3 minute read
NOTICE: Some parts of this newsletter contains foul language. Read at your own discretion.
ESTABLISHED: Wednesday, March 30th, 2022 @ 3:10 PM CST.
PUBLISHED WITH: MUDWALKER NEWSLETTER is written using Taskade's project management tool. You can find this awesome task manager at www.taskade.com and use it for your own task management and writing needs. I highly recommend it.
● Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages. ● I thought if I had just one thing to share in this newsletter that might make at least 1 person's day, everyday, then that would be a great accomplishment. ● I wanted to join the newsletter writing and sharing craze that has taken over the internet. ● Silent communication through this publication makes me happy. ● The invention and existence of the world wide web. ● This newsletter is a great way to escape from my real responsibilities when I need to zone out, but it allows me to also stay productive since this is an important part of communication with my followers and customers. If you knew how many hours I spend in front of my laptop compiling this big collection of information, you would think I'm crazy... but I don't care. I love
NOTE - A WORK IN PROGRESS - I'm working extremely hard on this newsletter to bring all of my collections of notes with website links and resources to this newsletter that I've been collecting for years, not just for myself, but for my readers as well. As the weeks and months go by from the beginning of this project, this newsletter will grow and grow. I'm looking forward to seeing what this publication will grow into as I pull this all together, and I hope that you the readers can find some value in this project. My ultimate goal for the first few months is to hopefully use this newsletter to combine all of my notes that I can make public, so that I have everything here in one place, and then from there continue on adding more content to make this the most ultimate publication I can for not only providing updates about my work at my www.DDAVIDD.com website, but to provide an easily accessible and useful resource.
NOTES ABOUT THE PUBLISHING: Taskade does not offer a table of contents feature. I am not able to provide a table of contents in this newsletter for you. I still choose to use Taskade for the publishing of this newsletter because of it's ease of use, ease of access in the cloud, and for it's easy pdf exporting ability. I make effort to organize this newsletter with everything pertaining to my work in the beginning pages, and everything else I'm sharing after that. This is an ongoing newsletter. That means with each new issue, I am building on top of the prior issue. I will continue doing this in this format until I (1.) deem it's too much to handle in Taskade, or (2.) Taskade proves to not have the ability to manage an extremely long document. Should any issues arise at any point in publication using Taskade, I will move all content into an Open Office document.
PURPOSE: With this newsletter, I hope to bring my readers some resources that may be found useful, as well as updates happening with my photography work, and other projects. Some of the things I will provide in this newsletter are websites that I've found useful or interesting to share, a catalog of Twitter accounts that I follow, and more. This newsletter is more about sharing resources I've collected, than it is about promoting my photography, and other personal work, although I will mention about these things in various ways
TARGET AUDIENCE: MUDWALKER NEWSLETTER is written in the United States (Alabama) for residents of the United States.
WHY IS THIS NEWSLETTER TITLED "MUDWALKER"? - MUDWALKER is a play off of my photography brand's name, MUDPIX OUTDOORS. I came up with the name "MUDPIX" in 2016 based off of the fact that very often when I go out to shoot photos outdoors around the lakes, I find myself walking in mud to get some shots.
CREATIVE COMMONS CONTENT: Some content may be reproduced under Creative Commons Attribution Liscence 2.5 which allows for reproduction of material with attribution. - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/