Harvey Mudd College Viewbook 2009-2010

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Table of Contents 2

The Proof


Cloud Nine Nadia Abu elazam , Juni or, Mathemati cal Bi ol ogy


Do the Wave Ran Libes k in d-Hadas,


Pay Day Ro s alin d B eck w it h,

You know t

Professor, Computer Science

Junior, Engineering

LaFetra Chair in Environmental Engineering, Boeing Clinic Advisor M ar y Carden as ,

J ay Wr ig h t ,


Senior, Engineering

Let it Snow Ro cío Ru elas , Sen i or, Phy si cs


Sudden Impact Liz Or w in ’95, Professor, Engineering and Biology


Yo Ho No Ran dy Saaf ’98,

CEO, MediaDefender


The Manual


The Academic Program

20 21 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 39 41 42 44

Resources Special Programs Biology Chemistry Computer Science Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences Mathematics Physics

Campus Life After Harvey Mudd Admission Financial Aid Visiting

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that feeling when you’re deep into a problem, and for a moment the world drops away, and you’re alone with your work, and in the space of what seems like a breath the problem breaks, you see what you couldn’t have seen before, and then the moment passes and you’re back in the world, you feel like a diver returning to the water’s surface, and you know that you’ve done something new, built the unbuilt, imagined the impossible, and everything around you feels fresh, feels connected, a beautiful abstraction and a concrete truth?

We are that feeling. We’re the only college brave and crazy enough to nurture the next generation of fluid, fearless, forward-looking scientists.

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1 You’re the center of our universe.



any sane person would be logically compelled 2 We get our hands


dirty. We spend more than



In the past few years, we’ve been averaging 10 patent disclosures per year from clinic.

two million dollars every year on undergraduate research. Our curriculum is riddled with hands-on experience. An insane percentage of our students participate in summer research with faculty. Major corporations pay over $40,000 to have teams of our students solve their problems as part of our renowned Clinic program. You’ll do research. And it will matter.


All of our 730 students are undergraduates. The student-to-faculty ratio is 9 to 1. You’re the reason we’re here.


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Proof 3 Our professors

are not untouchable gods. Yes, they’ve

all got the highest degree in their field, and yes, they expect you to join them in conducting world-class research. But they’re also real people. They dress up as Vector Man, they listen to Husker Du, maybe they’ll take you skydiving, maybe their band will play at your party, their casa is tu casa.

4 We mythologize

our own curriculum. We have a core curriculum that provides, shall we say, an intensive introduction to the major fields of study. Both challenging and invigorating, it’ll make you a strong, well-rounded student.

5 We dig life. We’re a liberal arts college interested in the human experience. At least thirty percent of your coursework will be in the humanities and social sciences. You’ll be an enlightened human being—and an exceptional scientist. One follows naturally from the other.

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6 We’re not alone.

9 We’re geeks.

We’re a member of the Claremont Colleges, one of the nation’s oldest college consortia. You’ll have access to over 2,500 courses, over 300 clubs and organizations, two million volumes in the Colleges’ libraries, and dozens of majors.

We’re geeks—if by “geek” you mean “a multidimensional, polyvalent, seriously interesting person who happens to really, really love math, science, engineering, humanities or social sciences.” We have lives and interests and tastes and something approaching style. Some of us are actually cool!

7 We’re smart. And modest. In a typical entering freshman class, about one-third of your fellow students will be National Merit Scholars (that makes us number two in the nation for undergraduate colleges enrolling National Merit Scholars) and 90 percent rank in the top 10 percent of their high school class. You’ll be surrounded by people who represent the future of your field.

8 We’re a community. We live by an honor code, we help each other, we throw legendary parties, we play complicated and reversible pranks. You’ll belong here.


We’re rich! Rich, we tell you! Soon the world will be ours! Our graduates have serious options. When you graduate, you’ll be looking at jobs with salaries ranging from $45,000-$75,000 or at prestigious Ph.D. programs with full fellowships.

More than 40 percent of our ggraduates go into a Ph.D. program — the highest percentage of any undergraduate college in the country.

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CLOUD NINE This is not a story about meteorology, although it could be, since it contains pretty much everything else in the known universe, like poverty and mathematical modeling and infectious disease and thoughtful professors and a Mudder named Nadia Abuelazam whom you really should meet.


“I’m spending eight weeks in Uganda, working with an AIDS support organization. I’ll be doing mathematical modeling to find a way to distribute medication in rural and urban areas. I’m hoping to extend that work into my senior thesis, actually.” W H AT “M AT HE MATICA L MO D E L IN G ” A N D “H I V/AI D S” ARE D OI N G I N T H E SAM E S E N TE N CE


“I’d been talking to professors about infectious disease—in every class project I’d try to incorporate it. Then I got an email from a professor who was starting a class on HIV/AIDS, science, and service. And as part of the class, he’d put me in touch with people he knew in Uganda. I was on cloud nine. That’s how it works here. What do you want to do? What do you care about? Let’s make it happen.”

“A model gives you a representation of what’s happening in real life— and then it lets you experiment with that model. The organization I’m working with can see their current distribution patterns—and then experiment with ways to make them more efficient and effective.” A CHEESY-SOUNDING YET SINCERE REASON THIS WORK IS IMPORTANT

“Thirty-three million people around the world are infected with this disease. A majority of those people are living in poverty. We don’t have a cure. This is a major problem. It sounds cheesy, but it’s my way to make a difference in other people’s lives.” A SLIGHTLY LESS CHEESY-SOUNDING YET NO LESS SINCERE REASON

“I get excited by work that involves two fields I really love: math and biology. It turns out that all the most important work is interdisciplinary. I didn’t really understand that until I came to Mudd. You see it in the core, where professors make the courses speak to each other. I’m seeing it in my clinic project, which involves math and chemistry and biology and computer science. When you’ve got complex problems, the solutions are going to involve different disciplines.”

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DO THE WAVE This is Ran (“Ron”) Libeskind-Hadas (“Libeskind-Hadas”). He doesn’t write code, work in a cubicle, or survive only on Jolt and pizza. He in no way resembles Dilbert. And yet he’s a computer scientist. In fact he’s on a mission to change your ideas about computers, programming, and computer science itself. Here’s a clue: it involves a whiteboard, an incredibly sticky question, and a metaphor about surfing.

“Most students come to college with the misguided view that computer science is all about programming, and we’re all Dilberts who sit in cubicles and hack away at code. That’s not the way we think about the discipline. Programming is to computer science as English is to literature: you need it to express solutions, but it’s just a medium.” WHAT T H E C O LL E G E ’ S MA N TR A IS

“‘Learn by doing.’ And it starts early. There’s a lot of project-based learning. Lab work is hugely important. You’ll be in a physics lab, a chem lab, irrespective of your ultimate major. We have an enormous summer research presence. More than 150 students spend the summer doing paid research with faculty. That ratio is astounding.”


“My work is extremely theoretical—I’m designing and analyzing the most efficient way to solve optical networking problems—but my research is hands-on. When I work with students on a summer research project, we’ll read papers together, meet several times a day, talk about the problems we’re working on—and then we’ll go to the white board or sit with a pencil and paper. This is sophisticated stuff, but the students are extremely capable. Give them a hard problem and they’ll lap it up.” WH AT TH E B I G P I CTURE L OOKS LIKE

“This is a dynamic field; the skill sets we’re using now won’t be the skill sets we’ll use ten years from now. So we’re trying to expose students to the big picture. We want to convey major intellectual ideas and problem-solving strategies; we want our students to be better thinkers and communicators. If you’ve got the big principles, then you can surf the wave.”




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PAY DAY What if you took a year-long course that allowed you to conduct advanced research for an actual client (like, say, Boeing), involved professional-grade experience in teamwork and communication, and often resulted in patents or jobs? Well, then you’d be in our Clinic program. Jay and Rosalind just finished a Clinic project for—yes!—Boeing. This is what they said about it. Their advisor, Mary, provides colorful commentary.

J AY :

“The Boeing project boiled down to this: can you make the ROSAL I N D : “The experience forces you to think about what you’re submarine’s propeller generate thrust from the sides as well doing with your life. I don’t want to be stuck in a job working as from the rear of the propeller?” on the same bracket over and over. I might be interested in RO SALI N D : “So we were combining a whole bunch of fields: mechanical teaching, or working in an industry where I’m benefiting the design, control systems, fluid mechanics.” lives of others.” J AY : “For me, it was a dream project. We did so many different kinds JAY: “You’re not just another mechanical engineer. You’re a of technical work, but we were also working in a team—five mechanical engineer who understands how your work fits into students, a professor, three liaisons from Boeing— presenting to society. You get that from the Clinic, from your humanities the client, all the things you’d do if you worked in the industry.” classes, from your professors. When I was looking at jobs, I made M ARY : “This is very much like working on a real-world industrial a conscious choice to limit my search to certain fields, certain project. It belongs to the students. I’m more of a coach. I’ll meet kinds of companies. I’ll be working at Idealab in Pasadena, with them at least weekly, and if they’re heading toward a cliff, developing a three-dimensional printer that prints plastic parts. I’ll push them away from it. But they do all the work.” It’s similar to the Clinic project: a small group of people doing ROSALI N D : “There’s still a lot left to be done. But we proved that the something new, dealing with a lot of interesting issues. One basic concept works.” difference will be that I’m getting paid.” J AY : “And Boeing has shown interest in doing another Clinic to continue our work. They weren’t just trying to amuse us; they really wanted our results.” MARY: “It’s not a toy project. When we recruit clients, that’s key: they have to give us a problem they truly want solved. Once we show them a list of things we’ve pulled off in previous Clinics, it’s not hard to get something real. In recent years, Clinics have resulted in as many as thirteen patent applications.”

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LET IT SNOW Impressive fact about Rocío Ruelas: She’s about to enter a Ph.D. program in applied mathematics at Cornell (where it snows). Even more impressive fact: She paints. And she makes a mean potato salad. And she’s finishing a concentration in political studies. She is, in other words, not a mad genius but a three-dimensional human being. Coincidence? Probably not.

invited people to cook a dish with a member of the club. My team “One big reason is we’re required to do a concentration in the humanmade potato salad. We all got together and ate this huge meal and ities. So we’re all science geeks and we understand crazy math jokes, talked about food, which is also a way to talk about culture.” but we’re interested in everything else—sports, philosophy, art. And WH Y P E OP L E K E E P TE L L I N G HER TO G ET US ED TO S NOW we’ll take some of those humanities classes at the other Claremont “I’m going to graduate school in applied mathematics at Cornell. Colleges, which is a chance to learn from people who think in totally It was snowing when I visited—so, yeah, I know. Applied math is different ways.” close to theoretical physics, which is what I like. It’s a way to play ON T H E U SES OF P O TATO S A L A D with assumptions and make connections between ideas. It’s creative, “I joined the National Society of Black Engineers. I’m not black or an but in a very rigorous framework.” engineer, but I connected with people there. We’ve put a lot of effort A JUN O RE FE RE N CE ! into increasing diversity at Mudd. We hold diversity forums, sponsor “For my clinic project we’re working for the Southwest Research events that share people’s cultures. We had a cook-off where we Institute, which is developing part of NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter. We’re making a tool that will analyze Jupiter’s aurora. When we know more about Jupiter’s formation, then we know more about star formation and plant formation and how we were formed. That feels useful. That feels good.”




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SUDDEN IMPACT Feel like solving blindness? Care to work as an equal partner with a pathbreaking professor, unobstructed by graduate students? Interested in working at the intersection of a bunch of different fields—in other words, at the cutting edge of science and engineering? Liz Orwin—once a Mudder, now an assistant professor—has a project for you.


“We’re trying to tissue engineer a cornea. The bigger picture is, we’re trying to create tissue that could replace corneal tissue that causes blindness. So we’d be solving part of the problem of blindness. We’d also create a corneal model that would allow us to study the effects of new drugs and laser treatments, so we wouldn’t have to use animals.” H O W Y O U C O UL D WIN A S P O T IN IT

“I don’t use grades as a basis for choosing students, because there’s absolutely zero correlation between your grades and your performance in a lab. And I don’t look for experience; in fact I like to recruit students early and have them stay, so by the time they’re seniors they can educate the newest recruits. What I really look for is enthusiasm for the field—students who want to make a contribution, have an impact.”


“An Engman Fellow. The Engman family helps fund the project. They run a company that’s hired several of our graduates. So they know the college, and they support the kind of work we do with undergraduates.” WH Y YOU WOUL D N ’T B E A BEA KER-S C RUBBING LA C KEY

“I want students to feel they’re working with me as a peer and collaborator. This is a mini-graduate school experience; they get a lot of freedom. I love it when they go out and find new ideas. I expect them to contribute to the research and to the direction of the project. My job is to get out of the way.”


“It’s an interdisciplinary project. So I put together teams of students from different disciplines. We’ve got one integrated problem that we can look at from all these different angles. And the students teach each other; some are better in the lab, some are better in the shop, some are better managers or theorists. It makes the work stronger.”

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YO HO NO You know how pirates go “Yo ho ho” and so on? Well, when their evil plots are foiled, they go “Yo ho—oh, no!” Or so we imagine. The point is, Randy Saaf pretty much invented the P2P anti-piracy industry. He’s the founder of MediaDefender, the gold standard in antipiracy technology. And he went here. So did a lot of pioneers, visionaries, leaders. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

“I was on the needy side. I went to office hours, I asked professors for help. And this is one of the things that makes Harvey Mudd unique: the professors weren’t tucked away with graduate students. Their time, their research, their teaching—it’s geared to undergraduates.” WH AT T H E O T H E R S TUD E N TS WE R E L IKE

“High caliber. Even if you were really, really smart in high school, you’d be in the middle of the pack. You’re with a lot of independent, inventive, entrepreneurial people. That’s a good environment for creative, cutting-edge work.”


“I was working at Raytheon, doing software development for airborne radar. Napster was suddenly becoming popular. Some friends and I realized that the battle between Napster and the music companies was a lot like planes in a dogfight—the offensives, the countermeasures. We thought, ‘The legal system is too slow; the response to piracy has to be technological.’ Harvey Mudd College gave us office space, and we got to work. We ended up developing some of the most sophisticated tools for understanding P2P networks.” WH Y A GE N E RAL I ST D E GRE E IS A BEA UTIFUL THING


“You’re adaptive. MediaDefender literally created an industry; we adapted to our environment. I wasn’t stuck in this mold of ‘I’m a civil engineer and all I know is how to test for strain on bridges.’ If you’re a generalist, you’ve got a hundred different ways to attack a problem. And if none of them work, you’ve got the skills to invent a new one.”



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The M A GUIDE TO WHAT’S the guts, the circuits, the INSIDE US: networks, the people, the resources, the programs, the plans, the research. Don’t call tech support. Read the—oh, just read the manual.

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anual ■ We were founded in 1955—America’s first private college of mathematics, science and engineering established in the 20th century. Our namesake, Harvey S. Mudd, was

a mining engineer and co-founder of one of the richest copper mines in the world. His

plans called for the college to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional education offered to scientists and engineers—narrowly focused on specialized technical training in a single field. Harvey Mudd College was designed to offer a bold, visionary education—an education for exceptionally skilled, broad-minded, socially conscious scientists and citizens. ■ The big picture: there’s no one like us. Our 730 undergraduates are some of the nation’s brightest students. We don’t have graduate students—which means our world-class faculty are dedicated to you. Our demanding core curriculum features theoretical and applied work in every major field—an essential foundation for meaningful practice in science. We require an unusual amount of work in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts; we believe that the best scientists are also humanists. We do a lot of research— and we do it together; students and professors work as colleagues in a shared enterprise. Our Clinic program is a model collaboration between teams of students and industry leaders. We’re small enough to feel like a family, but we’re a member of the Claremont Colleges, so we have access to the resources of four other highlyranked colleges and two of the country’s best graduate schools. We live near Los Angeles, at the foot of a majestic mountain range. ■ Our students win prestigious awards, publish research as undergraduates, go to topranked graduate schools, and shape the future of their fields. People who know about mathematics, science and engineering know about us. And admire us. And respect us. At groundbreaking academic conferences, in the headquarters of major engineering firms or the corner offices of pioneering high-tech companies, we’re known for our rigorous curriculum and entrepreneurial spirit.

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Academic Program The Curriculum ■ It’s not designed for drones or yes-men or mad geniuses who bark at their assistants and work feverishly on a single incredibly specialized project all their lives. It’s a boundless, unbridled, broad-shouldered, deep-thinking, hands-on education for people smart enough to know that the future is unformed, knowledge is impermanent,

and tomorrow belongs to the fluid, the fluent, the hybrid. So. Ahem. Our curriculum includes a set of core classes so intense, so comprehensive, they get their own section; an unusual amount of work in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts, including a concentration—nearly a minor—in a specific discipline; major coursework that

offers a grounding in the theoretical foundation of a field and a stupendous amount of applied work, including at least a year of required research. And a surprising amount of flexibility, including other coursework options at The Claremont Colleges.

Recent senior theses ■ Aggregation Behavior of Catanionic Azo Dyes in Supramolecular Surfactant Assemblies of the DTAB/SDS/H2O Ternary System

■ An Exploration of the Ordering of Self-Assembled PS-PEO Diblock Copolymers at the Air/Water Interface

■ Connections Between Voting Theory and Graph Theory

The core tial tools: a thorough grounding in the foundational knowledge of the field; hands-on experience in fundamental skills and applications; and a broad understanding of the context in which science is practiced. It’s also a bonding experience: you and your entering class will take it together, so you’ll talk about

it, work on it, sweat it out together, and, as you move through the rest of the curriculum (the rest of your life, actually), you’ll have it with you as a reference and a guide. It basically turns you into a human Swiss Army knife: exceedingly well-built, endlessly adaptable, totally indispensable.

■ Eigenvalues of Adjacency Matrices ■ Magnetoresistance and Neutron Scattering of Ultrathin Films

■ Novel Synthetic Methods with Substituted Trimethylsilane Reagents

■ Non-coding RNAs in homeotic


■ It’s not boot camp, it’s not a form of hazing, and it wasn’t carved in stone by bearded men centuries ago. It’s a suite of classes—in chemistry and computer science, mathematics and modeling, physics and biology, engineering and the humanities and social sciences—designed to give you a scientist’s essen-

gene complexes

■ Pascal’s Triangle Rings ■ Role of PtdIns(4,5)P2 in cellular page

osmotic responses


■ Use of Catanionic DDAB/AOT Vesicles and Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Antimicrobial Peptide Characterization

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page 19 THE MANUAL

Research ■ By which we do not mean “spending a semester washing test tubes and staring at the back of a graduate student’s lab coat.” We mean professional-grade, publishable, original work, done in collaboration with full-time, big-deal professors. And we mean you’ll do it— as early as your first year, perhaps, or during our expansive summer research

programs, or as a major contributor to a professor’s ongoing project, or for your senior research thesis or your Clinic experience. It’s not hard to see the practical benefits: you develop crucial skills (problem-solving, communication, leadership, teamwork, etc.), gain applied experience, and push the boundary of knowledge a little further

Recent Clinic projects

The Clinic Program ■ We started our first Clinic—a yearlong investigation of a research problem conducted on behalf of a nonprofit or corporate client—in 1963. Our students have worked for more than 325 clients—many of them Fortune 1000 companies—in more than 1,200 Clinics, and the program has become a model for mathematics, science and engineering schools around the country. How does it work? Clients pay more than $40,000 to the college and a team of students gets to solve a real problem with real consequences. A faculty adviser provides guidance and makes sure

forward. But there’s more. We believe that science is a lived experience, a human practice—not simply a collection of facts and formulas and truths. You have to do it to understand it, to envision its future, to ask the next impossible, essential question.

no one gets hurt. A client liaison keeps tabs on the team’s progress. And the team spends a year—easily more than 1,200 work hours—doing what professionals do: talking, dreaming, planning, executing, failing, starting again, leading, listening, freaking out, meeting deadlines, making presentations, and delivering, in the end, a functional, efficient, possibly groundbreaking solution. These aren’t amusing little exercises; they’re serious projects that often lead to patents, job offers, and an ongoing relationship between the college and the client.

AUDITUDE.COM: Music Similarity and Recommendation BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SERVICES: Therapeutic Contact Lens BOEING AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: Design and Prototype of a Low-Cost Weather Information System for General Aviation CENTER FOR INTEGRATION OF MEDICINE AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY: Design and Production of a Prototype System Capable of Assessing the Remote Diagnosis of a Stroke HEWLETT-PACKARD LABORATORIES: Implementation and Testing of Two New Methods for Generating ICC Profiles IDEALAB: Solar Chimney for Power Generation LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY: Solitons in Shallow Water Waves

Advising ■ At some point you realize that science is a community endeavor. Even if you’re brilliant and self-sufficient and capable of producing extraordinarily sophisticated work (and you are, you are!), you won’t do it alone. This is a long way of saying that we have a comprehensive advising system, formal and informal. The formal system includes the associate dean for academic affairs—a kind of all-purpose adviser who ensures that the HMC workload is sanely distribut-

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ed—and a series of advisers to help you along the way: a first-year adviser, an adviser in your major, in the humanities and social sciences program, and in your research projects or Clinic work. The informal system is the network of relationships you’ll develop with professors and administrators—good people who keep their doors open, like to listen, and know how to help you find academic and professional resources and yet more people who can help.

on Mars with the USDC NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY: Advanced Modeling of Renewable Energy Market Dynamics NC4: Faster Disaster News Aggregation and Analysis SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES: Study of a Geo-Location System

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Resources A friendly reminder Everything you read about on this page and elsewhere in this book is yours. That delicate, expensive equipment; those always-accessible, state-of-the-art labs; that complicated, Mudd-only computer network; those award-winning professors—all for you. Not for graduate students, not for professional researchers who come and go like ghosts— for you, you brilliant, brave, crazy undergraduate. Now get out there and make us proud. Faculty

■ We’re wired, we’re wireless, we’ve got multi-processor Intel-based Linux servers, Windows file servers, a cluster of Compaq VMS systems, and labs containing the latest Dell Pentium and Apple Power-Mac systems with 17-inch color LCD and CRT monitors, plus specialized resources you can ogle in the departmental descriptions to follow. We’ve got a high-speed, multi-gigabit network that extends to every residence hall and academic building on campus via Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet; every building is connected by one or more Gigabit Ethernet ports; every student room has 100 MB/s of dedicated Ethernet bandwidth. But what’s really cool is that when we need some cutting-edge technology, we don’t just buy something expensive and hire someone to run it; we design it and build it and run it ourselves.


■ We take care of each other. Our academic advising system starts with a program for first-year students that pairs them with faculty who share their interests. Our Academic Excellence program and our Writing Center encourage students to work together to improve their assignments. A full-time emotional health counselor serves HMC students exclusively, with additional support available through The Claremont Colleges’ Monsour Counseling Center. The Dean of Students Office runs a bunch of programs designed to make your life richer, including Friday Forums, a chance for the community to come together to talk about Mudd and the world beyond it.



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■ But nothing would prepare you for the experience of actually knowing them. They’re just—and you’ll have to forgive our use of technical jargon— cool. And nice. And generous, and funny, and multifaceted, and generally able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. They have families. They have interesting lives. They’ll expect you to have an interesting life. They’ll laugh at your jokes. They’ll encourage your brilliant, slightly deranged idea. They’ll notice that you’ve worn yourself out with work, and they’ll say, hey, let’s go for a run. They’ll expect you to bring something good to the potluck dinner. They’ll be your ultimate resource: a friend, a guide, a mentor, a kindred spirit.

■ Relevant, vital and staffed by friendly, knowledgeable professionals. Home to more than 92,000 bound references and 6,800 periodicals in mathematics, science and engineering. And you’ll have access to The Claremont Colleges library system, featuring more than two million volumes and a lot of other big, impressive statistics.


■ You could read about their research interests and their astonishing credentials in the departmental descriptions to follow; you could recall our low student-to-faculty ratio; you could skim our website and notice the teaching awards they’ve won, the major research grants they’ve secured, the groundbreaking work they’ve done. You could imagine (and you’d be right) that we hired them not because they’re antisocial geniuses who loathe teaching, but because they’re some of the country’s premier researchers, they love their work, love sharing it with students, and believe that undergraduate education is the fountainhead of meaningful work in the sciences.


The Sprague Library

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page 21 THE MANUAL

Special programs Joint Majors Chemistry and biology ■ Need we tell you that the intersection of chemistry and biology is one hot traffic jam? Need we mention the wave of new graduate programs in chemical biology engulfing the nation’s finest universities (Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Berkeley, Chicago)? Or that the tools of chemical synthesis, mechanistic analysis, thermodynamics, kinetics and molecular modeling are powerful tools to apply

to complex biological systems? Or that genomics and computational biochemistry are important emerging fields that transcend disciplines? No. We need not. But we must tell you that this visionary, boundary-defying joint major would give you a rigorous introduction to the two fields, a series of electives in related areas, a focused suite of courses in biochemistry and molecular biology,

and a capstone course team-taught by faculty from the two departments. You can take advantage of research colloquia in either biology or chemistry and you’ll write a senior research thesis supervised by faculty mentors in both departments. The future is yours: basic science or applied biomedical research, industry, government, academia. You are the frontier.

Computer science and mathematics ■ Think of the overlap: techniques from formal logic are used to prove that a computer program correctly performs a specified task. Complexity theory uses techniques from mathematics and computer science to determine the “hardness” of a computational problem. Numerical analysis examines methods for

computing numerical solutions to a variety of mathematical problems in areas ranging from medicine to aircraft design. Etc., etc. Our integrated program of study includes foundational work across the disciplines, a raft of advanced technical electives, required colloquia and fora, and a two-term Clinic project.

The result? Perhaps a stellar career in software, mathematical finance, consulting—or a lifelong habit of being an entrepreneurial wizard. Perhaps graduate study in mathematics, computer science, operations research and other related fields—and then a career as a maverick professor.

Mathematical biology ■ Maybe you’ve heard people talk about this being the Century of Biology—by which they mean biology is becoming a kind of omnidiscipline, a field that registers in all other fields. And maybe you’ve suspected that the secret key to biology is mathematics. Maybe you knew that mathematical and

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computational components are vital to many areas of contemporary biological research, to wit: genomics, molecular modeling, structural biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, and systems analysis of neurobiology, physiology and metabolism. Maybe you want this joint major. It offers an immersive ex-

perience in the scientific and intellectual cultures of the two fields, a wealth of interdisciplinary research opportunities in biomathematics and quantitative biology, and advisers in both fields who can help you map the terrain of the next century.

3-2 programs in economics and engineering ■ Two ways to get a degree in engineering from us—and an outstanding liberal arts degree from our friends in The Claremont Colleges. The Scripps College 3-2 Engineering Degree and the Claremont McKenna College (CMC) 3-2 Degree in Economics and Engineering work like this: you’d attend Scripps or CMC for three years, taking mathematics, science, and general education courses; at the end of your junior year you’d transfer to us and complete our requirements for general education and the engineering degree. Five years, two degrees.

Individual program of studies ■ Just what it sounds like: a program of study—a major—designed by you, the individual, consistent with the nature and strengths of the college. Just another way in which we’re thinking of you.

the off-campus major ■ What if in your second year you decide to major in a field in the humanities, social sciences, or the arts? Then, my friend, you could complete an off-campus major at one of the other Claremont Colleges. (You’d have dozens of choices.) If your primary major was off-campus, you’d still have to complete a minor in one of our major-granting departments, along with our other graduation requirements— the core, the integrative experience, the program in the humanities and social sciences.

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The Curriculum At every step there’s research and lab work and a collegial working relationship with our maniacally gifted professors. Start with core courses in the field: structure and function, ecology and environmental biology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, carbon compounds, organic chemistry—your essential toolkit. Choose The Program This will sound vaguely conspiratorial, but we’re your electives: step up to the buffet and see guided by the rule of seven. Maybe it’s better to say that we’re what looks good—or order a la carte, designing a personalized concentration. We guided by seven principles. One: Education is a relationship. offer a formal concentration in molecular You will know your professors as real human beings. And like biology, but, hey, surprise us: make one up in genetics, ecology, plant biology, whatthem. And they will know you. And so on. Two: Biology is inter- ever makes sense. Interested in ecology disciplinary. You can’t (and won’t) study it in isolation. Three: and environmental biology? We’re part of a consortium that allows you to apply for The best answer is the next question. You’ll be expected to the Semester in Environmental Science at solve open-ended, hypothesis-driven problems. Four: Educa- the Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass. tion is active. We learn by doing. You’ll be part of the process Want to go to medical school? Arrange a by which discoveries are made—i.e. you’ll do original research. pre-medical program through any of the majors; it’ll require some effort, but you’ll Often. Five: Clear speak is good. If you want the world to un- reap the benefits later. You can also take derstand your work, you have to know how to explain it clearly. courses at The Claremont Colleges (sample: conservation biology, immunology, So you will. Six: Biology is part of a web of larger concerns: genetic analysis); and of course you’ll social, political, cultural, ethical. You’ll study and practice it in want to know about our joint majors in mathematical biology and chemistry and this context. Seven: The practice of science is fun. You will be biology (see “Special Programs”). And in senior year—well, if you look on the required to have several hours of fun per day, pending depart- your next page at the sections on research and mental review. The preceding sentence was both a joke meant senior research, you’ll get the idea.


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to provoke quiet, knowing laughter—and a serious statement of purpose.

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Research ■ Perhaps you recall the fourth principle: we learn by doing. Biology demands an active engagement in the world; and so we demand (nicely!) research. In laboratory and field courses, you’ll form hypotheses, design experiments, analyze and interpret data critically, and present results in a professional

format. You’ll be hounded by faculty asking you to join them in conducting world-class research. In the summer, you’ll avoid the sun’s harmful rays by joining our active summer research program: full-time lab work with a stipend, loads of responsibility, and a professor working side by side with you,

Senior research ■ In your senior year, you’ll do a yearlong research project. You’d enroll in a research seminar with a biology faculty member, a life science faculty member, or an off-campus advisor. You’d write a research proposal and present it at the Biology Colloquium. And then you’d, you know, do the work: become one with your research problem, break new ground, surprise the world. You’d

write a professional-caliber thesis and deliver a presentation at HMC Presentation Days. We also encourage students to present their research at regional and national conferences; a good number of students have become authors on published papers. If you do the Clinic, you’d work with a multi-disciplinary student team on a year-long sponsored research and design project.

wearing shorts and generally appearing human. Recent summer projects have been funded by the Keck Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the AAAS-Merck Program. They include: “Reproductive Biology and Phenoytypic Plasticity of Lizards”; “Molecular Systematics of Octocorals”;

“Immunogold Labeling of Corneal Keratocytes in a Collagen Sponge Matrix”; “DNA Repair in Chromatin”; and “Dynein Gene Expression.”

The Faculty STEPHEN C. ADOLPH, Assoc. Prof. of Biology and Chair, Department of Biology (Ph.D. University of Washington): physiological, evolutionary, and behavioral ecology of lizards; mathematical biology. ANNA N. AHN, Prof. of Biology (Ph.D., UC Berkeley): neural control and mechanics of locomotion. ELIOT BUSH, Asst. Prof. of Biology, Department of Biology (Ph.D., Caltech): molecular evolution and computational biology. ROBERT DREWELL, Asst. Prof. of Biology (Ph.D., Cambridge University): genetic


mechanisms underlying animal development.

■ We’re not bragging, but: high-speed, ultra- and micro-centrifuges; UV/vis spectrophotometers; fluorescence, DIC, and phase-contrast microscopy with video and image processing; laminar flow and containment hoods; growth chambers and incubators; ultra-low temperature freezers; a chilled freshwater room and a chilled marine room with recirculating sea water; a photographic dark room; a walk-in cold room; electrophoretic equipment; neurobiology workstations with computerized data acquisition; PCR; and an oligonucleotide synthesizer. We’re

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affiliated with the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, an excellent facility for research and education in systematic and evolutionary botany; it’s home to an ABI PRISM 377 Automated Fluorescent DNA Sequencer. The 85-acre Bernard Field Station contains grassland and riparian habitats, a former citrus orchard now undergoing succession back to native vegetation, an artificial lake, vernal pools, and one of the largest remaining parcels of coastal sage scrub in Los Angeles County. Think of it as your personal outdoor lab.

KARL HAUSHALTER, Asst. Prof. of Chemistry and Biology (Ph.D., Harvard University): biochemistry and function of DNA repair enzymes. CATHERINE S. MCFADDEN, Vivian and D. Kenneth Baker Prof. of Biology (Ph.D., University of Washington): evolutionary and ecological consequences of asexual vs. sexual reproduction in marine invertebrates.

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Basically: essential knowledge and skills, experience in an expansive list of fields, research in the deep end, and working partnerships with professors. Specifically, the foundation: rigorous core courses in the traditional fields of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, physical and biochemistry). Then, a chance to explore specialized fields, from computational to industrial, from lasers to synthetic methods. Finally, intensive advanced courses and experimental research or project work in selected areas. Students can also take advantage of courses at The Claremont Colleges—from organometallic chemistry to pericyclic reactions, group theory to statistical thermodynamics. Our major is certified by the American Chemical Society; and we offer additional programs of study leading to ACS certification in biochemistry, chemical education and chemical physics. Take note: we recommend that students acquire a reading knowledge of German, Russian or French. Don’t forget our joint major in chemistry and biology; it’s under “Special Programs.”


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The Curriculum


The Program A few facts: More than 80% of our graduates go on to get their Ph.D.—one of the highest percentages of any college in the country. Our students regularly publish and coauthor articles—again, one of the highest percentages in the country. Our students regularly win major awards: National Science Foundation, Churchill, Watson and Marshall fellowships, Rhodes scholarships and more. And we have the highest percentage of women on campus majoring in chemistry of any college or university in the country. We are, in other words, a big deal. When you leave here, you’ll be ready for anything: professional school (business, law, medicine), graduate work, or immediate and meaningful employment in a range of fields: materials science and pharmacology, genetics and oceanography, chemical engineering and viticulture.

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Research ■ More than 90% of our students conduct research prior to their senior year. Our summer research program is especially robust: 20 to 30 students receive a stipend to work with faculty on research projects for a 10-week period; the projects give students a leading role in solving a specific problem and a serious amount of independence in guiding the direction of the project. If by some twist of fate you’ve missed a chance to do research before you’re a senior, welcome to our required capstone experience: an independent, research project culminating in a written thesis or project report and an oral presentation. What

does it involve? Original research, heavy-duty experimental or theoretical work, collaboration with a professor, and, depending on your career objectives, collaboration with other departments. Recent theses include: “Target Location by the DNA Repair Enzyme SMUG1;” “Determination of Biologically Relevant Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Phases in Mixtures of Water and nAlkyl-Thioglucosides;” “Synthesis of a Candidate Complex for Asymmetric Bifunctional Catalysis;” and “Enantioselective Diethyl Zinc Addition to Benzaldehyde Via Diastereomeric Amino Alcohol-Titanium Complexes.”

The Faculty HAL VAN RYSWYK, Prof. of Chemistry and Chair, Department of Chemistry (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin): study of energy and electron transfer in self-assembled systems. SHENDA M. BAKER, Prof. of Chemistry (Ph.D., Caltech): the study of the adsorption and structure of polymers on surfaces and creation of nanoscopic structures. ROBERT J. CAVE, Prof. of Chemistry, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty (Ph.D., Caltech): electronic structure theory and the quantum mechanical treatment of electron transfer reactions. G. WILLIAM DAUB, Seeley Wintersmith Mudd Prof. of Chemistry (Ph.D., Stanford University): the development of new regio- and stereoselective reactions for organic synthesis. KARL A. HAUSHALTER, Asst. Prof. of Chemistry and Biology (Ph.D., Harvard University): studies on the influence of chromatin structure on DNA repair. ADAM R. JOHNSON, Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry (Ph.D., MIT): design of ligands for the synthesis of chiral A metal complexes and enantioselective catalysis.

Facilities KERRY K. KARUKSTIS, Prof. of Chemistry (Ph.D., Duke University): spectroscopic

■ We own a lot of research-grade equipment which, if you put it in a room and took a picture of it, would look like the abandoned set of a B-grade science fiction movie—and yet it’s totally current, top-of-the-line stuff. We’re talking about spectrometers (atomic absorption, ultraviolet/visible, infrared, fluorescence, circular dichroism, gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, and a 400 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer that uses a superconducting magnet cryostated at four degrees Kelvin); chromotographs (gas, high performance liquid, ion); elec-

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trochemical equipment (potentiostats/ analyzers, capillary electrophoresis); lasers (argon ion/dye, nitrogen/dye, helium/cadmium, helium/neon and an optical parametric oscillator); plus differential scanning calorimeters, a polarimeter and a polarizing microscope, an ultracentrifuge, a scanning electron microscope, an atomic force microscope, a scanning tunneling microscope, silicon graphics workstations, a Langmuir-Blodgett Trough—and just everything, OK? Anyway, the important point is, it’s all for you.

analyses of surfactant aggregations and macromolecular host-guest systems. MITSURU KUBOTA, Prof. of Chemistry emeritus (Ph.D., University of Illinois): study of catalysis by metal compounds and inorganic chemistry. PHILIP C. MYHRE, Prof. of Chemistry emeritus (Ph.D., University of Washington): study of organic reaction mechanisms and the characterization of reaction intermediates. GERALD R. VAN HECKE ’61, Donald A. Strauss Prof. of Chemistry (Ph.D., Princeton University): study of liquid crystals and the thermodynamics of liquids, as revealed by lasers. DAVID A. VOSBURG, Asst. Prof. of Chemistry (Ph.D., Scripps Research Institute): biomimetic and biosynthetic routes to natural products.

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Computer Science

The Curriculum


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In 1997, Harvey Mudd College became the first undergraduate institution to win the International Association of Computing Machinery Programming Contest. HMC beat out some of the bigger and more well-known research institutions in the oldest, largest and one of the most prestigious computing contests in the world! More than 1,000 colleges from around the world participated in the event and as of 2007, HMC was the last U.S. school to win the competition.


It starts with foundational knowledge, gets hands-on really quickly, gives you a lot of room to choose electives, and ends with the ultimate hybrid capstone experience, the Clinic. So, to start, you’d take our innovative introductory course that exposes you to some of the big ideas in computer science and also exposes you to several The Program Expansive yet focused, rigorous yet flexible, “flavors” of programming. Next, a course grounded in theory but applications everywhere—it’s either a that examines the principles of computer science more deeply followed by a course giant paradox or the future of the discipline. OK, it’s the future in data structures and program developof the discipline. It’s an education that helps you anticipate— ment. Then, you’d investigate some of the deep foundations of the field: computand create, and master—and learn to “surf” the wave of the ability and logic, algorithms, theory of future. You’ll get your hands dirty (lots of research and experi- programming languages, computer systems, software development. You’d also be mentation, lots of design work and a year-long Clinic experi- thinking about electives—too many to list ence), you’ll get your brain focused (deep study of theory and here, but suffice it to say you’d be looking at everything from artificial intelligence to fundamental principles, exposure to a range of application neural networks, from scientific computareas), and, in the end, you’ll be ready to join a leading graduate ing to compiler design, plus electives in mathematics and engineering, including program or an innovative firm (in what? In anything—software mathematical logic, operations research, engineering, system analysis and design, networking, comput- electronics, and microprocessors and VLSI. You could also check out our innoer graphics and multimedia, and on and on). You’ll make a con- vative joint major in computer science and tribution: to science, to computing, to the human experience. mathematics; you’ll find it in “Special Programs,” wearing a pink carnation in its lapel.

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page 27 THE MANUAL

Research ■ Unavoidable, inevitable and essential. Our professors will beg you to help them with it, our classes ask for it, our Clinic guarantees it. Professors routinely secure grants from places like the National Science Foundation and the Mellon Foundation—grants to conduct high-level research with undergraduates. And the undergraduates would be you. And the research would often end up as your senior thesis or a published paper —possibly even a trip to a major

conference to present your work. You can get a sense of what’s happening with our faculty by checking out their research interests in the list to your right. We offer regular summer research opportunities, including a recent NSFfunded Research Experience for Undergraduates in the areas of artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks. You’d work with a small team of your peers and a professor and get free food and housing, plus a stipend.

The Faculty MICHAEL A. ERLINGER, Prof. of Computer Science and Chair, Computer Science Department (Ph.D., UCLA): computer networking and computer security; in particular, protocol creation and evaluation. CHRISTINE ALVARADO, Asst. Prof. of Computer Science (Ph.D., MIT): artificial intelligence and human computer interaction. ZACHARY DODDS, Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science (Ph.D., Yale University): real-time vision, vision-based mobile robot control, and robotic hand/eye coordination. ROBERT M. KELLER, Csilla and Walt Foley Prof. of Computer Science and Director of Computer Science Clinic (Ph.D., UC Berkeley): declarative languages for parallel computing and real-time systems, and corresponding system architecture; parallel genetic programming and other soft computing models; visual approaches to programming languages.

The Clinic ■ Big-time experience on behalf of big-time clients. A required part of your coursework as a computer science major. Two semesters, a handful of students, a faculty adviser, and a representative from a corporation or research lab—oh, and a brain-melting problem that the client wants you to solve: that, my friend, is a capstone Clinic experience. Recent projects include: GPS net-

GEOFFREY KUENNING, Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science (Ph.D., UCLA): memory-based file

work hardware prototyping analysis tool (Boeing); face biometrics recognition on video streams in a distributed environment (the Aerospace Corporation); collection robots and integrated analysis agent technology (NC4); gaming user interface (Areva T&D, Inc.); and differential test coverage analysis in the context of the Wine Project (Google).

systems; methods for allocating disk accesses in controlled proportions. RAN LIBESKIND-HADAS, Professor of Computer Science and Joseph B. Platt Prof. of Effective Teaching (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—GTE Fellow): algorithms, network routing, optical networks, complexity theory. MELISSA O’NEILL, Asst. Prof. of Computer Science (Ph.D., Simon Fraser University): making programming easier and more reliable; determinacy checking in parallel and distributed systems, finegrain parallelism, functional programming; making software more reliable and easier to use; user interface design. CHRISTOPHER STONE, Asst. Prof. of Computer Science (Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon): programming language theory and implementation, particularly those areas involving type systems for functional and object-based languages.

Facilities ■ We operate our own network of computers, administered by students and staff. We’re constantly upgrading our computing environment, but it’s safe to say that we have computer and file servers and various flavors of workstations (Macs and PCs) supporting two dedicated laboratories and a Clinic workroom. But, if you must know: our main server is an IBM xSeries 366 featuring 4 64-bit Xeon processors with 6 GB of RAM. Hyperthreading is enabled for a total of 8 logical processors. The machine runs Debian Linux. Our web server is a Dell with a 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 processor

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ELIZABETH SWEEDYK, Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science (Ph.D., UC Berkeley): algo-

running Debian Linux. We have another Dell server with dual 2.8 GHz Xeon processors also running Debian Linux; it’s used primarily by computer systems classes. The Charles F. Parker Computer Systems Laboratory features Apple Mac Minis—over 45 consoles- each equipped with a 19- or 20-inch LCD monitor. The Fletcher Jones Graphics Laboratory features 15 iMacs and 10 Mac Minis. Tealia, our new cluster, has 70 CPUs and we are building an Emulab, Nelson, for use in a number of systems courses. And there’s more where that came from.

rithms, complexity theory, computational biology, visualization, and computer graphics. AFFILIATED FACULTY, The Claremont Colleges KIM BRUCE, Pomona College: semantics and design of progamming languages. EVERETT L. BULL, Pomona College: theory and programming languages. TZU-YI CHEN, Pomona College: parallel computing and numerical linear algebra. ARTHUR LEE, Claremont McKenna College: programming languages and systems and database systems.

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The Curriculum




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classes entail hands-on work; many involve intensive lab experience. As they move through the program, most students come to work with faculty on significant research—and a good number become co-authors on published papers. And then there’s Clinic.


■ This is a hands-on program. Applied work starts as soon as the first year, when teams of students take on projects for nonprofit clients; recent projects include developing a squirt gun for children with disabilities, and designing an efficient method for cutting tissue samples for biological research. Most


The Program A broad-based, hands-on experience in engineering analysis, synthesis and practice. We prepare students for professional practice, for advanced study in a specific engineering discipline, and for a lifetime of independent learning. Our graduates are fully aware of the impact of their work on society, nationally and globally. The program is based on the premise that design is the distinguishing feature of engineering. That’s why we established the Clinic Program, now a nationally recognized model of experiential learning. And that’s why we founded the Center for Design Education, an exceptional resource for students and faculty. The Center’s workshops attract educators, researchers and designers from across the country and around the world.

It’s designed to make you an exceptionally skilled, totally adaptable engineer, grounded in fundamental principles and sensitive to human needs. It’s a general engineering curriculum; majors can emphasize a specialty by choosing their electives and their Clinic carefully, but the general idea is that the best undergraduate engineering education develops people who can do meaningful work in any field. So the curriculum is divided into three branches—applied science, systems, and design and professional practice—each offering rigorous analysis of theoretical principles and intensive hands-on experience. Courses in applied science establish a broad base of fundamental knowledge in the field; courses in systems offer a unified approach to engineering and practice in modeling, designing, and interpretation of engineering systems; and courses in design and professional practice allow students to work in teams, solving openended, externally-driven design projects— a process that culminates in a required three-semester Clinic experience. HMC engineering majors may spend a semester or a year in an exchange program. The curriculum is flexible enough that our majors have spent a semester or a year studying at domestic and international colleges and universities (Swarthmore College, Penn, RPI, the ESIEE in France, the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Kogakuin University in Tokyo). Our bachelor of science degree is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.

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page 29 THE MANUAL

The Clinic ■ The engineering department pioneered it in 1963—the first program of its kind to give students real problems to solve for real clients in the private and public sectors. Now, our Clinic Program attracts an expansive list of major clients, all of whom pay more than $40,000 to allow small teams of our students to attack a specific, messy, often interdisciplinary problem. Students have to do the things that professionals

Facilities do: work in groups, follow a process from its initial design to its execution, manage money and time and resources, make presentations, take risks, fail, take more risks, and, in the end, deliver a tangible, workable, practical solution. Our Clinics encompass a broad range of engineering disciplines—from biomedical to chemical, computer to electrical, from environmental to mechanical, and everywhere in between.

The Faculty

■ Our Engineering Computing Facility is reserved exclusively for engineering students; it features state-of-the-art software, hardware, and design tools, available 24 hours a day. A sample: 20 PC workstations and peripherals including two HP drawing/graphics large-format printers running commercial CAD/CAE software. A cluster of eight laboratories features the latest data acquisition, measurement, analysis, and testing equip-

ment for the newest prototype designs. We also offer a suite of fully updated shops: a machine shop with an arbor press, drill press, grinder, lathe and mill; a sheet metal shop with a band saw, brake, corner shear, shear, spot welder and ovens; and a wood shop with a band saw, drill press, radial arm saw, table saw and wood lathe. Our eccentric-mass vibrator, known to friends as “The Shaker,” tests the structural integrity of large structures.

SARAH L. HARRIS, Asst. Prof. of Engineering (Ph.D., Stanford University): VLSI circuit design. JOSEPH A. KING, Prof. of Engineering (Ph.D., University of Oklahoma): the physical characteristics of metals.

ZIYAD H. DURÓN ’81, Jude and Eileen Laspa Prof. of Engineering; Chair, Department of Engineering; Director, De Pietro Fellowship Program in Civil Engineering (Ph.D., Caltech): full-scale testing of structural response of civil structures. LORI BASSMAN, Assoc. Prof. of Engineering and Assoc. Chair, Department of Engineering (Ph.D., Stanford University): computational mechanics. CARL J. BAUMGAERTNER, Clinical Prof. of Engineering (B.S., St. Thomas College; postgraduate studies at University of Minnesota): electronic circuits and control systems. ANTHONY BRIGHT, Prof. of Engineering (Ph.D., University of Bradford, England): hydrodynamics of liquid jets. MARY CARDENAS, LaFetra Chair in Environmental Engineering and Assoc. Dean of Students (Ph.D., UC Santa Barbara): numerical modeling of toxic contaminants in water. PHILIP D. CHA, Prof. of Engineering (Ph.D., University of Michigan): parameter uncer-

NANCY K. LAPE, Asst. Prof. of Engineering and Director of the Lewis Fellowship Program in Engineering Professional Practice (Ph.D., University of Minnesota): membrane process design. PATRICK LITTLE, J. Stanley and Mary Wig Johnson Prof. of Engineering Management and Director, Engineering Clinic (Sc.D., MIT): reliability and management of transportation systems. JOHN I. MOLINDER, James Howard Kindelberger Prof. of Engineering (Ph.D., Caltech): communication systems and signal processing. ELIZABETH ORWIN ’95, Assoc. Prof. of Engineering and Director of the Engman Fellowship Program in Biomechanics (Ph.D. University of Minnesota): tissue engineering, biomechanics. DONALD S. REMER, Oliver C. Field Prof. of Engineering Economics and Management (Ph.D., Caltech): management, investment, and cost estimation techniques. R. ERIK SPJUT, Prof. of Engineering (Ph.D., MIT): aerosols and radiant heat transfer.

tainties in the dynamics of structures.

RUYE WANG, Prof. of Engineering (Ph.D., Rutgers University): computer vision.

CLIVE L. DYM, Fletcher Jones Prof. of Engineering Design and Director of the Center for

QIMIN YANG, Assoc. Prof. of Engineering (Ph.D., Princeton): optical communications.

Design Education (Ph.D., Stanford University): engineering design, structural mechanics. DAVID MONEY HARRIS, Assoc. Prof. of Engineering, Director of the Clay-Wolkin Fellowship Program in Electrical Engineering, and Director of the Engineering Computing Facility (Ph.D., Stanford University): high-speed integrated circuit design and microprocessors.

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Humanities, Social Sciences, & the arts

The Curriculum

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One-third of your coursework—12 courses— will be in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts, starting with an intensive introduction to writing and revising, textual analysis, and critical thinking in your first semester. And every HMC student pursues a concentration in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts—at least four coursThe Program We’re an essential part of an HMC education. We es, including advanced work, grouped around a theme or in a specific field. The are active scholars and researchers, dedicated and creative remainder of your coursework is designed teachers. We serve the entire student body; we’re the college’s to give you broad exposure to a range of and ways of thinking—and second largest department; we constitute a major portion of disciplines to allow you the freedom to explore your interests in depth. We encourage students the curriculum. But, more to the point, we’re integral to the to choose courses that expose them to difcollege’s mission. The work you’ll do in our program will help you ferent cultures and histories and to pursue to become a bold, broad-minded, self-aware, socially engaged study abroad. Take note: we don’t offer majors in the humanities, social sciences, citizen and scholar—an evolving, reasoning, enlightened human and the arts. You can, however, complete being. The college believes that this education, these skills, are a major at another undergraduate college in The Claremont Colleges—an option the foundation of a meaningful life in the sciences. typically used as a double major in addition to one of HMC’s technical majors. You could also complete an off-campus major as your primary major; read all about it in “Special Programs.”

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page 31 THE MANUAL

Facilities ■ In photography: black and white darkrooms; digital labs with Macs and scanners; a portrait studio; and the Parsons Humanities Gallery. In multimedia: a partnership with the Pitzer College Production Office includes the Media Studio, featuring topof-the-line editing suites with 24-hour access, film cameras, newer model digital video cameras, still cameras, and other exciting devices—plus professional tutorials on production equipment and editing. HMC houses four Final Cut Pro editing suites and a Mac lab with digital imaging and motion graphics software. In music: professional editing equipment and software; an audio studio including a Mac G4 running current computer synthesis, MIDI, and audio recording and editing programs and plug-ins; MIDI equipment including an 88-note key-

board controller, sampler, and synthesizers; audio equipment including a programmable 32-channel digital mixing console, TC Electronics digital effects unit, Alesis digital effects unit, dbx compressor/limiter, and a digital multitrack, cassette and CD player. Playback is on a Hafler amp and JBL 4411 speakers. The Media Studio also has an isolated recording booth with microphones and direct lines to the patch bay. The college also owns a suite of gamelan instruments, used in classes and performances. In psychology: a dedicated laboratory, including an observation room with one-way mirror. In anthropology/science, technology, and society: a “culture lab” in which, among other projects, students study the role of gender expectations in computer games.

The Faculty DARRYL WRIGHT, Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy and Chair, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts (Ph.D. University of Michigan): history of ethics, moral and political philosophy. BILL ALVES, Assoc. Prof. of Music (D.M.A., University of Southern California): music composition, especially involving computer music, gamelan, tuning systems, abstract cinema. ISABEL BALSEIRO, Alexander and Adelaide Hixon Prof. of Humanities (Ph. D. New York University): African and Latin American literary and visual culture, as well as postcolonial intellectual history in comparative perspective. HAL S. BARRON, Louisa and Robert Miller Professor of Humanities and Prof. of History (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania): U.S. social and cultural history, the cultural construction of the “rural” in the 20th century, the impact of ethnic food on American culture. MARIANNE DE LAET, Asst. Prof. of Anthropology and Science, Technology, and Society (Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Utrecht): practices of knowledge-making in scientific and other cultural environments, material effects of knowledge on the world, cultural influences that channel, organize, enable and constrain knowing. GARY R. EVANS, Ruth and Harvey Berry Prof. of Entrepreneurial Leadership (Ph.D., UC Riverside): financial institutions and small business development, enterprise and entrepreneurship. JEFFREY D. GROVES, Prof. of Literature (Ph.D., The Claremont Graduate School): nineteenth-century American trade publishing; the history of the book in America.


CHARLES W. KAMM, Asst. Prof. of Music and Director of Choral Activities, Joint Music

■ While most students choose to do research within their major field, occsionally students complete in-semester or summer research with a faculty member in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts. Whether collecting data in the psych lab, creating an in-

structional CD with a professor, or traveling with a faculty member to a distant archive to work with historical materials, research in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts can add immensely to the well-rounded character we help our students to develop.

(M.M.A. Yale University): 17th century performance practice, Scandinavian music, nationalism and the arts, aesthetics. MICHAEL DEAN LAMKIN, Prof. of Music and Dean of Faculty, Scripps College (Ph.D., University of Iowa): central European music and history, intersections of European cultures, conductor of the Claremont Concert Orchestra. DEBRA MASHEK, Asst. Prof. of Psychology (Ph.D., Stony Brook University): psychological implications of romantic relationships and community connectedness.


Environmental Studies *

Anthropology *

European Studies *

Art *

Foreign Languages

Asian American Studies Asian Studies Black Studies

Gender Studies (including Women’s Studies and Feminist Studies) * German Studies

(including Africana Studies) *

History *

Chicano Studies

History of Ideas

Literature (including English and Literature in translation) *

of special effects to the science fictional discoveries of contemporary genetics.

Media Studies *

RICHARD G. OLSON ’62, Prof. of History and Willard W. Keith Jr. Fellow in the Humanities

Music *

(Ph.D. Harvard University): history of science, gender issues in science, science and religion,

Philosophy *

U.S. science policy.

Political Studies (including Government and Public Policy) *

PAUL STEINBERG, Asst. Prof. of Political Science and Environmental Policy (Ph.D. UC

Psychology *

Santa Cruz): design of political institutions for the conservation of biological diversity, global

Religious Studies *

environmental politics, qualitative research methods.


Holocaust & Human Rights

Cultural Studies *

International Relations *

Science, Technology, and Society *


Jewish Studies *


Economics *

Latin American Studies *



Theatre “*” indicates fields regularly covered by HMC faculty

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RACHEL MAYERI, Asst. Prof. of Media Studies (M.F.A., UC San Diego): intersections of art and science in experimental documentaries and museum exhibits, from the Baroque origins

LISA M. SULLIVAN, Prof. of Economics (Ph.D., University of Toronto): work and human identity, the political economy of higher education, socio-economic themes in children’s literature. CHANG TAN, Asst. Prof. of Chinese Literature (Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin): contemporary Chinese art and literature; modernism and cultural studies.

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The Curriculum

Mathematics The Program Fourteen engaging faculty, a long list of students publishing in major journals, a thriving Clinic Program, two innovative joint major programs—all this, and the 2006 award for the best mathematics department in the nation (by the American Mathematical Society). By every available quantitative measure, we rock. At the heart of the program is a pure, burning love for math and a broad vision of the field’s potential. An astonishing number of our graduates enter preeminent Ph.D. programs, but they also take professional positions in finance and banking, management and technology, biomedical research, education, and computers.

Recent theses include: “Combinatorial Proofs of Generalizations of Sperner’s Lemma;” “Rates of Convergence to Self-Similar Solutions of Burgers’ Equations;” and “On the upper Chromatic Numbers of the Reals.”


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of immunological therapies for cancer and optimizing combination treatment strategies, using operations research techniques to evaluate airline security, analyzing loopholes in voting schemes, and working out ways to divide resources fairly. Students also participate in student-directed research through the senior thesis. The thesis is a year-long engagement with a monster problem.


■ A crucial part of the work you’ll do here. Our faculty maintain active research programs designed to encourage student involvement; our summer research programs are especially intense. Since 2000 our students have co-authored over sixty papers on problems in multiple branches of mathematics and applications. A sampling of our published research includes the modeling



The major starts with the Major Core, a set of advanced courses in a range of fields of mathematics: discrete mathematics, mathematical analysis, probability, abstract algebra, and applied analysis. Students also take a course in computational mathematics—essential to many fields and to most applied work in business and industry—at least three elective mathematics courses, and two courses that allow students to present and discuss current topics in the literature. Our required capstone experience entails either a senior thesis—a sustained investigation of a complex problem—or a Clinic experience. Students can also take advantage of cooperative courses offered through The Claremont Colleges, including advanced work at the Claremont Graduate University. And we still haven’t mentioned our groundbreaking joint major programs: mathematics-computer science and mathematical biology. You can read more about them in “Special Programs.”

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the Clinic ■ And Clinic? It’s a year-long engagement with an industry client, featuring applied work with real consequences. Recent Clinics include: control algorithm project (Cardinal Health); characterization and sources of printer color instability (Hewlett-Packard

Labs); mathematical and computational modeling of tumor development (Los Alamos National Laboratories); advanced modeling of renewable energy market dynamics (National Renewable Energy Laboratory).

Competitions ■ You know the Putnam Competition? The largest, most prestigious mathematics competition in North America? More than 400 colleges and universities from the United States and Canada send three-person teams to tackle a fiendishly difficult six-hour exam. Our teams have finished in the top ten many

The Faculty ANDREW BERNOFF, Prof. of Mathematics, and Chair, Department of Mathematics (Ph.D.,

times in recent years. We are the only undergraduate college to have done this in the past 30 years. We’ve also won more Outstanding awards in the worldwide Mathematical Contest in Modeling than any college in the history of the competition. Just thought you should know.

University of Cambridge): fluid mechanics, biological swarming, and dynamical systems. ARTHUR BENJAMIN, Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University): combinatorics, number theory, game theory and graph theory; operations research. ALFONSO CASTRO, Kenneth A. & Diana G. Jonsson Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., University of Cincinnati): partial differential equations and nonlinear functional analysis. LISETTE DE PILLIS, Normal F. Sprague Jr. Prof. of Life Sciences, Professor of Mathematics (Ph.D., UCLA): mathematical biology, numerical linear algebra, parallel computing, computational fluid dynamics. DANIEL L GOROFF, Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., Princeton University): dynamical history

Facilities and equipment

and Hamiltonian mechanics, mathematical history, philosophy and education; mathematical economics and finance.

■ The department’s main computing center is the Scientific Computing Lab, a room of Unix workstations that can be used as a classroom or for research by math majors. The department also has several compute servers for computationally intensive jobs, including a Beowulf-class parallel cluster and a sixteen-core parallel supercomputer used to further undergraduate research. In fact, we were the first department in the nation ever to build a Beowulf cluster dedicated to undergraduate teaching and research projects. The Clinic pro-

gram has its own lab, with dedicated workstations. We have several scientific commercial software packages like FEMLAB and MISER that help solve large problems in applications of fluid dynamics, tumor modeling, and optimal control. Mudd’s math department is a founding member of the CODEE (Community of Ordinary Differential Equations Educators), which promotes the use of computers and their graphics capabilities in the teaching of differential equations.

WEIQING GU, Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics and Director, Mathematics Clinic (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania): differential geometry and topology; Grassmann manifolds; computer-aided geometric design. JON JACOBSEN, Iris and Howard Critchell Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., University of Utah): partial differential equations and mathematical biology. RACHEL LEVY, Asst. Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., North Carolina State University), differential equations modeling fluids in biological and geological systems. SUSAN MARTONOSI, Asst. Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., MIT): operations research; homeland security; statistics. MICHAEL ORRISON, Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., Dartmouth College): representation theory and applied representation theory. NICHOLAS PIPPENGER, Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., MIT), computability. FRANCIS SU, Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., Harvard University): random walks on groups, combinatorial topology, mathematical economics and fair division. TALITHIA WILLIAMS, Asst. Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., Rice University): applied statistics. DARRYL YONG ’96, Asst. Prof. of Mathematics (Ph.D., University of Washington): applied mathematics, perturbation theory, and mathematics education.

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Physics The Program Depth and breadth, depth and breadth—do we ever get tired of saying it? Actually, no. It’s one of our calling cards. We ask our students to study the field at its base and at its highest reaches. We tend to get results. Our students win an unusual amount of national awards, including the National Sci- The Curriculum ence Foundation Graduate Fellowship; the Hertz Foundation It’s surprisingly flexible—students can Graduate Fellowship; and the American Physical Society’s Ap- take a range of electives and special courses—and intensely demanding. Our core ker Award for the country’s outstanding physics student. Our courses provide an immersive experience graduates go on to excellent Ph.D. programs or take leader- in foundational theory and practice. Specialized seminars and advanced reading ship positions in a range of fields. courses feature rigorous, high-level work

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typically offered only in graduate programs. Every course—including discussion sections and labs—is taught by our full-time faculty. And professors expect students to join them on major research projects. Students become deeply knowledgeable and broadly experienced in classical and modern physics, in theory and experiment, in foundations and applications. Take note: our astronomy program is a joint venture with Pomona College; it includes foundational courses, halfcourses and research opportunities.

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Research ■ We encourage students to conduct focused research—experimental or theoretical—with a faculty member; areas of inquiry include observational astronomy, astrophysics, biophysics, computational physics, general relativity and cosmology, geophysics, laser and atomic spectroscopy, particle physics, quantum theory, string theory, nonlinear and quantum

optics, and solid-state physics. Research can also be done in biology, chemistry, or mathematics, and we have Clinic projects in computer science, engineering or mathematics, and physics. Seniors must conduct an advanced research project, leading to a thesis, or join our Clinic Program, a nationally recognized partnership with industry leaders.

The Faculty JOHN S. TOWNSEND, Susan and Bruce Worster Prof. of Physics and Chair, Department of Physics (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University): Theoretical particle physics; quantum field theory. CHIH-YUNG CHEN, Assoc. Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., MIT): solid-state physics, including electromagnetic and optical properties of high-temperature superconductors and semiconductors. THOMAS DONNELLY, Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., UC Berkeley): experimental atomic physics, including interaction of intense, short-pulse lasers with plasmas. JAMES C. ECKERT, Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., University of Southern California): solid state physics and materials science, including measurement of the electric and thermodynamic

The Clinic ■ And speaking of Clinic: Students in the Clinic Program spend a full year as part of a small team working with a corporate partner, engaged in highlevel research and presenting and refining their work for the client. The program is supported by 12 full-time faculty and a renovated laboratory complex equipped for research in the fields of atomic physics and surface interactions, condensed matter, chaotic systems and optics, electronics development, computational phys-

properties of novel materials.

ics, and more. Recent projects include implementation of adaptive optics in a clinical ophthalmic-imaging instrument (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory); a MEMS vibrating beam gyroscope (Northrop Grumman); measuring the optical properties of coated soot particles (Combustion Research Facility / Sandia National Laboratory); and specialized work for NASA’s Space Interferometry Mission (Jet Propulsion Laboratory).

ADAM EDWARDS, Asst. Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., Stanford University): experimental particle physics. ANN ESIN, Assoc. Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., Harvard University): astrophysics, including the study of accretion flows and emission processes around neutron stars and black holes. RICHARD C. HASKELL, Burton Bettingen Prof. of Physics and Director, Physics Clinic (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University): biophysics, including laser light scattering to study membranes; optics, including photon correlation spectroscopy, laser physics, and quantum optics. THERESA W. LYNN, Asst. Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., Caltech):quantum optics and quantum information science. GREGORY A. LYZENGA ’75, Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., Caltech): geophysics, including observational study of crustal deformation and earthquakes using geodetic, seismological, and gravimetric methods; computer simulation of tectonic processes. PETER N. SAETA, Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., Harvard University): nonlinear optics and semiconductor physics, including surface and buried interface effects.

Facilities and equipment

VATCHE SAHAKIAN, Asst. Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., University of Chicago): theoretical physics, including string theory and cosmology.

■ Deep breath: A cryosystem that can reach temperatures as low as 1.7 K; a thin-film deposition system that allows for the fabrication of multilayer structures; a magnetic force microscope that can image and map both the surface and the magnetic structures of samples; a 1-meter telescope equipped with a 512 x 512 CcD camera and a 256 x 256 near-infrared HgCdTe camera; an optical coherence microscope;

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a near-infrared superluminescent diode light source of a coherence length of 20 μm, allowing imaging of cells located up to one millimeter below the surface of living tissues; shared facilities with The Claremont Colleges, including 14-in., 22-in., and 40-in. telescopes; and an Astronomical Imaging Laboratory equipped with the latest software for the analysis of astronomical data. Exhale.

PATRICIA D. SPARKS, Prof. of Physics (Ph.D., Cornell University): solid state physics, including study of the optical properties of metals and interfaces.

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Campus Life

A mere sample of the CLUBS and ORGANIZATIONS AT HMC Astronomy Club

Jam Society (music)

Automotive Club

Mudd Occasional Ball

What’s it like? It’s like living in a quiet, tree-lined town at the BBQ Club Bridge Club base of snow-capped mountains with 730 friends who, like Chemistry Club you, are totally committed to the life of the mind, love working CoolSHMC CraftSHMC on seemingly impossible problems, want to be part of an actu- DeltaH Environmental Club al community, and would gladly spend a large amount of time etc. Players Fe2 Chefs producing a play, conceiving a prank, setting up a lab, watch- Fencing Club Night Movie ing the entire run of a convoluted television series, hiking the Friday Guys GIRLSHMC aforementioned snow-capped mountains, or anything else that Gonzo Unicycle Madness Club would count as a healthy activity. H2O Overdrive (outdooring)


Increasing Harvey Mudd Traditional Practices

The living situation ■ Most students live in one of our eight residence halls, each with its own legend, its own aura. Student proctors in each dorm—seniors—serve as guides and role models and activity coordinators. Our newest residence hall, Sontag, is home to a faculty member

InterVarsity Christian

charged with the task of being interest- look like Stonehenge. There’s an instiFellowship ing—hosting film festivals, leading field tutional commitment to fun—to leading trips, sponsoring informal discussions, a healthy, balanced life. that kind of thing. In short, people are social. We live together, we study together, we work together, we assemble sofas in a courtyard and arrange them to

Mudd Creative Collective Mudders Making a Difference Paintball Club Pickup Sports Club Ping Pong Club Poker Club Quiz Bowl Club Roller Hockey Club Role-Playing Club Sailing Club Students for Middle Eastern Cultural Promotion Soccer Club SpinSHMC (DJ/mixing) NES Techmo Super Bowl Club ToolSHMC Triathalon


Athletics and general recreation Center, home to aerobics and weight rooms; basketball, badminton, and volleyball courts; ping-pong, foosball and air hockey tables; rental services for movies, sports equipment, and hiking and surfing equipment; a fake fireplace; and, when you’re ready to cool down, a computing facility.

VARSITY SPORTS Basketball (M, W)

Softball (W)

Baseball (M)

Swimming (M, W)

Cross Country (M, W)

Tennis (M, W)

Football (M)

Track and Field (M, W)

Golf (M)

Volleyball (W)

Lacrosse (W)

Water Polo (M, W)


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women’s programs. And CMS is the only program to have won a conference title in each sport; we’ve won all 20 sports at least twice. So there. Meanwhile, in the world of general recreation, you can take (or organize) exercise programs sponsored by The Claremont Colleges— everything from fly-fishing to floor hockey, from kayaking to kick-boxing. You could also go to our Linde Activities


■ Claremont McKenna, HMC and Scripps join together as the CMS varsity athletic program (our clever acronym) to field NCAA Division III teams in the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (aka SCIAC). Our men’s teams have won way, way more conference titles—151—than any other SCIAC program. Our women’s teams have won the second most titles among

Soccer (M, W)

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A tiny fraction of the at The CLAREMONT COLLEGES ACLU AIDS Awareness




Animotion Ballroom Dance Capoeira Club Car Club Chiapas Chinese Student Association Chocolate Club Circle K Claremont Boxing Claremont Cycling Club Claremont Lindy Club Claremont Peace Coalition Collage (Five-College newspaper)

Conscious Eating Collective Democrats of the CC The Druids Eco-Club Ekta Emergency Exit Productions

Latter Day Saints Student Association Men’s Lacrosse Men’s Rugby Men’s Ultimate Frisbee Men’s Volleyball

Muslim Students’ Association Nikkei Student Union On the Loose (outdooring) Pathfinder Pomona College Choir Psychology Association Queer Resource Center The Re-view (alternative paper)

Rollerhockey Club

Students for Democracy Student Escort Service Students for the Field Station


Studio 47

Hui Laulea

United Farm Workers SO

Korean American Student Association KSPC Radio

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The Honor Code ■ “Every student is responsible for maintaining his or her integrity and the integrity of the college community in all academic matters and in all affairs concerning the community.” That’s our Honor Code. Students wrote it and watch over it, students are bound by it and live it every day. Professors return graded tests and assignments in open mailboxes. Students take closed-book,

timed exams in their dorm rooms. Everyone has 24-hour access—via coded key pads—to our computers and labs, studios and shops. If you break the Honor Code, you and your peers wrestle with the consequences. It’s living proof that you’re an adult, responsible to yourself and to your community. What a smart, sensible, sane way to live.

Without a Box (improv) Women’s Forum Women’s Rugby Women’s Ultimate

“CC” indicates a program sponsored by The Claremont Colleges

The Asian and Pacific Islander Sponsor Program

Diversity ■ Diversity has a real tangible meaning here. We know: you know all about it, it’s been beaten to a flavorless pulp. But at HMC diversity has an almost existential importance to us. Why? Because science abhors sameness. The work we love would come to a halt if every scientist thought the same way, came from the same community, operated under the same assumptions. Science moves forward when someone approaches a problem in an unexpected way, applies new knowledge to an old truth, proposes a new vision of the way the world is arranged. And that happens only if the scientific community is, for lack of a better word, diverse.

DIVERSITY: A list of resources

Asian-American Resource Center (CC)

Shower Quality

Gorilla Farming Club

Jewish Student Union

Volkswagen Beetle into a hallway in East Dorm. Students dressed as construction workers, carrying “official” documents requesting its repair and removed a massive cannon from Caltech’s campus. Students removed the furniture in the Dean of Students Office, set down a layer of fresh sod, and replaced the furniture. We’re hoping you’ll understand.

Model UN

Students for a Free Tibet

International Club

■ This will sound like something out of Scooby-Doo (“What are you kids doing with my pallet of sod?”) or Sherlock Holmes (“The Case of the Kidnapped Cannon”), but here it is: we sometimes build community by playing pranks. Very complicated, labor-intensive pranks that are reversible, do no harm, and we would cop to them if necessary. Examples: Students wedged a friend’s

■ So we take it seriously. Our Office of Institutional Diversity coordinates long-term campus planning with a Diversity Task Force, provides funding for cultural programs sponsored by student clubs, and hosts the Summer Institute, an intensive two-and-a-half-week residential experience that offers selected students an early introduction to HMC. And we offer a network of student groups and campus resources dedicated to global awareness, cultural pluralism and personal achievement.

Chicano/Latino Student Affairs Center (CC) International Place (CC) The National Society of Black Engineers Office of Black Student Affairs (CC) Office of the Chaplains (CC) People Respecting Individuals’ Sexualities at Mudd (PRISM) Queer Resource Center (CC) Students for the Advancement of Latino Scientific Achievement (SALSA) Student Climate Action Group The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers The Society of Women Engineers

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The Claremont Colleges ■ We’re a member of The Claremont Colleges, one of the nation’s oldest college consortia. We’re neighbors and partners with four outstanding undergraduate colleges and two innovative graduate schools. So you could walk across the street to Scripps and eat at their excellent dining hall. You could take a Russian class at Pomona, attend a lecture at Keck, join the Colleges’ powerhouse athletic teams, play in its outstanding orchestra, throw a party and invite several thousand new friends.

■ You’d have access to 2,500 classes, 600 faculty members, over 300 clubs and organizations, dozens of majors and minor programs, hundreds of social and cultural events, a library with two million volumes—basically a small, well-appointed university. But Mudd would still be Mudd, Pitzer would still be Pitzer, and so on. There’s nothing like it in the United States.

THE CLAREMONT COLLEGES : Who are they? Why are they so beguiling? POMONA COLLEGE: 1,500 students, comprehensive liberal arts and sciences curriculum. Founded in 1887. CLAREMONT GRADUATE UNIVERSITY: 2,000 students, master’s and doctoral programs in 22 fields. Founded in 1925. SCRIPPS COLLEGE: Women’s college. 800 students, 50 majors. Founded in 1926. CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE: 1,000 students, liberal arts curriculum emphasizing leadership, economics and public affairs. Founded in 1946. HARVEY MUDD COLLEGE: Perhaps you’ve heard of us. PITZER COLLEGE: 950 students, flexible curriculum, emphasis on interdisciplinary study, intercultural experience, and social responsibility. More than 40 majors. Founded in 1963.

Claremont and Los Angeles ■ Claremont is a small city (pop. 35,000) with the heart of a small village. The center of the city—called, yes, The Village—is a dozen tree-lined blocks from campus. It is, in a word, adorable: specialty shops, galleries, cafes, and restaurants housed in exquisitely preserved two-story historic buildings. It’s also a town that serves seven colleges. Which explains the presence of Patty’s, the home of burritos as big as your head; a nearby donut shop that serves a 10-inch glazed donut; Rhino Records, your new favorite music store; and so on. And we need to mention that the

KECK GRADUATE INSTITUTE: First U.S. graduate school dedicated to applied life sciences. Founded in 1998.

city—and our campus—is bordered by the 10,000-foot San Gabriel Mountains. ■ Los Angeles is—it’s Los Angeles! Chinatown, Rodeo Drive, Hollywood, the Dodgers, the Getty Center, the California Science Center! The epicenter of style! The apotheosis of postmodernity! A vision of the future of urban culture! Etc.! Plus, it’s surrounded by some of the nation’s most spectacular natural resources: legendary mountains, beaches and deserts. And it’s only 45 minutes by commuter rail from our campus (!). OH! THE PLACES YOU’D GO IN

Big Bear Lake



Death Valley

The Magic Castle

Disneyland and California Adventure

Mann’s Chinese Theater Mojave Desert

Joshua Tree National Park

Mt. Baldy

La Brea Tar Pits

Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade

Long Beach Aquarium

Six Flags Magic Mountain

Los Angeles Arboretum

Universal Studios

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Venice Beach


Griffith Park and Observatory


Los Angeles County Natural History Museum

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page 39 THE MANUAL


Pigpile! ■ We all collapse in a dazed, ecstatic heap at midfield. Whoo! But really: something just as strange and even more wonderful happens. Roughly 40% of our seniors enter Ph.D. programs, typically with full fellowships. (No undergraduate college sends a higher percentage of its graduates into doctoral programs. Think about it.) Roughly 60% of our seniors enter a professional field, with starting salaries

ranging between $45,000 and $75,000. The strange (and wonderful) part is, our graduates don’t follow a standard track. An engineer could become a film producer; a biologist could become a programmer for Netscape; a physicist could join the Peace Corps; a mathematician could pursue a Ph.D. in financial engineering at Princeton. They tend to be leaders, pioneers, visionaries. They make their own way.

OffIce of Career Services ■ A resource that will mean more to you with each passing day. You can use it as soon as you step on campus—to find summer jobs or internships, to think about study abroad opportunities, to sit down with a friendly, trained professional to talk sense about your future. The office offers individual career counseling, an extensive library of print and online resources, and workshops about resumes and interviews,

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skills development and self-assessment, job searches and graduate school selection. At the office’s World of Work seminars, you can meet HMC alumni and get a ground-level view of the world after Mudd. The office also coordinates on-campus interviews and career fairs and—this is important—keeps listings of resources available at the other Claremont Colleges. So, as always, your options keep expanding.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Baylor College of Medicine

Rice University

Boston University

Rockefeller University

Brandeis University

Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Brown University


California Institute of Technology

Scripps Research Institute

Carnegie Mellon University

Stanford University

Case Western Reserve University

Tufts University

Chicago Medical School

University of Arizona

Columbia University

University of California, Berkeley

Cornell University

University of Chicago

Dartmouth College

University of Colorado, Boulder

Duke University

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Georgetown School of Law

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

George Washington Medical School

University of Michigan

Georgia Institute of Technology

University of Minnesota

Harvard University

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Johns Hopkins University

University of Pennsylvania School of

Loyola University School of Law Loyola University, Stritch School of Medicine MIT

Veterinary Medicine University of Southern California University of Southern California School of Dentistry

McGill University

University of Texas, Austin

New York University

University of Virginia

Northwestern University

University of Washington

Oxford University

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Penn State

Vanderbilt University

Princeton University

Virginia Tech

Purdue University

Washington University, St. Louis

Rand Graduate School

Yale University

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Japan Exchange Teaching (JET)

Texas Instruments

Adobe Systems Inc.

JP Morgan

Towers Perrin

Advanced Projects Research Inc.

LaJolla Pharmaceuticals

Trilogy Software

The Aerospace Corporation

LaserFiche Document Imaging

TRW, Inc

AeroVironment, Inc.

Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Turnstone Systems.

Agilent Technologies

L.M. Construction & Engineering


Alesis Studio Electronics

Lockheed Martin Skunk Works

ViaSat Inc.

Alliance Pharmaceuticals

McKinsey & Co



Mergen Ltd.

Analog Circuit Technologies

Merrill Lynch & Co.

Asynchronous Digital Design

Microcide Pharmaceuticals

Ball Aerospace

Microsoft Corporation

Beckman Research Institute

Monogram Systems

BioStar, Inc.

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter

The Boeing Company

Motorola, Inc.

Notable alumni

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young

National Instruments

BRIAN FLEMING ’89, co-founder and producer, Sucker Punch Productions; creator,


National Security Agency

“Sly Cooper and The Thievius Raccoonus”

Computer Sciences Corp.


Constructive Technologies Group

Northrop Grumman Corporation

JONATHAN GAY ’89, creator of Flash software and “Dark Castle”

Corning Cable Systems

Orthodyne Electronics

JANET COOKE HANSEN ’90, founder and fashion engineer, Enlighted Designs, Inc.

Cryptek, Inc.


Deloitte Consulting


ROBERT KELLEY ’67, nuclear physicist; member, Secretariat of the International

Deutsche Bank

Peace Corps

Atomic Energy Agency, which won the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize

Digital Equipment Corporation


Digital Systems Resource

Rain Bird Sprinkler Manufacturing


Raytheon Systems Company

Dynamics Technologies

Rio Grande Medical Technologies

E.S.R.I., Inc.

Salomon Smith Barney

DONALD MURPHY ’68, head of the Applied Materials Research Department, Bell

Evans & Sutherland

Sandel Avionics

Laboratories, Lucent Technologies; member of the National Academy of Engineering

Fair Isaac & Company

Sandia National Laboratories

General Motors Corporation

Science Applications International Corp.

Green Hills Software

Sesame Technology


Solar Turbines

Guardent, Inc.

Sony Online Entertainment

SCOTT STOKDYK ’91/’92, visual effects supervisor, Sony Pictures Imageworks;


Space Systems/Loral

Academy Award winner, “Spider-Man 2”


SRI International


SSC San Diego


Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

MICHAEL G. WILSON ’63, producer, “Casino Royale” and other James Bond films;

IDUN Pharmaceuticals

Stellartech Research Corporation

leading expert on 19th-century photography


Sun Microsystems

I/O Software


IRise Consulting

Teradyne, Inc.

Isis Pharmaceuticals

Tektronix, Inc.

munity Ophthalmology, Moshi, Tanzania

GEORGE “PINKY” NELSON ’72, NASA astronaut; walked in space in 1984, 1986, and 1988; director of science, mathematics and technology education, Western Washington University


SAGE WEIL ’00, inventor of the Web ring concept

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SUSAN LEWALLEN ’76, faculty research associate, British Columbia Centre for Epidemiologic & International Ophthalmology; co-founder, The Kilimanjaro Centre for Com-

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Who we’re looking for ■ Are you so obsessed by one area of interest—say, math—that you’re not aware of, say, English or political science or chemistry? Do you insist on studying alone, in dark corners, far from the corrupting touch of other humans? If you were second in line to be valedictorian of your class, would you arrange for the winner to fall suddenly ill on the day before graduation? Do you think the point of college is to train yourself for a long, mediocre career doing the same thing over and over? Yes? Then—and we’ll try to be

tactful here—we’re not looking for you. ■ Are you really talented in math, science or engineering, but really interested in pretty much everything? Do you enjoy the company of others? Do you love learning enough to share it with your peers? Do you think the point of college is to know more, do more, be more, and to live a bigger, brighter, bolder life? Are you, in other words, a full-blooded, broad-minded, curious, complicated, constantly expanding human being? OK. Great. Please apply.

How to apply FIRST, start your Common Application at www.commonapp.org. Don’t forget to fill out the required HMC supplement too. SECOND, choose a way to apply: Early Decision I, Early Decision II, or Regular Decision. If we’re your one true love; if you want to make an especially compelling case that you’re right for us; if you want to avoid applying to a bunch of schools; and if you want to resolve the whole what-am-I-doing-with-my-life question a little bit earlier than your classmates—then you should apply through our Early Decision program. Keep in mind that you’d have to complete your testing requirements (SAT I or ACT and SAT subject exams) by the November test date for Early Decision I, or the December test date for Early Decision II. And if we admit you under Early Decision, you’d have to withdraw all your other applications and not apply anywhere else, ever, into eternity. Plus, you’re allowed to submit an Early Decision application to only one school. Them’s the rules. Or you could apply under our Regular Decision program. You get a couple of extra months

A few things you should know ■ In a typical year, over 2,500 students apply for 190 spaces in our freshman class. A lot of them have impressive GPAs and standardized test scores. We care about the numbers, but we’re mostly concerned with what those numbers tell us about your non-numerical self: Do you seek challenge? Have you made the most of every opportunity? Have you created opportunities when there weren’t any? Are you an active member of a community? Do you have an imagination, a love of learning, a life? ■ You need to take the SAT, the Math 2 subject exam, and a subject exam in a different discipline. (You can also take the

ACT, including the optional writing section, which can replace the SAT but not the subject tests.) You need to have taken a full-year course in the fields of chemistry, physics and calculus while in high school, or a college course in these disciplines. ■ You’re not required to have an interview, but we cordially invite you to consider one. We conduct them on campus or on the road during the fall. ■ If you have an unusual academic background (alternative programs, home school, plan to graduate early, etc.), you should talk to us about ways to present your experiences completely and accurately.


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to work on your applications, still have the option to take the December and January SATs, and can apply to all sorts of other schools, no obligations, no worries, it’s all good. THIRD, keep an eye on deadlines: Early Decision I applications are due November 15; notification arrives by December 15. Early Decision II applications are due January 2; notification arrives by February 15. Regular Decision applications are also due January 2; notification arrives by April 1. Transfer applications are due April 1; notification comes May 15.

International students ■ We welcome applications from international students. Take note: If English is your second (or third, or fourth) language, or if it has been your primary language for fewer than five years, we require the TOEFL. We have high stan-

dards for oral and written communication, but we don’t offer ESL or other remedial programs. You’d be competing for a limited pool of financial aid funds; if you need financial aid, you may not apply under the Early Decision Plan.

Transfer students ■ You should apply as a transfer student if you’ve spent at least one year in fulltime college coursework and are not receiving concurrent high school credit. You’d need to enroll as a sophomore or junior, enter in the fall term, and spend

at least four semesters at HMC. We look for a strong academic record and a high caliber of coursework; we also like to see that you’ve taken courses that are compatible with our Core Curriculum. Feel free to ask us for details.

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Financial aid How to apply

The big picture ■ We believe that money shouldn’t stand in the way of the education you want. We’re committed to meeting the full amount of each student’s financial need; we provide financial support to nearly 85% of our students, the majority of which is awarded on the basis of need. We also provide an unusual amount of personal guidance

and support. If your family’s finances change, we’ll re-examine your aid package. If you don’t qualify for grants and scholarships, we’ll help you find other resources. If you’re just feeling lost or overwhelmed, we’ll give you a map or a life preserver. That’s the big picture: we’re here for you.

Draw the blinds, turn off the phone, take a deep breath, and fill out (and file) the following forms: THE COLLEGE BOARD PROFILE. Due February 1 for regular decision applicants; due November 15 for early decision applicants, in addition to a copy of the prior year’s federal tax return. Our code is # 4341. THE FREE APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL STUDENT AID (FAFSA). Due February 1. Our federal school code is #001171. THE CAL GRANT GPA VERIFICATION FORM. Only if you’re a resident of

A picture of roughly the same size ■ We believe that an education has value—quantitative and qualitative. Its quantitative value is, well, the amount of the tuition, and the material returns you get from paying the tuition: the chance to work with outstanding faculty in cutting-edge labs; the opportunity to conduct advanced research and solve real-world problems in our Clinics; the fact that our graduates get job offers in the $45,000-$75,000 range or get admitted to top-ranked gradu-

California. Due March 2.

ate programs eager to pay their full A SIGNED COPY OF THE PRIOR YEAR’S FEDERAL INCOME TAX tuition. Its qualitative value is—well, it’s returns, including all schedules, W-2s and 1099s. Due April 15 to the College Board. the life story of every one of our alumni. They’re more humane scientists and more scientific humans. They know COSTS for themselves more deeply, move through 2009–2010: the world with a sharper sense of purpose, a broader vision, an adaptable, ■ Tuition and fees $38,567 flexible, essential set of skills. If you get ■ Room $6,605 an education like that, you know it, you ■ Board $5,965 feel it, it colors every decision and event ■ Books and supplies $800 in your life. ■ Personal expenses $900 TOTAL $52,837

tuition, room and board annually.


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the cost of college from the actual cost. The remainder is the amount of aid you’d be qualified to receive. We’d meet your need with a package of grants, scholarships, low-interest loans and employment opportunities—whatever will most effectively support you.


■ We use your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your eligibility for federal and state aid; we use your College Board PROFILE and other information to determine your eligibility for funding from the college. The general formula is this: subtract your family’s estimated contribution to


*Students can expect a 4-5% increase in

How it works

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page 43 THE MANUAL

merit awards THE HARVEY S. MUDD MERIT AWARD Annual, renewable awards of $10,000, offered to the top students in the admitted pool who demonstrate superior academic achievement and ability to contribute to the college community. HMC NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS Awarded to National Merit finalists who name HMC as their first choice school with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and do not receive a corporate-sponsored or a one-time National Merit Scholarship Corporation scholarship. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $2,000 per year depending on the recipient’s financial need. HMC PRESIDENT’S SCHOLARS PROGRAM A four-year renewable full-tuition scholarship that promotes excellence and diversity. Recipients generally come from populations that are traditionally underrepresented at HMC and show exceptional promise as scholars and citizens. THE SO INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP A fund that supports international students and non-citizens or non-residents living in the United States. If you fit that description, you’ll be considered for an award. Recipients are selected based on superior academic performance. Established by Yuen Sang and Yu Yuen Kit So, parents of Peter ’86 and Paul ’88. THE RIF SCHOLARSHIP A one-year, non-renewable award offered by the Mathematics department for up to three incoming students who demonstrate exceptional mathematical ability. Award amounts vary from year to year, with a minimum scholarship amount of $1000.


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visiting Why you should come. Because we’re much cuter in person. Another good reason, even though it’s a cliche. You can’t understand a place until you’ve been there. “Small campus,” “tight-knit community,” “world-class research facilities,” “foam party”— these are just abstractions. They’ll come vividly to life if you visit. What you could do when you’re here ■ Take a tour. A living, breathing student will guide you around campus for an hour or so. We give regular tours on weekdays and on selected Saturday mornings in the fall. Call ahead to schedule a time. ■ Have an interview. Not required—but recommended. Not formal and tense; in fact, relaxed and friendly. We’d talk about your interests, your ideas, the

college. We’d have a conversation, basically. You could schedule an interview as early as the spring of your junior year, but we’ll probably have more to talk about if you wait until summer or the fall of your senior year. ■ Stay overnight. You’ll befriend a student host, get free meals, live in one of our residence halls, and generally feel like you have an all-access pass to the

How to make it happen tember to early December; late January to early May). You can schedule a visit at other times, but the activity level on campus might be a bit quiet.



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minute switches, unforeseen hitches, or cosmic glitches, visit our website at www.hmc.edu.

■ We’re in Claremont, a relatively short, thrillingly traffic-plagued drive from Los Angeles. The Metrolink (the region’s commuter rail service) can take you from the city to Claremont in less than 50 minutes. If you’re coming by plane, you could use one of the city’s many airports—or you could use the more convenient Ontario International Airport, 10 miles from campus.


■ As of this exact moment, all information contained in this publication is accurate. Bona fide truth. But, of course, things can change. So for any last-

Transportation THE MANUAL

■ Pick up the phone and call us (909621-8011). We’ll provide travel tips, a list of local hotels, and an itinerary for your time on campus. It’s best to see us when classes are in session (mid-Sep-

community. Space may be limited, so call at least two weeks in advance. ■ Mingle. Meet with a (warm, funny, responsive, brilliant) faculty member, join a (lively, provocative, brain-bending) class. Imagine working with these people and taking those classes every day of your imminent future.

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Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gardens (RSABG) Robert J. Bernard Biological Field Station

The Claremont School of Theology

Harvey Mudd College 301 Platt Boulevard, Claremont, CA 91711

Clare r mo ont nt Gradu dua duate u t te e University rsity rs s ty ty (CGU)

Scripps ps C ps Colle olle ege

Claremont r m t Universit University rsit r rs s siiit t Cente ter er ((CUC) C C) CUC)

Pitzer P Pitz it tz t z rC Co College oll lle l

Claremont ont nt McKenna cKenna K Colleg o leg ege (CMC ( MC M )

Pomona Pomona mo m ona on o na n a Colleg l ge ge

Keck ec Graduate Institute of f Applied Life Sciences (KGI)

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Office of Admission and Financial Aid 301 Platt Boulevard, Claremont, CA 91711 Phone: 909/621-8011 E-mail: admission@hmc.edu

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