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ALT-CODES - For special symbols. Click to copy, or get the alt-key code. - https://www.alt-codes.net/

BLOGGER - Edit profile (Must be logged into your Google account). - https://www.blogger.com/edit-profile.g


BUBLUP - Recent Updates in Bublup - https://www.bublup.com/support/recentupdates-in-bublup

GET EMOJI - Want to include special emoji's in your tweets on Twitter, or a blog post? Just copy what you need from this website, and paste into your editing, and it instantly appears where you need it. - https://getemoji.com/

GOOGLE DOMAINS HELP - Integrate with blogger. Instructions on how to set up a custom domain on a blogger blog. - https://support.google.com/domains/answer/6069231?hl=en#zippy= %2Ccreate-a-new-blog-for-your-domain

GOOGLE DOMAINS HELP - Integrate your domain. - https://support.google.com/domains/topic/9142939? hl=en&ref_topic=6069240

HOW TO READ EMAIL NEWSLETTERS WITHOUT CLUTTERING YOUR INBOX - Email newsletters are great. Rummaging through all your other messages to find them, not so much. These clever tools make newsletter reading a pleasure. - https://www.fastcompany.com/90595671/apps-that-let-you-read-emailnewsletters

TASKADE - Blog - https://www.taskade.com/blog/

TASKADE - Feedback and suggestions - https://www.taskade.com/feedback/feature-requests

TASKADE - Project Settings - https://help.taskade.com/hc/enus/articles/4416359997843

WORDPRESS - Five For The Future - How five percent is powering the next generation of the web. - https://wordpress.org/five-for-the-future/

WORDPRESS - Introducing WordPress Pro: One Plan, Infinite Possibilities - https://wordpress.com/blog/2022/04/05/introducing-wordpress-pro-one-planinfinite-possibilities/

WORDPRESS - Pricing feedback on the wordpress.com forum. - https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/pricing-feedback/

WORDPRESS - Pricing for wordpress.com site hosting. There are now as of Thursday, March 31st, 2022, two plans which are Free, and Pro. The following link will give you details of what's included in these plans. - https://wordpress.com/pricing/

WORDPRESS - The wordpress.com blog. - https://wordpress.com/blog

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