Miami Chapter of Delta Upsilon - Open Visor November 1972

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The Open Visor "Once a DU ... November, 1972

Always a DU"

Delta Upsilon, Miami University



Alumni Renew Bonds At Homecoming Homecoming'72 saw many familiar alumni faces returning to the house at 400 E. Vine Street. Since the weatherman had been advised to prepare good weather for our the day , returning alumni friends, '~as exceptionally fine even though e had been plagued by bad eather throughout the rest of 'the week.

The turnout of alumni who were able to attend this year was impreSSivelY high. Among those who returned to renew the ties of [rater.nal brotherhood were the following: Jim Ronshagen, '69, just in the process of being transferred to New Haven, Conn. by his company, Carter Rice Storrs & Bement, Inc.; Bill Flesch of the class of '50 and his charming wife; Don Snyder, class of '70, now a CPA working in Cincinnati; Jim Zimmerman and


his bride of three weeks; Bill "Bear" Tomko and his wife "Friday"; Harlan Miller of '72 who is now an employe of American United Life Insurance Co.; Dave Toole and his wife, Kathy, and many, many more. It was indeed heartening to have such a good response to our invitations. Many of the brothers were privileged to see Miami beat Xavier 25¡7 during a Homecoming game that took place on the 30th of September. After the game, a buffet prepared by our new cook, Pat Kline, set the pace for a more leisurely evening tha t included watching the bonfire and fireworks (continued on page 41

Keeping constant


is resident "House Hound"

over the brothers Emerson T. Boozer.

of DU Miami and their .


Brothers Work to Beautify Chapter House During Massive "Paint-Ilp, Fix-Up" Effort Each year the house on Vine Street is the scene of various transformations. Thanks to everyone's hard work, the alumni who returned for Homecoming can verify that the house has never looked better. Over the past year the basement was completely retiled-a much needed job. The exterior of the general appearance of this area. house was also repainted, making The next item concerns fumia"n enormous contribution to its ture for the foyer. At the present general appearance. As always, there time we are forced to use furniture are new plans in the making because keeping the house looking from the living room because the its best requires continued attenhouse is not equipped with furnilion and thought. ture designed for outdoor use. This This year three urgent rennodegrades the appearance of the vations have top priority on our house and sometimes places furnilist of things to do. Number one is ture in jeopardy because it is serving the necessity of redoing the second a purpose it was not designed for. deck area. The walls in the corridor The last proposed improvement need to be repaneled, the ceiling is a false ceiling for the downstairs must be replaced, new light fix- recreation room. The ceiling there tures should be installed as soon as is not in the best of shape, and since possible, and it is necessary to this is where many guests are entercarpet the floors in order to reduce tained, the appearance of this room (continued on page 4) the noise level and to improve the

The Open Visor

PTesidell! 's


President Brodie Thanks Alumni Warmly For Generous First Year Contributions Alumni


It is with a great deal

The Open Visor will be published

regularly by the Miami University Chapter of Delta Upsilon for its alumni members. undergraduates. and friends. Among the- objectives of The



arc to afford

a means of continuing the interest of each alumnus of the chapter in all affairs



to keep alumni in touch

wi t hone




anot her. and to provide

an organized

means of maintaining

the chapter and high standards.



News for The Open Visor should be sent to: Alumni Relations Chairman,





Ohio 43214. Changes of address should also be sent to the same address.



President William Brodie '73 .•......•Cincinnati Vice President Dan Puthoff '73 •....•....... Dayton

Secretary Tom Goodwin '75 _ Treasurer --


Steve Maitlen '73 •...•........ Greenville Rush Chairmen Tom Myers '72


Newly Activated Members Show Variety of Interests

"A DU in Everything; Every DU in Something"

On Miami

The Miami Chapter of Della Upsilon has many men who truly exemplify the DU slogan, "A DU

__ .John Lucas '73 Pledge Trainer Darryl Revoldt '73

Sunday, October I, the Chapter held a formal acti-

vation ceremony for the following five men: Mike Donnally, Jim DOI1- in everything and every DU in nangelo,John Hosner, Darrell Moorsomething". Among some of them head, and John Rhodes. The pro- are: Bill Brodie, chairman of the ceedings were conducted by the proposed IFC co-op project; John new vice president, Dan Puthoff, aided by Brothers Bill Brodie, Torn

Clark, a future Marine company commander

Myers, and Darryl Revoldt. The five new brothers will form the nucleus of next year's chapter and promise to provide the needed strength and leadership to carryon the long tradition of Delta Upsilon's noble ideals on the Miami University campus. The Miami Chapter proudly welcomes these new members.

shipman company in his NROTC unit; Paul Cordes, a member of the industrial education honorary society, Epsilon Pi Tau; and Mike Buckley. photographer for Rec ensio, Miami's yearbook.

Don Wanick '73 ••.••. Pittsburgh, Pa. A thtetic Chairman


fraternal gratitude that I thank you for your first year's contributions. Needless to say, it was a welcome sum and well-utilized within the Vine Street premises. The undergraduate chapter is close-possibly the closest group ever membcring us with your kind donahere at Miami. Cooperation and res- tions. I hope you find it in your pect are, I feel, more meaningful hearts to once again contribute to here now than ever before. Winter a superior house-the Miami Chapter rush is fast approaching and I antiof Delta Upsilon. cipate an extremely favorable return Warmest Regards, from our efforts. William C. Brodie, President Once again. thank you for re-


The live new actives interesting mixture




head, a sophomore from Pittsburgh Pa. is majoring in political science

Social Chairman John Clark '73 DuMont, N.J. A lumni Relations Chairman John Hosner '73 .•. North Olmsted Scholarship Jim Donnangelo '75 ..~...... Alliance Chaplain Tom Myers '72 .... Westfield Center

and interests.

represent of back.

Darrell Moor.

and is an avid sports fan, particularly in regard 10 basketball and tennis.

At the present

lime he has

a growing can collection bering at 65 varieties) anyone

(now nurn-

and welcomes

who would care to send him




(continued on page 4)


officer and of a mid-

Other outstandiiijfD1J'STnc ude: Mark Easton, secretary of IFC and executive officer of a midshipman company in NROTC; John Hosner, a recipient

of a Navy


and a company commander in his NROTC program; John Rathbun, on the Dean's List witn an average of 3.92, a member of Phi Eta Sigma Chemistry Honorary and secondplace winner of the Joseph Culler Award for chemistry; and Bob Rausch, a major figure in AFROTC on the Miami campus. Chester moved

F. Fitzgerald

III, '60, has

to 362 Ross Rd., Sausalito,

Calif. 94965.


Alumnus Eagleson Working For Emery Industries

Former Miami Chapter President David R. Eagleson, '44, is the vice president and general manager ul the fatty acid division of Emery ')4" Industries, Inc. in Cincuman. Brorher Eagleson joined tile company in 1945 <IS a salesman fur Cincinnati and S1. LOllis and then became distrier manager for the Chicago arcu in 1950. In 1957 he was promoted to Two newly-initiated members of the Miami Chapter. here identified as "Harpe" assistant sales manager, becoming and "Warlock", relax during Initiation Week by posing as an organ grinder sales manager in 1961. Prior to and monkey, assuming his present position, he was general manager of Emery from :Miami Chapter Optimistic 1968 to 1970. nu Plots Halloween Party Over Intramural Chances When not pursui ng his deFor Benefit of Orphanage manding career, the businessman The intramural football team is. Acting on some ideas first set devotes time to various professional preparing for a winning season this forth by Brother Pete Fornoff, year. Brother Don Wanick reports Brothers John Clark and John "Wa- activities. Among them are: The Chemical Society, tile that most of the team members who termelon" Rathbun are laying plans American helped DU place second in intra. for a Halloween party for the bene- Society of Cosmetic Chemists, the I11maJ football competition last year fit of a local orphanage. The event American Organization of Chemists are back again this year. Bubbles will be sponsored by the Miami Society, and the Soap and DeterWanick, "As Number Two we're Chapter with the assistance of the gent Association. He is a past presitrying even harder, and it's upward Sisters of Dikaia. At this time the dent of the Sales and Marketing all the way for us! We have a good, chapter is planning to hold the party Executives of Cincinnati. strong team ready to take on any- in the house; kid-pleasing features He also serves as captain of body and walk away Nlimber One, will include movies, cartoons, and the United Appeal and is the former and with the help of new players refreshments. The brothers are also captain of the United Fine Arts such as "Hands" Donnally it's going hoping to mix business with pleasure Fund, which position he held from to be a truly record season for us." at this time by formulating plans 1960 to 1970. Ln spite of his busy to incorporate Sister Rush for the schedule, he finds tuc lime to deSisters of Dikaia, but f na I details Wizard Cook Pat Kline vote to Delta Upsilon and is curhave yet to be worked out. Mixes Up New Delights rently involved in a program to revive the Cincinnati area alumni Since May of this year, the Lykins Waging Campaign group. Miami Chapter has been privileged For Province Governor With his wife and teen-aged to have Mrs. Pal Kline or College daughter, Brother Euglcsou lives at Corner,Ohio as its cook. The ununiEverett "Ev" Lykins, a Miami muus report is that Pat is doing a DU from the dJSS or 1959 and the 3794 Broadview Dr.: Cincinnati, fabulous job. She is a hard worker, Dean or Fraternity A ffu irs at Miami Ohi" 4S2llK. and the results of her labors arc University, has recently applied for greatly appreciated by all. The bro. the position of Province Covcruor. Brother Pete Fornoff would like thers particularly applaud her latest Brothel" Lykins' help and support to announce that ill' lias been of¡ creation-German chocolate cup- for the. Miami C1J<Jpt<.'rhas always Icrcd the job of Regional Rcprc cakes-but her efforts in other areas been greatly appreciated. and the scntative for the Pennsylvania area of culinary achievement also justify brothers wish him the best of luck hy l-lonsts' Mutual Insurance upon this praise. in his campaign. his graduation.

D.U. Alumni In The News Fox DiscussesOpen Visor; Applauds A.R. Program Former Alumni Relations Chairman Dave Fox, '66, made the following comments about The Open Visor in a letter which he recently sent to the chapter: "Well, P.O. Box 3705, it seems the brothers are at it again. The last big alumni relations push (and Open Visor) that ,I can remember was the year I was secretary, 1965¡ 66 . . . Good luck to you. It's a pain at times, but believe me, there isn't an alum that doesn't enjoy reading about his very own chapter of present and past. And every once in a while you'll get one of those great letters from some 'Grand Old Grad' that makes it all worth it." He continues, "The only news I have would be to use The Open Vi'OT to congratulate all the prolific brothers' wives who have announced to me the birth of this or that offspring. Yes, girls, I did get the announcement ... DUingly Yours, DAF."


New Actives (continued from page 2)


from page 1)

nally, who was elected president

of this newly activated pledge class, is a sophomore from Columbus, Ohio majoring in zoology. When questioned about his sports interests, Mike enthusiastically replied that he likes them all but confessed that his deepest loves are tennis and basketball. Another zoology major is John Rhodes, a sophomore from Beavercreek, Ohio. Wrestling and football are John's favorite sports, but he also admits to a weakness for camping and fishing, too. John "Seadog" Hosner is the senior of the group and is majoring in international studies. He is from North Olmstead, Ohio. John is active in NROTC, plays tennis and golf, and is a collector of foreign coins which he has picked up on his yearly cruises with the Navy. Jim Donnangelo of Alliance, Ohio is a sophomore majoring in systems analysis. Besides his responsibilities as the chapter's newly elected scholarship Brother Fox is working as a chairman, Jim manages to find time communications consultant for the for fishing, baseball, and girls, if not necessarily in that order. Wisconsin Bell Telephone Co. In addition, he has kept up with his interest in music by playing the Repairs "gut bucket" for various functions (continued from page and for an extra fee will even throw in "Skinny" Ellis, '65, on the uke- suggests the character of the rest lele and Clifford Thies, '65, in a of the house, whether for good or dress. bad. Therefore, it is definitely in Still a bachelor, Brother Fox the favor of the house to make the makes his home at 1103 Morning- recreation room look as good as side Dr.; Janesville, Wis. 53545. possible, something which the new ------------ceiling would help to provide. Needless to say, these projected Jim M. Starner, '65, has moved to 2303 Winterset; Toledo, Ohio improvements will depend on the 43614. continued support of both past and future alumni in order to make The new address for William L. them possible and therefore to EgeI, Jr., '54, is 1702 Birchcrest maintain the successful growth of the. Miami Chapter. ,Rd" Columbus, Oh. 43228.


display at Cook Field, singing well- , . remembered DU songs, and just plain talking with old friends and brothers. All in all, the evening was a perfect ending to a great day.

Alumnus Studies PoUution Richard W. Lemon, '60, is doing what he can to help the environment by working as an air pollution investigator for the Pima County (Arizona) Health Department. Even though his job gives him ample opportunity to be outdoors, he spends what free time he has hunting, fishing, hiking, and backpacking. He belongs to the National Rifle Association, the Southern Arizona Hiking Club, and the Tucson Rod and Gun Club. Brother Lemon, whose father was also a DU, lives at 8098 E. 7th St., Tucson, Ariz. 85710 with his wife and two children. ...



The records of the fraternity need constant revision just as our address lists needs to be kept up to date. Material for the permanent records is obtained from the Who's Who forms that are mailed with the Chapter's newsletters. Your help at this time is If you have not returned our questionnaire recently, won't you take a few minutes right now to complete the form and send it ..0 the Alumni Relations Office, P. O. Box 3705, Columbus, Ohio 43214. needed.

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