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Letter from the Dean
Undergraduate research marks a new frontier in the university world, where research historically was the domain of only faculty and advanced graduate students.
At MTSU, we believe that the benefits accrued from conducting research—knowledge, confidence, the ability to learn from a mentor, failure, success, teamwork, systematic thinking, and more—should not be contained and constrained in the hands of a few.
Extending this opportunity to every MTSU undergraduate student produces many wins for all: the undergraduate student; faculty and graduate student mentors; the project itself; the University by way of higher-quality graduates; and future employers of these undergraduate researchers.
The world is intensely competitive, and to compete well, a person needs a unique set of skills that matches the need of an employer, society, or organization. Undertaking undergraduate research allows MTSU students not only to grow, but also to stand out when applying for jobs or to graduate and professional schools.
As the articles in this issue attest, sometimes an undergraduate research opportunity is the pivotal moment to help galvanize a student’s success. Some bring their own ideas, and others form a professor-student collaboration, or projects may develop from a team framework.
I invite you to read these stories of some outstanding undergraduate researchers, their mentors, and their projects in these pages—and realize the remarkable experiences that undergraduate research at MTSU affords students. Anyone who seeks out this opportunity helps further the future for themselves and others.
They just simply need to raise their hands.
True Blue!
David Butler
Vice Provost for Research and Dean, College of Graduate Studies