)"<'-5'-/&$')! K" " " " F'-&4M+,&+-)N," %/)0" OP E" /7-+,Q" /)0" water rights at the site (2,000 cfs), which 4/.+"/)"+,&$2/&+0"./%;+"'8"/R';&"IB!E"2$%lion K""""/"7'.+)/)&"8-'2"&4+"S!1!"9+5/-&2+)&"'8" Interior (DOI) that the Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restoration '8"&4$,",$&+"($%%"2++&"#')&/)/N,"R;%%"&-';&" obligations to DOI under the Streamside 3/$%$)T,"<'),+)&"9+7-++"O./%;+"/R';&"I !P" million) K" " " " $25%+2+)&/&$')" RH"U*<VN," 7')&-/7tor, Envirocon, of the State restoration plan /&" &4+" ,$&+" $)" &4+" -+2+0$/&$')" 5-'6+7&" /-+/"
O./%;+"/R';&"IE"2$%%$')Q C)" /00$&$')@" #')&/)/" /00+0" /00$&$')/%" 2')$+," 8-'2" &4+" LLL" U*<V" ,+&&%+2+)&" 8'-"-+,&'-/&$')"/&"&4+"#$%%&'()",$&+! B!" <%/-=" >'-=" *$.+-!" 1++" $)8'-2/&$')" $)" Deer Lodge section. J!""#$=+"W'-,+XS55+-"?%/7=8''&!"C)"BDDY@" ,&/&+"/)0"8+0+-/%"'8Z7$/%,"/))';)7+0"/"IJ[" million settlement of litigation with Atlan&$7"*$74Z+%0"<'!"/)0"U1U*<V"&'"-+2'.+" &4+" /T$)T" #$=+" W'-,+" 9/2" /)0" &4+" 7')taminated tailings behind it, and to clean up /)0"-+,&'-+"&4+"S55+-"?%/7=8''&"*$.+-"/)0" #$)$)T" <'25%+A!" U*<V" /)0" U1U*<V" ($%%"+/74"5/H"&4+",&/&+"IY"2$%%$')!"34+",&/&+" ($%%"/%,'"-+7+$.+"/"I L![["2$%%$')"/%%'(+0" 7%/$2"$)"&4+"U1U*<V"R/)=-;5&7H@"/)0"&4+" S!1!">'-+,&"1+-.$7+"($%%"-+7+$.+"I "2$%%$')" to oversee the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s implementation of &4+"5-'6+7&"/)0"/"IBJD@DDD"/%%'(+0"7%/$2" 8'-"5/,&"7',&,!"34+"0/2",$&,"$)"/":''05%/$)" /&" &4+" 4+/0(/&+-," '8" &4+" ?%/7=8''&" *$.+-!" The tailings behind it will be moved to a -+5',$&'-H" ')" 4$T4+-" T-';)0!" 34+" 5-'6+7&" will also include cleanup of tailings along &4+"S55+-"?%/7=8''&"*$.+-@"?+/-&-/5"<-++=" /)0" #$=+" W'-,+" <-++=" /)0" &4+" ,&/&+" ($%%" restore those streams to eventually bring back westslope cutthroat and bull trou
Milltown Reservoir Sediments
&1" 8FC -JOL IUUQ XXX FQB klarge@mt.gov HPW SFHJPO TVQFSGVOE NU NJMMUPXO /BUVSBM 3FTPVSDF %BNBHF 1SPHSBN .*--508/ &1" DPOUBDU Doug Martin, Environmental Diana Hammer Science Specialist 1SPKFDU .BOBHFS 1IPOF 3FHJPO .POUBOB 0Ä?DF dougmartin@mt.gov Federal Building 10 West 15th St., Suite 3200 Clark Fork River )FMFOB .5 5PN .PTUBE &OWJSPONFOUBM Science Specialist hammer.diana@epa.gov 1IPOF tmostad@mt.gov Montana DEQ contact: Keith Large Mike Horse .POUBOB %&2 1SPKFDU 0Ä?DFS Greg Mullen 1 0 #PY )FMFOB .5 gmullen@mt.gov
any contractors will soon be hiring for cleanup work on the Upper Clark Fork. Did you know that you must complete a hazardous materials (HAZWOPER) course to qualify for these jobs? Be sure to take advantage of these FREE HAZWOPER courses taking place in Butte and Anaconda this springâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a $500 value. Finish the course, and then attend a Career Fair in June to meet local contractors who are looking to hire for the Superfund cleanup. For information on the Butte course, please call Matt Vincent at 496-4832. For information on the Anaconda course, please call the Anaconda Job Service at 563-3444 Or, visit www.clarkfork.org for more info on the courses or Career Fair.
brought to you by:
!"#$%&%"#'(#)'*%&*&#+",-.-#/012#3&4-.5% $POUJOVFE GSPN 1BHF mediation) of Silver Bow Creek; $15 million for the Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cost of the lawsuit (legal, BTTFTTNFOU SFQPSUT FUD "MTP JO UIF $POGFEFSBUFE 4BMJTI BOE ,PPUFOBJ 5SJCFT were awarded $18.3 million to compensate them for injuries to and lost use of the Upper Clark Fork River Basin natural resources. The Upper Clark Fork River Basin was BO JNQPSUBOU QBSU PG UIF 5SJCFT BCPSJHJOBM hunting, fishing, and cultural grounds. The 5SJCFT TUJMM NBJOUBJO UIFJS VTF PG UIJT BSFB UISPVHI JUT )FMMHBUF 5SFBUZ XJUI UIF GFEFSBM government, signed in 1855.
NJMMJPO XBT BXBSEFE UP UIF 4UBUF GPS the restoration of the Milltown Dam and Reservoir Area, together with additional compensation, such as land and water rights, totalling about $13 million in value. The Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restoration work, funded with this money plus $10.8 million from the Upper Clark Fork River Basin Restoration Fund, is being coordinated with the &1" MFE SFNFEJBUJPO QFSGPSNFE BU UIF TJUF which is estimated to be over $100 million (see more in the Missoula Section 4).2008. " Ä&#x2022;OBM TFUUMFNFOU PG NJMMJPO XBT
awarded to the State for the following: NJMMJPO GPS SFTUPSBUJPO BOE PS SFQMBDFNFOU PG UIF #VUUF "SFB 0OF HSPVOEwater and aquatic resources (see more in the Butte Section 1)
Beartrap and Mike Horse Creek. The U.S. Forest Service also received $1.25 million to assist the State in its cleanup.
More information on these settlements can
$13.2 million for the restoration of the 4NFMUFS )JMM "SFB 6QMBOET *OKVSFE BSFB TFF more in the Anaconda Section 2) NJMMJPO UP UIF SFTUPSBUJPO PG UIF 6Qper Clark Fork River, $4.5 million for additional lawsuit costs NJMMJPO GPS UIF SFNFEJBUJPO PG UIF Upper Clark Fork River (see more in Anaconda and Deer Lodge Sections). Mike Horse Dam Settlement. *O UIF 4UBUF BMTP SFDFJWFE NJMMJPO to remove the aging Mike Horse Dam and the toxic tailings wastes behind it, and also to restore injured sections of the Upper Blackfoot River and its tributary streams,
Restoration of the Milltown Dam 2011
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Phone: (406) 782-5177 Fax: (406) 782-5866